THE HCBAJSTOR TEIBUNE FIRDAT MORXTNG. APRIL l-?. 18ft t. 3 Lacisum All Tilings Musical Itelle&seeley 134 Wyoming Ave. 1 IICH 1 .K Al K. w BOBB, SHAW, KBIKH80K, it! HKU HAKE A I I I KK l: Sea the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. j A Foe lo Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD I'SK THK- SHOWWHIH And always have Good Bread. KANtJPACTUBEP A:;n COB sale TO THE TRACE r.Y The Weston ill Co, Daniel Scotten's Polka Dot STRIPPED SMOKING TOBACCO 20c. lb. Wholesale, AT 6ARNEY,BR0WN & CO. 587 LINDEN STREET DR. H. B. VARE sl'IK I AMST. EYE. BAB, NOSE AND TliBOAT. GrriCR HOOKS: 170 IUB i.a Tij vj y. 35 WYOMING AVE PEHSONAL. W. J. Lewis lias returned from his south ern trip. Thomas Lynch, of Wilkes-Bam, visited Hih city yesterday. Lieutenant Governor L. A. Waters is on a bu-ines visit to Philadelphia. F. B. HarttnaB, of Blooms burg; regis tered Ht the Wyoming yesterday. Major Bardwell, ex-postmaster at Tnnk bannoclt, was in the city yest-rday. Levi W. I.intrnnd Joseph P. Rums, of Wttkes-Barre, were in the city yesterday. Lieutenant R. .1. McCausland, of afoot nee, who was tli" ner of Adjutant Millar, at. i lie Westminster, returned home laat even i net. Dr. J. E. Price delivered a verv inter estin2 address before the stndent of Wood's Basin ess college yesterday after noon. The doctor is at hom-- with young people mm lie mingled sent;--"-', end pa pal with wit and bnmor in inch a unique manner as to not only provoke mirth ami laughter, but to engage them in the mo-e sober phases of life's realities YR Tho attract. i . at the Frothinirh-tm theatr nxt -Monday evening will b Lew Dockstideri minstrels, an or- with the theatre ijiernof Scranton. 1,1 r II r T'li'l.'r 1 1 11 S O . i V 1 u i r I ton for over a var, and tiie audience that will srre-t him Monday night will in rin m 11 n t- it u nni With Mr. Docketed er will appear Down and popular in Scranton. moot: : nun iier v.iii in. r run 11- JIOll', l.ll-,ll'' I IIW-TS, d'l I I,, fl (- ngtcn, Davn Idv, Hlockson and Burns Symonds, Hugbei and Basra sod nop ;ri us oilier inn I'laifrs The sale of se.its for the minstrels hi o i-n i.iiis iiiori'.inir ni i n click si J.Wil lllllRIC Store. Ou the evening of tlio perf ormanos keta will he sol 1 .it a temtiornry box :icn mar ii di iilt nu it hi itje ionur ot po tlvatre. Thomas M. Sh.r, Next Week. The management of tho Academy of uio v. ii rrosynt n i.-.,.ir nt . ,i . . : B!u . r me approval or tho patrons xt week. Thomas E Shea and hi? 01 ::ill V I Oolil t il. ,1. nr. a fur t in ntiiv W"k iii a strong repertoire of nmeily drum is with many aonsatlnnal ,.,.... t- Ul . 1 - a ...... L "l.lllll) in 11 11IMI lass one and contains many elevwr euple. Soii:,'a and dancei of particular ler.-st will be intempers-d thronith- ot eaeh play. Tins is the second an ml appearance of Mr. Buea and hi 'iruiianv in toll city, and this engage- ill . - .1 .-. Mill. .VIII III, 'Ml I IL III i IV" v.ri' aitn- III he the inii for Monday evenlos, l.- ii o.i .. , ' .in Ill l.'l'- h III I . I'll... 1 III II-" fri ll. eel. ev Iii'tn llatlo'i of OiUcei'i The chiefs of l'oeonn tribe. No .2.1(1 r,.. QVOd Order of Rd -Men, wore initallsd and Baclieto VT. IJ. Morgan ns follows: ijih. it, wunrini u-niU - rilirilir; miMior sagamore, . w. Kmntiech; lir.ll HMUiin , lii.nii'1 I.; I'lllHl 01 lords, W. Ij Grass; assistant chief of VIM, ' --, BViJIQI III ' I I I I , W. Anintr: r. presentativn to L'rnnil cil, J. II. rlade. .Alter installation. 1. viiiiii'iii t-u' r. v. r, 1 1 llii'.i' I i- In iirieR I.eWln in.' 5. W. Warner, the per. Untirs jtiPt returned from New York u a tine Jot, ol ivi;t.s, nis hlJ ,;iuts. nun uvejiie. ORB FLOUR NEWS OF WEST K City BujinMr PbllHps CoUnlaliled on His Ri-Eliction. FRIENDS ASSEMBLE AT HIS HOME Music and Song and Mirth-Making While. Away tho Hours ot Early Night Mrs.,;.ri:t Connors Buried Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ten dered a Parly -fed Men to Occupy n New Home. The Went Bide office of th Borantom Ihibdni Is locate I at 1M0 Jsokson street, whi-re labsorlptioos, advertisement! and communications will receive prompt at tention. A large number of persons BUthtred a: the home ol Joseph 1'. Phillips, at the corner of Swetland street and Lincoln avenue lat evening, and ton llerdd him ati enjoyable surprise in eel bratlon of his r.-cut reflection as city engineer. ThtJ hous. was brill iantly illuminated and potted plant a were tastefully arranged throughout the rooms. Th" tollowiag members of the old Continental Ulee club were present and nod 'red selection', inter spersed with solos: Prof. V. V. Evans, leader; KichardH Williams, president; David K Bnghes, llenrv s. Morgan, William B lime, John E Kelly, Levi Morrii, Thoutai Abraro, David Stepli-ns, K R. lliuhes, Thomas Jones, Simnel Davit, Roland 1' Thomas and Rlobard Thomas (Dew llTber!. The ttuests began to ssitmhle at khont 3 'M .'clock and Were received in the parlot by Mrs Phillips and daughters, Mem bers of the Qlee elub then entertained those present with oharmiog seleoMoni, A dnei entitled th- " Two Sailors," was sung by William Kvitis an I Thomas Abram in oreditattle manner. A solo, ' llar.l Times,' rendered by Professor W. W. Evans, with ii chorus hy the Glee won great applause Mill Norma Williams, a young lady of talent, was pianist of the evening. The guej's con gratulated Mr Phillips on his re-eleo-tlon, and manv laud and cheerful words were spoken. Among those present, besides those previously m-n-tloned, w-re Mr. ami Mrs. Phillips, Mr. tin 1 Mrs Evans, Mr. and Mrs David Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, .Mr. nu t Mr. Evan 11. Evans. Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. Mayo, Mrs. Buiri', Mr and Mrs. Colebv, Mr and Mr'. Richard Tuouiss, Mrs. Coolt and Mrs. Lavelle, of Wilkes-Birre, and the MissS Minnie Hothea, Norma Wil liam', Myrtle Coleby and Patrick Croseln. The following members of the city engineer's corps weru also present; Messrs. Moir, P. V. Costello, Patrick Cole, Blwio B Snerwood and Dominiek Healy, Refreshments were served at midnight. A Pt-annt Farty. A party was tendered Mr. and Mr. .T. P. Harris at her home, corner of SwetUnd Street and Evans court, Tues day evening. The members of the Ladles'! Aid sociaty, of the Plymouth church, promised that each one should earn 1 to h-lp defray the expenses of the new church Mrs. Harris was one. of these, and Tuesday evening she s-rve ic ere mi and cake, and in that wav earnrd her $1 Those present were Norma and Mary Powell, Lizzie Thomas, Jennie Williams, May Robertson, Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Rills, Mrs. Msrkey, Mary J. Ellis, Llztle Ellif, Mrs John M. Harris, Mrs Lndwif, Mar-jaret Harris, Anne Hsrris, Hattie Ellis, and Margie Harris; and the Messrs. William End wig, John Jenkiti", David Jones, Christopher Robertson, Isaac Price, Charles Keller, Thomas Anthony, Lot Lndwig, Harry Edwards, Daniel Robert son, Isaac Harris, John M. Harris ami William Harris. The, music was fur nished by Isaac Price an I Harry El wards, Mrs. Connors Hurled. The funeral of Mrs Margaret Con nors, of North Bromley arilUUe. oc curred yesterday morning. A solemn high mass of rrqnlem was celebrated in St Patrick's ciiurch hy Rev, Fata-r MeNally, Toe ceremonies wer at tended by a large audience. The floral ott -rings were many and of exquisite designs. The pall bearers were .fames Tohin, John Mo;iigl, Thomas MoCor meek, John Smith, Henry Durkin and Jamel Oleaion. Will Occ ipv Th-ir N-w Bald Ksle lo igo Ni. 103, and N'avnjo In be, No. Ib.i, improved Order of Red Men, will rrriipy their new furnished qu .riers nv-r JenMoi' drug stere on Fr lay evening) April 30. Bpetchei will i:e made by prominent Red Men fmm Bingbamton, Wllkes-Bsrre and E mira and a musical progrdnitue ren dered. The affair will be doted with I supper. News N.tes and Personals. The funeral of (lie infant, child of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Abbot, of North Bromley svenne, will occur this after lioon a! 2 :!0 o'clock. Interment will ie made in the Washburn street ceme tery Miss Alice Wek, of North Hyde avenue, is making an extended visit with her uncle, Boo, T. P.Dsrles, of West Virginia. Miss Jesie Neumann, of North 8nm ner iiv-'tiuo, retnmeii borne yesterday from a two weeks' visit with frlen Is In Wilkes- Barre. Lsdtec1 branch of Ht. Patrick's Irish Catholic Benevolent Union will giv,, an entertainment on Sunday, evening, Henry Woodbouee, of Clark's Sum mit, Was on this si b- yesterday, Mr. Hawkins, of North Sumner avenue, is making extensive Improve ments 00 his property. The fiin-ral of the two-year-old child of John Burke of North Main avenue, will takn place today, The Women's Guild of St. David's Episcopal Church, held n most pleasant oolal last evening at the home of Mr, and Mia. W. E. Thayer, on South' Mam avenue, Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs J, El ward Morgan, of Wilkes liarr, were guests of friends on this side yes'erday. COST OF STRFF.T I M PR07? M ENT3. CHv Knglnesr Phillip I Q:vs Eitlmalsa on Them. ''if; Bugloeer PbTlllpi has prepared eslim ites of the cost of making certain street Improvement! provided for in rent ordinances passed by councilr. To lay th sidewalk on Lackawanna avennsefrom the Ddawsro Lackawanna and Western railroad to North Main avenue in the Fourteenth ward, will require an expenditure of $948,38, ac BOr ling to the estimate of the oily en gineer. The walks to be laid on tho west side of Ninth ami Robinson streetn from Lackawanna av-nue to Jackson street are estimated to cost $801.70, and on the cast and Welt sides of Main avenne from Jackson to Pettibone, ?:M0.-i,08 Proceeding of List RLjkt's Session of Com mon Councils. TWENTY THOUSAND FOR VIADUCT Vice President Clark of the Scranton Traction Company and W. F. Hall stead of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Wostcrn OlTjr 310,000 Each Bond Ordinance Ordered Printed Resolutions Concurred in. Fourteen common oounoUmeh ans wered tin roll cat I at last night's meet Ing; Sohadt, Robatbao. Norton, drier, Robinson, Began, Moir, McLean, Thomas, Wen. I, Nsalis, Noons, Oo.l fiev and Hlekey, After the minutes of the last !ii""t Ing bad been read and approve I, Chair. man Nealis stated that before any fur ther business w as in order the names of, the different committeemen ap pointed for the ensning year would be read. The list is as follows I OOMUITTIBB NAMED. Audltluo. Committee Biokey, Battlo, Bweeney, Norton, Regan, Bowe, Bobadt, McLean. PlnauoeGrler, Norton, Thomas, Weniel, Howe. Judloiary BlOkey, Battle, Moir, Noone, Qodfrey, Estimates Noone, Bobadt, Qoldenj R b atbau, KobinsoD. Btreeti and Bridges Sweeney, Battle, Howe, Regan, I'avies. Bewere and Drains McLean, Bcbadt, Wensei, Norton, T'lomas. Light nnd Water-- Began, Noone, Will lama, Golden, Moir, lire Department Bchadt, Robinson, Moms, HioKey, Rohathao, Police- Norton, McLean, Thomas, Moir, Golden, PrintingHowe, Norton, Williams, No me, Sweeney. Public Buildings Battle, Bweeney,God frev, Bcbadt, Thomas, Railways Robinson, McLean, Howe, Bchadt, Robatnan. TaxesGolden, Hlekey, Morris, Urior. Williams. Rales Robathao, Norton, Davies, Bat tle, Grler. and Ordinances Weniel, Robin ion, Godfrey. Noone, Davies. Banitary -Williams, Sweeney, Morris, liattle, ICe.-; 111. Licence Godfrey, llickey. Howe, Rob inson, llobathan. Collector's Accounts - Thomas, M. ir, Grler, Weniel, Norton. Treasurer's Accounts Morris, Sweeney, Godfrey, Moone, Davies. Manufactures Moir, McLean, Thomas, Grier, Robatbao. Parks Davie, llickey, iVilliams, liohin fon, Battle. Pavements Golden, Norton, Howe, Weniel, Regan, $Ji,(MH) POB TUB VUDDOT. Twooominnnioationi wire real, one from C. M. Clark, of Philadelphia, vice president of the Scranton Traction company, and the other from Oeneral Manager W. P. Ballltcsd, of the Dela aware. Lackawanna an i Western Rail road OOPpany. Vice President Clark stit.ed that the Traction company would pay $3,000 when the viaduct is completed and ready for cars to run on it, and $3,000 yearly thereafter for lour years. Mr. Hallstend'a proposition limply stated that President Sloan auth .rized him to make a donation of $10,000 Mr, Robatnan moved to refer the communication! to aspimial committee of live, three from the upper branch and two from the common, to let lb the promises in conjunction with the mayor and city engineer. The amend ment by Mr. McLean to have the matter referred to the railroad 0 .iniiiil teo was lost and the original motion prevail !. The Chair appointed Messrs Robathan and llickey to serve on the committee. imiliUF. AND LOAN ORDINANCE, Mr. Moir, taking up the (inostion of bonding the city for the er.-clion of bridges, stated the law in reference to the publication of tho ordinance in the pa perl of the eilv. ( A motion wai made to have the or din auce printed in the SCRANTON Titiii- t'NE and Scranton Republican Mr. lirier, of the Third Ward, offered an amendment inserting Ihe word "Times I oi tend of Tribune." Hegavenovalid reason nor offered no information in connection with hie amendment; nrd finally consented to accept the ntiin. i mcnl of a iding the Scranton Times to the Hit, since the law allowed pnblioa Hon in more titan two papers Tue ordinance is known by the title Bridge sod Loan ordinance, -and pro vides for th" issuing of bonds to the amount of $360,000, In denominations of $l.nil0 eacu, and bearing not more than i per Cent interest. The lirat aeries is from Nos 1 to DO Inoluitve ami matures In 1004; tn second, from 01 to 110, matures in 1909; t tie third, l in to 191, matures In lull; tiie last, from 101 to 360, will be cancelled in 1919, A hatch of concurrent resolutions w-re read and concurred In, WFDDFO IPJ PHIlADClPHlA. Joseph P. Vaok, of This llace, Marrlss ii (l laker City i.-idy. Jos' ph K Maek, of this city, wns m irriod to Mis Carrie L , daughter of Michael Muck, a Market street, Phila delphia, alio!) merchant, at 8 o'clock I ail evening The wedding service took place at the CheltOUt Street Presbyterian s r,-,-ci'. i nd was performed by the Rv, Mr. Relnhold, a relative of the ami meiated by the pastor, After ihe ceremony the party returned to tht home ol the bride, on M irk"t Itreet. where a OOllalloa an 1 reception took plnce, after Which iIr, end Mrs Msck left on i brief honeymoon, Inolndlng New York and vieinitv. After retttrtt lUg to Scranton, thee Will lie at home to their friends at 881 Palm street, Mr, Mack is a bookh epsr for the Seuquoil Silk Manufacturing company and is deservedly popular with em ployers and employes alike Their numoroui friends ami acqualutanoei join in wishing thfP a safe and peace ful journey ou the se of marital feli city. SONG RECITAL AND ADDRESS. John Howard F, itertalu' end InStruOtl s Music Loving Audlenos, The song recital and address given nt Powell & Co. 's piano warcrooini last evening hy John I i award, of New York, proved highly entertaining to the music lovers present. The mUlleal part Of tho programme consisted of n number or selections whioli Mr. Howard rendered in an ar tistic manner. He has a pleasing voice and seems to sing without any Ittlvlng after enef. The address consisted of a brief his. tory of Mr. Howard's experience in true, phyilolOgteal method of teaching artistic sing) ug, together with an ex planation of the Howard voice method. Beadleston & Wosru's nnd Ballnntlne's Alee are the beet. K. J, Walsh, agent, .ij Lsxkawauua avenne. " DIES $ m SIDE Elopirs twin Prxkville on a WeilJInj Trip lo This Side. LOVE LAUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS William Harklni and Mary Gallagher Married Airainst tho Wishes of the Bride's Parents Slopping on Bir ncy Avoiuio Spending Their Honey moon Suit in Equity Against Tay lor Borough Personal Mention and Shorter Paragraphs. William Harkini and Miss M-iry Gallagher, of Peckvllle, 1 -r r home and Wire Parried secretly, and are now spending tiieir honeymoon at tho resi dence of Rlcnar i (Miliary on Birney avenue, in the Twentieth ward. Barklni is about '.'I VKars oi l, and Ills bride il not over 19 Bliprunli live in Pitts ton borough, hut he is employed by a shalt liuker named Thomas Small. COUlb, The nature of his employment is such as to Had biP hire today an I away tomorrow. For the pist sis months be was employed at Peckvllle. and boarded at tho hotel of Mioha d Qallagher, There he fell in love with the landlord's inghter, and she re ciprocated tin II m i, When the parents of the girl found out the fact Barklni was banished from tho house, and his lady lov kepi under guard. List Sunday night, however, after the lallaghr family bad retired for the niiriit, Mary left th s home and proceeded to an appointed spot where hr trysttng lover in -t bar, Tbey came to this ciry and registered at a hot,! in Ihe city under ufisnmeil names. Monday morning they joui nsyed to the eoort bonis and obtained a I.I trri lge license. Then, nocor line to the groom's state ment to a TRIBUNE reporter, they took the sheet car and went to OlyphftUt, where Rev. P. J, Mm phy.of that plac made them man and wife. Alter the 0 lemony the couple returned to Scran ton and have since been boarding nt Mr. Callary's. About two years ago Harkini work 6 1 in the National shaft In I rock tunnel, an I lived with Ctl larv. Yesterday the elopers wrote a note to tiie girl's parents, telling of their mar rlage aud asking forgiveness, They in. tend to wait a reasonable lime lor an answer b-fore taking further steps. Went Taylor to Pay Its Shine. Tho supervisors of Lackawanna lownibip, Martin P. Judge and Michael Gibbons, through their attorney, Cor nelius Comegyi, have Bled a bill in Unity in the court of eompdn pleas, asking an adjustment of the indebted ness of Lackawanna township, sons to have tho recently constructed borough of Taylor pay its proportionate share of the outstanding aeOOUnt The partic ulars P-t forth iii the bill of complaint state that Taylor borough was, prior to Nor. 88. 1893, a part of Lackawanna township, and on the territory included within the borough limits certain debts were contracted, a portion of which still remain uncancelled, The prayer of the petitioner auks that an account, ing be made, whereas a proper part of the outstanding obligationi be met by the corporate borough ol Taylor, The taxpayers of Lackawanna township will await the result of these proo ;od iugl wiili inte.-est. Tb Cnminir Champlen. The South' Side baa reason to oome to tiie front once more and claim oredit for the showing made by one of lis cit izens in his oboten lino. The individ ual is James Judge, of the Excelsior Athletic club. At the recent tourna ment of that club Judge, on the second right, fought with J diu Walsh, of the Lexington Athletic club, of New lurk, and knocked him out. Walsh had fought, before coming in contact with Judge, seventeen battles and won every one of tbem, and ws considered to i " I be ii ining amateur champion oi the United States in the 188-pOUUd class. This is equal to saying thai .lu !gp, who defeated Walsh ho easily the other night, may be exp-cte I to recome ohninpiod shortly. He will fight a battle in a month, which will determiue th.. ohamplooship, Personal, Oliver Bnrlre, ol Meadow avenue, has altogether recovered from the recent scourge of typhus which he suffered. William Fink, of Remington avenne, Is aide to go to work alter being laid up some time witii an Amputated thumb, R v. J. W. Nicholson, of Blngbain- i ni, formerly psslor of thu Cedar Ave nue Methodiil Episcopal church, is the gUtll of his sieter, Mrs. J. C. Carr. of iv in street, while attending tho Vj omlng eon f erenee, t h rt"r Paragraphs. Michael J. Coyne, of LoOUSt street, who is PamoUl us a singer ami come dian, will lake part In an entertain ment on April 38 in PittltOU Music hall for th- benefit, .if the liliased irgin's Sodality of St. John's oburob of that place. He will sing several songs of bis own com peel tilon and also fender two Whistling loloo, imitating a mock ing bird mi I canary almost perfectly. Frrnntni.'e Bnetncu Interest, The Tiurunx will soon pnbllsb a care fully compiled and claastDed list of tin, leading wholesale, banking, manutaotur ing ami professional Interests ot Scranton anil vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with pbntogravnre ilewi of our public buihi- Ingaj basinets blocks, streets, eta, together wnii portraits of leading cltlien. No similar work has ever given an equsi rep resentation of Bcranton'i many Indus tiles. It will beau Invaluable exposition of our business resourced, sent, to p. rs.ins ontlidl the city, copies of lliis bandiomo work Will a! tr ie; new comers and be nn miequitll d advertisement of the city. The circu lation is i ii ii pi iii lint, cannot fail or good remits to i hose eouoerned as well as tbeolty at largo, Repreientatlveeol The Triburi will call upon tmiisjk wiiohi: nhks are DZ8IOXD in thu edition and RXplalu its nature more fully, Tbpes desiring views of their residences In tgts edition will please lavenotioeat the etllce. s Lhlirh Vallsy Rnlli-oad. Special excursion to Washington, D, '., Ainl III Through day COW lies and chair cars. Train leaves Bcranton (D AH, De pot) il B a. in., arriving atWaihlngton about 7. 10 p. in. KntnST.SI. Tickets good for return on any train to and inolndlng April '.'4. Apply to ticket agents for chair car ri servntions. DIKU O'llOYLE - In Carhondale, Thursday morning, April 1L Mrs. .tamos O'Boylo, mother of J, J, 0 Boyle and Mrs, J. C McAudrews, of Vine street, BCMUtOU, aged about 7S years. I'uneral from family residence, Cnrboiubde, Saturday, April II, at tian a. m. lliRh mass of rtqnlem at Ohnroh of St.. Rose of Lima. PICK- On the 18th inst. Clara A., wife of M. B. Peck, Funeral notice ou Saturday. Blnghamton papers please copy. IT IS A SPLFNOID SHOWING. V-'ork Aocompliliul By th Second Pmi.byte.nau Church. The Second Presbyterian church held its annual meeting last evening anil the exrcisoi worn unusual! v in -tereating. The year just elosed has been the most prosperous in the history of this busy church. They report a largor number than ever in the Sun lav schools. U8 additions to the church eighty eight on profession of faith and twenty-live In- letter,$3,108 lor foreign missiotis nnd $7,000 for hope missions end 11,570 lor othur benevolent pur - poses, and $11,411 for congregational uses BPOUntio:.- in all for the yeav just closing to $24,119, The oburob Holds with her two mis sioim hixteen servic s a week and U working all these lines with vigor and enthusiasm -4 . Tim Wasbhnrn-Crosby company are giving daily Instruction in thai most deli cate art making giKid bread -by a lie. i ongbly competeut teacher attbeBoranton Cash Store, No bonsswife can afford to miss tins opportunity. P, J. JOBNBON, practical hnuse nnd sign painter bos removed from court bouse square to Btt) Spruce siiunt, opposite Tribuni oiiice. f I a uiiis just returned from New Vork wil ii a line hit o carpels, ruga and mats. 1MI I'enn nyelille, MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Diirio and One Coupon. FOR Present Go where they have the best selection. men ctT (jlass, choice china, bric-a-brac, silverware, lamps, etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming- Avenue. WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why run all over theelty looking forcnl I dollars e Ith on,, hunrtredan I ten . cuts' worth ot oid in th ror Bat ron will oome very doee to it it, if y .a will oall ai the right plane, prijg your dollars gold, silver and green backs -to A. W. JURIS OH 43S Rl'Rvun stbbkt, and Ret full value ior your money in BICYCMCS, PIBK ARMfl, I'isiiim; TACKliK, TIM-: CUTIjI BY, In G OOLIiABS AMI GUNUBAIi HPOB CINQ QUODA TheVICTOB WRESL beads.' Bicycj.s, lis-.- anas, ,.t,-.. repaired at slvirt notlco. Iv y fltttne -i n laity, Qlve me a cull. Huntington's HOMS BAKERY. We have a larc assort- ment of PLAIN AliD FANCY CAKE, ICE CREAM and WATER ICBS Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 4 13 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. A TRIP Through oar Bieyols Department will snow i..ii tin. Hnest lineonnew and elegant oods at reawnahlo prlres ynu ever kiw. Hspei ially notieesbe KUOHKHTKH, It k the neatest and famed cycle in the market. Call and get prion on our BECt tNDQBAOl WBBBIA They win surprise you, Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. Wedding OUR "BELL" CUTAWAY AUD SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VA- o- ivlartizi & Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors- Th e rasnion 308 Lackawanna AAenue, Millinery 1 We have never shown as select an assortment in hats-, trimmed in the latest style and in -mlh-ss variety, as we do this scow rad we cordially invite all ladies to vLsiv ""' MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, Soaks end Capes We are jnsl opening a large shitnnent of Cloalci a-nd r,)p A handsome Tim Ladies' Jacket, Umbrella Back, Beefet :,t $7.00 A tight fitting Clay Worsted Jacket) witli Moire Sevens at $2.50 A beautiful Black Cl;ty Worsted Tape, with Mohair Umid $7.00 And doens of'other styles from . "Where do the iood clothes come am f Women's j & Saps Wo showed you a large rolWtion of Capes and Jackets at Raster-tide, Today wo have just twice as many. Jackets in Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. Thev Fit Well, Wear Well, Look Well The Prices ire WAY DOWNl $3.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest and neatest Clotb and Lace. Notice the S5, $6.50, Jackets, Cape3 and Top GK 1ST. Owens & Co- l.OAlvM AKI'.ltS. SIHTS AMI WRAPS, BPBUCU 8TRBBT, COURT BOD8B SQUABB, Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN, THE Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. THE LATEST" RI JL1 . epartment. $1.98 to $25,00 are r Gro-Qrain Silk, Moire, price tickets; $9 TO $20. Garments for Everybody. The tin'. it Marvel of Dental Scienca Anaesthene recent discovery and the solo property of Henvocd & Yftrdall, DMM'ISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ava Y 1 1 AT J. 1 1. BE A MO N'SSA YS AHOU1' AN ATHENE, iins. BXNWOOD a w it orr, Ta After having eleven teetta eatraetesl ni oneelttlag by the palnlees method. pre in. mice it entirely satlateciofy in every partlenlar, j. u. m;aui.n.s CA PES