The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 10, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE S( JiANTOX TH I HTTlsJJ 'I I ' KM) A Y MOltSttKG, APBtt 1. 1804.
B 5!
TUe most deltcats fabric r?p
trly cltvin?il at
308 Tpnn Ave.
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Novelties in Dress Goods
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs,
Z7 Wyoming Ave.
Th Unt.on Trnfr Company. Ltmitd
Bn iine. Bassaeo am! I'reimt called f r
arid delivered promptly. 107 Franltiin
Die Ancient. Order Korssters of America
held a r -eptu"i :ind entertainment last
merit at Music Hall.
The smpioyes on the Southern division
nf the Del aware. Laclcaw.mna and Wet
rn will he pad today.
Lawrence Mcliinnis, wiio ctrajrod awny
from St. Patrick's orphanage, Suu(Jay,wa.s
found on the South Mde yesterday.
The enwal store of S. J. Matthew--, of
niypbant, was closed Dy th sheriff y
lcrday on judgment agnreijatin? IVM
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will hold its Weekly meeting at 3
o'clock this afternoon at 808 Spru e atreet.
The employe of the Delaware and H id
nn f'anal compiny at Cunningham shaft
and the Baltimore tunnel. Wiilces-Barrc,
were paid yesterday.
Stanley Moore wiil run an express wagon
from Scranton to ractorvville. leaving
the city on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day, orders may be left at Louis Conrad,
ar, Lackawanna aveune,
A meeting of the Hotelmen's Protective
association was held yesterday atternooa
at which the members took Step to pro
tect tbtmaelvrs from the noliceused
Judge . , wards will lie president of the
liar aasocintion's baniiet at the conft
bouse Thursday night and Major K.verett.
Warren will be toastmaster. Several out
of town judges will attend as guests ot the
Crystal Hose company juniors hsva
elected the following officers. .lorn, llunes,
president; Dannie Hughes, vlee-premdent;
.mmes Morton, cnier: .iu i iiiiain, treasurer;
Michael Migrait, : .rernan; Carl Scbcen,
assistant, fori'man; Will Morton, stoker.
The ftev. W. S. .tone, of the Welal, Bap
tist church of Hyde F'nrk, by special re
quest of the Yonng People's union of the
Velsh Baptist church, of Providence,
preaches in English this evening the ser
mon he delivered for young people anma
Weeks ago Before the general conference
of the Wetah fiaptiat churches of north
eastern Pennsylvania nt i'lymoutb.
As a result of petty thioving-t on the hill
along , left'. -r .... and Madison avenuos in
the neighborhood of Qtbeon street, Willie
F. Welsh and Freddie Y.uiug. lioth 12
Tears of nge. were yesterday arreated on a
Warrant 1 hv Ali'iprmnti Writfht.
Th y were released last evening on secu
rity left by their i-nrents for appearance
at today' police court.
At the opening reception of the new
KlkV building this evening from 8 till lO.fln
KIks and invaed guests, accompanied by
ladles, Will b received. No visitors un
accompanied by ladles will bf edmitted.
At the genlral reception tomorrow, from
D.M n. in. to B .10 p, in., the rooms will be
open to ail. The purnde will take place at
4 p. in., when ull Elks will form at the old
lodge rooms nud innrrli to the new bull to
music by Bauei'e fnli hand.
Tho educational department of the
Young Men's Christian Association Inst
night held its first annual commencement
eserriaes after a season of work highly
gratifying to both the stuff of teachers
and the officers and directorate of the as
sociation. During the school year nino
teachers have taught tun branches to HI
different pupils enrolled, of wbotn h'fly
eijjlit received certificates of having passed
gradoof 73 per cent, in deportment,
study uud attendance. At the close of the
elercises refreshments were to the
students, teachers aud members iu the
iMamg bali.
Anbeuser finsch Beer.
Louis Lthmau's, 3M Kprucsat,
1 .
a1 Aden on Twa Inwrnnl fubi cs tos
od Iwa Inaporttm rubj els
S in 11 lleJ D'tci sioa.
Presi lent Vo i .tD-!h 'p.o .:3 .1r.
Mitchell Additional Member of tho
High School Committee Fir..'
Proofing of Hipjli School Again Re
ferred to Committee Session Re
plete with He.ited Argumonts
Two vei.v importaat questions were
diicttsssd and ottd upon at last night
tneetingof the b ,ar I of control ; one
til- breaking of tne deadlock which hue
tor ill- past tw i months existed in lbs
blgb school eotntnittte, at pravni tha
most Important sotninHtea of the
board; too other was the referring to
the blah school committor) of the o,u
i ui of & e-jironti ig the new alflHMgre,
1'. til ' f the iU lilODI C'lUie 1 ooushl 1 rxciti-tuent, fringed with adti
play of heat mid mteasity t'V meiuburs
of either side.
TbsMsllon w. s c.illeil to order bj
Prttidsnl Yon Storob.
Tne p iv roll W'i adopts 1 to he iiaid as
follow i 'oacbsra, 110 764 73; aubsti
tutes, jilil oj; janitor. $1 It" t!0; nibt
schools, H.875; total, I9 US I OS,
Ttia le.ici.ers cuutuitttoe recoin
uieii.Uii Uis acaoptaaet of the resigna
tion of Miss Pannwardsn, of c!ionl No
19, an 1 the appolniment in her stead
Of MISS Minnie Gibbons temporarily .
also, I he appointment temporarily of
Miss i.v Hi- usloasy to annsx Wo. 27
U was lui tlier recouiineudeu th-it tee
matter of rodlstrictiiig ts referred to
lbs snperintsndent of school t ai t in
to ju ictioti with members from tin
v irioUS wards and report to the boarit
U garding the le;al statu of the i
ceutly annexed portion of Lacknwantiii
township, it wis suggested thst the
solicitor be asked for au opinion
The rrportt ot t!;e Btu:ice, building,
supply, and Inesranoe oontnittew cou
tainiug minor details wr.' a lopted.
Mr Jeuuinga starts I the real btll of
the otcing by celling attention to the
deadlock iu th big" school coinuiitte
fie said it bad no official bead, faiud
to do it dn y au I ui d tine the board
tak from the coiumi.tee the nutters
now tieudiug before it. "Theretore,"
said Mr. Jennings, "1 move that the
b .r 1 elect a chairman tor the high
tcbool couuuittee."
Tiio chair ruied the motion out of
Mr. Jsnningl asked an aojual from
ths doeisioo.
Mr W'Tuiser started to debate the
iiue.nio:i aud a point of order was again
presented bv Mr Jennings. Mr. Worni-
I sen aid Mr Jeut.iugg had debated the
lustion uud Lio bad the same rignl.
The chair sastaiued Mr. Jennings'
point of order, out decided the question
Bon debatable.
On a rote of 2 to tha chair wis
sustain-d in refusing lo put Mr. Jen
nings' motion for the body to elect a
sigh school committee chairman
Mr. N'c:z moved that the committee
be discharged, but the motion was
ruled us out of order.
Mr. Wortnser then morjd "that the
board vote that au additional winner
ue added to the hih school cointnitUe
by the chair."
Iu debate -Mr. Jennings said that as
Mr. Vou Storch was a m tab-r of that
committee, the appointment by him
would only pat hitnsrlf in n bad light
and he movd to table Mr. Wormser's
motion. This was lest on a 11 aud 9
vote, and the debate vas transferred
to the original motion.
Hh motion was cirried by resnon-
iive vote and Mr. Mitchell was later
in the session appointed to serve on the
Tne Triuvnk is able to say on good
authority that this sotrsn bands the
oiiairinanshin to Mr. Mitchell, who
will have Mr. Welih for an opponent,
but will be elected by a majority of 1
Mr. Xotz' motion for the braiding
committee to report on the advisthi;ity
of buying two lots forn school building
in the Nlwrtssntll Ward at the nzi
meeting was carried, tie said that the
committee which was appointed to in
vrsu.'ate the crowding in the schools
in the Nineteenth ward found that dur
inj! inclement weather ra my were com
p-lled to remsin sway :rom school.
Mr. Wormser made a atatemeut that
while the board at its last meetiog ha I
reconsidered and defesi-d the proposed
fire proofing of the new high sobool
building uo thought the 'committee
omht to proceed to re-inV'stigatio-i.
H said tiiat on good ant .ority ne w ,s
able to state that the additional coit
would only be ahoui 15 par cent. He
moved that the he referrsl to
tne committee with instructions to se
cure Lids for &rt prooliiig if such work
wonld only cost as he b id stated.
Mr. Jennings asked for point of
ord-r and said the question had onee
been reconsidered and defeated It wa
only a subterfuge lo oring the matter
np again in a roundabout way, H
inoced to Isy Mr. Wormier' noting
on the table.
Mr. Mitchell said hu had opposed th
j idea 'it the las masting because he
i understood tl, a Idinoiisl sost would
i sbonl 90,000, and on those grouad
would up'poee it still, bat if. n Mr.
Wermser stated, the work could be
done for n much smaller percentage,
he wonl l vote in favor of giving the
committee a further Opportunity fir
The motion to rufsr to the romml!
tee was carried
The building committee and Build
ing inspector Nelson tlluiit'.ei re
port, which were adopted, on tie
safety of school No
The bctol license ot r'harle Egbert, of
I ' (I r "rge. wns yeaerilay trausferred by
the court ro wn-iey .JoUnsou.
The Seranton VohtBtOSf Fireisen's
BeUetclal SSSOclstlon Of the city was y.
terdny granted ii caartor by the court.
A nolle nrn' qa was entered yesterdsy
by permission or the court use criminal
rise against M, J. Neary and be svas dis
charged froU the county jail.
Attorney V niter Hriggs wa yesterday
nti) ,uitei a committee tor i'oter 1 runs
and gave abend in tliosum of fSUU fur
the faithful perrormnc or bis iliuie..
The rules nud regulation for Hie any
eminent of employes were yes'erduy lllvd
with the court by the blue Hi ige L'nal
company as required by law. They weie
stive uiBoisa y yestseuay oegsn an an
tion affilnst (leofge TboniHi, of Archbald,
for Blunder, it i cbarg-d that on March H
Mr. i homes referred to Mr. Wkork' ai
thief. Damageain thearnountof t'.'.OJUuie
Daniel M. Swenay, for fifteen years cou
uected with the Crutod Stutee secret ser
vice, with li-adquarter at Pittsburg yes
terday li ed his petition with the court
for a license as a private deteclivo. il .
proposes to opn a agency iu this city. Mr
Sweeney is a very clever detective and ai
authority i'.i the matter of counterfeit
The be iritig with regar I t the annex i
tloaoiB ii vue to inn . .f 1 1 vreroV f
this ci y ssttt" Hp iii c urt yesi.rd v
Citv 8 liciter Tou. v w A" ll u i rfl c i
win, 'ad sirvthliig rrt Say a the . ouri ,u
ilie ii h ernnd ti id u ,-1 nanV i n on
b I
T mi
o b ,i ii . y di ,i . , b1! i 1 1
e- abb biug i up Haml'iO betWisa mis
conn y s,i q reb tuua. A majority re
port .as tiled ultb ilie cent bv W. I.
sturdev'sat, of L z rue, s'j '. L. D. Benson,
of suq leiiHiiiui, who with survey or Dun
ning, ot tins c onty, cotoprued the com
mfssion. It is UatntaiatHl in tha exceptions
that the legal nOuudary hetvseen tne cona
tie is the line running duasast from the
Kaad of WynluslnR imis, instead of alius
ons-bgff Bills r 'moved, n was r scorn
mtuded in the majority report upon the
Strength of a belief upon the pun ot tee
two Mi veyors ab re ineniloueO that tne
same had hen nrevl ualy surveyed and
adopted slthougB th ra wa u ithiug to
esiuhlisb (iiih a m vey.
Only Thirteen Now Remain on This
Week's List to Be Triad Non
Suit Granted,
Judge lV.ij .min M. I'eck, of Brad
ford county and Judge John T. Lynch,
of Luaerne county, cams to the city
yeetard y to assist th looal jn lgei to
dloposa os aaasa on this vraek'Iist for
trial. Judge Edwards i presiding in
tun mmi ronrt roun again tills wask,
and ytstei'diiv morning after the mc
tiou had beau beard th appended
ca-'s were ilisp ised of in the foiloA'i.ig
manner b-fer- hint:
Continued John MiUuire vs. Pru
dential Insurance Oainpany, appeal;
Tuomas Mcdnrt vs. Jubu Conosry, ap
peal; John ftiwell vs. Uorouh of Dun
more, trespass) Jennie K. Brink V. Hor
ouli of Dni into re and o Uer., trespass;
Join, T. Clark vs. Jeremiah Bya , ejec.
meut; B. I! Bt urges v . Dauoberl A
sitae?, ejL-ctineiit : J lut D i'mylu'a Sous
vs Eiamburg Bremeu Fir "Iuurapce co n
pany and Herman l ire tusiiraucd com
paeV, actions iu assumpsit.
Settled and stricken from list Jaiuu N.
Murray vs. Patrick tvaiie, appeal; Scran
ton Supply and Machinery company v. D
M. Tieruey, etecutor of r trick Tlerney,
deceased, assuiupsit; W. P. SliufTer vs.
People's stieet Railway company f l.u
cerne county, trespass; c. l. Applsgasth
Va Ackerinun Ur ,tbers, appeal; II. Joseph
vs. New Vork, Ontario uud Western com
pany, trespass.
Judgment entered by agreement -Rice,
Levy k Ceupauy vs. John M. DoOghOT,
ill first oaMotlled before Judge
Edwards wu Catherine aiolohrone
ugainst Prudetiti it lus irtncecompany,
an actiou to rec iv-r IDS paid as pretui
urns on two p dicies ou tne life of Mary
Uolebrooe, A nan suit wis granted
on the ground that tn suit should uave
boon brought br tbeadmiuistrator of
Mary Mniehrona, as the p ilioies were
made payable to tbat person. A nil
was immediately after wat da granted to
show can why the non suit should be
stricken off. The matter will corns up
at argutneut court.
Before Judge I'eck In No. 3 the tre
pas. suit of David J. Lovi against Co i-
slatue .1. . .Vliller and u. b. L'-vvis
was called for trial at J p. m. Mr.
Levi 'ie to recover d imsg for what
be clafnll to have been the illegal sils
of his household effects by Constable
Miller iu ISiil on a judgment held by
Mr. L"wis
At :l 30 court adj urnul for th" day
in the iu la court room. Only thir
teen cs rem tin ooen for trial for th
remiinder of the week.
Judge Lynci, iu court room No 0.
listened to iircuiiient In the injunction
case of the L okiwanna Valley Street
railway company agsinst the (,'aroon
dale and Forest City Passenger Rtll
way compmy. Botn claim the right
to lay a track on Wilson road, in Pell
township. Major Everett Warren and
Attorney C. II. Walls appeared for th
plaintiff, an I Attorneys; J. L Burr and
J. H. Torr-y for the defendant. Ail of
tne tejtitnonv had not been bwanl yes
terdav at 1.80, ami the case ws contin
ued until lUo'ciuck this morning.
Ths Lkteit Ar: Offr
Tim multichromos offered by Tnr Tn;n
gintj are by far the th llneit ihing yet of-
ferod in the art line, (.'all nud see one of
these wonderful pictures, whether you
buv or not.
To Corr.msrc- wi h Ve rn Camp Kir
Barvice This Evinlng.
The forty-thirl Wyoming confer-
ne of the Methodist Bplsc ipal ehll'Cli
will convene this eyeaing in the him
Park cliuica at 7.30 .'clock at the c Hup
Brtservlos oftii" Veteran aamoiatioti
and Rontlnns throughout the w ek.
morning, aftsnionn and evening of
eac i nay, until n' t Aiouiiay.
Compute particulars of th ssrvic
were presented by THE I lillU NE sevr 1
days ago, as wa also a lil showing
where the om.-tal gnest of the confer
ence would be entertained.
Th place of entertainment of ony of
the three-hundred visiting clergy may
Da obtained on applic ition to It v W
II, Pearo-, D. I) , at tho parfonag
It i r.qiirfsted by the couference
that s mny a possible of tb laity,
particularly veteran a 'Idlers, atten i
tbennirin and iritrsuiig camp hre
service of tbls evening which will in -
Itido the singing or many old wr
LiU'n:mt Ezra S. Oriftin Post N
189, Or m I Army of the K pnbllo, ha
beenext tne I nn Invitation and will
attend the c.itnu tire iu a body and In
full uuliorin
Bsllsvu Contain Many Nmi
cstd in the City.
(;itr Engineer l' nliitu lis oomolsteil
hll survey of tiie I'. . u ud'li
tion to the city of Suruutoti hii i uss
found it ii"".ti v lo PllSlige the nsaei
of a uuiaher of the slii'-t and ave
o ues, fur tbe reason tbat they are dnpli
nale l iu other p trts of the city,
Avenue A I nov down on the imp
prepared hy the city engineer a "Uorr
ver.n ; Avenue B as Wnyder Nfentt
AVrnue l. is Known ( orhett eveuiiM
iidAvenD'I) will lierestter lie oiled
Aegef avenue. Iirooine lret is
L'loinged to lllo itreet and Bllvne
street to Aralihal I slrnnt, hr the form i
inn would conflict with tht of
Hellevue plnee in the Fifteenth ward
The name itipplled ly the iiy en
iueer will have to be (anolioiied I v
VVk are pintmri'd tn fiirni-h i,
men witli first i hiss .teiiorailirK ami
I ypewriters by the day or linur, SentDtOU
(.'uimuercialaa-iociaiioii, limited, 4'.r) ,Hiue
Fir Sl.
Ualsnce of my (tuck, tUS Lnckawsuria
nvenue, to families at Wholesale uuly,
r i iany anu Saturday.
E. O. CoinsKV.
Tli Evi"' I,sCls.
Wait for Uutrnsey Bros.' new goods.
A Ktifuber cf L'.My Boa's Wimewd a:
Ac tl m ! fait.
..... Or t '.hi for too llxce,,
ors Anthony Gordon, Jams
dud-;o and Richard Savers Awarded
Bouts McGowan Ruined His
Chances by Attempting to Wrestle.
The Oilier Winners.
Over 1,000 persona attended th an
nual nntateiir boxing t mrnmnt of
the Excelsior Athletic club, hh?u
was held at the Ao.tdemy "f If ttsla list
Several men who had nt sntri s
f i led to uuteri ilia on tba Jloa'Uini d
Music last nfgut, bill t l-r- W r H
uiub r of rguent bout i
sun ling. T i" toitru unent will lis
nnliu led i.' ti i tunlg t.
Tne InUrilaUl'llt Optned at 8 3')
'el" k, when He curtain w is 1:1 ; gp
.lid John J Collin, of h- F.x epOioi
cmb) n.tio inc-d it W. Bchllehier, o
me Piiilad Ipnlu Item, is tn offltiai
alinotfnt'C , lid P. J Donahue, of the
New V.'i'k It-cord!, a the rder -.
Mr. Donahue w is gtaoted with pro
lougeii applan- when his name w 18
announced W H. Kocap, of Phi s
elpbi i. was clerk of bosl ig, and Job
K-nnedy, oi tlileeltv, uud Harry Mor
ris, of the New York Athl. tie cluti.
Tun members of tne Exc-lsior oln'i
provsd thslr abiLtv to cope with any
il the Vtsjting boxers by Winnin
i'.r.eot tha lour liiits IB WDI0U they
iv, re entered
tbi ortKwa bkit
1 org- Boa "f the Ii gington At ,
l-' c clnb. . f N'-w Y rlc. an I Dm
ONelll, ol K iboroOgb dun, "f P.i I
lei pule, representatives uf Hi 100
p oind cla', w.-re th -first lailers i'u
irodnoed to the andtenoe. It la t
year h-ld the barium Weight chain
pionshlp 'f the A'Uutlo Am, leu;
union and proved the inost aggressive
Ii. liter of the two H also possesses
ii b"t physique. 1 i'A ill w clever
at avoiding punishment and showed
i hut he knew low to handle his hands
with telling effect. He was not able
to cope with Rots, how Var, and 1 01
the ti j:it, though he had the sympathy
ot l audienc-1.
The second event was in the same
cliisai John Callahan, of New V irk
and Fred Lowil, of Pnila lelphia, were
th participants, Cillahsn seamed
outclassed and reciv' I sever punish
ment about the face during ths boil'.
In His lesond round tha interference of
tne referee prevented him trom bi ,g
knocks 1. oat. lathe third round Cal
lahan pr ived himt'lf g m i to the cor
and lufliOted sev re i ., s in on
Lown an l won the tiitit. He wiil m et
Koss tonight
The ISa pound class was next oalls
and Anthony t r irdon of the Excelsior
club of this city and I'eter Haran o
the Lexington club o" New York, came
together lbe men were evenly
ma .-. I but Oordon was the cleanest
uoxar and in tne best condition TiieiO
was hard hittintr nil during the fiht
which beiran to h ive i telling i ff ct ou
Haran towards the close of the secon I
round. Gordon was the coolest and
most sagacious fighter in the thirl and
wou the tignt.
Jemae Judge, of toe Excel -lor club,
slid George E lis, of the N uipan-I
mb, of rreutoti, N. J., entered th
nig as representatives' of the lao-
nound cl Hi. Jndg had th" advaulag
in height and i and Ellis in agil
ity. lny sparr-d cautiously at the
neginning of the first r uud, but Judge
soon uieasur -d tiie eapabilitie.s ol hi
man and had him n i the run befnr
llle round ended. In the middle of
bsseoond Bills was rsoelvlng sTera
UBnlabmant and b-i ng forced to tne
rop-. II' showed ius of Weakness
and K teres Donahue ended the boll
by awarding the contest to Judge
James Dunlin, ol X,inparil Club, oi
TreutO'!, au I William A llr, ,,f Auieri
can Athletic ( lab, rtmsdelpnls,
were cf the 110-pound class The
lirst two round were marked by some
clever but vry oantlotts pirnng, D i
it ri proving liimswir the most Merer
snd Adlor th- more aggressive. At the
end of the tlur I motlier ma i had de
monstrated i is superiority and a two
minute round was ordered by the
retree in which only strilgnt leads
should count. The figui we award ,d
to Adler
Ihomsa MsCann failed to appear to
con I eBI with Joan ligii", or tne b.xcl
sior club, and Patrick It-needy ulsd
failed to nppeir to 'i nt James Mc
Uouldrick, of the Btoalsiora
m'ouwan was a wkkstlkb,
Ths fignt in the middle weigat class,
whion wss i xp cte l to be t' e vent. uf
the evening, w between Patrick Mo-
Oowan, of the Excelsior, and
McOiuley, of th Hoxborough uiub ol
i'hilailelplii i, laid lie-weight ohampion
of Atlantic union in IHi;i McOowati
forced the ligiiuug in a vicious in in
ner iu the two first rounds
and frtuueutly had McUinley lo the
pes, tiioiiL'ti tie dm not -un- I tn n
ItiTtiuK more panishmcut ou
liinn he suttalued himself, i n third
round was a aeries of Olluohea, and be
fore It eniUd the referee gsVe th flnt
to McOiuley for tue real in that i(a
(jown iusited ou wrestling met-1 1 ot
The last bout of the evening wss 1) -tween
Middie-weignt Hie urd Barer.
of lb Lxcelsiur club, and Jo n L'urtin,
oi the Aiiierii'sn slid i C club, ol Puib
adelp in. V-ry OantiotU were the
boxer in the fir I nn I lint f-v blow,'
Were ixvlniiigvd in ti e seo nd tiglit
ing wa BOTS Vigorous, Ml When li e
ruU d eiule I honor were even. Hern
billing mark"! the third ruttnd, Etver-.
irawintt i. is opponent's bloetl, At the
end ol the f-OUUd he Was hy far tile best
mini ami WAS uwinl d the llrfht.
BaAMS just returned from New Vmk
win, h hue lei ol carpets, rugs uud uials.
H04 I'enn aieniii'.
Amir Cn.
I 'ni ts iN'os. 7 null 8 of this liniidome
portfullu are now ready tur ditribuno,i.
Provldsnc Pr-'b,nn Oburoh Rtlasi
$13,000 hj Subscription.
Th annual meeting of tho Provi
dence Presuyterlan oimrcu sougr
gallon WIS held last even in;,
when the trnatee' report was re
ohivi1 nud throe trnituea elected iu
place of Dolptl II. Atnerton, Charle
Von Storcu and II. Ii. McKseliau,
Wnose terms expired.
A ' nut one year ago subicriptinn
Wt made to the union ni or little over
: for the purpose of m-ieting cur-
, in ' xpnes and I loot latiag theiu
debtedrieas inonrrd oy tie ereetlou uf
the eliurcb Iitiildiug. the balauve
of pledge there are two eulncriptioux
amouiiiiug to )3,6U0 which will be paid
the mnmout their payments will com
plete the paying of the entire in lehted
iiees. tnis being the condition upon
sflito i the two aiioacripti "its w re nrst
I Ii
-i c
II , ..
. a i
i ,i
n p
COMCag;! uf
.VI 1 Be
of Km.c
V7idalay Kla-ht-
"Hisiteretta Jone took tue audience
by turin by her singing of a selection
trom .Meyrheer. H m ha a comely
PTessncs, is graeeful and loteltsutuaf,
and uer voice is full of magustlsui,
Her upper tones are and bird
nke, and alio sin,; With poWsr, pgthOI
hi 1 vgpresslogl
siicii w ,s tu aommant m i l" on the
"I! aek Petti" by tue dyraenss Court -r.
s if will b- heard al tu Ac id my 01
MUSIC vVednesday ve,ung 111 on id
net ooovei ts,
Mr. mmmh hmum
Were Nam, d at Last Night's Meeting,
of tha taJjct Council - No Po
lice Apiiuintmjrits Made.
After th j dm Mission of coun
cil last evening tue Select livid a meet
ing, iiui, ouuirary to expectation, ti,e aid not send iu lis uommet-a for
position OU Ilie polio force. Picslleru
Cult lOudeu, however, ii unc i ni coui
muives, wuiuU ng astoilowa:
Andlling'SaO ISISOn, Fellows, Thomas,
BellaW, Duif, oiauiey. Mum, Lie mo us,
Fiuouce VI sguer, vVitlwm' tfeiiows,
La a, r, itocue,
Kai ye WMiam, it -, Mas ley, Eei-
10", '.'la, K.
tiutieiary BsudaraOj, L'le.uous, Wil
li .O.S, Lsuer, ale ,auu
laXe iiUruat . b.e.a, i; . ., Ciark,
W. siptaBb
B'lliii'iie Wtfrpfahi, mauler ou, Wil
linms, C "tue, , uiijo, .
l. ilea LaUau, l.cui .us, jleCa-u, KeileHV,
btreet and Bridge Thomas, BeSS,
K. liow, .ila. .ley, Lau r.
Laws aud O diuauce. R jcaj, K os;,
KelloW, SlCCeau, tV'eelpuilll.
.Sew, is una Dram. Cii-iu ms, Kauder-
sdh, Dnrr, c.ark, Mauley,
Nmiiaiy Uiarg, vlagaer, Thomas, Con
owli, Keiiy.
Ligut and Water Durr, Flan, Kelly,
BtdlWeUk, Fellows.
Fire D -partiiieut Finn, Durr, Wagner,
Be ly S;hwe.,k.
t'ohc Bellow, Clemens, Thomas,
Manly, Hums.
Pi luting Manly, Westpfaht, Thoma,
K.-iiv, Finn,
l'uhhc 11 ildings Fellows, Sanderson,
McCann, burn-.
Railways Williams, Itois, Maniy, Kel
I iw, Ola'K,
Taxes Burns, Thomas, Boss, Claik,
Kules Lauer, demons, MoCaun, Kel-
low, Heche
Lswsiiud Oidiuance Bocha, BoSS, Kel-
low, McOsaa, estor'ahi
Treasurer's Account gcbW nit, Connell,
rellows, agnr, iilmins.
M.inufactuiers K.-iiv, Uurr, Fiun, War
ner. Clark.
Parks Couneil, Roche. ClettsOBS, West
pfahi, Buius.
Pav STnentSo r.nss. It Silly, Saadersou,
L u, r, trorns.
Licenie McCann, Connell, FedoWJ,
!?cuwuu, ttwene,
I tie ix vy ordinance was cilled up
ind pass,! third and Ii ul reidrig
Mr Lsuer iutroiluc d uo ordinano
prooar-: by Mr. Sanderson, apropn -
.hu, gi.wij to I.- used in paiunuti.
11 ill au I urwsvs of the urn main-
cij) il bBilding. Tne ordinene wis re
CelVed, alter Wblcn 0 lOUCil Sllj iuni- 1
No Opposition tn Him t th - Office oi
C ty EnsTin ..'r.
At th joint s.ssion of oonnollt last
night Cii Eu'glni-er Joseph E, Phillip
was re-elected for sOOttler term, not n
disstutiog rots being recorded sgalnst
Din, B.giiteen seleetnisO and nzteen
of tne inert foted for him It
was supp id th it tne n un of ex-City
Eailleer BleWltl w 'ul I be pr eeuled
and in antioipstloo of a cAntvat quite a
lare timiitier of citizens Were pieent
Mr. Biewut's mini" was uot mentioned.
.sir. C litteti lisn elected to pre
side over the j nut si-suon. Mr. Kotrnt
,i in, f common sottnoll in a neat ami
complimentary spseub nominated Mr
Phillips. Mr. Sanderson coned tin
nomination and on the roll Call the
following recorded their votes for Mr.
Select Council ftoSS, Kelly, Williams
cisiku, Rorh, Uiiir, Chittenden, Wagner,
Henley, sudersou, leilows, KelloW,
Clemens,. Burns, Wosipfhal, Counell,
Lsuer 17.
Ciimmon Council Soldi n. llorris. Robu-
thsn Ui ausn, Oudfrsr. Robiuson. Sweenv.
Nali, llnvis. il.alv. linttle. Kortou.
Drier, IIuvvn, Willi .ni 1I.
Oil. I
CONNOlt At her hoim'un North P. ruin
i y avenue st 5 ! ' ia-t evemug, alter
Weeks lllnes-, Mis. .lames Conuor.
1 uncial nti",mre nent later.
Dr Gibber,
"f Wew York city, will lie in hie ScrsntOO
"ffii e, 44i Wyoming Avenue, ivery Mun
'layfr .iut iu the morning until 'jiuthe
Here I am,
Safe and sound,
Plump as a Herry
Pudding, but
Not so round.
Ready for business
at 417
Lackawanna Ave.
Best Sev.3 of Teeth, $3 00
Indndlnn the painless rxtrsctlnj
ot teeth by nn irmiruiy new i "
Ceo. S. C. Snyder, D.D.s.
lhu 10 .iil.No AV..
W n.wic
O ii '.R
w: L .
i. I
& C0'
Are MIRtU away at Ss 1 . SO.
i'ill R
Glove and Corset Store,
123 Wyoming Ave.
We have recsntiy rec Ived a rew
line of Suede and Slasss Kid Glov?s,
w FIT i HUM ON md k-ep tbem lu
A Handsome
Is our gift to our patrons this season. We depart slightly
fnrni our usual custom of presenting gifts; that is, we will
not confine it to clothing at-chisei exclaiivdly, bui to ail
other departineurs. Every purchaser of .Men's, Boys or
Children's Clothing, whose purchase amonnta to Oue Dollar
(81.00) or over, will be given a cluace on tbU Beam if oi
PAKLOK SUITE iuw displaved iu oar immens'; show win
ilow. Pnze to be awarded .lulv 5, 1891
Our elegant display of Wearing
Apporel for all ages is a captivating
one. Our Garments have a Made-to-Order
I .
i appearance about
sessed in readjT-made
137 AND 139
Complete Outfitters,
S. L. G
$3.00 SHOES
Ectter Than Most
$4.00 Shoos
I'o Seams of Tarts to Kurt Your Feet.
All Itylesnnd Widtlu In Congress or Lsce.
Ths Best Shoe on Earth for ths Money
Try n Pair and you will wear tocibor.
Our $2 go Shoes are as good
2,500 FR
We Will Present
To each of our customers who purchase goocU to the
amount of ona dollar and ever an envelope containing
a c:ird. On the card is printed tha name of an article
which will be given to the customer FREE
Gifts to Deselected by the cu3tonnr3 from our
regular stock. Thss Frea Gifts run in value from $1
to $10, amounting in all to $2,500, and incluls Ladies'
Cloaks, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Trimmed Hat3, Flowers,
Mackintoshes, Ladies' Capes, Men's Hats, Boys' Eats
and Capes, Neckwear, Sterling Silver Scarf and Stick
Pins, etc., etc.
No Blanks Everyone Gets
Here We
Are Again
VT L OFFiR rfiiS WE K:
Vcivel I up -, 9; worth 15.
MoiieSilk Capes, fll; worth 813
line Clotlt Cape, in all colors,
$2.85; worth H.
.Iiukcls, trlmmod with Moire Silk,
in nil celofg, tS.70; worth $9,
Fine Black Chfivlot, 4,50; worth $6,
Tailor-made Suits
Fine Serge, in b'ue ami
87.50; worth 9.50.
Fine Cheviot, in blue and
8.25; worth 87.
EVLRY LA0Y pttrdiasing a Trimmid
Hal (his week will b. presentid with a
138 Wyomin j Ava.
theiu, unusually pos-
J r
Lactiftanna ard
a anybsdy's S3 00 Shoes.