The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 09, 1894, Image 1

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Reports of the Wyoming
'.. i, c..,.. H
Will appreciate the graphic
account we shall have of
this wink's dedicatory ser
vices. . Ulliciillti ''ill i"" o'uii'i.
as usual, in I llh 1Mb
era re
115 Hi
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If E
-U lU lyi Jy) 1
Oar Boys Closely Crowd the Bight RVg:Mt
lor First Bonort
The Report of Inspector General Mc
Kibbin Shows That Many Com
panies All Below the Standard
A Fine Showing Made by A and D
The Scranton Regiment Excelled
Only by the Eigth Ninth Regiment
Out of Sight; In Other Words Not
In It.
i Harkibbdro, P
April B.
THE report of uspsotor Q uei
MeKibbin witl u embraced
the forthcoming report ot t
Nations ; url for 189& 1
among otiiT tiling
sprini; inspections It th?
COtOP lilies
wue found below
recommended for
adds that no
of this sort
the standard an I
reinstatement. He
will b uiil
hereafter and thai m:h tompsoies
Will be rO0mmended for distun I
mnt. D inng the Inspection at the
rvclmentei encampment h y. arras
and equipments gTe evidence of un
uaaslly cartful atteution, th men ttitk
neat and clean ani marlc-"l improve
ment iu discipline waa manifest. He
rfrs to tha lnfflc!oaoy of battalion
commanders in a nuuitir of esse and
says Ibat owia; to this inefficiency
soine regiments are not marked as huh
in battalion drill as the knowledge of
th' ir ofBceri and men would warrant
Be adds: ''It it to be hoped that in
the fatnre company offleeri will re.s
to elect field officers whoie lnoomps
tenet brings low ratingi to gooi com
j)Ht;i. Regimental commanders
ibonld rrquire their battalion eotu
manden ti. conduct school., for uffi:.r.
the attendance at which should be ob
ligatory, and their captains to conduct
schools for non-iommisiiooed ofiLers."
The report stat-s that K ntmel dnty
ie not receiving tba attention wbieb
importance warrants in wm organi
sational especially in the Second bri
gade. Hi' reeoiainends that tba book
end pap-rs used in au ard duty in the
United States army ne procured and
used. He alto rrcomra.nd that a
board of officers bo cenvenel to eon
a'.dir the int j-'ct of now knapsicit. He
is tarthur of the opinion ibat there
ahould be a mere nniform aytem of
bookkeaping, especially in fi limeial
accoanta. and that an auditor out at to
be miployed. Ganeral McKibbin
thinks the duties and powers of iajors
ei.mmanding battalioni shnnld ha alt
tied in onlf-ra. It is recommended that
there le an Impaction of th nava!
battalion cn abort as wll aa on board
The inspector trural Indicate! that
the rinre of efficiency of tne entire
dielaian is 81 01 The Third brigada
!'! of witn 8o.70; First l-riiwd-,
7U.!)7. and Secon 1 brigade, 77 o0. In
the Cnvalry branch the jfovernor'a
troop. atands at tha heail witboBSO;
8hi-rn;an troop, S8 05. and First troop.
8191 In ibe artillery battery A bat
BO W, B.ttery B. 7t?.04, and Battery C.
77 .81 The reiiiiuctts in their order
Bt 'd na folinws :
Eiahtb n tfiiiK'nt, 90 SO; Thirtent
92 31; Fir.. 8 10; Twelfth, 8."i It;
Frurih, i-2.80; Uecond, 81.98; Fifteenth,
WAS; iniih, 78.80; blat. Feneihlea,
78.88; Eitrhteenth rfrlion;. 7" 2o; Six
teenth. 75 08; Fifth, 71.89; Sixth, 71 57;
Ninth, 74.04; Fourteenth, 80.54; and
Third, 40.
The le.iimr company is Company D,
Eighth regimen t (City Graya, f Har
ribnr:i with 97 3. The second la Com
pany A, Thirteenth reiiiment. whoee
ratit.K ia 9C 8; third. Company D
Thirl..., '. .i . (I-! CI
Washma'ton Auiliorl ie. Have No Bo
Irgna for Cox.y'. F I lower.
Wabiunoton, April 8 The bnr
lesque features of the (' x-y tramp
march on Waahington disappear, as
more or less trustworthy accounts
reach the Capitol that bodies of ni'n,
called into existence by the Coxey
manifesto and tha publicity given it,
sr actually likely to arrive here within
the next few days.
Some fifteen years ago a demonstra
tion of a similar kind was nttemptaa'
by an Illinois labor agitator or ''walk
ing delegate." General John A Lojan
snettettel, and General Banm, then
commissioner of internal revenue, car
ried ont. a plan which at that time re
lieved anxiety as to what waa credibly
reported io tie a plan in contemplation
of making a sadden descent upon the
open vaults of tiie treasury during buii
n sehoura, overpowering the uuard,
and ' looting" the contents.
All the numerous old army m-n in
the various departments were formed
into companies with designated places
of assembly. Army revolvers were
served to them, aud a ruuulier of Win
chester rifles were kept in readineis lor
use In imergoncy, By on or two triM
alarms it wai demonstrated that 300
veterans fully arinel COOld be concen
trated at any given point in the treai
nry bnilding at a few minntes' notice.
A revival of this plan may be suggested
if the prospect of dittnrbance becomes
greater than now te.ins apparent,
Inhuman Outrnfr., Perrj.trst.d Up-n
Henry Winn.ll, of Sharon.
Sharon, Pa., April 8 At 1 o'clock
yesUrday morning masked burglars
forced an entrance to the home of
Henry Winnell, who resides alone one
mile south of this city. After knnek
ing Winnell snseless, the robbers ran-
saaked the honse. They then siftura
ted Ins room and clothing with oil and
set fire to it.
The victims legs and body wore lit
erally roasted. He Is in an extremely
precanont condition. The ontrnge
was not discovered until 10 o clock yes
terday morning. Nellie Morris, bis
housekeeper, Nellie Hudipittt an l
Charles Arolimnti wero arrested last
evening obarged with Incendiarism
ami attempted murder,
On Friday svenlni when leaving the
bonee, Nilli. Morris warned Winnell
that an attempt would be madi on his
life unrlnii the night, winnell ia -to
rars of aire.
fi'.Hi SfOIIY NfllLID.
R p vto of KtaiViitou tn Wllk Bait.
Or.'tlV ' i .:.!!. I
WIUCR8.BARBI, Ph.. April 8 The
reporia sent OOt that there are 80.000
miners on the Verge of starvation iu
this valley are greatly exaggerated.
The mines ar(. working very irregular,
however, and many men with lura
familial in the mining towns and vil
l i-'es are not mukini: more than 12 to
$1 a month.
i'he coal companies are giving them
rent fre at prvaent an I while th.
welih, Irish and American mluera and
laboring uin are not natural beggari
.hre nay bo iome lufitering but none
of tiiiiu are starving, they manage to
get along by denying th jmt.?lvs all
but the Bare neceeearies ol K(e.
q many or mdlt of the eases where
my appeal Is m i there ia craving for
liqnor, wagea are thai peut, and here
only tht suffering may be gn at.
American Consul at Bradford, Eng
land, Reports That There is De
mand for United States Wool.
Washington, April S The Amer
ican Consul at Bradford. England, re
ports to the department of atate that
an endless amount of gostip has been
caused thro during toe list six weeks
by the offering for sale of lirg.' quanti
ties of American wool. Several iota of
Ohio wool, aggregating 50.000 pounds,
"ere reported among the purchases
On Bradford firm whic'.i bongltt o.OJO
pound, paying for the various grades
ircoi 224 to 2il cuts per pound, said the
wool ga7- perfect satisfaction, so much
so, In fact, that they were boi ling it
for higher prices.
The purchaser explained to the con
sul that the Amcfioan ikin wools were
espk.ially adapted for boiiery yarns
and were to the thirst English
crosthead", tne only thing that hax
kept their price down being in hi
i piuion the fact tiiat American man
fictnrere have not as fully master-d
the manipulation of tht skin or pulled
wcois which are taken from the sheep
after death. Ai a general thing thf
prices of American wools of all grades
are now practically the same as of the
similar Enghh gradj.
The manufacturers in Bradford as:
sort that the momsnt the tariff bill b -comes
a law the pricea of Am.rican
wool will revive and several o( them
are so stronir in this belief that they
nave made laru'e Investments In wooi
now held in Philadelphia and Boston.
They iusiit that tne new impetus
given to manufactures bv free raw
material will cause larger qiuntitieaof
the United States grown article to be
mix-Ml witii Sue foreign wools and that
the demand for American wools for
Hosiery purposes will immediately set
m on the Engliah market.
It is already propose I by deal
ers in England t eXC .anira the grades
of wool more s litable for dress go la
'.nd clothes for tha Ain-trican wool
ad ipted for hosiery and nti er purposes,
Tny argne ta;a will at o:uu bring
abottt renewed activity in the trade
aud raise prtoea
Th.'Oref.t'St O )M Strike of Ihs A- t-
CojXiRADO SPRIKOgi C.d., April 8
The greatest gold strike of the year at
Cripple Cre,k is reported in t!ie Cale
do nia. The vein is eight feet wide.
The lowest assay shows $9 to the ton.
A half ton assayed a: $1 a I to the ton.
S viral feet will run naif th it amount.
Qiirtz s'realcs tl.ree to fonr inches
wide give us high as $t,0 10 to $1,000
Tne mine has been opened lor two
years, tint attention was called away
from it, and in richness was not
dr ained of
bl;ze at coney island.
Kumorous Jolnta Bcc nn. Faod for the
Fire Flond.
Const Island, L 1., Anrii 8 Fire
which atarttd last nignt in Lewis' ho-
id destroyed that bnilding, Stratton
& Hendereon'a pavilion, Perry's con
cert hail, it. A Sutherland s hotel,
Tim Olney's ras'.aurant, and two or
three iiuil lings iu that poriioi of tho
island known as "The Bowery."
The loss is estimated at irom fia.OOO
to :10,000.
John Andres, of Tainairin, caueht tront
out of season aud is in jml as the penalty.
For catching a ariuirrel in-ar Monoracy,
Warron E. Ivoch was Ilne.l iu 20 by a Uurku
justice or ins peace.
Five furnaces am rnnnina at, the Middle-
town 'Julio and Iron Works. Ilariiahuig.
About TOO men are now given employment.
l.ornanl .1. Kiiobnncii. i prominent
rlnthier of Ashland, hna disappearud, and
his friends have been unablii to dud any
truce Ol ulin.
Willmui V, N.vover. tax collector, of
Blcbroond township, Berk's county, ha.
disappeared, and His said is abort several
huiiun d ilulliiiri in in i iiccounis.
Chnrles A Smith, the roUDB enlisted sol
diei who was brought, from the United
states recruiting ollu o in 1'iul nlclphia on
w emu nnay ro rniiMtown to answer
charge of breach ot iriiinise preferred by
J.iisa Laura A. Eldell, lias settled the affair
by marrying the prosecutrix
Tha low prices to whi. h eirirs have drop
ped remind farmers in me BcnavjkUl vnl
ley of the timiH liefore the war. In some
Sections of Iterk.s county hucksters are
Offering eggs at sight cents a di Zen. This,
it is believed, iH the lowest price they have
ai tainvd for nearly UUTty-UVe years
Jclin Walker observed his Ofith birthday
anniversary I riday, mid is the oldest citl
.en of Duylestown, going there before it
became the county scat In lSla. lie was
tho inventor of the process of burning
lime with coal, but never tonkout letters
wnsboru in Solobin ry township April (1
John M. Orahnm, of Allechony, whose
mind has been itiihalanc.i-d huk-o the death
ol u favoratu daughter a year ago, wen
dered from Ins home yesicrdav. He was
found by his sous at the I'niondale Cenio
tcry, where he wnsdi jiuir at his dauiBter
crave, (indium was taken home, where
pbysidauH prououueed him insanu.
Preparations Tor a Week of Talking in
Halli of Congrats.
He Will Talk Two Days Wlictiier Any
One Listens or Not Mr. Hill's
Verbal Opinions Upon the Tariff
Bill and Income Tax are Awaited
With Interest Mrs Call Will Fipht
for the Florida Patronage Persim
mons Tha Democrats are to Be
Smoked Out by Mr. Harris.
W.vliJNriTiN, I), ft, AprilS.
n CCORDINU to programme the
n tariff dabate In the senate will
ri "Pen up iu aausst this week,
u u but programme arrangements
I'KVe thus far tiiie Stislon proved to Op
very uncertain and the opening day
may disarrange the whole ontline for
the week.
Mr. Hill is expected to take the floor
at 2 o'clock tomorrow. The apparent
opposition of Mr. Hill to tiie tariff bill
us it at present exiltS.and hii expressed
antagonism to the income tax feature
have caused ll great desire on the part
of Ilia colleagues to b"ar what he has
to say, and especially on the part of
the majority who have the tariff mens
ore iu charge. Mr. Hill is sure to have
an xudience, and members of the house
will be present In nambers to listen to
the man who is thought to hold the
key to tho tariff situation.
Mr. Quay Some time ago ga7e notice
of free coinage amendment to the
tariff bill, and the possibilities of such
an agreement to work mischief in the
ranks of tiie Democracy is so great that
a vote opon it would be sntagon! sed
with vigor by the m 'U In charge of the
bill who, under Miy other conditions
Would be ulad to hare the opportunity
io meet '.bis issue.
There are other important matters
pending in the senate Among these is
the (.'bi;i-sa treaty Whiob Mr. Morgan
is anxious to net out ot the way. But
little headway was made Saturday, tne
dilCBSSion b.iini; largely upon tha iines
tion bow the treaty should be cueid
ered. This wili probably bt
renewed tomorrow aa aooo as Mr. Hill
lioiah'S his speech, and whether the
senate dcides to discuss the treaty in
open session or iu accordance with the
ostatiuhe 1 preoauents; ther n every
indiciuio'i of a deb te ranging over
three or fonr days at least.
Mr. Stewart, who ia hitterly opposed
o the convention has given notice that
he will cneiik lor two days, and,
whether the doors be open or closed.
.ur. Doip'i an i .ur. Mitchell ana one
r two other gentlemen from the for
west arc aliio in tigating humor. Alto-
stber this treaty appears to have in
no it of It a rong : passage. .
Mr. Call has still part of his nnflfl
led light on n.and growing out of the
Florida app dntm 'ins. an I he snowed
fli ieut strength last week to go into
xoeutive ssssion against the protest ol
.Mr. Harris, who iccilpi-t tiie position
ou'.p 'at among the parliamentarians
on i.i e si i oi me caa:uoer.
A cm fliet ia bonn I t" appear if Mr
II irris pushes, as ne M i 1 ha woal l do
arlv this w .'e, his motion that the
boon of the daily ssaainn be lengthen-
ed. The Republicans will resent such
a step at t is stage of the debate end
Mr. Harris m iy he defeated in bis mu
tt. He svill, however, aa he x
presssi It, "iii.'ke out the Democrats
wbo favor dilatory tactics, and Ibers
may P. soma sat israol mn in that for
tbe gentlemen in charge of the Mil It
i. an open secret that if Mr. Hirtis
Attempts to push hi motion bs will be
confronted wita a rediest on the part
of th" licput licans that a quorum be
present at all times and especially when
t n journal is being read, siul the ah
since ot nan a ni sen tvspnniioani
would mnk it very difficult for the
majority, as things ara now, to get this
I lie Republicans bare op.nly de
clared tueir in:,enuon or sujuurning on
Friday next till Monday, aud the
Diiuocrata iuive b en not'lifl that if
t L y attempt t'i )irove;it it. the time
ill b'i sp'iitin lomethlti t other than
the disOUIlion of the tarilT. Properly
interpreter!, tbil means tuat a quorum
will he asked and means will be taken
in advance to make it almost impos
sible for the D-mocrats toontiin it.
Tho Sjnth Carolina Statesman Has No
L-iv. for O. ov.r.
COLUMBIA. B C, April 8 Governor
Tilman todav was aaked if he had aeon
all ih' references made to him by the
northern press as the "Populist gov
smor." ''Yea, they call me a
Populist," he replied. "I will
toll thmn that I ant the truest
representative of Jeffrsonsiaii Democ-
raav in Ann ri in pontics today, the
northeastern Democrats ami Bepnbli-
cana are now tog ther. It is a combin-1
etion of the moneyed intereHia. I
drS.Ue Cleveland and hia mugwump!.
He Is no better than the rankest Re
publican. He has destroyed the Deuio
cratie party.
"Cleveland has been working nnder
the dictation of Now York ban kera, and
bargaining with them on the issue of
bonds. Congress pasiO I the seignior
age act and lie vetoed the bill, iudieat
ing plainly the nature of his bargain
witn bankers. The whole thing is subh
a scheme of robbery that he ought to be
impeached for it. Cleveland is owned,
body aud soul, by theie scoundrels."
"Well, Governor, what is your idea
of what ought to be done)" was asked.
"Well, I'll tll yon. 1 think that
the silver inon of this country ought to
meet in convention at Memphis or St.
Louis, and organise a fight to control
the next, eongress. One word mora as to
Mr. Cleveland ; I think that it is most
damnable and outrageou, his being
dictated to and bought up by those
bondholder!. It is debasing his high
office. He is abtuinj? his power to
dioket with such people aud bartir
away the people's blood even upon th
pretext of financial relief.
"The newspapers which are snarling
andtnsnninu at my heels as being a
I'opullnt ar tho paid hirulingn of hia
bosses. I am a Populist in the aensa t'uat
Ism for the people s rights, but there are
many plaints in tba Populit platform
which 1 do not indorse. If lb silver
oongrei men will (Issue a call for silver
convention and carry the war Into
Africa, wo will teach those blood
sinking gold thieves a lesson in politics
Sttch as they bare not, had sinee Jack
son's campaign agaiuat the banks."
Wilken Harro Ball Players to T.'mhsr
lUmcles With Metropolitan Clubi.
WtlEtt'BAERC, Pn., April 8 The
Wllkei-Bsrre base ball team, Eastern
League, will meet in Brooklyn to-morrow.
They will play the Brooklyn
team on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Oil Thursday and Friday thev come
together With the New York Giants.
The tirt.t three day next week they
will play the Philadelp'Ha National
LeagUE team and mi the l'Jth in Hasten.
Fir-man Soiii:tielv Injurad The
Totsl Loss About $130,000
New Yohk, April 8. st. Auguitius's
Roman Catholic church, Morrisania,
wss totally destroyed by lire tonight
Two Bremen were badly but not fatally
The total loss is about .sjMO.UUJ, partly
covered by insurance.
Three White Men Are Captured in the
Act of Supplying Chinamen
With the Drug.
BuitaL'), N.Y., April 8 -One of the
t oldest bum! of opium smugglers in
the conntrv was broken up this morn
ing. I he united States authorities and
the police of this city, Detroit. Cleve
land and Erie have beeu looking for
them for over six mouths. Almo3t
half a year ago the ofUciats became
convinced that a systematically o'rga
uiz-d band of opium smugglurs were at
work, but all their efforts to place them
under rre3t were fruitless.
A mouth ago Collector Doyle placed
a fore of depuiies on the case with
orders to do nothing else until they
located the smugglers. These officers
have been work. ig night, aud day since
then. Word reached them yesterday
ihut a heavy consignment of opium
was on its way to this city and to k.e
a sharp lookout for the smugglers
They believed the stuff would in all
probability be nnt to the Chinese
supply depot Two ot the deputies
stationed themselves outside th store
and awaited tho arrival of the
They wailed until midnight, when
they saw three wnite m-u enter iho
yard on the side of the btore and drop
evsral suspicious looking packages
down into tae cellar.
I lie deput ies swooned down on the
smugglers at about 1 o'clock and took
ineui to the station home, limy were
idealilied llieri as Charles Kennedy
aliss "Lockport" Kennedy, Edward
Patterson and George Henderson. Tl
mmrcfus'd to make any statement
whatever. All were Well dressed and
had plsnty of ruouey aud took their ar
rest coolly.
The police nn I depntias went back !o
tiie laundry and found over 400 pound,
of opium oonaealed in the depot. Ail
of it win wrapped in newepapeia
printed at Vancouver, B. C. The opium
was estimated to be worm $1,000 The
duty on it will be $12 a pound.
The China men wiuj run the place are
named Wing, Wong and Lie. They
leaped from the depot, but the police
xpect to cuicn them uoiora lnniuigut.
It is believ d that tb" three prisoners
have been in the employ of thu China
men for ov.r a year.
No One Was Wnh Hor at ths Time.
Tha Body Found bv Neighbors.
MiasAim Waters, a maiden lady who
resided alone in the third Story of a
dwelling at 888 South Main avenue,
was found dead iu bid at 8 o'clock lait
The curiosity ef neighbors was
aroused yesterday by not seeing the
lady about as usual, and Mrs. William
Stephens, who reside! on the aicond
floor, got assittaticti and broke open the
The room was full of gni from the
stov, and a kerosene lamp was alill
burning on the table.
Mrs. Waters wai lubjsot to fit!,
and it. is bedievod that alie died from
the efficti of one of thiin.
Coroner Kelloy was notified and gave
a permit to hare the body removed by
Undertaker Price to the home of William! On Chestnut street
and prepare for funiral.
Ths deceased wai a reipioted res
ident of the West Bide for liisnv years.
I'he funeral will take place on Ttiei
day, Services will be aondiiotid at the
residence of Mr. Williams at 2:80, aud
intrni-nt mads at Porty Fort.
As security fur Davla' rirens employes'
salaries, an elephant has beeu put in the
earn ot a New Orleans lawyer.
Attempting to call on hia deserted wife,
William Posev, of fshelhyvilln, Tenn., was
shot dead by . I. W. Trollluger, his father-in-law.
Ira Hayhew, a wsll-known business col
lege educator and text-book author,
dropped dead yesterday at Detroit, Mich.
Ho was 80 years old.
For scratching hia name on tho Soldiers'
and Sailors' moimmeut, of Indianapolis,
Hev. W. .1. Myrbant, of Hicksville, O.,
was lined $10 and costs.
Joseph Townsend, who was serving n
terinof two years iu Wilmington jatl on
the charge of highway robbery, has bene
pardoned by Governor Reynolds.
The United States steamer Baltimore
lias sailed from Yokohnma for Shanghai
The I. ammeter has arrived at Port Said on
her way to New York, aud the Benning
ton has sailed from Valparaiso for Callao.
F.igbty Italians, whom the Philadelphia,
Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad com
pany secured in Philadelphia to take the
place ot the striking trackmen, were put
to work between Philadelphia aud Wll-
, minglon.
j Three Story Brick Building In Memphis Sud
denly Falls Into a Heap.
An Old Building Without Warning
Goes Down Carrying the Occupants.
Only Six Persons Escape Without
Serious Injury Four Are Taken
Out Dead and Five Seriously
Wounded Ten of the Dwellers are
Memphis, Tenn., April 8
OlJIi obeap coffins laid in a row in
t he morgue, and fire buudaged
forms reposing oil cots at the
r.iiy hospual, represent the dead
and iujured taken from the debris of a
tenement building on the northeast
corner of IJeS'ito and Uaai streets,
which colluptied at 7,15 o'clock thu,
There is no doubt that ther are more
ho lies beneath tne immense pile of
brick, lime and splintered timbers that
now cover the place whero this building
ttood, but it is safe to say that no
haste that may be mad for the recov
ery of the bodies will avail to save life,
for all that were not rescued by noon
toduy are beyond the reach of human
The sollapil was witnessed by sev
eral persona on the outside and several
of those who were on the inside sur
vive to relate wbat little they know of
this, one of the most appalling disast
ers that ever occurred iu Memphis,
There was a creaking and cracking,
swaying of wails, than the collapse
that came with a cra3h. A great cloud
of dust floated out upou the air, tilling
the glraot each way for a block. There
was a hurrying forward of police, fire
men and citisins, and then the work
of rescue began.
The list of the dead: John Morgan,
barber, aged 85; Amy Simmons, 32;
Will Cook, alias Henry Gray, 80; Lot
tie Marks, 80.
The iujured aro Andrew Harris,
head and body bruised ; Catharine
Boyd, spine and internal injuries; L
vinia Perkins, forehead nml scalp cut
and left arm broken; Georgia Guy,
bruised and internal injuries; Cora
Murphy, internal injuries. Of these
injure I the chances for the recovery of
t.'ora Murphy and Catharine Boyd are
extremely doubtful. All the persons
taken from the ruined bnilding are
The hniUing was erected thirty
fonr years ago. It was of brirk,
three and a half atories high, with
a slate roof. While it was all
one building, it was divided by
a thick wall into two compart
ments The building had never keen
condeninedjas nnsafe It w.ia consid
ered as one of the itaunchest of tbe
older buil iings in theoity,
The scenes attending the rescue were
horrifying in the extreme The bodies
that were found with lite extinct were
all badly crushed, their flesh torn and
mutilated aud 9,011 of them were al
most nude.
Thure were about fifty rooms in th
tenement, about half of Which were
occupied Twenty-two people were
known to be in the building at the
time of the collapse. Of these six es
capsd without icrious injury, four
.vera taken eut dead, five wounded aud
the remainder are missing.
Jinny Laborers Afraid to Qo to Work
V, lthout Armed Protection.
TJHIONTovvn, Pa., April 8 -The mass
meeting of COketl near t.nis pi ice to
day was largely attended. Tlir plans
for the future ware caralully discussed
Tho strikers say they will prevent the
starting of the works tomorrow in the
southern end of tha region. Ths Leith
and Redstone works of the Prick com
pany will try to atart without the pro
tectinn of deputy sheriffs.
The men at I hose plants are willing
to work, but they are afraid to attempt
it without armed protection, and have
asked tho company to anpply them
With firearms so they can protect
themselves. mil me company re
fuses to do
It is thought tonight that the plan
of tbe strikers is to have the women
raid MO WOras WUSre depuiies are 011
duty, while the men will cheer them
on, and themselves look after the plants
not guarded. It is loarned tonight that,
the men who met, bure will go south
anil visit nil the plants between Union-
town and rairchance. Another large
body of striken will mass at Oliver ami
visit Lament, XOUOSStOWn, Moun
Braddock, Wheeler and other plants
where starts are to be made iu the
At Oliver the strikers threaten to
stop the pumps and flood tho mine.
Lively scunei are now exported
Sliorifl Wilh'dm is preparing to move
large numbers of deputise on short
notice. A Scottdall report rays prop
rations are being nia.'.e to start nearly
all ol the coke works in lhat vicinity
that closed down on account of the
Even the Tra-npi of HarrLburjr Rave
Lost Interest in His Scheme.
HABRtSBOBO.Pa., Aprils Tho Coxey
meeting called for today did not ma
Interest in the movement has died
The Important Business of Mary R
La at Chic. co.
Ciiicaoo, April 8 Mary li. Lease
of Kausei, arrived in Chicago yester
day In in. Interview sho said:
"I a 111 in Chicago to orunnizs a Ma
sonic order for worann. 1 have de
cided tha the Masonic or lor has been
of such wonderlul tiunefit to man, so
wonderfully uplifting and educational,
that it ia curtaiuly a pity to
dapnvo women of tne baoetils. 1
ilo not propose to organize anvthing
antagonistic to the present masonic or
der, but the organisation will bo made
in such a manner tuat they will oo op
erate with ua and approve of it ''
Tbe Water Supp.y of Re. dine Is tn a
Dad Condit'.ou.
rtrt.MHNO, l'a., April 8 Dr. Benja
min B, Lee, of Philadelphia, secretary
of the Htate board of health, accom
panied the Reading water board ortr
the Ohllnger dam and contirmi ths
allegations that were previously made
that the water baa b?en terribly con
taniiuaied by the residents of that
The water supply has been cut oB
and cannot bo used until the nuisances
is abated.
Coxr's Men Arc Upon Stony Ground.
The Mysterious Veiled Lady
Still Hovers Near.
BbOWHBVILLI, Pa., April 8 Coxey'g
column started at 10 110 oclock, after
three rousing cheers for the psopie of
Uonongahela City. The march for
the most part was over verv mean
roads and necessarily slow. No halt
for lunch was called until ii o'clock
this afternoon, when bread and bol
ogna, without water, was distributed.
From that time until after 8 o'clock
tonight the men maintained a iteady
ace but thev wei" very tired cn tbeir
rrival at Camp Chicago here. This is
iv a eamp in name, as the town
councils of Brownsville and Bridge
port, just adjoining, have secured two
halls in which to quarter the men. They
have about twenty-live extra police
men 0:1 duly ror the night, which is
the only preparation made for the
coming of the army.
People gathered from the towns in
the surrounding country and areeted
the peace soldnrs noisily. While eup
per was being made ready Coxey and
iirowno drew the crowd to nn open
square in Lndgeport and made tbeir daily speeches 011 the objects of
the expedition.
It was nearly 10 oclook before the
insii were led, so they were linmedi
aiely sent to quarters. Tomorrow tha
march into the mountains begins, the
army expecting to reach I niontowu by
t veiling unless some trouble occurs in
the coke regions through a portion, of
which it must pass.
GeueralCoxey claims to have no fear
of want of provision on tbe way, though
it present, not more than two days
rations are beiug earned iu thu com
miasary wagons. A telegram received
from Uuiontown states that a supply
of food hue beeu shipped there from
Onio lor the Coxey forces. Since the
iiitbreak of the Jnsatialied element ut
McKeesport on Saturday morning.
there have been but two recurits added
to the commonweal army, but they are
verv uselui pair. Their names art-
Bob Nelson aipl Milt Hempueld, both
of Weet Virginia. Kaon man brought
his own horse. Ihey are said to be ex
ranchmen. The mvstarinns veiled ladv, supposed
to be the wife of Mars Smith, the ''Un-
iuown,"atill hovers about each camp
and appears in a town a few hours
ahead of the nrmy.
Court Docidus Against Him and Dis-
iniassa til. Appeal,
The cowboy evangolii-t, Justin R.
Rice, was turned down in court Sstnr-
lay morning, whan a rehearing in the
famous case of the commonwealth
against, the street preacher was had.
City Solicitor Torrey delivered the
argument tor the city and At
torney d. H. HepiogUi represent
ed the defendant Court stated
that the ordinance violated warranted
the Imposition of a fine for resisting ar-r-st
and that in default of payment of
the same, the prisoner OOUld bj cm
the Turtienlari of tho ens were
then inquired into, the aviddnoe allotted
being ol a nature to convince the conrt
that the arrest of the evangelist Waa
lawfully made and that the 111 iror was
fully jdStifted in imposing a fine and
committing the prisoner for refusing to
pay tiie same. The appeal wai dis
missed, the costs beiug placed upon the
Two Exrdist',ri Staitl. the Governor
Slene, In Tuscany.
Romii, April 8. Two bombs were ex
ploded to lay before the house of the
military governor in Siena, 'luscany.
No damage was done Hint nobody in
jured, although tho governor, who ii
critically ill, was startled greatly.
1 be fciima polios have searched the
lodging of many nnarehials and have
arrottsd five men who had explosive!
In their rooms.
Famous Cs Town Vlaited
by a
Dluaatroua Fire.
FiNDt.KY, Ohio, April 8. Fire was
disiovcred at .' o'clock this morning
in the dry goods store of T. and W. K.
Carnahan. The entire stock on the
first fioor was quickly oonsumid.
The origin oi tho fire is unknown.
Total loss 7tS,000, Fully covered by
As the resnlt ol' the I'leeninn's Journal
s(uahhle, Timothy llealy threatens to torm
a new lush (action.
Trial of Deputy Do Felice and several
conn ados tor paKiiiipatmn in tho recent
SiJtlian revolt will begin at Palermo today
Define n military tnminal.
Before 15,000 Spanish pilgrims, the nope
will conducton .prii is, t si. mar's, the
services in connection with the beatify
ing of Juan de Avila Hiego, ot Osdil,
v. ' iiinoton, April 8.- hn-e-
cant ror Monday: For Boitera
Wiii.suiiiaiu,ui',ir.i( nir dm
in: iu,' (fin mi oioNdu ia th
ni'iiiih diid )'f nn'ii (fiiWni;
tn mijht, colli tiorii'i.W R'tnu.v. tor
H csfi i n 'ciiiisiffiuiiiVi in, rciviiiy Wninfi
HISS fbllOtMd (11 Unlit ruins uinf Koal
anotds ut hum iranent,' sust MrMde,' slical
rise in teui lU'utuie.
Ladies, Misses' and
To malcr; room for flew stylet
which wo have added to our stock
we offer for one week:
"Our Own" 50c. Corset at
The Union 75c. Corset at
Thomson Dollar Corset at
Among our New Corsets we mer
t io ii :
"Her Majesty's,"
i Princess of Wales Co.)
"The Sonnette,"
Especially for slender forms;
besides tbe well -known styles,
The P. D., R. & G. Thomp
son Glove Fitting,
The C. P. A., La Sirene &
Ferris Good Sense, &c.
510 and 512 Lataanna Ave,
Maltese Cross
And Oak tunned Leather BsdUng,
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Ladies show friend, our Sil..0. S3. 7. .10
ami a:t Mini s. and so enthusiastic are they
over their puri liaHcs that one 8alo is auro to
bo thu means of making another.
114 Wyoming Ave.
Elk Emblems