THE SfT? ANTO-tf TUTtnTftTR -TTITD Y MOTftNINGr. APftTT 70, lS9f. r tf I Concluded from;e I. tho Bald for C!iii-t. la sprao in sulin"! In the flirtritt. evou Ibtafl wnuld b too many when then BM BOW BVB Md n in. In the dUtriOl ttier.- lire w ohareh ixliflcee, with ran exception, In go ii oob dftioo, Thit now obnrcn at Oarboudale is i world of beauty mi l ciiunlnteue. It 1 tally Inrnbihud, m the Beeps of u modern city i-i gain, Tba iwutaa an traded and flue atone waltta laid when needed. It 1s indeed a i 'imtifoi edlQoe, built of uu Utb stone, nodern Hud tatty in arahltecV lire, mm v. :ll i-:.ui:l f r yean 3icp( sonic unt v.-:irJ vtvu; pr eut it i numiitne'it to ilu' thought, tplrit and devotion to Dud ai .it. coase, or tba lovai band time .;; not expending tboaijUt, labor and ateuaa' Dutil the im; attoka mm needed : n.nkd It complete In every. r ipaet, The totul cu.t was 141,000; ol this amount eabtcrtp. tii i a to bj psiJ w;t!iin twelve nuniilis and nah obtained oa occasions previous to the dedication antteiont to pay all but tit),0 v.uirhii bonded for a abort time. It was dedicated Sept i . nud bus alnoa Mm enjoyed m plaoenl worship by ih congregation and Bandar school, hloh veil now tuxes it to its utmost. chape) euborbaa to PeoKTlUa eomplotad and dedicated aooo after, the ounfanoca, NIMRSSS IT I'KCKVlLUt The coaaTcgatlon at Peokvillo, with (uiu; unanimity, are already ou Kiigod in what amounts to (he building of a new churcb, costing probably not leas ttmu 30,000. The old structure will b utilized ajt an annex ami to fitted np for : inday lebool and social meetiug uac.',.iud au enlua new atrnntnn nullt In front for tto auditorium, with a aeattag capeolty or te or six l;t:;idred. - CONFIIINCI AMBMOON SESSION. X'! vet id : KatereJeao of Blatorleal Booltty and Kjv. Dr. Baal's Ait;tts. Yesterday uttroooi) wss exclusively devoted to iinniverear f exeraleao of the Historical tociety. Kcv. Manjay s. Hard, of Scrautou, prealdad, tod ten CliuUtC ..uV.r. sea wore at ado bv '''nomas H. Dale, Rev. J. K Peck, M. A., ol Ktogaion, iiud Il?v. C V. Arnold, of Uincbamton, Professor Carter pro at M at :i:a orjau and preoedlng the exurceiea renderad one ol tba pnJtida rrciiule which ha baa ao maritorioutlj given a: v.ui,;us periods of tue eotifer anca an 1 wbion have won for bitn tue praUa o; tho aeiabara A mala c.uir of twenty voices eon da Had tha singing, rha ralaaa opened with the ling ol "Laad Me, Savior, " after which a t'?i reapouWa service nacorrad. Prayer offered by Kt. J. L Hc, i Hd rgt. Tba "WondarfoJ tory o L i " waa then inng. Mr. Do!., Bar. Lir. PecK and Kav. Mr, ArtioUl than apoke briefly 0:1 the (1 lowing anbjactareapactivaiy: Vb:it I Know A'nuit Scranton Methodism," "What 1 Know About Making Ap pointtuenta1 .tt:i "What IKnow Aboot Moving," . 1a ytuu, '"Ljt Ui Hear You Tell Ir, ' was mng ani Kot. Baadfonl tiant, 1. L)., iu:or utat to the Methodist Book Concern, was introdoaad and in taa abaanca oi Bav. Qeorga R. Crooka, LL. D of Draw Theological Seminary, itvltvend an -vklresj OB "Tiie First, 0 ,e Kuudreti Years of the Metho.ltst Book Concern. ' Hf said lu substance. ITS lAKVEI.Ol'SUROWTU. The publ'.ohine business of the Mftuoiists w 1 , started in Pnilidelpbia m iT'jbv Bar, I-liu UicUeus With a borrowed capital of toxu In 1804 tld Lou.-e waj removed from Philadelphia to New York, where it still remains. In li.i the Brat btiildisg wa-. erected OB Mu!i.rry street, bat was bamfd in I8W Coattibntions about $SM,MA v. cre laade and a new bci'i ling sprang np in vhich all the business was carried on until JSga; when tbe boil linn at the cornor of l-.leventli street and Broadway was pur insd. IMa bnildlng waa sold a few years state, as T.vll as that on Mulberry street, nd the avails of both pat into a new budding on Fifth avenue. n IIBJO a boose was opened in tho dty of Cincinnati, i his was deemed neceeeary on account of tla difficnlty of transportatioa and the condition of the c irraacy la the T.est. Books m 1 1 -1 t.o sent froni N.-w Yor to waatern porcbaasra by wagons over the Allegheny mooataln to Pit iborg and thence down the Ohio river. Anil yet at the estnblishnieot of the bouse in Cincinnati tba egattt was Bot allowed toprtat rlther bookaor papers. Alnriiu Rnier, the enterprising ccent. did venture to piiUt two bocae a .Scriptural CBte- anJam at;d n Primer bstha did this on ins own ersor'sl reapottsiblllty. It was not BBtil 1830 that BBtborbUMiOB was given '.0 BsanafaetBra boj!-:-. jSxpariaaoa h.n shown that, a ebanFoh ahoaid provide tba literature foritipxo '!h orcssion ren,ret men wtio weie prof oendly convlnosd of tho noees nty 1 f llievatare wnich won Id build r.p In (Christian faith thoaa woo were plaeao ucd-r tbelr cbargei and with Whom tba profits Of the bnaioei were a secondary Bwer Bacbwera Mr. DietdBaand b(a t, ;: b Tb frito originally borrowad f.r thd c Brnteacemaat Baa railed np info a eatpi till ,.f i.vtr Ji.niO.nrn) at .N'e-.v V01 k and Onelaaatl. Tba two honeee i;ave paid Bptotbia I:... abont 4,000,00(1 for the support, Ol perannnatea preaobara and ntberwotlu of cbaflty erf dnfvnst Mods It has paid 1 itm lonferencci il,!-l'nO l..r tliO anp port ( aopernnnnatid praaoBara and widows ami orpbaae; It hi aoaaaafUnre tnarkablB that about ono-hnlf of this Bmonnt hn been p;id to thfse benaflotarl I v.tliln Ibt last ten years. i;nrin( tlvi lirst PKiyear ',f ili blltoryofths iMOgCOB- cem abont foO,nOo,000 worth of boobi and papera were pnbliahod, b.i ono-balf of ttuit :im'iu:,' Was pnhlii'.li'-d i;;rill(f tlm las seventeen .mrsof that term. Th readers if the literature of ihe cbnrobbave grown much mora rapidly than tie membership ilslf, and the main'- benblpin ih whole United tMBtaa baa gftiwtt mora rapidly tana the popnlatioa 1 t the I'nite.l Mate. In I ii, i the number of inhabitants in the United stales was about l.OfW.OOO; tho numiwr of members in the Methodist lipiccopal church was about tS.OOO; the popti atlon of tha lnited states during the one hundred years was fifteen fold ; the incrnnso of tha membership of the dif ferent branches of Motlmdinm was at I -,m ixty-fold, or fonr times that of Did popu lafloB, hen the MetbodUt Book Concern was started in 171m, nor for twenty years tlioro after. wiui there a religious newspipn' in the Unliad States, or the forty threo pa p"r, political and, pnbllshed in I79, the combined circulation did not itinl m inati rial that of tha Now V rk Cnristian Advocate. ITS I.XAMPI.K rOLLOWBD, . One of the grandest results of the Hook Concern In the potted States is the fact that yoong pvMi'hiug honaaa ore spring ingnpallorat tiie world, There is nl- II aily one in Mexico, one In Japan, China, India, Smth America, Qarmany, and last lint uot lesst in old It line. The hint is Worthy of fiducial note. Id order to find the solid foundation for tbecorbee stone of the atrnotBra, It waa Uacaasary to dig through tho dubrls of three different lareraoi earth and atone which had accumulated In the ceuturlen, nmi been bnriad and lost in history. Thi ' iv.'h nil these, exc ivationa wore BtBoa to solid roch", and there will rojt tlm foun dations of a structure costiu,' ylnujui'i wuh its urouuds. Old Bomowben Paul pieachcd and 111 wiloo prisons he suffered, will see BE sure and get your choice of Multichromas. One Coupon and Ono Dime. i II C0NFEREN1 oue ot tho most splendid atructnrca of its renowned city rwn to tlii( li;;!it. COIMFcRENCE fcVtNING f.SSION. Addraaaaa Mads tn luiulf cf the Friachsr.' AU Society. The eTtnlng session of tha ooofer- eui", tho details of which WVM deVOt' ad to tha) oatua oi tha Pnaobera' Ail I icUty, w.,s more largely attou.lcd tban any ai s-iou vet bald, Th ira waa a large attattdaooa of ladlai ami laity ia addition to itrangara,u) mv ol wh m wan sprinUled bo iiit in t: onodltorlnu 1'be meeting wai praallad over by ReT, Y. 6 Smith, D. D., of Woat PittttoO, who inaugurated the lauiob by nadtog a pasaagafroui the Borlp' lures. "Abide With Mo" waa IQOg and was followed by n farTant prayer by Rv. 0, V Arnold, of Binghnmtoa 'I lie hymn "Arise Mv Soul" wis inng, wiu i.wi OORXBU.'B WW10 Willlaa CoBoall made bit report w traaanrar ol the Praaobara' Aid Soots tv. Ho aanoanoad the state of its Buanoaa 11 follows: On hand at the baslnnlag .f proaaat year, 1.1,309.20; received during the year, iiTJ.i,ii; lutarrst an fund, tM41.83i aa panaaa of trnateoe, I10.?li paid to sixty thraa baneflctariaa, gt,S80,76; oa hand, 3,8Ttl.42; amount of iBVeStad fund, 31, i.4U, Kcifardini; the sunmt.l o' our fund I want to any it laaatinly too imalL and what 1 say in ooaaatiBaan is not to be barah, hut to proclaim aa a layman what 1 think is for the bent good of all. t waa present when the praaobara ware reapondiag to their names for aoartala dtetriot, and am sorry to aay that tho amounts collected for worn out preachers waa, n lib tba exception of two lasts toee, oolj f-r Utt amount apportioned. now, mind no, 1 am ipeakiag from only a laymtn's standjKdnt, b.itjou, as loaders la spiritual work, must 00 leaders la Ob taining money tor this came. Vou must getuaa fond thai will amount toaoma thlno, Thofundabonldbe 1100,000. awn,. 000-. yes, 1800,000, There is not BJ mnoh onlhusiasm as whOB tue society was started. The ooaetltniion I rovldaa that any of tho apportioned amonata ia excess shall go to tins fund, but they have not appeared i'lsuch MOBM, Now, don't take amisa n layman'a advice bnt before yon finish your uuties nt this conference, frame n resoliiti hi that each of yon shall devote oue day a vuar for the purpose of increasing the REV. McASCf.TV'S ADDiUCSfl Uev. O. H. MeAnulty.of West Pltts lon, was introduced and said anbatau- tiillv: Like the BnqnehaBBa river, which in its accumulation is unide by the lceding of imaller atraama and rivulets, la the great Methodist church of today, due of these branches is the rural-district charge in its eutirity. In plays an Important part 111 the unking up of OOBgregationi in large cities. The Bible has said that to save the ua tlonwemust save the cities. That is not exactly true of today, since times have changed materially In 1,900 years How arc the mrni o bargee to ba maintained! Bow are the rivulet 1 to be kept open anil ceased!' The large city obnrobcc are made poss inle by men who nro reviving what we call in our Ignorance "woak" country ehargea. Minister:! cannot engage in secular pur suits. Then how can he well perform bis duties with the imp. Miible provisions for Lis family Itarlog him iu the face'. It is a reat problem fo:- the church of Hod to solve. It is a sham aud diagnoa and a blur on the face 1 .f tho church of Chris tlaaity. REV J, K, PJUOB BPBAKBi Rev. J. K Price, D D., fonuftrlv of Scranton, and now of St. James' Epis copal church, at Now York, received a iiearty weleomiag applause w!;eu he arose to address the audience. His re marks included th following- It is almost a disgrace to M ?thodisni that thit assertion should confront the men who have served the church With such splendid fidelity. 1 want to see tlm day when H19 Metho dist Episcopal CbBrCB aball pay her vet erans we do not consider it in the liiflit of charity what they owe .them. It should be done in u spirit of gratitnde. The society is to be congratulated for giving the laity a chance to display their thankfulness to the church, to which they owe all they posses?. a r.AV. YF.n'.s li.KA. Attorney W. J, Welch, of Bingham ton, eaid - Wo congratulate ourselves 011 the achievement of the nineteenth century, and fay how ureal "we" are. In this con nection I want to say something abuut our debt and our duty. "We" are, forsooth ! not because of our labor hut because of the sweat, toil and labor of tba millions who have goue before us ami 1 ivs u what we have. For instance, WC pride "ourselves' 011 tha great Xathedlst church. Bow about the who niodo her what she is t They are tboaa who have gone out anion:; the masses and toiled and labored: they are thote to whom th.) world owes Ita debt of gratitude. Now our duty as tba result of a century of hristian teaching seems to be to wrap aroand ourseivs, me mantle of our plan and sit and do BOtblng. Tbla is not right, If we doa't do oar doty we aball i home down by the borden WO ref OBO to carry drnaged-down by thebeneflta vo urasi but are not disposed to support. What a grander structure tho ObOrcb would be if tach Member would benr his -.1 are of tlie vtrain liko e irh strand of the wiroin tba great anapaoaloo bridge acroae th .'jst P.iVer. BOOMtfeiBI Coiiiea to lnn who wall: shoulder to shoulder and iu touch; t.ney are held togethor as the foroea of electricity attract. tWOptaJOMOi Iron. coma inuii call it 'leu'.imo::! t" say it Is 1 not charity to help the decrepit clergy, it It charity to reach down and lift one who bus fallen Without cherishing tin-thought ofeiy. ing, life seatas not worth living. . - SPECIAL IXtKCISKS TOMORROW To Comoisin'irats tin Vlftleth Aunoiver tury cf Uyoniinif 8iu,lnary. At " 80 o'clock tomorrow afternoon ipifllal aiafrltaa will be hold to com memorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston. rune , nt u session or the old ( i.ieldii cotif-retic hold in Wllkea-Bam, Ang- nst ', 1843, prellininsry arrannetnents we;a iua(lMCODCrning theostiihllshir.ent of Wyoming seminnry, it is considered very fitting Hint epecial thanksgiving xtreisa should bs held during the present session, at which time all iOT ari of Christian education may pruisp Mod for tho aoBtlnnad prosp rity of ths school during the past lifty years. Hnv. L. L, Bpragna, D I)., will pre side at the tuestitix ami Itev. .1. W, iiishford, I) U, U 1. tho Ohio Watlayan dulivrr no addrusj ou 1) . prcnldoni of university, will "Ohtiatlan Kltt- cation." Mihs Thomni and Mr. Wooler will render a dnet and !t-?v. 11. M. Cryden wi and Bar. u. M, Collvitla, o. D,, will tisiist In tho tltfOlMt Following is what Prssidinu Bldtt Uev. J. Q, BaknUBl'B npoft tontainod rogaidiug tho Wyoming seminary 1 TbB Wyoming seminary, nT liiuh iicsd omlc grade, is located at Kingston, Pa., within tho hounds of tho Wyoming dis trict, ami under the superior nduiimstra- uf its praaidant, ltv. I.. L Bpragoa, U. D., lias maiatalaad its pupulsrity ai.d murked efflcianoy. It has twenty competent In structors, with 9tS aoadamla atadeBte,180 preparatory stndenta, Uifi oommerclal stu dents, 1 18 instrumental music students and ',.i art students. It had last year BO acad emic gradunto. nud till gradnalea from the bnaiaaaa coarse, The groanda and fnrnl tuto arc valued at. O50,0O0: endow meiit, DtA,000i specimens in cabinet, j.OOUj volumes iu library, 3,.')t'0; appara tus, 9B00j Tho Income from tuition is $15,5110 and from other sources ( :,' '1 he indebleduoss is -'i '.'0U Wyoming is its pnlronixing coufeiuucv. Thuauuiver- wry occurs June 90, 169V The laatltu Hou waa founded in IB44aad la aowcala bratliiatha seml-oeutennlal of Its history by ralarglng Ita cans city for usefulness thraaihtna oontrlbutloaa of Ita friends wbiob will be aet torn la the annual re port if the beard of trut.'ei to bj pro HBtld to this body, PAST WYOMING COil FERfcKCES. Ths rtrat Ous Uus Ueld oa July 7, 1022, nt Cuibrndale. Toe first vVynming Oonnrenoa wjs heiil Joly 7. iu.")J, at Oarbondala, and was pratldod by Blahop Boott tsioce than lour oonfaraacaa, loclod ins the ptea-mi one, have been hoi I in Scranton, that of IMfy praaldad over by Blahop Boott) lyyi, Blahop llirrif, 1884) Binhop Warren, nud the presimt one. hast yr:ir'i conf.-relico Wal in chtr : ol tlishop Kit Uer ild lit Iloneit- dale, and In 1893 Blahop (iooQiell pro aided at W 1!!: a Barn, FINANCIAL ANJ COMMIHCIAL Btoaha and llon.1i Nk Von ., April 1:;.-r.xireine dullnesi obaraoterl ied 1 paoniation it tba Btooh bli en. . :r tlirongllOUt the day. ThO sales Won 08,816 ahatea, Ai intervals business cane almost to a staadatll) and tho board room waa practically deserted. Then was little iu the way ol uewa to effect prices. Tho bears added to then- out staiidinK short Inn s, but fuilod to dislodge long sioeks iu any volume, Tho usually prominent railway - hares fluctuated with in a range of Hau per cent, and closed small fractious below lut Olght'e llnnls. rim following oompieta table snowiuk tun iiav s flnotnatlona in active stocks is suppLed sui'l ivvisett Unity ly A Kullsr, stnos urokaraiUl Wyoming avennet OpOB' Blvb t.Hos Ing, est. est. inv. .Am. Cot. Oil af(4 iUM ''"' vH A in. hugar '.i I'h '.11 WW IHM A.T.A.-S.K II-1 .l 'i UH HH fain, Bp C'eii. N. .1 Ohio. R. w lom h" ma nvH a. b, y bs a m UN w , oji laVtt I tale, lias UM ('.. 0 0. HI. L,., !! Ool.. Hook.Val.ST, .... p. . n ui I)., I.. .V w 1. st O. V SGJ4 Erie loS ii. it. u mi Ukofibore 1 - L it N M'Auhattiiii I'.'"'1 11 .'jt till M It1t4 III, Iim In' 4'i'h 111.4 OH ttH ft 171 h.'-.l; in 1 , an Mis.. I'.-ie MM Mi A at. bead , I'm, in"k m n ;ii tnt ll-i, IU., lit, .nil mi 10043 . II 17 Iti's hlifi N. Y. ,e N. B N, Y. Oentral.... K.Y..O. W... N . Y.. S. A W..., 1:. s. c. Co North )'i;e N.irtli l'ue, pf..,, Omaha Psc. .Vat! it.adlu Rock IstauU it. r St. Pull 1 T..C. Bj 1 Texas .V Pae , --vi ttm te .il-s a DM 40' I .. Ml 11 '. L'l.l glW 'U4 7M VOU TOM us; IMS Ms MM im KB, III IHI4 l-.. !.., M M :i COM 21 m 10 MM in 1 n I'uc. Wabash, pf Huj is-j ism isi W. Union H FA M' Mj W. !.. B IUM ligi ISM III . : U E. nt 'ilfi oil 1, Chicsgo Qratn BOBARTOtt, April 12, tions are sutitili.'.i ami Um- s raUsr, stock bm Due. WHEAT. Oneobflg Highest Lowest. Clnsiusr CORN. Opening Bighcet Lowest Closing 0ATB. Opening Bighesf Umreet Olnelna I'oitK. Qpenlpg H!'hot Lowest Closing LARD. Dpenins Khlbest i.owent Chsiinr fill iRT Kills. Onsnlng UiKhcuC Iiw, t Cloning Bad Praflatoos. The foUoirtng quota eorrected daily by l.a ikors.l.'l Wyouiiuc uve- ItaV. Jr.:y. Sept. 1M4 el i;;V4 uiSa KgU nm .,-Jb m2 tnt HI t;.s r::-'i. su FPU i ItiU BOM MM ;s N tuts tiMi EhM sum is a m um -. SIM n Kl v-4 IBM 1S1A 1290 .... IS73 12v.'. .... Ul'i 1330 .... 127.', .... 122 tIFi eO 7:17 712 7,i7 722 Ow itlO TUT 7IU M7 ;27 OBJ .Kir .... H8t 2'l ti."iu 887 .... NdW Yoik i'rcdu: ? Markst. Ncn York, April 12. Flobk Eaaier, i!en nn.1 light. WlTBAT Opened weaker, closed firm, fairly active; No. 3 red store and elevator, OSKaOSo.) ctioat. 04aB4ka; f. n. b., BUJb 64c.; ungraded rod, OOaoic.; So, l northern, BOsGOyc; options closed llnu at . up to i.e. down; April, Hs!J:,'c.: .'May, 6i)Ma; June, tl-l- .c. ; duly, ij.'.c. ; Aognat, CflKp. ; September, tstfie, ; September, 01 )iic.j De cember, 10ic. UORBwFirmer dull; No. a, 43)(a44a ; elevator. 44, (11 lac, atlont; optiieis closed steady at 14c. over yesterday; April and .May, 440.; .Inly, l i. 'c. Oats -Uull, weak, ',c. lower; op. ions dull, aaalori April, Bbyjo : May, tt)n.; July, SBjgCt ; apot price-, No "7c; No. 9 white, 40fta40ko. No, a Chicago, B80.: No. ?. Bo&i No, I white, R8Xa40e.t mixed western, ;i7n isc. ; White do., Bad white state. RBa48Mo LiAHO Uoiet, tl.nier; western steam, Cloeedt7.9o aaked; city. 7'jc; option sales, none: April, t7.s"i; .Inly f7.,MI; refined, firmer; continent, IB,8oSottth America, I8.JU1 compound, 06o. Pork Doll, firm; mess, tl4alS.9B, Ciikbsb yalr datnand, naohangadi Koua Moderate demand, firm; state and Pennsylvania, IttalSok,; western fresh, lie; ion t barn, riaiitc - .. fbitadalpbia Tallow Msvkst. Pmlaobufria. April ll Tallow wa? dull with a iiH'ht danwttd. Prices were: Prime city in bogabeads, -1 . c. : do. dark In hogshead. 4jf0 prima country, in hogs heads, 4MO. cakes, DC.I gnaAB, iai'e. D, W Fuller, of Oanejoharie, N. v., saya that be always keeps Dr. Kingi New Ducovary In tha boose, and his family has always, found the v ty beat teattlta follow its u"; that In. wouui not be without It if procurable. O, a. Dyttaman, druggist, t.'nt if-t ill. N. V ., says that Dr. KiiiR' i .Now Discovery ii undoubtedly tho le-sr, oonih remedy; that be baa need it 4n his family lor eight years, and it has never failed to do uii that is claimed for it. v, by m 1 tre aramedyao long tried and teatadf Trial botttea free r.t Matthawa Hros'. drug story, hegnltir size fi'ic. and $!.0O. M - Tie. first trial of Dr Wood s Norway Plnaayrun will satisfy any one that the long healing virtue of the pine tree nsj now la-en rr il noil into nit effectlvo and convenient congh medicine. Bold by all dealers on ngunrnntuo of aatlataotlon, When v was it-k, we cave her Cir torla. vThW I be lias a ObBB, she Cried fOf ' inI"I ia. When she beeame Mliw, she along to i 'iiinrla, When . lie Iiud CUIWren, she i.nvellu in ( 'uJto.l. Ntiocc to Property Ownera riao TVLR 'hU'NI:'i;s Oli Rhll mi owners of iii-i.iii riv lioirnlini! and ulnit Heir on Um rri,ittini-1v- siile ,,r V e,t Lacks wsnna ava from the D.. U sW, it. 't. to North Main uve., the weatenr side of KtntK street from West tawkawanna. ave, to Pobln. .jii street; the westerly hI.Io of Itehiniion street Its entire length; atul both snh if North Mela ave. from Jseksun In !Vit.-boiie stret . 1 1 situate in the rourth and fonts Uientb wards of IbeOltr of Hnrantoa, 1'n. Tsks notice thai under the direction 0! OounoUs, I wl l make thi eesssemenl for tar itiif or ro-lny inK live font tl:i:rsione i! , walks .11 toatberiy auteofWeal Lisckawensa are. bote en above named points, and for (eying or rebtrlntf Bv . foot. nscstoQa aldawataaon WMtsine of Ninth eat Bibmaon atreote be tween the points shore dtslgnased. stso for laying . 1 relaying llagstone siaewaika, si.t- uiig oarbctones 1 laring pivoi gut ters on both Hides of Rortb Mmn av lit''n points fchove nieiitioued, ou illotnia. , April 2 i, a. 1) , 18 , ni 1 1 o'clock in ho fore noon, at my otnoe in the Municipal I'UtMing, In the Oity of Boranlon, Pa., aj wBicb time and pluei' you may anil lie Heard if yon lo desire JuEI'Jl P. PHILLIPS. city Mgiaear, ON l A Word, IfOnfao all Mada teH tM re; t SitwiiM It uii(n,"i.'A u' uiserfrd E.tu.itlori!. v.jntsd. 1'lTL'A'l'IuV A WO MAX O would Ilka tn it w..r'.( by the dvv i.t v.n.hiiia in- ..eauini'. or will take iv.islnii Hume. Addrem MAuY lulNNELLY, . il 1 u-.-li in utreet. ' AN I'Kl.i II'. A tt iY I" 1 HA Its OK AUK, ' employment in hotel store or on a fatm. '.1 n s W. UAKNBb BUBCH, KaetBtrouoi burg, fit, v'.ji mi man, ti, v, ho BAB hao BXP1 l rienue as a clerk .nd i. ii. bookkeeper, desires position as either or both. Bspeoti iinill sauvr) at W.elt.l likemi inleruuw. Address Mux 1122, T unkhannook, I'a. SITUATION WANTED AS HHIPPINU C oterk, or similar posltloni have bud e. perlenoe and nan turBlsh satisfactory refer' oboes, Address L, V. p., 8U North Bnraaer avenue, City. LJlTI Ai'lo.N WANTED HOOP HN 1 ' niuu an I n holar desires a situation where he is arlUiag to make lnmieir gem rally nseiuL ' C '' Tribune ofBce, D1TI A t Ion WAKTlCD BY A YOl Ml n nan aa clerk In grocery, dry goods or clothing store Dad eaperfenos 1 erooarj hnsine (iood roferancc, Addreee, Ta, at.. Tribune ofnes pOHITION WANTKD B A YoUNU I luity, 100U writer, Addreas Liaakt r, Uonersl Delivery, tscrantrn, Pa, ' 1 1 o. 1 kin WANTED" ilY A UOOD haker; 1,,'et oi lefi-reiices. A venue. Aden Uaker, 'W Va,iiiuitb ri Hclo Wanted -Female;-.. I .i'li;s W.-iNTKIi'TO WW 1 1: fV HOMK 1 j ls weokly: uo nanvasslng. iti-iiy with stamp. MI8K FANNIE F'ELKNOM, Booth II. ud, I ml Help Wanted Male. tl 'ANTED AKhl.,. PAINTE t hool's 1 1 imago Work., illu, f.S 8B North Meventh street. . oli. mil ana Aifente Wanted. pENKBAL AOBNTd WANTED-BftLL. " lag new nrtleloe to dealers; exclusive territory, no competition, no capital re uutradisOOto Mii per oenb profit (Xti(Jat- BIA 0HEM1CAI. CO., till an-l 71 Dearborn street, Chicago, ill. UrANTED MAN Vi ITU Lli B ANB flitB insurance experience us solicitor iu Lackawanna county! aood ladunements to right man. Address ii2u w Beta building, Pblladelpbia, Pa. U' A.STED-ADESTS T.iTAICK UKDEMH by ample; we will puy expanse and sal ai-y or allow BbaratcoromlsaloQi samples sent on application. Address Lock Box i. 135, New l org city. For Ke nt. L'oll' RE N I' M'Oitr. ..Il'l.'vi KA WANNA 1 Ave, inquire of HENBY PiiftY, i ll Lackawanna Ave. I.'OR BENT BUILDING .l LA OKA I wanna avenue from April 1. CHABLEa It WKi.l.lis, coal Excbauge. "POB BENT '1 HULK BOOMS, IKON !' ON J sscood floor. overN. A. Bulbart'e mnsio store, 11? Wyoming aveane, from April L in quire in the store. 'TO LET Foil A TKKM OK YEAItS J Part or u!i of three hundred feet of yard roc 111 idong radroj't. Ap;4y at UO Prankilfl svenue. 'IHi RENT STORE MBBWOB PlfBNISHED X ball ob Green Bldga atrset, Yery desim rJe locution and on reasonable terms. Apply n K. K. NETTLETON or U & WOODBUKt! H publican laiiidica. For Sale. Iol: ."-ALFI A iAK.M oKICKillTY AClit-.s, j one and one-half miles trom Daltoa mi the Delaware, us oka wanna and W stern railroad. Pirst-claas farm bouea with a never faiBBg soring nesrby; two barna good land anil g kn orcnard. 'in be snti elmap, Terme aaav. Address I). F. VO:,' MTORCH or WAA' ' ELLIS, executoM, lialtoa, Lackawanna county. Pa, COR SAW', - BS-AORB PARM, STOCK I' and utensils. J, M. BBEPPIELD, i2U Monroe ave. iron BALE OB BXOBANGB FOB SCRAN 1 ton property A bearing orange grove Increasing In production ami value 1 early in tba orange section hi Florida. Wares R K. NETTLETON, Laks Hsiao, Fiorina Speclj! Notices. TJliANK I.11.1KS. I'AMi'lll.l.iS. MAi! Is aloes, otc., bonnd or rebound at Tun TuinuKB oihco. Quick work, Keneonable prieea, ' VIRAL TICKF.TS CAN Bl BAD T in. il oorner Eprucu street ami Franklin ava one. Twenty meal tlntete fur S&M Good table hnanl. CAM ICNAI !"UAF. TAKI-IN Till'. LiVBaV! t si ibis lab ly occupied by s. Warren 417 alonroe avenue, rear, wnere be is prepared in furnish first class Landaus, Burreya, Pbea tons and itn.-i.-s good horses and oaroful drivers, TelepbObe eonaei Hons. CfoCKHOLDERS' MEKTINU THS VlT D anal neatlnv or the istocknolders ol the Providence Gaa and Water Company will be h Id at the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com pany's boil. ling, iot Franklin an nue, ccran ion, Pa, ut 11 a, m. Monday, May '.. IRH to sleet officers toaerve during tba enauing yen-. ami transact any oilier buainssi that may be nt 1 sentcd. H, f. ATHBHTON, Becretary, BoKlltOB .April ii. IBM, Real totate. T7OR BAUJNGl r HOUSK cl'INC' 1 avenue; very desirable locutnai. Anply a. F KKYNOLDA 01 wu.bAhD. WABBIiN A- KNAPP, 11,660 WILL l.CV MODERN NEW8-ROOM liiei..e. ill henrovroients: li-rnn r.-isi Mm Ler M.-uliS"U avniiioauU Delev.uio ttreet. Ap tly HARRY USED. JM.tU) Win. BtJV Vl.:; DEBIRAULB LOT o corner Madison svanus and Delawars street. Terme eaey Appu RARRt t.rr-M, Froposala. CJEALEH I'ROPOBAUtl Wild, lili Ft: D calved at the ofllee of the cry Chrk, Berauton. Pa , until 7,80 o'clock n. n, Tbnra dav. April ill, li'.'i. toru' iusb am lay Oldea ilk and paved guttor on weatery side .a s,iu street inim Lackawanna avenue to Carbon treat, in aoebrdabaawltb the plain ami 1 p.- -a laHons ,u office of city Clerk, tilddersshall em-'i s . with oaob proposal the sum ol ten it'li'i nollsra eimli oreortifleo ebook, In case the bidder to wbon tho contract shall have been awarded omits to exeoute a oentraei foi ttie work, the enowaura id ten dollars aoeom pail) on. ins pi oposiil l .il! In- torfistcd to the nit) nfficrnntoti Tho city rtssrves the right to reject any all IHda Uy order of city conn la, lit, T. LAVELLB, 1 it y Clerk, s. rantoBi Pbh April t. oEALED PBOPOBALB WILL BE BF1 i , eive, 1 at the efftoe of the city dark, Scranton, Pa,, until f.auo'olaak p, a,, Thura dar, April IV, ISK to grade BarloB atreal hetwei'ti Wie.lnn :ton nud Siiuileron avenues. The strsfl In to liegraded to its full width and the work Isto be done lu aorordanca with tno plana and ipecificatlone in the city eaffliMer's nttlie anil under tiis direi-tieiiH. ICueh hi-l shall ba aticompantea by a oertllled check or I i"h iu she sum of ton per centum of the amountbiu, aoaaetlie bidder to whom the oontraet aaall have been awarded rafuaaeor omtta to execute a oontraet witbin ten days from date of award thereof theepcloeure ac oompauylng hie proposal shall be forfeited t 1 11 It . of scranton. The city engineer's rstl iaateofnoal of the work is fournuadred nut taa 1 live dollara The city reeervee a is i inht to reject any and niliiii!, By order ..r city not II. T, LA VELLE, City Clerk. ElEAtiEp PBOPOBALB WILL HE HE II rolved at the olll, ... of the City Clerk BorantoBi Pa., unw IiSlo'clook p, m., Tbnra day. Aprfl IV, is:i. to ooBstruji a Isteral sower in Roche oenrt from the Flfteentli die tt i 1 iiisiu sewer westrt ly a uletaaoa of aim, it eight nOUdrad and seventy feet ; tsst; uls tn uonstruoi Hie manholes, lampholei, braticbee and Bxturva that are dsshmatod, uud tn furnish all labor .-Hid niiiili,. i iin iwoiy t., 1 complete 1 nrlea npr the wnrk rronoMils stuill ntalo lluenl loot eii'iinfele. lliililer sh. 1 1 ein lo-e wit II eueli prop Mil the t nin of live per cent 1.111 of the amount old lis a BBMBBtae to exeoute a ooatracl wtshlu ton days if awarded ilies.une, Hj work shall lui lllil, lied within sixty liuyu from dst" of commencement. Pro pnals not accompnnied by the required da pottt and pot In SOOordaBOS with udvertlsn- invnl ami ordlnanos will not be considered. The city reearvee tha right to rcim t auj and all bids. By order of city councils. M. T. LAVBLLK, City Clerk. BcraatoBi P . Aprd 7, IBM, LADIES' M 150 NEW ARRIVALS TODAY. LATEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST PRICES. a Our Dress Goods Department CONNOLLY DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AMj BPORTINQ POWDER Uaanfaotnradat the Wnpwsllopen Mills, Uu ernecunnty Pa snusl wii mington, DsUware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. (Iciicnil Ageut for th Wyoming Dil '.i 1 t, lit Wyoming tie., Scranton fj Uiiu Nktionsl Beak Building, aobkcii . rims rniti). iittHt m. rs. .c liN i: HMITH ABONtPlrmontb. r 1 M- t.i'i 1 1.. . ,,,. ,,. ,.. n,uiiuuii, , iii..s-nrti re, ia. AKiiitM (or the ttapauuo Ciieudcui Com-1 1 sny's liigb Bsploaii 1 - Oh, My Poor ed, they arc undoubtedly poor and will continue so until you have them properly and scientifically fi'tod with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is well qualified and we do not caare you a small fortune, either. Try him. No fit, no charge. Mercereau I :dv LACKAWANNA AVENUii "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have beon," A HAPPY PATRON OF" mn Scranton, Pa. 22 Md 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO KU1AKTON AND W1LKCS-BAERE, PA, MAXUFACTCRKRS Oi Leccmctives anil Stafloinry Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, Qanaral Office, SCRANTON, PA There are hundreds of yoong mm and young women In thli country who havo splendid :ilili;y, bul thoj have never icen Tfftkened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has boon nn Insplratioii i hundreds of young people. Ifyoo. nro tired of lauotivity and want to Uo toinethiug tauglule, toiiio In the Colli' common BUVaiiUH m nsi: BVMNBM cot list:. HonxHANU coi rse. F e. WOOD, Proprietor. LUTHER 111. PIPES, Office, 813 West Lack wanna Ave. xci-Hvn un 'f i.iiiactx'. all arOPS Id. With - - -"OSSSClfc. . m I I, - uu. . I ( . ' ... l.l - ttmu niiMTJUini UIIUJJ, li!UIIlU SEWER 'iLfOHCflNDAl TtftUilNS.'i 't'ii AeMrSsi .VKSVE IUBCO., MssonlO Tompie, For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON. DrUggiat, t"'. WMhinftOB Had Sui:i;o atrtL'ti. anw m m m we We ere showing a Handsome Line of Satin Stripe Jav anais. It will pay you to look at them. 09 Milk 'WE Clean Carpets, Renovate Upholster Make Over Mattresses, and we Factory The Scranton (iO'i Hiiii Gt4 I.ackuw aimu Eyes ! onnell KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOB FLUE LININGS. Quarries and Wovka, Fortland. Pa. ?ERVif SEE03. Tfcl. ,.. ..rii-rllil, SUB, a .uivi .1 1. , iiit nil ncmn. all- iibmk. moll asWmi: Mq miry. I.issiir llrslii iMwir.ltPiis.'iie. wusi'iuiiws. Com Haahiwd.Nlshtli llml in.s. Serwrni ness,allailnsaiinlosspl ier InUe sratlTfOri ansufi UUi!iciiiii.llii o'.iM.xrtloii.yolhlIcrrjrt. ,iHiiai -n mil uimi. iih h i " " ' Z ,' V ;' a si.-.nril,-i n,Klr a'wriun eafiarurt 4 : l.i I I tV l I ' .".IJl'lH 1. J tl . ,11 I , . SI' I IMIIIIII I'rr, - - - . : - v; . II (J n s WASHINGTON AVE 0pp. Cour; House. Feathers, Furniture, Retail Mattresses at Prices. Bedding Co. A4v. ooittfl A latHU Av.-. Frothingham Theatre MONDAY, APRIL 16. LEW DOCKSTADER'S Minstrels Muiy Old FBTorltea! Mnny Xw Ones! All united in sn Entirely Xew Prograauia. 11 Great Comedians H Lew Duckstader. Prank lJumout, i,-.irge rowurs. Blockson fi Burns, MBnC- Bar rlngt i:. Memphis ffianat y, Dave Kay, Symonds, Hughes & Bsetua. Racalar Price SI, 7fp.,iBs and Sals I oiitiuH at Powell's mu-i.- store F.'itlsy xu,,rii:n ! st I o'd K-l;. ACADEMY OF MUSIQ Oho Week, Connsncing Monday, April 14 Matiuei- S.ituriisy ,,t U 1" M. Tfca Papular an i i larur i narsi h r A.-io.', I HOXAN B. sill' V, And ooiB pany al s'::e.-.-. Daaeers ami iYiub- ;i .ii i!:n .'iiilor.-ini; lif-.n-rtoire. Monday. "R i e from Sine Sine." i Tue, day "Till' StUW Ol XfW V r'i " W liuy "Strufri-ti-i ." TBunday "Hip s vi inkle.1' Friday "Ur. Jekyll and Mr. Hyds." I Baturuni Matines ... ."Kin Van Wlnkto." : rtatnrdaj "l'li Ha.-k Flag.', Prices, 10, 20 ar.d 30c Sale .if eeats opeos Friday, April II, tor the fiinre week. ',V,.,k msnniAnftins irNii 4i'i:n a. ANnREW M'PHEE'S DoaUe Mamir.,.rii Spaetaealat Oil CLE TCM'8 CAB all COMPANY i wun cciiitj una ai. Ac - in- Grand Street Farade Dill) Wuh ral HiUtarj Bane, beaded bj in mi v i in nonu mm m nt widi n UIILI L'-u I kiiUII lli'UJIi III IIIL lluilLt An.uiwiov io. ?n aast eoetaiTS. j days SMI M l inMi.,y. at St.i. ami ,-vory svi iilKitt M i. i .I ipanai i..n.,n.i ..uui-.u. ,i"yl.'icl y - Tint a-aars beadiitartrs for rvorytluna in JUll'li;."lK llll 1. 1 nil ". n ,i;..- u. w Ul'lll V. V , , ' I , . ,'1 .11, ,1. , i ......... I I" ,.ii4 Dsattakeli yoodoaol lire in h .'all ai C"l ,iur pi .', win. ii 1. 1 iu mm iti iH-H all otaere. espelaliy la all tba high grades. I l.iglll. ;ll,liu:il :uiu rini.ini,'ii iin itihimi j Ifyoii hare any doubts nod am nt alt post nn priiw irii,' iih u i'iiU and wn will hava trouble id com Ineing you. W still haTealaa . i ..ii ...i. ..i. ...I... . i. ..... ..... I stii.-k. vv. r- re em a l'tnn Avi. mul Sprue t St. MULTI0HR0MES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. ;, !- s- ' if '' ' DON'T FORGET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers