The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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A Woman
Without Gloves
Id SCARCELY more thai, half
dreisod. No matter how fine
a bonnet, how elegunt ndres. she
may have, a neat pair of Gloves
it necessary for the completion
of the out-door toilette, and. in
fact, makes up for a great deal
that may be lacking in other ar
ticles of dress. You can got
Gloves Kid Gloves at almost
any price. Get them here. A
fair-priced glove is, however,
cheapest ia the dong run; looks
better, wears better, and is guar
anteed not to rip or tear. We
have the Foster Kid Glove, the
H'te Jouvin Kid Glove and other
well-known makes. Good Gloves
they are. Other stores have
them, too. The only differenco
is in the price OURS, of course,
being the lowest. But the best
Glove we have it the new
Glace Real
Kid Glove
With Large Pearl Buttons,
in all the New Shades,
Tans, Erowns and Blacks,
Price, $1
How quick wom'n are to recognizi
superior "style!" How they discover
tlmf our Hats are both beautiful and
beautifying! Often it takes but a
look in the glass, a query as to price
nnd, presto! a sale is made.
Spring Tie Flan ting A Ap
pointed 0 liar New.
Special to the iscranlon Tribune.
ELHHUBST, Pa., April 10 Last Fri
day evmiing a largo party of the friends
of Professor Johns called on him to ex
tr nil tbcir best wishes on his birthday.
All prfSfiit had a good time.
On Monday morning, after a long ill
ness, William B. Robinson, one of our
oldest inhabitant!), passed away, leav
ing a large number of friends to monm
bin death.
On Saturday evening last one of the
laborers on the boulevard callad on Dr,
Bateson, to have a stab wound dressed,
tlio result of a slight ' Vicrap. "
Business at the Pi Plate factory la
fairly brisk. The factory is running
Rev. Matteeon, pastor of the Baptist
church, lias invited his friends and the
congregation to call at his residence on
April 12, from 5 to 9 p. ni., that he may
meet and become better acquainted
with all
O. W. Mason and wife, of Dalton,
ep.nt Suuday last with B. Bucking
ham. Tree and shrub planting ia the order
of th day and Colonel Schoonmaker
has a largy force at work.
C. Jenny still continue! the work of
improving hi farm, and make it pay
as well.
A. B. Clay will spend a week or more
in Harnsburg in the interest of the Re
public Loan association.
The work of plotting the Fairview
cemotery is a much ntieded improve
Messrs. Rhodes have a large force of
m-n at work putting the turnpike in
excellent condition for travel.
Our conncil have appointed police
men for the borough. No more brawl
ing nor cursing on the street.
Remarked bv R. C. Joiner, at Allen P.
U., Hillsdale Oo., Mich.: "Nothing gave
my rhoumatism men quick relief an Dr.
Thomas' Ecloctvic Oil believe it infallible
(or rheumatics.
Criticising- a Young Lady.
'She would be a pretty girl for but one
'What's thatr asked Charley.
Qeorgu Her face Is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley On. that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the samo way my
self, but I cuuzbt on to the trouble one
day, and gut riil of it in no time.
George What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a abort course of P. P. P. I tell yon, It's
she boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad tbat you could
hear him boiler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what au athletic old gent be is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daiiy
a pointer, she would thank them after
ward.. All the drug stores sell it
s s
FOUIi of thc.e COUPON'S, pre
sontnd at Tim Tribune Office, cor
ner Tomi nvuniiD nml Spruce .treat,
entitle-, tlio liuldor to all the prW
ilege. of the iinpnrulleled offer,
for dl.tribiitliig pnpiilnr books
among our ru.dera. The offer, made
by The Tribune management are
n. follow.:
in CENTS nml Four r.., ,...,. r....
any Tiilunin lu the Columbna So- jj
jj; riv.. vm iw Him -O .Gleet Il'OUl. !
a 20 CKNTS anil I'nur rminniu r..,. S
jg any book ia the Kugby Serle..
5 25 CENTS and Four Coupon for
any noon in tlio iixlord Serlea.
Highest of all in Leavening Powei., Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Onto town corrospomlsnts of TUB Tan-
I'vi .1 !,l ! .ii Dial, ti.inaa In full I . ., .n'l
uewslottor, not for publication out to gunni
-gninn avgeptwn.i
Th. Witches' Party Other Note of Oen
ral Int.raat from Monro.
Sji.rinl to the Seranton Tribune.
Stroudsuuro. Auril 10. M. L. Car
man, of Jersey City, N. J., 1 home vis
iting his parents.
Mrs. Lillie serfoes bas one or to.
prettiest Mower yards, porches, etc., in
the town.
R. Ryle, who is employed in the silk
mill, but ba been in Peterson, N. J ,
for onie time past, returned to town
yesterday and is located at the Indian
(jueen hotel.
in a game of pool played at the Ana
lomink house there were six nation
represented, the men holding cae be
ing Irish, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Po
lish and Americau.
0. B. Kvller. jr., entertained hi Sun
day school class at his retidence on
Green street It wa a jolly party of
nearly a dozen yonng ladies, who
spent the evening pleasantly Those
present were: Missee Laara Evans,
Clara Musselman, Maud Angle, Laura
Bartholomew, Lime Philips, Sal lie
Edinger. Mary Burnett, Florence Har-
tunn, Adam Nixon and Orace
Monroe Heller, while performing
aonie household duty, fell and ditlo
cated his ihoulder. He was picked up
insensible and taken to bed, Dr, Smith
was hastily summoned, who set about
readjusting the fracture, At the last
report Heller was resting easily.
The Penn Bluff Brisk and Tile enm-
panv, of Saylorsburg, with a capital of
$150,000, was chartered at Harrisburg
yesterday. The direetors are Ira JU
Taylor, East Orange. N. J. ; W. W.
Blanc-hard. Fred (. Ulanehard, a. Kl.a,
Blanchard E. E. Coventry, and Will-
am Meeker, Newark, N. J.; J. B. Will
iams. E. A. Bell and A. M. Palmer, of
Mrs. Monroe left a clause in her will
to the effect that $0,000 be et aside to
build a church. The Rsv. Alfred Buck
will be pastor and ground was broken
for the foundation wall on Thursday.
Morton Dicker nnd family left for
Lafayette, N. J., where they will spend
Profeseor Bible i in White Haven
where he Will addres the teacher'
The witch party given by the Wayside
Wanderers branch of the King'.i
Daughters, was a highly successful
affair. They were dressed to resemble
those famous in "Macbeth," and every
thing they sold was by means of panto
mine, no word being spoken. An en
tertainment was given by the following
ladies and gentlemen : Solo, Theodore
Fegley; recitation, Miss Neye; iustru
mental solo, Miss Alberta O'Neil, ami
piano solo, Mies Grace Hicks. Those
who were drusse I, as witches woro
Misses Elsie Price, Hannah Noyes,
Grace Hicks, Maud Williams, Catha
rine Hicks, Eva Crotsly, Louise Nw
muller, Margaret Tomion, Anna Brady,
Kate Tennant, Anna Edwards. Elsie
Schoonovi-r, Violet Kline, Bessie Con
nel, Miss Suliafer, Mattie Jones, Alb-rta
O'neil, Miss Rhinehart and Carrie New
hart. The chief witohes were Mrs.
Lamb and Misses Noyes and Rosen
crans. The prooeeds of tbe party will
be given to a poor woman in town.
' 'Burdock Blood Bitters taken after eat
ing will relieve any feeling of weight or
ovi-r fullnet-s of the stomach. Sold every
A Disastrous Fire Little Locals of Gen
eral IatereLt.
Special to tUe seranton Tribune.
Feckviixe. Po., April 10 About 4
o'clock this morning n fire broke out
in some unknown manner in the cellar
of the store of William Bell & Son at
Bell place and destroyed the building
and all its contents, also a barber shop
attached to the building and rented by
Herbert James. The upper floor of the
building wad occupied as tenant rooms
by tbe family of Andrew Nicholas, who
lost everything and barely eicaped
with their liven. The fire soom com
municated with the adjoining buil ling,
owned by Muple Bell, and that was
also consumed, but the lurniture was
saved. Tbe fire then spread and ignited
th double house adjoiningtbut by good
work it was saved. The Bell buildings
were insured.
Miss Elizabeth Cairns, who has been
visiting With friend at Snndy Run for
the past two weeks, returned to her
home at Winton last Monday.
The Mount Joosnp Coal company
at Winton are making preparations to
run the oulm from their new breaker
back into the mines in the old work
ings. The new breaker is expected to
be ready to start MayM. This enter
prising company are about to increase
their power by having the fa
mous.Morrin climsx stsam generator
put in at this colliery.
Jefferson Warren i suffering from
an attack of measles.
Albert Chapman, who underwent a
critical operation two week ago, is rap
idly on th road to recovery.
Buokleo' Arnica Salv.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever
Bore, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, dr no pay required. It
' is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price H5 cents per
box. For sale by Matthew. Bros.
Epitomized New Kola CulWd bv a
Hu.tllnir Reporter.
Ppeciat to the Soranton Tribune.
Jkrmyn, Pa., April 10.- Mr. Dtvid
Davles, of Main street, i serlontlv ill.
F. Ames, of Binirbamton, Olivtr
Morgan ai d William Ogden, of Scott,
we'e Jermyn visitors yesterday
Mrr. Harriet Rnssel, who frll lome
time ago breaking three ribs, la able to
b out in fine wther.
A ohild of Edward Stubbs is very ill
with scarlet fever.
Richard, son of William Seymour, is
confined to the boueo with an abscess
on bi leg.
New from Sui quahannn's Hustling
Town Carefully Riprted.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Forest City, Pa., April 10 Airs. II
D. Allen returned last evening from
two weeks' visit at the Munslield;'
Normal school, being the gusst of her
daughter Stella.
Victor, the little eon of T. C. Manz.r,
is very ill.
The Higgins vs. Brown and Higu'ins
vs. Limou law suits have beon post
pounl until tbe August term of court.
Mc-Dermott, who attempted to shoot
G. C. Westgute, an account of which
was printed in The Tribune at th.
time, pleaded guilty of the oiiarge yes
terday. The judge will sentence him
A good sized erowd witnessed the
production of "Michael Strogoff'1 at
the opera house last night and wer I pleased with the work of th
Wonderland Theatre company, of
Seranton. The members of the whole
company are worthy of the uain. of
Mis Alice Kemp, who played with
tho J, W. McCroady company in this
place a t- w months, received an ova
tion when she appeared on th stage
last evening. Gd Homer's ability was
seen last evening in the difficult part he
A sever, snow storm of unusual vio
lence bas been raging all the after
noon. Guaranteed Cure.
. We authorize our advertised druggist to
sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs aud Colds, upon this
condition. If you are afflicted with a
Cough. Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chost
trouble, aud will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial.and experience
no benefit, you may return the bottle and
have your money refunded. We could not
make this offer did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could be relied on.
It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at
Matthew Bros', drug etore. Large size
50c. and ,1.
Stray Not from On of Peckvill' De
lightful Subuibs.
Special to the Seranton Tribuns.
PBCKTILLK, Pa.. April 10 Edward
A. Jones, our present councilman, who
reprrients this district, has moved
away to Archbald, but not out of the
ward, and we hope that he will not
forget that his constituents are still
without the electric lights.
Our population is increasing very
rapidly. Tbe Blue Ridgt Coal com
pany built forty bouses here the past
winter lor their employes, and they
will soon be all occupied.
We Are informed that Will Nanca
now is a Republican candidate for
county convontion for this district.
Our genial hotel-koepers, John Ed
wards and Thomas Walton, were in
Seranton ou Monday.
Events of Interest in tha Pioneer City
Correctly Recardod.
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
Caruondale, Ph., April 10. The
Delaware and Hudson company will
pay their shop hands and gravity rail
road employes tomorrow (Wednesday.)
The next da; the steam road employes
will be paid.
R. A. Jadwin was a visitor in Seran
ton today.
"The Pirate of PenzincV will b.
given on May 1 and 2 for the benefit of
the CArbondale hospital in the Grand
Opera houee.
On Tnsidny evening of next week
the Loyal Knights of America of this
city will celebrate th tenth annivers
ary of their existence in this place. The
event will occur in the W. W. Watt
James McTighe, of Sonth Main
street, called ou Seranton friends this
Rev. Kilpatrick, of Windsor, N. Y.,
is making a short visit with bis brother,
Frank Kilpatrick, of D irte avenue.
Henry A. Williams died last evening
at about 7.85 o'clock at the borne of hi.
son George, 53 William avenue. De
ceased was 03 years of ag. The funeral
will be held tomorrow (Wednesdayf
morning at 11 o clock, at the home oi
his son. The remain, will he taken to
Clifford cemetery for interment.
Mutters of Onnoral Interact to Reader
Up the Valley.
Special to the Sc-anton Tribune.
Akchbai.d, Pa., Auril 10. Postmas-ter-eleet
James O'Rourke v.-as in
Seranton today.
The Delaware And Hudson company
is about to begin working tbe 4-foot
vein which underlies those veins that
are now being worked.
The board of health held a meeting
last evening and adopted rules for their
own government. Thaddeus Burke
was appointed health ofH.-er, President
Phiibin was instructed to nsk council
for an sppropriation from on icil to
pay the expenss of the board for the
coming year.
Mrs. P. W. Fadden and children, of
Olyphaut, are visiting r -lativos here,
James Vuil, of South Main stroet, has
become agent for the Lackawanna
Ste nn laundry of Seranton.
Do you feel dull, languid, low-Bpirited,
fiillnefs or bloating after eating, tongue
coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth, irregu
lar appetite, frequent headaches, " floating
specks before eyes, nervous prostration
and drowsiness after meals?
If you have any considerable number of
these symptoms, you are from
Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or
Indigestion. Tho more complicated your
diseuso tho greater tho number of symptoms.
.q matter what slago It
has reached, Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis
covery will subdue It.
Mrs. Maiiy Morr, of
RaMn ltnch, 'I.'hmimIs Co.,
W. Va., writes: "llefore
uslnif your Ur. Plcron's
Golden Medical Discovery,
everything I ate would
icnnent In my stomach,
ami my tongue was so
terribly coated i i thought
nothing would removo it.
Rlnce taking tho 'Golden
Medical Discovery,' 1 can
cut a (rood meal, and en
joy it."
Mas. Morr.
and vlRor quickly
lllillltlV niiKsilIIH.
atrophy, etc.. suri-ly curi'il by IMlAIMI, the ureal
lllmluoltciiH-dy. IVItll -rlltBiniriBlfloenr. Sjld Ur
m.u i ii i. 3 ukuh., vraffine, asrajnen, r.
Mi.tG-.Ka MTT IRS,
Br;f Nuggets of N.w. from the South
ern Subuibe.
Special to the ticranton Tribune.
Minooka. Pa.. Amil 10 Seu on the
main street, Budget correspondent
reading The TunirNE and copying the
Miiiooku U.-W-.
Tllcf, will In, u crnm nf hase ball
Sunday on the brick yard.
t eter iiiggins, an agru resiuuu. m
this place, lies at the poiut of death.
Th.. il run, I ti.. .nt,urtr la muHthP
rapid progress in the arranging of their
i ,i . rn . n n'u....
nvpcrj in inu lemperuuee nan. xucj
have iust received two seeue costing
$80. They expect to preeent one of the
finest shows ever s.-en in Minooka.
P. F. Mulheiru, of Stafford street,
will soon remove to Duryea where he
will reside p-ruianently.
The Y. M I, No. 184. will hold their
regular meeting on Thuradoy evening.
Th,. rartnrt in tltu.M i-nl n mtn lufit week
stating that Frod HollenbacK, of Green
wood, was Bitting is found to be error
nous. The pevson who gave the new
was trying to have a joke on Fred.
Fin Entrtainmnt Celt'- Perilous Po
sition on the Railroad
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
PbIOEBOBO, Pa.. April 10. -The en
tertainment in Fadden's ball ou Mon
day night whs one of the finest ever
given in the county outi I of the
cities. It was for the beuefit of St.
Thomas, church of which the Rev. W.
J. Conway is the rector.
Mrs. W. Price, of Youngstown, O.,
is visiting her daughter, Mrc. A, L.
Lloyd, who is seriously ill at her home
on the Flat.
P. H. Gallnghor, of Dickson, came
very ucar losing a vain .bin colt today.
The animal broke its halter during tha
night and wandered on the Ontario
and Western railroad. In trying to
oross a trettling, it got its feet down
between the ties. Tbe poor beast wa
found almost exhausted by some men
on thir way to work. They immedi
ately set to work and t-xtrieatd the
animal from its perilous position just
before the arrival of tbe fat freight.
A Few Bright Paragraph from a PUac
ant Suburbia Town.
Special to the Seranton TW.une.
Moosic, Pa., April 10 Th W. C. T.
J. will hold a cob-web soci.l to-morrow
night at Mrs LaBar's. Snpper
will be cerved also, a good meal for 10
cent. Two priz.s will be given, one
to each lucky person.
The Friday night prayer meeting
will be bald at Mrs. Green's on Main
R-.-v. J L. Race is attending confer
ence in jtk ran l on.
Mrs. M. Schaenberger, Beaver Dam,
Wis., writes: "We have used Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil in our family for Coughs,
Colds. Croup and Rheumatism. It cures
every time."
Brief Rsaum of Currant Events In a
Lively Boro.
Special to the Seranton 7V16un.
Taylor, Pa., April 10. The recep
tion committee of the Price Library
association met tonight and arranged n
programme for the member's social ou
Friday night. The affair will be only
for members, as this is one of the In
ducement! offered to persons to join
the association.
Now we have a borough, a council,
burgess, etc., of push, cnppoie we have
a board of trade. It oau do any
amount of good.
The funeral of Arthur Villwock will
take place tomorrow (Tuesday) after
noon. Interment will be made in
Forest Hill cemetery. Tbe cervices
will be held at the house at - o'eloek.
A Well K-Aown Resident of Honttdale
Pass Away.
tpecial to the Seranton Tribune.
HoNBBDALU, Pu., April 10. Freeman
Sscor died at his home ou West ctrcet
at 8 p. m,, aged 44 years and 10 month.
Mr. Secor wac born in Honesdalc and
lived her continually except seven
years residence at Curbondale where he
was married to Miss Emma Gardner.
He is survived by a wife at 1 five
children. Funeral from the house
Thursday at 2 p. m.
Almost Blind
Inflamed Eyes and Run
ning Sores
The Success of Hood's Causes
Creat Rejoicing-A Perfect Cure.
i I V, II
Kiss Ooi-a it. Rbert
Barheivltle, Pa.
" C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
" 1 feel it a duty to statu what Hood's Sarsa
partlla has done for me, I was almost blind,
heing. compelled to stay lii a darkened room oil
aceonnt of hiflammatton of the eyes, i alio
suffered with running sores on my body. I was
In terrible condition, My mother tried every
thing she knew about and I was attended by
' ao doctor but without helping ma. Finally
lopd s Haisiiparilln was ami 1
nd not token two bottles before 1 began to set
.letter. I hi: Inllainniatlon left my eyes aud the
sores healed, uml the result was that '
I Became 8trongor,
and was restored to perfect health. At that
timel was only twelve years old; now I am
nineteen and I have not since beon troubled
HoodV,Cures !
with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return of
the sores on my body. I can recommend Hood's
SarsanaVllla as au excellent blood purifying1
meiheliie.'' Miss Cora Eiikrt, Bariiesvillc, PeJ
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and,
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 23c. I
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of thocom
ple..lon, nothing equals Pozioki'b Powder.
get your choice
One coupon and one Dime.
Head one Solid Sore. Itching Awful.
Had to Tie His Hands to Cradle.
Speedily Cured by Cuticuru.
Our little boy broke out on his head with a bad
form of eczema, when he was lour months old.
We tried three doctors, but they did not help
hiin. We then used your three Cuticura m
idiks, and after usin); them eleven weeks exactly
ai:curuin 10 directions, no
beican to steadily improve,
and after the use of tliem
for seven months his head
wns entirely well. When we
began usin); it his head was
a solid sore from the crown
tohiseyebrows. Itwasalso
all over his ears, most of Ins
face, and small places on
different parts of his body.
There were sixteen weeks
I h i. wplinil rn L'pimi hi linml-
tied to the cradle and hold them when he was
taken up; and bad to keep mittens tied on his
hands to keep nil finder nails out of the sores,
as he would scratch it he could in any way net
his hands loose. We know your Cutii'I-ha IIem
i im i s cured him. We feel sale in reconiiueudiuir,
tlicin to others.
Webster, Ind.
Tarents to know that a sinRle application of
the CrmOtTSA Remediks will afford instant re
lief, permit rest and sleep, and iiolnt to a speedy
cure in the most torturing and dislleiirlnc; of
skin and scalp diseases, and not to use them Is
to fail in your duty. Ci tici ra Kkmemks aro
tne purest, sweetest and most effective skin
euros, blOOd purifiers anil humor remedies ever
comimumled. They appeal wilh irrisistible force
to mothers, nurses, and all having the care of
children. Parents should remember that cures
made in childhood are speedy, economical and
Bold throughout the world. Price, CrTlcrjRA,
60c; Noap, 2uc; Resolvent, 1.1. Tom a I)aua
and Cues. Cokf., Hole 1'roprletora, Uo-too.
S3" " How to Cure Hkln Disease.," mailed freo.
Skin and ficalp purified and beautified
by CUTicinA BoaI'. Absolutely pure.
Tains and weaknesses
Of females instantly relieved bv that
new, elegant, and infallible Antidote
rain, Utnunmatlon. and Weakness
the Cuticura AnU-I'aio l'laiter.
Dr. EX Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And bi associated .tall of EnRll.,h and Ger
man Fhyslciaua.are now permanently located
Temple Court Building
rsi i spitrrr. st.,
Wheru tuoy may bo consulted DAILY AND
Doctor is n graduate ot the Cnlvor.ity
ef lennaylvaaia, formorly demonstrator of
pliysio opy and surgery at the Ucdlco-Cblr-o.Kical
College, of Philadelphia, lie Is also
an honorary member of tho Medlco-Chirur-Slcnl
Association, and was physician aud
sureeon-ln-cbluf of tha most noted American
anil Uerman hospitals, comes hlehly Indorsed
New York vrotoaaon ot Philadelphia and
His many years ot hoanttal experleno en
ables this eminent physician and Burgeon to
correctly dlagnoso and treat all deformiti.
aud diseases with tho moat Mattering success,
and his hlch standing in tbe state will not
all w him to accept nv Incurable case,
II you have mien given up oy your physi
cian call cpon the doctor nnd be examined.
He cures the worst caaesof Norvoue Debility,
Scrofula, Old Sorea Catarrh, Piles, Fomala
Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Eye, Nos
and Throat, Asthma, Deafuos, Tumor, Can
cers and Cripples of every description. Con
aulUtlon In Khlish and German Fr, whloh
thall be considered sacred and Btrlotly cond
Msttal ollloe Hours: O A. M. to 8 1". M. Dally.
Sunday, 0 n.ui. to X m.
Third National
Bank of Seranton.
Statement Feb. IS , 1804. called for by
the Comptroller of the Cuireuoy.
lean. SI, 310,340. OO
Overdraft. 047. :i7
I i. i ( 1 . 1 Stnte. lionds 80,000,00
Other Ilnnit. B13,n.8'.7,
Hanking House 28,074.46
l'reiiiiunis on U. S. It. .nils. .. 943. 7A
Due from V. 8. Ti-eusuror.,,,. 7.000.00
Hue from Hanks 08,410.73
t'a.h I4ii 0IW..-.I
" -o : ...mi im
CPal 200,00000
Surrjlu. 240,000 00
Undivided I'rollt. SO 189 011
Circulation 7. 000.00
Dividend. Unpaid 334. BO' 1 ,:.(, 1 1,1,0 .-, 1
Due to Uanli 60,300.60
WILLIAM tONNKI.L. President.
OEO. H. t'ATLIX, Vlco-President
WILLIAM U. PECK, Caaliler.
TVIMIam (in. 1. ell. Oeorn H. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. Jiune Arclihald, Henry
Helln, Jr., WillUiu T. Smltlk Luthar
Thla bnnk' nfTer. to dcpnaltnrs every
facility inn ninied hv tliolr balances, bu.l
neu and responsibility.
Hpoclul attention given to bu.lnca. c
counta. lutere.t juild on t line deposits
Shf -s w
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Grand Opening
400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue
Dry Goods, Ladies1 and Gent's
Furnishing Goods, Cloaks, In
fants' Wear, Notions, Boys
Clothing and Boots and Shoes.
Special Bargains
90 cts.
All-wool, Ex-
tra Super, yard I
wide, usually j
75c. aud 80c, J
65 cts,
We still have a few
patterns left of the
40c. Tapestry Brus-sels.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
and not trouble you during
your honeymoon.
Witbewv $,'i0.00 purohaie or ov.r wo will preient a Clock tCathe.ral
with ev.ry $75.00 purchase Dinner Set (Decorated )
Our 30.00 Outfit is displayed in onr window. See it.
A few o be prizes have not been
lame will pleaie cull.
APRIL 9th.
Chenille Curtains, $3.25.
(An unusual bargain.)
Extra heavy and extra
wide, $5.
Fnrniture Coverings
Imported Tapestry, Satin
Derby, Satin Damasks,
Wool Tapestry.
Satinette Fringed, IK yds.
square, $1.25.
Holland Shades, fringed,
Hartshorn Rollers, 50c.
each; usual price, 65c.
"The 'Economy' will do the
They will furnish your house
complete from cellar to garret
at one day's notice and give you
terms that are bound to suit
called fur. Those holding couponi of