THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL V2, 1894. GORMAN'S D DEPOT Woman Without Gloves i I BCARCELY moro than hall drt'36(!. No m.itlor bow fiuo abonmt, bow elsgunt a dross Blie may have, a neat p.iir of Gloves is uec-juBiiry for tho completion of tlm out-Joor toilette, and, in fnot, maki'8 u; for n grent deal rai.y bolnckinc in other ar ticloa of dress. You can get Gloves Kid Gloves at almost any price. Get them here. A fiiir-pricod glovo is, however, cheapest in the long run ; looks better, wears better, and is guar anteed not to rip or toar. We have the Fostor Kid Glove, the H'te Jouvin Kid Glove and other well-know makes. Good Gloves they are. Other stows have tbpu, too. Tho only difference i3 In the price OURS, of course, being tho lowest. But the bost Glove we have is the new Glace Real Kid Glove With Large Pearl Buttons, in all the New Shades, Tans, Erowns and Blacks, ARLCOM WITH AXD BUSINESS How quick womn are to recognize superior "style!" How they discover that' our Hats are both beautiful and beautifying ! Often it takes but a look in the glns, a query as to price and, presto! a sale is made. OLYPHANT NEWS BUDGET. l'.eme Caue-ht Krs and There ami Toresly Ri irt.d. Special to the Scranton Tribune. OLYPBaOT, Pa , Ajiril 11. C, M. Putnam, of Dposit, N. Y., circulated nmoos; friends in town yesterday. Mr?. Willium Taylor and John Tav lor atlciirtd the funeral of Mr Taylor's Rister-iii law t Jersny Junetion, N. J. They returned home iiist eraninc. Tl.e D'lawar and Hudson Gravity railroad wan completely blockaded by now at this place today. At noon a zaug of men went to work and cleared ;he track's by evening. Mr M. W. Cnmmings and Miss Ella Failden visited friends down the valley yterduy. Rev. F. J, Januihek left Monday momiiitr to visit tbe southern states. Mrs. P. W. Fadden and children, of Dunraore street, are visiting relative in Archbald. The C-moctha old child of Andrew Owoes elifrd at his home on Hudson street yssterday The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. In terment iu Union cemetery. Wodneiday Martin Crippin notified Mr. Williams, M. D. O'Malley, Mrs. John Lawlor and others that the land they had purchased from Dr. Troop rightly belonged to the Delaware and Hudson Canal company. Dr. Troop purchased the laud about a year ago lrom Mrs. Maria B Hull and children for 42,500. The land in dispute is that tipon which stood the old No. 1 breaker which burned down abont fifteen yesrs ago. Tbe snow storm of last night and to day had no effect on the street car traffic on the Olyphant and Poekv ille line. PENNED AT PRICEBU3G. . Littls Lccals In R.fersnei to the Ifaws of the Day. Special to Vie rtcranton Tribune. Pricebcro, Pa., April 11 Council man Patrick Long, of Main street, was badly burned about the face and body in Richmond shaft yesterday. He was employed as timbermai and was de pending tbe shaft in a backet, when bis light came in contact with a blow er, which csus'id a slight explosion. The injured roan wi.s taken homo and placed nudsr the euro of a skilful phy sician. George Rankins, of Dickson, has ac cepted th position of coachman for William H. Richmond, Tbe following guts havs registered at the Central: Robert Mills and George Adams, of Soruuton ; C. A.Birs, of Carbondult, and Rngsae L ike, Gib son, A large number of our sport loving Hiizsiis atttnded the athletic tourna ment in Srrantnn. Mii!lliiIII!Ei;!lllllllSilIllllllHllllim 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. I Price, $1 S FOUR or tlimr. COUPONS, pro- 5 S sensed. t The, Xrfbqne OOoe, eor- B ner Petm aveath and Sprues atroel, " m mil i: '" t!io holder tn nil tlio prlv- 2 Si irgn nf the nnpnillllolotl oVtvrt 5 mi for dletfthallng popnlM hooks 5. 7j untonj; pot readers, Tho offers iimcle fi Si by Tlio Tvlbntte mnn.i.iufnt are 3 i'.'J infmllnwir S3 M . H IS CICNTS nnd Four Cnunnns for gj Jg any volume In tho Columbus Re- J gg ilea. Over 100 titles to anlart from. Qg j 20 CENTS ami Four Coupon fo.' g n i. v book in tlio linKb Series. 5 s jjj 30 CKNTS and Four Coupons for H jj any book In (lie Oxford Series. ilIHSIMIIi)iI!I!il!!3lll!!IS!.l!IIIIIIlIli THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Out of town eorresponaonts ofTn rain Unf. should slitn their nsmos in full to aoli news lottar, uit far publiouclaa uut to guard sgsiuoi deooptioa.i ARCKBAID ANO VICINITY. Important Council Maetlna; Osnsral News Tersely Bacotded. Bfitcittl fo the Scranton Tribune. AncnnAi.D.Pa , April 11. The heavy snow fall of !.. t night prevented work in Nil the mint in this vicinity today. Mr. P. J. Barrett, of Hill street, was in Serantou yesterday. On Friday eveuing a meeting of the Presbyterian congregation will be held and a formal call for a pastor will be drafted and presented to the confer ence. The uougregation has already accepted Rev. Mr. fc)haw, bat their ac tion must be ratified by the conference. At the last meeting of Archbald lodge of Odd Fellows the following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year: Noble grand, Jobn Otto; vice grand, F. Schwartztrauber; Becretarr, J. Linderuian; assistant secretary, Joseph Home; trustee for eighteen months, Henry Myers. The officers will be installed on Saturday evening by DUtrict Deputy Soutag, of Jeruiyn. Tbe Knights of Father Matbew and the Young Men's Soeial club are about to bold a grand entertainment, tbe proceeds of which will be given to Martin Maludy, a member who has been ill for several weeks. A regular meeting of the coaneil whs held la: t night. President Lane pre -sided and tbe other member present war Caffrey, Blake, Jones and Pad Jd. Mr. Jous rffered a series of res olutions directing that all bills shall be first approved by the auditing commit tee before ordered paid; that the bur gess be directed to make quarterly re turns; that no work is to be din' on the road only as ordered by the road committee; that a polic committee be created to ngage ooh pelie service as may be necessary. Tbe resolutions ware adopted unanimously. The resig nation of High Coustabl J. J. New romb was accepted. A committee from Archbald Hom company asked cou eil to exonerate tbe active members of the company from the payment of occupation tax. The committee wns directed to furnish a list of members to tbe council. Mr. Jones suggested that the money derived from tbe licensed saloons oo the Ridge be de voted this year tot toe repairing of the roads in that part of the borough. He a!90 asKed for four electric lights. Mr. Blake and Mr. Kelly called attention to the bad condition cf the roads in the Tuird ward. These matters were re ferred to appropriate committee. The council appropriated $50 for the ex pense of the board of health. Messrs Blake, Padden nnd Cslfrey a police committee. The road committee wits directed to iosptct the roads on the Ridge. OuaranteodCure. We authorize our Advertised druggist to soil Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, And will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair triul.nnd experience no benefit, you may return th bottle aud have your money refunded. We could not make this otter did we not know thut Dr. King's Now Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew Bros', drug store. Large size 50c. and $L FOREST CITY FLASHES. Eflvcts of th Grout Storm Personal and Other Notas. FjKcial In the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Pa.. April 11 John R Hawkins, of Binghamton, N. Y., formerly a prominent busint't man of tbis place, is in town today. Another snow storm has visited tbis locality at tbe time in which we expect to lee the fragrant arbutu and other flowers blossoming forth. I' ha been raging furiously for the past twenty fonr honr.4 and the storm king still reigns. Tho sidewalks are drifted and the whole town enveloped in the beau tiful. Work at the mine had to be sus pended this morning and a small at tendance of scholars was reported at the school. Trains have run on time, but a bad night is anticipated. F. J. Osgood, the popular solicitor for the Southern Building Loan ssioci ation, has issued seventy shares of stock in Forest City tbis month. Fred Bivin rsturned today from n week's visit in parts of Connecticut and New York states. The Epworth league held their weekly session Inst night. Miss Lena Reynolds gave a biographical sketch of that honored American noet, John Greenleaf Whitticr. Miss Lottie Rey -nolds recited a pleasing piece in ber ftultltss style, and W. A. Price read n essay on J. G. Whittier, which was well received. Last evening, through the courtesy of the management, ladiec were admit ted free to the opera house to witness the play, "Under the Gaslight," by the Wonderland company. A large num ber of ladle took advantage of the kindneM Of the manager "Oliver Twist" tonight, '"Streets of New York" tomorrow night. P.emarkod bv K. C. Joiner, at Allen P. 0., Hillsrlalo Co.. Mich.: "Nothing gave my rheumatism such quick relief as Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil believe it Infallible for rheumatics. MOOSIC AND THEREABOUTS. Bright I'aragr. i i , Personal and O.her wlit , from a Qritoiful Writer. .-Mini to the Scranton Tribune. MOOSIC, Pn., April It Edward Jobntou, formerly a resident of tbis town, but now f Peaobacot, is visit ing friend in town. Miss Mary Martin, of South Main street, is ill at the home of her grand parent, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moine, with tb mump Mrs. E. T. Blaekmir, of Brook street, is recovering from her illness. Harry Conner, of Mill City, is visit ing at the home of S, B. Corby, of North Main street. Mr. Frank Wlldrirki and souk, Charles and Wadey, of Miuooka uve nuo, arc visiting relatives iu Nineveh, N. Y. MAYFIELD MIRRORED. The News of a Day Told In Crisp Para K raphe. Special to the Scranton Tribuni. Mayi iild, Pb., April 11 Ik Men dleson nude a flying trip to the Pio nttr City last evening. Miss Delia Hosie, of Forty Fort, i visiting at Ik borne of Petriuk Dtirkin. The strtct csrt are cot running U duy on account of the suow. The Glenwood, Erie and Keystone collierie are idle for tbe remainder of this week. Mrs. Patrick Dnrkiu went to Pittc ton to attend the funeral of Patrick Noon, of that plttce. Charles Hoyt and Q. J. DeGraw at t'T.ded a surptife party Monduy bight at Jirrmvn in Honor ot tlio twenty second birthday of Charles Soutt. Mrs. Frank Smith is visltiug friends at Foster. Miss Nellie DeGraw is visiting at Scranton. "Burdurk Blood Bitters taken after eat ing will relieve any fouling of weight or over fullnets of the Btomach. Sold every where FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Gundi The following complete tablu showing the day's fluctuations in kctivx stocks is supphad and revised dally by Lallar A Fuller, stock broken, 121 Wyoming avenue: Opuu- Hi i: Low Clos ing, out. est. in, Am. Cot. Oil .... Am. sugar. N lH WN A.T.tS. F 15 15 15 15 Can. Ho 51 51 51 51 On. N.J 1M IU 114 111 Chic, ft N. W 1141 10!IU 1141 IWK- a, b. & q si? mi KIM iH Chic. Gas tavi m HI HM On On 0. & St. L... 10 411 411 4Uij Col.. Hock.Val. ft T D. ft H 14U UU 140 1404 D.i L. ft W D.AC. F -II 20 2-V.IJ 20 ;5rlo 17 17 17 17 (4. E. Co 401(1 41 411 41 Lake Shore 12014 1S9 vm rim L.AN 51 514 !154 m Manhattan Mine. I'ac :UK 31 !H 3114 Nat. Lead Wf 4i H'. 405a N. Y. v N. E 11 U M N. Y. Central 101 101 101 101 N. Y..O. ft W 17 17 17 17 N. Y..8. ft W U. S. C. Co 224 W North Pan North I' 21 2lTi 21 tlU Omaha 40 4n2 4" 41 I'ac. Mall 17 17 17 17 Reading 21 21K 21 OH Rock buand 71 71 71 71 R.T II W " St. Paul M4 t 4 4 T..C. ft I H'14 IHVi ID 1UU ToxasftPac II t)i W m Union Pac (ON 21 2i4 21 Wabash, Pr IHtj IS IS IS W. Union X4i W M W. ft L. E 13 13 10 13 W. ft L, E. uf 61 51 51 51 Chicago Brain and Provisions. PcnANTON, Apiil ll.-The following tiuota tiousare aupplivd ami corrected dailr by La Bar ft Fullor.stock brokers.121 WyomlUK ave nue. WHEAT. Mar. July. Sept. Opeiilnif MM 03 IU ll!gtit 02 IH Mj Lowrst nS tt Kl CloalDR 00 02 113 COKN. Opening 8S-M 40 Highest 30 Lowest rH 30 40 Closing 86 80 4u OATS. Opening SB -mi 20 Highest 32 211 SC Lowest 31 2 25(4 Closing 82 IU 25 POItK. Opening 1252 1030 Highest 1252 1250 .... 1220 1225 .... Closing 1220 1225 .... LA KD. Opening 7110 707 N7 Highest 732 7011 607 Lowest 7?J 007 WI7 Closing 725 007 607 Sll K r RIBS. Opening 032 027 620 Highest 632 027 62,1 Lowest 622 015 620 Closing . 622 015 020 New York Proauoa Market. New Yokk, April 11. Cotton Futures steady; April, $7.50; May, $7.52; June, J7.51); July, 7.5U. b'roun Steady; receipts, 22.CO0; sales. 2,000; low extras, i2,05a2.45; city mills, 18.808.00; city mills patents, tS.OOsbt. 10: winter wheats, low grades, r: '"'. .' 40; fair to fancy, f2.4."a2.75; patents, fa.00a3.50; Minnesota, clear, f2.50a2.0O; straight, t8.S5a8.60: patents, H 00a4.45. Kye Flovb Steady, 2.60H2 90. Wheat Liull; receipts, 11,000; sales, 2, 550,000; No. 2 red .May. 68jf6tf0. July, 8806 ll-IOc; August, fitc. ; September, 690.: December, 71a"l;9a RYI Quiet; wrstorn, 4857c. Babi.ev Dull; No. 2 Milwaukee, 67c; western, WUtiSc. Corn Firmer; receipts, 19,000: sales, 115,000: No. 2 May, 44a44c; No. 2, 44'a 4ce. ; steamer mixed, 47c Oats Steady: receipts, 137,000: sales, 10.000; state, S9al2c; western, 47a4Sc. Bkef Steady; family, $12al4. Pork Firm; mess at 81414.88. LARD Easier: 7.t5. Buttkk Keceiits, 205,0(0 pscksges; (inner; state dairy new. I5a24e. ; do. old, 10nlli. ; creamery, new, 25c. ( HKESE--Receipts, l.tnib packages; fair demand; large, BalSo.; do. fuacy, llal2c. ; do. small, lOnlSJi'c tOOS Receipt, 8,660 packages; market demand, state, 12c, Sugar Steady; crushed, 4 18-16s5c; powuercd, 4 5-lfln4c; granulated, 4 5-16a 4C. Petrolei'M Steady: crude, $6; refined, 85.108. 18 Tallow Firm: 4j. Hav Stendv: OOaW;. Hops Steady. I2ai8c. Lead -Firm; $3.45. Coffke LJuiet; No. 7, 17. Potatoes Sternly; New Yorks, $1.6.5a2. Coal Buy; uuchanged. LlATHBR Steady: hemlock sole, Buenos Ay res, light to heavy weights, 10a22c. ; common, 16lcV, Wool Steady: domestic lleece, 20s25c; palled, lfia25e. ; Texa, 9al5c. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTR AL R A ILKOAD 0 FN. X LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anttrncito coal uhoO exclusively. Insuring cleanliness and i oinfort. time taiii.f. in irrioi FEB. 1, MM, Trains leave Hcranton for PlUtton, Wllkes Barre, etc , at 8.10, 0.15, 11. ;W u. m., 12.311, 2 00. 3.30, 5 on. 7.25. 11.18 p. m Sundays. 00 a. m 1.00,2.00, 7.10 p. m. For Ailontlc Cily, B. lis a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (express) a. m.. 12.31) (exproaa with Ballot parlor car). 3.3(1 (expreta) p. m. Sunday, 2.00 p. m. Fob Malxii CnuxK, Aixbktown. Betiilh iir..M. Kastoh and Philadelphia, a. m.. H30, MOl 5.i (except PbUadclpnls) p. in. Sunday, 2 01) p. ni. For Lotto BiiAKi'ii, Ocean Drove, etc., at 8.10 a m , 12.:i0p. in. For UeaduiR. Lclianon and Harrisbnrf, via Allontown, 8.10 a. m., 12 ii0, 5.00. p.m. Sunday. 2.14) p. m. For Pottaville, 8.10 a. m., 12 !!0p. m. IteturninR. lenvo New York, foot ot Liberty street. North river, at 1.10 (express) a. m.. lie. 1.80, l.lin (express with Huttot parlor ear) p. ul Sunday, 4.91 a. in. Leave Phuadelpbia, bcadlof Terminal, 9.00 a. m.. 2.00 and 4.;n p in. Snnnsy, 0 27 a. in. Through tickotatonll points at lowost rates may bo had on anilicntlnn iu advance to the ticket auunt ut the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Den. I'au. Agent. J. H. OLHAtTSEN, Den. Bunt DKI.A WAUK AM1 lirir. JL SON RAILROAD. ' ' i , I : n ' - r j mi' i, ; , ,-i, I trains will run aa follows: Trillin leave Bridge Stroat Station. Scranton, for I'ltt.4 ... W W .... n ... a MM Mmli u:i7- W.48. in.. 12.10, m " 1,25. 2.38. 4 10. 5.10, 3.18, 0.15 ffw r ana j i tio p. m. A " For New York and Phlla- ' delphla, 8 00 a. in., 1210, 141 2 38. 4.10 and 11.30 p at Fur HonecdaieffWin Delaware, Lnokawanna and woitorn depot), 7 03, 8.30, 10 10 .m , 12.00 m., 2.17, 5.10 p. in. For I'nrbonilale and luterinedlate stations. 5.40, 7 00, 8.00, 10.10 a. m . 12.00 in ,2 17, 3.25,5 III, 6 20 and 0 35 p. in.; from Bridge btreot Depot, 2.H3 a. m., 2.17aud II 35 p. m. Fnat oxpreos to Albiiny, Snratoga, tho Adi rondack Mountntns, Boston and New ICnglnnd points. 5.40 a. m.. arrlvin; at Albany 12.45. Saratoga 2.20 p. m , end leaving Scranton at 3 p. in . arriving at Albany at8.5i'p in., Sara toga. 12 55 a. in , and B ston. 7.01 a. m. Tlio only direct, route between the coal fields and Beaton "The Lendlim Tourists' Itouto cf America" to tlio Adirondack Mountain re (nrtt, LakeaUeorgeaud Chainplaiu, Montreal, etc. Time tnbloK slionlng local and through train sol vice bet u een statloua on all dlvl-Mis Dela ware and HudKoii Bjstcni, may tio obtalnud at all Delaware and Hudson ticket ofhYi-s. K U. YOUNU, J. W. BURDIOK, Bei olid Vice President Don. Pass, At. A Handsome Complexion Ib one of tho greatest cbanna a woman can possess Pozzoiti's Ookwuxiom PowDaa gives CAdBONDUE iTiMS The Pionasr '."It Vividly Pictured In Btlsht Pnrug-rnpbs. .M '" the Scranton Tribune. Cabuondale, Pa., April 11 On o count of u. storm tb remain of Henry William were not taken to Clifford today. Tomorrow morning; (Thursday) they will ho takn there for ititoncont, leaving here at 10 o'clock. Extentioa preparations are being made by the Columbus band for their bull on Tuesday evening of next week. Dan Hart recently employed at Cranes' store has accepted situatiou at the Delaware and Uuudiou coui psnys' coal pocketo. Joseph Brnnunn has uono to Bran ford, Pa., where he nccepts a possitlou us luaiiftKer of u telephone exchange. J. C. Hnhn has returned to his home in New York after enjoying a visit iu this city, tho guest of C. A. Kafka. Intelligence has been received hy Mrs. William P. E Mores, of North ObaTOO street announcing the sudden death of her brother, Colonel Horace Biois Bnrnhiiin, of Richmond, Va. Mr. Burnham wa a former resident of Carhnndale. The ball of the Cottage Hoae com pany will oscur on Friday evening. April 20. A grand ttrno 1 being looked forward to. Hon. M. E. McDonald, of Scranton, wus among the visitors iu this city this morning. Frank Berry, of Canaan treet, at tended a reception in Scranton tbis evening. On account of tbe severe torm which ha been raging since yesterday after noon, the traction compuny have failed to reach thi city with otrt car sluce last evening. J. Vandermark is beautifying his residence on Washington by the erec tion of a handsome porch. Rev. William Edgur wbs in Scranton this afternoon uttoudiug thesesjioni of the Wyoming conference. Mrs. M. Schxenborgor, Beaver Dam, Wis., writes: "Wo hsve used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in our family for Coughs, Colds. Croup and Rheumatism. It cures pverv time." Beecham's pills are foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co. ,365 Canal St., New Y'ork. RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market OFFICE: Binghamton, N Y. FACTORY: Brandt. P E, 's Sons' Lageh I'iEEH Brewery Msniifartnrors ot the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. Tbe GENUINE New Uavea Mathoshek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18(50 Now York Wivroro ims No. 80 Filth Avenue. E. C, RICKER & CO., Side dealers in this section. OFFICE IOa ADAMS A Vlv BE SURE AND get your choice of multichromes. One coupon and one Dime. Brandt Cla y ProductCo Robinson All Run Down Alwa ys Tired, Sleepless and Without Appetite Blood Vitalized and Strength Re newed by Hood's Saroaparllla. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " For u couple of years, I wus subject to feel ings anything but good. I always felt tired, I inuld not sleep at nigiit and the little 1 could cat did not. seem to benclit mo any. I Old Not Have Any Ambition to go around or work and In tact was not ablo to iln a Boodday's work. 1 happened to pick up a llrsulU embracing advertisements and testi monials for Hood's Samaparilla, and after read- Hood'sCures mg them decided to i;lve Hood's Sarsaparllla a trial. I have taken five bottles and must say ihat I have derived wonderful benefit from itand Feel Like a New Man. I would recommend It to all sufferers aud would urge then not to hesitate but to decide at once to take Hood's Sarsapaxllla." Paul M. Weber, UU North Tenth Street, Heading, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Sold by all druggists. 23c. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, AniJ Bfe "f00'""! tuf of Euuli.h and Ger man Fbyalclaus.are now periaansntly located Temple Court Building 8 1 I SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON Where they nisy be con-.ulted DAILY AND ItlNDAY. The Doctor Is s graduate ot the University ef Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of Physiology and turaory at the Medlco-Cblr-trcloal College, of Philadelphia. Be Is also an honorary member of tho Medlco-Chirur-glcal Association, and was physician and surireon-in-chiof of the most noted American and German hospitals, comes highly indorsed by the loading professors of Philadelphia and hew York. His many years of bosoltal experleno n sbles this eminent phyideiau and surgeon to correctly diagnose snd treat all deformities and diseases with the moat flattering success, and bis hi, h standlus in the state will not sll .w him to accept anv Incurable case LOSI DIAMlllOII Kl lill. I !) WFAKNKSS Op' YOUNC MKN CUIIED. If you have neen givon up oy your physi cian call upon tbe doctor and be examined. He euros the worst casesof Nervous Dobility, Scrofula. Old Korea I etarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of tho Ear, Eve, Nose snd Throat, Asthma. Deafuess. Tumors, Can cers and Crl pules of every description. Con sultation In Ennltsh and German Free, wblo shall be considered sarred and strictly ci i.a dentlaL nnice Horn,: 8 A.M. to 0 P. AU Ilallj. Suuilav. O a.m. In ! p m, Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Feb. 38 , 1804. called for by the Comptroller of tbe Curreuoy. 1IESOUKCKS. -"an" SI, 16,840.00 OTerdrafts 0-17.37 I Mir. 1 States Honda 80,000 OO Oilier II. .ml. B1:i,fi787ft Hanking; House 38,044.40 Premiums on U. 8. Bnod,,,, 04:1 75 Due rrimi V. 8. Treasurer 7 OOO OO Due from Banks 908,4111 73 tasli 1411.040.54 '-' .' o -,.-,n no MAIIILIT1E8. CapDal 3O0,00a0O ""'"las 940,000 00 CndlTldeil I'roUts SO180UO Clrcnlatloi 73,000.00 Dlvldemla 1,'npald 134 50 Dtpoalta.' 1,504.00 54 Dm to Bank 00.30.50 St, 203, 550. OO WILLIAM rONNKLU President GEO. H. CATL1M, Tlro-Pnsldnt WILLIAM H. PUCK, (.'aabler. D1KECTUH& William Connell, Gonrire H. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Arehbnld, Unnry Bel In, Jr., l III I mi T Smith, Luthar Keller. Tills bank Offers to depositors every In. Mil wan auled by their balances, busl ueaa and responsibility. Sperial attention uiv.-n to bualneas as counta Interest paid on time deposit!. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE PITT8T0N, PA Grand Opening NEW STORE The FAIR 400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Cloaks, In fants' Wear, Notions, Boys' Clothing and Boots and Shoes. Special Bargains MONDAY, KERR & SIEBECKER CARPETS VELVETS, with borders, 90 cts. Ingrains' All-wool, Ex- tra 8uper,yard I wide, usually 75c. and 80c, j oru PRICE, 65 cts We still have a few patterns left of the 40c. Tapestry Brussels. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. A WORD 1 "COURT THE GIRL." "GET BUG AGED." "GET HAKRIED." "GO 10 HODS BE1 KG." "RAISE 4 FAMILY." With 6Trv $50.00 purobRM or ovtr with Try $75.00 purohast Dinner S.t Onr S9.00 Outfit ie diaplayad iu our A few o ht prizes hare not been aame wm leaae can on OPENING DAY, APRIL 9th. UPHOLSTERY Chenille Curtains, $3.25. (An unusual bargain.) Extra heavy and extra wide, $5. Furniture Coverings Imported Tapestry, Satin Derby, Satin Damasks, Wool Tapestry. TABLE COVERS Satinette Fringed, ly3 yds. square, $1.25. Holland Shades, fringed, Hartshorn Rollers, 50c each; usual price, 65c. WITH YOU "The 'Economy' will do tho rest.' They will furnish your housa complete from cellar to garret at one day's notice and give you terms that are bound to suit and not trouble you during your honeymoon. we will preicnt A Clock (Cathedra (Dtoratd.) window. See it called for. Those holding coupons of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers