I Fire and Watsr Are 110 deterrents to Serau ton enterprise. Pluck and Yitality Kegard such misfortunes A3 mere incidents. tmntott EIGHT PAGES-56 COLUMNS. SCR ANTON. PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 11. 184. TWO CENTS A COPY. in I IF Til pin TttT IS ONE mm I SMITH S CALLED THE EAST MINISTERS WHO ARE VETERANS Beet Arouud a Figurative Caiap Fire In Elm Park Cliuicli. COL. BAXTER'S VIVID WAR TALK The Elmira Orator Brings Up Recol lections of Old Times and Gives a Realistic Recital of the Battle of Pesaca Humor and Fun of Sher man's March Through Georgia to the Sea Veterans Join in Singing Many Stirring Old War Songs Led by the Regular Elm Park Choir. At the Elm Park church last night the Veteran association of the Wyom ing conference Diet, mini; war hours and tisteued to a recital by Colonel Baiter, of Elmira, of reminiscence of the late war, and particularly his vivid (Inscription of tbe Battle of Pesaea. Colonel Baxter ha not bwn inappro priately dubbed "the silver tongued orator of the southern tier." at was evidenced by the frequent and hearty applause accorded him by the audi ence. In addition to fi laree number of ministers of the conference and those comprising; tin Vet-ran association, there wore present many of the laity, ladies, and Lieutenant Ezra Griffin post, Grand Army of the Re public, of this city, which attended the meeting in a body and in full uni form. Rev. O L. Soverson conducted the meeting. Professor Carter presided at the organ and the regular Elm Park ciiurcn cnoir leu iu animus iui" memorial war songs as "Marching Through Georgia," "America." "Tent ing on the Old Camp Ground, 1'ramp' Tramp I Tramp! the Boys Are Marco inir," "The Star Spangled Banner, ' etc. Following a prayer ollered by Rjv. Hiram G. Blair, of Castle Creek, N.Y . the speaker of the evening was intro duced by Rv. Mr. Sevarson. who in brief but we'll chosen remarks also sooke of the purposes of tue Veteran Association of the Conference. WHAT RECOLLECTION BRINGS. Colonel Baxter said : It is a rare privilege to have a camp tire onu sing tue out songs in sucn a uiagnin- Mtit tumnlt. ilAilirntflil tn thH worshlD of God to sing songs that once stirred our souls and thrilled our hearts around carnp fires that flickered on the eve of battle, per haps. Again we can touch elbow to elbow with ministers and others who shared their blankets, marched beside us and drunk from the same canteen containing water of courfe. The old camp fires are burned out, the reveille sound i no more, the torts are cov ered with weeds or gone to decay, the fields once ploughed with shot and shell are now covered wilh leaves and weeds; where the boys in blue fell, bled and died, blossoms sing fitting requiems above them. Yet our our hearts thrill again as with a grasp of hands we look into each others faces and live over again the scenes of bat tle and strife. What personal benefits bave resulted from tte tbroes of battle aud carnage? There comes back a throng or weatuer beaten veterans, trained by suffering for a magnificent work before tb"m. The miirhtv nroirfRH of onr conntrv has since ' been due to the training, discipline, pluck and vim tbe boys brought borne with them. Mine is not a set speech: it is one of the unwritten histories. H win snow war, first, the soldiers learned the principlo of self-devotion to principle. All that the heart held dear wife, home, tho rending of heart-stringr-: was sicrificed when to to the tune of "The Girl I Left Behind Ale" the recruit marched away from borne. The tnne had its meaning, posslbly.in that tome otuer icnow miKiu net iuo gin. Colonel Baiter then vividly por- bis home at Arlington Heighta to de cide whether his talents should be de voted to tbe confederacy or the Union. SOLDIERS' FKAtt Of BATTLE. '. .nr.l.A l.io.' 1 name, ah soldiers kore or less coi rv sneakinif. they courage when, flcura- bared their breasts weut into cattle. I never went into . i t W I hi, Ml a'l.hllill n,i.,.lf H v. llltr, mm, in. VI U.UI1VT. i oh to meet it undismayed, is he of tut or OI iLVHl . will give you a feeble description of my experiences on one Held of battle- day previons we had neon rearing the pos sibilities of tbe morrow, in the stillness of the evening we sung such old songs as we bave heard here tonight aud "Auld Lang Syne," Home, Sweet Home" and ilium' Ijttunr. 11 V luunru an hud oinia nome were niso iuubiuk lumti uiiu our kimaa moutini, narlmnu fur thn not. timn ITatlt. in rhn mnrtiinir urlmn Mm litirrhi sounded reveille, there was a cleaning of eauiunients. rollinir of blankets, cookina sounds for the assembly; wo fall in, the lines form aud we emerge from the woods ets come. Haiti come the command nnillt'fw tt'ct li are c one had lina un nn i or nnd every man whim with m t A sheet of flame in the distance and the UI . VI IMIIIIIHI . "' 1 ' HI I BImKV HM im-!' .Ml , Dl nun ..i... mi ci i i ii 1 1 1 ! ll l Oi varo MP ii ! oienuy, iiuw neiuiess IIS uutuni uuuui i in ii vain i nn i nn uau. Dluo spot appears on a young man's on, nun -i tin Ht.um I AS UnWn nrlMinn en : they are falliug on right aud left, but tin mo uiiu advances. CARNAUK OF BATTLE. The hillside was soon covered with spots f blue. Onr men lay in furrows und T...1 i- 1 1 , . 1 1 1 1 1 1 t uunmiiil un utmnitv Wlm.. mill I'liiiin m 1 1 ii uuivii. i-iuini wu ivitir nil tee), began to climb tha opposite slippery 1 IS10.C. 1 uo uuia inn ir.iw- in nil an head cheers rent the air and we went v Hmo. nn nnr. wort) nn mnnv t.irriPH utled back. Listen I With blood-curdling yells tbe confederates DOOM from out tho wood ou tbe fl ink and appear to break our linos, but a New York battery in a cloud of dust appears like a whirlwind and with unlim bered pieces and baug, bang, bang, drives them back. There are cries of auger from the oppoelllg force, and tbe old I' tiiou cbeor from our lines like the roar of a mighty sea. I n to tbe slops" we wont, the rebel Works were scaled and llto old Hag waved inside It goes ilowu in a whirl of smoke but is matched from tbe baud of its dying benrer and lifted aloft again. (Ivor the ran. pin t our force poured and tin hattlo was virtually won. That night the Iter looked down on a scene of suffering aud ho ror its a rebel shell crasned tbrougli the treo tops cover ing our wounded and dying. The bodies of tut'ii and horseB lay almost piled about our artillery pieces, and hordes of animals were moving about ride: less and answer ing unguided to an occasional bugle call. After such a scene aud such a struggle conies home to us that trite but true fay ing "we love that most for which we suf fer most." With us boys who fought for the Hug. we loved It when we !!r.-t saw it, I ought under it, bled tinder it, MTV others bleed under it and love it because we suf fered for it. It was a lesson taught to us boys, a lesson taught to our fathers nnd mothers who guve us over at our country'e altar, and will, thank God, be perpetuated in our children. HARCHINQ THROUGH GEORGIA. Of the many dark days some were offset by such humor and fun as was experi enced in Sherman's march through Ueor gia to the sea. Foraging was usually al lotted to a company of about thirty, which was expected to obtain provisions for the regiment. The party was usually mouuted, but in such an ontlandish fashion as gave a big, raw-boned horse to a short man or a jack to a long, lean individual. Ten miles on either side of tbe lino of march was for aged. Often we would suing up an old darkey once or twice to make bim revi'al the hiding place in tbe swamp of his mas tor s concealed provisions. After his con fession he would join us as a coutraband. During Colonel Baxter's recital of the famous march to the eea he told numerous comic.l war stories, which are all the more appreciated when told by an old soldier to men who have Ven there themselves. .Sme of tbe boys are getting old nnd feeble and tottering. We should treat them kindly, cheer them and make light of their faults. I've beard peoplo say some veterans don't desei ve to be well treated because they drink. Do you know what is gnawing at their hearts? An unhealed wound, disease and many sleep less nights should make yon kind to bim. The unlortnnates are very largely of tbe rank and file, who fought because they loved their country nnd not for love of glory. Treat them with kindness for the great deeds they strove to accomplish. TWO HEROES GROWN OLD. Admirals Benham and Irwin to Be Re tired Ne::t Week Many Others to Follow. Washington, April 10 This week marks the retirement of two famous naval heroes, Admirals Benham and i r win the former readied tbe age limit today and the latter reaches it on Friday. The other noted retirements of the vear are Commodore Joseph Fyffe, commandant of the Boston uavy yard, July go; Acting near Admiral 11 Erben, commanding the European squadron, Sept. (1; Koar Admiral Ban croft Gherardi, commandant of tbe Brooklyn navy yard, Nov. 10. Tbo tuft retirements in the navy dtiring the year will be Chief Engineer J. v. Moore, Mav 2-1; Chiet Luginear Alex atuler Henderson, July 12; Chief En gineer A. J. Kierstod, Dee. 'Jo; Pay master A D. Bache, May 2d. I he only retirement in the Marine Corps will be that of Minor A. S Nicholson on Nov. 5 The most important army retire ment during the new year will be that of Major General O. O. Howard, who commands the department of tho east with headquarters at Governors Is land. He will celebrate his sixty fourth birthday on Nov. 8 and will go upon the retired list on that date. The only other general officer who will re tire during tho year is Commissary General John V. Hawkinson, Sent. 28. Rear Admiral Walker succeeds a 1- miral Irwin at Honolulu and Admiral Stanton takes charge of the South At lantic squadron. Admiral Benham has made his last year or service memor able by his intervention in the inter eats of Ainericau commrc after au norseding Admiral Stanton at Rio. He is n man of great determination, ability and experience. In action he is cool, though impetuons in attack. His war record is a famous one. Admiral Irwin was bom in Pittsburg, April 15, 1888, and was a son of Wil llam Wallace Irwin, who repreiented his district in congress und afterward went as minister to Denmara. At 10 ho entered the army nnd served witn great distinction throughout the war. SMITH WILL PROTECT FlAX. The New J-ry Gnnator'-i Pro-nlie Set tles a Bis; Strike. Paterson, N. J.. April 10. The strike of the employes of the Barbour Flax Spinning company was eettled this afternoon by Senator James Smith, jr., of Newark, tie Held a conference with tbe Harbours and a committoe of tbe employee , ami told them he had looked into the Qix tariff and saw no reason why II .x should not be protected as well as other textiles. He told Wil liam Barbour that if the company would pay its hands reasonable wages ho would give assurances that tbe in terests of the flax industry would bo looked after, so far as tbe United States senate was concerned. William Barbour, president of the company, said that was all he desired and at once announced that the 10 per cent, would be restcred to the bands and the mills thrown topen on Wednes day, when the 2000 operatives will re turn to work. Senator Smith came here unsolicited by either party. HILL FEELS CONFIDENT. He Mean to Defeat the Tariff Bill and Sellavae He CSn. Washington, April 10 - The general opinion regarding Mr. Hill's spn-nli ou the tariff is that it will not be eft'c tive in B' curing uny modification of the bill. It is accepted as a declaration of war and aa proof tbat be moans to dereat the tariff bill if he can, and that he is himself sufficiently assured as to tbe siiffioisncy of the support he will have in the tight. S L REPORT Chapters of Interest to Menta of tbe Na tional Guard. OPINIONS ON THE ENCAMPMENTS Various Hints and Recommendations of Importance to the Military Com mander of the Third Brigade Speaks of the Progress of His Men The Knapsack and Blanket Detail Named. Question ot Proper Rations Dis cussed Dress Reform Unneces sary. HARRI81JDBO, April 10. AJOR GENERAL GEORGE N. Snowdeu in bis annual re port for 1898 refers to the mo bilization of the National I guard for the purpose of attending President Cleveland's Inauguration, and says: ''This movement again de monstrated tho practicability of con centrating the entire guard at any feasible point in a very short time." He speaks of the marked improvement in the discipline and proficiency of the several organizations and to tbe valu able experience gained at HomesUad. He is ot the opinion that fair, cnuip meeting or picnic grounds near a town do not afford for many reasons that were evident last summer a de sirable and suitable encampment alto. Criticism is expressed of those ofiioers who selected camp grounds too small to allow their troops to form or exer cise with comiort. He adds that minor advantages ought to give way to those which are essential. General Snowden favors the alter nating encampment, but thinks the prctie of encamping to different or ganizations and different arms of the service together is liable to tax disci pline anil fail to give experience to commanding and stuff oificers. General Wiler, commander of tbe Second brigade, recommends a full dress uuiform for officers, at least, to be worn on ceremonial occasions. HOW THE BOYS ARE ROASTKP. General J. PS. Gobin, commander of the Third brigade, speaks of the pro gress and efficiency of his command and to its participation in the inaug ural parade at Washington, regarding whioh he ssys: "Officers and men paid fxborbitnnt prices for 'nferior rations, as heretofore; submitted to unfounded and malicious accusations of miscon duct with their accustomed resigna tion ; learned of the regulation demands of corner grocery keepers for the pay ment of articles never taken with ex perienced serenity, and real the antici pated criticism of reliable and veraci ous newspapers with due humility. "The only compensating features of the occasion was the excellently disci pline uncomplaining sacrifice of the men us witnessed and commended by thoir officers, and tbe cordiality and friendship manifested by aimy and navy officers, soldiers and men whose opinions and judgment were unpreju diced and fair." He also urges strongly in this con neclion tbat upon occasions of this kind it is unjust to members of the guard to require them to furnish their own subsistence in addition to giving their time. The subject of the sol diers ration is carefully cousidirod and is closed by recommending the adoption of a hud schedule of nutritions aud safe rations, which can be added to when desirable; the discarding of all cooking apparatus which cannot be easily transported and used in the field, and the permanent enlistment of cooks. He is much pleased with the new equipments and believes a dress uni form uow unnecessary. KNAPSACK AND BLANKET DETAIL The following order was issued from headquarters National Guard this evening: A board is hereby convened to meet at the office of the adjutaut general at Ilar risburg on Tuesday, April 17, 18H4, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to consider the adoption of a new knapsack or blanket for the Na tional Guard, and such othor business as may be.brdught before it. Detail for the board: Colonel Wendell P. Bowan, Writ regiment; I 'olonel John Biddle, Second regiment; Major Frank II. Sweeney, inspector First brigrado; Lieut enant. Colonel Oeorge O. Richards, Six teenth regiment; Major William H. Davie, Eighteenth regiment; Major James Mart let t, Tenth regimeut; Colonel Frank J. Mngee, Eighth regiment: Colonel Christo pher O'Neil, Fourth regimeut; Captnin James Moir, Company C. Thirteenth regi meut. SHOT THREE AND WAS SHOT. Ten il. i Crime of a Jealous Lover Who Also Cnme to Orlef. New OhIiKans, La., April 10 A special from Lake Cuarles, La., suys: A serious shooting uttray took place about eight miles below here .Sunday night. R. G. Howard nnd wife live ou a small island in the Culcusicn river. They had a daughter about 10 years old. On Sunday Herbert L. Par in went to Howard's house and wanted to marry the girl. Howard would not conseut. Later Parlin returned and shot the girl's mother dead, fatally wounding the girl and shooting her sister. The murderer escaped, but was cap tured late yesterday afternoon. He resisted arrest, aud was shot in order to secure him. Uo Is slill living, though perhaps fatally wounded. HOHSE HAD STAGE FRIGHT. Excltlna Occurrei ca nt la Old Kentucky. Jumped Over the Footllahte. Rochester, N. Y., April 10.- -The performance "In Old Kentucky" at the Lvcenm last evening was made doubly exciting by the jumping of a horse over the footlights into the orchestra at the climax of tbo third net, represent ing the close of a running race on the Lexington track. The winning horse, Craven Bess, ridden and well ridden oy Miss Laura Burt, has a prominent part in the play, is a regular member of the company, used to thu stage. The second nnd third horses were amateurs hired for the night and ridden respect- NOW EN ively by two c isual small boys, George U nnettand Harry Mills, neitner ex pert riders. LJueen Bese Hew across tbe stage all right and the audience cheered. Then came George Bennett's horse. Frightened by the noise and glare, the horse turned sharply toward the the audience, leaped the hurdle nearly, .1.. ... : 1. . , ... ,. . , ..., ,,1,, n..,t Ilinuo HIIHIUIll 1UI kUS iiuiiin.iii. mm crashed over into the orchestra. For some cause the lights went out and the rout ii. ion rails -d by the accident eame near being made a panio by tho dark ness. But the lights wore up again in an instant, the people kept their places, except those in the immediate vicinity of tbo struggling house, aud the danger was over. The frightened animal crowded be tween the flute player and the clar ionet player, and stopped at the end of tbe railing with botn feet in the bass drum. His hoofs cut tbo electric wires which feed the footlights, and blinding dishes lit the scene of confu sion in the orchestra. No one was se riously injured. THE BULLET-PROOF COAT. Its Inventor Standa the Fire of Modern R.ll'ee Wlthoat Injary. Berlin, April 10. Tests, which seem to be final in establishing its value, have been made with the bullet proof coat invented by Dawe, tho Mannheim tailor. Sunday Count Von Schonvaloff, tbe Russian ambassador, fired two shots at Howe encuiei in bis coat without injuring him in the least. The supreme test however, was made bv firing shots at hiui repeatedly from one of tbe new German army rifles. He sustained no injury. It is said that Howe has been offered 3,000,000 marks for bis invention by tho German gov ernment. e THE LAST OF THE IROQUOIS. The Only Full Bloodvd Indian of the Fa mous Trlba Dint. Montreal, April 10. The last of the pure-blooded Iroquois is dead at tbe Indian village of Caughnawaga. The name of the deceased was "Teiratassri ake," which moans "Broken Knife." All the remaining Indians of Caugh nawaga have either French or Scottish blood in their veins. POLLARD-BRECKINRIDGE. A Flood ot Mysterious Letters -Argu ments on the Case Con tinued Yesterday. Washington, April 10.- There was something ou foot in the circuit court this morning, of which the spectators did not receive the benefit. Judge Bradley held a letMr in his hand when the court met, in which lis seemed deeply interrsted. iHe cnlled np to his desk three of the counsel, Messrs. Car lisle, Wilson nnd Lutterworth, exhib ited the letter to them, and the four put their heads together over the docu ment for ten minutes. Then one of the jurors was called up. and the con sulfation was prolonged for ten min utes mote, after Which Mr. Carlisle took bis stand by the witness box and picked up tbe thread of his argument. It is thought that tho causo of the conference was one of tho anonymous letters which have poured in by bushels upon all the court oificers and every person interested in the trial. Hardly a day passes but what Miss Pollard is the recipient of offTS from theatrical manager.), and even the dime museums have an eye upon her. Most of these communications are dispos ed of by her lawyers and are never seen. Another class of corr -spondence is sug gestions from lawyers in all parts ot the country. Some of these suggest ions have beeu uiilizid and have proved of value At the close of Mr. Carlisle's speech, which was a scathing arraignment ot Colonel Breckinridge, Colonel Thomp son stalled his argument tor the de fense. To give the case to Miss Pollard, lie said, would be necessary for the jury to convict Mollis Spinglebsur, John Brant, Hiram Kaufman, Aleck Julian nnd Rankin Rossell and the defendant himself with wilful and deliberate perjury. The discrepancies between the testi mony of the plaintiff and the bisters of Charity at Norwood Foundling asylum were told of liy Colonel Thompson who said he would be willing to rest the case on tbe testimony of these Sisters against that of tho woman who said she had dedicated her life to the de fendant. Colonel Thompson embellished speech with numerous anecdotes did not mince words or phrases in his and hie unsavory denunciation of tho plaintiff's character. . HEARD OVER THE CABLE. Malignant cholera is spreading rapidly in Constantinople. The German reiohitejj has adoptod a commercial treaty with Uruguay. Spain will ask the United Slates to watch tbe movoineiits of Cuban refugees' Scotch Unionists will refuse to sit on tbe proposed Scotch llraud committee iritis appointed. In a fight with mounted police, uonr Madras, India, thirty-three .Moslems were killed and many wounded, William Astor Cbanler, the Amerlcati explorer, will lead another expedition to Mount Kenia, Africa, iu about six months. - GRIM REAPER'S HARVEST. Key. Bernard O'Reilly, bishop of the Romiin Cutholic diocese of Liverpool. Elizabeth GoengH, a nntive of Middle town, I'm , at Indianapolis, I nil., HgeU i(H years. At Fermlngton, Conn., Edward Norton, aged 70, tbo Urn importer of Ouernsovs to America. Rev. Dr. William M. Thomson, nuthor of "Tho Land and the Book," and for forty five years n ini-siouary in Asia Mluor, at Donv er. agju ST. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. Ksnsan labor leaders nro Btarting a presidential boom for Judge Caldwell be cause of his I'tiioli PuciUc decision. Pennsylvania iron tnon bave leased the Oregon Iron company's plant at Oswogo, Ore., and will erect rolling mills. lnvestlzation of (lorge Hetts' sudden death at Birmingham, Ala., showed polt on in the stomach, and his wife is suspected of the raurdor. HARMON BOOTS THE BANDITS w , w . mi.n n i I In nn Ex IIWII auuueii mwi men sianu la au press Messenger. BRAVELY DEFENDS THE CASH BOX A Rock Island Train Halted by Masked Road Apents Who Demand the En trance to the Express CarUpon Refusal, They Blow Ud tho Car with Dynamite The Messenger Then Opens Fire Upon the Robbers, Who Retreat After One of Their Number Has Been Killed. Pond Creek, O, T., April 10. n S the south hound train No. 1 on A tho Rock Island was approaching '' the Arkansas river, four miles UU south of here at 11 o'clock last night, a masked robber boarded the engine, which was running slowly as nsunl in approaching the bridge at this point, and levelling two revolvers at the engineer's head, he commanded him to stop the train. The engineer at first made a show of resistance, but the threatening attitude of the robber overcame any desire he might have hnd to guard the company's property. As soon as the train stopped several other masked robbers, the actual num ber is not known, made for the express car. Jack Harmon, the Wells-Fargo ex press messenger, realizing tbat an at tempted robbery was being perpetrated. quickly picked up his revolver and stood at the car door ready to meet the onslaught of the bandits. Wheh the latter ranched the car they and the messenger commensed to parley as to whether the door should be opened or not, Harmon finally positively declined to open up. the robbers then placed a slick of dynamite under the car and an explo sion followed which tore open the whole side of tbe car. After tbe explo sion one of the robbers approached the car ns toon as he was seen by Messen ger Harmon, tbe latter opened fire and killed the robber instantly. As soon ns the other bandits saw the game was up they attempted to retreat. out Harmon followed them, keeping up a continuous fusilade, and suceeded iu wounding another of the gang. The injnred mnn fell in bis tracks, but the others managed to get away, it is thought, however, that some of tuem have been seriously wounded. The train men then pisked up tbe dead and wounded robbers aud, after placing them aboard the train, returned to Pond Creek. Neither of the men have been identi fi'd. Some of the citizens believe them to be members ot the Dalton gang The sheriff was summoned at once upon the arrival of the train, a posse was quickly organized and thu couutry is heiug scoured for the outlaws. Express Uessanger Harmon would not say what sum of money wes on the train. It is believed that the robbers had information that the train carried a large uuionnt. JACKSON IMPATIENT. He Urges Corbett to Make Definite Ar rangements for a Fight. CHICAGO, April 10 Peter Jackson yesterday sent a long letter to James J. Corbett, asking him to make some definite arrangemonts for their fight before Corbett sails for England. Ja9k son offers to fight in June, July or Au gust, 1804, for theside wager of $10,000 a side, the fight to lie private, not over twenty men being present and these to be a representa tive ot the Associated press, seconds, referees, timekeepers and five or six friends of each man. He offers to fight before the National Sporting club, of London, or, in tne event of it being impossible to arrange for a fin ish coulest, to box twenty rouuds. the man having the best of it to be declared the winner of the side wnger and purse, or. if Corbett prefers, no knockout no decision. In conclusion, Jackson says tbat if Corbett is satisfied to leave the ques tion of superiority between them un settled, he will turn his attention to some other business and retire from tbe ring. Jackson's propositions are open for Corbett's consideration and final action for thirty days. MURDER MVSTLRV OF A CANAL. Unknown Man's Bcdy Found with a Fractured Skull. NORRIBTOWlt, Pa., April 9. There nre indications that an unknown man whose body was discovered in the Schuylkill en mil at Swedeland by Lock tender Jacob Richards today, was murdered. The body, which came through the gules as Itiohards opened tbe wickets, una a fractured skull, a badly bruised and discolored left leg and other marks of -violence. It is tbat ot a bald, smooth faced man about DO years old, and will probably be diffi cult to identify on account of tbe de composition that has set in. Only one arm of the victim is in a sleeve of tho coat. It is believed that the man was in tho aet of putting the garment on or pulling it off when he received hie death blow aud was cast into the canal. MINE WORKERS' CONVENTION. President MuBrldt Ecoree Secretary Hnvea of tho KnlRhta of Labor. Columbub, O., April 10. -The na tional of tbe United Mino Workers of America was called to order this morn ing by President HcBride, who im mediately read bis annual address. He criticized severely Hecretury John W. Haycs.of the Knights of Liibor, who he eatd had been guilty of dishonesty and untruthfulness iu the matter ot the amalgamation of the National district assembly Knights of Lubor with the United Mine Workers thr.'e years ago, when be repreaented that the national assembly bad '.'2,0(10 members. As a matter of fact it, had ouly 7.000 and now bus ouly 4,415, He said tho elec- tiou committee of tbe Knights of La bor ought to remove Hayee at once, and it it did not the national district assembly members should withdraw from it. McBride's utterance upon the wage usstion fully bears out tbe reports tbat a strike of national propositions is 10 roilOW this meeting. Said he; "The time bas come for a general advance of wages all along the line. Many opera- tore will readily grant it, but we must allow no work anywhere until the scale is paid every where. Old meth ods will not do now. We must act as a unit." Every sontoncs here was punetuated with tremendous applause, showing tbe feeling of the delegates. There are now 185 delegates present representing meal assemblies aud entitled to cast 400 votsa. Other delegates are ex pected to arrive. THE MISbING SENATOR. Martin Wyokoff a Whereabout Are Still a Mystery. Bloomsburo, N. J.. April 10. The whereabouts of ex-Senator Martin Wyokoff, who left Asbury ou Thursday last, leaving about gXi.OOO worth of unsettled accounts, is still a mystery to the people or the surronndiug country. tlis friends deny all knowledge of his whereabouts Tbe villagers believe, however, that he is in biding and will stay away un til matters of business can be ar ranged. The records show tbat chattel mortgages have been giveu to the friends of Wyckofr by himsolf, cover iug all of his available property. DOCUMENTS IN DANGER. Fire TJlsooverad in the Basnment of the Capitol at Harrlaburg. Haiirisburo. Pa., April 10. Fire ws discovered in the document rooms of the house in the basement of the capi- toi this aftetnooti and for a while things were very serious. The firemen succeeded iu subduing the tlames after a stubborn fight, dur ing which the floors of the committee rooms in the main building had to be torn up. The loss will reach .jOO. A CYCLONE IN OKLAHOMA. Oaa Child Burned to Death In a Palrie Fire. Gutrie, Okla., April 10 -A cyolone east of here swept a large area of farm ing country. A dosen buildings were destroyed aud several people injured. The 4 year old son of George Greenaway was cre mated and two other children badly burnod in a prairie fire. IHE ARMY IS SNOW BOUND. Coxeyites Are Ahead of Time Cold Day for Industrials Elsewhere. UmONTOWN, Pa., April 10. For the first time since its initial march from Massillou, the Coxey commonweal army is storm-stayed. A terrible storm raged all night ou the mouutains near Camp Abraham Lincoln, at Mountain View park, and kept tne men under shelter. It was almost impossible to got out, and today uo abatement is no ticeable. At 0 o'clock this morning Chief Mar shal Browne issued General Order No. 10, declaring the day's inarcu off. He slates that the army has two days' ex tra time, and will spend one here. The day will be spent iu stocking tne com missariat. The ofiioers are about town today collecting provisious and cloth ing. It is expsot that about, a tuu of food will bo secured. The experleuces of this storm have lrighteued tbe lead ers more or l- is. aud ttiey want to make all preparations possible for the week's tup through the mountains. The horses, twenty iu number, are iu bad slinpo, but will be conside.-ably rested by today's halt. , The men are very comfortably housed iu a ball at tbe camp, aud are anxious to remaiu over to-day. Reno, Nev., April 10. The citizens have ordered the dutacnmeiit of the in dustrial army now in town to move on, aud will arrest the leaders if the men do not leave. HIGHLAND, III, April 10. General Frye's industrial army. 1)00 iu number, reached tins place last evening, walk ing on the railroad track. The city has sent a wagon loud of provisious to the camp. CONDENSED STATE NEWS. It cost jT'.l,0?5.30to run Schuylkill county last mouth, Albert J. Barr is tube surveyor of cus toms, district of l'ittsbtrg. School Tax Collector W. V. Schwoyer, of Richmond township, Llerks county, disap peared leaving a uoto uyiug he couldn't get back ?.' be had loaned. Au ex newspaper man aud lawyer, Frank L. Murphy, of ReHdiug, bus been bound over to the federal court for tho forgery of a postal mouey order for ISO. Coal aud Iron police are ou the trail ot Mabauoy i'lauu roubera, who abaudouud a satchel coutaiuing $tNji: in postage Btumps, and who are supposed to have looted mauy country postofuces. The chairman of tho Wyoming couhty Republican committee, Elmer Brown, was sworn in last night as county commis sioner after a mmiinderstaudiiig had left him oil' the ticket aud a bitter factional light developed. WASHINGTON NOTES. The supreme court has decided that lager beer is not a "spirituous liquor." Mr. Walsh, the newly appointed sen ator from Georgia, was sworn iu yester day. The senate has conlirmed the nomination of Edward L, Smith to be postmuster at Towatula, I'a. Comptroller ICckols will address Boston bankers on Thursday night aud Providence bankers ou Saturday night. Proposals for stnmped envelopos will bo re -advertised for, Postmaster General Bis sell havlUK decided that tho recently opened bids wore illegal. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, April 10. Fore eastor Wtdntaddy: For BkuUrn f'eiiuMfiariK. cotiiii, n ith colli Nortniostl winds, Incoming uoH ublu. FINLEY'S Ladies', Misses' and Children's CORSETS AND GorsetWaists To make room for new style which we have added to our stock we oiler for one week : "Our Own" 38c. 50c. Corset at The Union 75c. Corset 48c. Thomson Dollar Corset 68c. at at Among our New Corsets we meu tiou: "Her Majesty's," (Princess of Wales Co.) "The Sonnette," Especially for slender forinsj besides the well-known styles, The P. D., R. & G. Thomp son Glove Fitting, The C. P. A., La Sirene to Venus, Ferris Good Sense, &c. FINLEY'S 510 and 612 Lackawanna Ave, iHE GUTTA PERU 4 RUBBER iKfel FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOS1 CHAS A. SCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 513 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Rellly & Davies Ladles show friends our t..M, ? fc'i S and W3 SHOES, nnd so enthusiastic are they over their pure hasd that one sale Is sure to bo the means of uiakiux another. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Ave. WE ARE Headquarters FOR Elk Emblems W. J. WEICHEL. MS