8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 7. 1894. Beecham's pills are foi biliousness, bilious headache, Jyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ichc, bad taste in the mouth, Eoatcd tongue, loss of appe late, sallow skin, when caused Jy constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free ; pills 1 25c. At Irugstores, or write H.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT House Cleaning Time SUGGESTS Now Lice ami DbeniUt Curtains, Silkuliues, Bel Fioking, Bd Liuen, CouuUrpanes, (to. ; Table Covers and Napkins, Muc ins, Scrim. Doylies, and a thousand jthor thing! found la such a complete Iry goods store ax this. It is part of JUr policy to make the prices lowest on ihe goods most in demand. That pol icy will apply this week to HERE THEY ARE : Curtain Scrim, 5c, 8c. ind 10c. per yard. Best Quality Silkalinas, plain and fancies, 12 '.c. per yard. Nottingham Lace Cur tains, 98c. per pair. Honey Comb Bed Spreads 35c, 95c. and $1.25. 6-4 Chenille Table Cov ers, $1. 19. Dur Millinery Comprises a eboica pratherinir of distinguished Foreignere, together with equally pretty but less ex pensive Natives of onr own pro duction. If you care to know just how much beauty on tie put into a hat or bonner. c ime and see us All the new Trimmings are ready fur your inspection. Mcdas and Fate OUR FASHION MONTHLY JUST OUT Fcrilis and contain' the Leading fashions, L itest Dress Material!. Sto ries. An-clotes. Humorous Illnstra iione. Valuabl Inform 'tion. Elevating ind Pleasing Readin.' for the hoia. Given Away To thoe who call for it at our store. JERMVN AID VICINITY. ulttle Locals of to Renders Up the Vsilsy. Fvtriul to the SorHtOW Tribune. Jf.hmyn, Pa., April 0 The teacher's nstitnto will opon at 9 a. m. today. ll friends of e duration or patrous of .he school will be welcome. C)n April '.'i Kushbrook lodge SoO, I. J. U. F., will pay a fraternal visit to Jomo lodge. Three degrees will be jonf erred The snow put an abrupt stop to the gardening oDerations of some of jtir people. Kx-Concilman Piiillips is improving :iis property by filling and raising the Milk and yard. H. D. Swick returned from a short visit in Liingliamton yesterday. A meeting wan held lust, evening in the old Catholic Church Bnilding for the purpose of organizing a literary society. This will be of great benefit to the young people. The pastor of this society is doing inucb good in this jireetion. Miss Jennie Solomon entertained a Urge number of her friends on Thnri Jay evening. All report a delightful time. The ground was staked out for the new school bnilding yesterday. Work will begin Monday. Thursday evening the handsome res idence of C L. Bell was the scene of a very pleasant social gathering given m honor of Master Grant Bell. Miss Nellie Deftraw, who had been nmployed Dy Simpson & Watkins, hns resigned her position and will return to her home in Factory vi He. A. (i. Wheeler, of Tompkinsvllle, called on friends here yesterday. . HAMLINTON NEWS NOTcS. Condensed Paragraph from a Breezy Rural Town. Ppeeinl to the Seranton Tribune. HaMi.inton, Pb., April 0 The sbicken pie supper last evening was quTte largely attended, considering the weather. Proceeds about $26. W. A. Stevens has moved into the 'Swelling recently purchased from J. Elliot. Mercantile Appraiser Nicholson, of La Anna, Pike Bounty, has been spend ing a few days with friends in town. H. A. Ward, wno has been in New fork for the past few days, is again in town. S. E. Mitchell made a business trip lo Scrauton today. Eucklen's Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever gores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction DT money refunded. Price 316 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. THE NEWS Of NEARBY TOWNS TPntof town corrospaniloati ofTUB Tun ONEthnuld sUu their nam is In full t -n:i uews letter, not for publloatiiiu out to guifa sgsmst doucptlon.1 LIVE TAYLOR TOPICS. An Interacting; Loiter Conoarnlntr Resi dents of a Hustling Borough. Sveeinl to the Seranton Tribute. TAYLOR, Pa., April 6. Joseph Han nick ie building a frame store building next to the brick Inn Ming now occu pied by'Crane's hardware store. B. J. Keese is building a residence at Rendbam, bailie Davis, of Hyde Park, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, of Union street. Monday is pay day at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western mines In this place, Mrs. Edward Dougherty, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Walter Lloyd, for a few days, returned to her home at Csrbondalo yesterday. The LadieB Aid society of the Methodist Episcopal churcn will hold a dollar banking social uud entertain ment on Wed lesilay evening, April 13. A special meeting will be held at the Grand Army of the Republic hall next Wednesday ftnd all members are re quested to be present. Burglars entered the homo of Wil liam iMff last Wednesday night, but were frightened away before securing any plunder. The reception committee of the Price Library association will nii-et Monday night to arrange for the members re ception CU next Friday night. A surprise party was tendered to William Harris at his home on Grove street touight. A pieHsaut time was had by all present. Mrs. Hubert J. Bauer, of Hyde Park, visited friends here today. , John Joiisb and family liiiv Uft for Wales to reside permanently. Morgan M. Williams and Thomas li Boweu spsnt part of this woek iu Potts ville. Shem Parker, of Plymouth, was iu town today. Mary Davis is visiting friends iu Lnfllu. The decree of the supremo court was read tonight nt the borough council meeting. It is supposed the anti-borougU- men will be satisfied now that the town is a borough. Edith Howells, daughter of W G. Howells, the Taylor correspondent of the Republican, died Thursday night at $.30 o'clock of consumption. The deceased was 17 years and 2 months old. The funeral will take place on Suoday afternoon. Burial will be made in the Forest Home oemetery. Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon the first monthly institute of the school n; t ins and masters of Old Forge town ship will be held in the school building in the Fourth ward of :,t he borough. The public is invited. Burgess Griffiths delivered bis first message tocuuuoil tonight. MESHOPPEN ITEMS. Personal and Other Paragraphs of Inter est in the Suiquehaaoa Valley, Frecinl to the Scranton Tribune. MlSHOFPaW, Pa., April 0 Miss Lulu Bishop, of Sayre, is visiting relatives in town. Fire was startod yesterday in the vacant bonse belonging to the Loomis estate, bat fortunately it went out, It was the work of an incendiary. Misses Julia and Leah Halls, of El mi ra, have been spending several days in town. El Baldwin, of Lestershire, N Y . was calling on the family of L E. Hewitt on Wednesday. Mrs Noniian Sterling returned Thursday after a w-ok's gtay with her daughter. Mrs. Arthur Christian of Wilkes-Barre. Mrs Henry Browncombe of Wilkes Barre is visiting lr sister, Mrs. JJ-rt-bolt. Mrs. L E Hewitt and Mrs. Jamie A. Hintner spent Friday with the family of Bradley W. El wards of L iceyvlllf, The Women's Christian Temperance union met with Mrs. D. S Roberts Wednesday. Isaac Bodle of Easton was in town W H.lneaday. John lUhn is in New York buyiuti goods Their new store will soon Le ready for occupancy. Mrs. E. J. Mowry and Mrs Gregory are visiting VVilkos-IUrre friends. OVER uT GLYPH AN T. Personal ard Ohsr Bright Paragraphs i f Interest. Srecinl to the Scranton Tribune. OLYPHANT, Pa.. April ti lames J, Lynch will leave for New York to morrow night n n I expects to be gone a week. Surveyors were nt work the past week lnylng out a sewer district. The sewer is to be owned by the borough. Mils O'.ive Elwards, of Pricebnrg, was a caller in town today, J. W, Sweeny, of Lackawanna street, is laid up with the qniozy. Sunday's devotional meeting of the Young Men's Christian union will be lead by S N Cal lender. Mrs. John Taylor, of the West Side, is recovering after a severe attack of asthma. Miss Middle Hart and Burnotta Mc Hale, of Green Ridge, were in town last evening. The Welsh Baptist chnrch choir on Snsqnobanna street is reliesrsing a can tata entitle ! "ISslshazz r Feast, which will be performed to the public on May 8. The choir is under the leadership of Professor T. W. Wnlkins, whose fame us a conduutor is well known. T. F. Nealon, of Dunmore street, is doing jury duty this wek. Miss Kate Cohen, of Pitlston, Is vis Mrs. Martha Jane Piunoi.k, of (liner, Jaclwm Co.. W. Va., writes: "Having Is-cn s great sulTcror for many years with nearly every uiseaau my m-j is heir to, I enn now say am w n nni hearty. Have dour mora hard work In the past yriir, anil with more Wat, than I have dono lor twelve yuars. Ik fiire consulting vol! I wns the most wretch ed among women, Ho stile lo walk or sit up in bed. mid now 1 owe my good health all to Dr. l'lcrce'B Fnvorlto Perscrlptlon, 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pellets.' I gained Mns. Prinole. twelve pnunds while using the first bottle of ' Prescription.' I send you my picture together with my most heartfelt thanks. To any one Buffering as I did who wants to know the particulnis of my case and who will send a stamped en velope with name and address on, I will write particulars." iting her sistor, Mrs. Charles Beattv, on Ssventh street. A partv was given in Keyston hall last evening in honor of Miss Josephine Lnlly, of Wilkes. Burnt, and was a most enjoyable event. Among those from out of town wore: Messrs Powderlv, Walker, Mangau, Fox. Esrley, Pid- geon, Barber and Luvy, from Carbon dale; Miss Annie Dnnlwavy, Messrs. James, Patrick and Miles McAudrow, of Archbald; P. F. and Agues Lawler, of Peckville; Miss Cohen ami Miss Fadden, of Pittston ; Misses E In and Sarah Scott, of Dnnmorn; Miasrs. Col lins, Kuane; Misses Polly Gardner, Lillie Logan, Katie Hsgurty, Katie and Li.zie Thorn urn, of iSoranton, and many others. Among the many who atteuded the funeral of the Jate John Timlin of Taylor yesterday was R J. Gallaghor, William Ro'au and daughter, Miss M. A, O'Boyle and Mrs. Ellen Murphov, John H. Hoban andduughter Katie. Miss B. Fadden of Pittston ie visiting her sister, Mrs. John Kilcullen of Uper Dim more street. J. J. Curran of Soranton has taken possession of the Voyle building on Ltckawauna street Charles Thomas was called to the death bed of his father yesterday in White V alloy, Wayne county. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has provud to be the very beBt. It, effects a permanent cure anil the most dreaded habitual Kick headaches yield to Its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial, in cases of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the boWeIs,and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once, lairge bottles only Fifty cents at Matthews Bros', drug store, HON MiOmLi HAPPtNINGS. Honors to Elltor, Psan man Othsr Nkws Paragraphs of Iatersst. Fl'rcial to the tiCTantOn 'Viharip. HONB8DALK, Pa., April 0, Time deals gently with the youthful and buoyant spirits of Editor Pennlman, of theCitinn, but lik the rest of man Kind lie is compelled to chronicle another birthday each year, and last evening h duly celebrated the latest one with a atug euehre party. The guests were Judge Purdy and Messrs. Conger, Dorflloger. Buy dam, Searle, Jtienner, .Salmon, Spettigne, John D. Weston, Clark and W. M. Gardner, Tint guests were royally entertained by the genial editor and in departing each expressed the wish that it were possible for the y-ars to remain tiie same with the uost, that the birthday celebrations would coma very often, Oslek tribe, Improvod Order of Red Men, will give a banquet tonight in Masonic hall and install their officers for the ensuing year. An elegant spread has been prepared aud enter tainment provided. A large number of people enjoyed the toe social at the Methodist Episco pal chnrch last night. For Barns, Scalds, Bruises and all pain and soreness of the flesh, the grand house hold remedy is Ur, Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Be sure you get tho genuine. CARBONOALE ITEMS. A Gllmp-t of Passing Evanti In the Pioneer City. 5jerm! to the Ncranton Tribune. CaBBONDALR, Pa., April 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of South Washington street, are mourning th" death of their little daughter Mildred, who died this tnoruing at !) o'clock of diphtheria. The funeral being of course private will occur at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Today about noo:i a little s inffl 1 to.ik place on Salem avenue between two hoys iiam-d Albert Jones aud Ben jamin Tucker, during which young J nte picked up an old broom and threw it at Tucker. He missed his situ and the broom crashed through one of J. S. Jadwins large plate glass windows. Frank B-rry will spnd Sunday with his many friends in Scrantnu Harry T, Williams, spent this even ing in a pleasant manner In Scranton. Reese Price, of this city, and Mrs. Cshsie Price, ofStnnton, were married on W d uesday of this week at Wind sor, N Y At present the newly wed ded coup 0 are residing at the home of tiie former's parents in tin - place, on Ninth avenue. Saturday and noonday prayer meet ings at the Young Men's Christian as sociation will he led by the gsnoral secretary, ti li Merrill. They last from 12 to Vi oO 0 clock. Rev. L. C. Floyd, of Hyde Park, a former pastor of the Methodist chimin CURF8 Bad Blood. OURKfl Bad Blood. CURBS Bad Blood. I have b"en snff Ting ten years with Erysipelas, iiav taken doctors' medioinss and patent medlelnas of most all Kinds, lmt nun" seemed todc me any good. 1 Anally mads en my mind to try Burdock Blood Bitters Have used fon? bottlei of I! it 11 . and thiol myself entirely cured. Mns N J. McCATI.T, Service,, Beavor Co , Pr Purifies The BLOOD. Rooms 1 and I Commonweaith Mi SCIt ANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER lindoatthe UOO8I0 end KUSil DALE WORKS. L lllin & Bund Powdor Co.'i ORANGE GUN POWDER Fiec'tric Batteries, Fuses for explor ing blasts, Safety Fuae and RcpaunoChcmical Co. ' High Explosives Ladies Who Vaiue A refined complexion mustiiso Poizonl'a Po' di r. It produces a soft and beautiful skin. BE SURE AND get your choice of multichromes. One coupon and one Dime. 101 POWDER CO of this place, was a caller here this af ternoon. V. M. Low ery, of the Sixth warJ, performed bis first marriage ceremony. The con tracting parties were Frederick Liow ery, the sldermau s nephew, auu aim T 1 : r . 1 .!..! Aiainwaring. S. A. McMullen, of Garfield avenue, will leave on Saturday for Virginia. DUNMORE D0TLET5. Live News from Our flreezy Suburb on the Hill, ."jirrin! to the baanton Tribune. D UN ho uk, Pa., April . It is ex pected tuat in a few short months the Sixth wurd sewer will be completed. An ordinance was introduced 111 the last meeting of the council creating sower district No. 1, and following it came an ordiuancu to authorize con struction of a sewsr. Realizing the importance of haste both ordinnnces wore railroaded through and passed first, second, third and final reading. Attorney Duggan will at ones petition the court to set nsido the old assess ments and appoint viewers to make new ones. Another important improvement that the Norm Lud rojideuB will make at an early dale will be tiie lay ing or asphalt pave in oertalu portions, Ho- expense of which will be assumed by thx property holders. J. K. D iinty is improving rapidly. John Warde.ll is again c mfined to his home by illness. The smiles of W. R. Teetor beam on bis friends this week, the cause be ing the arrival of a youug sen. Orrln Correll is making marked iin I rovemeiils in his Cherry street home The members of the Friday evening dancing class gavo a farewell reception to their numerous friends last night. The affair Was attended by many out of town people, and was enjjyed hugely. Mrs. L. Tyler Connolly csllod on Providence friends yesterday. Richard ilurvey's large tenement house on Butler street is rapidly near- ing completion. PLUCKcO AT PECKVILLE. Nuggats of N,.w. Oclur id on Highways and i ywavs. .1) eciul (o Iks Mi nil (cm Tribune. PSOETILLI, Psf, April 6 ,T.W Bick, M. D.,bai tieeu chotsii by the Wyom ing Couuty Court, to decide on a case of malpractice on April 1). Mrs. William Johns uud Mri Wil liam Kostell, were the gnsts of Mrs. Stephen Ceams, at Win ton yesterdsy. Mrs. Frank W. Day, of Wllkes Burrs, was acaller in town yesterday. J. E Fern, SuptriuUudtnt for the Crescent E.eetric Light Compiuy, for merly of Hyde Park, has moved his f ami ly into the hoiife recently vacated oy E. H. Ritter. Mrs. W. F. Mott his been very sick for thf past week. Jlfr. H". . llcffner Atrlra, Pa. A Running Abscess Discharges Pieces of Bone. All Hope Given Up-But Hood's Snr snparilla Cives Perfect Health. "C. I. flood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " ln-ar Sirs: I had been a sufferer for nearly three years and had doctored during that time, hut without avail. Iliad given up alt hope ol ever recovering my health. At times I would rather have died than lived, hut now I am thankful that I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rlllafor 1 en now as sound as a dollar. I was Afflicted With Typhoid Fever, and an ahsccss formed ou my right side above the loiirth rib. The strange part about this was the fact that it did not open for six niontlu after it appeared, although It pained me continually. After It brdae It became S running sore and I mu compelled to wear a handnge nil the time. The doctors told me that the only way it could he cured was to have an operation performed Sarsapariila CURES and have the rih taken out, claiming that 1 had bone disease. Inasmuch as four pieces of bone had been discharged 'rum the sore. Before giv ing myself up to the doctors I decided to gtvo Reed's Sarsapariila a trial, although I had hut little faith that it would do me any good. I used it strictly according to directions, and be fore 1 had usiM throe hollies I Began to Feel a Change, mid dy the time I had used the fourth bottle the sine on my side had healed. It Is now nearly three months since the eruption closed and I have not the least fear of it over bothering me again. Hood's Sarsapariila is certainly a em among medicines. Unassured me and 11 wiii ours others." W, 11. hekfnkh, Aivira, Pa, Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness! Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE PITTSTON, PA. Beauty and Purity Go hand in hand. They are the founda tion of health and happiness. Health, because of pure blood : Happiness, because of clear skin. Thousands of useful lives have been embittered by distressing humors. Cuticura Resolvent Is the greatest of skin purifiers As well as blood purifiers. Because of its peculiar action on the pores, It is successful in preventing And curing all forms of Skin, Scalp, and Blood humors, When the best physicians fail. Entirely vegetable, safe, and pala table. It especially appeals to mothers ind children, Because it acts so gently, yet effec tively Upon the skin and blood, as well as the Liver, kidneys, and bowels. Its use at all times Insures a clear skin and pure blood, As well as sound bodily health. Sold everywhere. Price, $i. Potter Diiug and Chkm. Cosr., Sole Props. Boston. " How to Cure Skin jud liluod Humors," Irce. Facta! Illeinishns, falling hair and sim pic baby ralhas prevented by Cuticura Soap, NerVOUS laiuntly relieved by a Cuti cura 1'laster, because it vital Pains and ues the nerve forces, and hence y.. . cures nervous pains, weakness, V cakness Mti ,lmbness. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And his assiwiated staff of Knullsh and Ger man fljy8lciaiis.aro now permanently located Temple Court Building .11 I RPRTJCE ST., SCRANTON Whero they may ho ton-ulted DAILY AND SUNDAY. The Doctor Is n graduate ot the University er Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physiology and surgery at the Medico Chlr tirificai College, of Philadelphia. He Is also so honorary n emlssr of the Medico-Chlrur-gical Association, and was physician nnd nrnon-ln-ebiel of the most noted American Slid Gorman hospitals, romos highly Indorsed by the lending professors of Philadelphia ani New York. His many years of hosolt-il experience n sbles this eminent physician snd surgeon to correctly diagnose snd triat all deformities Slid diseases with the most flstterinu success, snd his bi.h standing in the state will uot slL w him to accept any iucnrable case LUST M WIHMili 1. 1 - 1 1 1. 1 I) WEAKNESS OK YOUNG MliN CUKED If you nave neen given up oy your physi cian call upon the doctor nnd tie examined Be cures tho worst casesof Nervous Debility, Scrofula. Old Bores. ( atnrrh. Piles, Fornalu Weakness. Affections of the Bar. Eye, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Dsafnoss. Tumors. Can osrs and Cri pries of every description. Cm sulfation In English snd German Free, which shall bo considered sacred and strictly confi dential. Office Hours: 9 A. SI. to 8 P. M. Dally. Sunday, U 11. in. to R p in. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Feb 'iS , 181)4. culled for by tbe Comptroller of the Currency. UK80UUCB8, t nsiK Sl,31(i,34n on Overdrafts 1(47. :I7 I'nlted states Hontrs 80,000.00 Other lleiids 513,578 7,-, Handing House 28,074.40 Premiums on V. S. Kunds.... 048.70 Due from U. s Treasurer 7.000.00 Hue from Banks 208,4 HI 7:1 tush in. in 'i , i 2,20,nS0.00 LIAMLITIBS, Capital 8200.00000 Surplus 240 noo 00 Undivided fronts fidl8f).oo Circulation 72,000.00 Dividends L'npnld :i:i4 50 Deposits.' 1,004,000 54 Due to Hunks 69.906.50 tCJ, 202, 530. 00 WILLIAM ONNKLI, Treslilent. GEO. M. ATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier D1RKOTOH& William Connell, rs ir, ratlin, I id., I Hand. Jitnirs Arehbalil, Henry Helln, Jr., Willliuii T. Smith. Luther Keller. This bank offers to depositors every facility Warranted by their balances, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention -h . n to business ao counls. Interest paid on lime deposit THE) TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED 1S CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, BAMTJEL IIlNKS.tri esldent. W. W. WA I'BON, V Preeidsnt A. U. WILLIAMS. Cashier DIRtCTOBJk HAMtTCi. niNKS. jamks M EvrnnAnT, liiviNti A. FiNcrt. Pilik rH. Fim.kt. .Iiiskph J. Jkhmv. M s. Kkmkiii ii. ClIAS, P. JlA'lTIIBWS. JollN T. I'OItTKU. W. W. W atson. PROMPT, ENLR6ETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronogo of buslnoss men aud firms generally. Grand Opening NEW STORE The FAIR 400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Cloaks, In fants' Wear, Notions, Boys' Clothing and Boots and Shoes. Special Bargains MONDAY. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPETS VELVETS, with borders, 90 cts. Ingrains' All-wool, Ex- i tra Super, yard wide, usually : 75c. and 80c, i OI R PRICE, 65 cts. We still have a few patterns left of the 40c. Tapestry Brussels. 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. A WORD 'The "CODRT THE GIRL" "GET EKGAGED." "GET MliRiED." "GO TO HOUSEKEEPING." "RAISE A FAMILY." With evrv $"0.0O purchase or oww will preient ft Clock (Cftthedrfti: with every $75.00 purchase n Dinner Set Decorated.) Our (3.00 Outfit it diepUyed iu our window. See it A f.w n he prizes have not beon sn nail. sums will pleaso call. on OPENING DAY, APRIL 9th. UPHOLSTERY Chenille Curtains, $3.25. (An unusual bargain.) Extra heavy and extra wide, $5. Furniture Coverings Imported Tapestry, Satin Derby, Satin Damasks, Wool Tapestry. TABLE COYERS Satinette Fringed, l'. yds. square, $1.25. Holland Shades, fringed, Hartshorn Rollers, 50o. each; usual price, 65c. WITH YOU 'Economy' will do the rest.' They will furnish your house complete from cellar to garret at one day's notice and give you terms that are bound to suit and not trouble you during your honeymoon. called for. Tboe holding coupons of