8 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUTE TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 10. 1804. LIVE W OF TWO PITTSTONS The Scuanton Tribune's PittBton de partment is iu charn of J. M. Faliy, to whom news items aud couiplaiuU may be referred. J Town Council Maetln(r. There waa a lucoiul lneMiuK of ttin town council held in the town ball last eTeuing. There was present ('ounail nieu Rssp, Kuowley, Kennedy, Lynott. Donaelly, HtmolgaD, Clifford, Ksu nady, Tignti, JUloney and Manijan. Mra. Kahl, Mrs. Mary Nealou, lira J. M. Jackson and the Alplu Mill company were on motion exonoratsil from the payment of borough tax. Th souimitteo appointed at a former meting to recolatetalarica of borough officer on motion were discharged and a new committee, consisting of U. B Reap, J. J, Kennedy and .lames Heuui gan, Were appointed in their stead. Patrick Coimell was granted a permit to excavate stone from lot on Wood street iu consideration that the work be done under the supervision of the street commissioner. Airs. William Stroll naked permission to srest a carriage tlied on the vacant lot located :it thh cn-ner of William and cliuroh .struts. Conncllman Knowles objected to the granting of the same on too ground that it would be a nuisance and an eye sore. On motion the request, was rejected. The complaint of William Uoud of u nuisance existing in front of his pro perty ou K.iilroaJ street, was laid on the table. Messrs. Kearney, Knowles aud Msloney were appointed asastreet committee for the present year. A. A. boydeu, on behalf of the property holders of that portion of Main street whose buildings fringe ou tho west of Main street, ask ed the council to wake an alley at the rear of their pro pfrties, the northerly outlet to ba on Water street, between Town hall aud the Niagara Engine house, and the southerly exit to tie on Dock street. On motion the matter was r?ferrd to tho street committee for notion. J. J. Kennedy, Anthony Clittord and Jaihes Henuigan were appointed a light and water committee with power to act. Ti e bond of John Kielly for the re pairing ct town hall was received and o: Jeisd plaoad on tile. The policies and renewal of insur ance on borough property, presented by James Walsh, wero referred to tho finance committee Councilman Kear ney took occasion to call the at tention of the council to the ac tion ol! too Newton Coal compsny iu sinking a shaft in the vicinity of the Junction without tho necsssary p -Knit. .Mr. Kearney took occasion to remind the council tbe liability the liability the borough was subjected to aud th it the action of the company was indirect violation of the borough ordinance. He further stated that the Newton Coal compaur had in former times in open violation of all law and decency aud the ordinances as well ; how th-y ignored the council by erect ing unsightly breaker! and culm piles etc. The matter was finally disposed of by refering the matter to the boiough solicitor for action. Attorney P. A. O'Boylo as counsel for P. A. No lan presented a bill for 1388.8'. for work done ou E.iley street. The council had not finished their labors at the closing of this letter 10.31) o'clock. i hied and Taui is the verdict of people who lake Hoods Sarsapanlla. The good effects of each medicine are soon felt in nervo strength restored, appetite created aud health given. Hooo's Pills do not weaken, but aid digestion aud tone the stomach. Try them. Stray Local Not.s. A homo occupied by John Wooley, and owned by Mrs. Jenkins, situate near the Lehigh Vallsy depot at Old Forge, was destroyed by fire at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. An adjoin ing hous, also owned by Mr. Jenk ins, was partially destroyed. Th fire, it is alleged, originated through a de fective flue. The members of the Old Forge Coal Company Hose company did effective work iu inbdulng Hie flanks with buckets of water. Both bouses were fully insured. The Wooley family lost considerable of their household goods. At the Second Legislative District Republican convention, held in Shick shiuny st 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, James R. Ehret, of West Pittstnn, was elected delegate !o the stste connvtion, and General Hastings was endorsed for the ,ubirniitorial noruitation. The Fifth District convention, which w is called to meet iu O'Malley's hall, Avoca, at o'clock yesterday, did not organilS until 8 80 and up to 4 o'clock no delegate had been elected. Tbe candidates were C, B. Smith, of Pitts ton, and W. A. Longhrey, of Jenkins. The former withdrew in faror of Mr. Loughrey and the lattsr's election wns made unanimous. Mrs. M. Schaenberger, llnavnr Dam, Wis., writes: " liuva used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in onr family for Coughs, t-'i lds. ( roup and Itheumatism. It cures every time." . MOOSIC AND I H: .fUABOUlS. Bright Parngraphs Conctrnintr Plsasant and Prosperous Popl. Special to the .Seranton Tribmvt. tloOBIO, Pa., April 0. Margaret, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, of South Main street, died Saturday afternoon. The funeral wns held Mondny afternoon at '..' o'clock. Interment wrs made in the Langcliffe cemetery, at Avocn. Mrs. Joseph Suydor and daughter i H . of Buffalo, are visiting nt the home of her mother, Mrs. S. J. Hinds, of Minooka avenue, ilrs. William S. Hutchings was a aller ntthe Electric City Monday. Mrs. Roberthen, of Ptckville, is vis iting nt the home of R, W. Lewis, on Main street. Eighteen new members were received into the Prssbyterian church on Sun day, April 8. No Tnducstuant Is OftVr.,d. St. LoHtt Glob Democrat. The number ol Democrats who are not seeking nominations lor oftice this year is larger than has before been known for v quarter of a century. This I-. Not Th.tr Tear. Chicnu" Diivateh. John Beckley, of Logansport, Ind., aged 88. wrote a note to his county paper say ing that ho had always voted the Demo cratic ticket, hut had decided to vote with t he. Populists henceforth. Then he dropped dead. Providence seems to be against tho Popallsts. Buoklnn'a Arnlon Salve. The best salve iu the world for (tats Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give port'eot satisfaction or money refuuded. Price Hi cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. slsEs ANNUAL CLEARIN IT'S EASY TO OUT .V, where thore's a sluggish liver, for nny of tho germs of disuaso that surround you. if your livor were active and healthy, it would Keep them out of your blood. You'll have to Watcb your liver for self-protection. Just as soon its you sue tho first symptoms that it's wrong (eruptions on tho akin, or ti dull unit worn-out feeling) you ought to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That will start your liver into a healthy, natural action, purify your blood, too; it will brace up your whole system, and givo you strength and color, and put on needed flesh-not if, but wnolcsome, necessary Bo u. MUfnnt Csstre, 0, Dr. It. V. Pikuce: Tkar Sir I heartily recommend your "Discovery" to any pi-mm sutTcriiiK from atnsral di-MIili; as the best thing they can take for it. After taking tho "Discovery" I am happy to say 1 never folt better in my life than 1 do now. ErDOIIMD bt TMC HiQHI.T MlOIC.I. AUTH0HITI tHEADIiCHESKS iNnAl.SR will euro you. A wonderful Loon to niifTereri f rem Colli., More Throat, Inline!!:, HroiichltL, orHAl FKVEH. .1" nil (mmtdiafstYllr. An efflo t retnetlv. convenient to prirrv In pnrnet. roaii. to use on dint Imllcatioa of sola. nnilnuril Ccn KlTrrt. IVrmiintMit Curr. Battiraetion (riinmnteed or money re! iinotl. Price, ' Trial Iron nt UruiiKinl'i. Kotilnteruil mail. 60 ccutu. I. D. CO&BXalL Kfr., Thru Riftra. Mich . 0. S. A CtTMlTM Jkxtm Mr MTHfl I "he surenl iiiul Bafi'ct rotupily for nun i mul iji k . 1 1 uiaeuiii'ti. Frzi'nm. Itch,8nlt lttiouiu. old Bores, Iturna. Onta, Wonclr rful rt;ni rd) lorPll.KH. Prior, SSrts. at DniK DDI KjBt .ir uy aiuil pri'imid. Adtli anbove llni. HI Fi-r s.ilo by Matthews Bros.. Morgan liros.aud Morgan A Co. , '. 1 .il I .Til INDAPO HINDOO REMEDY ' Kl i Ilk, AltuVU HEHI'LTM iit HO V. Clin nil NiM'voua PI MM, ' i l Mi nii'iy l'iLii-1- ",.Tl-lf III' - Nu'lillv I lilt ituii t'U',, i iiu h punt nbus"-, ctveB vltftir i i . to imrunKQn orgonl. uiU qukucly out mnoiv rettoroi mmI MunKiiuii in ild oryoang. Katlh can led In 1 ei t pocnl Prtoj 1.00 Rptck&go. Blxfor.wJtho writlfii ictiurHiilft' to curr up r. ' . i d. Don't lut iui unin hi iit ii'k'trt -it'll yi.ii cm j Hint f.i Imitation. Insist on h iv,db1MIAP(- nonuothsr. u bt iiot uot tt. wt nil! Mttd it by mail upon rnvipt vt price. PamphUt m hhi ifii enTtlopa ftw. AddraM Orlviilul HdlMlCo, l'ropa.,( hlrap,u, ISU iirouriiKenlB. SOLD bv Matthews Uros., Wholetale nd Retail Dmuiiu, sckANToN, PA., ana otbtt Lemd Complexion Preserved m BMllWtSti t mm 1L DH. HEBRA'S V!Hi CREAM RoinoTCB F retckSes, Pimplas Liver Molts, Blackhaads; Sunburn aud Tin, and re. stores tha sliu to iu erirji ru! Irebnias, producint! a clear und bealthy com-DI plcilon. oupenor loan tace preparations ami perfectly hnrmless. At sll urugglsts, or mailed ior 5Cct3. Seud ior Circular, ViGLA SXiN S0.M l "lejply IncompiraHe u rkin iwritjlotf Soap, uai'iualH fir tiie tr.llrt, R&d without .1 rival foi" Ua numry. Ai'ioluifly pure aoi dtUcatcly tue-ii-av .tmirliu, Pric 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNCH 4 CO., To:.eoo.O. For sah by MatthoWS Broa , Morgan Bros. and Mntu.ni ft Co. v. Sometimes noeds a rcli ablj montbly regulatin:, medicine. f Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, tte pnimpt, safe nn l efirtain In rfsuli. Tho gor.u it)r. Peal'F' noTordlsappotBt, Sent anywlion. '0. ival Mcilnnn Co .('' ,. land (J. PoM by .IOHN- H. PBELP3 l'harmaeht roruor Wyomini; menus and Spruce utreat Seranton, Pa, fATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Allantln I.rad ami French Inc. Ture Lloseell Oil, Tin pontine mid Vnrnialies Baadymlssd Paints In all cnlora, Olldsrs' wiiitlnjf, l'arl iVhltn anil li , ..... Oil' Vltrol, Marbla bunt ami Wlnodtr Olssi Atlantic Reining Co. Manufacturers aud Dealers in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS I.insoetl Oil, NaptUns mid Onso lines pf all grades. Axle Grease, I'inion Orease nnd (,'olliery Com pound : also, n large lino of Par rntlino Wax Candles. Wo also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tho only family safety burning oil in tho market, WILLIAM MASON, Manager. OftVo: Cosl Exchange, WyoraiiiK Av Works ut Hue Brook. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. ilnvluir secured lbs HIIoF.INfl FOROE Ol William Blumu & for u permanent basi neHs HtRinl, l Bind! eondnot Bdentlflo and l'atholoKieal HlioeliiK for the Prevention, Ha lief aud ('urn of Lameness and other imperil UsntS In the moveinentH of Rorsss Incidental or due to Imperfect Klioeiiig. I Blmll jtlve the worli my personal nttonti. u anil cuarantee no Ntsra onSrge, except for IminiiTeinent. Lain.. SSSS) etc.', Will lie treated afternoons A free eUnia and professional udvlee Klvon everv Monday f roln 1 to . I. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D, V, S. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pozzotil' I 'owl der. It produces a solt and beautiful nkin. SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnailta of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Oapefl during sale ai less than cost of material. Every Inch of counter room covered with the grcatcal bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's stylos 103. ech. Coys' Winter Waists lOo each. Muffs 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. PITTSTON, PA. l'-M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bftjt la Pimples, Blotches PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM &z Makes r Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison miua.'.iS.Mjiiiiiin.tiuii Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. iiuriflnsthnhiooil . hulldsnp thn v un't and dtbuttAtM livi- Htrt'tigtli ii lvi-iiUrtut'il iiirv!f, (xptU i i i- ' . :r. i . , tbu putient lieulth und I..,.. where i ' - " , Kl'XMtiy ! :..-i iii".' Qrtt prRMillfil. For prlmarTfteQODdftry and tertlnry nrphliu, for blood poltoning moroo luUpoltoOi in., ir. ! , , . i, and iu all bU'iMl nnd akin ill mim-.t, llkj tMOtOBNi pUBJlei, "Id chrome ulcur-j, teftor, KORtd heJt'J, boils, arrapMaS oczema we may nny, vrlthotn f'ar ol poutradlotlonitbatPs P. P. li thtbott blood ; i 'i. r In ; in world, mid mukefi positive, speedy and pinnauoot cures In all cases. sftdlM WbOSO nyiteiUR aro poimned and V7iii).su hlood is iu an ItDpttra oondl tion, dU'j to nieiistraal irroijiilarif lts, aro peculiarly denelito:! ty the wn dcrful tonic and blooi cleahsitijr prop- artlosof p. p. p. PrioUj tn, Puke. Root and rOtAialUOlt BPRnromiiDi Mo., Aug. 14th, 18931 I can apeak in tho hlgljeHt terms of your medicino from my ow'i personal anowlodjto. I waaaoectad With heart disease, plearisy und rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very bent physielans ana spent hundreds of dol lar, trie J evary Itnown remedy wttV oat nndlQffrauafs I have only Uken one bottle ol yourPs P. P., and can chuci-fully say it has done memory Ijood than anything 1 have over tana, l can i ,'.. :'..: to all sufferer of ih1 above dlaei'-.oa. MRS. M. If, TBART. Spr jgflaiQi Green Cuuuty. Mo. and QSd Sores g zZ& Catarrh. Malaria ! 3 A IS! J.. V 1-5 ' CiP anunianeyiroufliBs Arr MlUlWl) remoTMl by P. P. P. -Prickly Anli. Poco Boot anil Pntas cluin, itio u 1 bluuil pui-iU. r uu utb. AimRnnrs, O. . July 21 . Mes'Iih. Lii'i'MAH BSOS., Bavnnnan. Qa. : DRASJUSS 1 bonsbl ii bolt lour yiiur P. P. P. at Hot Mprlusn, Ark. .and it Inn .l,;i'i in, i nmr.i K'IimI tliun lliroo munths'iri' i ' tl Hot tlpnoga. Horn! tbmu Imttk'H 0, 0, 1). iiiaputClully yuura, JAS. II. NF.WTON. Ai , r . ,,, Lriiwii Cuuuty, O. S'upl. J. I). Jnhuatou. Th sll aiSoiii I' '"" wswfsi I hero by i to tliu wniiihTlul iirnportiea of P. P. P. lur .;,t l.nis uf thu akin. I BulTortMl for nmvral yeara with an un Hlitlitly aud dlssnajesblo sraptloo no BUT laco. I trli il BTery known rriue ily but In vain, until P. P. I'. a , aul am now eutlrnlv ottred, (eiunuilliy) J. I). JOHNCTON. HaaunuU. Ua. Skin 4'aiicrr Curvtl. Tettimonylrum Ms Mayor of Sequin. Tex. Skiji'IS, Tkx., Junuary 14,1603. Mkshkh. LXPPKAM Hi.-,-., Havunntih, Gil.: UtnUeiiun I hnvo trloil your P. I', t : i , i- , llitrnkln, usually known aa akin rancor, ol thirty yoirs' atiiuiliiiK, and lound Kfrat rullof: lc lurlllaa the blood and rsmoffjf all If" ntitlon (rom tha i-.:-.t of thn aliesss and prcvunt.-i any aprvsUIng ol tho aoron. 1 have takou flvoor six bottles and ft'el conlidHiit that another cour.u will HlTact a care. It hu ulna rulluvoil mo from IndlffSftlon and atouiuch troublca. Vours truly. CAPT. W. II. ILTST. Attorney at Law. Book oo Blood Diseoses Mailed Free. ALL DKUOU1STS BPLL IT. L1PPMASM BROS. riUU'KIETOKH, l iiniiiiiui Mlock,Suvuiinaib,aD 11 It? Art Students' Series of Asms. Elasical Effects in Coloi Printing Art Brought Right Down to the Level of the Poorest Purse RFSTiiRFn ummn BEFOKB AND AHLl; For Sala byC. n DR. MOH'S il KEBTESI5I mvKJ&HHmaiiimiiwmrtmni adv PILLS Thcrcai ronipdy for norvnu. prnftrat'oii nr..: aUncrvotiauhic iMs of tnegonorauTS orflina uf either eex; such usfsio voun ProitnitP:n. Kail V. ..i....tv. i, j , n.uiij. , ii i.' tiuiip. i.'uv'llli n-lioii,, 0 Mcntnl orry.oxcenilve ii. o( ToiitiTonroniuiii. which lead to Con : i nn lilirii riirj liuanlty. With everv Ji..u:di'i wPL-lviiKWrltt ii r?usr. US1NU. aiiU-uieurtf prrefundlhe num- i R1 Ul.OO erbjx. Obexes M. II A lilt is. DntffuWt, 1 -i; I'emiAt r litis. ax m 9 VR-tv s"s m &a aac .n Aisnr vniitnrt v a M3 B" Ul K a sUh Vffi v' ' - - -v, 4aSSffiJKSU If9 IW0 WEEKS. i Why v;istt limo, money and hiathuith "ojoctorfl11 irouderful "curv alia.11 .tinnlBim. mta.. whtm l ., ' ..,,.1 i lik'l.' ti,.. ,.f.wr.ri,.ii.n. ! SjpK -iyL -n.il inn putlcolsniaf newoartaln nmedythal lsa mplate run. l-WTnN 1iH'j-VV": "' iiO5 S HI KNI.S, l.iK'i IIAMMitMt I IN- r '.f vAM'?''l',v,',;N('v Inokloryoun&men. curm In TWO WEKKM I send I aatoKK. Arraiu Information and praajcrlptlon ahaolatoly THICK, and there Is no n, .mi, uu our miv.-rii-.iiii; n. aiiv (irii-i;i.5l can pal ii no ror in ns BTerTlhlnB l plain and simple. All I mt lu iciurii In that ion will t , 1 1 v a small uuuutiiv uf tbo n-iiiedy nsi-lf of in,-, all ready for use, but mav io:iaoii plriyw- al.mi tin.. Al! letiers sent T.n. I .i-.i.i Ii I'o'.- J.il., New ' . lv.il"r, Miirsl-.ull, Alli-li. ;iiw!aiiBECKsa)!i 8 lism&M J n in the X 1 . IWAWMi Xoi: 1, IS'.'i 1! V'-- if LU The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. 81. Fha first oflkin'. snnonnt'sDiPnt of World's Pair di lilomns on Hour luis Iippii m;ide. A madal lms boon awarded by tho World's Fair jinloj to tlio (lour mana fnrtured by the Waghbara, Crosby Co, in the gront Wnshburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The coinmittpe rejinrts ttafl Hour stroii"; nnd pure, and entitles it to riink ns first-class patent Hour for Iniuily and linkers' uae." in & CON NELL W IHILI s I K AilPNTS. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be hail nt. nny of the following merchants, who will accept Tmk Tiiihunt, klouu COUPON ot on each one hundred pounds of Hour or r0 on enoh barrel of flour. Kcrsntoii -P. P. Prien, Waslilnuton rvoihd I Ooid m.-i. Brand, Pnnmors F. P. Prloo, (lobi Itsdal Brand, Danmors F, D Haoitf, BnpsrlaaTS Brsnd. Hyde i'.ark Carwiii & Duvlg, Wmibburn St. (lold Moil il llraii, I: ,1 Hpph A. lleara,Maiu avoium, BnnarlaUfs Brand) QrssnBldao a Lttpineer.Oold Medal Hrand. J. T. HoHsloi BnpsrtatlTa Hrovideneo I'eini ai- & I'liappnll. N' Main nvo nne, BnperlatiTs Urandiu .1 QJlleipla w. Mai k'it atrset, Oolu Med il Brand. Olyiihant - Janes Jordan, BnpsrlatiTS Brand. PeckrlUS -h.--.irer ft KiIht Kupnrlatm. .Torinvn ('. I). Wlnt'-rs ,v Co Superatativo Areliliald .Idihis, S m-,is,in ft Co.. Hold Modal. Csrbondals -B. s. Clarlt, Hold Medtl Brand. Honesdalo -I. N. Poster ft Co. Uol-I Modal. Minooka M. II. bsvsllo, Tnylor-.ludiio ft Co., Clold Medal; Atliei tou ft Co., BnparlatlTSi Pnryea-Lawr.-neii Sloro Co., Hold Modal. Mooie-,Iolm Mei riudlo, QoMaMal Pittston M. W. O'Boyls, Hold Medal ciark'a Qresn Fraos & Psrkar. Bnporlativa Clark's .summit P. M. Vouuir, Hold Medal. Dalton S K. PJnn & Sou, Gold Modal Brand. NlcnoMon J, v. Harding. Vv. rly-M. H. Bllns ft Son, Hold Medal. Paetorrvillo Charloi Oardnsr, Hold Modal. Iloplioitoin N. M. Pinii ft Son, Hold Medal Tobyhanim Tobrbaona a Uenlgp Lumber t o. tin ai Mi a llrand HotiliUboro S A. Adams, (loll Medal Brand. Woseow -dame ft ( lotiiontK, Hold Modal. Laks Ariel Jaimw A, Burt roe. Hold Medal forest City J, I Murtran ft Co., Hold Modal aiHIIIIIIOSSHMMSlBMilSIIIIHI mi m A ti n asaaV -m . , . a 2 COUPON NO. 37. Below are specimen illustrations showing some of the subjects treated in TH1 TRIBUNE'S new picture offer, which is the greatest offer yet. For one coupol and one dima any reader may get FOUR gems in colors as delicate and p9rmaneni as the finest pastel. Part One, which is NOW R3ADY for delivery, contains foui handsoma scenes representing "Early Morning," "Indian Summer," "A Winte, Scene" and "The Country Erook." If, when you see a multichrome,you don't con fiss it's the most wonderful thing out, bring it back and get a medal. Mb: -ia'aw 1K. . 5 --VssjlZ Ti' ' ' ' . l - ' KrMIiI- . r - .-. -ii-! -'aarVi -A. MB .55 to ' "Ul.' ' 's-- l Sf--'?a:-J-n-: : .... ajax! 2i e X ; ' Bend r bring two of ttiMe coupons, differently numbered, a S with Ten Cents, and get one of the series of sixteen tnagnlfloent s I phtographB, Bighl onmbers now ready. Mail orders,2o. extra, i nig3EG!iyHlliHliHiaialEBigilIMD113.ill3!!igiEIIlllEI!lll REMEMBER, ONE COU PON WITH ONE DIME SECURES 4 PICTURES. I Seranton Tribune, Seranton, Pa., April 10, 1894. aal rm J Send this coupon, with 10 cents I in cash, and get four of the marvelous Multiohrome Art Gems by far the i this is the coupon. greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2a extra. 5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuiiBiiiii!iies9aUiikgiuiiiiiiiiiiMiiuiuiim