I 1 THE S( HA.NTU TKlBlHTji-WElJN KSDA V MOHNLMi. APRIL 11, 189 1. '- - 1 1 , , , giiiiiHigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Pipe Valves J Fittings I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. s niiiiiiiiiiiiiftiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiitiiaiiir: LACE CURTAINS Tlie most delic.tte fubric prop erly cleaned ml THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Perm Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 1 20 Wyoming Avenue HASKELL'S BLACK MOIRE SILKS Novelties in Dress Goods, GERMAN BLACK GOODS 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 12 "7 Wyoming Ava TELEPHONE NO. 535. Th Union Trauafar Company, Limited. Bus line. Baggage nd freight called for and delivered promptly. 107 Franklin avenue. "'Where do the good clothes come from'.' CITY NOTES. The Delaware, Larkawnnna & Western trainmen will be paid today. Nine cases of measels, one of scarlet fever aud one of diptherla were reported to the Board of Health yesterday. The subject of the conferonco meeting this evening in the Providence Presbyterian church will be "Tim Uruce of Giving." The Ladies Kocial Union of the Perm Av enue Baptist Church will serve supper Thursday evening from 0 to h o'clock. A cordial invitation Is extended to all. The Associated Charities did not have a quorum at thf ir meeting last night. This la the first failure since organization, and is accounted ror by the fact that the weather was bad last evaning. Some of the Thirteenth regiment mem bers are already making preparations and getting accoutrements in rediness for the iettysburg encampment, which will be held Aug. 8. C J. Dittoss, state councillor of cirdor United American Mechanics of Pennsyl vania, will make an official visit to the order this Wednesday evmug, April 11. Members of the order will meet him at Beer' hall, corner or Main nveuue and Lafayette street (West Side) at n o'clock. The attractions at the Prothingham the xter next waelt" will be as follows: .Monday, Lew DockstBder's Minstrels; Wednesday and Thursday, iieury L Dixey nud Rice's big burlesque company In 4,Adonis;" Friday, "Alabama.'' The a e 1 f seats for Uockstader's Minstrels will open Friday morning at 0 o'clock at Pow ell's Music store. The suits of the Scranton Bicycle club have been received and p.re on exhibition in the show windows of Florey & Holt on Wyoming avenue, where thev were viewed by many visitors yesterday. " The suits are made of white flannel, with blue belts nud caps trimmed In blue. Across the breast in bine letters appears tho name "Scran ton.'' 1 "Where do tho good clothes come from? ' BEFORE EXAMINING COMMITTEE. NumbsT of Student Are Advanosd Into Yearly Study Periods. Before the examining committees of the conference appeared yesterday u Jiumber of probationary applicants and tbiw who hud already been ad mitted for study and were examined for advancement. Those who at last year's conference were received on tri.tl and admitted into the first year's study, were yestai luy continued on trial ns follows: (Jlarlc Oallender, Arthur D. David JJavid Evans. Siinou H. Florv, Lumen E. San ford, F rank N. Siniti), S. G-oy hnowden, Charles E. Sweet, Seward A Terry, Oorge N. Underwood, Louis T. Van (Jampen. Those who last year were continued on trial have been extended to the Beoond year of study as follows: Ray mond W Lowry, ilenry E. Wheeler. Those who have beon coutinued from the second to the third year are James Wenninger, Herbert L. Ellsworth, Frank I). Hartsock. Eugene L. Jeffrey, Elmer E. Pearce, Charles H. Reynolds. Louis E. Vau Hoesen and Arthur 0. Wil liams. Anheuser iiuscll Beer. Louis LcbmauU, a bpruca u UK turn npm pi in npppiup ELKS RECEIVE LIML Tba Palatial New Club House Is Tlircvo Open to tbe PuWic. ROOMS ARE ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED Several Hundred of the Most Promi nent People of the City Are Enter tained at the New Franklin Avenue Club House of Scranton Lodge No. 123, 6. & P. O. E.-Rich Furnish ings, Fine Music and Hospitality. The opening event on tbe two days programme of exercises attending the dedication of the new Franklin av-nne club house of Scranton lolge 128, Benevolent and Protective Order ol Elks, wus a ladies' promenade retep tiou. Tho event last evening attracted nearly 000 guests, who listened to u well chosen programme of music, ad mired the spleudid lurnishlngs of the club rooms and lodge hull, and inci deully received new impressions as to the quality, luiguitude. enterprise and good talta of Scranton Elks The reception began at 8 o'clock. Guests after disposiug of their wraps in two well arranged cloak rooms, were escorted into what will ou ordinary oc casions be the wnist and smoking room at tho Eik's club, ou the second floor. This room is bandsomslv fiuished In blue, with stereo-relief work on walls and ceiling, and is equipped with com tortublo tables and chairs. Adjoining it is the billiard room, which is quietly colored in pule blue, with frescoed wulls and ceilings, and carpeted in Axmiuister with rare designs. THE HANDSOME PABLOB. Through folding doors and under tnsletnlly draped chenille curtains, the procession of gu- -ts next entered the club parlor, whose richness nud sul dued air ot Mugnifioenoe elicited in numerable expressions of praise. It is finished in ivory and gold, with wall panels tinted with a delicated bleud of sky blue snd sreatt), and with the over head panels beauiiiully adorned with designs in water colors, the central panel representing cherubs ot pluy in a bower of roses. Presenting a note worthy contrast with the daintiness of these mural decorations was the ex quisite furniture in upholstered mo rocco, and the front draperies in che nille relieved by real old Iiish poiat luce portierraj. An impressive annul view canvassed with uncommon fidel ity rested upon a tasty easel in one corner, while opposite stood a Shaw piano, in Satinwood finish. Every de tail of this parlor betokened a delic icy and optness of selection wnich were much remarked by discerning visitors; and on the Second floor, amoug many interesting features, tho parlor dourly monopolized attention. Opening from the parlor, through it small archway, lay the reading room, somewhat smaller, but otherwise fully as beautiful. Wall tints and ceiling panels correspou'ied with those of the parlor and the only difference Will that the woodwork, instead of being treated In ivory and gold, were stained In the old baronial finish. Upon a table at one end of the room lay copies of the leading magazines; while in the oppo site corner an opened register beckoned visiting Elks to attach theirautogruphs. The entire second lliori intended to be used by members and viaitiug Elks as upurtmnuts iu a social club. These roems will be open to them during all hours of the day and until midnight at night. THE" LOUCiE IU1.L. The lodgo room proper occupies tho greater portion of the third floor and has a balcony capable of accommodat ing I'M persons. Entrance is made to it from two doors, each door entering from waiting rooms in the rear. The auditorium is 75x40 feet in size and is over '20 feet high. Tbe ceiling is a magnificent revelation of artistic stereo-relief work with tints of buff and gold and cream and blue. Three pendant elustersof incandescent elec tric bulbs, with glass caudlebra, jets for gas imposed above, depend from the arched ceiling, supplying light of uncommon brilliancy. At the hall's npper end, upon a raised dais, nnder a eauopy of gilt and ivory, stands the upholstered morocco chair of the exalted ruler. To his left is the secretary's desk and to his right last evening stood the piano which accom panied the various vocal numbers. The etivre end of the hall, back of the ex alted ruler's cbsir, is a mass of beauti fnlly intertwined chenille nud damssk draperies, while on tbe platform, in front, stood bank upon bank of ex quisite potted plants and forus, Tbe stNtions of the three other executive officers of tbe lodge were similarly, al though not so conspieiomly denoted ; and banks of plants and roses clotted the entire line of raised chairs for the use of lodge members. THE MUSICAL NUMBERS. Concentric rows of chairs were placed in tbe Moor space of the hall until al most the entire center was occupied by women, many of whose escorts were content to stand at u distance and contemplate- the blended elegance of tho room, tho beauty of its fair occupants and the witching hues of the ladies' gowns. Bauer's complete orchestra discoursed sweet strains from the bal cony, a quartette comprising Mrs O 'Brian, Miss Richmond, Mr. Siebecker and Mr Watkins, sang several num bers chnrmingly, aud Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. Watkins and the Misses Reynolds sang pleasingly in solo and duet tium lers, eaeh number receiving generous favor. Refreshments were served in tbe smoking room below. Among the several hundred guests present, in addition to the lo iga's mem hers and th-ir ladies, was Grand Sacra tary Allen O Myer. of C lumbas, O., who represented the officers of the grand lod,'e; nnd a party of Elks from Allentown and Reading. The Wilkes Barro delegation will arrive todny The only feature of the recaption which occasioned ndvarss remark was the surreptitious introduction of un advertising card fauetionsly called u souvenir programme. .For this 'the committee on arrangements disclaim all respou fiibility. HEAR THE BiflCK PATTI TONIGH T. She Will Clva Ou of Ear Charuiue Concerts at '.hi Aosdnmy of Muilc. Miss Hiasieretta Jones will giva one of her charming concerts at the A'cad emy of Music tonight She possesses a voicB of such rare power and swo-Aness that hIic has been dublied the "Black Patti." The Pittsburg Post cays:- "This singer is certainly one iof the best ever heard in the city. The clear ness and fullness of ber tones and the utter absence of any straining after ef fect were nitonuhing. Tua high and low not s are almost perfect. rc'j, re sonant and full of that sympathetic quality which appeals to all listeners. She became the favorite ofhsrandi euce from tbe moment she appeared on accontit of her modest bnuriug aud the entire absence of ailticutSon. " FIRE AT 1 ARCADE Fores of Hen Is Already at Work Clearing D? tba Euius. LOSSES THAT WERE SUSTAINED Most of the Tenants of the Arcade Carried Insurance That Will Cover the Loss they Sustained Walls and Roof of Odd Fellows' Building Dam aged Robert Armstrong Badly Hurt by a Hose Cart. Curious crowds were gathered all yesterday about the ruins of Frothing hatn's Arcade, whioh was completely consumed by fire at an early hour yes terday morning. A large force of men in charge of Superintendent Brszille was at work clearing away the debris, or as much of the wreck as rested on the corridor which ran through from Wyoming avenue to the theater entrance on Oak ford court. The passage wav is built of solid masonry and will to usud as an entrance to the theater. An en trance is also beiug constructed from Penn avnue. Tho fl iraes were first discovered by Robert Edwards, the night watchman at tbe building. On a provious occasion during the past month fire was dis covered in the Arcade. It is generally believed that yesterday morning's con flagration and the smaller flume were started by an incendiary. Who the fire fiend is cannot be learned, and its far as known, no attempt was made yesterday morning to locate him dur nig the early stages of the blaze Mr. Frotliingham is inclined to disbelieve any story of incendiarism, but tha cold facts remain that the incipient fires of late and finally the extensive one can be easily moulded into a cu rious coincidence. Tbe fire will not In any way intr fere with the attractions advertised for next week. Fortunately nothiug had been booked for the present wek. The theater box office until further notice will bo located at Powell's music store. Mil. niOTHINUHAM's LOSS. The heaviest losor is Arthur Froth inghutu. He held a lease on the laud from Colonel U. S. Shoemaker, which has yet fourteen years to run. In th theater office, located in the rear of the building, were looted many valuable pape.'s, office furniture, puintings, etc. iVoue of the contents of the office were saved, Mr. Frotbingtaatn's loss is ab solute; he hud 110 insurance. Among the teuants were Charles W. Schauk, shoes, insurance (6,200; W J. Weichel, jewelry, insurance $.'500 loss, $4,500; Scranton Illuminating He-it and Power company, insurance $.',000, loss 2. 000: Columbia Bicycle agencv, loss lully covered. Other ton ants, whose losses cannot at present be learned, were C. M, strutter, pip-s, etc.; P. J. Lane, hatter; J. F. Harris, insurance agency ; John Breigel, paint shop; H. S. Wagstnff, insurance agoucv; Mrs. Prater, drtssmaker; Hod son and Moser, tailors; Metropolitan Portrait company; O P, Steel & Co., Frank Le.icti aud a few others. The Westminster hotel, owned by John Jertnyn, was damaged to the ex tent of $1.5W). Proprietor Trnm n's loss by water will approach $2,000 The loss is fully covered by Intnrauce. The fire did uot materially iuterfere with business, being done u, naual at tbe hotel yesterday. ODD FELLOWS' BTJILDINO, Tbe walls aud roof of the Old Fel lows' building were damaged to the extent of tjSXOO. Insurance fully covers the loss. Yesterday workmen were engaged in the construction of a new roof, whieb at the Wyoming avenue nd of the buil ling was almost entirely burned away, The stocks of Hart & Ot inger, art goods; B. Bevan and Miss O'Hura sustained the most serious dam age in the Old Fellows' building. Their losses and those of other tenants nr covered by insurance. Lithographs and other adverliaing matter of the Dockstader, Dixey aud Alabama companies, which will appear at the Frotliingham next week, wre consumed; the loss will be about $75 to each company. Robert Armstrong, of the Hook and Ladder company, was theoniy firomau seriously hurt. His foot was bally bruised and ankle broken by being run over by the cart of the Century Hose company, Tbe excellent and systematic work of tbe firemen was highly praised yes terday. Mr. Truman was particu larly loud in his praisesof thair splendid work in preserving the Westminster from destruction. "Where do tho good clothes come from':" One coupon and 10 cents secures a set of elegant multichromes. The most liberal offer yet made, bend in ycur orders curly. MR. FROThlNGHAM'S PLANS. Bite of tbt BurneJ Arc di to B Utlllz.d as a Foyer. Arthur Fiothingham completed plans for the reconstruction of the burned arcade yesterday afternoon and left on the midnight train fot New York city last evening to Older new material for the work. The new edi fice will be of tbe heigbth of the old arcade with two stores in front, while the rear will consist of an immense foyer leading to the theatre. Tne dec ond floor will coutain a ball room forty feet wide by 100 feet in length and will also contain handsome dining rooms, kilchuns, etc. Two stairways will lead from the foyer to the balcony entrance of the theater, which is on the leval of the second 11 or. The entire srrungeinut will be of elegant design and will affor 1 a fine entrance to the new theatre, which is now among the features of tne city in which all Scrautouiuus take just pride. Art Students Are delighted with Tiik Tribune's multi chromes. "Where do tho good clolhescome from? ' DIED. RIPPLE At her residence nt .W0 Madisoa avenue, Tuesday, April 10, Mrs. Martha Hippie, in her eigtny-tliird yoai. Notice of funeral will be announced hereafter. BROWN. On April 10, Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Funeral Thurs day at P. M., from residence at al Lackawanna avenue. "Where do the good clothes come front" m - We are prepared to furnidi buiness men with first class stenographers and typewriters by the day or hour, " Seranton Commercial association, limited, 455 Spruce street. -. . Fir. Bale. linlaiico of my stock, 40 Lackawanna avenue, to families at wholemle only, Friduy and Saturday. ' P. Q. CocnsEN. The Evartr Lssd. Walt for Gueroeoy Bros.' uew goods. WIN MISSING Did Rot Appear to Press His Suit Ajalast b Bin; Iff Uurljs R b;:;S ID. REASON HE ASK0 MM Says That He Was Unlawfully Impris oned Levi Case Given to the Jury. Charles Vockroth Sues Ex-Alderman Charles Roesler Action of Mr. Salisbury to Recover Damages from donas Lauer Other Cases, John D.iwkins failed to appear in court yesterday tn prosecute bis case against ex SheriH' Charles Robinson and a nun pros was taken. Mr. Daw kins sued Mr. Roninson for d imiig-s for alleged illegal imprisonment in t:o county jail. Ou Sept. 18, 1802, Mr. Dawkins' wife died at Carbondale from tbe effects of a dose of poison she hud taken. Alder man J. 0 Thompson, acting as cor oner, impanneled a jury and which re turned a verdict to the ell ct that "Sirah Ann Dawkins came to her death by means of poison administered by her own hand with the conuivanoe and consent of her husband, John Dtw kins, the poisoning having been prear ranged." When the verdict was rendered Al derman Thompson committed Dawkins to the eounty j ill and two days later he was released nn a writ of habeas corpus, it being charged that the com mitm-nt was defective. The grant jury subsequently ignored tbe bill agaiust Dawkins and thereupon he be guu an action Hgninst Mr, Robinson, who wus sheriff at the time of the com mitment, asking damages for false im prisonment. DAWKIN'8 FAILED TO A WEAR, Mr. Dawkins failed to appear when his case was called yesterday and an hour was spant In a vain search for l.im. L-tuuel Atarmnn, attorney for Mr. Robinson, then asked for a uon pros. He said the case was a schmn to extort money from his client and as Mr. Dawkins was not present to press his suit, he thought they were entitled to a nou pros., as they had all of their witnesses itiourt and were prepared to go to trial. Judge Peck, before whom the motion was made, granted the uon pros. A verdict for the ' defendant was taken in tiui ejectment case of Johanna Ackerm in and othvrs against the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad com pany, the plainutf not appearing when the easy was called. At noon the jnrv retired in the case of David J Levi against J. S. Miller and !i. 8. Lewis. It had not agreed upon a verdict up to .1 utrloek. Before Judge F, i wards the suit of Cbarlea Vockroth against ex-Aldermm Charles W. Roesler was tried. Vock roth u-d to recover $144.80 for wages iie says i.s due him for services ren dered as clerk for Air. Roesler while th9 latter was alderman of the Eighth ward. Ke said the agreement was that lie was to receive $10 per month. Mr. Roesler deuivs that there was such an agreement and says Vockroth was to receive whatever lie was worth. Oi that basis he received each day what ever he hud earned, The case was given to tiie jury at 1 U ) p. m. and it ugreod at I o0 and sealed its verdict. Mtt Salisbury's suit. A. W. Saliabury's action in trespass agaiust Jonus L ue r Wal next culled for trial. Mr. Salisbury in 1S92 oacu-pi-d a building owned by Mr. Liner at 823 Lackawanna avenue. Mr. Lauer erected an addition to the bnilding which necessitated tbe tearing down of the wall about Mr. nud Mrs. Salis bury's apartments. They claim that in tonseqnenoc of this action their household effects and clothing were ruined by txp.sure to the dirt and dust incidental to building. Mrs. Sil ishury wis on the stand in tbe after noon and told her story in a very dpiritod manner. At 1 o'clock the jury went to the Salisbury apartments to eximine the furniture and effects and court adjourned. Before Judge Lynch iu No. 2 tbe closing testimony in the' Carbondale street railway injunction caso was heard. It will be argued Siturday. 'Where do the good clothes come from!" Ladle, See the Ltot in tine shoes at the Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washington avenue. . "Whore do tbe good clothes come from:-" WILL MEET IN THIS CITV. Gathering of Missionary Workers to Taka Place April 24 and 85. An event of much interest in relig ious circles will he the assembling in tnis city on April 84 and ?5 of the Pnil adelpbia branch ul the Woman's For eign Missionary society of the Presby terian chursh. Tbe convention will lie held in the Second Presbyterian church, with tho exception of a m.ss meeting, the exercises of which will be conducted in the First Pres byterian churoh on Washington uve nue. The attendance will be large, as del egates from Pennsylvania, New Jraey, M-rvland, Ouio and other eunriguius territory are certain to be present. Many questions of iutsrest lire to come np for discussion, and as in my active, energntic and capable workers in the cause of miiaions will be here, tbe meeting is certain to prove of deep in terest. In addition to the various delegate wuo will attend, it is expected tiiat missionary workers in most every flald 011 the globe will also com to the meet ing, whic 1 is to be one of peculiar in terest to them. Mrs. Kirkpatrick is chairman of the committee on entertainment and ar rangements will he made for the com fort and convenience of all the visitors, uo matter how great the number may be. Further particulars will be publlsbid in The Tribune later. - The 81nger Sewing- Machlni Company Are now located at 5ai Laokawaona ave nue. See then- latest family sewing ma cliine. Mahogany wood finish. ft'.'0 LaekaWatUM avenue. 'Where do the good clothes come from!'1 Portfolio Numb r Two. Of the b-autiful Multichrome series, ha arrived. It is equal. If not superior, to til first of the teries that have been so niuci admired. "Where do the good clothes come from?" nARius just returned from New with a hue lot of carpets, rugs ami i i Penn aveuuo. York mats. "Where do tho good clothes oomo from:-'' America. Parts Nos. 7 anrl H of fliia i,,i. ..,,. portfolio are now ready for distribution. OF Ptiys!c!ans Surprised Tha (hi DIsmsj N 1 R e fd S ri i'.oi. if iQi The Subject Was Freely Discussed at Last Night's Meeting of the Lacka wnnna County Medical Society. What the Doctors Said Resolution Passed Recommending Vaccination as a Preventive of the Disease. The Lackawanna County Medical society held an interesting meeting in the arbitration room of the court house last evening. Tner were prei mi Di'j. Williams, Park, Capwell, Rally, Gates, Rea, Bateaou, Connor, Logan, Fulton aud Underwood. Dr. Willi iins pivsid-d. "The Human Temp-ram -ntn and Their Application in Medicine" was the inbj ct of an interesting piper re-.d by Dr. J. 0, Baleson. The diff -r .nt teinperm uts were scientifically classitiel and 1 he necessity of their tn ing understood by the physiciau was clearly pointed out, The pap -r was iiscuss 'd oy Drs R., Loan, U ider wood, Capwell and others, all of whom endoraed the views so comprehensively set forth by the author. SMALLPOX DISCUSSED. Dr. Connor introduced the sinject of smallpox. He said the disease pre vailed in Danville and Williaraaport, aud that Pittston bad quarantined against the former place. Bingham ion was also discussiug whether to quarantine or not. It is not generally known, he state 1, that smallpox pre vuils in the Parlor City, as all men tion of the fact has been kept out of tho papers. Tne dostor dwelt upo-i tlie necessity of vaccination in the pub lie schools of the city. Dr. Logan ssld that In 1881 the vac cination in the schools was a success, as was evideuced by the fact thai although smallpox raged all around us at tht time, yet there wereonly three deaths in tlie ciiy lrom the disease. Than the schools were vi-ited and the children examined and vaccinated in' cases where n.cessary. He thought it time lor tbe society t act, Dr, Capwell thought there had been a good deal of dwadling In the matter. He enquired as to wnat ths board of healtu bad done and was told that word b id been aeut to the echools that the children soon d be Vacclumed, BUT LITTLE VACCINATION. Dr. Williams an 1 Dr. U ates also spoke on tne sut j int. The latter stated that there was a Very general vaccina tion in the wiuier oi 18813, but there bad been Comparatively aula since, al thong. 1 a larga crop of children had been grown since that time. Tnere are cranks of all kinds to deal with, he said, and opposition might bs ex pected from tlie class who orgunize auti-vacciuution societies, but it wus theontyol physicians 10 employ this humane method of guarding again it a tvrritde disease. Some difference of opinion existed -is to just what the hoard of health had done toward having tho suggestion of ths state snpuriutenJ-oit of public in struction that school cuil ireu bi v ic oinated, carried out. Dr. Fulton enquired as to the powers ol tne bo.,rl to compel TuColn tion 111 the schools. Several of the doctors expressed thair surprise that smallpox had not ap peared in this city, owing to its pr va lence urouu 1 about it. RESOLUTION ADoriEH. Dr. Logan offered the following res olmiou - Resolved, That the society request the board of health to recomni'iid vac cination to all persons ,w tne city w .0 uave .not been vaccinated within ten years. Dr. Bateson moved to amend the resolution by c-usingit to read sev-n years itistead of ten. The amendment was accepted and the resolution unani mously adopted. After computing the usual rou ine business the society adjourned to its regular uieeiiug nUbt. LAST NISNi'S TOURNAMENT. Lively Bouti lid Up with a Clean Knock Out. Some lively fighting marked last night's section of the Exelslor cluh's tournament at the Academy of Music It op-ned with a bnt between Wil liam Adler, ot New York, aud Thomas Gardner, of this city, representatives of the 110 pound class. Adler won. Geurge Ross, of New York, and J hn Callahan, of Philadelphia, representa tives of the 100 pound class and wi -ners of Mondiy night events, met ai d Ross easily vauquis aed Uii mia. William K me was defeated by Gaor e Mi Wrath, of Now York aud Jose h Welleachek by Anthony Gordon. Otu winners wereStep icii Jn Ige, .Scrant n ; Cileries McGuire, Philadelphia; Join Tigbe, Scranton, and James Julg, Scranton, who .lelivere I a blow w i. h knocked ins opponent, John Welsc, senseless. Dr Qibb o :-, of New York city, will be in his Seranton office, 441 Wyoming av.-nue, every Mon day fn.ui 8 iu the morning until U in the evening. Here I am, Safe and sound, Plump as a Herry Pudding, but Not so round. Ready for business at 417 Lackawanna Ave. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. Best Seis of Teeth,$g.oo Jrcludlng The painless extracting el teeth by an entirely uew yiv cess. BEER SiLLPO S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. lttu WVoail.W AVli THIS IS ONE KIND OF CHCKN WE SE lit w B V : 0 ucn S4H a" A" Wi.L . B n wood, B.rr 11. Cylinder, Buckeye, Dash. HENRY BATTIN & CO., 120 PENN AVE. SCUMS HGUSEHQLO SPECIALISTS. WHEELBARROWS Are rolliiiz away at SI. SO. BUY TOt'LTRY WETTING, FLY Ml TTTNO AXU STAl'LES AT Lt JTTOM PRICES. -CASH-? OSLAND'S Glove and Corset Store, 128 Wyoming Ave. We hsve recently rec ived a new! line of Suede and Glasse Kid Gloves, we FIT THEM ON nnd keep them in repair FREE OF rXPENSE OUR GIFT THIS SEASON A Handsome Parlor Is our gift to our patrons this season. We depart slightly from our usual custom of presenting gifts; that isfwe will not confine it to clothing pnrchasei exclmivaly, but to all Other departments. Every purchaser of Men's, Boys" or Children's Clothing, Shoes, Hats or Furnishings, whose pur chase amounts to One Dollar ($1.00) or over, will be given a chance on this Beautiful PARLOR SUITE now displayed iu our immense show window. Prize to be awarded July 5, 1U. Our elegant display of Wearing Apparel for all ages is a captivating one. Our Garments have a Made-to-Order appearance about them, unusually pos sessed in ready-made clothing. PENN CLOTHING & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters, S. L. G GENTLEMEN, l EE OUR LINE OF $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4.00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKr HAND-StWED. I o Seams or Tacks to Kurt Your Feet. All Styles ami Wldthi in ConjresJ or Lco. The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money Try a Pair and j-ou will wear no othor. RANIQTI7P'CDQ Art SHOE on vnmviuii uyju.vv every BANISTER'S, Cofi lackawanna ,80. Wyoming Humify Our 9a 50 Shoes are as good as anybody's S3 00 Shoes. $2,500 We Will Present To each of our customers who purchase goods to the amount of ona dollar and over an envelope containing a card. On the card is printed the name of an article which will be given to the customer FREE. Gifts to Deselected by the cu3tom?rs from our regular stock. Thase Free Gifts run in value from $1 to $10, amounting in all to $2,500, and incluia Ladies' Cloaks, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Flowers, Mackintoshes, Ladies' Capes, Men's Hats, Boys' Hata and Capes, Neckwear, Starling Silver Scarf and Stick Pins, etc., etc. No Blanks Everyone Gets Something, M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUft Here We Are Again bi'lof'Tj .;: Velvet i ap s, $1); Worth cl5. Moite Silk Capug, 811; worth SIS Fine Cloth Cape, in all colors, 8L'.S?5; worth 84. Jackets Jackets, trimmed with Moire Silk, in all colors, 85.75 ; worth 89. FineBkick Cheviot, $4.60; worth 8(J. Tailor-made Suits Fine Serge, in blue and black, 7.50: worth 89.50. Fine Cheviot, in blue and black, $5.25; worth 87. Millinery EVERY LADY purchasing a Trimm'-t! Hat this week will bi presented with s SILK VEIL. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. PENN AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. ALLEN. box! Suite