The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 11, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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OPB A WHMVH nl"TT? TT"3 T? '
CI n Al I VJ:N 1 IV ID U ii l'J 1
General Manager.
to.v. Pa. by ul TtUBUKl PvnubBiso
Co:.: tan v.
New Vrim 'irnoE: tbibphi Euildiko.
IMtrWl at Ihf l'oatofflct at .Scinn'un. Fa
Secoatf-Ctew io Afaifw.
80BANTON, APRIL 11, lsfli.
Fofl MAN who is about to ba alaugh
ttrcd. Jatncs AJalbort Mraunliau ietmt
ntKontmonlt calm.
llkciom's Gall Day.
Wbon an organisation attain iu
biief time tho lnembarahip aud infill
enefl posmestail by the Scrantou lodge
o( Eikf; wheu it calls within itf por
taU men foremost iu lumiiisss, politics
aud tha learned jiroi'osaioiii: and when
it can, without ilounali of trutnputi
build for iUelf u borne sueh ai that to
be dedicated today, its merit can no
longer bn questioned, but must be ac
cepted as a demonstrated faot. The old
idea that Elkl were mere madcaps or
reveler! lias been exploded. Tho sluu
dor retarded the order' growth for a
time; but like all slunderi recoiled aud
finally helped its intended victims.
TltB truth, now happily accepts I, is
tint of all the various iOOlal aud bene
ficial organization! with which Auieri
eana are familiar none is more useful,
honorable and helpful than theBia?
cleat and Protective Order of Like Its
membership is made up of earnest men,
who voluntarily aunuM an injunction I
to charity, justice, fidelity aud brother
lv love which, when Miaiped, unites it
into on- family, lis aims have
received th approbation of prominent
representative! of all religions, and its
foundation is as broad us the entire
Tbm recommended, it is but naturcl
that the local lodge should outgrow its
former apartment! In the old Library
building and alioull build for itself the
must Like cluh nous.) 1,1 toe state, 1
not in tho whole country. Iu point Of
beauty, elegance and convenience, the
new rooms are certainly among the
finest possessions of our city, and give
to Scran ton new dmter for enterprise,
generosity and advanced public stand
ard. That the xireissi of today, so
happily foretold by last evening s ,a
joyable reoeption, may be at wall fa
v red by th elements its they ur by
the objects which they typify will be
tiie wi-b of all Hcrantouiaus.
- - -
PoTrsTOWi) is the latest Pennsylva
nia city to itch for county-aeat uoto
liety. it is proposed in that borough
to form a new 0 lunly out of portions
of links and Montgomery; but the idea
will doubtless go no further. This
docs r.ut seem to be a healthy decade
lor new county ambitions, Xot one
has been lucceiiful since Lackawanna
closed the list.'
- - e . .
T ba Arcade Fire.
In all great crises it is easier to
oritieiia than to achieve. In the case
of a disastrous tire inohastbat which
yesterday morning iwept like a cyclone
through one of the most valuable busi
nets portions of the city, there are
always persons willing to find fault,
totii with the fact that such a fire
could start and then again with the
manner in which the rlimca wero
fought. Another cIsm of oritics, with
out accurate information, are always
ready to indulge iasaroastia allusions
or Biva currency to damaging rumors
h rviug no foundation in fact.
Tie best tvldence that the work of
the h eal firemen was promptly, care
fnlly and energetically performed is
shown in toe almost miraculous escape
of adj icent protirty. I'uder circum
stances which iniuiht h.uve occasioned
u wholesale destruction, the area of ac
tual damage was confined to one hold
ing, and ail ; lining walls emerge al
most unscathed from 11 heat which
must hav- been terrific. Had a high
wirid ben blowinff, a los which us it
was fell inside the $100,000 mark, might
and doubtless would have multiplied
itself by five, while to this horror might
l ave Ueu added a considerable sacri
fice of life.
In this sudden and sweeping blow,
ailing just at the dawn of reviving
spring business, Mr. Frothingham and
all his tenants will have the hearty
sympathy of every Scrantonian possess
ing an atom of decent feeling. Some
of the tenants were partially insured
and some lose everything; but all suffer
severely in this morales interruption
of reviving commercial activities, and
their loss is a public misfortune which
the whole community shares. The
TiMi'.LNt: can only hope that the inde
fatigable push, vim and spirit which
have called thess various enterprises
into being will operate speedily to re
store them and thua newly vindicate
Scranton's peerless pluck.
Uenkkai. Bravkk corrects an errone
ous announcement t nut he would be a
candidate for congress in the Twenty
eighth district; but his modest dis
claimer only serves to re emphasize the
need of such candidates as ho would
make. The forthcoming congreia
would Find plenty of usefulness for a
man like Pennsylvania's gallant ex
governor; and it is only his own disin
clination which prevents the honor
from perching on his shoulder.
Senator Hill's Speech.
Had nny other Democrat than Sena
tor Hill delivered the attack mado
.Monday against the administration, it
would have received very general
praise. As a protest against the ultra
sectionalism and cowardly domagogism
of tho amended Wilson bill this ora
tion, judged apart from the personality
of its sponsor, takes rank among the
most fearless and significant speeches
of this generation. Its arraignment of
the proposed income tax Is masterly
and unanswerable. Its plna for a
moderate revision of the tariff co-in-cides
with the wishes of those business
men to whom Democratic ascendancy
threatened even greater spoliation. Its
bold repudiation of tho Hawaiian policy
of infamy atrikes a keynote to which
American patriotism is yet earnestly
vibrating. Its courage and aggteisive-
uei fit t,,e STaakei teinpic anil
iu lucidit? of exaraulon formi a nota-
ble lessou iu rhetoric.
But the speech cannot enqu.-r the
fatal odium of i;s autuorahip It is
the coucedeJ opinion of most tiloug'dt
fu! Americans that Divid B. Hill
possesse . iaar.y elements of uotable
greatitia In sweep and accuracy of
his aebo!ar,hip V.s eupplits a curious
corabinatiou of the close student With
tLo thoroughly developed specimen of
tricky political leadership. He reads
men aud knows books; and thera are
occasions when he seems to risi almost
to tho plane of really lofty statesman
ship. But like his political Siamese
twin, Daniel Voorhees of ladiani, he
finally mioses this distinction because
while -possessing all other elements ha
lacks the tempering nuality of char
auter. His mind is keen as a acintlll
ant sword, but it has no fixed principles
to guide it. His intellect is replete
with all tho needed weapons of agile
encounter, but behind it all there is no
sensibility and no conscience. Per
sonally honest, clean aud temperate, he
plays at will on the weaknesses of oth
ers, and rnles men, like a Kiohlieu, by
a craft that destroys all confidence.
What will be the effect of this speech
on the tariff bill .' Unless all report
be false it threatens to focaliz a pre
viously disorganized and scattering tin
satisfaction into an opposition that
will kill before it will yield. The
United States Iiuatt, by tradition and
in present membership, i not in sym
pathy with political anarchy. It has
no real boud in common with the
crazed agrarians of the West or the
visionary doctrinaires of the South.
Its constituency is a sound aud stable
business constituency, wanting rather
to be let alone thau to be eternally jab
bed at by experimental legislation
Whether tiie senate ha drifted too far
from this former sane mooring to be
recalled by one earnest ipaaeh remains
to be seen. Eut unless it soon couibs
back to common sense principles, all
the possibilities of future Democratic
annihilation which Smator Hill held
up iu lurid warning will be realized iu
tenfold intensity.
,i i 1 in - 1
In DB( IDIHa that the creation of the
office of county controller did not in
volve class UgUUtion within th-'
meaning prohibited by tho state con
stitution, and that it carrie with it ,
InfOMntWIy at least, the vacation of
ttie oinco 01 county auditor, Judge
Weidtnati, of Bohnylkill, unites good
law with common sense. The point!
thus raised to defeat the Kline bill
were the vorie-t iu',bbles. It will
clarify the atmosphere of county gov
ernment to have this issue authorita
tively settled
Toe Candidate! For Congress.
The Philadelphia Press in a recent
item of state news from tbil city con
veys to the public tbe announcement of
the f..ct that the lion. Joseph A Scran
ton has consented to accept the Repub
lican nomination for congress at the
hands of tho coming ccnuty conven
tion. And it is said that within 11 few
days Mr. Scranton has justified the
statement bj personally announcing his
candidacy. In view of the peculiar con
ditions whien now confront t'na coun
try and the manifest wisdom of the ap
parent determination of the advocates
and adherents of the protective tariff
1 policy in all parts of the country to
send to the house of representatives of
I the Fifty-fourth congress men of ex
J perience in national legislation and of
I tried courage in resisting the encroach -I
ments on that policy, Mr. Scranton,
j his friends say, has been urged to con
jsent to a re-uominatiou by a large
I number of the people of all classes and
1 by sorno of the leaders of the Republi
can party.
There can be no question as to Mr.
j Scr.-.n ton's fidelity to the cause of pro
j tection and his s?rvii- to bis cjnstita
j oucy in the halls of congress. Hon.
I John H. Fellows, too, has re
! csntly unnounce.l bis candidacy and
bis friends say has the assurance
1 of cordial support throughout tbe
J county. Tne ex-mayor ie 11 stanch
' Republican and protectionist and has
j done the party great service in the
' past. The situation at present prom
i ises a lively convention. It is not the
I purpose of this paper to take sides in
! the controversy between these two
geniiomen. vve are tor the nominoj
of the convention. whoever he may be,
and there can be no question of bis
Last Sunday evening eaeh of the
five Methodist ministers of Williams
port devoted his sermon to a discussion
of tbe morality pf theatrical perform
ances; and the uniform conclusion
set ms to have been that their moral
tone was bad This eubjest's treat
nient (luring the present conference,
should it come up, would command
widespread lntorest. The relation of
the chursh to the stage is undoubtedly
a changing ono, but it has not yet
changed radically among Williamsport
Methodists, who condemn even a kir
mess conducted for the benefit of char
ity. A Specimen of eJcranton Pluck.
It was 8 o'clock yesterday morning
when Arthur Frothingham first learned
that bis handsomo Areade property,
with all it! contents, bad been reduced
to utter ruin. The news reached him
at his breakfast table, in tho graphic
account printed in yesterdays extra
edition of The TRIBUNE At 9 o'clock
Mr. Frothingham gave order! to begin
at once the work of clearing away the
debris, preparatory to the property'! re
construetion. Refore the liremen hud
ceased playing itreaiusof water on the
charred and crackling timbers, work
men were shoveling the refuse into
carts, and plans were being formed for
the building's restoration.
This hi nut statement of the case con
veys only a portion of the real foe'.
While Mr. Frothingham was coolly
directing this immediate task of recon
struction, all the plana and papers and
paraphernalia of bienew theater, many
of his accounts, books and busiustl
statements and a portiou of his finan
cial resource! were lying in a charred
mass underneath the ruins. Tho whole
thread of a magnificent new enterprise
was rndcly snapped nt the very mo
ment thai it had reached hopeful sym
metry end form Rut for all that, the
theater, .tself happily uninjured, will
keep all its engagements and b In bel
ter condition than ever. "Ynu cm sav
ior uf," said .Mr. Frothingham a be
viewed the iiaoQtdering hasp, "that if
a show had been billed for tonight, tliat
theater would have opeaed as if noth
ing nad happened."
Is it any woader that Sirautou Is a
synonym for pluck?
The lav,' draws tia distinction! be
tween iparriog contests und priss
fights, homo of theso have been illus
trated during the two-days' tourney of
the Excelsior Athletic club, which
closed last night. The exaat differ
ence, in morals, between gutting one's
nose smashed by five-ounce gloves aud
getting it smashed by the uncovered
fist is not altogether upparent, but tho
law whioh sanctions the one ruthlessly
condemns the otber. Mayor Connell,
in placing policemen on the Academy
stage to see that the law was not trans
gressed, did hia duty; it was the law it
sill' which blinked, onee or twice.
It is a coincidence of some note that
the day after Walter Lyon had button
holed Luzerne Republicans, Fighting
Jack Robinson walked away with tho
Luzerne delegates. Those who like to
delve deep into the significance of such
curious events are at full liberty to ex
plain this an best they may.
and Wheelmen.
Too much care in protecting the
body cannot, be exercised bv riders at
the present time while the air is still
chilly and dump. Warm clothing and
sweaters should he worn aud the light
riding costume not donned too hastily.
Tiie most hazardous thing that riders
can do is to staud around inactive out
of doors after riding as the pores have
not been thoroughly opened during the
winter nud one is more susceptible to
colds afttir exercise.
The enthusiasm displayed by the
members of the Scranton Ricycle club
on the ability each one possesses for
raolng is unbounded and a rivalry bus
sprung up that will know no eud until
each ono has an opportunity to van
quish his fellow members before an
audience. If tho club race is run theiu
is to be a team of tho club's best riders
selected and tho honor is coveted by a
large number.
Members of the'! ireen Ifidge wheel
men, besides beiug a good body of
riders, are fast becoming proficient in
the musical line, under the able tuition
ot Del Foote, tiio banjoist The organ
ization of a creditable banjo club is an
ticipated in tho near future.
e e e
Much ulleutkm is being paid to ladies
cycling costumes this year and as n
Loiuiquenco many pretty and service
able articles of dress are being placed
011 the market for tho comfort of the
female 'cyclist. Among the sweaters
are varieties of colors and design, but
about the prettiest oue remarked was in
a Wyoming avenue agency. It w-,8
white, trimmed in blue an l made like
a sailor's bloimi devoid of all ungainly
looking parts, yet made so as to protect
the fair wearer from all chilly draughts.
It must surely ba instinct which
prompts many racing men to cnoose
bananas as a means of retaining their
muscular energy on long-distance ridep.
Few cycler! are aware of the amount
of nourishment stored in the luscious
fruit, and to how many tribes of sa
Vagea it eerves as an exclusive article
of sustenance. It contsiui sufficient
fat, sugar, starci, pecten, gum aud
nitrogenous matter to support healthy
life and is invaluiblo to persons whoi'e
digestive organs aro under temporary
or chronic derangement. Bi, News,
Rider! of light mounts will find it
profitable 10 use a little care in riding
over bad places. Dj not imagine that
because a wheel il guaranteed for hard
road use for twelve months that a
rider is expected to climb six-inch
curb stouee, scorch over cobblestoue
pavement! or down lower Spruce street
or make flying leaps into the saddle,
because the mounting step is not for
ornament but use. To enjoy the ease
and comfort of a racing mount oue
must use reasonable car. Ride as
fast as you can or like on good roads,
hut help the machine over bad places
by riding slow and cquahzine the
Weight ou pedals and saddle and at the
end of the season Ton will not have
any ugly icars, broken bones nor a
patched up wheel to trade In for your
next year's mount at a large discount
because you thought your wheel wi
made to perform impossibilities.
in the antiquated town of Honesdule
tho borough fathers still regard the
bicycle as a vehicle of pleasure and not
busiuess, iu cousequence of which they
have ordained that the steel etoed shall
he banished from tbe sidewulks and
parks, making no provisos that would
protect tho wheelmen were they ar
rested even though the mud of the
roadbed be a foot deep
Any rider who is guilty of riding on
a sidewalk wheu the roadway is in good
condition should bo summarily dealt
with, but whou tho roadbed is muddy
they should bo allowed to ride on the
sidewalk with proper restrictions on
their speed, Business mm who ride
bicycles are in uiue cases out of ten
up to date hustlers to whom time is
valuable, therefore the muaicipal au
thorities shoula use more disuretiou In
making laws that will bo a loss to him
and no gain to any one else.
e 1
Oue Opinion, and n Poor On.
rxMCBifl r In'eUigftici f."
Madame .TannuuclicK told the people of
Baltimore the other day that the .key to
success on the staife at present was noto
riety, lie matter how infamously gained.
"Coarseness and sensuality,'' she calil,
"seem to bo tho views of our nineteenth
century life. The prill ring supplies the
Blage with Its male stars and the divorce
court supplies it with its leiuale stars. "
Why Hlnas la Formidable.
flCUtfttOn initinrl.
Luzerne is still a county whero the
mountebank and demagogue fluds an ex
cellent Held to work ovor and the short
sighted man who thinks that Mr. Bloest!
already defeated does not know the man
uor the people.
Her Culendtir.
Her tears uro April showers,
May buds her smiles,
And .lime's sweet, blossomed bowers
iter witclnug wiles--To
nil save ine. Alas t
With lips n-pnrch
I Watch lior coldly pass
And know sho'a March.
f Now that April's here,
I beKiii to Question where
My wile bis hid the tackle
That I laid aside hist year,
For I liesr a voice that's culling
Where the watur's foam in failing,
Aud the eddies swirl and darken.
Now thut April's hero.
j. u. CeAiete,
PAINT cracks.It
often costs more to prepare a
house for repainting that has been
painted b the first place with cheap
ready-mixed paints, than it would
to have painted it twice with strict
ly pure white lead, ground in pure
litiuccd oil.
Strictly Pure
White Lead
forms a permanent base lor repaint
ing and never lias to be burned or
soaped oil' on account of scaling
u-cracking. It is always smooth
and clean. To be sure of gi ttin
strictly pun? white lead, purchase
any of the following brands:
' Atlantic,'' Bey mer -Bauman "
' Jewett " ' Davis-Chambers '
"Faknestock," ' Armstrong & McKelvy. '
For COLOM. National Uid Co.'s Pure
While Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound CM
loa !5pound keg of Lend and mix your own
paints. Save! UrOe and aimo ante in Matching
ShMSli und insure the Ltst paml that it i'l pos
sible to put on wood.
Bead us a iiostal curd and i;et our hook on
paints und color-card, free; It will probably sav!
you a good many dollars..
NATIONAL 1 .1 .AD CO., New Wk.
Up to DATEiBrown and Black AT$L73-
A Still Greater Drive in Ladies1
rTv-TrTTTT- x a
Something New for
ENKINSiS MORRIS, formerly with
Leah Joues, dinplnv n lur(; and
vel!-iHlfcd atook of Fashionable
Spring SjiylM in 'Millinery.
Espi-cinl attention given to Artistic
City Music Store,
. It A Ml JI & BACli
xuirz & liAuuit
0 s lartra slock ot first-oU
music, ETC., Km
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Specialist on tbe Eye. Hcudnclioi nml
NertOUSnoss li'lioveJ. Latest and luiiirtived
Stylo of Ey (Jlassca and Speotaoles nt tho
Lowest Prices. Uesl Artltlcial Ey4 mrtud
for So.
SO SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office. ,
Will remove about April ist to 224 Wyoming Ave
nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a full line of
Pianos and Organs
At Wholesale and Retail, on easv monthly payments. It will
pay to wait for them.
Our bargains are like the celebrated 'possum trap thut would catch the v..:
mints "coiuin' or a gwine." Being always as bright aud fresh as a July 111 irii
ing, our stock is ever rich in novelties and abundant in staples. To buy with
out seeing our aggregation is to deplete your purse without consulting your
judgment. That, in times like these, is almost criminal.
rt 1 1
All sizes.
A Big Drive in
I Iityp. PipfP Cqmpc
sweep; all colors, AT $i.c)S.
Ladies Jacket Walking Suits, in the Most Stylish Cut,
Tailor Made,
in 0ur Curtain Department we are offering a lot of first-
class Window Shade, complete with fixtures and ready to
With the New Valves
Out of Bight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Hoys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
314 Lacka. Ave.
MiDg lD,itata
Reception and Visiting Cards,
Menus and Dinner Cards,
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Engravers.
;n.b. We are offering a uew
. edition of the Book of Common
PrHVW, Well bo 011(1 IU l.'loth.
Two Copies for 25c.
Single Copies, 13c.
U S 6
I- 1
uiiiu xuuu jjiau iuiuuxiauuuu
Price everywhere, 25c. We will give you Two Pairs for the
Quarter while they last You ought to see them.
Ladies' Broadcloth
iMfVi TVniKla PutH,,
Timothy, Clover
Dr. Hill 6. Son
nil 1 1 ' with. nil- iilutAu pullrt.l .'rmvn mti.1
bridue work, call for prices &ui reference
TON AM MA. for oxtriictmu leetli Without
pnlu. Nu utber. No gu
Art il Pisssat rhf Moi Popnisr rnnl Prcftff! l)T
Leading Arl!U
Wsrerooms 1 Opposite Columbus Monument,
205 Washington Av. Soranton.Pa.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
court huusk svahk.
All kinds of Laundry work guarantee,!
tho best.
Capes, in Tan. Navv
All Wool Broadcloth
rn-. .
and Lawn Seeds.
& Sliear Co.
The most complete
in the market.
Hull & Co.
205 AKD 207 WYCMiKG AVE.
1.1-1 anil 13! 1ENN AVKNCK.
On the American Plan.
Scr.vot'-n's BSjWWt anil bist pnuipped hotel
Heated by Rtsara. Electrta Balls, Bata
Tubs nu aSMtl llr.or. In-, Well-
Lighted urn! Atry Koons.
Erarj tiling Complete,
Office oa sec mil flier. U001I sampli)
room HiuclifHl.
p. j. CONWAY, Prop.
' mm mm
V a i.i. hi:st var
Ami all kinda GARDEN
SEEDS in bulk nuil iu puck
ayes. Pierce's Market
All "Situation
Wanted" ads.
inserted free.