THT! SCR ANTON TOTBTTNT?!-WEDNESDAY IfOHNING; APRIL 11. 1M4. will not ba permitted to sef m, n dafenss to .the recovtr y ol ti' amovnt "i tiis llcajisa Uc Is requested to Haywbea ouit shall In brought, that hu la not 11 Uvular In merrban- dfss, stc. Tim law rurtusr provide! thut it ibaUMth dtttyottho county treasurer to mm fi-ir ttio vor.iej v ol ull licenses duly r raratdlo hUhby the swosnttl appraiser it not pmU ou or 1,'rt'oiM the tint Uay of July, iu pcB ami every year, within ten dyB nftar data, aud said tion'uroj' shall not Vxidiifliai'ifed from any such iicenno u aires lie brings suit to recover the eamo ou or bai .-ra that dula. TAKE NOTICE. .Ml who ato concerned in toll, that an aj peal will be held at the Arbitration room, Courthouse, in thecitvotScrautoD, un Thurs day, April X ltW. betv.o n the hourjvr Da. in. audi p.m., fwruty hm I coauty, at which time uud pluce any person above BantOU, de fined and classed as aforesaid, or their ageuU or attorney, mav appear and appeal from tbelr aid assessment, ol have rioJ it anv, lorrectad. it they think proper. T. P. QSCSLLOK, Appraiser. LIVE NEWS OP TWO PITTSTONS (Tim 8CBAHT0M Triddne's Pittston de fmrtmetit la in charg of J. M. Fuby, to whom news itoms and complaints may be referred. 1 THINGS OBSERVED AND NOTED. It was really aia using at the last inaetiug of the borough couucil to lis ten to Mr. Donnelly luuka a report an the cost of having a new set or borough ordiuuaces compiled and printed and the immediate protest of Mr.Honnigui), who proclaimed iu the same breath that the somtnittea had never met, individ ually or otherwisv, to make u report Mr. Donnelly stated thut he learned from several (?) publishers that the cos' of printing would bo about ,?r5 and $180 for compiling them. Wiiile the councilman from the Xiutti ward may be honest in all that ba says there i one thing certain and that is it would be more businesn-'iko to consult with the other members of the committee ami advertise for bids, if there is to be a principle of economy in ths transac tion: if not, (alio tho contract to the favored publisher, bare it dono and pay the bill, regardless of co3t e f t The resolution pined at the same meeting "patting tram us to work on the streets" elicits the liner, "Will it be put into practical effect or will it sink into innocuous desuetude never to Lm resurrscted like many others that have preceded it A similar resolution .was pussd about three years ago, bui it proved Ineffectual, for tho tramp el-iii-nt tiinply iiruored it. In the iitimo, nn indulgent public will await developments, Notwithstanding nil that has bee:, caul in the past concerning the etreat corner loiifiii:? bnsiness, it flourishes with still more disregard than ever. I is aometbiug strange that a borongb the ai.e of Pittston must tolerate tbia indolent practice. For years it has been allowed to exist und as limo grow on it takes firmer root. When the new council assumed the rules of govern ment it was supposed thut they woul I adl pt boiuu course by which it would be done away with, btit so far nothing hnj been done. TiiEiicsr mutual insurance policy njrninst att ack of sickness is to bo ronnii iu taking Hood's Sursupurilla. If you are weak it will make yon strong Hood's tlLlM are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headachs. Try a box, Cos. CONDENSATIONS OF A DAY. Timely Topics Dlscussud in Brlsf Newry Parsfftapbs. Snow began lulling at this place yesterday and continued throughout the day. When the shades of nighi came on a white mautle to the depth of two inches covered tho earth, Tho town hall is undergoing repairs Among the alterations is the construe tion of two large windows on the south side of the large meeting room. Seats for Dr. Clara's lecture, to bs held next Monday evening, are being worked off ripidly, and a large attend ance is assured the distinguished apeaker. Notwithstanding the general depres sion in business throughout the coun try, th Kxster Machine works hav, been kept busy for the past two months working duy und night to fill their or ders. The house owned and occupied by Charles llnrru;, of the "Head of-the Canal," was destroyed by (ire earlv Monday morning. The fire started iu the basement und is supposed to be or incendiary origin. The house bad b?eu on fire an hour previously, but the ilsmes had bsn extinguished quickly. The household effects had just been taken baek to the house and were being arranged in position wnen the tire broke out a second time, with above result. Ex-CouDty Detective Hcfferan, Wilkes-Barre, circulated among the of ac- qualniances here yesterday, William Foster, jr., of South Main afreet, has returned from New York city where he has been for the last four months attending the art sehool, Mr Foster made the course in plumbing and obtained the necessary aneepskin. Miss Alice James, of Nanticoke, who has ben the gnest of Mrs W. U Strang for the paat few days, returned home yesterday. Councilman J. P. Kearney is con valescent Irom a three weeks' attack or grippe and made bis appearance on tn street Monday night for the first time. Th Wyoming correspondent writing to the Gazette says: Tne uunual busi ness meeting of the official board of the .NMhodist church was held last even ing, when the treasurer reported thut dl bills had been paid and that there is a balance in the treasury. The mis sionary collections for the year jnsi elosing amount to which is con sidered r;marksbly well. The crown -jug feature of the church's yearly report to be read in conference this week, however, is the con tribution to the Wyoming seminary endowment fund, winch amounts to flO.Pttft. Of this sum, $10,000 is the handsome gift of Mr. Caroline Pette bone, widow of the lute Payne Pattt bone, who is an uclive and earnest worker in the church, The other re ports of the church for tne year show n gratifying piogr. ss in the various branches of the work, much of which, it cun bo said truthfully is due to the energy of the pastor, R-jv. G C. Ly rfian, who is an indefatigable worker His pastorate of the Wyoming church lias boeti marked by lho greatest snc cess. Frank Burin, a Slav, 36 yearp, whs taken to the hospital Monday evening, Buffering with a compound fracture of the ankle, received by a fall of rook on the new ruilroad near Yatesville, where be was employed. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. Bit; Moire Bows Still Vopulur l or Street Continues. The number of the pretty things that are always appearing M accessories of the toi let dainty arrauseiaenls for the neck and (shoulders, such us ficbus, collars and plastrons-is evidently increased by the influx of spangled laces that bat won auch sud den popularity this spring. Guipure unii lighter luces In black, ecru and white art 1 shown iu all widths, the pattern traced in spangles of gold, silver, steel or jet. It need MOIBI CliAVATS. not be said that the rage for glitter does Dot affect the position of fine real lace, which reappears this season In the form ,,i wide, flat collars, which are sometimes al most capes. Many a woman hns sueh Col lurs, which she bus laid away as Leirlootns hopelessly OUt of date, yet now they Lavi hgain become the extreme of the node. Nothing except a return of tho sloping hbltlder Hue could have produced (U0h u fliuugr. and us the slanting tendency show no sign of decreasing we may yet bavetc make ni decided a Stand agojnst the V. inch shoulder scam as we have lately dout lu regard to balloon hoops. If U era m anything Iu evolution, we ma) hope never again to he betrayed into the eStttavugance ul any unnatural fashion, whether il he of monstrous skirts, ibouldei seams elongated IP as lu bind the arm oi trailing street gowns. It tat her shakes the evolutionary theory, however, to be laced by the fact that the ancient Greeks wet far-abend of us in matters of wardrobe they modeled the garment to the body and not the body to the garment. Hut man kind must work out its own salvation, and womankind as well, Perhaps the Dion we run to extremes dOW the) more quickly we will learn the ethics of dress iu the fn tore, To ret urn to the original subject. Some very pretty accessories an shown, for in stance, a wide collar, almost a small cape.i made of bands of black, satin ribbon DOT dered with jet orspangles, alternating witl hands ol eeju hu e insertion, The edge is trimmed with hu e to mutch, and an orna menial collar finishes the neck. The big moire bows worn with street costume still prevail. At first they were made of sash ribbon, but now they are shown In plot silk Cut on the bias and lined with SYoon (Mating color. An illustral ion of two style. Is given, The first Isot black moire lined With colored satin, It has a folded collar. ami tne ends Wnfoh fall below tne waist nn cut square and bordered with heavy sort lace. The second style IS shorter. Theeudi are cut obliquely, and th lace is s -wed or in such a way as to give a jabot effect. JCDtC CltoLLET. Tliiiifi Women Want tn uTaow, In tapestry fabrics tho Japanese pro duce the most exquisite of all the pro duotions of the loom. Tl i latest perfume bottle? have silver covers which lock with a little ailVw key. A popular hatpin is of oxidize I silver in the style of a sword. The very latest materials in articles for the toilet table arc glass or white por celain incased in silver. . Turkish decorations of all sorts are seen upon every side. The one fact alone that Turkish gilt never tarnishes is suffi cient to recommend the embroideries. For the decoration of halls nothing is more sumptuous than the modern deco rative Japanese bronge lantern. Every apartment should convey the feeling o use rather than the idea that it is a room for the exhibition of furni ture. Both pictures and furniture should fall baek fiat against the wall as much as possible, leaving the greatest possible amount of space in the center of the room, (i that the individuals who dwell in the apartment Will be the real decora tion, the furniture and minor furnish ings forming a necessary, agreeable and artistic background. Uouselioid Slats. plenty of crash towels in tbp Have kitchen. Never let your white towels or napkins be used there. Never leave your clothesline out over night. A little salt sprinkled in starch while it is boiling will prevent it from sticking. Keep an old blanket and sheet on pur pose for ironing. Keep a heavy stone on your pork to Befp u don n. Granulated sugar is tne prtrest oraua, consequently the cheapest. Do not use quite as much as of other kinds one-half inch less for n capful, IN EXILE. Jammer' warm breath lures on a sweet voiced throat Front soutbt-rn (J'lds to fill our own with son?. ucliaMi i-js: with what unmlilne does she smile Wucu, eitb a tuucful Hood, They Ittl the silent wood, UuMuc its depths re-echo ah the while. soou whiter comus and calls the land hht own; ft'ithebillinj; breath he orders, theui begone. Bui. tickle little MDsUiri, what care Uiiy i-jiilo to warmer fla)d AS much ot suushiuo yields, and hat Is then, t, do but liy uwayr Punished the), and yet their aoufc lives on, t0 cheer the bleaker days when summer's geeA Still ia the wind tunl throujh tho wood we hear Tile echo come again J1' all that woodland strain rbat uuikea the sweetest music of the year. Bo is it here, so is ii everywhere, Care banishes the hf.ppy 6nnw awuy. i'et in our hearts we'll fl-ut In axlla there The stinshino nnd the song Thnt to MOS life helonir Waiting- to gladden every ehSefSBN day, - Alleo Ulaiior iu IlBi fwr's Baxar. RKXTKK HIIDK CO., Ino'p. Capital, (1 ,0011,000. BEST tVtJlO SHOE IN THK WOULD. "J dollar StfMfll lea iiulUir earntU." , This f.tfilles'Sdlld French Onngoln Kid But ton Hoot dellvomd free nnywherii in tho U.S., ou reoetmori an, uooey oniir, or I'tmcd Note for M Kqltoai every way tho boots Did lu nil rutall stores for -gJ.CU. Wo innlto lids bout oursutves, thcreforo wo guar tint"' the fit, ttyle and ir.ip' and If uuy olio 1 not autlntlud wo t;iu rcuma ine nwucy or aOOd aaetast pair. iiefa Uop or coninOB e:ioo, w widths C. J). U. Jk KK. LCSfeS 1 tn S nnd hull Ul m ii. Ulutlratn lata, lonho FRSE Dexter Shoe Co., FEDERAL -ST., UOSTON. MA!i... Sl'teial Urmt to JJtulm. J.1 torn . - r . Bill H GRAND DISCOVER Late News Rom Europe Upon a of WA-ty aj Interest Subject LONG LIFE AND HAPPINESS A Declaration Made By the Great Doctor Fothergill for the Bene fit of the People of the World Has Aroused Much Attention. Lmnris. Eng.. March 27 The fol- I lowing sun muni made by the late Dr J. Milnar Folbergill, the eminent j scientist, wuo was physician for the I Londsn hospital for diseases ot the idlest, has made quite a sensation. Af ter denouncing ode and similar sub- tan ces when ussd as food, he s ,i 5 : ''Fatty, oiiy foods cannot be taken by i hose whose stomachs are u k 01 whose dlneslive organs are ont of order What lood should such people hive? 1 ay ther need food which act as i ireogtbeur and sustain, r, as fue-1 to :eea IU lump of life, and tn , t is starch food. A soluble s' food whic DA, J MltdSKll FOTHKl.lill.I., will be readily assimilated by th dt iiestivo organs. is ibe food for pooplf ivlmsB di(;c-stivs organs nre weak." It whs only natural that such statement, coniint: from so high an au thority. should hav made a profound ittiireasion among the leading phvri -clans and scientists of Europe, and ii 'rings into special prominence theri cent discovery of prfiiigasted starch food known to doctors, to scientists and the world as Paxkoln. Comparatively f.w pi ople outside the highest medical ircles know of this wonderful discov ry, but it is known toposssitb' qualities of fleh forming, strengthim parting, UTm (rivitig power which ha never been known beloro in the history -il the world. Teats which have been msdo show ing a weak, pale, run-down conditions, SFCompanied with Indlgeitlon an. nieral loss ot energy, buve show most n markable results, und is not im probable that the di.n yverv oi Ptsko a Will bo accepted as the flesh'form infoodof the nineteenth eentnry bj the highest sUlborities in both jSflirop till America. Certainly it is inertetflni dod liver oils, beef iea, and the fatty preparatiota wbiQh have beon use.l a,, xtensively in the past, and the resnlts so !ar ucbieved imply warrant ihe wis lorn of those who haVi taken sucu ac i ion. A pamphlet giving full partiealart respecting lV.skola will be sent on ap plication to the Prr-Digested Food Co., 30HeadoSt., N w Y. rk City. The GENUINE New Haven Mathushek" Pianos il ESTABLISHED 1SGU New York Wareroomg No, Fifth Aveuuo. SO E. C. RICKKU & CO, S de dealers in this section. OFFICE 128 AI).MS AVE. tub TRADERS National Mi of Scrantoa. ORGANIZED 18 CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. BAlfUEti niNES.iPresIdant. W.W. WATSON, Vice President. A.Ii. WILLIAMS, Cashier. W RECTO m .iawi;s Mj EflBQAaT, Piaacj B. finlv, .11. K. K t. : i n i: i :. iavimi a. UNcn. JoBECIl J. JCHUVS. CHAS, f. MA-i'l :i I , . John T. Poitria. V. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSbRVATIVE and LIBERAL Thl? bank lnvltea the natronaea ot bflltaaaa men and tirma geaerahy. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS AST TEAR ho had saved 300. He boaehta hoiue worth .i.S50 paid ij'.'tOU down, gave a mort gage for !L,5jO. 'iotliiy ho esti inatea its follows: Rent pnvod lnt,rott on tnortKagu. . '1'axea and rep lira Kstsavlni on rent Suveil on salarv To apply on mortgage. . :i0 0) oi .. 'J8 :i Ul n Si 2i m 10UIX1 82rn tlKFLECTION-"Ia FOVB rsnra thai nesisa H iii tie frpn from i tit and i ihafl itnve a home of in)' own." G1MCEN lilDOP l the paradise for homo nun a Boas hava iee tly iin Ishod brootlfal villa, whloli ttiej- offer, ou oaay paSttlsatS, nt WISH). Call at tlielroinee, botwosn IfaSfclagtOB ami Atiuuia nn Ollt-e alrust. -, EZRA FINN & SONS. WEAK MEN Yu attention ssj lO ' . . LLLU TO 1 Hi. (ireat ITaffHsU Remedy, Gray's s-p cifis Kediciae IF YOU SUFFER from Htmt - . youa 1 ' - n B i ly an i Mi id. -nor 1 1- llB't MTU Diltty. WMkllMI to; u a, uu mpotu y. ana a., a n ar;- ti m va.- in,.', go i . d it lints arts .1 MOS ill ili-mory n no e- N8, I reraiuure l u A e aiul tn ot e..Ui e.ib'athit lead lu lnaauny or CoaOIBptloa and iiu -,-ii-it crave wr teior a pjmu.d"t . tddross uKAV MI.DK'INK t(), BitlTilo, N. Y. Tho .specific lledlenio ia told by all d: UKirlnt-i at 5 per paeka..'", or 6ix packauea for J.l.or aent by mall on reeelpt oi money. and with every !5.0H order W I IARA T6 a cure or money - ' t5r""Ou account of counterfeit!) w hava adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine, bold In Scranton bv llatthawa bros BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL IMIVsKIASS AND SritOKONS. , l.i. KUC1 AR Dl'AN baa removed to (110 Hpruce street, Seranton, l'a. t.Jitat op 1 unite i-otir.-liouae bquatej A. J. CU.NN10LL. Oflleo ail Wuabiutfton avenue, corner Borneo atreot. over t ranelfe s druK htora Keskleuce, W vine at. Offloehoursi to 12 a. m. and ti tol and i jut,, idH p. m. Bnnaay, 2totJ p. m. DK. K ALLEN, office' eor. Lacka wanna and Wnsliinirton aves. : over Le6n ard ah, u store; office hours. 111 to 12 a. m, and tl to 4 p. m. ; vveuiUKS at realduuee, M2 Washington -. I I tw C. L. KKi'.Y. I'l-actlco Uinlted to Ul u i'Ki.e of the Lye, Ear, Nose and Throat; ettlee. Wyoming-lira Uendei.oe. ji Vina ttrcot I i. L.U. (JAT1SB, 140 WaabitiKton Aveiiuj. U Office houra, to v a.m., to ii and I to I p.m. lull., L. WL.NT, M L , OffiotH 44. and 11 lominontvealth buildhnr; residence TU Madison ave; office hour.,. 10 to 12, 2 to 1, 1 to t: Sundaya 2 81) to 4. eveiiinua at residenoa. A fcpecialty made of ili-enseii of tho eye, ear, uoJ nnd throat and nynectjloKV. Vh KlUNAItY st;iti.i:oNK. STUUUK, Veterinar 'V t-Suriroou. Den tistry a BpeciaUy Ity; no itold medalist of On- tarlu eterinarjr C'ollei'o. UUlee. 42ii Borneo Ti lfplione No. 1T3J. I. A v. YKIltS, M. (Jj BANCK'd Law and Collection of .-. No. ;!I7 Sttuee at., rfnnoaito Kiimbi , fl,- Uottse. Bcranton, l a,; colleetiona u tpeclulty tbroUKhotit Pennsylvania; reliable correspoud flits in every COnatV. ItBBUfBSinA.iu, Attorneys and Counsel- 0 tors at Law. Counnonwealth hulldin,'. ' ushingtou av W. H. JSSSOn lioHAfi; E Hand. I V II. JtssnP.jK, AKU WABBEN K.VAt'l', Ateur- I l.evs rue ,niiiK(,irs al. I..'iv l,,ool,lh,nn umiaing', aaniuetoa ave.. Boraatoii, I'a. Ij TXKBh6.N .- W iLCuX, Attorneys "aTl" I C'oiiDsellors at Law; offieesV uud S Library I buildiuu. Bcruutou, Pa. Hoswttl.t, If. PATTlaSOE William a. witcox. ALFRED HAND. Mi 7. HAND, At - i tornoys and Counsollors, Connuunwaaltti bud lint;. li-ciiJ'J. viian.l 21. ij l.n h ,m sickly Law efflres in Price U I, liuOdingi K'tl Wnahtnitton avi-nue. PRANK T OK-.LL, J .". foal Bxebanifa. Attorney at Law, BeTauton, Pa. Uouin MILTON W. LOV By, i Atfya t.'. H. VuN BTOBt II. I f n -iv 22; Wuhinjf C, 11 square AMEBW, OAKKOBD, Attorney at Law rooms itn. r,i and 05, Common weal th irr.r. MU1-..L W. BDUaR. Attornav at Liv. offlei.., b'17 BDruoest. Bcranton. la. A, VTATBEB, Attorney at Law, 42J LacKa wanna sue..' Bcrsnton, Pa l'. hMll'H, Counsellor at Law. offiee, rooms ,"l. .',',. .VI Commonwealth bulldlne. . h. 1 lTCHE.t. Attorney at Law, - mo'iwon th miilainif, Bcranton, m, Q co.M liQYB, tlill Barnes at ' Com- f B. BEPLOOLB, Atturuev--Loana no.- uu-.eo on real en to seeurlty.40ti Bpruoe, K1I.LA.M. Attornev at-Law."l2U Wy oniBgavenns, aerantoa, HAVE YOUU DLIiliS AND MuliTHAChS written and aekaowledaea bv J w RUOWNIXO. Attorney and Motary Public, 29 Joniiiioii wealth Bnlldln :. m no i,s. QOHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, O ton, Pa , preparea boys aud Kirla for eoUeits or buslneij: thorouRhly tiaitui vouub childroa Catalogue at i ,t Rev. Thomas M, cvs, Y?'?.R HBtJEI.L. Miss, WOBCEBTEB'sl K1NDEBGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil, received at ad times. Next term will oirnn Ajiril U. DUN riSTrt, C. LAUBACU, burtfuou Dentiat. No, IU ' . Wvonnni; ave R. M. ,'i'HATfi)N, offlco Coal Kxelninim, LOANS. 'IMiL i:.LPVb,.IC Savinits and Loan Asau 1 elation Will loan ouiu noy on easier terms sad p.'.y you hotter on investment than any other association, fall on S. N. CAuLaN DER, Dimo Bunt building ROTRLSAND RRSTA Cff ANTe. T HE RBTMQfBTKK 217219 Wvn, n live. Booms best.-d with steam: all m.f ern Improvements. C. M. 'I mi hah, prop ' lEOLI-.K S HOTEL, St! Laeknwauua ave- j uue, bcranton. Hates reasonable, Ji Pikolkk, proprietor. W'KBTMiNbTER HOTEL, W. (i. ISCHENCK, Manager, bixteenth etr'sst, ono blix;k oast of Broadway, at I nion Square, New York. American plan, Stlollper dav anil upward C'UiisE lit1, or,, liuroptwn plan; good ' rooms, open day and uisht. liar ,. plied v.-1 1 ii the ! R f'OYNE, Proprlotor. CfKANTON HOUSE, near !., U W pas I J senger depot. Conducted on the Kunipoan plan. Victor Kooh, Proprietor, ( KA N U UENTK AL. The laTfa Had im VJ eniilpuJ hotel io Allsntown. Pa.; ratu !- and f .'.ou jper tlay. vktur P. Barst.b, Proprietor. AHOHITKOTH TAVI ft'in 'i'1'T. Arohiuu, Bp6ms U, I ' Wi und M Coumionwi'.-ilth Ii'IiI'b. Hc-ranton. I? L. SVAI.'l KK, Architect, Library Mihd J. Inn. Wyoming avenui-, Scranton. I BHOWN. Arch B. Architect, Price lniildinir.liJO 1 nshinuton Are., Scranton. SUM 1.1 I AM ot s. Li oitToN Tk HWAUTS-. W-uni i-u,T luiiihnr. b and W linn., 1:,,,, i..,'o.o.' MfcUARUEE BROTUER8, PltlNTERS7 supplies, enyelonea paper hags, twine. Warehouse, 1J0 Washlneton sve., Scranton, IpOJltK'8 l.IVr.RY im (spouse avenue I. First clam carriaioa D L, I OnTU, Aat Funeral Director and Euibalmcr. tTRank" p. brown-" co7. whole JT sale dealers in W oodwaro, t'ordnite and Oil rioth, m w. Uoltawanns 7rmSt!m BAUER'S ""ORCHESTRA - MUdlO FOR balls, plciilcn, parties, receptions, wed dinita and oonccrt work furnished. For forms address H. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulbert'a music store. 1ZRA FiNN A SONS, tttllilera and contrao j tors. Yards; Comer Olivo at. and Adams are ; corner Ash st and IVnn eye . Scranton. G H. CLARK ft CO., S ,n.n. Florists i and Nurserymen; store US WaaHlnirtoii avenue; Rieon house.iljju North Main avenue; store tele phone 7sa. TEAS. GRAN I , I N il IN 'II. A Co.. .lo Mroa W IKK K KB NS. Ins Kl'Ei'i'EL, aiJ Ijtckawannn avenus. ft Scranton, 'a., niannt'r of Wire Screwnj AHTOHEHARTHAN 06 Snutti Wash n il in Avcnu;, Contractor nnd builder of Concreto Flagging Concrete Blooks, Potatj, Butter aud Coal Hni", Wet Ceil.its drie I up. Orders nny be left at Thompson A Pratt,, Will ams & Co Main and K.ynn Streets or at Scranton btovo Worki, Alio Foundations, Cisterns, Vlr Tunuels and Cuttiua. Flagging tor Garden Wulka, WE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room shown ever state in this and we would like you to see it. Hill Sc Connell Washington Ava. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT k CORNELL CO. Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bli'j BCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POW iiadeattho JIOOSIO anil BUH DAW WORKa. Lnftlin & RuiiJ Powiler Co.'j ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fu.-.ei for explor ing blasts, Safety Fuse aud RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. JIanulai-Mireri aiul D-al-rs i lain; nil au Also Shafting ami Journal Grciu OFFICE:-7a lYest Uckawanna Ava. Vi v,aS: lendlan -itras: Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-class Bar attiehed. Ln-pot for Berguer Kngel's Tannhtoutar Beer. Ii Cor, 15th end Filbert Ms,- Pblladi Moat iV-airalila for roaldents of N.Ii Peun; lylvanla. All conveniences lor travelers' to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. De sirable for visiting Ssrantoniana and peo ple hi the Anthracite Region. T J. VICTORY, Pi 01 Rlt TOR SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Havinif fcerured the SHOEING FORGE of " ill! ni Blumo A- S for a peimanent bus! ness stand, 1 shall conduct N lentiflc and 1 hoe ng for the I reveiition. Re lief and Cu e of Lameness anil other Impedi ments in the moven enta of Hora s incidental or duo to imperfect eho ing. I shall give tho nrk my personal attenti n and guarantee no extra charge, except for ImmoVement Lame lieu, etc., will but oatei afternoons A free cllnl- and professional advice givon every Monday from to r M. JOHN HAMLIN, D, V, S, THE Thatcher 'S THE B'ST. Get prices ami spp tRa lurnncfl nnd be con vinced. A full linn of HEAT I'RS, Ajipello uud Ghuzo Door BanpM, CONLAN'SHARnWARE PITTHTON PA. What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright I complexion? For It, uce Pononi's Powder. Furniture m SIC POWDER CO ffll CLEARING SEE Uionsau.U Heumttuts ul Dry Quodi. Ulonka am b'ur Upoi ilorlog sale at less than eost of material. Every inch of couuter room covered with the greatest bargains ever hows. Lsdifs' Felt Hate, this season's styles 0: aaok Boys Wiater Waists J 0 S Jinris on. . u CI" ::::::v:-;::-::::::::;v:::::v;::;aea HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE, COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. lit fN S UPERLATIYE AND GOLD MEDAL The nh,,ve 1 rands of flour can be had at anv of the followini: merchant w ho will nccept THB TllIBUNB FLOuit coiTON of 20 on each one hundred rounds' I iiiiur or SO on each barrel oi flunr. irrantnn-F. P. Prico, Wnshlnston avenu I I Gold lla Brand. Dunuiore-F. P. Prir", Gold r.ran DanmoM-P, D. Haowy BapsrlatTrt Brani. Hyde trk-Ciirson s U.ivis, Wn-hbnrn St. Oolil Medal llrund: J soph a. llr:irj,ilaiu avenue, Superlative Uraud. Qreen Kidne-A LlHpwoSr.Ooli) MednlErand. J, i.McH.,1,), Bnperlativs, iTOVldeaoe Kannar Cbappall. K' Main are- nue, Bnuerlatira rami:,;. J liifla pii, W. Uarket strsat, Qold Med i Ilrand Olyphant-Jaines Superiativo Brand. , Pw kvil o- li ,:t t S: li is r SuperlatiV). I Jermyn c, o. Winter Co Huparaiatlfa Arcnbald Jones, s mptoa ,-: 5o.. a dd Hadat. , Carl :oudalo-ah. Clark, i.0!d Msdal Brand. Honssdale-l .N. F,s:er ft Co. CioU Meda:. Miaooka M. H. I.iVelle. IROM and STEEL NORWAY IP.ON bla u diamond Hll.VUR l-XTltA SPECIAL S '.XD Kit SON'S BKOI.I8H Jl-.SOP'.S KXGL1SH CAS I ST- EL HOUSE SHOKS TOE CALK III: K MACHIXEIXY SPltlXO SO E C STEEL ANVILS II LI.OWS HOliSE NAILS WILEY & RVSSBLL AND WELLS BROS CL'rilNU MACH1NKRY. :ittenbenderftCo.,Scrantonl Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmakers' and Blacksmiths' hUPFLIES. i-. 7",!?m'' llivo!r.t'rr Kit,i!iod Sefcm taa Aticr i..i ,: CI,,'l w, ,r .iiiivu 1CISE CO.- .For sale by JOHN H. PHELFd, Pharmacist, cor. nton, Pa. LUTHER SEWER PIPES, Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. m hit. uiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig.iiiiiiMiiiiiinMniiinii Scrantoa Tribune, Scrantoa, Pa., April 10. 1894. I S s Send this coupon, with 10 cents I in cash, and get four of the marvelous I Multichrome Art Gems by far the 1 greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2a extra, niiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiigBfiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiii3iiiiiHUiii(9ii!ii!iieiiiiiiiiituiBiin I AMERICA I COUPON NO. 37. I Rend or luinjj two of these coupons, differently numbered, a With Ten Con is. nnd get one of the series of sixteen magnificent S jg photographs. Bight numbers now ready. Mail order8j2o. extra. S nt-tBBt!:IISi2S12aiUIMI Jictii i.eA. I. lr Hunt, Aoe. 1, Utt The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. 31. Fha iir3t official annonncement of World's Fair di plnmas on flonr has been made. A medal has been avardd by thu World's Fair judcoj to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co. iu the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles il to rank as first-class patant flour lor iaiuily and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL TTBOLESAtE AGENT i Taylor-Jud(te 4-Co , fjold Medal; Athertoa 4: Co., .Suporlative. Dnrysa Lawrancs atora Co., Cold MedaL Moo ie John McCrindle, U,, Id Medal. Pittston -M. W. O'Bovle, (iol I Medal. Clark's Green-Fraru 4- Pi.rkcr. Sup'-rlatlvs. C.urk's Minmit - F. M. Vonna, (lohl Mdal. IJalton-S. K. Finn A Son, Oohl SIcua iSranl. NliauloD-j. B. Harding, Wav,rly-M. v . BllssA Son, Co'd Medal. Fact ,ryville-Charlei Ga-dunr, Go d Medal. Hopl i,, M. Finn & Son, Gold Medal. Tobyhauna-T ,l,yiiaun i ft i.-LLm Lumbar Co Go d Modal Brand. Bon dsboro-B A. AdMn. Gold Melil Brand. Mon-ow-Gaiue, G,,ld Medal. Lake Ari 1 James A. Bortree, Gold Modal. Forest City -J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Medal WAGON WHEEL9 AXLES SPKINGS HUBS Si'OKKS RIMS STKKL SKEIXS R. R. SPIKES SCREW RESTORE LOST VIGOR 1"M tou spin week So'd with WRITTEV frcn Of cioi,. ' If Of glOTttJ, iui?h trouble? Ind t' ! -in,,, ut ,un uj,(i.,Kiper iiui dt Diall.iiboxpsrorS.',, With ft,rrS K'iiiiLtr,- In cute or leiiua ILt- lUoileT. AUJr ,-, Clt,ml,Oliio. Wyoming Ave. and Spruce St., KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOE PLASTERING FLUE LININGS, Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa.