THE FCttANTON TRIB JXE FRF DA 5T MORNING. APiUL 13. 1S94. LIVE NEWS OF . TWO PITTSTONS TTnin Scrantom Tkihuxk'h Pittston de partment is In clinrtfe of J. M. Fuliy, to whom uovva iteuii uiul complaints may bo referred . FOR BOROUGH IMPROVEMENTS. A Mostlng; of tbl Representative Clt'zsna 0Ud for Tills Afternoon. Tiin following notion sint out to a n timber of PitUtoD'i rsprvssntnttva cit-is-ns x Oniin itslf : Diab Sia. Yen nrc Invited to bopra ent Ht n meeting of representative oltisens, together with the burgess and town conn-i-il uf Pittston biiroui;h, for the purpose of discussing tin advisability of improving on - town and puttlugit on a standard with oar neighboring towns In a line uf pitting and sewerage and general Improve UH'lltf. Hoping you will favor this movement with four pretence we lvmaiti Yours very rtfpeotfullr, J NO. J. HANQAR, Pre Town Council. Heating will be nal I In 8t Alojrstas' hull, South Mala sireut, PrlJay, April 18. at 3 o'clock-, p m. iTenlnjr Card '-'aity. Hiss Qorman, of William street, m fertuined n lar- party of friend! at her home Inst evening with u duplex w'tist party. The affair was niveu in honor of Miss Sueisn, Ifbo is tbe ytieet of Miss McMillan, of the West Bide. 4 Thb blood it tbe source of bealtb. Keep It pure by lakiut; Hood's Sars iparilla, which is peculiar to itself, and superior lu iretigtb, ecoujmy and medicinal merit Hon'Vs 1'ILl.s are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from th" best Ingredient. Twcntv-iive cents. PITTSTON HflPPIN iNGS. Hrlsf Pnruirsphs of Minor Matter Ia-ttrstin-'.v Told. today, by official proclamation, is Arbor Day, but unfortunately tbe weather is not iWirabl" for the pur ioe it was created. It is quite probable those who bail Intentle ! to celebratH it .vill defer their purpose until the 27tb, 8coiiil Arbor Day. Tbe H1 year-old son of Anthony Kllnai, of jfroiitown. is dangerously il! with malignant tllptheria, Titer are numerous other oases of dipthria and other contagious iliss,ses which need tbe Immediate attention of the health board, Innroal, Joiin U'slsh, of Hamtown, and Miss Mamie Collin, of Cork Line, were married at 5 o'clock Wednesday even ing at St. John's Catholic clinrch by Very Rev I-'arb-r Finnen. Jsmes Ctraby, "f Wilkes-Barre, and Miss Katie Melvlo, of William street, of ficii' tl as groomsman and bridesmaid respectively, 'lhe funeral of Robert ViviaD, of Oregon, Will take .il 'c this afternoon t 2 o'clock, with s?r7ieus i:i th- Broad Street Metbodtst church, and inter tnent in Pittston cemetery. SuperinUn lent Alex Mitchell, of Wilktt-Barre, and William Morrison, of White H ivsn, road master of the Wyotniug division, were in town yes tarda and made the train arranges taenia for the Lackawanna delegation to the Clark lecture to be neld here on next Monday evening. Superintendent Mitchell has agrse I to hold the Avoca train due horp at H 3!) p. m., until 10 18 to tke the vijitor to Avon to meet the 10 84 train on th Delaware nd Hudson road. It is expected that Car ton .ale. Serantou, Avooi and Duryea will send quite a number ot people to attend the lecture Wyoming Valley eommandery, Knights Tempiar, will hold a imhlio installation at Masonic hall on Friday rning, April 20 News wns reei-ivel here yesterday of the death at Forty Fort ot Mrs. Bridge. Corgan, wife of William Corgan,wboj maiden nme was Mis BridltCt Welsh, und wheso former home was on Parsoi. age street, this place. Mrs. Corgan pumed nvvay at 10 o'clock Welnesday nighi, after a two week' Illness. She was 3fl of as, and is lurvifed by her husband nnd four childien, also the following sisters and brothers: Mrs Thorn as Fad leu and Mrs. M. J. Brennan, of this place; Mrs. William Fox, of Tjtvlor. formerly of this place, .isnies.. welsh, of Cavbondale; Pat rick Welsh, of CbioagOj Edward Welsh, of Taylor. The funeral will tak place Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, with a mass of requiem in St. Ignatlnc' Cbnrob, Kingston, The t msins will b broaght to this place for interment in the Market street ceme tery i Euoklen's Arnica Sslv. The test salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, bores. Ulcers, Halt K hen in, Fever tores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay requirod. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 ceute per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. TAYLOR NO THEREABOUTS. Newsy Parstfinplis Concerning the En teiprising Horo'iffh. Evectal to the fleratllon Tribune. Tayi.OK, Pa., April 12. Tomorrow night (Fridny) the Price Library asso ciation members will have a eocial. The event is restricted to members. The borough conned will meet to morrow night. Professor Thomas J. Williams will organize a choir nxt Sunday night at Taylor hall to enter in competition for the prizes at Pittston on May ;i0 and Lnke Ariel on July 4 All singers in vited. The esteem and respset in which the lata Arthur Villwock waa held by tho people of laylor was shown on the occasion of his funeral on Wednes day, when every business piece in town closed at noon and remained closed the balance of the day. A meeting of the St. Joseph society, branch riSfl, of the Irish Catholic Ben evolent union, will lie held on Sunday morning at 7 o'clock. They will pro ceed from their in a body to St. Jo seph's church, Minookn, whr they will rcive the holy communion. Th uthers are Thomas F. Coyne and John Dnkin. Criticising a Young- Lady. "She would bo a pretty girl for but one thing." 'want's tliatf" asked Charley. George Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to be the same way my self, but I caught on to the troubio one day, and got rid of it in no time. George What was it? Charley Simplv blood eruptions. Took a short course or P. P. P. 1 tell you, It's jhe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that yon mil 1 hear him holler clear across the country every time he moved. He tried it, and you know what an athletic old irent lie is iibw. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thauk them after wards. All tho drug stores sell it s?m M Ska 1 The Body a Machine That Cannot Be Stopped for Repairs Paine's Celery Compound Feeds Its Shattered Nerves, Purifies the Blood, Makes Re freshing Sleep Possible. March wind and April showers sweep and scour tho earth and clear the air of winter impurities, milting it sweet and wholesome. The same thing takes place in the body, the pores open and tbe blood that creeps In winter now rushes through the arteries in a fuller,Stronger stream. Now is tho great season of purifica tion, of new life, new nope, new ambi tion. It is the best tint to get Well, Spring s honeful, and the invalid g. ts Well quicker when hopeful than wh-.-n despondent. Thousands of people throngbonl tho country are this month Paine's celery compound the greet spring medicine that makes people Well "What Marcb does not kill may be done for by April," says an old adage The nine weeks from Feb, 1 to May l develop the hidden germs of disnse Inside the body and without. For health's sake bark jard, cellars, and the dark oh sets and corners must be Oleaned out, and for health's sake every ont needs to talc-' a Spring medicine like i'aiue' celery compound; years bave shown ihe wisdom of doing so. DAYS DOINGS OT DUNMOR5. Beoord of Interesting Ev-nte in Scran- ton't Br"zy Sub lib Pvrcinl tu the .S'cma'na TWCtM DCNHOBE, Pa., April 12. Mr. end Mr. Isai.c Writer and Mr. and Mra Henry Pierce, of Carlmndale, Wr vis Itore en the homo of Mr. Philip D.tvie, A number of yonng people lrom this place attended the oonoert and hop L-iven bv the Dlokson club at Hyde Park Wednesday evening, Borough Clerk C. P Savage hsi been Sppolnted collector of state and county lax for the borough. Mrs, a. H. Allen v'sitea Pittston rel atives yesterday and Wednesday, "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, ot Avoca, hnve remove 1 their home to this place Tbe acceptance of certain streets and avenues located in North Park is a question that has caused considerable discussion in the borough council on several occasions. According to the law the borough cannot accept a street Until it has first been properly graded anJJ paiseble, As tbe lots in this sec tion were sold and built upon without the owner making the streets passable they OSnnot be accepted. At lastcouncil meeting 800 was appropriated to make Monro avenue a more passable and lafo thoroughfare, hut the spptoprla tion cannot be utilized by the street commissioner because work done by borough officials on these streets would I - an acceptance of them. The E!"etric Hose company is to have a new torn-. It will be built by Mr. EMchter ou Prescott avenue and la plan of construction will be similar to the nther hose bouses, The rnt will be paid by the borough. The BlcotriCS are the youngest members of the fire department, but by their prompt ser vice and commendabln behavior wbile on duty they have won the esteem of both citiz -iiB and oonncP. The council will take into considera tion of a fire alarm system at an early lato ano experiment until th hest is secured. Chisf Iiurschel and the other members have labored zealously for t bis improvement for a long time and have finally succeeded in Interesting the mem hereof the council The Pennsylvania Coal compano and Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad company will pay their employes today. i -sv What ih- Changs Has Cost. jreu York tUcordnt The first year of Cleveland and reform enst the farmers of this country 158,000,000 on the value ot Ave of their exhorts alone cattle, beef) pork, corn and wheat. HEADACHE HEADACHE HEADACHE IfflBfl LOTT11 OARSOW.Of Par nii.-i Utah, writer: "I hrivw been troubled with a terrible heftdAchs for ftbotlt two year and could not K-'t MiythlllK to mlp in'. DOt at. l.'iHt a fnoiid ftdvited rnn to tak- your BUR DOCK Blood Bittbhi which J did, and alter taftin;; two bOttleSs I liavo not hai tht in-ada ho .mncu." MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RitTAIU fofilof ttie tiept qaallty for flomestie Qs,and of sllizen, delivered ill any part of tue city at lowest pricn. Orders left at my nftV. .so. Ha, Hioiiln AVEIftTB, Renr room. flrt llwr. Tlilr l National Hniilt. or Feat hy mail r-r tlcpbOBC to the mine, will receicl; prompt rittentlon. Srecial eontra'ila v ill lj made for the sale snd delivery oi Bnckwhact Coat WM. T. SMITH II 'in f.v" tiy i ' ' i I in 30 toMirtuja. bj I I i vr irootn drift l"it , illintr.teil from I I llfftfr'ini rf.nlt'nrf,frot DT irja.ll, Whnn 1'i-t Hi-fi nil I and Harciryfwl, 0o MllplC t).1tetC.y Willi I poii:iviy rur. lUlfh nr.nt.iM sir., i rjirtn, t:;. Lost Manhood nd vigor (ti!iklj jftored.Vftrlt'orilu, i i 1 1 1 I v imilvsinns. fttroiiliv. etc. Hiirt-lv cur. i mmi'ii. nn vr d Hindoo H'lliittly , Willi itrlllcT vonriintrelrirnri. Bold bf ,y , t( HATTHlWl DUOb.1DniK,il8tb, atrttnton. p THE Thatcher IS THE BFST. (let ptioM and see lb iurnnee nnd he con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Ajipello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAFS HARDWARE Pll'XSTON r.v. Restores Lost Health April bss always been set down as the best time to remove Impurities from the blood and to regulate the nervous svstem. The formula for Paine's celery c on pound was given to the work by El ward ES PUelpi, M D Bl, Dt, while he was still active professor in th" Dartmouth medical school. A remark able nerve food an i -hlool pnriflsr, it is the most vnlvabl contribution to the world's progress that American college influence baa sent forth Its piwer of restoring live of count less men an l women from feebleness and despair to strength and nsefnlness Is knwn In every pari of tboountry, It ha ad-led y-'.-irs of activ , joyous ex ist-nce to thnninnds of weak, lirod out ailing women who thought thomselve loomod to be Invalids for the rest of their days. Paine' celery compound cures thoroughly and finally rheuma tism, nenraliria, and every form of neryons weaknea. It cures s nature cures, by feeding the inmost parts of the body, the blood, and nerves. All tiie parts of the I ody are ndjrH! Cd with tho greatest nicety., nn 1 a de BUSINESS AND PROFES FHYSM t N i ANI) SVROKONS, R. a. EDGAH DEAN has removed to 010 Hprnce street, Se. anion, Pa t-iust op ptisito eeur. liou-to Sijnaro. i fH. A. J. cUMNBLtL, Office 2ul tVaahbigtoa XJ avenue, corner Bprace street ovot Fraucke'tdrag store, Rastdenoe. 72) vlnt Office hours: iO.DOtolSa. ui. and 'J to and (i.:jii to 7.80 p. m. Buuday, :.' to fl p. m. W. K. ALLEN, Offlu '-or. Laeka J wannaand Wacbiusrtouav.; over Leon ard eboe storei olJic-o hours, lU to l a. in. and oto 4 p. m.; evening at residence, r- S Waslilngton nve. hRCL Hd'.V. Practice limited UI H XJ eases of the Bye, Ear. Nose and Throat; office, VA Wyoming ava Residenc, -' Vina street i ill. L if, GATES, iia Washington Avonus. XJ Oftlco hours, toil a.m., l.UUto -i and . to 8 p.m. i , OUM L. wICM l'Z, M. I), oiiie-.. :i! anil t CommonwealUi building, residence Til Madleonev office hour. 10 to 18, 8 to 4, r to 8; Sunday 480 to . evsning at residence. A specialty mnde of dlroasrs oi the eye, ear, nose and throat and gyncoolo rv. VK1 URINARY BURGEONS. 1, sTl'lHiE. Veterinary Surgeon, Dan Is. tistrv a (Deoialtv: u'olii madalfet ot Oa- tari' str-1 vetennary loiiee--. uraee. i-" spruce eterinnry Telephone LAWYERS. 1 M. G. HANCK'8 Law nart Collection of J flee. No. 817 Spruce St., opposite Poreol Ronee. Bcranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliabl correspond' ei.ts in ei-ry i-oantr. i r.s.--Ui' UAiNii, Attorneys and Counsel ,J lor at Ln-.v. Conunonwealtb building, Washinxtun a- W. II Jbssdp, Hon toe B Hand. W. Q. Jbsspp, Jb. ii'JLI.AKl). WAHItKN Vi K : . V i -'. Attor- neys aud Counselors at Law. Repnblican buildinc, WuRhinton ave.. Scran ton. Pa. jjATrEKSON As V!L''uX, Attorneys and 1 Counsellors at Law, oliicesii snd 8 Library Uuilditix. Sernntou, l-'n. Hoswem. Tl. rATT:tBO. William a. Wilcox A LFREDHAND, WILLIAM HANI), At- f lornevs and (,oiin--eilor.H, Commou wealth building. Rooms II. 50 and lit nEN It Y M SP.r.L'i La i- offlees In Price bnfldlng, l-'i Washington avenue. j MtANK T. uKi.LL Attornoyat Law. Boon J u. Coal Exchange, Bcranton. Pa. HILTON W. i.ow.cV, i Att'ys, S8T Wash ng C E TON 8TOBCH, I t-.n nv.. i H. square I AMES W. OAKPOHU, Attorney at Law, ,J rooms 08, 6t and 05, Conunonwoalth b'l'g, CJAMUKL W. i3 Office, Si BDUaR, Attorney at Law. L A. WATBKS, Atlora-y at Luw, W utokawanna nne.. Bcranton, Pa I) r. BHITH, I rooms fit, " Counsellor at Law, oniee, 58 Commonwealth building. ' It. PITCHER, Atlorney at Law, Com- mnnwea'th bniloint;. S.-raiiton, He. Q COMEQYS Ifij Spruce st, DI). REPLOOLE, Attorney Loans neso- tinted on real estate security. 408 Hprnca D V. KILLAM, Attorner-at-Law, I Wy lt omingavenue, Bcranton. HAVKVOUB DISEDB AND BoRTOAQkS . writlen nnd acknowledged by J. W. BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Public, 89 OonunonweARh Bnlldlntr. C"(1II)H 1J ton, ! CHOOL OF TMK LACKAWANNA, Sofa Pa., prepares boys snd girls for coliogs or InmineMe thoronlily tinii.j voniiK ehililren. '''' , ' 1 at loutio-.t. Ki-v. Thomas M cn-. Walts ii H. Boai.t. Miss WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN an(f School, 4U Adams avenue. inpili received at all times. Nest term will open April 8 DKN riSTH. ' &LAOBACH, Surgeon Dentist No, ui v . Wyoming ave, K. lit STRAT'TON, office Coal FSxchance rpHK REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asao J rintion win to tn on m ney on easier terms and pay yon Better on Investment than any other association Call on S. N. GALLUN DEJt, Lime iiaaic bnltding. HOTELS A Nil ItESTA VRANTK 'I'll K WESTMINSTER, 8I7-8IV Wyoming I avo. Room boaUd with steami mi moo rrn improYtnent. c. M. 'i human, Crop. r JEOLKR S HOTEL, 88! Lackawanna uvu ij nne, Bonmton. Hates reasonable. r. Zihci i'n. Proprietor. ; EBTMINSTER HOTEL. VV w. O. BCHBNCR, Hanagee Kiiiecntii Ktr'st onn block st of Broadway at Union BQnnre, New York, Amrrl'-m plan, SSToOper day and upward. (lOYNB HOUSE, Buropean plan; good j roomi Open day und night Bar fui piled wltli tlio beat. P. IT. rOYNK. Prnpelntor. (ii R ANTON HOUSE, near D., L. h w. pa n sngr depot. ( londnoted oa the Boropn plan, Vu i on Koch, Proprietor, ( HAND CENTRAL. Th largess snd ins: i --i!iiiipei hotel in Aiiuntown. Pa. i rates f.! nnd 18.00 per day. vmtoii D. iSAiiNcn, Proprietor. A HOHITEOTH, AYIs HOUPTi architects, Booms ii lTi snd 88 1 lommon wealth b'Id'g. Bcranton. L WALTER. Architect Library build im?. wyoretas avennei Bcranton. D ? L. brown. Arch B. Architect, Prieo P biiilfllnir. I'la V asldntrton Av.,Soraaton. M Ht Klit.ANKOUA, TliMii'dN L'. SWAItTS .Vl'lOLKSALP. 1 1 Inmberj s snd 8 Dune Bank building, Bcranton. Pa. MEOARUER B 1 ; ( )T I i E 11H, PRINTERS' . supplies, envelopes, paper imif, twine. Warehou, uw Weanington ave., Bcranton, Pn. fOOTE'H LIVKBY. 16311 Cnpo-ise avc-nne. V Firstolass carriages D. L. FOOTE, Agt Funeral Director and EialialneT. I 'HANK P. PHOWN ,K- ' ()., WHOLE 1 sui dealere in Woodware, Cordege and oil cioth, 780 w. Lackawanna avenue. n&RA I .NN SUNS, l.ii,l,l, re mvl rontrae .1 j tors. Ynr-ls: Corner Ollv-j si. and Ailnms ave. ; corner Ash st. and J'enn ave., Scranlon. ranffsmsnt oT on.-i nff cts the whole. We cannot sto this complicated ineo hanism torxspairs, becanse we do nut know theseoret that would set it uoing agaia The repairs umst be nude when it is in motion. It is In (deep that the machine goal slowly, tlio heart Iwnts less rupldlf, the blood circulates lss qulckl7,tbe nerves reit, the tnnsBlei relax, nnd each usiiis vljor In the only way it can by sleep nn I rest. Paine's oelery com pound quiets and reeiiluto.s t!in nerves oy supplying tiie material for their r lisir, and Hi- tired, exhausted man and 1 woman, on the verge of breaking down, nets sl-ep mid the np-aiiH of ro.'ovury to her. i th mid strength, All over the oonutry Paine's celery ooinponnd is convincing loverworked bvslneaa uin, anxious housekeepers, women behind counters and In offlees, school teacher", and nil who us their lirsins excessively, that the nnqualltlel praise from physicians and other,wbo wre oarefnl of what they eay, is none to strong for this great remedy that ii making many well and strcii!?. RACER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC roit H ball, picnics, parti os, receptions, wed dings ana concert work furnlshsd, For terms adore i if. J, Bauer, conductor, Wyoming vo over Qulbert's nude store. eEEPg. i It. ct.sRK A Co., Headsman, Floruit) aT, and Nurserymen; (tore 148 Washington venno gi a hon,l850 North Main avennei store telephone 782, TEAS. UKANO UNION 'IK.-, ci ... .lom-s Hi U I HE . HKI N. FOB. KUETTEL, Gil Lackawanna avonua fl Bcranton, Pn., mannPr of Wue Screens. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. "D K ! ? I J. LEHITP AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal need exclusively. Insuring oleaulini SS and i omfort. TIME TABLE in SrrROT int. I, I8(M. Trains leave Bcranton f-ir Pittston, Wiikes Barre, etc, at 8.10, 9.15, 11.80 a. m., 12.80, 2.00, 8sl0, (..on, 7.8H, 11.08 p. in Sunday 8.08 a. m , 1.00,800, 7.10 p. m. for Atlantic 1 ilty, 8 in a. m. For New York, Newark am' Elisabeth, 8.10 (express) a.m.. 12.30 (express with Buffet parlor car), 3,30 (express) u, m, Sunday, 2.00 p, m. Foil SlA'-i n Chi nk. ALLRKTOWW, BBTnLS- bkm, BARTovand Philadelphia, .m a. m.. 13.80,8.80, "-.HO (except Philadelphia) p. Uk Sunday. L'Oli p. m For Long Brakcr, Ockam Qnova, etc., at R ill a in.. HHOp. m. For Beading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentov n, MJ.i, in., I3.:lit, "i.U). p.m. Sunday, 2.00 p, in. For Pbttsvllle, s.ina. m., 12.80 p, m. Hoturnlng. leave Now York, (mil of Liberty street North river, st IV 10 (express) m., 1.10, 1.90, 4.011 (express wiili I unlet parlor ear) p. ni. Sunday, 4.30 a. in. Leave PhQanelphla, Beading Terminal, B.00 a. m , :..oo mid i iw p. m. Sunday, l.27 a, in. Through tickets to al) points at lowest rates may bo had on application In advance to the ticket agent at -.hi station. 11 p. BALDWIN, Hen. Pa-s. Agent J. II OLHAU8EN, Qeu. Bttpt DELAWARE AND l!UI) SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 80, 1892, train, will run as follow: Trains leave Bridge street Stal on, Bcranton, for Pitts ton, wilki-s Harre. etc., 8.00, LOT, 9.87, 10.42a. m.. 12.10, 1,28 2.38, 4 Id, MS, 11 15. 9.18 and 11.85 p. in. For Hew York and Phila deli Ina. i inia. nv., ;.2. 2M 4 in and II, W p in Tor Roneedale (iron Delaware, Lackawanna nd western depot), 7 00, 8,3)1, le 10 , l!.tt m., :;. 17, 5.10 p. in. For Carbondale and Intermediate stations, 5.40, 7.0ft 8.39, 10.10 a, in.. 18.00 m.,2.17, 8.85,5 In, U.20 snd 9 86 n, m.; from Bridge Btreec Depot, 8.IIS a. in.. 2,i7and H - fi p. in. Fnsl express to Albany, Saratoga, tho Adl rondaok Mountains, Boston and Now EngLnd points, 5-40 a, m., arrivlnt at Albany l-.i.V Saratoga 2.20 p. ... , and leaving Bcranton ii ;i p. in., arriving at, at J.60 p. -u. . Sara toga. 12.65a in , and B :on. T.UO a- m. 'lie- only illreol route between the coal fields and Boston, "The Lesding Tourist1 Route ol America" to tb Adirondack Mountain re sons. Lakes Oi org" aud ' Ibamplaln, ktontreal, etc, Time tables showing local and through train sorvlce 1 otween stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hndaon system, maybe obtained at all Delaware and Hudson liekrt offices. II. o. YOUNO, J. W. BURDICK, Second 'i. e President tleu Past. Xgt, 1 BHI09 VALLEY RAILROAD. .1 J Fan II, 188!. Train ieii----s Bcranton for Philadelphia an-1 N. w York via. U. ,V II. Ii 11. at 8 a.m. 18.10, 2.88 and 11.86 p. in via D., LAW. It. h.iiikj, 8.08,11.80 a. m.,and 1.80 p, m. Leave Scranlon lor Pittst-n and Wilkes Harre vlaD., L ft W. R. It. 0.09, &08,1L89 a. m . 1.30, a.'o. 8.07. 0.38 p. m, Leave Bcranton for Whlto Haven, Hasleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvlll branches, via E. St W, V.. o -in a.m.. v. i Ii. A 11. K. H. at 8 a.m., IJ.lo, ::. ls. I in p.m . via l).. L .V W. It. R.,, 11.20 a in., 1,39, 3.59 p.m Leavo Bcranton for Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Harrlsburg and nil Intermediate point viaD a II. R. R 8 a.ra.,12.10, 8.88, U "-'i in.. via I)., L. A. W. Ii. H..1-IH mi, 1 !.::. :. in., 1.90 p.m. Leave Borantoii forTunkh innock, Towan 1 1, Blmira, Ithaca, fjenova and all intormedUte points via D. A H, R.R,,IU7a.m.,!2.10and 11,83 p. in., via I) Ld)W. ft It. 8.08 araHl.80p. in. Loave Bcranton far Bjacneeter, Buffalo, Nl agnrn Falls, Detroit Chicago and all points west vial) AH. H. ii. 0.07 .m.,18.10,n.l&,IIl p.m. via D. L. A W. K. H. and Pittston jnnotlon. 808 i.m 1809.88 p.m., via E & w. H It., 8. II p. in. ForElmiraand thswest via Balsmanoi, vii O, .V II. It R 0.01 a.m.. Ill 10,8.15 p. in , via O. L. A W. U K., ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 1.'I7 p. iii. Pullman parlor und sleeping or L, v. chair care tin all Mains betwoeo E ft B. Junctl in or Wilkes Harre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo iiti'i Bnpenslon Bride ROLLIN II. WILBUR, dee, Sun-. H-ist Die ('HAS. 8, LHE. l.-n. Pass. Ag't Phila.Pi A.W NONNBMAOHER,A't ttsn.Pas Ag't South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAH ROAD, Trains leave Bcranton as follows: Express fnr New ,.rl: !m.I nil Mlntfl l.'.iiit I T,l " ,'JI 5.ID, 8.00 and 8,50 a m.i 1865 and 860 n m. Express for Baaton, Trenton, Philadelphia una ui" douio, 1 1 1 mm uiul v. .hi a. m.; ia.0 und 8 M p. in. v.i: hiietten anil way etstions. 2.40 p. in. Tobybanna socomtnodation, 0.10 p. m Bxpr ss for Blnghamton, Oawego, Btmlra ( oniinir. It-it Ii. Han:. ville. Mount Morns HnlTlllo I'' III o IT. n ! I "1 t, m oe, liw eon cottons at Buffalo I" all points In tte-i. norinwenanu eontnweet Li I . ' . -I "II tl Ml Blnghamton nnd way stations, 12.47 p. m r, ii'iioi-'on i-liil wav statinas. ft. in p. nl. Blnghamton snd Blmira Express, 804 p, Illll'l-SS fur i'lirilii,.! SuMfinu llsV I'lienaiid llliliflld Springs, '2. 1.'i a. m. an I p. m, Itlmca, 8.1s and s::n a. in- and l '.'l p. in. 1 For Northnmberland,PitUton, Wllk i-nwre, Plymouth, Bloomshui'i and Dativilh-, mating close connections at Norlhnmbwisndjfor Wllllmi oi t, llai-rlshiirg, Baltimore, Wish iiiKteii anil lhe South. Northumb irland nnd intennedlato slatlnns, fl.Oll. 11.10 a. m. and 1.89 and 007 p. in. Nsnticok and InUrmedukv staUons, Riw and II. -ii a. i.i Plymouth and Intermnat -: -r I..'. . 860 and 8.88JI, m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all exp-'t-ss trains. For detailed Information, pre-kef tiln - talies, etc., apply to M. L, Smith, city ticket olio., 881 Lackawanna avenue, or tickot olice. W.j Si'liWTIIN lIVtION. Jn Bfleel Jnnuari 2Sib. 1804. Mlnrlh lliiiiiiii. NOIIIIl llllllll), .o-i iSi ens gOOiSOTlVOS 9 3 I a Stations v a B V : w (Trains Dally, Er- -, 2 'g J J y. cept suuday.) r1 P ga o a A M 7 35 7 60 8 HO ) If r m Arrive teavei r-.-.YN. Y. Franklin Si. . 7 10 West- 48nd street,! 7 uo Weclinwken p m l- m ArrHe l.cnvi- a m H'.'UI h ml i IS UanOOCk .luncilon (i no, ii ui 0 H ii 2 05 i! II a;i 2 31 2 41 I '.i 19 5H II. I' Slai'llitht, Preston Park oomo PoynteUc l'.-'linunt Plessant Mt,. Untondale Forsei city Oarbondaie While nrldi,rii Ha held Jormyu Archibald W Inton Peckrllla OlvpllllUt Dickson Throop Provtdenos Park place 7 5 7 61 7 i 12 4 li.'iJ . Ii 4 il . Ii 15 . li.'.fi . 7:n 12 8a V .V I I f.s B (i i I ot) 19 25 19 n ii'j m Ill SHi . 7 in 1 51 o n tl :M 7 III A I t'.i nit 7 S4 II If., 3 3.1 iii.n 7 a; ti is i.-i .n f-1 - fl : fMfH IS ; ii U 86 ffi 82 (121' 1 1 88 II 'is ill":. II 21 II 17 II 18 II 13 I 31 B58 8 15 7 in U 08 H M 7 49 IOCS 8 '-I 7 is in id, 58 7 58 10 16 'i 04 i 54 l17 117 ' 58 1080 -1 in K 10; 10 24 4 I I a 09 ID ur I 17 8051980 l I ICA H F ! 5 M 5 I : 6 (.7 fi OH B II i.'i. 1 55 481 re. in (i II fll II II in f4 511 t; in iioi Sci ant on M'l- 1 M l.eil'.e Arrive All trains run dall) except Sunday, i slgnlOea thai trains stop on signal for pa. Beogers, Additional trains h ave Oarbondaie for scran ton 1.10 nnd 8.16 p, m., urrlvlug at BorantCn I 55 and 7.00. Lesvt Porantonfor Carbondale 8.60 and sso arriving al carbouOtle al 7.8 and p ra h co are rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save money Day and nlhgt Bspresa to the Wosi J. C. Anderson, Qetk Pass AKt. T, nitcrolt, Ulv. luss, A'jt ci anion, pa. , l.l l. .. w ,ll,UJl!'l VAl.l.lY ,1-11' VT I 1 I.' I' I T.T .... .... RAIL II I.OjM) Train leavo Bcranton for New York and In termediate point on the Erie railroad at 4.85 ii. m. and 3.24 p in. Also for HaWley and local poiute at. il 35. II. la and 3.24 p.m. Train leaving at li.4" a. in. and 3 31 ii. in. are tlirougb trains to nml from lioie-sdalo. Trains leave (or v. ilkos-Barrc st 6 40 a. ni. and 8.41 p. m. W e have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room ever shown in this state and we would like yon to see it. CsaC Comiell Washington Ava. Fertilizers Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bono Dust anid Phosphates for Firms, Lawns and Gardens. I HDiT A CONHELL CO. MALONEY OIL km MANUFACTURING GO. Y simfjii'tnrp' rnd DTiPr i Buritllfc 0 3 8 ffaOJ :ifeir:IIIL a,,.,.. b Mso Staafti'sig and Qnasi wnOlt-Rl West Lackawanna Ava v.l.ta.S: .Meridian Sir ni nrmr. hhok oo.. inc-p. rapltal. It itOA, J inure m. no siioi: in nin WORLD. "I ftnttnr writ is a 4oUttf famed" , Thtnl.aiite.i'Koli.H-'reni'li kiioagalsiKldBnt. tun Hoot dettreitd ir.'.i anywhsie in Mm U.S., on r-elpi a i.'jsli, IMM Ordsr, or MII N'Mo for iM. Reuel every way Un bi-olti anid in all 'retail HjenM for 4J..'ia. We make this hoot oursetese, Iheiefere o gtmr- Ik. ...7j .,.,.) end If any one is lift. i-atWlW-i will tritinu inn Bjonsj Nndnotierpslri tipsr.i Toe or OoaMlon Houwe, wratlm (', I), K, RK. riiea 1 to - nml I i .nVi vetir tier: vkx we iri't jn sets. -'.l:T'C:r llhitii,l.-d t'ntn lairiin Dexter Shoe U,ZSSiSb What is More Attractive Than a pretty faro v.illi a fresh, l.ri);ht coniplriionf For It, usu Pononl'i Powder. WE BELIEVE FMiture feeds and j'.-'.i i ( ; Wii-Hi- j ' K ..-I Zue s m wm, .' .T I 1 ' ' I - ;g!!ir gi I ' FUlini Ti r it I - - w lfnrTYf.vrnrtd i ! ii r i if . ii ii : l -.' v j i i. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL TIm adm. U I. .a .... - !,-,,, nr can oe nan at an01 the miiotvin- merchants, r i w"' "OMpt J HE 1 RiDUNtc i lock con'u. of 25 on each on hundred pounds of Hour or BO on each barrel of flour. '"fStSSaS-SSA Was,""K,' aTenuelTayterndgeftCj,,. Gold Kedati Atberton DnntnAwa II o L1..0... -..i.i , :.' : ; - -M neaai nr.'in.l. gnnmore-F. D. Mauley, Buperlatlva Uranl HydjfarJ -Carson pari Washbnrn Ht. Uoidtfedal Brand! J-soph a. M ears. Main avenue, .-Superlative Brai 4, reenRide-VUipencer.( lol I Medal Brand. i.-'ikii, ouM4iniive. 1 roTldence-Kenner 4 (aanpell.N' Main sv 111 l. Sun.-r .'iliei o-.,i,, ! 1 1:01....;.. ui nne, uuperlative Hrnnd;(.'. .1 (I'll., .pi-, w NWMainiiiiNq steaii oranu. Oljrnnant Jam Jordan, Buporlatlve lir.-m-i Pckvilio SliiitlMr A: K.lH-r Siipi-rlativ-Jormyn-O. u. Winters A Co liuparalatlvo Arcneaio Jones. Simpson A Co.. Hold i. lal Carbondale B, a Clark, Hold Medal Brand. I loue-elal-- I X. Ko-ter & Co Hold M-1. lllnootu M. 11. liSTells I SOI and STEEL NORWAY IBON BLACK DIAMOND SltiVUIt EXTRA SPECIAIj SANDERSON'S ENGUSB JESSOP'S ENOLISB CAST BTKEIi BOBSH siioi:s TnE CALK Tiiif-: MACHINERY HPHING SOI T STEKL ANVILS III LLOWS BOBSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND C IJTTING M ittenbender &Go..SGrantoi Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmalcsrs' ami Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES "THAT COUGH IS A SIGNAL OF DANGER.'' DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP i TRADE a. J . Positive Curo for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron chitis, Whooping Oough. and all Actions of the Bronchial Tubes. The Purest, Safest and Best Throat and Lnng Remedy Krer Pro duced. It will care every form of THROAT and LUNG Disease down to tiie very borderland of (X N8UMPTION. PREPARED ONLY BY FOSTER, MILBURN Sz CO A Yu"tS K0' " BUFFALO, N. Y. i-.iO.--1' . II . U... MB K?kf SI '? '."r" , 1 Alu I I tin '. I ' "' I L.M. .MR IDICUIE CO. Forsnlo by JOHN' H. PHELP3 lornnton. Pa. .AiMCI ' T:--1 j'-.'nt r.-mi-ity K JV. 1. ' v.. A, ......... 11, bti IVfcj . ii.i- i il- n.uM- ' run 111 01 (Minor t:OX. Mich JraSIySSff'' iTlv: or ',1!11, liupotonoj . Mi lit -xSV-V'' '' Worry. (-.-.i-wivc nsool Tobsrco' E3:' BumpuoDualnsanltT. With Tn H BKrORI AND AKTlilt 1 or Mais livl). isi;i 11 1 . v-. ... 1 ni torSi.oo. UK. M, II I'.uis At, I il MOQSfC POW Booms 1 and 1 Commonv;ealth Bid's BCRANTON, r.v. MINING and BLASTING POWD Aiuilu t tlm MOOSK! sul KUr-H-DALB WORK& liifllin A liniiti Potrdsr O&'i ORANGE GUN POWDER Klertrlc Rsttortps, Fnsoi for xplol big bliists, r-nfoty FttS ar.i KcpaunoChcmical Co. 's High Explosives millimillHIZailtMlimiiaHIIIIIIBI03llllllliailiaiaillIHI5giIIRiiiscirnsrUllllEIC I AMERICA COUPON NO. 39. I Send or bring two of tlieso conpons, differently numbered) Willi Ten Viils.aud Rot one of the seriem of sixtven magnificent pbotograpba. Bight anmbera now ready. Mail orders,2o. extra. niHIHllllHBIIIIIIIIIIISIilsillllltlllllllHHIIUIIilllillllllllUIIIiiUHUUIUIIlUII 1 H m tl tt X. T. Tribune, JTOH , ttift The Flour Mi li9 IParli "Ciiicaoo, Oct. 31. Fhe first offlcial nnnonticement of WorlJ's Fair di rlutans on Hour lias been made. A medal lias been awarded by tlia World's Fair judgsi to the flour ma&n- fnclured by tho Wasliburu, Crosby Co, In lhe great Wasbbnrn Floor Hills, Minneapolis, The committee reports the flour strong and mr, and entitles il to ranlc as firnt-class jiatsnt Hour lot Iniuily and bakers' 1139." & CON NELL ROI.KIM LU AOl NT A r ..i,..u,'.. Dnrye lawroncs Htoro Co., Gold Medal Moo ii John Sli-rrindle, OoldMsds) l'lttston M. W. O'Boyl, Hold Medal Clark'a Qreen Frace & Parker. Hnparlattre, Clark's Mimmi'. -F. Bl. Sonne;, Gold Medal. Ualton-S. K. Finn & Son, Glold Medal Brand, .M- i -on .1 wiwIr-M .... . 3 ... 11 u 1 on .1 . 1.. Hsrorajr, ...... . .j ,.1. ... .ii.ii, u nor,, nolo aieij;,!, ..' T' '.!'. I I.... . 1: I ,ll.l ,. 1 (dins ti Son. Qold Medal. ',,, ,,.;, , ,1.111, ,,ii.oa'.. Uonbottoin N. M. Finn & Bon, Hold M-dal. I Tobybanna Tobybanna -t Ueniith LtunbM Co. (!o;d Medal Brand. Gonldiboro B a. Admna. Ooli M-lal Brand. Mo-u'ow -Qaise 8s dements, (ioid .Medal. ; Lake Ariel Jsmss A Bortree, Hold Medal. Forest City-J. L Morgan Co., :id ii.-iai W ;o WHEELS A X LE8 SPBINOS Ik I f IS SfOKBS RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. K. SPIKES WELLS BBOS SCREW A CHI N EBY. -1 i 1 : j r." -v. ' RESTORE LOS! VIGOR . , I"" Ilf'lll WW WW.W. ( M . . I jJjeBsDA '11-. I.ossorsn1 rwt in olthn x. Ht. II.' 1 I . T I . hi r.vvi.f. In v m, $. With c-.i rv . ui .... ..I..... 111:1 i,"ii'i ,1. mm irc'.iMp Iii.iI ti J?'' "''n ', 1 ri iuu-l id Uioui-y. 1m, - ("irn 1110.I. (.1:;, 1. ' I hartnacUt, cor. Wjomiug Ave. and itpiucePt, Jfi KKBTEBIHI for rirrvriin prontm: n iipiJ n'l Mrros 1 dlmiN of RsKurrotu ftoi irnti'n. V'nil KmlMtotifti fontWnJ Bifpna ot H'timi, w bicli Iciu toOott ow. or wa sivou wruto.icinr 1 , . 1 1 nn- iii ono 1 SlO'l'T'tu :o 1 at Ml.OO 'I--:., el U HAL. i U Clctda-uUs Oalaa Hotel Waverly BnroMsa Plan. Flrit-clsss Bar sttsahtA D. jiot for Btrpitr linm-l's 'i'nniilniv.isel Br. II, E Cot 15th and Filbert Sts,, hhfa jirt dfslrabls for resident of n.k. Pantf ly Ivim 1a. v II eonveuleiice tor travslar to and from Brond Sirort 111111011 nud tba Twelfth snd Market stro-t titioii. Do. sirs bio for rlsltlog Borantonlsna and poor Ik-in th AnU'fr.clto liuician. T- J. VICTORY, PriOPRIETOR. AHTOHEHARTHM 906 South Washinnlon Avenue, Contrnrtor nml boildr of CpBONt FUiRgln t'oneroto Ulooks, Potato, litittor and ('.-id Bin wetOauars dried np. Orders my ba loft, at Tlmtnpson iS lriitt, Will ains A Co., Main and Kynoii Siroots, or at Scriintoa BtOT Works. Al-io Foundations, OiHterns, Fish wire runnel and Orrfflaa FiauMiuufot Uarovu TV 1S,