2 TlfrS SCR ANTON TUBtNir-SATlinJAY WORNTHG, AVAIL 14, ISfU. imSSG CONFERENCE Concluded from Page I. HOUth, It wax in 1884 officially recosuized by the Methodist. Ueucni! conference. Fourteen industrial homes harebesnlo. oatd m the southern suit last year D,uuo girls were sheltered. Tie buUdiogi in tin onth n' located on the grounds ut theFrei'Uron' Aid association. Th era are homes lor both colored nud white girls.and we n;o only luoitod by tttu i'a ,.L at our command. For 1(50,000 Indians ou tbo reservations of the United Stales, t hero it only h church attut capacity for 33,000. TuelnrlUa is hero nud vie are respjusiblo for Mm to n nn?o extent before Had for Bin salvation. Among them wo havo ten station. A :hiff in Waahlnfftoa has tiveu us iwetity Bve acres of laud. In NW Mexico there are three mission h. tin s. L'ta'i his f.vulve stations ud Luoy WtlU Hayes schools. Tu mauy or thotn ia prac ticed domestic traiuiug. We are opposed thereby the Jloiiaoui., who hart eighty missionaries. On the Pacific coast, the Northwestern Christian Advocate hay, there are 2,500 i 'tiiuese womou, only 1.000 of which miui Ur are leial wives, Since the Exclusion uct the price per wife it from t":,000 to I8,00U ot these, women, IVO hare been eavtd. CUKKKSroNUUfQ SKCRIiTAKY 3 HEPOIlT. From the report o( Mm. B ' Kob biui, corresponding escrutsry, appeared the following: We foul assured that an women conse crated to Hi work aod service, that which we havo wrought for love of Christ and in His name will bring forth fruit. I a:n grateful that our progress has been marked and that the general interest i deepeningBs well as WiJenini;. We l ave now KM members of auxiliary missions and mission circles, ITri momburs of bauds aud 23'1 members of Mothers' Jewell. Two annual meetings have been held at the extremes of the c uifereuce boundaries, one in Uwego Jane 0 aud T, and ono in Weal Pittnon Dec. o and u. Both these meetings were well attended and exceed icply interesting. ill's. O. H. AJeAnulty was elected ruesi Ueut of the Wyoming district in place of Mrs. T. II. Dale. Mrs. li. Downing, of Htl -!on, wns elected a inference organiz er: Mrs, J. W. Thomas, secretary of sup lilies. .Mrs. N. H. Bump, secretary of local wciilt; Mih. s You Btorob, secretary mUe boxes; Mrs. J. h. Leacoen, secretary yonug people' work; president Chenango diatrtot Mrs. W. li. Simpson: correspond -ingMCretary, Mrs. Charles Sruitbe presi dent and secretary Binijhamtoo. district, li. A. GritQuand Mrs. .1. F. Qoewey; pre-ideut and secretary Uwego district, Mrs. M. BlWtll and Jlrs. It. W. Clinton; president and secretary Utmouta district, Mra. J. li. Cook aud Mrs. II. 1J. Benedict; president aod secretary Hoaeedelc dis inci, Mrs. C. A. Benjamin and Mrs. Wil Ifhtn Edgar; president and secretary Wyoming district, Mrs. T. H. Dale anil Miss i . f. , adbama. CONFERENCE EVENING SESSION Addresses Mads In b If of the Board cf Chuich Extsmion. The largest representative feathering thus far during the conference was that of the evening boesioii which was devoted to (xsreisss in lehulf of the wurkof the lioird of Cduiub Exteti ilon Rer. H. II. Van Donwn presided. Pirayir was offered by Rev. Hugh C. McDarmott, of Kingston. The latter is treasurer of tba confaraoot ami pre ceding i he addresses of tbe evening presented the following particulars of collections made lor cliurcb exten eion pnrpoaM : Bingbamton District Last year, f 131; this year, 1086; increase. tin, " Cbenango District Last year, 9140; this yeiir. 6'!"; increase, $41. Honedale District lialt year, t-f,; this year, lltl; decrease $15. Unconta District Last vear. 1103: this year, 1171; decrease, 194, Uvveu'" District Last year, 1880; this jeer, tSTr; increase, fit. Wyoming District Lad yeur, 1635: this year, tbs; increase, 888. Total lai.t year, 88,1181 total this year. 4ai; ii crease, toT.). Rev. Mr. Van Deasen, prasidtng, on Introdnoiog Rsv. ManleyS. Hard,!). D.. cf the Bosrd of Cattroh extension, Baid he was a representative- ot those who had made the Methodist church wuat u is DR. MANU-.V S BARD SPEAKS, Dr. Hard laid; Nothing is independent of its mrroaad lags, which logic the B .aid of Church ex tension takes for Its bails Of ideas. Our work is limited to the area of the United States and what a limit: Lay very inhabitant of this republic down in tiie state or EaDSAS and there will be land left: do the same ia Texas, three and one. half persons to the acre aud there Would be land left. The Middle Btatet would occupy only one-third of New .Mexico or one-balf of Dreson. Verily, wo tire a great people. An American patriot who was asked bv a foreigner to bound the state of his blrtii evidently forgot the geographical aspect of 'tbe question and thought only of mighty possibilities When he replied, "The rising uu "a the east, the aurora buroalis on the north tbe equinox on the south aud the dav nl j:i Igmeut on the woit.'' NebralMbai lu'l onurches Within the limits cf its Xoithwostern conference Wbicb were assisted in the building thereof by the board of church exteusion. Other acu:vemnts in the west, aud south would have been possible without your heip and my heart is grateful. Out of the history of places grow facts. The 0,208 churches brought Into biug by tbe board Of church extension, if placed aide by side,WOO)d reach ilfty twoaiid one hall miles. .My heart gets warm when I try to put these figures together. People aro more easily governed and children more easily trained when nsdsr the sha dow of church intluenco Give the people a place to abide with the Lord. 1R. 8Ntt01R'a KK.MARKS. Dr. Bptnctr aald : After Dr. Hard's expression of bounda ries there seems nothing left for me to t.ilk about except the day of judgment. We have muoii to do to save America, giving credit, notwithstanding, to the woik of foreign mission'. Bunding In tbe splendor of the gioriou9 present and looking at tho ruins of the past let the bloody angle of missions be on American soil in the next century. Tho subility of American institutions and the good things of religion rest, on what we shall do lor America in inculcating inlo her growing foreign burn population the precepts of Americnuism. The city population problem is a danger mis problem, with one-third the population nf tho republic within thecoutinos of the larger cities. They are Idled with foreign ers Of nnreiigions habits and the conse quence is that, the duy of judgment stares lis in the face. Bomb explosions which began in liny market Noiinre, Chicago, seven years ago in " startling us with their almost daily occurrence in this or other countries. The reed t suaichy has been planted, the Russian thistle, and the cheapest time to kill it is now. How? In Chicage tho board Of church extension reaches 30,000 I'.ohemintis turough three churches we as Msted in buildiui:. On tho 1'aeitic Cinst 1,100 Japanese have been converted to Christianity, lad we aro aiding them to tmihl churches. We are asking anil in sixteen different languages. .New York nnd Chicago are both esti mated to rank second or third in thenum -Iwi' nf Gerninu, Irish and Bohemian cities BE sure and get your choice of Multichromm Ono Coupon and One Dims. tf the world. What art we going to do with this element The eities are slOBJ- )w.rinir vi.lrji HAM v lii.'h t h ,'i;i 1 n ittlin. lion 'ind a pouting toftb ot social lava to th ) destruction of our civil lastitotiosi. We have been comiuusoioued towoet this! problem. TV day there aro 3,0X0 unsheltered Meth od:st cangregations stretching out their hands lor help. Three practical ways are presented to do the necessary work; iHVO from yoa will start a church in tbo wost, which can be built as a moniorinl to anyone you may designate; 8100 will do the f Mini thiug in th south; 810 pur year from auy Individ uel wid asist auy or all our purpose', de pending ou the iii) of the fund rained. TOMORROW'S CHUfiCH SERVICES. Sauy Pulpits Will Be Occupied by Vlalt insr Cleriry. As complete a list ns can be obtained showing who will occupy the pulpits of many of the city churches iroui among tbe coufereuce ministers, is presented below. Elm Park V o'clock a. in , leva feast: 10 o'clock a. in , sermon Bishop Hurst, fol lowed by the ordaining of the d ...!.. , -p. m , memorial service und ordaining of elders; U.30 p. m , the nnniveresry of the lipworth league to be addressed by Profes sor Winchester, of Wesleyau university, and Itev. J. O. Peck, D. D., of New York; 7.80 p. m missionary anniversary, Bishop Hunt presidiug.uddress by Itev. J. O.Peck, D. . First Presbyterlau Church Morning sermon, Barkfonl, D. D., president Wes leyan, Ohio, uuiverslty; eveulng, Kev. P. It. Haw:;burst, of Montrose. Second Presbvterlan church Morning ! sermon. Rev. B. T. Haymond, D. D.( Pres ident, Wesleyau university, Middietowu I Conn.; evening, Rev. 11. S. Hard, 1). D. Penn Avonuo Baptist church Morning sermon, Rev. Charles Paine, D. 1)., New York; evening, Utv. A. P. Chaffee, of j Wilkes-Lane j Simpson Methodit t'.piscopal church Morning sermon. W. P. Blair; evening ' sermon, Rav. U. T. Place. Juokaon Street Baptist church Evening sermcu, Kev. lhomus Jenluns. Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church Morniug sermon, Rev. O. I). Tranmc, central New York conference: evening sermon, Rov. P. b. Cornell. A'asnbara Street Presbyterian church Will be supplied (roni ministers of tue con ference. Cedar Avenue Methodist 1'piacnpal Church Morniug sermon. Hov. c. li. Per soueus: ovenlng sermon, Kev. F. !". Tiney. Providence Methodist Rpiicopal Church Morning sermon, Kev. William llawlincs; evening sermon, dev. Q, I!, stone. Providence Presbyterian Church Mora log sermon, Rev. W, B, Weatlake; even inc sermon, Rev, 1.. B. Weeks. Ureen Ridge Pitsbytenan Church- Will bo supplied by ministers from the confer ence, Calvary Keformed Church To be snp alied by uimisters of the conference. Diiumore Methodist BoitCOpal Church Preaching at 10.11J e. m. by Rev. .1. B. Cook, of Sidney, N. Y. bitnday school nf 8.80 p. m. Preaohlog at 7.ao p. m, by Kev. E. K Pearce, of Worcester, N. V. - 4 EtMA SCRANTON WILSON. One Romanci cf tho Confersnoe Kot on the Protframms One of the interestiug little inciJonts of tho present sssiion of the Wyoming conference that lends an uncommon element of romanot to thatgtave and serious body occurred at the resi dence of Andrew R. Raub, nt 81' Jelf'rsou avnue, at 1) o'clock viistpi day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Raub hud been entertaining Rev. Mr. aud Mrs. D,.vid Wilson, of Troy, Pa., tbo for mer being a student nt Drew Theolog ical seminary and a oandidate for cler ical orders. LToexpectedly Mrs. Wilson presented her husband witti a bounc ing baby daughter. In ho. .or of tbe peculiar circum itaOOSI of its presentation, this happy little gift will be named Lima Soran ton Wilson, tbe first naun being In honor of Bin Park chnrctt and th sec ond a compliment to this enterprising city. MONtY OF THE CONFERENCE. Contriha'.ed for Missionary, Church Ex tension and Benevolent Pulpites. The missionary collection in the Wy oming conference is $86,480 for this year. Tbo collection for tho D Church extension is $9,488. The total contributions for btnevo b'liccs innonnt to 'Jt 0!)4. This includes the Mmtctntennial ottering to Wyom ing ssiuitiary. Tcdays' Corr.pl . - Frogramm. 8. a. m. Consecration service, lecture room; the Bev. W. Velin, 1). D., leader. ! n. m. Business session. g.80 p. in. Anniversary of the Women's Foreign .Missionary society. Mrs. M. 8. Bard, presiding. Aduross, Airs. L. D. Os born. Brooklyn, N. Y . 8.80 p. tu. Bemi-centenlal anniversary of Wyoming isminary, R-'v. L, L. Sprngn, D. D", presidinst. Address by Itev. 3. W. Liifhrord, D. D., I. L. I). 7.30 p. m. Anniversary of the Kducn- t'onal and 1'reediuau s Aid societies, 'ihe Rev. Lv L. Sprnguc, D. I)., und tho Bev. J. W. Xichobon, preeiding. Addrnsns, the Rev. Charles I'ayne, D. D., and the Rev. J. A. Hurtzel, D, I). Wyrmina Seminary Anniverssrr At 8.30 o'clock this afternoon will be held by the conference special e.arcies commemorating the semi-centennial un niversiry of the Wyoming seminary at Kingston. Rev. Lv L. Sprague, D. D will preside, and an address will be delivered By Kev, J. W. Bashtord. D.D., LL D., President of the Ohio Wesleyau univer sity. Taste for Art easily cultivated. May be Bee TTik Titia--. .i: Multicbrouies HOY IT FIGURES: which lepiobc-nls !.' pounds in crease in weight by tuluntf Pas kola, tlio fleBh forming lood. The above liurcs are based on the statement of Mrs. Clsrence Cross, or 320 West 23d Bt., New lork, whose experience has been the same us many ot her people who were pair aud thin, who could not assiiuilalt' their food and suf fered tho miseries of chronic dys pepsin. PaskoUi is the only perfect sub stitute for cod liver oilprcpavat inns and all Other old-fashioned cetne dies. PMkolg) makes thin people fat, it makes them stroii",: It gives low life to the sveak and debili aled. Ask your druggist for Paskola and ;ive it a trial. A pamphlet full of vultialile in formal ion aboul Paskola, will be sent ou application to the Pre-Di-gestel food Co., 80 Beode Street, (Tew York Citj. nur nruT 11 if 1X11 A Word. WauUof ail Made oott Uutl ntucA, w tty.t Situations TTanfedttrAfcA are fneti'fed mas. Situations Wanted. s1 it cation wANtbo ijy a youwa laite with exncrieiic.. m a millinery store. Can l'Ivj lust of reference. Address I.. P.. at) Pcna avenue, third ft .or. s IT CATION WANTED A WOMAN d line to nut wetK by tii ojf si washing or ceatdn;. or will take '.r.ishmj hnae. Addrevs MAnV DONN'ELLY, Til Orcln.nl street. ANTKU- B'i A BOV 1 YIABIi OF AUE. lUlldoYinent in hotel, store or ODS faiui. Addn n W LAKXts BUHC'H, as; Sirou u bni );, Pa. YOCNci MAN.'ijrWHO HAS HAHEXPF. rleaveaaa clerk ud u. E bookkeeper, desires position as either or both. BxpeotS sniiill salary at tlrst. Would likeali interuew. Addius-. Box Xdt Tunkhannoak, Pa. CITUATION WANTED A fJOOD 1'BN O man aud scholar desires a situation where he is wllhuK to make himself geuoially usetul. ' i1. Tribune omoe. OITCATION WANTED BY A VOL NO k7 aiaa aa clerk in grocery, dry C'A'Us clutliiui: store. Hd exneneaoe a: uroeeiy business. Uoud reference. Address. 'I A. at., Tl ililll:" nftie POSITION WANTED HY A YOUNG 1 lady, good writer. Address Llaale F, Usneral Delivery. Bei'sntcn, Pa. tITUATIO wanted'" 1y A GOOD C: baker: best of referenevs. Address. Laker, UH7 Wasliinttton Avenue. Help Want-td - Male. ANT HID- YOt'NCi A1AN WHO CXDUH- lands tcbvrapuy ami h. ukl . eiiinu to go out of l ie city. Call at WOOD'S OOl. LttQE. ANTED l.'AHlllAOH PAINTER. Oil. Iic.i Curriaifv Wirk. JIA Wi, J-J and 32j Nortli Seventh street. Amenta Wanted. i 11 ED MAN WITH DIKE AND VI liE lisui uii. experieiK-a as sulleltor 111 Lackawanna comity; K"od luducdiaents to rilit man. Addre-s RU-lM Ret.', pnlidlagi l'hiladelpliin i'a. ANTED AOBNTa TO TAKE OHDEKH by sample; we will pay expense and sal ary or allow liberal COinBUSelOnj samples Sent on application. Address Lock BoXQ-lttb New York City. For Rant. IX)B RENT ai BIL i T'ilE BOOMH NOW A Lsrkawaiiuu avenue. A Lehlih Salt y.. i. Co., bnOdina. L. 8. and B. A at tho oftico of Third National Lank Fuller. I.Hili RENT BUILDING MS LACK A I wanna uremm from April L CHARLES li ELLBS, Co.d Exi bange, I 'OH LENT THREE LOOMS, r i.ONT ON 1 si-coed Jiooi, over N. A. Hnlbeit's iuiihiu nie In- it"l'. IL w Volilil., av .m,il, lloin April J. Cinri) in the store. T y LET KOB A TERM OV YEARS Part or alt of three hundred fee! ot yard room along railroad Apply at iiiu Prank no svenne. rpo RENT STORK BYxOI OR PCRKI8BED .1 ball on Qreen Ridge street, Very desira rle loention and on reasonable terms, Apply tol B. NETTLETON or O 8. WOODUL'l E, I i piibi.i-.'in bnikjluB For Sale. j'OK SALE -A I'A KM OE LUlilTl ACRI's. J one and one-half mil": IrOffl Dalton ou the Delaware, Laokawanna and Western milroad IT rat-class fan n house with a never tailing Kiiriuc ueirby: two barns, uood laud and i!ixh1 orrhard. Will Ii" sold cheap. Terms sasv, address ft r. Vox STOBCH cr Isaac Ellis, executors, Daitou, Laokawanna county. Pa. ?OR MALE OR RENT EIGHT ROOM 1 liousi. Larae lot. tiood tteighborbood, Breeu Ridge ApplytoC. T BELLAMY, M6 Delaware street. llHAF.TO I OB SALE INQUIRE OF 11. on, court stenographer, court J II. ( bouse, POR Or 410 Olay avenue. SALE H3-ACBE d utensils. J. M. FARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, M J. Monroe avo. lrOR SALE cdt BZOHAHQE FOR SCRAN A ton property A bearing praags grovo Increasing In production and valuo yeurly in tiiooraDiosectii.u in Horlda. Address. E. NETTLETON. Lake Helen, Floriua Res I Estate. IOH 8ALB- 8INOU5 HOUSE, (OS (JUINOY X avenue; very dcnirnblu location. Anplf (I F. ULYNOLUS. ur W1LLAKD. WAU1U1N & KNAI'P. ci'AtwO WILL l.l"V MOOBBN NEWS-BOOH O house, all Inipiovi-mente; tenne easy; cor ner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Ap ply HARHY LEE& $1,400 V.ILI. BUV V 1.11V DESIBABLE LOT 0 corner J.o4Uou avouuj and Do . . ttrce'.. TeriUii easy Apply ilAHLV LLKH. Bptttlal Motlcea. I?m rco BiPAK ii iVBivri i i s"m 5S3 iu ; 1 t with a car load Of horse . workers and driver weight, 1.000 to 1,600. t.an be seen at bis stables, m-ii haymond court. VfEMBEBB OF 'MIL FIDELITY AND 1 Colutnols Building and Loan atsoola. thms are requested to call at room i i Burr building Washington avenuo. JOHN )'. II a; Kl!, Snperlnteedent. ULANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA Slnse, etc., bound or rebound at Tun TaiBVMa offlee. Uulek work. Kenuonable yrlese, MEAL TICKETS CAM HE BAD T lit, corner Spruce, street and FrntiUllu avt line. Twenty lunal tickets fur Uood table board. v'aM lNAl P HAS TAKEN tu: tWK v" C1 St ble lately ocoupleu by Fred H. Warren ut Monroe avenue, rear, where be l" prepared to furnish nrsvolass L:ueau. Barren rea tons ami guggles good horses and careful drivera. Telephone OOUUeotlOns. PL KSc ANT TO THE HV-LAV.S."l'Hri annual meeting of tliestoclrboldcrs of tbo West Rldae Coal company win be held at tno oftlc..' of the company. In the eitv of Scranton. on Monday, April It), at p. m., Iw the election nl' on'. -era and the transaction of au di other business as may OOmO bafoie tbe meeting. An sinundiuent to the By-Laws will be submit ted, changing tiiuiiineuf tho annual stock' powers' Bteenag, l. a. clauk, leeretary and Treasurer. ClTOCK ROLbESB' MEETING TH KAT i9 nwu awetiai of the steeghowere ot the TiovLleie e Has and .Valer t'onipiniy will b h Id at the DelaWsrs and Hudson Canal Con nanva building, -isr Prangliu avenue, Hcrao ton, Ho. at 0 a. ui , MoMay, May T. 14. to elout oulcers to set vn durini: the ensuing yenr, and tn.iiiact m y Other buainstS that may be pvetcutiil H. r, atherton, Seeretary Scrautoa .April ii, lain. Notice to Properly Owners rpo iiiK OWNBUB UK Kil'lT'l'll I UVIi nersof tiroperiv li u .i 'ie i.in' ibui unit on ihu inutnsriy sine o' wjet Lacaa wanna avo f 10 01 tU I). L & W. H. It. tj N ath Main avo., tbo wi ster.y aid" of Ni itii street from Writ I.arki .v.inna ae. to ' obtn son street; the wisterly slda of Bonluaon straet Its eutire length: and both tides 'f isurthMiilu ave, from Jaeknn to Pettebone sire t. ll sllun'.e In the roUrth i i.d Four teenth wards of the City of Heranion, I'a. Taki notice that under tic olrsotlon r Poonctla,! wilmakethi est sameul for ia ii'Kor re lavinit live foot llagsVoiio Sid. a-allts on southerly a do of West Lai kawanlin ae. between above named oints,and fir laying 01" relaying II v loot Bvetone eidcwn'ki- on WSStsius of N'lutb and 11 iblnsoti stns ts be tween tho points above dealgitatedt slso for laving or relaying flagstone sHiWsllS, B"l tlntl curbstones nud laving PaVS ut teru on both sldea of north Main aye., bstween points spore mentionedi on Monday, April Si A. D , list at lOo'flloCl in he tore noon, nt my utile in the Municipal HuLding, In the. City of Scranton, Pa., ai which time and blsfl y ni way appear end be Qsard if you so de-ire- .lurtF.l'll P PHILMP& i ity i agineer. Bualneea Peraonals. t'A'."Atl t'nl! VI N ON'LY flULATl'ST O restorer and dmolover known, strengtlt ens, luvifforaios. rnoi w. viwnuiciw ivuu rl stamp lor do ror apnuaeniiai I'ln'uiar. ur i. t, MIiXr.lt. II tJUlni y street. UuloatfO, 1 ADili- TONTK is 'l Uii ONLY 81 '- 1 . . Hu t Developer known. Aevc-r fulls. JfS.nl. FUJI eonfldentlal parttquiars on sledi forUe. stamp. Un, Ur. U. T. Miller, Si ijn.i i y bt., Uiieugo. Hclo Wanted -l-emalea. f AMES WAN t j 816eaklv: '!:li,K'V.',fl'l 1- A'!' 11'iMK no canvas lac Heply with aiKti. 1!I.hH PAKXTK t'itLKMJK. South Bead, lad. Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O rjClived by tno .-nderslgneil until Tiv s day, the Ftreieyof May, liM, for tbe bulla, tea of a ten M. P. Cnurhst Pickvillj. t . rlaniandepfotSettioBi ctn ho seen hi eailiua ou .(.ii. Peek, nckville, Pa. The kuildina e uumittco rebT-is rifihr to rep-el anv or nil bids. li. CHAPMAN, r'.cc. Bulla net Com . Box SMP-okvillo, Pa. April 13th, Ifl i QBAUCO PROPOSALS WILL M HE iJ celved ut the ollloo nl the Cty Clerk, Beranton. ra , until 1.10 o'qiook p. m. Thnrs dav, April Hi, I8M, to l'urtiisli audta y sidewalk and paved icuter on wester f side of Sixtli street tiom UMkawnnna avenue to carbon street, in aecordanru with the plans and Speci Bcatlons in office of City Clerk, didders shall eno'csJ with each propuisi the sum of ten (glOj dollars, cash Of I chock. In easo i lie biddn to who-n tbe contract shall have been awarded oml: s to eiscutc n contract for the work, the enolosure of tea dollars accom- panyhiK his proposal Hull no forfeited to the eny or eraniott. ine city rtaarvea me rittnt to reject any all bids. Bv order of city coun cils, at. T. LAylLLK, city clerk. Beranton, iv, April t, isti. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE U celved at the oftlcs of the City Clerk. Beranton. Pa until 7. B0 o'clock P.m., Thurs day. April IV. JAM, to urulu Marion street between Washington and Mandurson avenues. Tbo street !- to be graded to its full width and the work u to be done In aooordance with the plans aud vpccillcatluus iu the eil engineer's otllce und undor Ids directions. Each bid shall lie aooompanlsd oyu col titled check or cash In the sum of tea psr uentuui of ths amount bid. In cass the binder to whom the contract stiall have been uwarded refuses or omita to execute a contract witniu ton days from date of award thereof, the enclosure ac companying his proposal snail be forfeited tu tho city of Beranton. The city engineer's esti mate of cost of the work Is four hundred and twentf-Dvo dollars. The city reserves the rifcht to reject anv and all bids. Hy order of city council, M. T. LAvELLE, Cltv Clerk. Ci BALED PROPOSALS WILL BB itE y? celved at tho ntnci) of the City Clerk SCratt ton, Pa., until 7.al o'clock p. ui. Thurs day, April III. 1MU. to construct a Utersl sewer in Roche court from the Fifteenth dts trlctmalnaswer westerly a distance of about eight hundred and Seventy feet (W0) feet; alio 1 1 constrnot the uiuidieleH. lampholes, bl i ii lies and fixtures that are designated, aud to funusb all labor mid Mipulie1-- necessary to compUte the work. Hropjfftls shall state price per Uneal foot complete. Bidders shall enclose with each proposal the sum of ftvepcr rcnl uiu of 1 lie amount bid sa auuarantou to execute u contract within len day- If awarded iiieMime. The work shall he finished within sivty days from date of OOPHUSOOement Pro- posals not accompanied bv the required u posit and no: iu accordance witn adverttte mentand ordinance will not be considered. The city reserves the right to reje. t any and ulUnds. iiv order of cite councils. Mi T. LAVELLB, City Clerk. Beranton, Pa . April t. isid. Ordinance. I N PtJBSUANCK OF PROVISIONS OF I resolutions of Common Oouacll of City of Scranton, Penna., passed April 1'. lb!U, notice Is hereby given thai an Ordinanoe, entitled "An Ordinance providing for tbo issue of two buodred and lift y thousand dollars of city Bonds for tba inrpose or srectlng bridges and procuring, approaches therefor, and pro riding for tue redemption thtreot. ' waa In troducfd at n .'dated meeting of fommon Counoil April l'. 1994, The following is a draft of the OrditUUll 01 l-Ti.K OF TDK ComiOa COVKCIt. No, I, 1894, AX OBDINANOK Providing fur the! Me Of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of city l ud for th pur pope of erecting bridges and procuring approaches therefor, and providing for the redemption thereof wn i'.kkas. bv ordinance, entited "An ordinance providing for Increasing the city debt for the purpose of buil'lin? brides and submitting the question of such Increase to the rote of tbe elect .rs thereon," npprovec the fourth day of January, ISM, it ia provided that tho city debt Shall l eincnued by the b-ue of bonds in the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand i SSSO,000 Uul dollara lor the pur pose of constructing a bridge over the Lacka wanna river nt Linden street und a bridle over Roaring brook from epruce street to Front street, together with th" purobase uf said right, or way n-may be necessary for lu lltcn api't'oacni : to SHi'l lo-Klm'.. sir leer t i Hie a-wut of the elect oi ot the city of Scranton to a v.cb incresso, AM) 'A'HLItEAS. At a gtnsral municipal el-ction. held on the twenll -ih day of Febru ary, ISSI, a majority of the ei-cto e voted la favot o said proposed increased. BC. I. He It ordained by the Select and Coniuuo Councils of the ciry of Scranton. god It ts beroby ordained by ttw authority of the lame that for tbe purf oss of oonstructlng a bridge over tbe Lackawanna river at Linden street, and a bridge over Roaring brook from Spruce street t' Front street, together with the purchase of such right of way SS may ill peceseary lor the beal approach s to said I ridges, the issue of city coupon is nils to the amount of two hundred a il lift v thou sand (I450.000.o0i dollars Is hereby authorised, SaM bonds shall be of the denomination of nu thousand (11,000.00) dolla"-:', with interest iou pims attached: and shall lie numbered from one (Ii to two hundred and Bfty (!H0) inclusive and si alll.c signed by the Mayor.and these.il of City Shall be anisa duly attested bv the t it V t'lerg. 1 ho date of , the bonds Shall M Jinie 1st. A. fl.. ISj, :id tbov shall be lodeem- ablu as hui -ln liter speciil -.!, and shall bear interest at th- rateof SMi Per cent, per annum free of all Lixcs.tlio city assuming the payment if t!ii same. I lie Interest coupons shall be ni...'iiied ov M.c l.thograpbed sigt,ini- of Ifayor, and .null be payable seinUannuailv on tbe first d ys of December and June at iiii'.oinco of tho city rroasursr of the city of Scranton. hoc. Said bonds snail be redeemable in ,li order of their number as follows, viz: S'os 1 to '.i I ite lilsive, dune 1st. IW. Hoi, id to 140 inclusive. June 1st, 199), .S'o III tu ISO inclusive, June 1st. IHU fee. 191 to Inclusive. June 1-t. 1919, bee. 3. Said bonds shall bo rsued m I. aitCOWlth the provisions of an Act. entitled, "An ACI regulating I no maimer or liicrenslug the Indebtedness of munlolpalltlee, and pro- riding for the redemption ot tint same, and imposing Knaltics for the Illegal increase thereof,' approved the 90th day of April. 9f4; and also under the provisions of an Act ontit led, "An Act pi-ovidiug for the lncurporntiou and government of cities of the third class," approved May li', A. D.. IVSi, and the reveral lupplemeuta and aincudinents of said act. Sec. 4. Said bonds shall be denmnlnaied "The llridge Loan," and shall be prepared for Isane by the City Clerk and duly signed and sealed as provided iu netleB l f this ordi nance. Bee. 5. The Mayor and iho Oityt lcrk art hereby author laed to sell and dbinoao of aaid bonds; tee proceeds oi said sale and dlspoeal to be paid id tho t'iiy tr. aiurer, aa provided bylaw. They may dispoae of them in bulk OT IS such quantities as fund may bo required or tho purpose for Which said bonds acu i,u tnorlwd tu lie issued. Sec. II, Tbe money that may bo realised fro'ii the sale of said bond, shall bo ami I hereby api ropriated tor tin ccn.-truciliig of a bridge over the Lackawanna river at Linden street and a bridge over Roariag brook froui Spruce stre.it to Front street, together with ihe purchsso of ancn right of way us may be beceesary tor the l.et spnroa bee to said bridgee, The sum of one hi.ndied iind twenty Bve thousand I IH!4,fJ0tl.(BJ dollars snail be hul l for the bu Ming of the Linden -itrei t bridge and securing the spproaohee thereto, sed tho sum of one buiilrel nnd twenty ties thousand . SK '' dollars shall be held for the building of the bridge ovor the Roaring ".'".; '. securing tbe approachci hereto: provided, tint It i lther or hi Id bridgee eUa Its approaches ean boootnpletsly paid for at H less sum than kef 01 e named, any bsiani-Hof lb - proce ds o." the sale ol said bonds may lie used In tl"- ronstra tlpn and m curing kp proscbsi for the other of uii bridges. Any surplus ot the proceeds of said boBOSWblon may roinsln after tbs said bridgee aud their approaches hsve been fully paid for abnllbi l aid ltd ' tbo slui'.liig fund provided for the redemptlo i of said bonds. N For tbe purpose ot paying the aria cipai in .iiiii'.ies. o.himi nouiia riiero it ricre by levied tor the year IWi on nil property tax nole for olty purposes a tag el oaeaaooae te 'tb mills mi ho do lar of valuation, and every year ther 'after there ihsll be levied for mit h purpoas a S ix sufficient to ro,ual elgbt n i r "i l. cf the lUu hereby antnorlncd. Seo.8. 'j bo fun stvallted fi"mi the sale of the "aid bonds slinll bo pai l into the city treasury, and the city treasnrer, themayoi of the city and the o ty controller lhall ranee tliuania funds to bu immediately placed n. interest in three banks of tb s city to be designated by them, placing and Keeping from tunc to time alt npuil umouat ot said funds in each nf the banks so designated. M. T. I A Ii.t.r t ny uterk, Scranton, Ph.. April 18. lsf'X SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Having sseured me BBOBOra FOltnit of till in itlnmi ,' S U (ur a pet uianent Inis! niss Maud. 1 sliall riMidnct Hcientiflc nlni Patliulnizlcal kMelsif tnr IBe 1 ievntiuii, Bo lief and C'ui c r( I.hiiii'Iii 'i- nnd utlior linpudi -metits In tlie movon cuts nf Horses incidental or due lo unDerwei snotiua i shall civetho ib tin pereonal altentl n end ennrauteii Be extra onarfSk e Xcept fur .lur uivenunt. Lnine iii'M, ete., wjil hunca'.ed ufteriiuuiis. A free eiiniii and profeeewnil ndviiu pvea every Muudsy (jfeu i tu 1 1' U. JOHN HAMLIN, D. Y. S. LADIES' SPRING CAPES Ai WRAPS 150 NEW ARRIVALS TODAY. LATEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST In Our Dress Goods Department CONNOLLY & DUPONT'S MINING, ULASTINO ANO bPOHTINO POWD Manufactured at tbe Wapwallopsn Mills, I.u Mrae county Pa aud at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. deueral Agent for ihu Wyoming District, 4 u8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third Rational Cank Burldiu AcCNCira. TITOS. rOKD. Fitlstim. Ta JOHN U SVl'lH & stiN; l'lymouth. Ta. K. w. Ut'LLKiA.-s, Wilkee-Barre. Pa. Agents for tho Hepauuo tany'b High Explosives. Cuomiual Com- li' 9 My Poor Eyes ! Yes, they arc undoubtedly poor and will continue so i until yon i.ave them properly ana scientifically fitted with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is well qualified and we do not charge you a small fortune, either. Try raercereau & i07 LACKAWANNA AVEXUK "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON ANll W1I.KES EAKKK, PA., J!ANL"FACTL'KEK9 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Bote; HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ueneral Office, SCRANTON HOW TO MAK There aro hundreds of young men aud yOttng women in this country who have splendid ability, but they have never beeu wakwad up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand lias been an Inspiration to hundred! of young people. If you are tired of Inactivity aud want to do soniethiug tangible, come to the College. common BNOIiMH rovusE. BVSINBM COURMK, bhortqanu oovHSG. p g WOOD, Proprietor. LUTHER .EWbR PIPES, Offloe, 613 West Lacka wanna Ave. m cbht. K06E AUD aFTER iiSlftG..... o:nr. auaressSfkVJI siK. ., Mawuie is-aiple. .uiua.uu.lu. For Sato In Scmnton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON, Dnic'K, 0. WajUliifftou uid Sui ax. eireeui. esaji 1 ' ' i in We are showing a Handsome Line of Satin Stripo Jav anais. It will pay you to look at them. WALLACE 209 WE Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Factory The Scranton BOB and GUI Lackawanna him. No fit, no charge. Conneli PA KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOB PLASTERING. FLUE LININGS. Quarries and Works, Portland.. Pa. aNERVESF.EDQ. 'I1 . - -.hi MM M E MONEY Oil f cCi PRICES WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. Retail Mattresses at Prices. Bedding Co. Ave , corner Ailsmi Ave, Frothingham Theatre MONDAY, APRIL li. J jg.r DQfJ'f DER'S Minstrels Many Old Favorites' Ali united in an Lntln Many New Ones: ly New Pro. -amine. U Great Comedians H ! Lsw lioi'UsiauQr. Frank Mumout, lieorge l'owers. Bloi'ksoa & Bnrns. John O. Har riBgtoa, Memphis KoauedT, Dave Foy. Syinoudi, Ilui(lies Itsstus. Regalar Prleee-11, Tic .Ma and iiio. sls . epaoi at Powell's musie store Friday morning I at li o'cloek. FROTHINGHAM Wed. und Thursday Lv MR HXXRY li. THEATER . April I and 1C DIXEY And tie.' MafeuitL-en' Urgauuiitiou. RICE'S II Hi m hi.i sgcia COMPANY In til" I '.'i iitivannu iTrk-'i NT. IV Mi : Ii "" NKW 81 EC- Ia Vtm ) ADONIS Hew races Kverrtainii New Features Up to Oate Ne v Ideas And Replelo New JoroUl With Novelty. Incidents. " Orehse'ra. $ 1 .10 : Oieuestre Ur- WW PUCES- ele, si: Baleoay, Ualcouv Circle, We.: 1 1 li-ry. a ACADEMY OF MUSIC. One Week, i . i 'i: Monday. April IS Slat iaee Saturday at2..ia p M 'l ilt Popular and Clever Character Acts-, iluniAs K. BttEA, Aud eumpauy ol sintter, ilaaeers and Comd dians m tlie toilowine Repertoire , Monday "Ei ped from Sinir Slo " Tuesday "Tlie Suari1 of New Yorft ' Wednesday "Stragetists." Thursday "Rip Vai winkle " j Friday "Ur. JekTll and Mr Hyd- " i Haturdav M.,t. "Rip Van Winkle " ! Saturday "Tbe Black Flag." Prices. 10, 20 and 30c. Hale of seats opens Friday. April 18, for the entire week. commencing MONDAY, ATKIL ANDRKW MT'HEK'U Ursud Double Mammoth Spectacular UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COM PA IM Y Numb unit Thirty Artists and a ljuartattst with Special Scenery and all Accessories. Grand Slreet Parade Dally Willi full Military Hand, lwaded Uj the mm dbum-johjiijhe jima ADMISSION, 10, SO and 30 CKXTS Perten&aueee every nfternooa, eaeepl Mob days and 'i'liursdays, St s.iW and every even Ig kit, Uuuia wen at I.3U and 7.00 P.M The GENUINE N'ew Haven Mathushek" Pianos ii ESTABLlSllED 1N6 i u Voi K Warerooms No. 3d Fifth Avenue. E, C. BICKER & CO., Sole ilealers iu ibis eeotion. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon, Week
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