THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 11. 1894. 3 LACISUM All Things Musical STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVc. HIGH GRADIi PIANOS WEItRB, BUAW, KM I um, OTHEB HAKES ORGAHS lLL l-'WICIC See the Shaw Tinno from tho World's Fair in our window. A Foe io Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE And always have Good Bread. MAWUFACTt'RSP AND FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BY he Weston Mill Co, Daniel Scotten's Polka Dot STRIPPED SMOKING TOBACCO 20c. lb. Wholesale, AT GARNEY, BROWN & CO. 537 LINDEN STREET. DR. H. B. WARE SPI.C lAUST. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE HOURS: TOU.M A.H. 1.80 To Eh& iMa :35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. Herman Wahlera, of Now Haven, Conn. , Is in the city on account of the illneaa of Einil Wahlers, his son. George S. Sterling re presenting Dixey'a Adonis company, which will appear at Thn Frothingham next Wednesday and Thurs day, was in thi9 city Wednesday. Mrs. E. M. Bacon, a Reformed Episcopal missionary from Lalitpnr, India, arrived in thi-. city lat evening. She will speak in Grace church this evening. Editor Penniman, of the Honesdale Citi zen, was a caller at The Tribune office yesterday. Mr. Penniman is one of Wayne county's most clever and buccoss fni newspaper men. Mis Kittie Andrews, of the Coston fchool, celebrated the anniversary of her eighteenth birthday at ber home on Throop street Tuesday -evening. "Where do the good clothes come from!'' COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The liiit for the term of argument court whicn begins on April 80, has been pre pared. It contains eighty-two onset. The will of John B, Thomas, late of this city, was admitted to probate yesterday by Register of Wills Koehler and letter,) , I I I i . i r ., I. .1 I. U , I ... CI nomas. An appeal from the award of arbitrators was filed yesterday in the case of James W. Walsh, executor of Mar Wal ih, de ceased, against the Dwelling House Iu9ur nnce company of Boston. George li. McLaughlin, tax co Hector of JefTeraon township, yesterday filed bis bond in court and had it approved. It is in tbe sum or 11,000 and has John r. Van Sickle and Theodore Mitchell for sureties. E. E. Hackett yestrdny began an action in ejectment against Flora Fleisher and Cora Van uorvier to ob'.ain possession of a lot ot land on iJelawam street in the Thirteenth ward. It is claimed by the plaintiff that he purchased the property at a county treasurer s gale or land. Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk or tne ( oniTs i nomas yesterday to Wil liam J. Burns and Maggie Whelan, Scran ton; Frank If. Barker and Cora M. yam wn, Archbdd; Karnes I). Mangan and Anna T. Murray, Scran ton: William liar kins and Mary Gallagher, Wintou. "Where do the good clothes come from''" DRIVERS QUARREL AND FIGHT. One of Them Arresttd and Bound Over for Tr ml in Court. Two drivers. F. B. Kdiamand O.irtt Perry, indulged in a row iu front of tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern station, yesterday morning, ss a result of which tbe former was severely choked and pounded, while the latter ia'nownnder bonds to appear for trial at tbe next term of criminal court. At the conclusion of the melee tin- beaten man bled himself to the office of Alderman Wright aud swore out a warrant for the arrest of bis assailant, who later was arraigned before the magistrate. A nnmber of drivers were summoned as witness?, but the prisoner did not particularly deny the offense charged. On tbe contrary he aeemed to think that one of the names applied to him was a sufHaiant justifi cation of the assault. This Alderman Wright did not deem a turEciont ex cusu and sn held Perry for court in the mm of $500. Poier Mallaney, of 8 45 Adams avenue, became his bond sman ''Where do the good clothes come fromr'1 SNOW WHITE WEST side Wedding of Jflss Eliulna Whiting and Ran dolph Brimner. IT WAS A VERY PRETTY AFFAIR Ceremony Witnessed by a Numberof Out-of-town Persons Mrs. Sarah A. Waters Laid to Rest Funeral of Mrs. Margaret Connors Will Be Held Tomorrow Morning Other News Itoms. The Wait Blda oflico of the Scranton TailiLXi: is located at 1040 Jacksou street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will ruceivo prompt) at tentiou. 1 Miss Eltninn Whiting, daughter of Mr. and Mib. Jonn Whitiug, of Hamp ton street, and Randolph F. Brimner, of Carbondale.wer utiitvd in marriage at the residence of tho bride at 'J o'clock on Monday vvenlnf. The cere mony was perloriuod by Rev. A. W. Cooptr, Promptly at i) o'clock the CODple c line into the parlor, preceded by Mtsi Ella Hay nor, maid ol honor, and Richard FriCH at best matt. The brtdo was neatly attired in a rich browu COltum and oatrtod a beautiful bou quet of bridal roses. The bridesmaid wore a similar costume utid carried n bouquet of Marshal Neil roses. The presents went iiutuerous and oostly. The out of town guest were Rov. Cor nell, of Eaton Villa; Sir. and Mrs Ueore Goodrich. Misses Jaaria and Beatls Goodrich, Carboutlale; Mr. and Mrs. Delia Fouotuin, Fort City; J. 8. Wfcitii g, foster. Others preient were Mr. und Mrs. H. C, Minimi and family, Mr. an I Alts. Hill and familr, Mr. and Mr. Liovd. Mr. aud Mrs. Walker aud family, Mrs. Fellows mid family, Mr, I'restwuod, Krosge and Y. Wafdtll, Funsral of Mins Sarah A. Waters. Many friends g.ithersd nt tbe bom of Ebenfzer Williams ou Chestnut strest yesterday morning at 0,80 o'clock to attend the funeral of Miss Sarah A. Waters. Tiio services wor conducted by Rev. L C. Floyd, D. D., pastor of the Simpson Methodist Episcopil chnrch, aud were very impressive. A quartette consisting of Miss Grace Acker, Miss Ella Godshull, William lieck and Fro.'essor William Jones sang several selections. The pall bearers were J. 1). Williams, Robert Williams, W llliiim Uiiams aud Darnel Evans. Tbe remains were conveyed to Forty bort for interment. Funeral of Mrs. Connors. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Con nors, wife of James Connors, who died at her home, 527 North Bromley ave nue, on Mouday evening at a late hour will occur tomorrow morning at !' o'clock. A solemn high mass of re quiem will be celebrated in St. Fat rick's church, lutermeut in the Hyde Fark Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Connors had beau ill but a short time and her death was unexpected. She was 5j years of age and is survived by her bus band and fonr children, namely, Mrs. Martha Fergcsou, Mrs. Hugh Kerri gan, Lizzie Connors aud James Con nors. Mrs. Connors was a loving mother and a kind neighbor aud wife. Meeting of Board of Trade. The West Side board of trade held a brief but interesting meeting last night. In reference to the Round Woods project William Farrell, a mem ber of the committee, reported progress. Councilman Davie stated that in con versation with Park Commissioner Ripple, the later stated that owing to the amount of work which is being done oy tne cmeiais ot tne Delaware, Lukawanua and Western company in rew lorir. city the matter has been allowed to rest, but that there was no fear on Mr. Rippies part that the Round woods would be made a park. Common Councilman Davtes spoke at length concerning the'vinduct and said that the councilmen in in their action at the time of its defeat were wholly sincere and that had the ordinance been properly framed it wonld have been passed. Tbe nomi nation of officers for the coming year were then made. Those nominated were: President, D. M. Jones; for vice president, William Farrell, T. Fellows Mason; for secre tary, Charles E. Daniels; treasurer, A. B. Eynon, W. R. Williams and A. M. Morse. The selection of officers will take place at the nxt meeting. Shorter Paragraphs The library committee of the Hydo Park free library and reading room will meet this evening at 7.30 o'clock An entertainment arid cake social will be j;iven in the Tabernacle Con -gre.'ational church this evening by the young people. Misses Ida Phillips, Maggie Lewis and Ma Davis, of Providence, called on West Side friends last evening. "Where do the good clothes come from?' RICHAROS LUMBER COMPANY. I'. Is a Long Established Firm with a First Class RopuUtion. ihe Hlonarai Lumber company, one of the oldest, if not the oldest, whole sale lumtiHr furnisher m tne city, are permanently located in the Common wealth building. The manager, Mr. Richards, has been in the lumber busi ness since 1886, and has made it a rule to kefp too interest of his customer in view in nil transactions. While the company doos not sell nil the lumber Died in this vicinity, yet they compete favorably with any responsible dealer, There are, however, Ditrties engaged in this business as well as in other lines of ti.nle, who are not altogether re sponMble. After a few orders are filled by such parties, the customer looks in vain for lumber expected, but which never conies. The Richards Lumbar company ha tbo reputation of filling all orders placed in thoir handB la promptly as possible I hey h:iV facilities second to none for filling order in hemlock white pine or southern yellow pine In fact thoy ar in shape to supply the trade with anything required to make a first class lumber yard, while no firm in the buslnesH has to a greater extent that public confidence which can only only be built, nn by honest and long lime dealing. They sell nt wholesale only, in cur load lots or more. Music Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired nuinbor of tunes. Gnutscbi v. Sons., mantuacturers, I08U Chestnut street, riiiliiileiiniin. Won derful orohitntriul organs, only $j and : in. Specialty: Old music boxes carefnlly ro paired and improved with new tunes. -w - Atnetlca. Parts Not, 7 and 8 of this handsome portfolio are now ready for distribution Harms just returned from New York with a hno lot of carpets, rugs und mats 304 Penn avenue. APRIL'S NEED OF SLEEP Business Men, Over-Tired House- Keepers, Teachers, Students and Men and Women in the Whirl of Society Lack Rest. Sweet sleep is nature's soft nurse. Half the fretfuluess, tiokuess and complaining might be laid at the door of lack of Bleep. There iu not one man or woman in ten thousand wnp can do without seven or eigiit hours' sleep. All the stories about great men and women who slept threo or four hours a night mako very interesting reading, but no one ever kept healthy in body and mind with less than seven hours' sound sleep. Americans need more sleep than they are getting. This lack makes them thin and nervous, weak nud com plaining. But one cannot will one's self to sleep. If sleep will not come, there is an evident derangement of the nervous system. The tired, worn-out nerves DMd better nutrition to restore them to thwir heulty action. The rapid build ing Dp of nerve tissues is what makes Paine a celery compound so prominent ly the great uioUvru nerve and blood remedy. Slsop is the time of lowered expendi ture of nerve force aud of increased re pair all over the body. Fame's celery compound quiets the disturbed ner vous system, feeds its impoverished tissues and robs them of all irritability sound, refreshing sleep ensues and the tired, despairing invalid starts at ouee ou the wuv to health aud strength. A freshness in the countenance and an tibieuc4 of that pained, worn ex pression comes after a short time tak ins I'm o's celery compound. Neural gia, rheumatism, palpitation of the heart, headaches aud the hosts of dis couragiug signs of shattered nerves are banished by this great tomedy. It makes people well. Students and teachers ttaud the fearful strain of pre paration for spring examination by building up the body, strengthening the nerves and purifying the blood with Faiue's eelery compound. It gives vigor to miud and body. - , . "Where do the good clothes come froml" 0 .. Thy Go Like Hot Cak. The success of the Multichroines offered bv Tut Tumi, ne has been unprecedented The Hist portfolios were sent out ubout a Week ago and tbe supply has boen almost exhausted by the great demand for the pictures. "Where do the good clothes come from?'' TAKING DOWN WIRES AND POLES. ureat Lhange Has Been Wrought in the Appearance of Lackawanna Avenue Combining on Poles. During the past few weeks there has been n notable increase in the number of poles and wiaes on Lackawanna and other avenues iu the central portion of the city. Within two weeks about 100 tele phone wires have disappeared from the south side of Lackawanna evenue and many poles and cross arms have been removed. Tbere are still a number of small poles in use on that side of the street by tho Traction company and Electric Light eompanies. Thoy pro poae using the telephone poles, now ever, and as soon as the wires are changed all of the small poles will then be removed leaving only five large poles in each block on top of which nearly all of the telephone wires are carried in two cables. The tolephone company will not use the north side of the avenue at all, but it is expected that other electrical companies will combine in tbe use of pules ou that side of the street also. All telephone poles on the north side of the street will bo removed at once. Their wires and cross arms have al roady disappeared making a great dif- ferone in tbeappearaucoof the avenue. On Adams avenue, between Lacka wanna avenue and Olive street, many of the wires and poles have ditap peared and tbe same is true of Wash ington nvenue. the work will tie continued as rap idly as po-sible throughout the city. Mr. O Brien, of tbe telepboue company says, until tbe number or wires and poles are reduced to the lowest point that an efficient aervico to the public will pvrmit. s "Where do the good clothes comofrom:- The HAND80KI new uniforms of the Scranton Base Ball (Tub have arrived ami are now on exhibition in the show win dow of Florey & Holt'lu the Y. M. C. A. building. They are made of cream colored flannel with the word Hcranton in blue across the breast. The uniforms are of tho finest mako and rOlect great credit on Florey & Holt, who have so rapidly pushed to the front in the sporting gouds busiuoB by handling only the best goods and by square, honest dealing. Thoy carry a most complete line of bicycles, firearms, etc. Call on them bufore you purchase ny articles id this line. ' - "Where do tbo good clothes cotno from'-" ' i . BARTLETT-PEUSER NUPflALS. First Ceremony Soltmnized in ths Qresn Ridge Presbyterian Church. The Green Ridgo Presbyterian chureh was tbe scene of one of the prettiest weddings seen in that section of the city for some time Inst evening, it being the marriage of Edgar D Hnrtlett, one of ibe popular employe of the Scranton Traetiou company, nud Miss Margaiet Peuaor, daughter of Adam Peuser, of New York street, and one of the most charming and popular young ladies of Green Ridge. The chancel was handsomely deco rated with Howers and potted plants. The ushers were C. M. Carr, George O. Csrr, W. T. Price, A. D. Van Gordr, George Millett and Peter Zurflan. The bridal party entered tho chnrch pre ceded by the usherH, and two flower girls, eaeh bearing a handsome bou quet. The flower girls were followed by the bridesmaid, Misa L-na Pneser, a sister of the bride. Next came th bride leaning on her father's arm. The groom and groomsman, Peter Pueser, entered from the left and met the bride at the center aisle. Rev. N. F. Stahl performed the ceremony, after which the bridal party roturned to the resi dence of the bride's parsiits, whore a supper was servod. Toe bride wore white satin and the bridesmaid cream satin Arter a short reception Mr. and Mr. Hartlott loft for their newly furnishud residonce,lo Mudison avenue. ' Whore do the good clothes comofromV" Bendloston ft Woera and Ballantlne's Ales are tbe best. K. J. VV aLhu, agent, Ui Levkawauua avenne. " Amur loo. Farts Nos. 7 and 8 of this hnndsonm portfolio are now ready for distribution NOTES SOUTH SIDE Anthony Cannon Foretold Bis Death and It Occurred as He Said It Would. HE DIED YESTERDAY MORNING A Blood Vessel Burst at the Base of His Brain and He Died After Being Removed to the Hospital dames Murtagh Arrested for Wife Beating Yesterday Personal Mention and Shorter Paragraphs. Anthony Cannon, aged 00 yean, whose wife and son, Martin J. Cannon, a loeal painter, live on Pittston avenue, hen for years been a migratory turn of mind and had no specmc stopping place, died at the Lackawanna hospital yesterday. He spent a portion of last week in the vicinity of utnooiaaua was apparently as healthy as any man of that age. What is pirticular abont bis death is the fact that tie accural -iy fei el old the date of it. In conversation with many persona of bis acquaintance last Sunday he staled positively that he would die without any eonnivance on his part, but simply through the in scrutable will of Gnd, on the following day. In n fow hours nfterward he vis ited bis son and at bis residenae was taken violently ill. He was conveyed soon after to tho hoipital, where dis solution set in as be told it. He was in the habit of using laudanum ; but did not take any of the drug for a month prior to bis death, the cause of which was apoplexy, the fuueral will be held tbia afternoon at 8 o'clock Interment iu Minooka cemetery. Ifurtaghon Bis HuscU. James Murtagh, the professional South Side wife bea ter, agreeably dis appointed all who kn ow him by living happily with his fam lly for a period reaching back six months, during which tune nt least a half dozsti pay days oame and went. But yesterday morning tho ruling passion mastered him. and he started ID with a vigor to make up for lost time. He hammered his wife brutally, and she was so weak from loss of blood that hor strength was barely Bble to carry hor to reach an officer. She found one on Cedar avenue und Murtagh was taken in ketping. Ho is a ponderous brute, tipping the scales at over 200 pounds. Tho officer In in order to bring him to the station was obliged to administer a few taps of the club, which had the proper effect. He will be remembered as eontributing to tho fracas in which Constable Wosl kers and bis brother got whaled in an attempt to lock him up, as be was in dulgiug iu bis favorite exercise. He had a hearing yesterday morning and was committed to jail iu default of $500 bail to answer at the next term of court. Person ali Miss Maggie Siglin, of Pittston ave enue, will leave to-morrow on a visit to Stroudsbnrg. Mr. Con nail, of Pack street, mother of Select Councilman Alex T. Connell, returned yesterday from Shamokin after spending a two-weeks visit amoug friends. Miss Susie McTammany, of Oswego, N. Y., returned home yesterday after a short visit to tbe family of Edward Maher, of Cedar avenne. Miss Mary Langeu, of Hawley, visited Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bust, of the Roaring Brook hotel Miss Delia Moore, of Gjnet street, will leave Saturday for Nov York. Shcrter Paragraphs. John Joyce and Miss Bridget Coyne, of Minooliu, will be married this after noon in St. Joseph's church, by Rtv. D. H Green. Out of tbe seventy six charter mem bers of Neptnne Engine company only six are in the company at present. There names are: Charles Hnester, Anton Fisch, Michael Hanselman, Peter Robling, sr., Jacob Hartmuu and Abraham Weichel. At present the company numbers thirty-two, Colonel E. H. Ripple nud Michael Miller being the only bonory members. When the now engine nrrives the Neptunes will be second to none in the city. "Whore do tbe good clothes come from. ' Scranton' Punlness Interests. THI TniBOMl Will soon publish a care fully compiled and olasslued list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing nnd professional interests of Scranton and viciuity. Tho edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of ieading citizeus, No similar work has ever given an equal rep. resentatiou of Scranton's many Indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copieB of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequnlled advertisement of the city. Tbe circu lation is ou a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city atlarge. Representatives of TllK Triiuinx will rail upon THOfl WHOSE NAKBI are Dial BSD iu this edition aud explain its uature more fully. Those desiring views of thoir residences in this edition will pleaso 1 ave notice at tbe office. Kill Two Birds. with One Stone If you want tocombin comfort with slevence, look at SOHANK s SPRING STOCK nf SHOES, There's the KM PRKSM, for butane. What's neater hi rUIMt or black; The lady that wears it looks like a lady, And lonking that way, thn obsnces are she'll act like olio Good clothes and good shoes iiuike guml deeds easy and natural. The Dude Is Dead Young men haV ceased to be howling wells. They can't afford it these poor times. Tbnt s partly why so many quietly dressed young men about town buy their Spring Footworn' at Hahattk'a, They know ho deals only in tbe very latest and l)"st. Thoy knew his stock is largo, tint nover liuid. And they know bis 1'lticEs ARE Down To I' IT THE TIMES This Means Yon By the wny, why not look at Schank KliBOANT NKW SI'HINO AND si mu:k DE8IQNBT Thuroa no charge for looking. When you buy you pay. The chances are you'll buy. SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. WYOMING AVli F. M. Aylsworth will bo at bis new stnnd, 'J23 Wyoming avenue, next to Economy Furniture com pany, ready for business next Thursday. F. J. Johnson, practical bouse and sign painter has removed from court house square to 22tl Spruce street, opposite Tribune office. America. Parts Nos. 7 and 8 of this handBome portfolio are now ready for distribution. Harris just returned from New York with a tine lot of carpets, rugs aud mats. 304 Penli avenue. - Rheumatism racks the system like a thumbscrew. It retreats before the power of 1 1, nd's Sarsaparilla, which purifies the blood. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon FOR Wedding Presents Go where they have the best selection. RICH CUT GLASS, CHOICE CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC, SILVERWARE, ETC. WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. HOyo V lute yon bunt, fish, rido a wheel, or end to'.' Do you want fine Pocket CutUry, a Hazor, or any of the numer ous arliclen aporteinen antl sporting men uaeV If so, on ami after APRIL A. W. JURIS CH Will be prepared to furnish some at reasonable prices at his store, 435 Spruce Street Remember, everything new; tock just bought: no old ctock to uUpose of. Call ami ex nuiue ami you will save time and money. tington's HOME BAKERY. We have a arire assort- ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CARES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. A TRIP Through our Bioycl DniuiHimnt will show yon tba Bnaat lino ofnw mi altgant good at reasonable price you ever mw, Bpclally notloetbe IIOCHBSTKR. It Is the natt noil fnsie-it oyola In th market. Cnll and gat prio on our SECOND QBADE WHEELS. They will surprise you. CHINA v HALL Hun r Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. LATEST OUR "BELL" CUTAWAY AND SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VARIETIES. Martin Sc. Delany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. The Fashion 308 Lackawanna AAenue, Millinery Department. We have never shown as sclent an assort meat in mats, trimmed in the latest style aud in endless variety, as we do this season, and we cordially invite all ladies to visit our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Cloaks and Capes We are just opening a large shipment of Cloaks aud Capes. A handsome Tan Ladies' Jacket, Umbrella Back, Keel'er Front at $7,00 A tight fitting Clay Worsted Jacket with Moire Revers at $2,50 A beautiful Black Clay Worsted Cape, with Mohair Braid $7.00 And dozens of other styles from "Where good clothes come from?" Women's Coats and Gapes Wc showed you a large collection of Gapes and Jackets at Easter-tide. Today wc have just twice as many- Jackets ill Covet Cloth and Twills, Moire and Silk Trimmed. They Fit Wei, Wear Well Look Well. The Prices are WAY DOWNi $5 50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of The very newest and neatest aro of Gro Grain Silk, Moire, Cloth and Luce. Notice the price tickets: $5, $6.50, $9 TO $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. Gk'W. Owens & Co- CLOAKUAKBRS, SUITS AND WBAP8, sritl OK BTKBBT, COURT BOUSE SQCARK. Dunlap SPRING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN, heb Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. THE -- $1.98 to $25,00 do the The Great Marvel of Dental Science AnsBsthene A recent discovery and the sole property of Henvood k Wardell, DENTISTS, S16 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. G. SEA MONS SAYS ABOUT ANSTHENE. DR9. BBM1TOOD i WAItDEM.: After liuvlng rhivi'it i. '.to citraoted ni on tlttlng by I lie i.nlnlein matliod, I pro nouncn It llltlrall autla'itctorv In everf imrtlcular. J. U. SUA1HONS. CAPES