The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 12, 1894, Image 1

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    Detailed reports of the Wyo
ming Confe-ence begin on
this page and are carried
over to page 2.
For a graphic account of the
Elks' dedicatory services and
their witty social session, see
page 5-
n 5i
ik mm
Forty-Third Session Opened at the Elm Pail
Eetbodlit Church.
Proceedings of the Convention The
Standing Committees for 1894
Nominated and Confirmed Offi
cers of the Conference Various
Reports Made Eloquent Sermon
by Rev. A. F. Chaffee, of Wilkes
Barre Programme of the Work of
the Week.
Tlie forty-third session of the Wyo
Bint; conference commenced at 9
) (.'lock vester.lnv morning it) the him
Park Methodist Episcopal church. The
session vui opened by President BishoD
John F. Hurst, D. D.. L L. D , of
v nshingtoii, D. C, who paid a Blowing
tribute to the beauty of the edifice and
the progressi veness of its conurbation
and pastor. Hv. W. H. Hearce, D. D.
lie ?.'.! i there mluht he churches more
noted for their achievements, but be
bad yet to learn of tbetu.
The bishop, in his brief address,
spok of what tbo eliureh had accom
plished and dwelt particularly on its
estnolishuwnt of mission and mission
aries iii foreign lands.
At 10 o'clock began the organization
of ttie conference and the beginning of
the business session
There were eleoiod the following:
President Bishop John P. Hurst, D. D.
LL D., Washington, U. 0.
S-eovtarv Rev. Edwin B. Onhstod, Nor
wich. N. V.
AsMtant secretaries John B. smit,
Ashley, Pa., and Benjamin P. Pipley,
Unadilln. N. Y.
Statistical secretary Henry II. Wilbur,
Le-tershire, N. Y.
Atsistattt statisticians H, A. Gren,
Banataria Springs, if. iCiWllham Friable,
vVhlinov'a Point. N. Y.; W. L. Linaberrv,
S. Gny Buowden, H. L. Ellsworth, James
Conference treasurer Rev. Hugh C.
McDermott, Kingston, Pa.
Assistant treasurers G. C, Jacobs,
Oib'on, Pa ; G. B. Stone, Mssouville,
NY.; F. P. Dotv, Peckville. Ph.;
Clark Cullender, L G. Santord, S. H.
Elitor for detailed raiio-iary re
port Ovar L. S-veraon, Sayr", Pa.
Assistant editor J. L. Thomas, Fly
Creek, N. Y.
The standing committees for the cur
rent church year were read as follows :
The following standing committees
for 1894 were nominee I by the pre
siding -ddera and confirmed by the
Public worship-J. Q. Eckman, W. H.
Pearce, L. C. Floyd, M. 0. Fuller.
Stowards-D. C, Barnes, W. M. Miller,
J. 0, L-acock, IJarry Perkins, George K.
Powell, George i. Couch, Levi Jenuisor,
G. A. Plncv, F. F. Hall, E. Carley, Johu
Seacord, W. B. Beiinet.
Education W. G. Simpson. J. R. Boyle,
0 L. Seveiwn, I. N Shipman, John E.
Bone, J, A. Faulkner, M. B, (iodshall. L.
L. Kpranue. L. P. Howard, William Ed
g r. II. B. Benedict, J, Bradshuw, E. W.
Griffith, William Connell, W. F. Clements,
H. W. Lee, W -f. Welch.
Epwortli li ague J. 0. Woodruff, A. 6.
Decker, W. C. I.mnberry, A. Grifliu, L. B.
Weeks, W, T. Blair.
Church extension H. N. Vandensot, A.
H, Colgrove, W, Frisby, M, B, Hard, B. IS:
Breets, (;. c. Jacobs, Ueorge Foraytn.
I reed men's Aid and Southern Education-J.
H. Boyce, s. J. Ausiiu, w. D
Fuller, A. Wrigley, VV. M. Shaw. L C
unilay Schools W. H. Alger, F. J.
Jones, L. P. lioward, O. E. Vnw'oert, J
N Lee, S. Haman.
'1 Met Cause Isnac Jenkins, E Evans, S.
H. Wis d. L. F. Van Campen, V. K. Coch
ran, H. A, Blat.cbard,
Blbl" Cause G. F. Ace. O C Uvnsi,
S. E. Walwortu.J. C. Hogau.C. D. hhepard!
G. L. W illianis.
Temperance W. H, Hlller, J. F. War
rm, C. A. Benjamin. C. U. Sackett. J. 0.
Johnson, a. a. Prentice,
Publications of tho Book Concern J R
Alien, N I-: Ripley, e. R. u. Briggs,
rhomas hnrges-, P. R. Hawkhurst, LC.
F.i yd.
Mis-ionary Cause L. ft'. Karschner B
Kilpatifclc, W J. Hill, W. Fiiabi.., J. iiladi
son. R. M. Paaooe.
Episcopal Fund E. E. Pearce, P. G.
Rf'kinan, F. J. Jones, A. W. Cooper U
W Norihtop, w. b. Thomas.
Oh erratics of Sabbath (i M. Colville
F. A. Douy. H. G. llarned, O. H. Prentice'
U. 8 Rose, K P. Ripley.
Conference Relations H. G. Hiair, A. F
Brown, J. B. Littell, George T. Price B
P. Doty, S. Jay. ' '
Reception of Men hers O. U. McAnultv
P. Iloiick, C. A. Haves, A. J. Cook, G. b'
Stone, L B. Weeks.
!Muie..t tin, Church-0. N. Surdain, C.
li. Peranneua, M. s. GodsbaU, F. Geudall
J. W, Nicholson, W. 11. Pearce
Mate of the County-C. ,W. Todd, H. H.
Wilbur, J. W. ft cbh, c. C. Vroomau, E.
R. 1). Bnggs, L B. Wilson.
To Nominate Officers for Conference B6-e!lf-C.
W. Babcock. J. F. Jones, J. R.
Atcel, J. B. Sautel, E. H. Depuy, J. 8.
Lewis. "
Ministerial Support-C. H. Newing, T.
R ft araocb, Charles Smith, P. R. Tower
G. A. Cure, J. H. Tavlor.
Me,noirs-A QrlfSn. G. F. Ace, J. B.
Cook, J. F. Warner. W M iiu w o
Neiherton R. M. Pascoe, W. L. Thorpe.
Church Miisic-H. G. Blair, A. Chef
fee, D. Personens. A. C. Olvr .T 1 . i
as, J. Underwood
CI, inches and Parsonages J F Will
iams, H. E. Wheeler, J. H. Weston,' S. A.
Terry, H. A. Green, H. A. Williams.
Conference Collections R. w Lowery
tj, E, Sweet, E. H. Dupuy, L. C. Slmpklns!
F. D. Hartsuck, J. R. Wagner. V '
Local Preachers and Postofflces-D
Evuns, G. N. Underwood A. Schollold E
S. .!i (Trey, J. L. Race, J. W. Hewitt. '
Subscriptions for iimutes 0. H Reyn
olds, F. J. Jones, a H. Florey J H
Croinpton, J. A. King, J. A. TraUiOJ.
lV-olutions-C. L. Rice, Charles Smith
F. H. Parsons, H. L, Ellsworth, I. N. Ship
man, . G. Bnowdeu.
Audiling Committee S. D. Galnin S
F. Wright, W. T, Blolr. W. B. Westlake'
P. R. Tower, J. C. Johnson. r
Couteronce Exatniuatious J. B. Sum
ner. G. O. Beers, W. Edgar, 3. Jay, E
Kilpatrlck, W. G. Simpson.
Reports wery then made by Presid
ing ElJer Rev. Thomas Harrouu, of
the Blngbuintou district, and Presid
ing Elder Rev. Henry M. Crydenwise,
of the Cueuango district-
John F. OoQchar, president of the'
altimore Woman's coIIrva w,,. !.
'need ny uisnop nnrst to the confer-
nee and spoke in its behalf. Of co-
euuuiiiiuuai principles no gaid toe ex
ncriments had not irivnn vuiwi !,,,.,
Large colleans with varied courts utnl
heavily endowed were not able to meet
. i jt 1 a .i
ius ueiiinnu ui siu lents crowding
their halls. Co-education is successful
for cheapness, but not for practice. A
woman's cnllftLra is imrlil,,,. if r.,,.
women and it is most desirable for them
to De Kept away trom daily association
mm juuun uimi wiiHii at ine age. or
hero worship. Mr. Goucher then
treated of tha .,dn,-, t , . .t . , i .....f . i
intellectual, physical and spiritual
pwcucttti ai tne college.
Rev. J. H. R, Brevkinridge, superin
temientnf tha Manor UaH.n.iiit l., ,
pal hospital of Brooklyn, N. Y, was
.1.... Hn ..1 MIL t . , , '
inrii pivmuieu. ins nospitai, its cus
toms and obiects l cuid w
known to the m-mbers of the confer
ence, jj ist year the Wyoming confer
ence nnnortioned to it nhnnt i nlilnli
endowed a cot for as many days; this
)ear n- asasu ror a dollar a day Tor aos
days for the institution which ia free
to those who cannot afford to pay, or
oniy cnarges lor treatment an amount
enilivalent tn
Bishop Hurst nrged the conference to
consider me remarai anent ootn to col
lege and hospital. Of the former he said
he was conversant with the facts stated
by Jlr. Goucher; of the hospital he
recommended that the conference en
dow a cot for at least a year.
Mr. Oouchor's credentials wera re
ferred to the committee on education.
A resolution was offered by Rev.
Manlev S. Hard, of Reran, nn mil
adopted by the conference, which con-
taiuuii a seiuuu'iii. or pleasure owing
to the nresence nf Itiahnn Rnnl
Aii adjournment was taken until 2,0
0 CIOC1C p. IU.
Missionary Sormon by Rev. Amasa F.
Chaff of Wiliceo-Barre.
The afternoon session was begun at
2 30 o'clock with devotional exsrcie3
led by Kev. George M. Colville, of
Binghainpton, who offered prayer and
read a chapter Ironi Psalms
Rev. Mauley S Hard presided at the
sesBiou, which was commenced witn
the financial reporting of the clergy
men or representatives from all dis
tricts to Rev. Hugh 0. McDermott. the
cenferenae treasurer and nil assistants.
An adjournment was made for ten
minutes to allow the various standing
ing committees time to retire and elect
chairmen and secretaries.
When the confrnce resumed it was
to hear the missionary sermon by R-v.
Vtnnsa f . Chaffee, of Wilkes-Barre.
Ui text was from Romans 1:14. Hi
spoke as follows-
But why obligated?
Expediency will not suffice. Accordine
to this we chose such thiugs onlv as pro
mote our happiness or pleasure. Self is tho
center of this. Right is then simply that
which seems expedioat. This is the basis
of all heathen or godless systems of mor
ality. The common doctrine of Christianity is
that the will of God is the ultimate trround
of moral obligation to rational creatures.
that Go.! s will is the only rule for derid
ing what is right and wrong. His will
binds us. This implies that His mind shall
be known, laws given. Assuming, then.
that th collection of hooks, called ihe Bi
ble, is such rev lation.are we under obliga
tion to spread the Gospel.
e are not led by Paul's statement to
believe that he was under anv special call.
or feeling the stress of an anxiety which
would not, be shared bv anv God-called
parson, Ha had weighed the go of tho
Divine commission, felt its overwhelming
importance, saw how the safety of na
tions depended upon its being obeyed.
This was but a recognition of roponsibil
ity and a willingness to respond; recogni
tion of the spirit which animates the host.
an army of invasion aud conquest, and all
muse reel tno responsibility.
The spirit of i no Gospel embraces all.
Christ is in the world to save the world
He is after sinners. His coming is of
mercy. "Par God so loved the world, that
be gave bis only begotten Son. that whoso
ever believetn in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life. For God sent
not His son Into the world to coudemn
the world; but that the world through
aim migni no saveu.
Grace is for all. By the crace of God.
Jesus Christ tasted death for everv man.
Every man is the phrase which measures
the wideoess of his love. "Ho is the pro
pitiation for our sins, and not for sins only,
but for the sius of the whole world." "He
gave himself a ransom for all." The euds
or the earth are-invited to live. The up
lifted Christ, as the uplifted serpent, saves,
gives mora lile and vigor, to such as look
tu faith. But who shall call the attention
of the polishing to the crucified? His
church. Before the crosj it is impossible
to breathe other than in an enthusiastic
spirit r missions. The lost world stands
before us. We feel the awful must, and
hasten with the message. Adoption Into
God's family, soulship, means kinship with
tho Christ yearning for the lost aud try
ing lo save. Ti.e religion of the boh of
man is missionary, God the sender, the
children the sent.
This aspect of the obligation considers
tho command us sole authority. God has
tho right to command, and "we have no
right to disobey. Unquestioning, with
out sontimentalisin, we respond, because
such only ia right.
This makes manifest the importance of
tho individual. What God might have
done is one thing, what be has done quite
another. His plans are consumateu by
the use of individuals. Mosb gives tho
law: Isaiah prophegilet; the disciples oall
His friends, in His realm this is ansla
gous to the molecular theory of science.
IIv this wi, are taught that light, heat,
sound are conveyed by the affection and
activity of the atom. Pass it along is tho
unalterable law. A failure of t tic atom
means an impeding in transmission.
Gnu's inactivity may mean the eternal
death of n whole line of connected atoms
or individuals.
God exalts us by smiting the sbackles of
sin and making us bondmeu of His love,
wherein we become legs and wings to His
Tbo strong are to bear the burden of the
"As ye would that men should do to
yon, do ye also to them."
"As ye have opportunity do good unto
all men."
"Thou sbalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, aud with all thy soul, and
with all thy miud. And thou sbalt love
thy neighbor as thyself."
But to whom are we neighbors? The
men in need. Samaritan Incident teaches
us tho doctrine that capacity and oppor
tunity measure one's duty. "What you
can, is the law in your cas", for God nover
requires impossibilities." Thnt you are
able renders it probable that yon ought.
That you have opportunity renders it cer
tain. Either of these conditions may ex
ist without obligation, Angels are able to
tell the story of redemption, but have not
the opportunity. Man has opportunity to
do miracles of teaching, but laoks the ca-
parity. In neither case does obligation
The priest nnd Levite had both
and opportunity. They were under ob
ligation, and nro exonerated wherevor
known for their shameful inhumanity.
' is au ethical question: it is a
moral question: it is a question of con
science; it isa question of reliulon. These
verv rich man Iisva ilnrima Tin- ... -, i
helpless seething mass at the bottom bnve
' .-in , a'i'i i rn-ii nun wuo is not Dnsy
thinking how he may mitigate the suffer
ings of that mass at t he tint trim nnrl how
he may lift it, is nuworthy of possession
ui vuo ivrtune wincu uas uoen put in nis
hnnds, whether by accident or by indus
try." Christ's doctrine that capacity nnd op
portunity constitute obligation, gives Mr.
Hewitt electricity with which to thunder.
In fact the backbone of many reforms and
issues is this God-given doctrine. It alone
saves them from boing stranglod by va
garies. See we one bleeding by the wavside, and
have we beast and friends? Ho hns claim
upou us. We are debtor to him. To ignore
his claim is high crime against God
Have we an oracle uukuown to the
Greek, unpnrchasable, of spotless puritv,
whoso words are life? We are his debtor
for Christ's Bake. To ignore his obligation
is high crime against God.
Have we sweeter snugs of hope than
those of the barbarian? We are his debtor.
To close our ears to his cry is high crime
against God.
A very pertinent queitiou for the church
to ask itself is: llavj we been, aud are we
now, loyal to the divine com mission I Have
we not crucified our Christ:' Hons the
church reflect His mind and spirit?
Let me quote from Dr. Olin'l speech in
Now York on the twenty-fourth annivers
ary of the Missionary society:
"But, sir, strongly disposed as I am, in
addressing au audience of Christian men,
to make my soul appeal to groat Hrnt prin
ciples, I should yet hestitate, but for my
solemn conviction that tbo sentiment is
only half believed by the church. 1 should
hesitate, sir, to assign ns mv chief argu
ment this stale theological truism, that it
is the duty of tho ciiurch to evangelize the
world, because it is the only way of saving
the world. I sbj-, sir, it is my p'rofouudest
conviction that the church does not be
lieve this tremendous truth. It believes
that the Gospel is an unspeakable blessing;
that it is an excellent remedy for sin; that
it la ' lod'a cttosen and cherished wav of
lifting up our fallen race, and biiuging
many sons aud daughters into glory; but
that Christ's is -the only namo given under
heaven whereby men cau be saved;' that
'whosoever believeth uot.shall be damned;'
that 'idolaters shall not inherit the kin -
dom of God' these are declarations which,
as it soems to me, tho church is wont
to receive witn many grains of al
lowance, and with a more critical
and imploring look to the con
text in quest of whatever alleviations may
be found in the shape of figurative lan
guage or restraining clause.
In their convulsive attempts to got away
from the torturing conclusion to which
the plain testimony of God's word must
clarly shut them up, men forgot that Ihe
most grievous eiu of Idolatry is idolatry
itself; that this is the woiific, polluted
source of tho abominations and defilements
wbicn the blood of Const was shed to
wusli away, and that heaven is not shut
against the unregenernte so much because
tuey are guilty as because they are unholy.
"!-ir, did the church really" believe the
gospel to be as neressary to the heathen as
it in to us, there would bo, at once and for
ever, nn end to her guilty rep .me.
"They who gav- full credit to such
truths do not sleep over tbem. It would
be easier to tiod rest in our beds above tho
throes of an earthquake. The agonies of
baocoon and his children, flVlna in the
coils of tho serpent, wcro but pastime com
pared with cnose or tu cnurcn, uatil she
had either unlocked herself from the grap
ple of this tremendous conviction, or dis
burdened her conscience by a faithful con
secration of Imr energies to the work of
rescuing the world Iroin its doom.
"And yet it is true, if the Bible is tru
that while we dwell in peace, under our
own vine and ng tree, litttng uponr sonus
of praise in the full city, nnd making vocal
the green lulls and valleys of our Christian
land wiih the echoes of iovous thanksgiv
ings to Him who hath redeemed us. bid
ding away tho sorrows of life, and defy
ing the terrors oi ueatn ny n sure trust in
Chlist, and bright, full-hearted anticipa
tions of beaveu it i tine. sir. that the
myriads of unevangelized m-n are passing
into eternity without a ny of shining
light. They perish, sir, they perish. They
live without hope, aud die without a Sav
iour; and we, who are, for the good of the
world, intrusted hy Christ with the de
posit aud monoply of his grnce. withhold
the onlv nutidote for sin. and thus become
iu no figurative Bense, accessories to their
guilt and woe."
Let us not deceive ourselves. Have we
not looked luto tho glass and straightway
forgotteu what manner of people we wore?
We shed tears of sympathy with the
woman who mado her husband's shroud,
prepared his body for burial, placed it in a
collin made by her son ami covered bv her
own hands, read our burial service ovor
the loved form, turned from the new made
grave to prosecute the work her oonse-
rated lover had laid down, and civo 30
cents each for missions.
We walk with Taylor until we foel eu-
laigsmeut of heart. The whole of Africa
for Christ! Stupendous! Bold! We do
not know the man. We must be multi
plied several times before we cau under
stand him! However, our pulses beat
quiikor aud we kivo our 50 cents for mis
sions. We think of the New England woman
who put several missionaries in the Held
by the pioceedsof her needle. Some one
says, "strange woman." Yes, she was
Christ-like! iler self was lost.
We place Marsbman, Carey, Duff,
Father Dannier, Coke among tho heroes,
a constellation by themselves. Sirs, their
spirit of world conquest should be the
nortunl spirit of the church.
We reach the million line and thou
shout our praises as if millonial glory
wore about to burst upon us. VVe have
given 00 cents per member for missions.
I am not indulging in badinage but in
honesty of purpose, trying to emphasize
the fact that the church Ib not yet in earn
est upon this subject.
How do we raise what we are now rais
ing? By urgeut and persistent appeal,
mite boxes, birthday offerings, missionary
fairs, punch cards with stars upon them,
willing workers and many such devices.
T he enthusiasm of the miuority carries
the mass. Thousands aro literally ex
tracted from the pockets of the people.
Let me introduce an incident of 1TCC,
which will illustrate my position,
Some members of the society in Scotland
for propagating Christian knowledge op
posod the translation of the Bible into the
Esse, or Gaelic language, from political
cotisnUratlniis. It would tend to perpetu
ate tho distinction between Highlander
and the other inhabitants of North Brit
ain, concerning which Samuel Johnson
wrote to a t l ien (1 :
''I did pot expoct to hear that it could be
in au assembly convened for the propaga
tion of Christian knowledge, a question
whether any nstiou uulnetructed in reli
gion should reoeive instruct ion. or whether
that instruction should be Imparted to
tbem by a translation of the holy books
Into tbuir own language. If obedience to
tho will of God be necesnary to happiness,
aud knowledge of His will bo necessary to
obedience, 1 Know not how he that with
holds this knowledge, or delays It, can be
Continued on Page 2.
u . - - - - - - - - y " " " w " u u i i 1-3 vr u liUULuUU UUULiu
An Unnatural Father Charged with Having
Murdered an Infant.
Bert SebrinR Is Charged With Hav
ing Drowned a New-born Infant in
a Pail of Boiling Water Before the
Eyes of His Sick Wife Also Sus
pected of Another Murder in the
Vicinity of His Home in Rush Facts
Concerning a Fiendish Family.
fipseiai tu the Scmnton Ti tbmie.
Montrose. April 11.
N Sunday, May 14, 1893, in the
little hamlet of Hum mere oc
curred so tho grand jury
which recently indicted the sup
murderer, thought one of the
horrible nnd unnatural crimes
committed in Susquehanna
It was, as fur as brutality is
concerned, porhaps equalled by the
O'Mara murder nearly twentv years
ago, when the bodies of O'Mara's
mother and sister were, after being
killed, placed upon the track of the
Delaware, Laokawanna and Western
railroad about two miles north of Al
ford; also the shooting of William H,
Cooper by Joseph Drinker in 18), but
hardly so as the details of the Sebring
matter show.
On Friday. May 12. 1S98, Mrs. Will
iams, Sebi.tig's mother-in-law, went to
tus home, knowing that her daughter
was to become a mother. Upon har
arrival she was informed by Sebring
that his wife was well and there was
no need of her staying, and that ho
would come for her when necessary.
As Mrs. Williams lived but two miles
distant, at Auburn Four Corners, she
returned to bar home.
On the following Sunday, without
ths services of a physician Mrs Sebring
euro birth to a male child, and about
five luinnUs after it wan born Sebring,
with a kettle of boiling water, entered
tbo room wherein lay his wife, and
takiui; the innocent and helpless babe
from her arras, plunged it into the ket
tle. While still holding bis child un
ler the water, he told his wife that he
would kill her if she ever infornisd a
: v,i, d soul of what he hnd done.
After wrapping the lifeless holy in a
elolh aud placing It in a clothes press
he drove to his mother-in-law's and
told her his wife was ill. Upon arriv
ing at bebnnc a bouse be first told her
that the child had been born and had
died. Mrs. Williams' iminodiate at
tentions were directed to her daughter
and afterward in preparing the body
of the infant for burial. While hold
ing the child in her lap, face down
ward, nhe avers that a half teaeupfulof
water ran from its nostrils and mouth,
but at the time she thought nothing of
it. Sebring had for some time treated
his wife cruolly, and after the birth
and supposed murder, the demon in
him aeeuied to become worse and
his treatment so brutal that his
wife informed him the latter
part of February last that she
was going to visit friends, This was
but a ruse forshe immediately went tn
hr mother's hom. The cruelty and
brutal treatment of her hnsband had
destroyed all affection that she, as a
wife, had cherished for him when she
compired it to the loving and tender
care of hor mother. A natural feeling
of repugnance for her husband must
have caused her to inform her parents
of Sebring 's heinous crime, and they
persuaded her to go to Montrose, where
a warrant was sworn out for his arrest.
Constable Baldwin captured him on
Feb. ,'8, on which dny he was arraigned
before J. 8, Courtright, who acted at
coroner. During the inquest it was
shown that the child bad beou born
alive, as the body was exhumed and
examined by several physicians. Seb
ring was committed to the county jail
He was arraigned at court yesterday
before Judge Searle and pleaded not
guilty to the three specific charges of
child murder. His attorney, J. N.
Kelly, presented to the court a certifi
cate of Dr. Summers, stating that ow
ing to severe illness two witnesses
would be unable to attend court for
some time. Sebring, being sworn, tes
tified that be felt it wonld be unsafe
for him to stand trial without these
witnesses snd as District Attorney
Aiuey could not dispute the matter, the
court remanded Sebring until next
The prisoner is a tall, black haired,
bullet-hnaded individual, and seemed
to have much trouble with his small
eyes when he blinked them
like an owl.
He was not dressed in regular prison
garb, but evidently wore the same suit
that he had on when arrested, save that
a new pair of cowhide boots which
squeaked violently when the sheriff
brought him into court A black
moustache covers bis narrow upper lip
and the extraordinary heavy set jaws
indicnte brutality.
The Tribune correspondent saw and
talked with several of the witnesses,
but they were mostly as silent aa the
proverbial clam. One honest old
farmer, however, was quite talkative,
aud iu his vernacular related that Seb
ring came from a bad lot aud be be
lieved nim a guilty man.
a history of the family.
Sebring's father, be said, came to
this section from Blairitown, N. J.,
about eighteen years ago. He had tarn
children a daughter, whom he ruiued,
and this man now suspected of murder!
Ihe elder Sebnug troated his wife in
such a cruel tnauner that she left him.
taking her daughter. The girl finally
confessed to her mother of her father's
outrages and brooded continually over
her shame. She finally became insane,
and the mother's age and failing health
prevented her from eurnitg alivlihood
so she joined her daughter at the
lilairstown poor house, where she soon
died. The daughter became much
worse and is now in the insane depart
ment of that institution.
The father separated from hie son
about two yeara ago and The Trib
use's informant was not positive as
to h is present whereabouts.
Young Sebring has not enjoyed the
best of reputations, and since the ex
pose of this child murder suspicion
rests on him as having murdeixi ex
Assemblyman W. T. Barnes who lived
near him at Rush. Barnes was found
dead one morning in a barnyard. He
was badly bruised. The supposition
at the time was that be had iu an in
toxicated condition gone there and the
colts, which were running loose, had
kicked him, causing the bruises aud his
death. As Barnea was in the habit of
drinking heavily this was given cre
dence. Recent developments, how
ever, show that early the next morn
ing Sebring told a farmer who lived
tu jht miles iliitant from where Barnes
was found, that Barnes was dead and
that tho colts had killed him.
A number of farmers living in the
vicinity of the scene of the crime,
Rush and Auburn were in town yester
day to attend the trial and they drove
home through the muddy country
roads disappointed at its postponement.
Shipwrecks on the Coaot Ruin and
Disaster Throughout
the Country.
New York, April 11 In the height
of the turioug gale which raged at sea
last night and this morning, two
vessels were driven ashore on the Jer
sey coast within twenty miles of Sandy
Hook and the crews of both were
drowned, some of them in sight of the
powerless crews of the the life saving
stations aud the marine observers.
Heaviest Sinci 1854.
Bei.i.ekonte, Pa., April 11 It has
been snowing hers ever since vasterduv
morning, aud fully two feet of snow
covers the ground. Railroad traffic is delayed aud country roads is al
most unmissable. This is the heaviest
snow storm in this locality since 18,14,
wueu two reet or snow tell on April
Buffalo Gets Iti Share.
Buffalo. Auril 11 Snow bus been
falling without cessation for twenty
four hours. It is wet and heavy and
about ten inched deep, loading trees
and wires as heavy as they will hold.
All communication by wire is difficult.
Fasch Crnn Again Diss.
WiLMiNOToN, Del., April 11. -The
fewpeuch buds that lived through the
severe freez,) of the last week of
March have hevn finished b' the pres
ent severe storm of snow and sleet.
The storm extended all over the penin
EeavUst In Thirty Ytars.
Asm. ami Pa Anril 11 Tha hanv-
lest April snow storm for thirty years
commenced at J o clock yesterday
morning aud still prevails. The snow
is eighteen iuehes deen. causitii! a com
plete suspension of mining throughout
tue DonayiRUi region, irami are se
riously delayed.
Eibteon lochia In Elmira.
BfJORA, N. Y., April 11 Eighteen
inches of snow foil here last night and
it is still snowing hard. Railroad traf
fic is considurably delayed and some of
tho electric surface railroads aro
blocked and others badly crippled.
Coxsy's Soldiers TJudarso Hardships In a
fievsra Scovr Siorm.
Chalk Hill, Ph., April 11 Today
the commonweal army marched twelve
miles over the mountains and most of
the way through from six to eight
inches of snow. T. night it is en
camped at an old continental man
ion within a mile of this point. The
march was almost beroic, bring accom
plished in a snow storm. Both the
men and hones were almost exhausted
ny the terrible exertions of the trip
when the summit of the mountain was
reached, but as the camping place was
sixjiiilos ahead it was necessary to
force tho marching to reach it before
Command pushed on, reaching this
point at 0 30 p, ui. A detail of the men
had built bres iu each room of the old
mansion camp and the place was ready
for the men as soon as they came iu.
bedraggled and exhausted alter the ter
rible tramp.
i hey are a in table looking lot. as
many of them did not have heavy
clothing of any kind, many wenring
seeaucker vests aud beiug without over
coats. The cold however, was not in
tense: the discomforts were duo to the
wet snow.
A Nsw York Portar Visits One of the
I'ainless Drctlsts.
New York. April 11. After taking
gas aud having eight teeth extracted
yesterday, August Schafe, a PetroUmn
exchange porter, 40 years old, of Vesey
street, became violently insane and
tried to kill his daughter, Carrie, this
morning. He throw u chair al ber head,
overturning the breakfast table, aud
caused a general havoo in the Hat in
which he lived, and tried to jumn out
of a window.
Policeman Looran, of the Second
preciuct, was vailed in and took Schafe
to the Chambers Street hospital, where
he was pronounced to be suffering from
acute hystoria, from which he will re
Ilysterioue Disappearance nf Laura
K aim's Twin Grandchildren.
Hillsdale, N. J., April 11. Albert
and Alpheui Rawson, twins. l r years
of age, each disappeared from home ou
Monday morning at 4 o'clock nod have
not beeu heard from since. The boys'
disappearance is looked upon with eus
ploiou, aa they are the only heirs to
tbeir mother's property.
Mrs. Rawson is the daughter of
Laura Keene, the actress, who was on
the stage of Kurd's theatre in Wash
ingtou when Preaideut Lincoln was as
sassinated. The mother of the boys thinks they
ara being kept away from home against
their will.
The Coke Region Again Thrown Into
of Terror.
A Mob of Strikers Swoop Down
with a War Whoop on the Frick
Plant at Youngstown and Compel
the Men at Work to doin the Pro
cessionPursued by a Posse and
Bloodshed Narrowly Averted.
Trouble Feared at Leisenring.
TUmontown, Pa.. April 11.
ROUBLE has broken out again in
the coke region, and the situa
tion today is very critical. Riot
iug and raiding have been in
progress from earlv tn tha mnvnlnap
and serious flghte have been averted by
cuuoesaioni on the part of the compa
nies. The first indication nf trnnhl , OB OIL
in the form of au armed mob of about
400 strikers, who assembled at 7.80 a.
m. today at the oungstown works of
H. C. Frick & Co.. near hern About
sixty coke drawers were in the pit
wmra, at a signal, strikers swept
down upon tho plant from ev
ery direction. Tha wnrlrara flail
for shelter to tho company's store,
wnicu was guarded by only six em
ployes. The strikers, who were mostly
Huns, demanded that the worumen be
given up. This was refuaed ut lirst,
but after several attacks the workmen
were surrendered. 1 hoy were treated
to all sorts of insults and some of them
were beaten with clubs.
Sheriff Wiihelm was notified at nnnt,
and started for the scene of the trouble.
the rioters had 1-ft for the Leisen
rings, taking the Youngstown workers
witn mom TUe snorill gave chase
with twenty deputies, overtook the
mob, and ordered them to disperse.
The leader of tho rioters answered that
they were on the public highway, and
they had equal rights with the sheriff.
A deputy sheriff arrested one of tho
men, when the strikers surroundod the
posse and forced the authorities to give
him up. The sheriffs force then fell
back and the strikers continued the
march toward Ltiienring.
Twenty more deputies have left here
to join Sheriff Wilhelm. Trouble is
likely, as the strikers are all armed.
At the Youngstown works it is said
that an ntteuipt was made to shut off
Ihe air from the miue, which would
have resulted in suffocation and ileatn
for the workers.
Ben Butteiw.rth, a Vnrltable 8alvinl,
Bnfore Ih" Pollard-Brecklnrldse Jury.
Washington, April il All throimh
his argument for the defense today
Major Batterworth held up Madeline
Pollard as "an innncant lilt In p!,,-.,,i
gyurl," quoting the ten words of tier's
frequently, and then contrasting that
description with the testimony about
what Miss Pollard bad done and said
and attempted to do. Under the pre
tense of praise he (cored her without
Ho pictured her as the girl eo inno
cent that she allowed a man to betray
her after an acquaintance of twenty
lour hours, and told how mneh ni Aro
Innocent was she than the girls he hud
played wltb on tli banks of th- Miami,
who know the difference between lech
erous caressrs ami uuhonest kiss.
He described her as the mother who
give up her children without a word or
a protest on the days of their birth, nnd
then spoke of mother love and how no
mother of true tenderness for her babe
wonld allow it to be taken away from
her without risking lior life to retain
But the most dramatic periods were
those when Major Buttarworth, rnsh-
in j forward like Sal vim !-.. !
eyes blazing, his head ikakiug, stood
uerore mo man ne was deiemliuir, and
with both clenched fiita ..i, in
his face, told him be was guilty
of forgery, of perjury, of indecency,
of diseracin? his familv his
ancottry and his boy who sat beside
mm. "unless, and JUsior butter-
worth siaike in a tnnu t.har m, i Aim.
belief iu all bis accusations aud belief
tn the words that followed "unless
Madeline Pollard lied " utnl diun i...
would proceed to hold Miss Pollard up
as a woman who held tho truth iu
slight regard.
April 21 Dlnat"d bv the National
Rflnnri' Convention.
Columbus. O . Anril 11 The follow.
iug retolutton was unanimously adopt-
u ny me national aimers convention
today: 'Resolved, That ou and after
12 o'clock noun, Saturday April 21,
1S9I, no coal shall be mined in any
state or territory where the organiza
tion has control, until authorized by
the national olli ,'ers or executive
The Countess Kussxll Wants ths Liw to
Restore Her Husband.
London, April It Earl Uussell.who
was the respondent iu the sensational
and unsuccessful divorco suit brought
against him in 1898 by Countess Una
sell, formerly Miss Mable Scott was
served today with a petition for the
restoration of conjugal rights on behalf
of the couutesH.
In view of the sensational charges
which the countess previously brought
against her husband, the result of the
petition is awaited with interest. Earl
Russell intends to resist the petition.
Washington, April 11. Fort.
east or Thunday: h'or Blatttm
nmntylvanfa, note in tarty
Morninp, Mfoweel by ,1, ,,,,,,
wenthrr. eo.'ii noiii inloiim ,;,
YTOWADAYS Horraidorf's ii practi.
-IA cally the only Fait Black Dye for
Hosiery and Olovos.
All our "sellers" bear Herinsdorfsj
stamp, and we are going to signalize
our Spring Opening by a HERMS
Monday, April 16
We shall open in our
Hosiery Department
the most complete assortment of
Hermsdorf Hosiery we have eye
shown Plain, Dropstltch and Boot Pat
terns and shall present to every pur
chaser of these goods a valuable
Hermsdorf Souvenir
with Hermsdorf'a 'complimenu audi
our own.
Ladies' Hose, 25, 35 and 50c.
Children'a, 6 to 8, all sizes, 25c.
Cents' Half Hose, 25 to 35c.
We believe these to Ik the best values ovr
offered in Fast Black Hoilory.
S10 and 512 Lackawanna Ave
ai . .. .
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanned Leather Belling,
H. A Kingsbury
5.3 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reillj & Davies
Ladles show friends onr 81.50, ; H3.SO
and R SHORB, and so enthusiastic are they
Over their purchases that one sale Is sure te
ho the means of niukintr auothur.
114 Wyoming Av.
WAIT UNTIL I get in my
new quarters and you
can get bargains in
that have never been offered
in Scranton.
flight rise in fempcrufure.
The Jeweler.