THE snRANTON T"RTBI3 WE FRIDAY MOKNTNCk APRIL 1?. 1894. Elluhuiood t s'ora 1)00 of cull mil, t orongbi iVm.uds the Iltt-IJ -is u lisr lOe to 1 11 GORMAN -c, Ilighc t of all in Leavening Power. L.itcst U. S. Gov't Report III BRAND DEPOT A Woman Without Gloves IS SCARCELY more thiin halt dressed. No mutter how fine a bonnet, how eleKiUlt drill slu may have, n rent pair of Cloves is necessary for tlio completion of the out-iloor toilette, and. in f net. makes tip for a great deal that may be lacking in other ar ticles of dross. Vou can pot Gloves Kid Gloves nt almost any pries, (let them here. A fair-priced glove is, however, cheapest in the long run; looks better, wears better, and is guar anteeil not to rip or tnr. We have the Fo9ter Kid (ilove, the H'te Jouvin Kid Clove and other well-known makes. Good Cloves they nre. Other storps have them, too. The only difference is in the price OURS, of course, being the lowest. But. the best (ilove we have is tho new eal Kid Glove With Large Peari Buttons, in all the New Shades, Tans, Erowns and Blacks, fm ABLOOM WITH AND BUSINESS How quick women are to recngniz superior "style!" How they discover that our Hats are hoth beautiful and beautifying! Often it takes but a look in the Blots, a query as to price and, presto! a sale it made. HONibD-L SIFIINGi. Matter! and Things in Gineral in the Maple City. Fperial to the Scranton Tribune. HoitESOALI, Ph., April 19. A sacred concert will be given in S John's church, Tuesday evnin?, April 17, bv the church choir. Miss lulls Dolierty, Mrs. Hubert Kelly, John Carr and Ho well Davis are among the well known singrs who will take part. Admission, 25 and 3r cents The storm raged fircely here yester day. Gravity railroad was partly crip pled. St. Joseph's society bald an enjoyable dance at I'ioneer h ill last evening. The RirmetS which will be held in connection, with the coming fair of Company K. is attracting widespread attention. Bo prepared to attend the armory fair which will tako place in May. At tho home of the bride's father, William H. McElroy, of Saeleyville ; Miss Deesie L. McElroy was nnited in marriage to Harry O. Fast! At H .'!0 o'clock last evening, ReT. C. A. Benji min performing the ceremony, (,'lurles Pethiok and Miss Jsnnie B'aalz, cousin and sister of the groom, stood with the bride. A pleasant reception was held after the wedding. The newly married couple are living at their home on West street HALLSTEAO ITEMS. Brief Nowe Paragraphs Panned by a Live Reporter. Fjwcial to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, Pa., April 19 Miss Jes sie Hartley, of this place, is to open n bikery on Main street in the uenr fn tare. Mr. and Mrs. George Ward visited Binghnmt6n today. Mrs. George Vosbnrg, of Bingham ton, and Miss Ella Iiurgett aro visiting Mr. Charles Lawrence Mrs I. Berry, of Waverly. is visiting at the residence of George Van Fleet. The Brotherhood of Locomotive E l gineers at their last meeting presented their former president, Mrs. George Van Fleet, a handsome gold pin as a token of esteem in which she was hel d in that organization. Mrs. J. L. Compton has returned home from visiting friends in Wind sor, N. Y. Mr. iiid Mrs G.Oapwell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Capwell will leave tomor row for Pitiston to visit their grand mother, who will bo 101 years old on Su nday. Emma Fesiendou hag returned home from viiitiug her gramlp irents in Fos ter. y . "Bardock Blood Bittern taken after eat ing will relieve any feeling of weight or over fullness of the stomach. Sold evory w bore. HIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIINIIilllllU TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. I FOtR of ttl6M COUPONS, r tentc'i ut Tim Trlbniif Off. 09, ror iir Ioiin uvfiinn nnl Spruce nt ri'i-t, KilfritlH tho hotdor t nil Ut prlv- i ):, nl I ! uitpii! ;i I lilfid oil ers for distributing po pn) ur booki Hilton; tlUff rentiers I he offflff mililn by Thl Trihnini inutiaenieu I are Art lilOW! 15 CENTS and Tonr Oonponi for nny volume in '1' Colnmbai fo riui. Over t Miles to select from. M CENTS And Four C oupons for any book In tlm Huby Serlen. aB CKNTH ami Four Coupon nnv book lit tlm Oxford Serien, for S niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR I ABSQUUTELY THE NEWS OF Oat Of town corroniHjn'lftuts OfTKt Tint PXBlhoilldsifQ tbell ttfttllM in full to nvlil utuvltttr, not fr publication out to muni i.aiiist ili-coutl ja.J FOREST CITY MATTERS. All the News of Current Interest Tula In Brleht Pirncraphs. tflircial to the fibronfoa Tribnn". Forest city, Pn., April 12 Miss Mary Livin. an estimable young lady, ago 94 yeais, and the ilangiiter of James Lavln, a resident of our suburb. Vanillin;, died last evening of spinal meningitis after having been ill only since Sunday. Miss Lsvin wis the possessor of a large number or friends who will be sorry to learn of her un timely death. The funeral will take place .Saturday moniitig. Interment in Carbondale, Mrs Uinj. HaZty was in Carbondale today. Judge Searle, of Montrose, nntenoed Frank McD-nuott yesterday. BfoDer- moit it will be remembered, attempted to shoot O. C. Westctate a short time ago upon a slight provocation. Four charge! were placed against iloDsr mott, namely, carrying concealed weapons, assault and battery, an i Felonlua assault and intent to kill Westgate withdrew the latter charge Hii i, as a eopseqnence, the judge im posed a lighter sentence, which was $'.') fine, four months in the county jail and to pay the cost of prosecution Rlnebardt Jaroti has opened a bakery In tiie Baud block under C. S Alexander's tailor shop. Mr. Jacoh comes from Carbondale. Miss Louisa Westgate is the guest of her sister, Miss Pearl Car bondale. ReT, F, C Hogan, pastor of the Meth odist Episcopal obnrob in this place, is attending the Wyoming conference in Scranton this week. Mr. Hogan'l friends will he pleased to learn that In all probabilities he will be returned to this charge. The employes of the Hillside colleries in Foreit City will be paid Saturday, An infnnt child of Gregory Kane, who fUOVrd from this place to Rich mondTilla a short time ago, is dead. "Oliver Twist'' w is very creditably produced at the opera homo last even ing by the Wonderland Theater com pany. W. D Corbett in "BUI Syks" won many deserved compliments fo: bis splendid work in that difficult pan 'F.igin. the Jew," by F. D. Munroe, was worthy the nam- of good acting The supporting comp iny was goo : Professor McGraniglian delights hi audience by his charming selections o the piano. "Streets of New York tonight; ''Hidden Hand' tomorrow night. Prices. 10. '20 and 80 cents. Miss lone Tyler returned to her liom in this pluee to lay, after a week's Visit In CsrbonJale, as the guest of Mrs A S, Lewsley. Mrs. Le Wiley is spending today at the boms of Miss Tyler. A typographical error occurred i the Foresf City items to Tub Tribune today. The nam", John U. Hawkins, should read John R. Han kins. Dyspepsia and I- li, In their worst forms are cured by the use of I'. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain Qeshand lost appetite, strength and vigor, take i 1. I'., and you will be strong and healthy. Iror shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Kootanil Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P, is the greatest blood purifier in tho world. For sale by nil druggists. CLARK'S G E E N NWS. Crlp and Entertnininir Notes of Personal and Other Gjsnip. BgHtUu to the Scranton Ttlbum, CfABK'fl GRBRH, April 12. W. S. Ibent several days in New York city, replenishing Ilia stock. Jhss Nellie Dewey spent Sanity with A F Brlgbam's, Miss Frankie Nortbnp returned home on Tuesday last after an extended visil among frionda, hotli at Bersnton and Factory ville. Mis Grace A. Davis received a S'Vere sprain of the ankle wliile on her way to school No. 1 on Tnes lay last. The work being done on the Grlfflu reservoir by the Providence Water works, has been suspended for a short, time on account of tho heavy snow storm. G. F. Spencer, of Thompson, called on friends here on Wednesday, Ellsworth G. Head now occupies his new home recently erected in Until land parK. , Mrs. Clarence (J. Nortbnp, of Wash Ingtoo, D c, and Miss Alios Northup called pn their many friends here on Tuesday last. - Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Ur. King's New Discovery for 0on SnmptlOtt, Coughs nnd Colds, upon Hi,, condition. If you aro afflioted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat, orGhOSt trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, civing it a fair trial. ami experience no benefit, you may return the boitle and have your money refunded. Werould not make this olfer did we nut know that Dr. King's New DlesoVery could he relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottlea free at Matthew Urns', drug store. Large size 50c, and SI. ARCHBALO AND VICINITY. Mw of th? D iy Chronicled in Terse Parsirrephr. lifiiinf fn (fie Scranton Tribune. ArcbbaU), April 12. Abratn How ells desireH it announced that he will be a candidate for delegate to the Re nuhllcan county convention from the Second district of the Firit wnrd. At N o'clock last evening Henry ( Hb and Mists Aggie 'loolln, both well known voung peoiil- of Hill street. were marrieil last evening by Rev. T. J. Comerford, pastor of St. Thomas' church. The groom was attended by Jacob Fink and Mils Mary Fink, his sister, was bridesmaid, Both bride and bridesmaid looked charming in beautifSl drab cashmere costnmoi. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra, Patrick Toolin, where many friends of the young couplo called to congratulate them. The will begin housekeeping at once. The etrost car lino of the Carbondale Httf TOWNS ;s ... ... Tr lotion company was not cleared for traffic until llo'olook this morning, when the first car since Tuesday ran. The resolutions presented hv Mr. Jones at. t lie council meeting on Tnes day evening, particularly those relat ing to the presentuiion imd p ivm "it ol tulle, cannot hut prove beneficial it vigorously followed. Heretofore it has been customary for bill to be or dered paid on presentation to the coun cil without Hiving been examined, Mr. Jones' resolution will do away with this nn-bnsineaslike prsctlce and wilt be n means of saving to the borough. Rev. F. P. Walsb,of South Scranton, was the guest of T. J. Comerford yes terday. A sneak thief entered tho residence of Michael McHale, of Cemetery street, yesterday and stole i goi I watch b- lOBgiogto Michael HoHale, jr. The thief was apprehended and the watch wan returoe i, ALL AKOUND AVOCA. An Batertatnini Correepondsnt'i Buduot of Pithy Puravraiilis. Fvcct&l to tt.t seranton 2V(oiute, AVOCA, Pa., April, 13. 0, D. Hollis ter has moved his family to Bhullz ville, Wyoming Cuinty. where he in tends to engage iu farming, Clare Holltster will take his position at the Avoea Colliery, wliicu will resume work tomorrow nft.'r an idleness of a couple of Weeks. .Mrs. J, U. Snyder, of Lsrksville, spent tiie forepart of this week visiting her son Brnest, who is lying very sick at his home with rheumatism. Miss Maud Gay is visiting her grand parents, ?dr. and Mrs. .1. Bnvder, Mr. and Mrs. George T Price are in attendance at the Methodist confer ence being held at Scranton this week. At the Repnbliean convention held liere on Monday W. A Loughrey, of Port Griffith, was fleeted to represent the Fifth district at th Republican state convention nt Harrisbnrg, Rev. J. J, McCabe attended the Forty hours devotion in Carbondale on Mou- dav evening, where he delivered an eloquent sermon. Mr. William Webber ami daughter, Mis Fannie, spent yesterday in Scran ton. Mattio Bngleanl, who was iqueexed between cars in the Avoea colliery last week, im ni)le to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. William Laird left on Tuesday morning for Philadelphia, where Mr, Laird is having an opera tion performed on bis rye. Miss .Mary Divies returned home af ter spending a week with friends in Forest Olty. Bprglara broke open the house of George Shales on Liccoln hill, but did nt secure anything. Eugene lil icKwell line accepted a no ition witli James Brown. Captain Flannory, of Pittstoa, was a caller to onr town yesterday. The marriage of Patrick Meehan to Miss Mary Hopkins, of Dupont, is an nounced for the first time. Mrs. M. Sell eubi r .'er, Beaver Dam, Wis., write-: "We have used Dr. Thomas' Bclectrlo Oil in onr family for Coughs, Golds, Croup and Rheumatism. It cures every time." ej JEIiMVN SCINTiLlilTICNS. Qliinpsen of News Qathertd Hare one1. There on th Fly. Fricriat to the Scranton TWftnna Jkrhyn, Pa., April l1.' a child ol Thomas McLnug ilin, j:-.. died Tnesdny if ter a two days' illn sa of soarlet fever. Interment In Scott cemetery. P. H. Baker and ('. U. Winter nro in attendance upon tho conference iu Scranton. J. D, Weston, of Honssdale, came over the gravity luring the snow storm. He reports traveling very unpleasant ovr the mountains. Frank Carey has moved to Tompkins- ville Th" Misses Pvlicoea will bold an en tertainment in the Metbodist Episco pal church, 'j'ho programme will be published later. The many fi lends of Rev. J. V Newel, at one tlm pastor of the Methodist Episcopal c'nurc'i here, will regret to io.irn of his isrlous illness at fail home in Oomo Rev. Mr. Sand ford is moving into William Dray's boussotl Second etreet. Invitations have been issu-il by Rushbrook lodge, 850, independent Order of Old Pel lows, to a social in i neir bsl 1 on April 90 Bdwln W o i il worth, who was so severely burnrd at the time of the school bouse fir,', iihs mi far r covered that he is able lo wall: ont. Rev. Mr, Hathaway, of Carbondale, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Hiplfoopal ohuroh Sunday. F A. Gill is in Scranton attending the Methodist Bpiecopal conference. I). 1) M. Soiiinu', of Carbondale, in stalled th members of Rnshbrook lodge ri.iti j d una ay evening. Mrs. P. A. Biker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. R Nuthertou, of Fortv Fort. .1. D stockr transacted business in Cai l ondale today, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Shepherd have ismeil invitations for ii select party on Friday evening. Remarked bv li. 0. Joiner, nt. Allen P o.. Billedale Co., Mieb,: "Nothing gave i y rheumatism such quick relief aeOr. Thomas' RolectrloOU beliere it infallible for rheumatics. PRICEBtJRG PICKUP3. Live News D.:lls Penned by a ilusl' liner Reporter. Fvrctol to the Xrrtintm !W5eat, PBlOBBURfl, Pa,, April 12 Tout Logan pad visit to an old townsman. Will McLaughlin, in C'urbontinlu in Thursday. Mrs. Charles Burnet of Peckville, ealled on friends in town yesterday. The woods are full of candidates for the coming o muty convention, A minstrel tron o is hilled to :ip".:ir in smith's Music ball on Saturday evening. It is ilnoirely hoped that the council will ib lomethlng and that speedily, towaril bettetgOR the condition of our st re-'ts, which are iu a deplorable state at present. The grand castle of lvni,;!its of the Golden 15-itfln of this sl.ite will con vene in H istoa May 8 of this year. A delegation from this town will attend Miss Annie Oelaney, of Pitiston, Is the gUfSt of friends on Lincoln street. Mrs. Wieland, of Main street, hc hsa been leriOUSly ill for Home time, is Improving. The miniature lake in front of W. II. CiBONO;LE CHIPS A Tleporter'j F.eiume of RaspMilaae of a Dae flMffOl lo ttl ScrHnton Tribune. Carbohdale, Pa. April W. The followtug deaths occurred in andaboot this city during ties past twsnty-four hours: Mrs. Catharine 0' Boyle died at her home on the West Side thin morning at s o'clock of pneumonia, at the ego of 7a yeara Funeral Saturday morning at 0 o'clock at St. Rose church, llattie, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Conrad Hanenstein, died this morning at her parents home on Belmont street, of diphtheria Funeral took place this afternoon. R yj she little son of Mr. and Mrs. DaVl 1 Jones, nf Clark street, died this morning of diphtheria. Pin, funeral, being pri vate, will bo hold tomorrow Friday. Miss Mary Lavln died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James L ivi.i. of Vandllng, yesterday evening at 7 O'clock at the age of 90 ye n s. Mr, and Mra. Gregory Raul's 14-mopths-old son JamiH died last night at their homo in Richmondale, Funeral tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Last evening at H .0(1 o'clock Miss Mary A. Thomas ami Frederick J. Thomas were united in marriage at the Trinity rectory by Rev. E.J. Balsley. The bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Miss Murgarot Thomas, and the best man was the groom's brother, Richard Thomas, After the ceremony the newly Wedded Couple were driven to newly furnished rooms on Wyoming street, where they will at once COtUtUonoe housekeeping. Mrs. S. S. Hards and Mrs. D. W. Humphrey were Visitors in Scranton this afternoon, Mrs. A. S. I.ewsley rpent today in Forest City as the guest of Miss ion Tyler. By the aid of the snow plow and shovels, the 'fraction compeny opened Ut) the street railway this morning after an idleness o: one day on aoo6nnt of the heavy snow storm. A. D. Turnbnll made u business trip to Scranton this afternoon. Mrs. Alva Edgett, a former Carbon ' dale resident, a the gn stof Mr. and .Mrs. E M. Pok,o( Washington street Mr. mid Mrs. A W. Binaooter and little son, called on SorantOU trie ids today. I'll - dime entertainment to be given by the Ladle's Auxiliary at Association Hall bes leen postponed to Tueiday April U. L. . Mills and James B Nicholson returned today from a business trip to Syracuse, x. . df disease focd on lif and the aro only overcome r.i;ikinip liystic. or sourid, healthy o Lhe Cream of Cod-liver Oil, Is nn easy, palatable food that makes new tissuo quick ly nnd gives strength. Phy sicians, tlio world over, en dorse il. Dcii't bo deceived fr; Substitutes! rrecerod by BsoM A Bene, It. Y. All I'mcci-ts N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, V VOMIMU A. SCKANTUSh BTEINWAT A SOU decker imoTitsana KIIAMCIi ft UAOU BTUtiXZ & UAUUII PIANOS 4 ' " law etooS f first-Haw MUSICAti MEKOHANUISU musk;, i.'i'O., BXCL Tho GENTJINB New Haven ifMathushek" Pianos BSTABLISUED 1866 New Viir) Warerooms Piftb A.venue. -Xo. PO B. C, RICKER & CO., S ile dealers in this section. OFPIOR 128 ADAMS AVE, SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Havlnt secured I bo BBOEtNO FOROS ot William Illume A s .ii for a permanent bnal ness stand, I hhull uiniliua t-iientiflf' una I atbologlaal bboo ngortba Prevention, Ro imf and 1'uie nf Latnonna ninl other Impedi menta In the movements (Ml Boraea Incidental ordnetoimperleet hIuh ini. I nlmll elvethu work mv personal attonth h and anarantee nn extra char(re,exci pi for Immovomi nt. Lame M'ss, eic, will ix t leated aftornoone. a frco clinie ninl iriifesKi,iu,d udviee (riven everv atonday (rein i to . r. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S, For Delicacy, for purity, and tor ltnprovemt atolthaoom' pi ex ion, nothing equals Poaaoin'a Powder. BE SURE AND get your choice ofmuitichrome3. Gae coupon and one Dime, V A:.wrl' ," - ,-?Tfvsc'i J -J Minn Katie ttosengiunt t'lster, peon. Scrofula Tho Voorst Case the Doc tors Ever Saw Hood's Sarnaparilla Perfectly Cured "C. I. Hood A CO., IiOWCll, Mass.: 'Dear Sirs: I wish to ti dily to the great value of Rood's Sarsaparilla. for some time i had been troubled with scrofula, which ear! last winter assumed a very bad form. Sores Appeared on tVy Faro nnii bands and gradually Ini i-iis. J in number until they reai lied to my shoulder, Tbedoctors S'ii.1 it was t'ae wont ease of scrofula they ever vw ::inl alio went so far ns tos:y il WOI in ,'ih . 'ill -, i tried ointments and other remedies bat to no avail. A friend recommended Hood's iood'sCures Sarsaparilla, and although I w as completely dii cnurag id, a :i lust chat I reioh ed to give ii a trial. After taklni Hie bottle 1 nut: , :i the sores Uib liolile bad comtneuceu i heaL Alter tin: Thoy Weio All Healed. i eontlnued to take ii. however, until i bad used nine bottles, and now i am perfectly weU." ;iiss Katik Kosenobant, Ulster, 1'enu. Hood's Filis are prompt and efScleut, yet eai j in action. Bold by all druggists. l!5c. KM Dr. E. Grewer ik PbiladelpUla Fpeclalfel, And bis sseootatod rtart ot Encllsh nnl :er man rnrHclans.are uuw pormanontqr located Temple Court Building .ti i BPftirrE st. SCRANTON Where die umy l Rotultd DAILY AND KVNUAY. i he Doctor is a graduate "t tba Unlvoratty 01 Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator 61 pnyaiolomr and rargory at tlm Midicochlr urijical Cn',le;:e, of Pln.Ke,,,ii. He ts Also 111 Honorary i ember o( the JIeili.-, i hirur fical AesiH-i.-itloik i.rel was plivuinn mid lurseon In chief ot the most noted American and " rman hospitals, comes highly Indor led by tnaletitiiin profe BOri ot Philadelphia -mJ New York. His many years ol hospital experience efi" IiIch thu eminent phyaielan nnd aurgeon to correctly dlaanoee anil treat a'.l ilet"rm:toi and dlnensea with the mst flattering eucceta and bis 11, h standing in the state wilt 110S kit v him to accent mv tncnrable can I.ii-i IIANHOOII i:i .toi l I) WKAKNKss M mum; MKN CCRKD, If yon have neen given np ny your physi cian call upon the doctor and "lie" examined. He cures the worst case-of NervonaOebilitr, Bcrotnla, tud Sores, i Bturrh. I'ilca, Female Wcakneaa Affections ot ttv Ear, Bye, Nose and Throat. Asthr.ri, Deafness. Tumors, fan ears and Cripplea of every d-scription. Con raltarlon In Enidtib and TJerman free, whieh ihall lie considered sacred and itrlotly confi dential, , ttl.-.- four.: Il A, M. to ' !' IL lially. guntlay, !' a.m. to p m. ra Bank of Scranton. atatemcnt Feb, B8, 1804, ealled for by tin- Comptroller nf the Currency. HKBOUIM ES, l onn-. St, 310,840 OO Overdrafts im t. :i7 United Btalea Dondi ROiOoo.00 oilier Honda S18.A78.V.1 llntilitna House 88,074.46 Preminmi onV. s. itnnda.... 048 7fl hoe Ircm II. s. a ia usurer 7,000 ml roc from Bauka 808.410. 73 Citali 140,040.04 ..niiii I tATIIMTlKS, Capital Sin pins Undivided I'roAia ClrcolAtlnn rivldemls Unpaid Deposits,' line to llunka 8)800,000 on 840.000 no no 189.0a 73,000,00 834.80 1,004,000 i 00.860.00 8 808,800.00 WILLIAM CONNKLts President OKO, ll. CATtIN, Vice-President WILLIAM 11 PE( K, Kliier DIltBCTUrta William Council, Genrae i. Catlln, Allied Hand, Jamea Arehbald, nnnv llelltl, Jr., Milllim T. hmltli, Lutliev Keller. This banh Oflnra lo dennaltnn rvcry facility warranted by their balance, imsi tieaa and roipoiialblllty. Special in t -ii I l.iii tven to liuslneaa ae counts. Intoroat paid on ttma deposlta Spring We have placed on sale our line of Ginrrhanis 0r the Coming Spring and summer, l iner Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. C l v inn m National GLOB Ainnrun c PITTSTON, PA. ft. R if?. ilia 400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue Dry Goods, Furnishing Ladies' Goods, fruits' Wear, Clothing and Special Bargains Oi : o VELVETS, with borders, rains1 All woiii, tra Supor,yard wide, usually 75o. iind 80c, j We still have a lew patterns left of the 40c. Tapestry Brus sels. m APDII Qt aaf n ti n ruu 8ddki PilDDCTC Ing OOB PRICB, , r l I: D P Q 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. kThe "COURT TIIE CIKL." "GET EnG'GED." "GET "GO ;o HCOS'. terms that ES and not "RAISE A FAMILY." your honeymoon. With no . .h).oo Database or over we will present n CI otic (Cathoilralj with evtrj .. . .t't purchase ti Dinner Bat t Decorated ) Onr :!l).0l) Uutlit is displayed in our window. See it. A Tew o he prices have same will jilonso call. . ' 13 'V a i SUSS and Gent's Cloaks, Iii- tv' Motions, Boys Boots and Shoes. on OPENING DAY, ChaniHe Curtains, $3.25. (An unusual bargain.) Extra wide heavy and extra 0 Imported Tapestry, Satin Derby, Satin Damasks, Wool Tapestry. TABLE COVERS Batinette Fringed, lyds. square, $1.25. Holland Shades, fringed, Hartshorn Rollers, 50c. each; usual price, 65c. lHconomv, will do the HTU YQ13 rest.' They will furnish vour house complete from cellar to garret at one day's notice and give yon nre hound to suit durincr trouble you rr. Those holiiiug coupons of