iilE KCBASTON THIBUIJE SATURDAY MOBNISG. ATOIL 14. 1894. 3 Lacisum All Things STELLE &SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. NEWS IB IE HIGH GRADE WEBER, HHAW, KMKKSON, Ul HER MAKES PIANOS ORGANS ALL PRICE See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE TIIE SNOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. Death of William fioweHs, a Highly Esteemed Cltixtn. EXERCISES AT NO. 14 SCHOOL They Were of an Interesting Charac terMarriage of Miss Alice G. Peters to George Watkins Cere mony Performed at the Homo of the Bride's Parents Coming Concert, Brief Items of News. The West Sido oflico of the. BCRAOTOH IbiBDNI is locatod at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and oomtnunicatious will receive prompt attention. MANUFACTt-RED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE HV The Weston ill Co, Daniel Scotten's Polka Dot STRIPPED SMOKING TOBACCO 20c. lb. Wholesale, AT (MRNEY, BROWN & CO. 537 LINDEN STREET. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT ITOIU0A.IL 2.80 Tu 6.80 P R. OFFICE HOURS : '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL Mips Emma Buffnian will spend Sunday irt . , . XT 7 J eu UA1UIU, 11 O, J. M. Cornell, agent of the Shea mm puny which will b at the Academy next ..run, nii in tue city yesterday. T. P. Hcnnlon, an attache of the Bijou theatre, of Binplianiton, is spending a rew nays at nm unine in this city. -Miss Minnie Goldsmith, of Wyoming nveuue, is Rpenainsa tew dnvs with her Bister, Mrs. Leon Terry, at Wilkes-Barre, Rev. Mr. Dony, of the American Sab- Diitn union, will represent bis work in First. .Methodist and First Presbyterian churches of Wilkes-Barre tomorrow. W. Keatly, of Kinpston, and Philip Hol- ".wn, hi uynu, Dusqueoauna county, were showu through thH mnnicinni hnii.i- iuf yesterday. Both expressed themselves " b pieasen witu tue architectural uuiu oi ,ne structure. Chauncey II, Derby, formerly of the city vi mi i uiiiL.M., nas accepted a posi tion as local editor of the Plymouth Tri bune and will leave today for Plymouth to liter upon the duties of his new position. Mr. Derby fa a graceful writer and has bad a varied newspaper experience that well qualities him for bis duties. "Where do the good clothes come from?" TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. Saint i.cke's Chlrch Rev. Rogers Israel rector. Third Sunday after Kus te,r Holy Communion, S a. in., service and sermou, 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school und Bible class, p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.30. Nursery open at 10 a. m Htsa.') Washington avenue, where children will be kindly cared for while parents at tend servics. Saint Lukk's Dunmork Mission Rev. A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 3 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon 4. First Baptist Church Pastor T. J Collins will preach Sabbath at lu.30 a. m. sbd 7.30 p.m. Morning theme, "Another Dream of History," and tlie sermon in the leties on "Pilgrim'B Progress." Seats free, Ail welcome. Second Presbyterian Church Rev Dharlee E. Robinson, D. D., pastor. Ser vices 10.30 a. m.. and 7.30 p. n. The Rev. Dr. Raymond, president of Middlatowii university, will preach in the morning. The Rev. Dr. Hard seoretary of church exteusion of the Methodist Episcopal con ference, will preach in the evening. Pjsnn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. WMrtn Q, Partridge, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. Preaching by Rev. Dr. Paine. or new iork; at 7.80 p. m., by Dr. O F Chaffee. Every one welcome. Church or Christ, SciENTisT-Spencer ouiluing. 519 Adams avenue. Bible lesion at 10:30 a. in. and church service at 7:30 p in. D. N. McKeo, speaker. All are wel :ome. Seats free. Green Kidue Baptist CnuRCH.-Rev. W J. Ford, pastor. Services at 10.80a m wd ..30 p. m Preaching in the morn ng by Rev. J. H. Liddell, of Worcester S. I., a minister of the Wyoming confer ince. Preaching in the evening by the pastor. Trinity Evangelical CHUHcu-Corner Luke and Kurtz streets. Rev. J. Q Whit uiire, pastor. Pieschinsj at 10.30 a m Sunday school '2 p. m. Praver and testi liony, 7 p. in. Sermon by Rev. A H rviue, pre.iding elder, at 7.45 p. m after rhich the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's kipper will be administered. All Soul's Church Rev. George W. Powell, of New York city, will occupy the pulpit of the All Sool's church, corner of Pine street and Adams avenue. Sunday morning and evening, April 15, at the usual hours of service. Subject for the morning, "The All-Conquering Power of the Human Heart: evening theme, "A Hole in the Roof." Mrs. David Sprnks will sing a solo both morning and evening. Seats free; all made welcome. At ','.00 o'clock yesterday afternoon William Howell, a wll Irnnarn ami in spected resident of the West Side, died in uia uomo at iu;j ijarayette atreet nfter a nrnlnneeil ill years ago Mr. Howell was tuken ill and uaa oeeii a smierer since ttiat lime. His death, however, was unexpected. It was due to a complication of dis eases. Mr. Howell was born in l'ittston and is 30 years of ago. His wife, Mary Howell, and one son, George, survive him. He is a brother of Prnfenao,- George Howell, assistant principal at No. 1 school. Mr. Howell was a mem ber of the Sons of Veterans, bis father, Jollll Howell llavina iliad in u hnar.lt,. I during the lata War of the Robellion. ins vocation was that of a track Diver at the Parrish inins In Plymouth, Where lie Is v,.rc wn!l L'nnitn II, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows aud Patriotic Orilvr, Sons of American. Mr. Howell was a man of sterling qualities His lost is felt by a nullum U of friend. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon at 2-30 o'clock. Services will be held in the Jackson Street Baptist chinch by Rev. D. C. Ungues. Interment in Wash burn street cemetery. Intrstlng Exsrein. Special exercises were held in the B Grauimer grade room of No. 14 iohool yesterday afternoon, under the direc torship of Schoolmascer David Owens. Mr. Owens was recently plsced in the room to substitute Miss M. Louiso Williams, who has been reeuporating at the Bermuda islands. Miss Wil liams.now returned, takes charge of her department on Monday. The exercises were witnessed by a large aumber of Mr. Owens old clnss-matos. The pro gramme opened witb a soug, "There's Music in tha Air," by the school. Re citations were given bv Muses Effie Fellows. Fannie Powtll. Lilv MorrU Frauk Magovern. Willie Deihl. Sndie Bush. Grace Goodrich. F.dua Suritia and Thomas Ev'non. An essav on Clorlts and Watch-n" George Eynoo. Tue school rendered a soug, "The Spaniili Chavalier." Pet.r.-Watkins Nuptials. The marriage or Miss Alice G. Peter to George Watkins was solemnized on Thursday evening at the home of the bride'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick Peters, near the Sloau mines. Hev. T. J. Collins, pastor of the Scran ton Street Baptist church, tied ti e nuptial knot in the spacious parlor, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. The marriage was witnessed by a large number of friends aud rela tives of the contracting parties, after which an excellent supper was served. Many friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Wat kins years of unalloyed happiness. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Thomas E. Suva, on of the cleverest oharacter aotors in tha country, will be at the Academy of Music all of next wocic in a uutnuer of or well known plays. He will give a matinee on Sat urday nftemoon, when '"Rip Van Winkle will bo produced. Mr. Shea has been seen in this oity before and his abilities are well known. Tnis sea son he has surrounded himself pith an excellent company that understands how to interpret the various plays with the proper spirit. Popnlar pricss will prevail during his engagement. DOCKSTADKH'S MINSTRELS It is not necessary to say more in commendation ot Law Dockstader's Minstrels, who will beat the Frothing ham theatre next Monday evening, than to mention the names of the lead ing members of the company. The comedians and entertainer are Lw Dockstudor, George Powers, Frank Da mont, Dare Foy, Memphis Kennedv, the Columbian Vocal choir, John 0. Harrington, Bloskiom and Burns, Sy lUOlldl. HuL'hes and Rastna Thara also eight cultivated voeal boloists, a large and well trained chorus, and su perb band and orchestra, Mr. Dock stader offers "Columbus," as his new specialty, and one of his latest and best songs, entitled "Chicago," is one of his many big hits. At the "Knicker bocker Club" the merry Lew selects one or more impersonations of the po litical leaders of the day, with original songs and speeches. HENRY K. D1XKY IN ADONIS. Henry E. Dixey and Rice's big bur lesque company will ua sesn in "Adonis" at the Frothingham theater next Wednesday and Thursday even ings, April 18 and 19 Dlxer, in ' Adonis," is the attraction at the Chestnut Street opor house. Pniladel pbia, this week, and Tuesday's Phila delphia Times said regarding the pro duction : "Henrv E Dixev. that nrinra nf comedians, and the ever-popular bur lesqu "Adonis," was welcomed by a large audience at the Chestnut Street opera house last evening. In its new dress, with a host of novelties intro duced, and an army of pretty girls who sing and dunce in the sprightliest inaniou, moms rivals. and even outshines many of the newer efforts at amusing entertainment presented to the public since its first bow a deaade ago. Mr. Dixey, in nine different characters, aoustitutes an entire com pany in his own pleasiug person, nnd his efforts are ably seconded by otner artists equally elever in their'respec tive roles. " NOTES SOUTH IE "Where do the good clothes como from'r'' LADIES' AND GENT'S WATCH FREE. Davles & Grifflu Will Giva Away a Fins Elgin or Waltham Watoh. Every man, woman, boy or girl should avail themselves of this oppor tunity of gutting a fine Elgin or Walt ham watch, as such an opportunity comes only once in a lifetime. Entertalnmnni Sunday Ev.ninff St. Patrick Ladies' Irish Catbolic Be novelent Union, will hold an entertain ment on Sunday evening in Company F. 's Armory, West Side The follow- ria will be the proeramm .Hiss Nellie Curran II. J. Coyne Carmel Fahey , ..miss fisrau uiddings , . UlH M'irv Finnertv .Hon T. V. Puvdrlv MissSelina M Piano Snlo Vocal Scio Recitatiou Hano Solo Vocal Solo Address VooeJ Solo Bauio anil liuitnr. Messrs. Mel.nm'liltn nnrl Wnlf Vocal Solo Miss Mary Thomas riauo ooio juss tfoso Louway Brief Haws Itims. William T. Duvieo nf this julo haa returned from Wilke. Biire file lounir Peonies Litarurv and Debating society of the First Welsh Baptist church, held au interesting meeting laat evening Rev. E. C. Evans, of Rmsen M. V editor ot the Cambrian, is in the citv. Rev. W S. Jones tiaitnr nf tha Firat Welsh Baptist church, will conduct to morrow evenings service in English. Miss M. Louise vv illiuma nf l"!hal nut street, hits returned from Bermud T-l - .1 . isiai.us. The funeral of the rannir nhiM nf Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Abbott, of North uromiey avenue, took: Diana reatarda afternoon. Rev. L. C. Floyd. D D nastorof the Simnson Mettiolit Unia. - a--M copal ehnrcb, olheiated. Interment was made at the Washburn Street cemetery. Miss Jessie Hughes, of Csrbondale was the guest of friends here veatar. day. ihe Welsh Philnsnnhm.nl onriofu win inoet tins oveninsr in the r mama on bouth Mam avenna A rnntinna. lion of the discussion on "Tides" wi lie led bv Edmund Daviau A f,.:, t of the evening will he remurlfa nn Differential Calanliia '' the hiirlmai grade of "Geometry." The singing will be conducted by William W. Evaus. "Whoro do the good clothes come from!'' Harris just returned from New York with a tine lot of carpets, rugs and mats. 804 Peon avenue. . Sahhath Prnfan.lnn To committees and friends of the Sabbath- 1 he movement FA frit ..I - .v. ,uu uDbbDi iu..ni vnuue of the Sabbath in K,., 1. ,....n i - wituituu, in won utjgtlll. Its success is assured. Business mem in large numbers encourage it nobly, very few oppose it, and kindness and fairness will win nearly every one of them. Let us stand together nnd take no step back ward. Nothing short of a clean sweep of unlawful Sunday business will till the bill. This means nil saloons and bars closed on Sunday; all cigar stores, all bakories, ice cream parlors, confectionary and other storos: all drug stores except for the ssle medicines; all markets nnd milk depots after o'clock in the morning and before 5 o'clock in the afternoon, in faot and in short any and every form and nhni-ata t secular business and work not InatlflaA under the act of 1794 and the fourth Com mandment. The mnvnmiMit. au. 1 . , , '"ihjo tuD assistance or all persons engaged in any occupalion.bnt that of the tramp, believ- mgtnat every one needs a day of rest in seven, and that this right of humanity can only be maintained by watchfulness and nnited action. The twsnty-three com mittees engaged in this work, together with all who are concerned in its promo tion, are invited to meet with the execu tive committee of Young Men's Christian Association rooms on Friday afternoon next, April 30, at 3 o'clock. The object of the meeting is a better observance of the Sabbath in Scran ton, and that object fore-ordained to be accomplished. For the committee, F A TlOMV rhairm.il Scrsnton, April 13, 1804. me at.ove is a fac sitnilo of the watch. I hey come in ladies' and gents h'z-js ami can oe seen m our store 1 hey ar worth at least $'!') at retail and are all of Ihem full jeweled through the escapement, have patent Mieiy pinion, cut expulsion balanc screw bankings, stem winding, stem seiiing, witu hum enameled dial. Be nig ISIglns and Wulthams, their names alone insure tliotn to he re liable tim k-spers. The esses nre gold filled, anil wis will replace any case not Wearing aauiiaoioriiy at nuy time within fiv ier.rs. ui v .u f watehaa ivi h. .... distributed and those to the cash pur- UUUSOT3. OUtl PLAN, A customer buying goods of us to tin amount of $T.j 00, by January 1, 1393 will receive a choice of these handsoin uiu-uiieu waicnas rr. stinni, i-.. desire to procure the watch before yon have purchased the above amount you can no ho on tue loiiowuig conditions iuier purcnases nave been made to the amount or you get it by paying 5.00 10. U0 15.00 L'0.00 25.00 .'10.00 85 00 40.00 45.00 60.00 55 00 00(10 .00 ft 70 00 75.00 8.50 MO 750 " 7.00 e so " 8.00 " " 5 50 " 5.IKJ " 4 50 " 4.00 " S0 " " 8.00 " 8.00 1.00 Entirely Free. Evry watch is noaitinle w. rra ti ta.l UJ UI. Any customer irntiini. nnQ p watches and not perfectly satisiisd may return it any time within one VrtMr atift get his money refunded. Alwavs bring one of our car Is with yon and have amount miuclied f I 1 1 I i t ha !. n DO infltter 1)07 Hm.lll.ua av.-ru- hhmK.., tueapeua lue cosi oi ttie watch to yull uaui go. it uuiiraiy iree. Davies iV Ghifpin, 223 Laokswaana avnus. a "'liere do the good clothes come from! Music Boxss Exclusively. Best made. Plav ailV aatlHrl aamlan .1 tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers 1080 Chestnut atraat Ph(lar1.lni.i. nr ' derful orchetrial orgaus, only f5 and $U Specialty: Old musio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. "Whcro do the good clothes come from:''1 Have You t Have, vnn ae.in tlu. i ....... . .. .. ilj chromesl' If not, call at Tub ThibCNi business office to-day and bo convinced of lueir oaueiiuucu. "Where do the good clothes como fromV F. J. Johnson, nrartirnl hnn.n i painter has removed from court hnir.u snuare to 220 Spruce street, oonosita iribnue office. a 'Where do the good clothes come from!" "Where do the good clothes come from f Will Opan Today. Rndolnh HIoenAr will nnan i,,., k-u .. . . - - "in uuuse lur ching goods store today at 131 Penu ave nue. His stock Is very large, and buyers or house furnishing goods can get bnr- BMlnH in Ilia l,un ulnr., ,l..l I ... . . j 7 div.o iuivl imve never bsen soen In the city before. Mr. Bloeser win make a specialty of 5, 8 and 10 cents goods. .. Michael Egan, Ball Player, Missing from Home for Two Weeks. THERE IS FEAR OF FOUL PLAY He Left Home on April 2 and Has Not Been Heard from Since John fvlc Grath III in Philadelphia Funeral of Michael Whelan's Daughter Per sonal Mention and Shorter Para graphs of News. Michael Ejran, aged about 39 years well known as an amateur base ball player, lived until two w.eks ago with tils wife and family on tho lower Flats. lits occupation was that of miner in tho Oxford colliery. Owing to the dull times he w:ih not ablo to eurn competent wages lately and became melancholic and very much depressed. On April 2 he told his wife that there was a probability of his gettinir an en gagement on the HalletOQ Base Ball team of the Stato league; and he left home that morniii' talllni' i.ur .,; tn expect him back that night, and to an ticipate n letter from him in a few davs. The same evening, however he tnim home and stayed a half honr. When he went oat again he left no informa tion concerning his intentions, but to snine urmiaintiitnv) he sail that he heard n good account of tha timen around the docks in Buff ilo. and de termined to leave for that city. Since late that night ho has not been seen. His wife is extromoly anxious about him, and believes that if he were alive something would be heard from him before this. It is feared that he met foal play or was drowned in tho river. Sick in Philadelphia. John MrI4llM! inn nf Pnr.mnn ITo ry McGrath, of South Washington ave nue, lies critically ill at the ho'nital of tho University of Punnsvlvunia in Philadulnhii He is tiiL-inn- mnno in medicine at the university, and became sick a short time ago His ailment gradually assumed an alarming condi tion, nnd his father was notified to visit bim immediately. Wednesday Mr. McGrath, accompanied by Dr. Hag gerty, left for Philadelphia. Dra Pep per a:n wmte were called in consulta tion and decided that an operation wns necojsary to save the young man's life, bnt that be was too weak to undergo it then. Howevr, they have no fear that death will result. Pronal ar d Otherwise. Druggist F. L. Tetrpe is expected to arrive home this afternoon from his European sojourn. His wife left yes terday to mont him when the ship ar rives. Michael Gibhons.supervisor of Ltck awanna township, took his 7-yoar-old daughter, Tesiie, to a Philadelphia eve infirmary, where an operation w.is per formed on her eyes. Hu is exp.cted home today. Rev. August Linge will occupy his pulpit in the Hickory Street Presbyte rian cuurcn tomorrow tor tno brat time since bis returu. Every inmbr of the congregation will be present to hsnr him. The funeral of tha :i-year-n 1 daugh ter of Michael Whelan, of 830 Pittston avenue, will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. FOR Wedding Presents Go where they have the best selection. men CUT GLASS, CHOICE CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC, SILVERWARE, LAMPS, ETC. Handsome line of Long Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. CHINA v HALL I WEICBEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. The Great Marvel of Denial Science An iiieiiiiKiHiiiin nun iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniHiiiiii nan mi !! THE HQchinn a M.WI nvsi I M)S Lackawanna Ave. lillinery Department sestliene recent discovery and the sole properly of Henwood & Wards!!,!! DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. G. SEA MONS SAYS ABOUT ANVESTHENi; !KS. Ill uiinn i W inn ... After having eleven leeth ,.ti ...,., . oe sitting by the palnls ethod, i pro- nonhoe it entirely satlsfaatorv In every I'M i I. nil,. .1 fl vir...v Tv. 1 i. . a a xu uiuor to move siock, we nave made s weep ing reductions all around. Hats, trimmed in the latest fashion, 1 WORTH $3 00. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.25 I WORTH 4.50, WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 WORTH 5,00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 Flowers, worth 15c. a bunch, sell now at 5 cents Sprays, Worth 35c. - - - sell nnw at IB rents Sprays, worth 45c. - - - sell now at 25 cents S r aa a I Lace curtain Department THK VERY LATEST DESIGNS wHS &50 WiI1 9611 n" t $1 35. WOR1 H $8 50 Will sell now at II 75, . . WORTH r 50 Will sell now at $2.75. A full assortment in real Point de Renaisant and Real Brussels Cur taIns nt ' "' tost of importation. Sash Curtains in all the different 'igMiliaiilBillllllllllllllillHinilllltlllllllllllllUtlllllllllllllllHIIIHIUIIIUl "Where do the pood clothes conic from?" a Hauius just returned from New York with h Hue lot of carpets, ruga and umts. 804 Pnn avenue. WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why rim all ever the citv looking for col I dollars with mm liundr. dan 1 ten cents' Worth oi cold in th m? But yu will come very etaee to it .t n m will call ' the riiriit place, Brtnn your dollurs k'ol.l, silver and L-r. eii backs to A. W. JURIS CH 8B SPRTJCK BTItBET, am) gat full Value lor your money in BICYCLES, PIRK ARMS, l'ISIII ; T ACK i;, I I i ; CUTLI RY, ixk; COLLARS AND GENERAL SPORTING GOODS. The VII top. WHEEL Leads Bioyctje, lire arms, etc- repatred nt short aey Bttlne a specialty, (live me n call. n m m Huntir igtons HOME BAKERY. Wc have a larr8 ment of assort- PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER IC 1S5 Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE, Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mirl. night. ii. . aeVteM II. r I f.' I I 1 IIH B ii , - " '.li rxaa I el IT. If II. T . k y where the wW , Good Clothes fli t Gorae From'KiP )' 1'l A, 2 Goods mail- from genuine wool pwr-i,"v& Z' lW!lllllMU I W W jsXU taken from the sheep's hack, manu- M03Ul2aL sv ' IP'lll ilP'flii Ti factured liy expert workmen, llnely i3WBX A 1 l u ll I ii woven and fast dyed, finely cut and PjH"gFyl fj$S' -"i! ' iixLij I ill firmly made, are the goods wo offer lincri-'if C&rZp w'l.'Zy , :s! nkk'! our customers. If feel and slijht won't HSJsVjfr) J A sES' 7'u) iiirsi do it tin- wear will convince you that f&SWjS TSf Jllll i' fast dyes in tine fahrics, well cut and (w1)fcwPhw($&J I J ( M I well made, give unfai.lng satisfaction. wSjlJSMjtjK V ' 'J ' If you want to get tho very tiost in gfrJjQjwigWpy iTllp1 1 rfnuui,'oBt,,rict's'cum8toour ''''l'' beretlio Good ( lothes ifl i C COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. A TRIP Dun lap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE "Where do the good clothes oomefromr1 Through our Hlcyclo Department will show you the fluest Hue ofinew and elrgant goods nt reasonslile prices you ever saw. Kanpelnllv notice tile IUICIII..STKIL It, Is II, , and fastest cycle in the market. 'nll and get prices on our SECOND UK ADR WUKELH. They will surprise you, Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. THE CHRISTIAN, n Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. is mens Goats and Capes AYo showed you :i largo collection of Capes and Jackets at Easter-tide, Today wc have just twice as many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. J hev Fit Wtl Wo.nr Wall I nnh Wall. The Prices are WAY DOW N: $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. CAPES Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest and neatest are of Gro Grain Silk, Moire, ( loth and Lace. Notice the price tickets: $5, $6.50, $9 TO $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. Gr. "W. Owens Sc. Co. CLOAKMAXERS, 8UIT9 AND WRAPS, Hl'lllt'i: STREET, COURT HOUSE Syl aa I E
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