Till: PCTRANTON T1T1VJJNE FIJI PAY MOltXIW. APRIL !.?. 1891 SCR ANTON TRIBUNE F. EL. WOOD, General Manager. Ti B1 ieuir paii v AM' WSOHU 1 W Hchas rax, PA., Dt lui: TU1BCM JautihiiLNO Covi'Axv. N'rw tom omm Tsretnrs Buitoua Fiiank s. qrat, Uamaobii lufrwf at A rostnflct n! frnin'nn, " tNpatfOMM Aloil -Uo!'r. Tli E SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BOBANTOV, APRIL It MM, Wiii kJcdqe Woodward, ofLassrat, ones fsestloasly dsulsred that Sorsn ton had no limit, ht nut have bcun thinking uf Bcrtnton mnl. . 1 he Bar Banquet, Although jronng In yeuu, Ltoks rauna county's bsr enrol U within it rnki suma nf thu uost dUtingnlibed ami also :ouia of tint moat promising it torniTs in northoutern ftnneyltenU, It )in beni ;i bur f;imol fiir It SBtSt jitis, oordiellt.v uml gfrsasiTsnstt, If in tlio busy period tttendent upon the orgenlution o( neweounty n:ul l.i'or in tti npid development of n relatively young oommnnlty, it mom t r bste not bed, at yot, that long Uls ore in which profound Svliolnrsliip i nnrtnred, Uwv lmvo at le:tst demon stratsd their Insatiable energy, thuir Irresistible vita and their extreme luvtt for tolerance and fair play. When they work tbey work with a terror that carries S mois by storm, un:l when, as at last tv j i: iim'rt t:n:; :a! banquet, tliy retei the dignity that cnstomarlly hedges tbem about, it i to reveal an I'OiuLeapactty for frank, houeet and I: nrty k'O. il-iollowsiiip. It is a happy omen of Lackawanna' - fessional J atiny that tins county an l liiis city are steadily drswtna to themselves and assimilating the boat tal nt and :1m bsc oharaotec that the entire circnmadjacent reuion cm up ply, Aiuony tlio responses at last svtn ing'sfestiye gathering none was in a happier vein than that m which x fu !,-'? Beely treated the theiao "Legal Fictions;'1 and yet h could wish eiiu'il ; ti have explained why it was that betxchauged thsqutsJ atmoapherj of picturesque Wayne f r the surcharged air cf biuy Ltckaw ..tia; and why it is that in all the c unties that forui our neighborhood thing ability iu all the learned profession looks to a resiilsnse la Eurantoo as its ultimate detona tion ami reward. Wo repeat that this natural gravitation of genius to tli i.: tropolisof tlie northeast is n hope I and happy ouieu; and in r.o direc tion does it afijrd i;ro.it-;r promise than iu tli enrichment of ouv bar, already gaining rapil recognition in a state fumed afir for ihe uumbr and brii liancy o; its jurists and practitioners. i .;- conditions of our growth h.ive been such that wa greatly cewd aceni :it ? i.'ue that of last night. The p -riod w s : ;::r professional man could gain Immunity from fraternal duties by the plea of extraordinary private business bos pa i d i ;::i coontry and is fa.it pnssing in this county, The inttvit nble selfishness of pioaaer conditions his gi ran way to a lroidr,and more lih-ral fellowship, as true in tlie law is it it trne in medicine, or true in tho theological seminaries of the sfti. Fraternisation Is the watchword of tue ii ur, men of all kinds ire "getting to. aether" and the rectus or the wall il wr is becoming an exception devoid of honor. Iu this happy commingling ot fellow-prof ssionals npin plane of i- ciii good will t'. Laokawanna i:-r tsoclation has played a prominent :ii.; creditable psrt, of which lest evening's instance was most happy in m i iJtT tea imt orgijrao- ills has won many c nv OH Rl . '.. itw.l.Y agree t hat no othi r feature oi our municipal govern imntfsso lnad-cuatpy dministerod as lathe street cleaning department, Thie d i not necessarily imp.y that the men la that department do not do their duly. Possibly in soms repnets they could Improve; bnt the groat fault nndOUbtedly is tint SOftttOU has outgrown the matboii now la vone, and nte !s newer sn 1 liirrer n-ad uirre elYictivo one. Il'icks cannot be tunda without Straw, nor can tne hundred of milee of etreetf In a ooastantly en larging city be kept pres;itnble with out liberal appropriation.'. Por pride's iwke, if aot f or ti. geneni ooutsni- nce, ficranton onght in b'-gin to emancipate herself from the annovins present serfdom tomnd.dust and slush. Eves tup. weather nowaday.s ems to ehate in the ije'ieral uncertainty. 4 Acknovlcdgiiij; a Compliment. In thii course of bin remarks at the Effts' MOial session Wednesday even ing Mr. John L .Mlshler, Heading's giftod theatrical manager, dramatic critic, journalist and litterateur, took occasion to pay a tribute to too news papers of MrantOU to which they can. without impropriety, gratsfnlly allndo. Spenkiag witii tin authority of a man of wi:a nneervation, extensive experi ence and conspicuous personal auocess, Mr. Misbior contrasted the public spirit which has made hicrsuton whnt it is, with the sluggiihneu noticed in Bereral lets enterprising cities having twice Scrauton's population, and then added in suLutanse: 'Thorehns, it is true, been some rivalry at various time between Sorsn tou and iWdiug. I think it is largely a pleasant rivalry, cultivated pirbups by tli newspaper; certainly, it doos not amount to bitterness und leaven neither city the worse for its stimulat ing existence. Aud right here, if I may be pardoned the digression, 1 want to say a word for the newtpaper of Scranton. In point of comprehensive neai, brightness and unlUgging devo tion to the public interests of your city, tbey constitute a public resource of which you can never overestimate tlie value, The ppr of Scranton are wonderful productions for a city of Scranton's size, aud you who lire hero and share in the good that tbey do in advertising the community ought to Le proud that you have snub a prugres iv local press." A tribute like this, coming without ul terior motive from a visitor who knows journalistic value when tie sees il, is not to be despised; aim for THE TRU r.M.'s part it is one of which we are bomswhat vain, it does not overstep the fact that euch one of the four daily newspaper of crsnton regularly con tributes uioru tot b city in way of pub licity for Borantoo's nuqteroQi advan ta;;es as a residsno ci-nttr, and in way also of Voluntary ndvocacy of needed public LtaprovameDtt, than Is contrib uted ly gny other tingle business gauey wittiin tint mni lolpal limits, Invariably th fu-t thing by which any community ia judged by those who visit il for the Bnt tiuiu, or who make distant inquiry, is its newspapers; and Berantoniaos most certainly noed not slum tins test. There are times when this free SOD tiibution of valuable sp ice to public purposes, albeit m soma may Bay a dic tation of policy, seem like n waste of gensrosity. There are times and these are not rare times -when the mill who publish newspaper foe) downcast at the apparently trilling valuation put upon tin work by tba public it benclitii. Vet such a tosen of recognition as tbat spontaneously proffered iu the' comments of iIr. Mtialer proves that the thinking peo ple are with tbsin; and that, iu the end, recognition will not be scant. .- JUDOI HAHMgG is so wall pleased with Senator i.iav recant tarse re fusal to sit in uuiijualbvUHtorial session f or tbc avowet pnrpose o( enacting a law that would destroy Pennsylvania's j industrial that lie has addressed to him ' an open lotter of praise. This is a now I kind of epistle for the junior senator to reOSive; and as 410 contrast it with those tier co open letter uf objurgation ! with which be used to be belabored by ImsuyaarnMt correspondent! a smile must iiit aoross iu impassive oounte nanoe at this striking evideme of lime's pleasant rvenge. As to That Viaduct. It is not desired by any advocate of th.irupOBd West Lackawanna viaduct 10 have the city work injustice lo any affected property owner. Neither is it dosirtrd to have the viaduct m it tor shunted through conucii blindly. Careful and conservative inquiry should be made as to the damages that would result iu case tht viaduct i built; and if it Is tluu ascertained that the project is nut now feasible, tbe subject can be peatpoued until a more auspicious period. There ure many who fesl that a via duct at the West Lackawanna avenu railroad Grossing would be a desirable public Improvement; There are other who hold that it would, in the end, ooat mora th in it would bs worth, par ticularly iu visw o( tue fact that the openiug 0! the Linden street bridge will at no distant d ly off -it a conveni ent means of escaps. These dili'ereut opinions ought naturally to be given due consideration. For this reason, an exhaustive iu qnry teems not only wise, bnt neosi sary. We have favored tue viaduct br casa it ha appeared tu be a desirable improvement, but if it would iuv llvs the city in possible damages in excess of its worth to the oomtnuaity, then tt wonld obviously. prove a bad business investment The question is purely ,1 busiuess question. Lit it be thoroughly investigated from a bueiuoss stand point. . PgFFES'a plan of a kriss-crosa fed eral railroad on which all the unem ployed could get work doubtless lias in view the puroo of taxing the rich to make the engines go. Majob Bl tTKRWOBTll seems to le trying t- make up for too utter weak ness of hi client's eie by the strength of his own familiar bluster. No one bjgrud;j;-?a him the uarnio;; of this ft-' Where Praise Is Due. Dsdnoing a text from th rsesnt Arcade iir?, one local journal and several neighboring contemporaries have commented with mora or 1- severity upon tbe present tire depart ment of the city ol Scmiiton; and have proceeded, some seriously but many satirically, to advocate the adoption of a regular, ptid ssrvieo. As totne noed rf the letter improvement there is no !:err. Tne presntilep4rtiu lot frankly admits that it eonld do better work, if organized upon a strictly buslnsas buds, wilb innple pny for nil service rendered, than it can do now, wblls a portion at Usst of the vninntarly membarsblp is compelled to look for npport to otiier employers, giving to tho city only snchtlm no tlh'y cm cm veniently tptre. Nobody( thurofore, oppoiss a paid lire department, least of nil IbOoflBoialS und 111" rant mid !il of the present Vol untetr depnriment. Any eommont in favor of till n cdud tnniiicip.-.l advance will rocivo very ganeral iommonda lion, whenever tb linances of the Oily ar iu a condition to warrant tns extra expense. Hut, in order to bring this change about, is it really DSOSSSsry to pitch in anil nbute tne service us it now exist", charging it with being lSI eili sisnt than it BOtnslly is? Can we not preparo tb w.iy to a Daid service with out abusing those who now gnuernnsly protect us without p ly I As a matter of fact, there are re markably few cities in the I'nlted States which have a taore industrious, loyal nud elf-sauritluing corps of volunteer firemen than are thost who constitute tbe great majority in our present servic. Tim without nuin ler they have dared risk and per formed feat for which no recognition would be too profuse. The Arcade fire might iinvo bean praveutud bad tkare been 11 paid department, ami it might not The evidonae on this point i meagie and Inconclusive, bnt it is tolerably tafe to wager Hint no paid ilvparttnont anywhere In the United States, without n single exception, cinUl havo done hotter work thuu id our voluuteer firomen in OOnflniuB that vicious fir to the one bttltdiug in which il originated; und in preserving th adjacent wall from almost tin' slightest seiublnnuoof injury. Let us be jattt in this matter. Councilman (Iiiiku, Inst evening showed bin loyalty to the Scranton Times, which is entirely pmp'r in il way; now let him show su equal r gard for bis other constitusnt. I ml at Havinii failkii ss a snap convention packer, .Senator Hill now tries the lofty Statesman role, and unexpectedly makes the bit of his career, GOSSIP v Ji ( )f Politicians. Tba Sorts ton Bepnblioan yesterday made formal aononoo meotol th- quid dldacy of it. senior proprietor and edi- tor-iu-cliitf, Joseph A. Scran! id, torn ro-nomination, Ths (tepublloaa said In psrt; ''During the pust faw weeks many of ti e most Influential leaders of the Republican party of Lsckawauuu county, us SA'ell au iiirge niiml '-rs of representatives of the rank ind Ule, h vo manifested an eariieet desire that Mr, Scranton abould permit hi' name to go before the people n n candidate for rsnominatlou, within th pni faw days ths moiement assumed suoh proportions, was supported by Hepub lloansofsueb prominenee throngnoui the district, and a favorable decision 10 urgently pressed, that Mi. tteranton yielded the disinelloation ha bad for merly expressed to entering Into an other campaign, Having formally placed hilUiielf at tlio dlspOSsl Of the party he now makes ttiis piiblie an nonnoemont that ins name will opm before the ensuing Republioatl conven tion tor ra-nomlnation," e e s An Impression that th lift of oandl dates for the district attoi ney.-hio 1 o 11 inatiou on the Republican ticket OBS bean tSCOntly abridged ban prevailed of late, bui caratnl ioqntry among party leaders proves that tills oDlolon la in correct, A free field end no favors await auy or all of tho vailoits esti mable gentleman who have beau men tioned as aspirant Among these are Hilton II, Lowry, GeorgoM, Wutsor, A J, Oolboro, jr , James 11 Dorr, -i Elliott Roia nud John li. Jones. Tb Wllkee-Batr NwsPealti olaims to have inside Information to the effct that Colleetor Herring i preparing loon to replace Peter (linter, who has servwl faithfully In the internal revs nne department for more than twenty yeard with a Democratic partisan. The information 1 given for what it i worth. s Announcement is m ule in a Mun it ion.: paper that Justice .lames li E iret, delegate from tbe second Lu lima district to tbe Rtpnbllcan state convention, will support his personal friend. Colonel Tom s;w.irt or Mont gotnery, for the lieutenant governor ihip, Colonel Btewart' nam is known to bo favorably considered by many as a likely compromise candidate, in case tbe Lyon-Robtmon battle should wax too warm tor comfort. The Lu zerne delegation is now believed to standi. follows. Lyon 1, Stewart 1 and Hnbiusou 1 e Prominent Republicans in Ctrbott dale arc agitating the organisation of a representative Republican club, nnl it is probable that practical steps will soon be taken, it is the aim to organ ise a permanent club, secure u perma nent home mid make the orj. nidation a permaueut fores iu tho local dissemi nation ot sound political principles. The magnificent sucs which has characterised tbe establishment of the Central Kepublicau club cf this oily would seam to point to a corresponding career of usefulness for a similar dub in Carbondale, if rightly organized and managed, e e Captain John l Delaney, foriu-.rly of Duumore, and later receiver of pub lic moneys at Oklahoma city, has leased the Shoemaker mansion at Cot tage Ridge, one of the 6voll suburbs of Harriiburg, and will make that city bis permanent residence Csptain u laney is one of the most astuto poli ticians iu the si itu; and it i currently rumored that Qovernor lIasiio;:s will not forget him when he ulso moves to the capital. Walter Lyon II credited with allow ing h)s bust ling AUdia ottpan 'lit only 28 delegates ont of the SOI who will constitute tue next state convention. Kicburd Ij.'.iy is more cenerom, for be gives Robluson til and Lyon 200, Sir. Lyon allow Robinson only ouu dele gate in Luztdc, whereas be bus ii nr; while in bis own column bu places three vote from Lackawanna w . m 1 1 ,t is quite well sssorcd that Robioton Will gat nt lentit two, and he may carry the entire delegation, m thing m certain If Roblnion ketp np his re cent ratio of !ir., he will eoms under the wire not far behind tho winner, and will to in a goad position to take a conspicuous part i:i the election of Senator Cameron's sncoessor, sue The L iUcestor county senatorial co.i test promises to afford a fair and im partial test of S: nator Cameron's popu larity 1 mong 1 1 1 Republican rank and Hie. Sinca last r port, tbe field has been narrowed down to two candidates; Ranffman, who is outspokenly opposed to Cameron, end Btober, who, wiiiie not committed in direct words to Cini eron's re-election, is generally believed to be the beneficiary of the Cameron lupport. f Representative If. A. Polls, of Chamboftbufg, pushing a vary oner- gettc campslgn tor a rs-n'omlnatioo, and in souse quince Is getting a great many nice things said .j out blm by fellow leglslati rs and lirnllier journal ist. Mr. Polls, lortunately, deserves every syllable o( it, for bo is one ol tbe really honest, hlipabl and level banded men in tbe lower bouse (lis re -nomination would baa fitting tribute to tiia good work tl: it be lis dune. e e e Politics in Bm tu, Dosts; Lancaster county's senatorial prlBMrls occur in xt Batnrday Chris Magee (nrnes a tSIj.niK) paid-up life-insurance policy. Chris Magee will probably present Waiter Lyon s name to tbe state conven tion, Lyon llgitrni his pmcnt strength nt 108 voles, lie would need only twentv-eigai more, ilensnl may bsVS to take the Democratic gubernatorial ootmaatiou in default uf other Vit l iir.-. It Is iiowsuid that l'oitniaster ileueral Hisseii will rc-open tbe Kingston post ntaitenhlp matter, Appearances strongly favor ihe nonlaa tlon of Qeorjre 8, Perrle, of West Plttston, for orphans' court judge by Luzerne Re publicans I'nder the new LOSerne county itilos, all Republican eandklatas must announce themselves at Itait tWMty days before tbe primaries. Editor Bhumway, of the Pottsvllli Chronicle, s willing to Step into Post' master Cole's shoes, provided sir, IIiih-II bits no objections. The Democratic Btata committee will meet iu lliiriishnrg Monday, lo elect it chalrnan, Deputy Attorney (ienerai Htranaban has 1 be call, it is isttnated bv Pint district commit ICCmen that the selection of a delegate 10 t hu State Coiiveutien will he made tlmUl taneoiiMlv with tlio iiouniintloii of algt latlvs oaodldate, Tna Carben count trend (dry's Indict meat of Editor J W sailoy, of Laasford, tor Irregolsrltle In the printloB of official tii keta is ai l by bin friends to be part nf a political OonsplraOJ to ruin bis chance of preferment ut ihe uauUs of Colluctor Her ring. Danger ol Trying- to Coin a Vacuum. H'esMnsfea r,: (lovomor Wslteisiua most dangerous mood whvn be thinks ho tbiuk.. f Food For The j V Sick J Ui . U Mrs. J. Bi Wik.1'-, Uppc-tr Rett Hook, M. Y. Micm avpiiiiinca - " " My bui band lias deputed me to convey to you his opin ion of Bovinine, which 1 do with pleasure, as 1 cannot i '.ay lot) much in its praise. " I commenced taking ( jTho Orisfjruul Raw food J when 1 could take- no other food. 1 lived on it exclusively for three wi cks. 1 know of no other food so nutritious and yet so light n tax on the digestive organs. Myhusband uses it in his practice, and cordially endorses all ! say in its favor." Mrs.J. Ii. LOSBB. i.i nt alt drufflsts, THE iiOViNINl; CO., MIVV VORK. do you KNOW Thai before purcliiiHliiii nny thing iu our lino you should ba nuro to examine our stookul BEAUTIPUf, DESIGNS IN Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets All the loading shape, aud decor ui ions. Baby Carriages TO si IT ALL PURSES. All Prices Rock Bottom. Gonrsen, Clsmons Hi Co, 422 LACKA, AVE. 3? I jL US' O 3 sire at PrtMot 1 Koet Popntat and rrtfirretl ly Le.'dinK Althtt Warerocms: OppOiltl GotQUbuS Monument, 200 Washington Av. ScrantonrPa. Up to DATE NECKWEAR STOCK BOWS, BEVBB8IBL2 4-IN-HANDi), WHITE LAWN STOCK TIES AND BOWS, Something New for FULL D33S. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY I BKKIMS & MORRIS, for mtrly with iio.ih Jones, dlsplsy n Urge sod rsl1ilete4 stock of FMhlonabte Hprllig Stylfg m .Millinery. Espsalsj ttttntlon iiirtu (0 Artistic Trinnioff. 406 SPRUCE STREET KRXT TO D1MH hank Kim 1,1. rf. J k 1- kj.a-.-: 1 THE CELEBRATED ,SM:Mi.i vuar ISC PJ AS KcJ BnsuBnUB SB GUERNSEY Will remove about nue (V. M. C. A. Build inn ), with a 1 ti 1 1 line of Pianos and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will pay to wait for them. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH sA Jtoumfa ASSBtk -v- Y y IJJssisiiak WtafJssssssv J0m y : 1 aS -Jkm. JL JUL hmity JL- Jtw s &9IZOZOVa MXIfp sVtTOrAJIi GXrWllvn absolutely purh II f rV b s av w . tvcrtT nivi P"TWRWW TBi OAT if mil yEHAVE uo doubt that Aprils intentions are good. While she shows a lamentable disposition to stop and s t down on old Winter s lap occasionally, she will get here by and bya and bring some weather with her. Oh, April! Roar our pleading call. Wo give it up- you've fooled 113 all. In the meantime come out between the showers, or snows fas the case may be), and see what we have to make life worth li v ing. Look at these: Wash TifiQajv JDreSeB Y'ssr A 7iTTi SSjr zr 'ac -yt mi ool . -g St f- cods. Victors With the New Valves Out of Biffht Our new Bicycler are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREBENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. Ve are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. J.D.WILU4MS&BR0 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING Wedding liwitatioi Annosncements, UUVt 1 1 L i t s I loDOgranu, s and Diiiner Cards, s 3 '.1 CI S'.nliorcra ar.tl F.nrr;.v.Ti 817 I.ACU.WV.W.VA AVK N 13. Wo are offering B DOW odition of the Iitnl fi Comtnon Prayer, well bound in cloth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, 13c. Reynold April ist to 22 Ji Wvoiliiny; Av a h CT" xa rsr s j " aid PAiL oi- laku ti-Miji-e.Lj. STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA 7 Beautiful New Ducks, Striking Now Galatea Cloths, Hand-made Dotted bvis30s, Novel French Wool Chillies, Quadruple Printed Brocaded Oaahmeringa, Plain and Dotted Serpentine Crepe3, Scotch Crinkle Ginghams, French Swivel and Lace Effect Ginghams, American Creponettes, tho latost, French and German Printed Flannels, American and English Swivel Bilks, ' Irish Printed 40-inch Linens. A new line of Black Silk Grenadines, Printed Japanese Silks from 25 cents upward, Changeable Glace and Taffeta Silks, Plain and Figured Surahs, Eiack and Colored Satin Sublime, Black and Colored Engadines, Covet Oloth, the latest Wool Novelty, Black and Colored Raynres, Black and Colored Diagonals and Serges, Changeable Brocade Dress Novelties, Black and Colored Broadcloths, Black and Colored Oravanettes. iEHOl.B Timothy, Clover & 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. i;ir ::r II ill iiJi! ilfii Dr. Hill Son Albany entisfs , (t t'-r-th, ?ri..Vl: 0: s tar paid r.-.in nvil teeth wlttvit ndftfeM. nulwl imn Miirl bridg work, call for priots ami Nfersnop, 'lltNAI.til A. tor rlti.u-tiii- tt-t-t.. v..:h.-.:.r imin. No ether. Nogws. OTBB 1 ilT KATIOXAt DAKR Scleotiflc Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shiinborg, Tim HH-.-iiill on tb Bf BssdsSBSS und Norvmisness iv!iuv4. l.nti't mnl lni;roved Style ..f Eya ai3t ami (Jpoctsclea at th j t.ower.t i-fK'.-i uu-t Kawa ituwrfau i-;r S3, I J05 SFRUCt ST., op. OIJ tost OntS r f t-' : 1 S 1 1' YT' tmRDWARE, and Lawn Seeds. Shear Co. The most complete tS I t I l-.'X -- .1 y-N I I i C U I LI I 1 ,-('1 IUCU FOLDING D in the market. ult 4 Oo 05 iiD jo? mum AVE. CONWAY HOUSE 13". and IS 1 ENOE On the American Pia'i Benutton's nswsst tJ lust equipped hotst Mra.i i'i 1 hi. r. bmu ll.'Hi.-.i by Steam. Eleetrie Balls, stall tabs on each limn-. Ira; Well Llghtad miiI Altf Isboot. Kvarj 1 nlnsj C-asplst. .ill. Till: HODRBK IMVMOVBMXNri nfli . e oa oc.in.1 f..r. i.oit -atutla (SMS iiaoiied. P. j. CONWAY, Proo. - Ufl'?l!t;:ft.l.JIs!llllllinlllllIi 5 DO YOU REQUIRE ACCURATE Ni I I tss .1 1 rnt :EED POTATOES ALL BEBT VARIET1 ONION SETS Ami nil kinds GAEDH 1 1 . t I. ut V 1 Hi 111 1 , i 1 . . I. ui 1-. , ,, ... . j, - ; Pierce's Marke penn ave. " rir-TITl All "Situatio j u i Wanted" ad lUU serted fre ED J : ftt:a ,-Tl s .TEias r it 1. n.iir, ii, , nrVHtlll 0 I I A,l i v-r onlr I DUnintf.ldiUIll avI :