The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 09, 1894, Image 3

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Ml Tilings Musical
o ill Kit MAKES
S' tli sh Piiiou from Hi- World".
Fair in our win low.
A Foe (o Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Daniel Beotten's Polka Dot
20c. lb. Wholesale,
office mm:
(TO ILK A. 31
FT. fonwav, of Now York, wns in Scrnn
ton yesterday.
H. W. Scblichter, of tho Philadelphia
Item r in the ( ity.
Rev. P. W. .Jones, of Philadelphia, was
in thin city yesterday.
Mii Anna K. Sanderson, of Green
Riflce. is visiting in New fork City,
Mifw Emalino Killiim, of (.'iipouso ave
nue, is vis. ting at Paupaok, Pike county.
Ex-Judne Jeesup and family, of Green
Ridy, will remove to their aumnmr resi
dence at Montrose b ml May L
R. P. fiodwelL o; Wnrrentown, N. c
and A. J. O'Neii, of Covington, Kv., are
two southerners stopping at tho Valley
Alfred N. Chandler, W. T. Tiers and A.
8. Chandler, of Philadelphia, Dr. .T. P.
Eldridge ami B. E. Thatcher, of West
Cheater, capitalists interested in electric)
projects, were in this city Saturday.
John E. Roche will ioave for Rini;ham
tou this niorniiin where he will attend a
meetinK of th' si'.e rouimiftoe and officers
of the Commercial Traveler1! Home asso
ciation which will tomorrow receive from
the city authorities of Hinehamton the
100 acres of land as a aito for the proposed
home for indigent commercial travelers.
"Whore do tho good clothes come from?-'
The colored nightingale, Miss Sissie
retta .lone, otherwise known as the
"Black Palti," will be heard in one of
ber concerts at the Academy of Music
Wednesday night. Tne New York
World says of her: ' She sings like
Patti without the slightest visible ef
fort; her voice is well cultivated, her
high notes eiinble her to effectually
render the most difficult compositions,
and her low tone is peculiarly deep, in
tense and masculine. "
Manage Davis, of Now Wonderland
theat r, has gone to a large expense to
provide a fine attraction this week.
Uncle Tom's Cabin will be presented
by Andrew McPhea's great company
numbering thirty artiste and a quar
tette. This aggregation is composed
of the fluent talent und comes with the
host of recommendations. A grand
street parade will be given daily with
a full military band, beaded by the
onlyladydrum major in thpworld. Tnis
will attract mnch attention. The first
perform anct at the ; muter will be
given this evening-.
"Where do the good clothes conio from?"
Tor a Tteorg-anlsatlon in Bcranton cf tha
Honeidtl Iron Works.
Subscription lists have been started
for a oapituliz tion of the stuck of the
Honesdaln Iron works, which are to be
reorganized under the state laws and
located in this city ou the South Side.
Any number of shares at the par value
of $100 can be bought.
The subscription is conditional upon
tbesntnof f 10.000 being raised. The
first assessment will be due when the
hold i s of a majority of the stock shsll
so decide, and the balnuee at the call
of the board of dirautors,
Supscriptions may be made to
Thomas J. Moore of the Sooth Side, or
Secretary D. B. Atherton of tb board
of trade.
"Where do the good clothes come fromf'
SNOW White
Congregation of St. John's Garnun Catholic
Church Holds Indignation Meeting.
A Demand Is Made on the Court to
Revoke the Deckiinick License
All Christian Congregations Asked
to Assist James Moran In ine Toils
Again Bauquet of Literary r.nd De
bating Society Tonight.
Ths Wo-t Bide office of th' Borabton
lnmuira t located at 1RW Jackson itreet,
where snbscripl lone, sdrortlsouisnta and
comtnnuicatious will receive prompt at
tention. An Indignation meetisjj wh hM In
the basement of Sv JOIin'i Grrnnn
Catholic clinic i i isf night, at which
almost every male nembor o( tii par
ish was present, Tlieol-jeot of 'he as
semblage w is to uirltate tse r 'vokihg of
the iic-ine granted to William Djjkll
nluk for the bnildlng at the earner of
L"r. rue street and 8 mth M tin avenn ,
nsjiit i pposlte th ehnrcb. sii tneut.
tug we addressed by ftv P. C Ulirist,
pastor of St, M try 's Q -rtusn Catholia
anarch on the Bonth. Side, Father
Pricker, pastor ot St John's als.. spoke;
hut the c iso w, s nov-red entirely by
Father Christ, Be Isntiuhed out in n
vehement speech on the action
of the jnlgee of Laokawnuua
oonnty In granting the lioeuav, wh in
reasons were presintetl to tii oontrnry,
The meeting adopted the following
Whereas, The constitution and laws of
Pennsylvania reognise the right of the
people to assemble d worship God In no.
cjwuance with the dictattl of tiieir bivu
consciences, and
Whereas, The policy o' the law audc mrts
has been to refuse all application for
liquor license at houses so near places of
worship tb it they inijlit interfere with
divine services when mo members of the
church remonstrate against suuh licenses
being grantee, ami
Whereas, The members of the St. John's
(German) Eioinaa Catholic church complied
wiih the law in remonstrating against the
issuance of s license for the sale of liquors
to Wiilimu Deckiinick at a place within
izty-elght feet of the churou with notuing
Intervening but an open street, aud
also within full view and speaking dis
tance of the Bistein' COUVOttt ami school:
Whereat, Tho fact that boisterous con
versations, possibly blasphemous lauguage
in tho Deckiinick saloon must be heard
within the church, aud would necessarily
interrupt relij;i"Us worship and inortity
ami shock the congregation, was made
known to the court; and
Whereas, It was also shown to the
court ibat the proposed saloon was located
So near the convent and school building
that any nueoemly conduct, misbehavior
01 indecent language by intoxicated men
in ami near t!ie saloon coukl be heard in
the convent nnd saloon, and
Wlieress, Those pmb.ible dangers and
evils to the congregation, sisters and
school children were fully made known to
the judges in open court on the hearing of
the Detkilnick licnse application, and
Whereas, The public necessity for a
hotel or saloon nt the Deukiluick place,
which the law contemplates before Krant
ingn license was not shown to exist, and
as a iact does not exisi, as is well known
to the judges and the citizens of the
neighborhood, and
Whereas, Notwitbstrnding thopremisss,
the license court grunted a liquor license
at the Deckiinick plate: therefor,, be it
Resolved. That we, the members of St.
John's church in meeting assembled, as
Christians aud American citizens, do sol
emnly nnd iudiauautiy protest against the
action of the court in granting said license,
and m the name of Christianity, and jus
tice uud common decency, and in the iu
tcrest of law and morality, wo cull upon
all Christians and fairiuinded citizens of
Bcranton to uuitu With us in demanding
that the court revoke the Deckiinick
Kesoived, That all religious denomina
tions should have equal consideration and
treatment under the .aw and by tho courts,
and tne license court in heeding tho re-
ID' nstra.-ice or aiiotticr congregation and
disregarding ours are gniitv of nn unjust
discrimination not warrautd by the law
or the facia, and can only tend to bring
discredit on the judiciary and destroy all
Confidence in respect for the courts of law.
Resolved, J. hat all christian congrega
tions hontu ira.eriiize una nssist ouo an
other in s"curiug the rights aud protection
which th' Inws att .nl Hnd conteiT"'Htn,
and that our appeal in thu respect Is? made
known to all who may he willing to aid
us, it is ordered that copies ot these leso
Unions be sent to the several newspapers
ot the county tor puniicstmn.
Louis f-oiuiKxo,
BraAOTAN Klein,
John Kuhn,
Phtkr LtanutBORSxR,
Committee on Resolutions
The TTtwa Condnad.
.Jiimea Moran, an old offender, was
arrested ou Satnrday afternoon on
JNortli Alain avenue, mocm was in a
heastly state of intoxication, and was
lnttrfering with the men who were at
work raining the sidewalk in front of
th Scaulon property. When the men
would place a bar nndsr the stone with
the intention of raising it, Moran would
put his wnole weight on it in his en
deavots to keep it down. Officer Saul
appeared npon the scene nnd he was
removed to the station house,
The members of the Hyde Pari; Lit
eiary and Debating society will ban
b iet this evening in Enirchiid's hotel.
a preliminary meeting win be held in
their rooms and the society will r"p,.ir
promptly at Soelock to the hotel
John K El wards will be toasirnnster
K"ponses to the toaats will be made
by the msmbors and an enjoyable time
is expected,
Harry H irrisof Lsfavette elreet. bus
received from New York two hand
some Beagle hounds four months old.
Miss Grnce Evans, of North Hyde
Park avenue, bus returned from a trip
to Kingston.
Joseph Hughes, proprietor of Fair
etiilds hotel, was in Pittstou yester
Mies .losie Lirsbon, of Ki igston,
sp?nt the Sabbath with friends on this
id yesterday.
The Sunday observance of the clo'
W FOLK f tli. COUPONS, prr-
g itntitd iii Thm Trlbauo uiDotr, a or-
j iii r Putin nvuu snd Bpruoo itriiet, m
i tntltlit tw hold!1 to nil Itin tu iv-
wm ilff f nf tho UiiptiraliPlf' I uffejM S
gM for dtttrlbnllng popiUetf -,
mi iinioiijt: tint ttin&nn. i lie bflfa m nntd JS
by Tho Ti ihiiiiM niaiuiK -tn n t urt
s B
g 15CICNlKniHl Knur Coupon f((r JJ
S mi)' viilu mi la tll6 Co I ii tt tin i mi
JJ riv. Ovri- 100 titles to llct from.
tm mi
S : mid Four (onpona fori) 10
S vitiiin nut of ploksVUM Oompift &
um nor it H. tm
BO CFNTSmiil Vnv.r CottpOt)! for
any book in Hit; K bff by ritf.
35 CKNTS Four Coupon fr
gr Riiy book In the OxUinl Q
0 WE
ingof saloons and the cigar eases of
drug stores wis well kept yesterJav.
Mrs. Maud Snyder, of Elmhurat, is
a guast of Mrs. Lily Joseph, of South
Hyde Park avenue.
Mr. and Mr. W. G. Dani"l,of South
Main avenue, spent the SaDbsth in
Miss Minnie Ilines, of Fairview
avetlUt, Was in M. oste on Saturday.
Enoch Hard, of Now Yrk, sity has
returntd homo afler a visit with Weei
Side friends.
P 11. Warrou will brnk grounds
this week tor a new home ou Narth
Lincoln vcuu).
Fred Warn ke has occupied his new
houl on North Main avenue, The
pluuti is litte l in eX'iellent style and Is
me of the lluest on t o Wst Side.
Misses Cora and Mamie Svans, of
Qarbondule, vlsltod frlondl ou thissid
yesterd y.
Cards are out announcin g th inxr
riaen pf Julia M ay Saiv-ly, of
North Hvde Park ave:ine, toC.H vVal
laos 'at Wcdiiesdav, Anil 13, at high
noon, at tne Simpson Metiioust BplaCl -
iiai enuroh.
Judge Edwards will conduct the
GainbrO-AlOeriOMU eisteddfod ( Pitts
ton on Deitorstlon D iy,
It'V. 1 VY. Sitelluiiger will delivira
steieaptlooti looiure In the Fust Walsh
Congregati l obnrch tins evening
Under l no a aspic a of the Junior 0, i
"Wbero do tho good clothes come from?'
Conrcp;ation.ilisls cf Providence
Op'n Their Now Hotiie of Wor
thlp Subscriptions Pteilged.
Tho Puritan Welsh Congregational
ohnrch, ttVi D. A. Evans, pastor, or-
an'B'd January ol, njii was ded lotted
yesterday. Tne new edlnce is located
ii u-st Markot stre"t, Provtdenot,
nearly at the Ion of the hill where its.
view for miles in uny direction is im
posing aud nnobstruoted.
1 he structure is built of wool upon
lot porcuased from the late (t. W.
Miller. Two entrances urn at the Bontll
End of tho building and one at t le
north. The auditorium is lighted by
nine ground glass, colored-bordered
windows and a large window of colored
lass rconpviug the greater portion of
the North Ead.
Tho pews are arranged in n Sdtni-cirele,
Xtendlng Lugthwise of the building.
Tne pulpit, chancel rail, pows and
other luruitnrc are of heavy polished
oak and very handsome.
Contractor C L. Piell, of Jermyn,
eoustructed the building mi I t the
supervision of V. N, Evans, H. W.
Powell, Armtt lliomaB, It. U Lloyd
and John II Pluilip', who comprised
the building committee.
The total cost of the. church, includ
ing tne lot, was ;:, ugr.inst winch
sum (3,035 has been paid or subscribe J;
of the balance, v'J50 were pledged or
paid at yesterday's afternoon services
and a further sum during theeveuiug
Services of praise and dedication
were held morning, atteruoou nnd
evening, ahd wers participated in by
a number of local pastors and some
from neighboring towns.
At 2 o clock this afternoon there will
be a ministerial meeting nf the congre
gational pastors of Wyoming and
Lackawanna valleys. A paper, en
ll'lsd "Tne Building of Churches as an
Element of Civilization in Society,"
will be read by Rev. T. Mackay o!
Plymouth, aud Hsv. L. Thorn is Taylor
will deliver a aermon on ''.Systemtic
(Jiving." A concert for the beinilit of
the Sunday School will be held in the
ihe formal dedication occurred yes
terday morning when an invocation
was made by the pastor, and T. R.
Walkius, chairman of the board of
trustees, received the church keys and
financial statements from Arum
Thomas, chairman of the building
committee. A sermon was presched
bv Rev. D. L. Davi, of Edwardtdalf,
and the dedication prayer off-red by
R'-v. T. W. Jones, D. D. Short ad
ilr sses were unrte during the afternoon
exercises by Rev M. D Kinter, ltav.
W. G. Wiitkins, Rev. W. F. Davis,
Rav R S. Jones. D. D., Rsv. Ut. E
Guild and Riv. M. D. Fuller. Ser
mons were delivered at the evening
service ny Kv. r. J. Morris and Ksv.
T. W. Jones, D. D.
The vocal features of the exireinos
were c inducted by V. D. D.vies. The
niini'ticira rendered bv M;-. D.tvies and
choir were of special exeelleace.
"Where do the good clothes come from?
Ho. 25 School Building- Lica'.ed Within
the AfftOtsd Dlstr.ct.
Ths abandoned working of the Leg
gett's Creek shaft, Providence, war
in pvrtrnbed eunditlon Friday nig'at.
Huge fissures and cracks Showed them
selves in the surface next inorniug iu a
manner indicative of Imminent danger.
A large area was affected and the peo
ple in the district were thorouguly
School building, No. 23 is located on
the affected ground and several cracks
are visible within the school yard. The
structure was erecte 1 at a cost to the
taxpayers of $10,000 nnd limy bnve to
b.j abandoned;
The east wing (tillered most, No
school will b held iu the building
for the present
Cracks are visible In the yards of
Edward Watkin, 21 WillUui strest
and William Morgm, 200 William
street, and at various "tiir points.
The Home of the Good Shepherd In
close proximity to the dlsturbj.1 sso
lion but thus fur has not been threat
ened with danger.
The parts settling are portion of
the old Leggett'i Crek workings of
the Delaware Hudson Canal company.
The worked out Vein was located some
300 feet below the surface nnd liono
it does not seem possible that an extsn
sive cave In can result. Nevertheless
a good deal of anxiety is felt by prop
erty owners whoso puMessioni ara In
catcd Witllin the nlfectwd district. It
is not thought, however, that tho set
tlement will prove destination to any
great extent.
"Where do tho good clothes) come from5',
Colonel Pope IV ay M-' Hoard of Trade.
Secretary D. H. Atherlnn, of the board
of trade, has Invited Colonel Albert A.
Pope, of Boston, to be present at the
meeting id the hoard April 10 and inskc
so address on the subject of good roads,
Colonel Pope il probably best kuowu as
the head ol the firm which manufactures
a high grade bicycle, but he is also prob
ably the most in dent advocate uml best
Informed Individual of the time on the un
proved to dwav que tian. In caseC'olou
Pope i. unaolo to lie lu lu Una month ho
will ho invited lo come for the may meet
Music Eox-je lixclunlvsly.
Hestrnsiie. Piny any desired number of
tuin s. QaUtSCht e BOOS,, Uiaaufaelui ers,
low i Chestnut street, Philadelphia Won.
dorful on-hestnal organs, only W and $10.
Pp'-cialty: Old mnMo boxes i arfn!ly re
palrvdand improved vvlth new li' ies. ee
"Where do thr ood clothes come fronir '
John C. Moran PetitioJ
Him Constable 01
Because Ho Did Not Q
Ins to Law- Buildin
tine In Banquet Toni
tunc Engine Company
Thomas LanCAIl Per
bh'orter Paragraph! of Ne
John C. Moran, tne constabhr
tne TwU'tii ward, came vry imal
uomtutf a statesman out of a job.
did not uuallfv according to law
nia politicsl enemies discovered
fact. The terras of effloa ol chr
stables of the 'Twelfth and Tsfuntietu
warns ran out a year ago. and the in
cumbents were liotn re-eleotadt bu:
did not qualify tneoinuoh a that tltsy
were not aworn In by oonrt, Mie!:,ud
Tbnrutoh petitions l oonrt for the ap
pointment as constable iu the Tweu-
lletll ward 111 tile place of Michael
Murray, and ilil request wae granted,
Tois began on iuveailgatlon as to the
likelihood of not displuolng "tnur oon-
HUhles wii" felt secure. Alouu hearii
of the movement ami preseuted u peti
tion io court asking tho sppoiucmsnt
to the position. Tne matter is now
Bonding- Bo Vary Ac ivs.
The building seavon promises to be
nUSnally active on the S iuth Si lo.
Scarcely h street is free from h-aps ol
liniil er and Iciililiiig iiuturial. At the
riier of Liiook street nnd l'lllston
avenue r. iwar l iiurltin iiitoii'ta io
I und a very largo business bloc!;. Mrs.
Kuhinsou has accented the plans eu.i
ip oifluatiuus for her new building and
wori: will begin today, i nese are two
of thu mosi Important nuprovemeots.
' il Mention.
Rev. N. J MoManuS, of the North
End, visited R tv. Fatiier M illiy yes
terday. W. H. Mali, Honeid&la oorrespeod
ntof the Truth, visited his parents
diss Kstie Uonahin, of btone
avunue, is visiting her eouein, .Miss
Mamio Coyne, of Minooka.
Ehirtsr Parapraphj.
The funeral of Thomas Lungan of
Minooka was held yesterday afternoon.
1 ne St. Joseph e Temperance society
aud Greenwood Keg Fund, to which
he belonged, attended the fuuoral.
Psiuters are at work on the iuterior
of St. Joan's church, aud it will be an
artistic piece of work when finished.
Select Councilman UmueJI has a
force of men at work repairing the
road on Cedar avenue near tb old No.
eehool home.
Branch No. 179, Young Men's in
stitute, will hold a busines meeting to
Branch S5 of the Catholic Mutual
Benefit association will hold a meeting
of importance tomorrow night In Pher-
mscy hall.
The banquet of Neptune Engine com
pany this evening promises to bs a
pleasant affair. A committee consist
ing nf Jacob Geiger, jr., Charles Hues
er, Peter Robbing, jr., Max Rosar and
H I ward J. Robinson nae labored hard
to make a succesa of it Auelaborat
menu will be eprva i, and Hfter the
feast dancing will be indulged in
"Where do the good clothes come from?''
Scranton's Business Interents.
Thk TnimiNE will soon publish n care
fully compiled and olassihed list of the
lending wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional Interest of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will bo bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
iocs, business blocks, streets, etc., togethe
with portraits of lending citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
resentation of Scrautou's ninny indiis
tries. It will beau invaluable exposition
of our business r s ittrces, Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract.
new corners and be nn unequalled
advertisement or the city, lhe circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well ns the cil v
stlarge. Representatives of The TniniMtt
will call upon TiiosK. WBOSI namks
are mesirko in this editiou aud explain
lis nature more fully.
m' ...9 desiring views of their residences
in tnis edition will please 1 avo notice at
the office.
'Whore do the good clothes come from!
, ae i
Besvdleaten ft Worrz'a and Ballnntine'a
Aire are the best. K.J. Walsh, agent, M
Lackawanna . valine.
CALLENDEB At her home. UU Dickson
avenue, Scranton. April s, of brain lever,
Miss t orn L. Callander, aged It years,
111 months and 1(1 days. Funeral at
house, Wednesday nt 10 n. m. Interment
nt Scott Valley cemetery.
POWELL At the residence of his son,
Dan Powell on Blakely street, Dun
more, on April K. John Powell, nge Nt!
yeaiv. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. in.,
fiom Dnnmore IL B. church.
THO iAS-At residence, Ifl30 Wnvil i
avenue, Berantnu, on April fl, .John H,
Thomns, aged " years, 1 month, d .
Funeral Monday afternoon nt 1.80. Ill -
torment in Washburn street cemetery,
Kill Two Birds.
with One Stone
II you want to combine comfort with
elo.-nee. holt at SOU AN K S SI'HlNd
KTC'K of HUOKS. There's the KM
PRKSS,' for Instance. What's neater
hi russet nr hlaek? The lady t tint
wears it looks like a Isdy. And looking
Hint WSVi tho ehauees are she 11 act
like one tlood elotlns, nnd ffiod shoes
make good deeds easy and natural.
The Dade Is Dead
Vonnir men have eeasnd to be howling
swells. They can't afford It those
poor times That's partly why ho
many quietly dressed young men
about town buy their Boring Rootwosr
nt Kehank'S, They know he (teals only
in the very latest and b 'st. They know
his stock Is largo, hut never loud. And
they know his HB10E8 auk down
This Means Yon
By the wny, wbv n 't haik at Schiink
Ul' m sicssv lli, re's no
ChsSjgH for leoklinr. When you buy
I04 pay. The changes are you 11 buy.
Arcartfi shoe Store.
spats . jffjotijMMiffl
fa iiW
1 1111 IM iiiili My Mtf
Go where they
the best selection.
: i;tc
I'll Jjl J.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
DO yon hunt, fish, ride a wheel, or
Intend to' Do von want fin Pocket
Cutlery, a Razor, or any of the nomr-
nm Articles nrmrtutiiAn nnd annrflnr
men usej If so, on and after APRIL
Will be prepared to furnish somo at
reasonable prices at his store,
435 Spruce Street
Remember, everything new; 'stock
just bought: no old stock to dispose of.
('all and exunine and you will save
time and money.
We have a largd assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or 413 LACK A. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until mid-
Ail Explanation
Of the wonderful popnlarlty of our uocii-
UHTKK IIIOYVfiE Isn't bald lo Bud, ( nil
and see It and It will explain Itself, Oar
oilier I IneS are qually as popular la their
Florey & Holt
A liiiiiTrfl
Front at
A ti-'Ut littif
A beautiful Black cMPFoisi il Cape. witT
e a e
And dozens of other styles
"Where do the
good clothes
come from?"
sSc Co.
Closk Makers and Furriers.
Three of Our
Good Things
AT $5.00
The New English Jacket, Full
Sleeve. Larue Hcvrrcs, Full Uiick.
New Length.
AT $7.50
Tan, Navy, Segar Brown, Mixed
Brown and (!rc. A very slylisli
Jacket. l it and shape perfect.
AT $10.00
We will give you a choice of four
Btylea Of Jackets, Clay, Twill or
Covet Cloth. For dress or street
wear there are none better.
Vasal MM XvLJLN Z3
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Are.
from . $1.98 to $25.00
j Cloak Makers and Furriers,
j Court House Square.
The Great Marvel of Dental cieucif
A recent discovery and tho sol
property of
Henwood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
After lutvlni; eleven letlr extracted at
one sitting try the painless luothoil, 1 pro-
iiounee it eutlrelj setlsfaatory in every
uurilcutar. J. U. M.A.HONS.