The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1894, Image 1

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    AGA!?!, In order to accommo
date our readers, we place
the Wyorr.inp Conference re
port on pages l and 2.
wanna's legal luminaries is
unccrked on page 5.
ii Mfft
a k i
fill ITTO
wftfc m ,i is in a ia w ra jy v, -'- wr id fl n u w
Proceedings Witnessed by Many and Pro
gram was laif resting.
Reports of Wyoming and Honesdale
District:! and Bishop Hurst's Views
on Church Periodicals at Morning
Session Exercises of Historical
Society Have an Atmosphere of En
thusiasmInstructive Address By
Rev. Sanford Hunt, of the Book
Concern--Ad 1r:s 5 'S In Beha'f of
Preachers' Ad Society William
ConnWI's Report.
V......1.- .1... ..,...) .1 n. nf II, n
i.'5t''liiit , ill. pri'ii't mj ...v
Methodist Wvomlng conference at the
Elm Parkchnrch, was marked by two
i 1 1 . '., a(f...M
le.'Ullll'S, p.l. llCUl.iri.l , mo oiwm.wi.vw
C .1... , .1 a ,iih i r fllllll fin
I'l Ul" 1,1111 11.1- HlUhU ..., . ...
tli.' ope ii iiisr day and th proceedings
took on more of an interesting charac
tor than usually Char icteric s the open
ing day. o the morning the gather
ing was treated to interesting details
of the Wyoming and Honesdale dis
tricts, the twostotioni of the confer
ence which inn-t strongly appeal to
tl-.o attention of residents of this vi
cinity. In i ha afternoon the book concern,
one of the oldest and most Staple
branches ;' Methodism; was repre
sented by Rev. Smdforl Hnnt, D D.,nf
few fork, senior salesmin. Prom
him were learned many v ilnable facia
regarding what a c nttiry a::n was B
tendril of the rhnrcb. Tn historical
anniversary exercises of the afternoon
were of peculiar interest and were
cloaked in an atmosphere of warmth
mid enthusiasm,
The evening bad to do solely with
the Preacher's Aid Society of the Con
Terence and in tfl behalf sddr'-saee
Were made by Attorney W. J. Welch,
of Bingham ton; Rev. O H. MeAnnlty,
D. D., of West Pltteton, and Rev. J
Price, D. D., of New York, formerly
nfScrantoo. William Connell, treas
urer of the1 society, after annonncing
.L. !. . .1 c 1 1 . , , .
IMsoSce, Startled bis hearer, partic
ularly the members of the conference,
in 1300,000 to p)0 000 An extended
ti-t tt ii: r ivi It n.i ..I'm-l in
111' i ' . ' - Ml i I IV- i 1 r ii I i .
J:lhr)) 'Jii-et Gv. Hi, Views on Circu
lation of Chmeh PoiofiicaU.
-v J. F. William, of Dallas, pre-
hted a' the devotion il exereiass which
arere neid at s oclocK preceding the
ifaqlsr morning session. Prayer was
dferd by R-v. A riiffiu. of Bing
mmton, The s-rvme was interSDrs-
I With eon if.
Bishoi llnrt occupied the chair
en thf business uesMi'in was called
Border, I he imrmLs of th ssi'na
)f VPd-l""i IV '.vrp r..!id and nn.,r,,
Tile firsl bniiis of the session was
e Hn ail 'l .lisrric' ; Proi,!i, g Eldr
?v A. J. Van CUfr. of the Oueontn
1 1 .1..... l.i. 1J . 11'!,
relble. of the (luveifo district and
ri siding Elder Rev. J. G. Eekman.
f the Wyoming district.
'revlona to the pre'entint; of the
Vyoming rlmtrtct report. Bishop llnrst
lir..ilP.CC(l ii 'V ir I!'! V
e Christian Advocate, of 'New York,
in . i n . .
(i jiv. ur, nawier. editor n the
rrihern Christian Advocate of Syrrt
It was announced bv Bislion Ilnr.f
it the Book Coneem had deelured
le conterenc dividend to h, M 101
in-lit ii-i ui" iiiuixi'i, v. in ui'ifivii t-i
.1.-.,- t. . ti. ... i . .
dr.i wii by the secretary.
Jl'i. 1 . V"l . nr. ,ii , ., ii ' i -i in if,'
:.ved that, whereas the conference
id voted, a collection for the semi -
rrblal of Wyoming ieminrv. the
atisiloMl mcretary he aothorised to
,,v-i iiiiivitiitu ...... HIHO
a 1, . i ii i i
in unt received upon thn rec
ti, i no iiitfiiiiii vki.-i mi,, inn, I.
idle propositions 'or the, eonsfitu-
tonsidered tomorrow at 10 o'clock
. " "" r nil. j i. . ii a in i in n -,
e changes are onderstoo i to treat o!'
Woman s vultrago (iii-ation. and
II nroh idlv cause intermslitic iImIimIb
MM,.. n,alln. f t t
referred to the presiding elders,
appointments to bo reported to the
feretici, luter.
Jrs BltWVer nnd P.nRlrlnv than
l'fly ii .dressed the cnnferncn In lie-
of their respective publications,
view of the reduction in thn eiif-
ijjuuii uiiun in mi. ortiiern tains-
ii A ivocaie OSI . Itltur a r,.
tion signed by Hev. A, (Jr'ifh'n nnd
.. ......... j .,..,! i.nn ' . ' J ()
1 conleronce to snniiort in everv wav
n'-ildo the circulation of the nanara
that, no loss, in this conferenoe nt
It, would De occasioned tnerehv
BIS EOF burst's opinion.
tegnrding church publications,
. u . 1 " " ,i ...... y
lows: "I uiad a practice of a method
securing more general reading of
ireh literature which mnvbeofhan.
linn iinrur. , . . . n1.., ,,it,..i ..
to the ministers pres'iit. Toward
end of the year select some of the
t papers devoted to different
nclien of chinch work, take them
the pnlptr. with you und call the
onon oi i np congref:atinn 10 them
essentia Is Many are profoundly
grant of the coutents, shape or aiz-
mr penouic u n a net oi ravor
names Horn your couyregition
forward them to the proper editors.
h o! the perlodicala represented hei
ay arn essential to a proper cou
siincf with church work nnd there,
no reason why their subscription
suoniii net ne (liiit'irupifii. in the
of Ueiman Methodism, one ehuruh
periodic at lemt go.s imo every
family. Americans are not half wav
up to them in tbil respect, whereby we
are tangt mnguifloent tenon,
Rev. Sllinley S. Hard spoke In behalf
of tiio board of church extension, and
said the claim of the c inference was
that it had not much to do with sbnrch
extension. To refill., this. obargtS
subscribed to it and sixtv ot them gave
110 apiece or mors; 17 gave scine
tiiing, and but twelve gave nothing,
western conferences with bat small
memberships do more than w i da tn
1893 we asked the conference for
receiv at onlv 10. We 4i
10,000 this year, and I promise if it is
received that t,800 shall DS allowed
for this territory. We have aided
nearly all the couferenovs in the smtli
and wgt. If the pastors will give their
people facts, they will get money.
Taken, good timsfor (be oolleelioiis,
BSV three months, Ht least, before thn
couf'Ti-nco Inform yourselves on facts
of chnron extension from liierature
furnished for that itirpose
Exit aets from Presiding Elder Rev,
J. (i.Eokman's report for ttio Wyoming
district are as follow.:
When the Wyoming district was placed
under my supervision year ago I found
the cbnrohas ptospsnns and saDplled with
imstors win. hnveproveu tbeuuelves heroic
and devoted moo. The voar has bcea a
inbnrlons one. but, the cordiality with
" Inch 1 have b ecu received bv h nli initim-
teraaud laymen bas lightened its burdens
and made the y er one of pleasant mem
oirs, The worn of the year has gone into
history. M.icb ot the fruit will ba re
vealed onlv in eternity.
Cedar Avenue church In Scran ton has
been enlarged by adding Sunday school
room and a place for an organ and choir
A few fr.oniN presented au organ,
The church at Clark's Summit Las ben
J he Providence clmrch has been re-seated
and otherwise improved at an expense
"v"r,? " ides paying a balanoe on
tnir elegant pip- organ.
in September Ibe Asbnry church in
Scranton was consecrated to Qod's service
by bishop J. N. Fitzgerald, D. 11 riiie la
an elegaut structure, coating 137.000 and
wil. add trreatlv to tin. m...
, , , . p,.v-. .y ii uill
church in that part of the city Much
credit is due the pastor, Rev. O Cure
aided by I Is offlofsl hoard, fortna eonsnm
matii u of tins Important enterprise
The new rars,,i,g ott!le ( nr Avenue
cliurcli is the result, of the earnest efforts
c t the pastor, kcv. E. L. Santee. It H the
emnodimentof convenience and comfort
and cost tl.SOO.
flie qrandest achievement of all was
he completion of the Elm Park church la
the city of Beranton. This u:.1Ciiilicent
ratbedral needs no description from ma
Its chime of bolls, its grand organ, its ele
gant Sunday school appointment!, its li
urary, Its c.U)ie,iral windows, and Its
charming endlonea room are before yon
Never was there more heroic work nor
greater devotion manlraii
shown by the pa.t .r, i;ev. ,v. H. Pearce,
RJk the c flic, ary . IU,, cmlrCudr.r.
ing the time of its construction. TWlee
during the two yean it was erected, was
the buildlugdesttoyed n- (ire. At last suc
cess crowned their rfferts an.!, after a
we. ,; of religious servi,. n trhtftll Illa-iv
eminent ministers took-part, the church
M anally d-d,cavd to the worship of
Ood, December 17, ( it, bv Bishop C. II
trL 1 ft?'' a Thl8 wroctnre
with it furnishings cost ItSaim and ti e
enure property Including the parsouaoe
and ground., is value H f8 00 all t
whn h has been ser,ire,l by voluntary con
tributions and subscriptions, nearly all of
Which have been paid in.
A church al Hoosic is approacbing com
pletion. "
,Jke Whole amount of money expended
this year for improvement-, Inoindina
new churches, Is RWO.oon i round f,gu..-'
.h, . ' " v:'', '"'s;"r Simpson
eniirch. has succeeded in raising e nun ,
... ..., ,.-',es tnatunj? some valuable
unp'ovements about th- church
The Tint church of Wilkes-Bsrre is the
banner church tn contributions for mis
sions, having contrilnito.l 7iv
-,s more th in , v,
The great question of temperance and
prohioition has received N share i f atten
tion bv our people, but not as much as the
importance of mo subject demands. The
iq nor truffle nnd the drink habit constl
tnw the greatest barriers to the advance
oronrOtMaiian work of nnv ranee
. "... on n nnineii, Hml a more nrd
, w .uuttia no man I tested i- all
tor Its
nil jijil e4 in.
At Elm Park church Dr. Pearce h is re
ceived ,so persons on prohiti m.
Extraoil from the n-pirt of lVA,j,i
mit Bidet W L Thornt, of the Hones
da.e district, are as follows;
What may bare been the actus bom
ruiness of my labor, mr bretherc associa
ted with me as pa-tors can determine bet
ter than i, bat I am sura ton economy that
brings the service of tin presiding elder
ship close and intimate to tho respective
pastoral charges l approved by the pec
ple generally and invited bv the results
Th territory embrsecd 'in the district
has been frequontly described, and it will
tames to say it luui no- changed materially
for eeveral years, save la the ",-ini mi-.
Hon, nnd nereis the chsracterls tic growth
in population and oorrwpondlng oommer
cjal Interests common to the great antbra.
cite regions.
WhfTe there are representatives of vsr
lont religions denominations throughout
tne ntttriet, yet In much the larger portion
tho .Metlioi.i.-t, F.piseopid ('burcli is c.m
sidored to b- th I responsible custodian of
the religion, iif n.vl ,),., iggygljiyg fctr
in seeking tho salvation of the masses
This tact has led mo to bint to many
quarterly conference! ;hnt notwirh U , .rid
ing tne much we are doing, our plain and
p'ovislnns nre not folly up to the nods or
even the desires of these several communi
ties. At Olfphant We Propose organizing for
wink immediately: indnnd, the initiatory
baa ii taken, w,. have n plan of visita
tion to Investigate some other of tho set
tlements that have .mil nr.) springing up
nil along the baokswanna valley with
View to organizing class -s and Supplying
With preaching lis the demand may ap
pear. The policy that, lias dictated the adjust,
meat of the work for k number of years
lias resulted in demanding frmn a number
of tho pastors so much ttiat the local and
separate Interests have embaraaed them
in their plans and crippl d th dr otllciencv.
I assart, the pastors of the BoneMale
district this past, y.-nr have toiled loyally
nnd faithfully, yet with some of them It
has ben in thefaeo of coidlictlngdemaodl
that have diverted and acitterol (heir
personal force. 1 nm certain we must l
sever ned by a policy that tends toward
the more intimate administration a::d
service of the pastor In several localities
Of the district m l. Bishop, if yonr judg
ment acquiesce! with my new, there will
be at taia conference some divisions of
charges as tho h ginning ot this new
Any number of preaching places above
tLree Is just that much too maty
for any ono preacher, nnd ho to
do bis work with satisfaction to Idm
seif or the possible development
Continued on Page 2.
Populist PtuVi Sctrnn
1 ioiJs Across tho
For Building
When Com need to tho Two Lines
8uggCtted by the Kansas Senator.
He Proposes to Stand by the Tariff
Bill Providintr Wool Is Taken Care
of by Eastern Statesmen -Gatchings
Collars the House
Washington, April vi.
ToVH i r,ST mnator from Kansas,
U) Mr Pi Iter, deli Versd In the sen
ate today the third part or bis
U speech on tho tariff, bill. He did
not deflue exactly how he would vote
upon in.! bill as it at uids, but nude it
clear enough that, if it gave th bene
fits' of protection to the mnnnfaatareri
and ret used them to ttie farmers, be
would be in favor of free, tra le He
would stand by the eastern man ofao
turers, however, if their representa
tives in the senate would help him to
retain the duty on wool, to put suu'ar
on the free list and to retain the sugar
Miking u diversion from the tariff
argument and speaking of the move
ment of the great army of the unem
ployed all over the country, Mr. Peffer
declared that if congress were not so
hampered with constitutional restric
tions it sbonld plaos within the inn is
of the president before thirty davt a
bill that would provide employment
tor an. 1 lie m iking or good roads he
would leave to the people of tho imirt"
dinte neighborhoods, but he would
sUrt two straight railroads, one from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, and one
from the (ireat lake, to tin- (in f,
lie would itall unemployed men at
work ami would pay them good wage-,
at the end of the wed; Then, be
thought, the dark clouds would roll
away and he dissipated as the morning
A resolution introduced l v Mr.
Catohtnga, of the cnmtnittau on rules,
at the lginningo( the session today to
tine members f 10 for falling to vote on
the call of tue yeas and uays, or for
absence without live, Drsoi Dilated a
season of filibustering which continued
until adjournment was taken.
Tho reading of the resdlutlon was re
ceived with laughter and applause bv
the Republicans, and while the yHS
and nays were being called it was dis
cussed with much interest by Knots of
members about the clrk'a desk. The
vote ri8iilted: nays, M3; nays, 11; tho
Republic ins not voting.
Silt. CROW'S RKAI Will's,
Ex Speaker Grow (Rep., Pa ), aaid:
Mr. Speaker. I rise to h i.y a Word Koms
what in the nature of a parliamentary
inquiry. If I understand the prooesd-
IttSH here, tne committee an rules have
reported S proposition bv which a
quorum is sought to bes.cnr-d without
a .lucrum answering to iheir names
Their plan is the imposition of fines
nnd penalties mi accounts WhiOfl have
no moral turpttii l connected with
i nar tieing too prop isi tion of the
committee mi rules, if it is to adopted
at all, I think It should be made broad
er, and that we should bsve lines and
penalties imposed on ur n who violate
tne rule 00 "looking at well ason those
who fail to answer to thsir n un-'s.
Laughter and applause. Hut, Mr.
speaker, it does not strike me that it
belongs lo a legislative body to attempt
by tinR and penalties to compel its
members to comply with its rules. The
majority luv it in their power to nan
trelize the eir-ct of our tllOQOs, and
that Is ail they ar entitled to. (!-,unt
the men that sit in their seats and do
not vote, nnd there is your quorum.
It needs no penalties, it needs no
quarter sessions prooeedtoirs to try
in 'tubers of the house, SO in iking the
sergesntsi-arms s constable to coiled
your lin.-s ApplaOse. Hut if wear,.
lo'haVO lines it all for violations of the
rule, then I bold that, every violation
of a rnle of the house should be pun
Uhud bv fine or deduction from the
compensation provided for members of
this house.
Dy a vote of yens 61, nays ir,."i, the
homo refused to adjourn, and the yeas
and nays were then taken on seconding
the demand for the previous question
of Mr. ditchings' resolution revokiog
leaves of absence, This resulted, yeas
188 nays 3
Mr. Used made the point of no
quorum, the speaker pro. tern., how
ever,sai. that no quorum was essential
to the adoption of the resolution under
The resolution was agreed to and
then at 8.80 o'clock, on motion of Mr.
CatobingS, the house adjourned until
Tho Champion's Nuaii Mgares in a Call-
forr lie rdvoics Suit.
San Hf.rnadino, C da., April 12 A
divorce oa. was tried here yesterday
in which James J, Oorbett.ths pugilist,
..its named as one of the co-respondents.
Elizabeth JobSSOO was the plain
Tho linsband tiled a cross bill, nam
inu Corbett and J, E, Milllgan as co
respondents. A decree of divorce was
granted tha husband, the plaintiff fail
ing to apnea r.
Philadelphia ftocii u.oicrr Buddsnly Be
eninee Puff. lis' tc.
Philadelphia, April ia L. H. Tay
lor, a prominent StOOk broker was to
day held in jH'io bail for court for as
saulting dame, (iallagher and break
ing his nose. The nssnult w is tb out
come of a financial dispute between the
men, and was committed yesterday
after a referse had heard testimony in
the c 'e,
fJallaghef brought suit against, L. H
Taylor & Co., for $20,000, which he
claims was ttie him out of profits he
had made in deals nnd which, he con-
tends, was promised him "in a few
days. Taylor's defense is that Gal
lagher did not order hie account closed
and that advances lit the market wiped
nut all 6f bis 160,000, be having left
19.0(10 additional with the firm as
margin, with the exception of (80 7d,
which thby are prepared to pay lu him,
Afll lavit of tho D fenss In the Cc-l.brntf d
PUILADsXPQIA, April 12 The gen
eral oxecutiv board ..r the Knights of
Labor nu,i James R. Sovereign, the
general waster workman, filed in court
today uu ailiiavit of defense to the ac
tion recently brought against them by
T, V. Pnwderly to recover the balance
df $8, 818. 11 of salary for services ten
dered as general master Workman,
Tho affidavit denies tho amount
claimed as due, alleging that thn order
entitled to a crudit ot tjii.HOO for pay
ments made to Powderly, Resides
this, it is averred, that further reduc
tion should bo mule, because Pow
derly, on February 6, lsuil, while
iu the service of urn order en
tered into a partnership with
Henry (). Gray and A. W. Wright,
under the name of the laborers' an
imal publishing company, in produc
ing a work called the Labor Day an
imal, to be subscribed for and main
tained by the leading capitalists .and
politicians of the country to the private
advantage of the pawners.
It is also averred that credits to the
order were issued by Powderly to a
large amount of the partnership, thus
causing great loss to the order.
Soldiers of the Commonweal Tramp
in the Mud Over Horrible
ADDI80N, Ph.. April 111. A sheriffs
posse of twenty-five men met the army
nf peace as it crossed from Fayette to
Somerset county today and tonight the
emissaries ot Somerset county law are
encamped about the eommonwealera'
camp here, ready to car for any law
breaker.. Consequently this town is
aroused from the dreamy lethargy of a
mountain hamlet and the etreela are
being walked over more than for many
a day. It was another weary tramp for
the sore-footud followers of Coxey's for
tunes, but they walked with n will
over the fourteen miles or muddy pike.
reaming tins town at 0 0 clock.
Die road was a bard one for the
teams, and as the wagons were heavily
laaen tliey travelled very slowly
li'p inns were plenty oy noon, when
amitbfield was reached nod a ball
called lor tinner. S;:nthli -Id was not
greatly excited over the army, but
turned out nearly nil of its 160 resi
dents to "-() it. Alter bard-tack and
colteu bad been served the men were
turned loose to do as they pleased
While l. oxey an, I iirowne addressed
the people.
By 'J o'clock the army was again in
motion. Progress towards Addison
was slow, but tbeinarch was enliveuei
ty au escort ot Addison horsemen ami
a band who joined just outside of
Smithfield. At 5 o'clock the weary
column camo straggling into cinm
witn banners dleplayed and the band
playing its liveliest.
uamp Jeoerson is established In the
U -.. .
earn yar.i or jaiper Augustine, an m
tluenlial loctl cltistn, llo allowed the
(UeU to sleep on the hay in his barn
IOC men got a substantial meal of
btCOn, bread, OOffeS and DOtstOOS to
night. Tney spent most of theevenini
"bout town. 11).. saloons were closed
to preveut anv rows.
General CoXey remained behind th
army today, supposedly to attend t
soma bmdm-ps matters, llo took the
hist train from SiniUiti-ld forCumber
land. Tbe nature of bis trip cannot
be ascertained, Citlsens of the town
donated seventy-five lonvee of bread
ami a small quantity of poffee, it is
stated by som Here that Sherd! Hoov
ers mission with the army is to tool
OUt for coke strikers wanted in Fay
ette county. S)iu of them nre re
ported to have joined today.
Cholera in Constantinople bas spread to
parts oi tne city mtnerto untouched,
Qeneral elections In Holland have re
suited in the overwhelming defeatof the
govern men t.
Paroellite members of parliament will
raue tne lust, opportunity to overthrow
Bossnery's cabinet,
The liritii-h admiralty has tweuty-eigbt
merchi'tit liners on the naval reserve list
against uiiio last year.
A dispatch from Buenos Avres says that
the forces of the llmziliau government
have re -taken Paranagna,
The trial Ot Bmil Henry, the Paris An
arohlst, who threw th,. bomb In the Hotel
Terminus Cafe, hns been fixed for April
Hungarian Radicals will move a vote of
censure against ibe government for its at
titude on tin. occasion ot Kossuth's f ti ii
Australian burglars have organised into
nn army and make nightly raids. In three
colonies last month tOT were captured and
'Jl! shot dead.
An International o onferonoo to iix the
price of silver by treaty is n scheme of
Count Posadowsky, secretary of the im
pel iai treasury, Oermtny,
Revengeful anarchists nt Argentenid.
France, exploded a bomb boforo the resi
dence of Judge I'cle, who bud ordered
searches of the houses. No one was hurt,
but Henri Motor was arretted on suspicion,
The Duke of Vsragna, win. visited the
Culled States as the descendant of Colum
bus, has been appointed president of
Spanish senatorial committee on treaties
of commerce with tk-rmany, Austria nnd
Ci'lNt RflPfcii'S HARVEST.
Francis J. Ohert, proprietor of the Union
Holier works, at, Beading, Pa.
lolin W. Palnioni, late manager of the
star theater, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hon. Orange Verriss, of Ulen Palls, N.
Y., ex-congressiunn, aged 77 years.
MIsS Helen 13. Pod;; ., one ot the com
pilers on the ( entnrv Uictlouary, nt
liloomllchl, , J,, aged 7a
At Largos, Scotland, John dark, hnnd
of I tie II: in nf ( 'I .i ll A , 'o . llllinuflicllll ol H
of (;iark' O. N. T. spool cotton.
Aii-ustus Schoonmakcr. i prominent
nnti-Taminnny Democrat and ex-tenetor
and ex-attorney general of the state, at
Kiugstou, N. IT,, aged Ot).
liar CoDfltgrallOii
,. n r
IDS Illy vl
Works of the American Grape Sugar
Manufactory Burned Last Night,
Many of tho Kmployos Arc Injured
by dumping Out of Hie;h Windows.
Twelve Out of the Sixty Employed
About the Etuildinsr, Are Missing.
Buffalo, A)irii 19.
7 o'clock tonight fismes were
seen breaking out of tho front
windows ol the American Grape
Sugar works on Scott and Chi
cago streols.o'ni of the largest concerns
of its kind in tbe country. A general
alarm was promptly responded to, but
When the firemen reached tbe scene
the entire tiimeturn was a mass of
Sixty men were employed on the top
floors of the works. How many Of
i heee ( soaped is not known at this hour
(10 p. m ).
Among the employes seriously in
jured by jumping from the windowa
of the eighth llo ir are: James Young,
bend brnisnd nnd badly burned;
William Maurice, both legs broken,
will die; William Lawodowsky, badly
cut and bruised; John Stern, badly
cut. Lieutenant Bohraodcr, of Fire
Company No, l, was badly cut by fall
ing walls, and Joseph Webster, pipe
man No. 1, was badly burned and h id
a leg broken.
At 10 80 o'clock th liro had spread
to the public fish market and the Whole
sale meat district and was nol yet un
der control.
Midnight Tiie fire is now under
control. The total loss is about $1'20Q-
(tun. on which thorn is an insurance of
about 600,000,
All but twelve of the sixty icn "in
ployed in the building at night have
been accounted for. It is feared they
are in tho ruins. The lire was caused
bv an electric light wire on the tiiird
Mrs. Frnnk Lt-slis'. Whilom Husband
Takes Un'o Mtmanlf an Irish Olrl.
London, April 12,---It beoame known
today that "V'ii!i" Wilde, formerly
tbe linsband of Mrs. Prank Leslie, of
New York, was married a few days ago
to Miss Sophia Lees, by special license,
in this cilv.
Tbe bride la d scribed as being young
beautiful, rich nnd of Irish parentage,
sim is thn granddaughter of Thomas
Ord Lees, of Merrion, near Dublin.
New York. April 12 In an inter
view today Mr. Prank Icslie expressed
herself as much surprised at the story,
and could hardly credit if.
"I received a letter from Lady Wilde
only last Monday, and she made no
mention of a coming wedding. I have
met Miss I,es in London, an I consider
iter a very estimable woman. siijs
about 40 years of age, Put, as to her
marrying Mr, Wild. well, he has no
money, and she la almost similarly situ
ated. She has ..bout l,000a year iu
come, and as Mr. Wilde'bat been liv
trig with his mother, and as Lady
Wilde has no wealth, I fail to see how
they will get along, I em particularly
surprised to hear this story, bcosnss I
cannot imagine oi r, wiide marrying
any woman who has not lnonev.
ne;ds a veileo lady.
C'oromsnd.r Jones Ilea Trouble in Held
ii ir FIs Recruits Toffalhsr,
CHESTER, Pa., April 13. With the
prospect of passing the night upon the
WCt ground. Jones weary rscrullS were
a disgusted lot. Most of them Openly
announced tneir intended de ertiOn t )-
morrow. The arrival of commissary
wagon and t Iim di.-st r i hittloa of 800 loaves
of bread nnd some other Provisions re
vived tbe drooping spirits of the com
lon-s bnstled around and finally dis
covered an nnoooupied mill nsar tha
Camping ground and applied to tbe
owner for permission to occupy it with
his band tonight and was given the
requirod permission Jones made n
Speeoh to the men tonight and be
sought them not to grow faint hearted
lud discouraged so early in the march.
Not much enthusiasm greeted the
leader's speech and Whether tha men
will leave tomorrow or not u an open
Ganeral Hens-1 Favors the Jackson t
Wncd'-i Company.
HABBRBUftQ, April 12, Attorney
General Hensel decided today not to
-k for i writ, of quo warranto against
Ihojaokson iV- Woodin Manufacturing
company, ol HsrWtOK, to lorfoit its
charter rights on tho ground that it,
was carrying on a o impsny store.
lie denies the application of .1. M.
Lilly and otners because the property
occupied by the store company bus
been conveyed to it and that the man-
nfnctc.ring concern has no interest
in it.
Gains Intrants .n llsnk nnd Escaoss
Willi $0,000 in Cakh.
PlTTSBORO, April 12. During the
temporary absence at noon of the clerk
and cashier ol the Wallace Bxohanffa
haul; at Leaver Pall," a thief gained an
ntranoe to tn. cellar,
He cut a hole through Hie vault,
door and robbed the bank of .vil.r.l.'O in
taab, making good his escape, and
anting no clue to his identity,
Captsla Rorrere Pp.ake of Ihe Excellence
of Batiulion Drill..
HABEtSBCRO, Pn.. April 12 Can tain
Alexander badgers. Fourth United
States cavalry, who was detailed by
tho war department last summer to m-
Li V LL 1 il
p'ct the National guard, has submit
ted his report, lie says the several
staff departments are all thoroughly
organised on business and military
The First battalion of tho Thirteenth
regiment is complimented for a re
markably fine exposition of tho battle
exercises laid down in the drill rognla-
nuns, tne battalion drills, be any.,
wre general lv BTOO I. The ceremonies
of parade, review nnd inspection Were
well performed, Tbe steadiness ef tbt
men in ranks was very remarkable.
The regimental drills were generally
good, the colonels, almost without ex
option, being thoroughly conversant
with their .inties.
National miners' Convsntlon Adopts 70
Cent Per Ton Basis.
OoLtTMBCBi -i April 13. Tho Na
tional Miners' convention today de
cided tint tiio wage scale, mid condi
tions adopted at the convention one
year ago snail be demanded as the ob
ject of the strike to be Inaugurated on
April 21, This is the 70 cent per ton
It means an incr, aso of from 20 to 25
cents pr ton of wages now paid In
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana aud Illi
nois. .f.
Ben Eultcrworlli Weaves a Very Large
Chaplct lor the Star of
WaBHINOTON, D. C, April 12 Made
line Pollard might have been a good
woman in the eyes of the world today,
said Major Buttdrworth, if she had
carried out her part of the contract
with the defendant to leave Washing
ton and die out of his life.
Major Botterwortb tnok occasion to
picture Mis. Pollard aa the adventuress,
laying her plans to entrap Into mar
riage a Juan whom she had in her
power throngh uer guilty relatione.
The plaintiff eam to tho defendant
and said: "i have told Mrs. Itlackburn
that wo lire engaged. Now what can
I do to set myself right with her," nnd
then t!i two decided to go to Mrs.
Blackburn nnd lie, to keep this woman
from being condemn d. agreed to say
they wer" to be married.
Colonel llreckinridge had done a no
ble act. He bad gone to Mrs Blank
burn to save a woman's honor, to keep
her from being disgraced as an adven
turess. And when she could not force
bim into marriage through that in -ans.
she spread this terrible p-slilence
broadcast throughout the land.
Major Butterworth then said: "This
ess- rests witn vou, gentlemen of the
jury. Mr. Breckinridge is not i.eru for
violating a moral or any other law;
that is not, the question. He is here
for you to determine the question, did
he promise to marry this plaintiff, and
if so did he break that proiins V
She says she copies here to redress
irreot wrong. I deny it, I deny it.
She could redress po grent wrong
bringing suit in this way. She wanted
either money as a balm tor her feel
ings, or elst Blia wanted what doea not
riae to the dignity of revenge, She
wanted to scatter abroad a leaven oi
pestilence throughout my country.
sending it to every hearthstone.
Major Butterworth concluded at ri 10
o'clock, having spoken eight hours and
a half, since 11 yesterday morning.
Jndgs Wilson said he preferred to be
gin the closing argument for the plain
tiff iu the morning end, Judge lira liey
nssontiug, the conrt was adjourned,
The oaae will go to the jury on Satur
day. se
Dr. and Mrs. Trail Green, of Hasten, yes
terday celebrated their golden wedding.
County Detective Hunter was lined
19 88 nt Lebanon for swearing nt n re
porter. After nn idleness nf several months, the
(forth Beading foundry will resume ou
Monday with. about Kill employes.
County Treasurer Bright, of Berks, has
been advised bysolioitors that he has not
the rgiht to issue licenses to peddiers.
The Lebanon Central Stove Works will
begin operations next week. The Leban
on Brick company also gees to work next
Tho SCO bicyclists Ot Heading nre fight
ing the now rule l hat n toll of I cent a
mile must be paid on ail turnpikes enter
lag that city.
The chanter of the Pott -vide Pome Mo
tual Life Insurance companv nay be re
voked by the state for failure to file a re
port of last year's business.
Fire at tkedve works of William u. Lor.
ImerA sons, Philadelphia, yeaterd iv after
noon did damage to machinery and stock
to the extern ot f4000l insured.
The Shenandoah Yallev hosnitnl wes
dedicnted vestcr.lav. Hoverilor Pattiaon
mil his stuff and state superintendent of
public Instructions were present. The
hospital building cost 8u,00ft
- .
Rev. Thomas ilyrne. of Cincinnati, lias
been appointed bishop of Nashville.
Illinois U.ipublicans will hold i Innr state
convention nt Bprlngfiold on July 'Jo.
I he New York senate, bv a vote of 14 tn
11, has commanded Senator Hill for his
tariff ipeeeb,
Lawyer Joseph T. Hastes, ehawaaafl aslUi
the murder of Hartha J. Fuller, at New
York, has been held for tho Brand mrc.
Sarah Carter threw herself beneath
train at Atlanta. Qa.. because her lover.
private soldier, was about to desert her.
By an explosion of two cans of nnwde
in ttie store ot Frederick Uorelook see.
Mount Vernon, nd.. MlltOn Mr,
was kill, d and Ccrge Lain! aud W. Cur
tis badly burned.
George Fallon, a HI inter who ismnt i
New York from Jacksonville, Pla,. re
cently, acc impaul id by Walter Henderson
10 y. ars old, lots been arrested for kid
naping Henderson.
Her reason dethroned bv nt
Michigan University, a 80 vein- old il.nKh-
ter of Captain L. I,. Janes, U. S. A., re
tired, now t ravelin.' in Jatiati. enmmi'Veari
suicide by swallowing stryobnine.
WASHINOTOB, April 12. 'ore.
coal ,ior Mdttu: l''r Stuttrn
rnnstivNtia, cioudu m Uu morn,
tar ollowed I.y fotr; northnut-
SrlU .Iliads nnd slinlitiu ummMe
h'nr Western I i'aa.sir,rin'(i, ne.nrrallu fair:
icon-, shifting to ci(f) ((m( sliyhtly
VGWADAYS Ilermidorf't is prsoih
11 cslly tbe only Fast Black Dye for
Hosiery and Gloves.
All our "sellora" besr Herinsdorf's
stamp, and we nrn going to signalize
our Spring Opening by a HERMS
Monday, April 16
We shall open in our
Hosiery Department
the most complete ssaorlment ot
Hermsdorf Hosiery we have ever
shown Plaln.Dropstltsb and Hoot Pat
terns and shall present to every pur
chaser of these guO la a valuable
Hermsdorf Souvenir
with Herinsdorf's compliments and
our own.
Ladies' Hose, 25, 35 and 50c.
Children's, 6 to 8., all sizes, 2501
Gents' Half Hote, 25 to 35c.
Wo Miovo tlnn t,, lie the best values ever
ffereil in Boat Black Hoilery.
510 and 512 lkawanna Ava
Maltese Cross
And Ook-tanned Leather Boitinj,
H. A. Kingsbury
Mi Sprues St.. Scpffflton, Pa.
Lewis, Ri!y & Davies
I Hands our Ol.SO, , SJS .10
ami Sttl SHORa, ami so unrhnsinstlc nro tliey
over then pnrchsSSS that one sale Is sure te
ho i lio mean. of making another.
114 Wyoming Av.
AIT UNTIL I get in my
new quarters and you
can get bargains in
that have never been offered
in Scranton.
1. 1 II BE
The Jeweler.