I o THE SCRAN TO X TRTBUNE - V F.TYN RsDAY MORNING. APRIL 11, 1594. Yob Shiver and sny: " I'm taking cold." Bui you shiver because your system is weak and cannot resist outside influences. Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypupliospliite: will clothe your bones vvitli solid flesh and build you up so you won't take cold easily. Physidans, the world over, endorse it. Don't lie deceived by Substitutes! Prpr;il b) ScoU A IL..UO. N. V. All DfUgfiltA 13 The new slope at Elmwood colliery, driven from tho Skidruore to tha bot tom split of the Mammoth vein, wan completed this week. The veiu WM opened at a thickueas of twelve feet. 'I he work of pushing unuifways aUl' driving Mir holes ii being l rapidly, the workmen Working full time, in order to open up tho new working u early as possible. The new slopo at Schuylkill collier; will be 924 feet deep. Five hundred and sixty feat has al ready been sunk This slope will lead to the opening up of a large rijld of coal on the eastern boundaries of tb colliery, and the elope will bo used for hoisting coal from tho new territory. The curve bus been put in ou the fifth level. Vesterduys VVtlEes-BirTe Record sas: "A deed was recorded yesterday in tt;e recorder'! office in winch Clar ence 1. Uitnpaop and Tuomas 11 Vat kins transfer to tbe Forty Fort Ooul company nil the Coa) lands, leases and mining rights owned by tliem ml Forty Fort borough and Kinttaton ! tmvuship. Tb consideration ?:!0u,- i-'Ou - 1)00, the Scranton Savings linui and Trust company having advauced tho money on the. mortgage. Tins is not a new deal. Messrs Simpson aud Wat kins, cf Scrantot:, recently acquired possession of the Forty Fort and Harry E2, colleries, as noted at lengih in the Record, for cue Wyoming Valley Coal company. They now dealro a charter and, in order to da tins, have traneferred their interests to th Forty Fort Coal company, in wuich ttiey hold u controlling interest " Mixor Industrial Notes. John Taylor, of Bethlehem, began rail mad life as v. rodmaii in the civil eugiueer corps which crjus:ruct.-d the Lehigh aalloy road in 18581 bis salary then being $40 per mouth. He is now the general ttaflic man a r of the company, which position luings him in 115,000 a yesr. The JeanesviUe iron Works aro short in orders and au men were laid off on Satur day, makingnearly thirty who are idleou account ot dullness of work. 1 here is talK 01 runaii.g seven more freight Irainson the C'atawlssa branch of ! Ee Heading, in most of tl.ese trains Will be used on bituminous coal. Two more coal traiu crews on the Penn sylvania Kaiiroad were laid oft' yesleruay. A "trnnsprodueer" has been invented by .lames A. Boyd, of Heading, who claims that it will extract. sulphur and phosphorus from pig iron to be converted into steel more cheaply than any other procen. - I W. Fuller, of Consjohnrie, X. Y., la; - that hi-always keeps Dr. Kings New Discovery In the house, and his family has always found the very best, lesulfs follow its use; that he would not be without It if procurable. Q, A. llykeman. druggist, Catlskhi, N. Y., says that Dr. King's Now Discovery is uudoubtedly tbe best conch remedy; that he has nsed it in his family lor eight years, anil it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not tie a remedy so long tried and tested'- Trial bottles free at Matthews liros'. drug story. Kegnlorsise .vj& and 11,00. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Uondi New York, April 10. Spsculation at tbe stock exchange was iuirr in all depart ments today. Sales ot stock were 143.500 B lis res. The declines today wero practi cally confined to a half dozen or so stobks. At the start American Sugar loomed into prominence and rose nearly a point ou the Hill speech. The rise in Sugar led afrac- L':,';;i!'Tn ,ne.1V1'V-'',e,ral ",1!,,'kt't wu. .-uivnjH 'mi. ,uru iiuvtliupeu WeilKllCHS, leniniDg io in , . aim tne eai lv cniu was : to OS partially lost. Doleware and Hudson was mother weak snot, falling from 140 to Lis,;. tieueral Electlc was heavy, declin ing . The Grangers, Coalers ana smth- sterns were a shade weaker, but there was no special chance iu prices. Com pared with yesterday's final figures the unusually active storks show looses of ' ., to Ik per cent, outside of Delaware and Hudson. Tbe imrrket closed steady in tone, Tire foih. wini! complete talils sUowioa the day efiuotaattoTis in active stocks is supplied mol revised daily Ey Lobar ft Fuller, stock brukers, Wyoming avenue; Open- IltKli Lovi est. irji I4U U1 lis lUSM m ; to Clos ing. mt : ilSOj MM ui 4(1 inu. est. Am. Cot Oil... Am. Sugar DMi A.T.&S. r 1.1 SSJK ).-, Can. So. U H Can, N. J 1 1.. Chic-. St N. W lima. 0., B. ft Q Ohio. oa sals ;.. On U, & St. L... -in '.l . tiook.Val. &T d. ee a iim, D.. L. & SV JJ. A C. F 'Mi Frle ItU ft. K. Co UH 115 110 UK M N liiii 1 4 IS IssU 1 X! aM Ml mt m m fl IIU wm I m BVj m it rm I .si, 13.iUj RjJ l:n Em in hi m i n lmu. 17' i m Sim 4UU 17 '.'IK, '.":M m mm Wu "lis m i iiiku &uure Va L. ftN filM MM lm 81U 3SH .UM 101 ITM l)s m 'u 71 its 'H Pit Uiibattaa. ,115 Miss. POS Nut. Lead N. Y.ftN.K N. Y. Ventral.... S. Y..U. W... N. Y..S. As W... U. S. C. Co North Pac North Poo. pt.... Omaha Pac. Mail KiMidinit Koi-k Isluud It. T St. Paul T..O.)j Texas ft Pac Union Hc Wabash, pt W. Union W. k l I W. ffi L. B. ut.... .. ITM .. IBJi .. m .. it .. MM .. tnu .. 17 .. -I'4 .. m m HtS ' M i:au .ril N?w York Produce Markst. NEW YOllC, April io. Fwur Held at old prtcai. Wheat Dull, lower, with options; No. 2 red store and elevator, G4a04Vo.; float, dj(c; f. o. b., OfiaOSMo.: nngrejled red, tiflaOSc. ; No. 1 northern, 71c.; options closed steady, MstO. DSloW yesterday; No. 2 red, April, file; Way, Oljfc.; .lune, (aVc: duly, 01c; August, (,i ;',,(. ; September, ii ;c, : Decem ber, 7'j1c. COtta Dull, prffljKo. I4':.c.;4.''ia4.'ic,: afloat: steamer mixed. 17c; options closod ,weak atnJic. over yestorday. April, 44c; tyiK, tHOti July, 4o;s,c. Oats Active, iilnier; April. a74C; ilay, iBaSOJ.c. ; ENERftL EW Of INDUSTRIES July, 86c, No. y while May, 40Wc. Spot prices Xo. , 7)agTWo. : No. a white 41c. No. Chicago WkaM)fO.; No. 3, MkfC; No. white, -Hie; mixed western, 8T)adS$c; white do,. au13!c.; wbite state. liOajsY. ueju' Quiet, steuJy; tuujily. luatlt; ex tra meet. SSu$S 50. Beek Hails-Dull at $ld Tleeceo Beef I nsct ive; cilv xtra Iu dia mess. 818119, Cci 31bat- Quiet, firm; pie'd.-d bellies, $12 lbs., TaTjc.: pickled shoulders, Bit'c; pickled baits, fl'r. ; midfl!e., nominal. Lard Quiet, opened hicb, closed tiisior; western stonm, closed I7.H;.; option mien, tpeued S7.6U, closing $7.80: April, 7.U0 nominal: July, (7.50 nominal. . Poke Quiet, higher; mens, f Hal2.25: outru prime. llSaU.Bu. Buttkh Firm, fair demand: statu dairy, new, lBoMc. ; do., old, Klalflc.; do. creamery, new, B5c Pennsylvania, 55c. ; western dairy, new, llalue.;do. creamery, new. 17a'.'5c; do. factory, lO&ISc.; elgins, "5c; imitation creamery, lialTc. On use Fancy, firm, fair demand; state, largo, gallic. j fancy, ltWalSc.; do, smull, i0al2V;c. ; part skims, 3a9c,; lull skims. BaftWo. Kuos Firm, fairly active; state and Pennsylvania, Me,; "western fresh, llVtJa M.c. ; southern, lu'all,ic. Chicago Oram and Provisions. ao.RANToa. April lu. Tbe followluii quota tions are supplied aud corrected daily by La Bar A Fuller, stock brokors.l'Jl Wyoming- avenue. WHEAT. Opening- HitfUeat Lowest Closing Opening liav. Julv. Sept. tttly Mfe '"V ttsw m"., hh twj "5.14 ti'H KM u S'.IOj 40 41 : iii mi H isj wh m IBM :) 'Jisvg KM : rait mm MM im im l too MM i;wo uw) ittu .... USO ISDO aB iltOB :sn ns 710 7H T'.'J Tig 74 Ti-J Till 7Ei 7I'J 710 OH) 841 ein Ut'll St.') 1140 t!o6 010 C4j Oj 040 Highest 8M i.oweai OATS, "noiiing..., Highest.... Lowest Dinting i'OKIL ! OpL-uin..., i Highest.... ! Lowest Clojing LAUD. UiKhost. L'lWost Closing; SHORT KH1S. OpeuinK l:, l i Lowest Ciosiug Ilyscaptla aud Indixsstion In their worst forms are cured by the use of P. P. P. if you are debilitated aud run down, or if you need a tonic to regain besh and lost appetite, Btrongtb nud vigor, lak- 1'. P. 1,, aud you will bo strong and l.ealthv. bor shattered constitutions nnd lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Kool aud Potassium) is the kiug of all medicine. P. P. P. la the greatest blood purifier iu tho world. For sale by all druggists. ' , - r .i.-r VlONC. i a Our Neisrhljors, The agony is oyer so far as the post oftica in Allentown is concerned, Alien T. Frederick having been appointed postmaster. Jlr. Frederick is 48 year of age and WSI born in i'atasautiue. fie is a printer by tradaandlias worked In New York and Scranton. When (ioorgeT. (iross became postmaster of i Allentown llr. Frederick was ap pointed mailing clerk nud later assist ant postmaster, a position that he In Id until October 1892. SSiuce that time he ! has been a compositor on the Soutu Leth'.eHem Star, The sentiment oi tho Bsngor conver,. tion was apparently in favor of in structing tiie delegates for Congress man John B, Robinson for lieutenant governor, tnit so strong was tho influ ence of General Roedf-r. who is practi cally slated for secretary ot the ccin moawealth. that he not only prevented any instructions being given for lien- ' ton;:nt governor, but succeeded in pre fouling the subject being discussed, see Lswii) Ilerbst, a lumberman, residing noar BnghSSVille, is reported at tbe , point of death from lockj iw, which ho i received under UnOBUSl circumstances. ' Several days ago ho cut himself on tho . leg with an adz, the wjuuJ boing so j slight OS to caus'S him no uneasiness. Monday last, While driving to Milne j villa with a load of lumber, during a I rais, bis jaws becBJUS stiff and set and J by Tuesday morning refused to be ; opened. Binoe that time be has bad j several spasms and choking spells. HI Among tho most promising trout ' streams in this section aro those of tho ' Poeouo region, which are in every re i spoct equal to those of the Catskills, i Whirs the anglers pull out voritulile beauties ranging in length from eight to twenty iuches. The streams of the Pocono mountain are especially invit ing to fishermen, and when reached over the Wi Ikes-Carre and liisteru railroad are within easy distance. Tunkhannoob ereek runs but 100 yards from Stauffer's station on this line; Tobyhanuii is but a mile away; liaaver ortfc 14 half? mils uud Clear Pond run u ! W and a quarter. Snap SHOTS at 0THKR8' DoiNQSi I'ottsville's board of health has decreed that city pig pens must go, The Kirmess for the benefit of charity in Williamsport retted over $1,400. Hazleton's "Jook, tha Bugger," creates fear amoag timid ladies of that city. L-higb commissioners declare in favor Of stone bridges wherever practicable. Williamsport, too, has the municipal electric light question under discutsioi:. Satn'iel Mindler, of llncl;i county, has prrseuttd the editor of tha Springtowu Times with an oat stalk thirty-eight inches long. It is said that Crystal lake's pretty sum mer hotel, Peru flail, will be under the management of geuial Dan Itobinsou dur ing the coming season. Tuna bannock commissioners refuse to settle With Canadians for the capture of Ulimk and RosenwelS, the murderers, and Attorney Ueneral Ileusel threatens a suit. Seine fishermen at the Water Uap aro having great success. Suckers by the hun dred, some of them weighing as high as three .Old four pounds, are being caught at every haul. - Went Right to the Hark. H ilAfj-lfiin SrHt-Dnihr. That was an awful brain clout Senator Hill gave .Secretary (Iresham. Tho first trial of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine f.yrup will satisfy any one that the lung healing virtue of the pino tree lias now t een rellned into an effective and convenient cough medicine, Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. When BOhy was si. k, we gave lu r Castorte. (Then sin- was a Child, she cried lor Cantoris. Wben the bsossss she ehng t.i v;tor!a. When bliu had I'UIUreu, she gave them CaslorU. Rcji state LvOIt .SALE- MINGLE HOLSK, li'ti Ol'l .1 1 , V 'v'vVWN. J avenue; very desirablo location. Anrlv u. P. BEYNOLDS, or WiLLAKD, WAEREN & K n A PP. ft 540 WILL JtUY MODERN NEWS-ROOM house, all imnrovciiicnts; terms eusv: cor ner Madiuon avenue Bud Delaware street. Ap ply i i . ' . , i ; . 1,400 WILL BUY VERY DEB1KAHLE LOT O corner Madison avenue and Delaware btrect. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. HI A Word Wautt Qj iff ?.iiiii i-cz'. tttai muck, ex cept Sit'iaticns Traiitct.tcnc'i trie titscrtcdt Situations VVjin;cd OlTl vl lO.s WANTEl" AS Mlll'I'l.Mt O clerk, it similar position; have had perl On CO ami run rarnisu eacee. Aaarsss L. v. D., avcuui'. city. aatuuTactary refer- lti North Bnmner CITCATION O PAUabla pi WANTLD BY A SOUK!! niv ic.ua. Good 4iu Eighth strest Address J.D POSITION WANTED AS b.lU'l'KNDEK I in as clerk ganspeak German and Poiisn, also Bngliih Ado 813 Putman street. Providence city. oihaTION WANTED-A LADY 10 1J years old wants a situation as hunsekeepi'i- in r.'spoctaule widowers rainlly; goua rook and nurse: eleven years' experience; will o Id city or COantry. Address M. A. 11. Box IflS, Bast Btrondsburg, Pa. SITUATION WANTED i 5oo5 I'liN O man and scholar desiresu situation where lm is editing to make himself generally uselul. "O," Tribune pfflce. s1 ITT ATlO.N WANTED BY A Yol'Nll mau as rlerk in grocery, dry noods or clothing store. Had experience at grocery business. Good rofereuce. Address, T A. M., Tribune ofdoe. MOSITTON WANTKD BY A YoUNO I lady, nod writer. Address Lizzie P. General Deilvery, Borenten, Pa. SITUATION WANTED' BY A flOOD C? baker; best of references. Address, Baker, U0T Washiugtttn Aveuue. Agents Wanted. w ANTED - MAN WITH LIKE AND flftl uisuraiii.e cxperieuuii as solicitor ill Lackawanna county; good Inducomcnts to right man. Address 11'j Oi Bet, huilding, Philadelphia. Pa. It ' ANTED TWO VOTJNQ MLN oKGOOD 1 1 addrsH to call ou busineea houses. Steady employment for good men. Apply national ('lean towel company, Arcade building. W a S TED AO i.. T S TO TAKE OKDERB M bvssmpla; we will pay expense and ssi. Sry or allow literal coinmiisloii; samples sent iu application. Address Lock Box O lSi, Now York City. pENBBAL agents WANTED-SELL. 1 inn new articles to dealers; exclusive terrltoi v. no competition, no capital re- (piirod; HOOto MO per cent. ri""t. COLUM BIA CHEMICAL CO., GU and 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, HI Furnished Rooms to Let. TWr 1 1 VERY PLEASANT PUHNISHED ms for rent. ;ils Jefferson aveane. V BTKNISHED BOOMS FOR LENT, tor tao. Rate very ita- -liable. Ms I'eiiu avenue. l-or Rent. 1,-DU KENT -NEW 'sTOKBT No 4lV F Spruce street Inquire or Fit ED WAG NER Ml Lackawanna avenue. liOK RENT- BUILDING 418 LA OKA- 1 wanna avenue from April 1. CHARLES ii WELLES, Coal Exchange. POR !ENT Til ItEE ROOMS, KIM INT ON coral floor, over .N. A. llulliert s niuMi.1 store, 117 Wyoming avenue, from April i. in quire In the store. M'O LET l'OH A TERM OK YEARS X Part or all of three hundred feel of yard loom aloDg railroad. Apply at -4ti Kr.uikliu venue. rro rent- TOiiE iixWi OK FCKN'ISHED X hall on Green Bidgfl Street cry desira- tlc location anil on reasonable terms. Apply t K. E NETTLETON or c. s. WOODBUFR i.'epiilil.'ati l llilllill. For Sal2 no16 SALE A KA-;m Oi EIGHTY ACRES? V one and one-half miles from Dalton on the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad. FlrSt-elass farm house with a never failing spring nearby! two haras, good .and and good orehard. VIII he sol d eheap. Terms BS. Address M. P. VON BTOROB or ISAA' ' ELLIS, executors, Dalton, Lackawanna county, Pa. POB SALE - ft. ACER J and utensl.s. .1. M. Monroe ave. PARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, tfU 17DR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR BORAH J ton property A bearing orange grove increasing in production and value yearly in the orange section in I lorida, Add res K. E. NET TLETON, Lake Union. Fiorina Money to Loan. ONEV 'I J LOAN !.'wil TO SliMiOU ON M Attorney 50s Bprncs st. S1pcci.1i Notices. 1 1 LANE 1 sines, BOOKS. BAM PH LEI'S, MAG A etc., b lind or rebound at Tim Titim E bfflcs priees, (gmck work. Reasonable M1 EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 1 14, corner Bprnee strwoi and Franklin ave nue. Twenty uieal tickets for Uood tablo board. CAM KNA1 PHAB TAKEN THE LIVRatf, P Stable lately occupied by Prod S. Warren 117 Monroe avenue, rear, when he is prepared to furnish first-olais Landaus, Burreya rhea tons and Buggies god horses and caref ul drivers. Teh phoue eonnedtions. STOCKHOLDERS MEET1NO -THE AN r nual msutiiu of the sti kholders of the Providence Bas and Water Company will bs h Id at the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com pany's onliding, 487 Franklin avenue, Keren ton. fa , at 0 a. in.. Monday. May 7. I SSL to elect officers to servo dlttflna the ensuing year. and transact any other business that may be oreeentod. Ii. P. ATBERTON, Secretary. Bcrau toil .April 5, 1804. T A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF .'V tbe Nay Aug Falls and Elmhurst Boule vard company It was resolved that a meotlng Of the stockhohlers be called to convene at the general offlos of the company, room 10, Republican building, on thu jtn nay of June A. D. 1804, In take action on the approval or disapproval of Ihe proposed increase of tho capital stock or ssid oompauy from Sjll5,0tD to $lle,nou, and that the secretary be, aud he is, hereby directed to give notice thereof as re. ipiired by law. T. II. WATK NS, Secretary. i 'HE ANN II A I. HI BET I No i IF T 1 1 B BT( H'K- held at their office in Jjrrtnyn. Pa., on Wed needay, April 18, at 8 o'clock P. M. for the pui pose oi elocling direetork for rile ensuing year, and such other biisitn-ss as may ci.me bofore them. WmS. Hl 'ICitlNo'S. Societary. Notice to Taxpayers. E to TAXPAYERS -THE 1A.V- payers of the city of scranton. Pa., ill hereby take notice that the board of appeal Hpnoiuled by the city councils of said city to hear . i nd determine appeals trom city assess ment for th year I80i are liolillni; meetings daily at the office of the city clerk between then ursof Pa. m. and 4 p, at. for the pqrpose aforesaid and tfuil appeals will only be heard In csses'of ne'w siensiinifnts forsaid year, the authority vested In said board not permitting the revision of assessments tor any year but that of 1804, The meetings of thu board will .. use March 81, 1KB, Bv order of beard of sppeale, II. T. LAVELLE. City (.'lurk. Ordinances. 4 N OBDINANCE fa I'-tiibiishuieut I'ltuViDiNG For THE f a sower dl-d riot in the Sixth wa. d of the borough nf Dunmoi u. Bo it ordsined by the Burgees and Town OonnolLof the Boroagb of Duuroorev ami it is hereby ordained by the autiioiily of '.lie same: BBOTTOM I That, lb territory In th" Sixth ward of the Bornur.li 0 Danmoro, mnliiaaod within the following boundaries, simil mnti hatSS 'ewer Is 1 1 i I bS known as Sewer District No. I. Begiiiiingata p iiut on Miriou street r.t the Bon ngh line adjoining th City of Beront tin, tbenCeslpng Marldn street to ItslnUreecUcn with Miiiirje avenue; thence along tho lino of Monroe avenue, and Including tho several ho , mi the southeasterly Mib thereof to auont Ihrix. hundred and sixty (3810 feet beyond Delaware Street, up t j what is known as Ihe Did mm estate line; tuencs along said Dleksnn astatu llu anil parallel to DelaWSI 0 StTuf and di-ita it therefrom ab ait three hundred and sixty (aT.0) fnoi lu a northwes'erly direction (Creasing Adams nvcunci to thob irongh linn adjoining the oity of Beranton, tkene along said liorojiih a d city lounilsry bne lu a westerly ilii ecti in to the p'ace of bei,-iniilng. Sk . 'i. All ordinances heretotoTO pa n d creating a sever dis.rlct Ineonsintent here with are lu r by rii caled. 1 a.sed by council Ap. il ISM A. E. IIAGGEKTY. rrsefdent of Council, Approved April 1894. T. J, DUOOAN. Burgess.. Attest: I'll illl.rs p. FAVAaU, Secret a ry. A N BDINANCB PROVIDING FOR THE construction of u torrn cotta pipe, main r .ili i latcrul sewers connecting the owltll. i-'ulatlug uinnuur of paying and collecting .f.e-in i.ti io i.iinv Out-expense, UwsoqI and luakbag an anproprintioa 01 filliiis for the same, and providing for the appointment ot viewers. Section I. Be it ordained by tho burgess and town council of tho borough of Dunmore aadit is hereby oraaiucd by the authority Of tile tamo That the First district eSWN systeta in the Sixth ward o siid boroujli as bsreafter de scribed, icgeiliir vh'a tbe necessary bairns, mas-boles, lamp-hole, fixtures aud up lhuice ho eonstmoted ci lalri iu accoi'dsneo with the phns and sp oifloatlons filed in theolEce of tho ooiougb r'.di ii.tUo iiid plauj sud tpeiBct- tlons having been prepares by j. EL Bitten- l o .se, cltil eiigmeor, a d that a torra ixt; pips mail', sewer shall be constructed on Qreen hid,;, street, i'uait the LorougL lino adjoining tho city of Serar.ton on and along Ihn suld street to ha Intoiesutlon with Monroe aveuue, and that lateia' sewers Connecting therewith shall be ei.iiMi ucted as follows: On Adams avenue from Marion street tothe Dickson Vou Storch line, on Jefferson avenue from Mm . i. Street to the Dickson -Von Storch line; ou Monroe avenue from Green KiUge street to the Dickson Vou Storch Hue That the said woik shall be done under the supervision aid direction and to thu satisfac tion ot the borough engineer. SEC. I.', for the purpose of paying for the construct. on of said sctver sys en there 1- hereby appropriated the sum of 115,000, or so lunch ther. ot as may be necessary, which said Sum shall be derived trom assessments ac cording tothe heueOts on lots slid lauds bene flted by s.i.l .ewer. Sec. J Immediately ou the passage of this Ordinance t he attorney for tho borough shall ap ply to tho court of common pless of Lacka wanna county to appoint viewers to assess the damages which may be done to private prop erty by thu location and construction of said sewers, and also to assess tho costs and ex pensas of constructing said sewers, and also to assess thu benefits to property benefited by said Hewers lu the uiauuer provided by law. Sac. t. The sums assessed for tau purpose of payiug thu dauiagob, costs .uJ exi eusoitof said sowers upon properties benefited thereby, shall be payable as follows: One third thereof on the execution ot the contract for said sower, one third th reof four months after tile date oi' llnal conUruiation of the report of viewers fixing the assessments aud the balance or so much thereof, as may be necessary within six months (rem the iiateof said final asoeumi nt And the borough attorney shall wit bill six months from the said final assessments or con firmation, tile hens tor all said assessments. Any assessment or Instalment there. ot may bo paid before It is due, and interest thereon ShalteeSSe from the dale of said priyuiont. KKOi immediately after Ihe Ileal confiruia ti"ii of the report of the ssid viewers, the lii'i'iiiigh Clerk shali advertise for sealed pro. p-.sils ,,, e nstruct said sewer system and the contract shall be let to i he lowest responsible bidder. Bach proposal shall, be accompanied by oasb or a certified check in tbe sum ot one hundred dollar-, lu case the i iiiler to whom the contrast shall have been awarded refuses or omits to exvcutoa contract for the work in accordance with the plans and specifications tberetor, within ten days froui the cte of award, t e enclosure aoiompanyiag this pro pose shall lie forfeited to thu Use of tho Lor OOgh "f Dunmore. btCC. 0. Tho contractor shall, before theexe CUtlon of thooontract, give a bond iu thu sum ot five thousand dollars with sureties, to be approved by the burgess and council nnd conditioned lor the faithflfl nerfoi-uiaiieu of the Work according to the coutract and thu plans hihI speelfii al Ion, The contract shall bo completed within 8 months alter the execution, and shall contain a penally of t wenty dollars per day for every day in exoeta of said time Until BSC 7. The contractor shall n paid on monthly estimates uiade by the borough En gin ler, less ten per cent., which shall be held until thecomnletion ot the work, nud its up proval by the Borongh Engineer and tba Sewer committee, All amounts not paid within thirty days after they shall become duo. shall bear interest at the rate ot -i per cnlnni per annum. But in n case shall the contract, ir be entitli d to receive any sum whatever in excess of the niiiouut actually received by the Borough fnnn the assi'Nsini nf on iiropcrlics benefited by the constnu-t iun of said si-wi ri. BSC. s. If it shall appear when the actual amount ot damages, coats and expenses of c. ii tr'.etiiiB the s.iid sewers shali be a-.ei.-r taiued that tho aggregate thereof is less than tho estimated amount as II xo 1 by the report of the viewers, the Borough Engineer shall pro pare a revised aseOSStnsnt i" which lio suall reduce all assessments for benefits prorata, in the proportion that the damages, crisis and expi nsos, asesf Imated by the lowers, exceeds tho actual damages, costs and expenses, and shall certify the same to the Borough 4 'lei k who shall deliver a copy thereof tothe Bor ough i reasnrer. ski . Before work is coram need on sidd sewer the Council shall apnoint an Inspect r to oversee said work, who shall be paid two dollars ano fifty cents per day. SBC. IU. Hie lioniiigh ot uuumore hereby de claroetbat wheneversafd sewers, or any part theren'. pass through private properly', that i; dlselaln s any title or right to such private property, exoipt eo fsr us it is necessary to nse and occupy the same in the construction and mantenauce of tbe sewer herein provided for beneath the sttrfaOS of the ground, and so far as it may be neeescary to enter thereon, from time to time, for the purpose of making necessary repairs and construction, Passed by council April -i. 1804. A. E UAGGBRTY, rrest. of Council. Approved April 'J. 1894. T. J. DUGGAN, Uurt'oss. Attest: en as. P. BAVAOB, Bet r, Proposals. DEALS') PROPOSALS WILL EE HE t COlved at tho ofllco of the O.y Clerk, Scranton, Pa . until 7,88 o'clock p. in. Thnr; day, April In, ISU4, to furnish amllay sidewalk and paved guitar on wester y side of tfixtli street from L'tckawanua aeuue to Cavlion street, in accordance with the plans and spec' Oeatlona iu oflloeof City Cleric Bidders shall ancle! w '"' each proposal the sum of ten i.ili' i dollars, casa or certified cheek. In case the bidder to wiio n tho contrail shall have been awarded omi s to oxoenio a contract for tb Work, the encloiiiro ot teu dollari. a. -uin-paliying his pn.po-al shall he forfeited to the ofty id Scranton The city ri Serves the right to reject any all bids. Bv order of city conn oils. M. T. LAVKI.I.K. Cit) Clerk. Scranton. i'a.. April 7. 1881, CEALKD PROPOSALS WILL BE RB I? cetved at the ottice of tho I'lty Clerk, Scranton, Pa., nntfl 7. SUo'eloak p.m., Tlmrs day, April 18, IMH to grade orioa street botweeit Washiu ton and Sanderson uveimes Tlio sti t !s to begraded to its full width and tho work i- tn be done in accordance with tho plans and i pacifications in the city engineer's oBioe and under his directions, Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified oheek or dh in th'' sunt of teu per centum of ' the amount bid. In case the biilitei- to whom the oontract snail have been awarded refuse or omit to execute a contract wltoin ten days i ruin date of award thereof, the enclosure i.e. mntpanylnft hi proposal shall be forfeited to thecity of BprantOU. The city engineer's esti mate of Cost of the work is four hundred an I twcnt. -flve dollars. The city resei ves the right to i eject any and all bids, BV order of ciljciuncil. M. T. LAVELLE. Cit Chirk. C BALED PB()P08AL8 WILL HE KK l otived at the office of tho City Clerk Scranton, Pa., until 7l8oeioei y. m. Tburs day. April It'. 1881, to construct a lateral sewer In Roche court from Ihe Flfteentfi ills trlot main sew. r westerly a dlstanco of about 0 ght hundred aud seventy feet (878) feet; also to construct the manhole, Isjnpholes. branches and fixtures that are designated, ami to furnish all labor ami phppllc Seeeseory to OODaplete the work I'l'opoMils shall state price per lineal toot complete Bidders shall enclose ti lth ram pn p sal the vnin of llvepei- centum of the ant iunt bid as a guarantee to eatseute a contract within ten days it' awarded Ihesame. The work shall bit finished within sixty days from date of commencement. I'rn posali not accoinpanied bv the rerjnired de posit and not iu accordance with advertise ment aud ordinate i will not be considered. The city reserves the right to reject auy and all bids. Ry order of cltv councils. M. T. LAVELLE, CltvCleik Beranton, Pa . April 7, 1884. ftEALKD PROPOSALS WILL BE HE l celved by the fscranton BeBidof Health t their otitic in the Municipal Building until April 18, IBM, at L8B p. in , for the eniiectioii 01 i.arhuge in ihe districts hereafter describsd, -,ii ; to'the following condition: I, The contractor shall pr ',-lde himself with SUit ' vehicles. to be approved by the Board. With water tight metallic boxes, 'and as near air tight as may be. . The etutee lion of garbage shall be made ll-iiin i .ms c,.nve;,.'iitly lueafeil mi the premie s of Hie respective property holders three timo a we 1". from the drat of Julie to the first of October, end twico a weak from th first of October to the first of Jan. Bids to be bnned mi the price to ho chat ati each tamly per week or mouth for collect im garoag si for holahv trhage its above specllled, Willi s nil rates I. 1 he cm ti in i n shall I'liilrct his own billu as the Heard of Health will assume norespons ibilily. MStRtCTS. The First district shall embrace the Klrst, Beoond, Third, and 'I WeAty Hist wards, 'the Second district shall mbre tb" Konrth, Firth, sixth, Fourteenth, Fttteenth, and Eighteenth ward The Third district 1011 unbrace the Eleventh, Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twentieth wards. The Fourth d -.trhl Shall embrace tbe Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Sixteenth uud Seven teentb wards Hin. tor the collection of ashes may also be enclosed, but must be made separately. The Board reserves the right to re ic t any or all bhiii. THE HOUANTON ROAHD OK HEALTH. WAtran Batoos, Bsorstary, BE sure and get your choice of Multichromos. One Coupon and One Dime Conno 2y LADIES' SPRING CAPES AND MPS 150 NEW ARRIVALS TODAY. LATEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST PRICES, Id Our Dress Goods Department We are showing a Handsome Line of Batin Stripe Jav anais. It will pay you to look at them. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 T "Z DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPOItTINO POWDER Manufactured at !h Wapwallopen Mills, Lu. me county Pa., aud at Wil mington, DsluMar. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, uO Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. " bird National Bank Budding. tfios F0PD.''KHrsto':. pa. JOHN B SMITH SON; Plymouth. P. E w Ml'i.r.maN u-OL-uu.i,r. u. I Agents for tba KepauM ciieinical C'Jm- i rally's High Explosives Oh, My Poor Yes, they are undoubtedly poor and will continue so until you have them properly and scientifically fitted with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is well qualified and we do not charge you a small fortune, either. Try him. Xo fit, no charge. Mercereau SOT LACKAWANNA AVDNci; "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OR THE WARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. EC'RANTON AND WILKEU-BABRE, PA.. MANDrACTORER&VO Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMHINU MACHINtRY. HvEB!C PENNYROYAL Ml Ask for SR. WtOTT'S PBHITTKOT AT. PIT.I.B atui take no other. rar Send for oiroular. DR, MOI'T'fS CHKIVIICVl tX.. - C'lovoLnid, OLIo. FnrHnt liyC. M. HABItIS, Drngglsl) "trUht AND AFTER USING. uo uttu-i . a tutrix s For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, DruUt, car. Washington ilv & Wallace Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Factorv Tlie Scrcintoii 60S uud HOI Lackawanna h Connell General Offlos, SCRANTON. PA. a3a?"lEB'SS Th0 01,17 0ht0' 9ur an PILLS. 11 I . I Ii' , . ..i.u ilMU ovur offevod to Ludloe, espooially rooommond cd to married Ladies. PrU - e ll.00 vet box oe for tr.00. 197 feint Avenue. WEWVeSEEOS. ThUM4mdi.-r.ij! rguiedj uat' I Ailtfi .! t 1 fill.' nil iirftoUl (til Eves! nao, tjurh as Weak Menui.ry, l.on vt Hmln . ; i . i - ..i-t'futnrit, Loll m iiiili(ttt. Nltrhtlf lrulastMin, Ncrvi iw , nil i: m hh ntnl I - tii .Minor IniiPiieratiTuOfvivrisof (-aborsi'vofiu-pdhy over i'H'rtln, jrouthrul ri run, I'xoHMlvn uw vt lobneon. opium orntmulnnts. wUchltftll t- lutlrniUv, CpO uoinUomirlnpfttiHy. i jn b cantt'dl o voM p'H'knt. 1 jht box, 6 f ur 8 flby mall pmiinltl. W ith k UOrtMrwnTl rt urllien mmrnnlrt tnciipo L..'.. .4' I st.. ... r i.... U,l. Kv all driLiirUtri A . k fill' It. IHIH BttVF. ,sr.i:ro. Muwmic Tcmpic, cuicauu.iUs Retail Mattresses at Prices. , . RedcliriP" Co. j. JCVlVllilg Ave , corner Adams A I -i ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WLDESDAY, APRIL 11. ExtTI ordinary Artists Musical Novelty, Madame Sissisretta Jones, Known as th BLACK PATTI. and from the Berlin ConssrVstory, the accomplished VIL0NA SISTERS I Nina, pianist: Eumy. violinist: Lilly. violinist, and from her recent London triumphs, ftfISS DLXLA THOMPSON, Singing Rea'cr. Riciterand I'ersotntor. The 1 n:-jst deUgbtfttl entertninment of tbe kinuj ! over given here. Nuodvaneu in prices, rale of Seats opens Monday. Week commencing MONDAV, APKll. a ANDREW M'PHEE'S Uiand Double Mammo'.l: Spectacular UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COMPANY jNumb ring Thirty Artists uud a Quartette, with Special Scenery and all Accessories. Grand Street Farade Daily With full .Military Band, headed by the M UP, DRUM-WHJQR 111 THE WORLQ. ADMISSION, 10. 'io and 30 CENTS Psnormanees every atieiuoon, sicept Mon pays and 1 liursdays. at S.30. and every even lag at B.1& Doors open st l.dUnnd 7.WP.M. MT. PLEASANT AT KETAHj. Coal of Uin test qualltv for domestic a is. .1.1 of all sices, delivered in any part of the city st lowest price Orders left at my offlee, NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUE, 1 luur l.sam T 1.1.. i t...i i n. or sout ty mail or trtauliODt) to tha niina. F4MIT pi-oiupt atttentfon. sun yvmri) j BWsWWBMM JtRL ltd Halt..,i. rt 1 s . y WM. T. SMITH. 9 - DON'T FORGET Th.1t we are he:nlouartr.i fnr vvervthlnv tn-. th Hue f WATCH K8. If yon havo anylde I of purchasing any kind nf a Watch, lady's or gout's. Hold or Silver, yon will make a ariev us nnstako it you do not give us a cab and mt Ottr prices, whlrli you will find far below II i neve, especially ill all tho bigb gradsaof Elgin, Wall haw and Hampden movements It' t en have any doubttt and are at all posts I mi prices Kie ns a call and 7S wul nave t ' .-... -i. tit ilitt, .,.,, .,f u.n1 will ..It.-.- ii.n wnnal Clocks and all other gooili wltiiub we have Id i ' 1 in. 11". 1 It .liirni " in .lei.i-ii., inri urn. stock C. W. Freeman 1 '1 im Ave. and t$nruue St. B mm na.Asak U m aft on r...n.iintlvr.ursl I i hi mm vmsim n-Zm ledy, unolsriuutrty, bteitvl by vm,nt(i ..!. I iVHitie awa (n-,.n isaia, unnrsim ..vw s I life fr... n I '-.-'l.tr i-cs! '.rrr l.v .nail Wliaii UotSUiaB I Ikud MtrciirylWl, Our Mrslc Romdy wHll I pontiwy true. Linm iikhkui i-v