The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 07, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Hi I, t, lb'. J.
; Pipe
y Valves S
it m
1 -Fittings 1
9 w
The most delicate fabiio prop
erly cleaned nt
Lackawanna Laundry
300 Fenn o. A. B. WARMAN.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Novelties ia Dress Goods.
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Wind ow Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc
27 Wyoming Ava
ThUnijn Trnfr Company, Limited. line. Baggage and froitit culled for
id dtllvtrtd promptly, 1U7 Franklin
An important meeting of the First Pres
byterian church will tune place this even
ings Tht employes of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna hud WMtorn car shops will bo paid
Several now cases of me-tnles and one of
3 iptheria worn reported to the board of
health yesterday.
Uev. rieorge li. Uuild preached lMt
mght at a special .service in the Provi
dence l'reshytorian church on "Life .More
A sale and supper will be conducted
Thuraday eveniug next at ;w5 Washington
avenue by the Woman's guild of St.
Luke's church.
John Anderson and Miss Kdith Johus, of
Avoca, were married on Thursday by Rev.
Jl. Harvey at the Primitive Methodist
church of Avocn.
There will be the tmnal children'
uatinee performance a: WonderUud this
afternoon at which "Nick-of the-Woods"
will be produced.
A letter addressed to "Santa CIuus.
Cody town," and dated March ML is at
the poBloftico ofllcially marlted as "held
for better directions."
The Delaware and Hudson Canal com
pany employes at (irassy Island nlbft
Peckville, and the Delaware mine, Mill
Creek, were paid yesterday.
The Free Methodifs hold services
in Beer's hall, 30 North Main avenue,
West Side, this evening at 7.80 o'clock!
Rev. John Wintsch, of Waverlv, will
The Lackawanna County Medical so
ciety will hold its regular monthly nioet
lng in the coroner's room nt the court
house next Tuesday at H o'clock p. m. Dr.
Batesou will read a paper ou "Human
Temper men t."
The delightful music riven by the Penn
Aveuue Baptist Church Chorus choir on
hsstor Huuday will be repeated at that
chuich tomorrow, both moruiugand even
in if. This simple announcement is sufti
cient to inmro large congregations.
J..a8t evening nt the residence of W. .
Doud a highly instructive P.ible reading
was given by Rev. W. (J. ( 'nrr. This even-
.'t29tf.t ,V1" tako l,Uce nt the rftddeuce
of J, S. Miller, corner of Fran avenuo mid
Delawam street. This afternooii at a
o'clock Air. Can will speak nt the resi
dence of Mr. Vigiard. All are invited.
Rev. tieoice W. Powell, of New Vorlt
city, will again occupy the pulpit of the
All Souls church near the comer of Pine
street nud Adams avenue, Sunday morn
ing and evening at a. m. and 7.80 p
in. Morning topic, Tw Uloriotis Uospni
of Lite and Hopo as It Wus Preached by
Jesus Christ"; evening subject, "The Many
Keys to the Kiugdom or Heavau ' All
made welcome.
We learn from tho New York Christian
Advocate that the First Methodist church
ol Youkers. of which Rev. Fred M. Daven'
port, last year's instructor ia undent
languages at Wyoming seminary, Kings
ton, in paator, has just closed a remark
able revival, the greatest iu its history.
Between 150 and DOU people have been con
verted m the but three weeks and tho
church Itsolf has beeu greatly strength
ened. In fonio cases whole families have
teen reached. Tho church Una beeu
CI 1. v. dd nightly to hear the gospel preached
and Miiitf.
Anhauaer H sen But.
teals Lohman's, Wi Bpruoa .-(.
w for i ran
Poor Board Grams Relief lo Lug! Number of
Blighted Lives and All l-"orms of Hu
man Misery Add to the Pangs ol
Went in Almost fcvery Case Re
ports of the Various Officers as
Submitted to the Board Othor
Business Transacted.
The poor board met yesterday after
noon and. no donbt, in oognllanot of
the hard timas, dispensed its bounties
with a somewhat liberal hand. How
ever, the onset that came before the
members were, with a very few excep
tions, worthy of the kindly considera
tion they received. Poverty in tho s
Ireme prevails today in not a few
Sriantou homes, and uonn recognlli it
more quickly than the etllcient mum
bers of the piosent board. Most of
them have had lour txpirllOOt, 'and
while they may err occasionally, yot It
is safe to say that the leaning is gener
ally on tho mercy side
All of the directors were present at
yesterday's nieatin. Tho lirat busi ness
was the reading of the notice of
the reappjlntmtot by court of Mr.
Murphy to a ssnt on the board. Some
what unnecessarily, to au observer, it
would seem, a reorganization of the
board followed as a preliminary to' the
proper iudnetion of Mr. Murphy into
his office, Mr. Gibbous was chosen
temporary chairman and Mr- Lani,'
stuff was temporarily out of the prei
idnncy. He was re-elected without a
dissenting voioe, an act that eeemod
by tacit understanding to bo all the
ceremony uecessary to enable Mr,
Mnrphy to continue a member of the
poor board.
The case of Paschal Convlne, an
Italian whose wife ran away while he
was in the hospital suffering from the
loss of un arm amputated in an exnlo -sion,
was called up by Director Will
iams, who favored grhutiug the sou of
Italy n donation to help him purchase
a band organ with which to grind out
a living. There was some objection,
but finally the sum of $15 was donated
the fellow.
MR. BHOCTIM'l action.
The action of Mr. Shotten in sending
Hugh t ngley and family to Washing
ton, this state, was approved by tin
board, The Qolglty't are nomads of the
Gypsy species. They strolled into the
North End live months ago and soon
appealed to the poor authorities to keep
them from starving.
The applicants for relief were next
admitted, tiling into the room one at a
Hme, under charge of Superintendent
Boeiuer. First came Mary Parkin, who
received fj5 u month for three mouths
Mrs. Evans.whose husband ran iiwny
and leit her with four children to care
for, was, on mo: ion or Mr. Gibbons,
given $0.
A Mis. lieinhard wanted her Luj
band aeut to Philadelphia to hsve his
eyes treated. Referred to Mr. Gibbons
to furnish such aid as he may lem
Mrs. Bridget L'iw, no husband, six
children, was allowed $0 a month for
thre months.
Mrs. Mury Jeffrey, widow, five
children, received 1 a month for three
Mrs. Patrick Welsh, widow, no
children, applied for aid. Mrs. Swan
moved that she ha admitted to the
homo. The 111 ition prevail ed mucli to
the indignation of the old lady who
emphatically assured the board that
she "would go to no home."
Mis Anthony Sliergereky, whose
hatband has had a little won: pro
vided by the Associated Charities, nud
Otn ' help from tho poor board besides,
was granted $U on the petition of his
wife This was done against the protest
of Mr. Gibbons who wanted all cpp'.i
cants treated alike.
Ml& Frank Dtvis, a rather gool
looking yonng woman, husband sick,
was the next applicant. Hercise was
referred to Mr. Gibbous, wilh pawsr
to investigate and net.
Mrs. Patrick Eeilly wis, on motion
of Mrs. Swan, nllowed $0 a mootu for
three months. It was a worthy cise.
Urf. Annie Christopher, who has
previously been helped, appealed lor
more assistance. This brought Mr.
Williams to bis feet Ha handed a
letter to toerr-.'tsry Lynett, who read
the same. It was from ouo of Mr'.
Christopher's neighbors, nud stated
that the poor board was being imposed
upon. The writer explained that the
Cnristophers bad five lodgers who p;id
them $4 each each evory month, ami
that until lately they had n boarder
who pild $13 ft month. Old man
Christopher was accused of being too
lazy to pick slate, although nhle to do
so, while Mrs. Christopher, the latter
alleged, could drink more beer than a
man, as a cons- tiuence of which the
"growler" was ' awfully rushed," On
motion of Mr. Williams the case was
referred to Mr. Gibbons.
Joseph Telsh, o'i account of bal
eys, wns granted fcli for three montbf,
and Max Long, who was shot by Peter
Frank and is unable to work, was left
to the mercy of Mr. Gibbons will ren
der aid necessary to pieveut tho appli
cant from being turned into the street,
Catharinfe Coyle was allow ijcj for
three month. The application of
Anna Morgan was reerred to Mr.
Miss Willlaini was pensioned fr
three months at $8 psr month and Mrs.
Patrick Morton wai alloweJ $1 for the
same length of tini".
SHa is a sol.DIKlt's WIDOW,
Mary Tyrell, agd 70, soldiet's widow,
was admUted to the home, but declared
sb- would never go there. On inntiou
of Mrs. Swan tho action was reconsid
ered and the widow was granted fr
oue month.
Mrs. Coleman got (8 for three
months and Mrs. tSnafer'e esse ws re
ferred to Mrs. Swan. Mrs. Richardson,
pule and sickly, was granted $11 a
month for three months, the allowance
afterward on motion being raised to $y
Mrs. McAndrews, an old lady.apnenred
and her case was referred to a director,
a was also that of Mrs, Coon, not long
from Oarmany.
James Maloney, an old man, was ad
mitted to the home.aud the application
of a veteran, whose beat friend wants
to send him to the soldiers' homi at
Dayton, Ohio, from which he wan
dered away, was referred to Director
The report ofJSupsriiitendetit Djeiner
was read. It showed that there were
on March 111 101 males and 110 femalei
in the almshouse. Five wire almittad.
Art for the masses.
One Dime and
One Coupon.
two born and fifteen discharged during
Dr O mister, poor physician, in id
lie visits during the mount and treated
sixteen new cases Dr. Murphy treated
sevsu esses, made fifty viaits and p t-
fonntd two operations.
Dr. R F. Brant, resident pbytlolan
at the Ilillsida botU", report-d the
number of patients m tho asvluin,
March 1, as being 133 Three W re re
ceived and six discharged during
Chairman Gibbons, of the committee
appointed to purchase a farm adjoining
the Hillside bumf, reported th it com
mittee could not see its way clear and
it was decided to advertise for bids, the
sains to be opened in Secretory Lynett's
oltice at 10 a. in. on Thursday next.
The board then ndjonrned to meet Fri
day evening, April U0, at 7 U0 o'clock
1 hoy Must Furnish Detailed Plana
for Estimates- Important Meet
ing of Builders' Exchange.
At a special masting of the builders'
exchange last night Conrnd Schroeder,
G. W. Finn and H. C. Iliuman were
appoiuted u special committee to con
fer with Scrantou architects and in
duce tbeiu to include details in build
ing plana aud sptulfioatlous, which are
submitted for estimates.
The matter was discussed to a con
siderable extent, and the movement to
solicit the co operation of architects in
reforming prevailing method 1 is sought
to operate to the mutual advantage of
builders aud architects, and remove a
cause of serious misunderstanding.
While some of the city's architects
have complied with past rtqUHtt of
the Builders' exchange, mauy persist
In submittiug only geueral plans tor
estimates which works as much to the
disadvautage of the ownor us to tho
builder. The memliers of the exchange
claim that plans which come from the
larger cities, aud some locai architects
recently from oolleget, contain these
details. Under the circumstances, and
particularly where but two or three
builders are asked for estimate, a gilt
edged contract price is often awarded
simply bscause all bad included iu
estimate a sum to otfset missing details:
but just as often the builders are mis
led aud lose money through tho same
While nous of those pratent would
admit it, thtre is nn understanding
that if the architects of Serauton do
not furnish details and meet the build
ers 011 11 reasonable ground on thi-i
matter the builders will take radical
steps to protect themselves from these
architects. Just what they will do is
not known, but it would not be sur
prising if they refused to bid on the
plans of such architects.
During the discussions of the even
lug contracts were mentioned where
sums ranging from $30u to $l.,00 were
lost to the boildert simply from the
vagueness of the plans.
Among those present at the meeting
were Conrad Schnc ler. II. C. Hiniuan,
John W. Howartb, C. F. Lord, J, D.
Williams. li. F. Dunn, G. W. Brown,
Frank Moyer, Thomas D. Lyddon,
Frnnk Sniffer, H. C. Sykos, John Colli
gau anu Thomat clarity,
Ha Was Wounded Whils Dirchaiglng
Rla Duty.
High Conttni le Koohler, of Dickson
City borough, was stabbed and prob
nbly fatally wounded at Prlcehurg last
John Drovedek, John Flanoko, Mich
ael Cninco and Michael Mo'.t were
fighting near Faddon's hotel and Con
stable Koehler interfered, and urrested
one of ihein.
The nion then joined in an assault
ution him. one nt them using a ;kuife
with terrible effect.
Kotbler was placed under a physi
cian's c.ire and the four men were ar
resled and committed to tho county
jail by Justice of the Pesoi Ligan.
Wanted Pay for Servicos Rindrad at
Burlon Weliby, of Madlsou town
sl.ip, was one of this week's panel of
jurors and, after being discharged with
the thanks of the court yesterday
wended his'way to the county comiuis't
iloners' office to get an order for thJ
stipend to which he'vvas entitled.
Wlioii Clerk Wagner pres-ntol him
with an ordar for live days' wagjs Mr.
Welshv protested
"Doa't I get any pay for that night I
works I," he asked.
"What night was that." auirled Mr.
"Why thnt night we were locked up
in thst pesky lit:l" jury room," replied
Mr. YVeltby. "VVe couldn't sleep on
those cits and put in a terrible night I
:is?ure yen. Of course we ought to bo
paid for that,"
The gentleman from Madison w is
assured that the county allowed no
compensation lr night work, that it
mmtnrtd its clays by the twenty-lour
Mr. Wtltby thought that a moa:
niggardly polio- and declared that lie
would see th judges about lh 111 itter.
Before leaviug, how-ver, he took the
precaution to taki his urier for five
days with him.
- .
Offlo-r David Rjchs Take Elm Into
Cunt dr.
'11101111 Loftu w is urrested yester
day by Oflb-er David Roche on two
warrants hit was for breaoli of the
peace committed Usl Saturday. The
other was fur feloniously Wounding
Constable Patrick Roach.
Lofltlt made no resistunco to the ser
vice nf the warrant held by Officer
Divi.i Roche.
Aldetmsn Wright nilmittel him to
ball in the 1001 of 1,0110, $500 for each
case, which was furnished by Daniel
O'Connell, for his appearance at a hear
ing Monday.
hi -
Pl'v-r Givn Away.
Da Saturday we Will give a sterling p 11
verliatplu lo every customer buyiug i
worth of goods. Bee oar show window.
Mf.aks Haoln.
Fir Sal-.
Balance of my stock, -liii) Lnckawanna
aveuue, to families at wholesale only,
Friday aud Saturday.
Th Kvsreit Lead.
Wall forUucrnsey Bros.' now K"oJs.
The Lstsst 8tyls.
1 mi Saturday we will open a new stock of
dress goods, iucludiug the latest novelties
iu foreign aud domestic goods.
HBABI & Haukx.
1 1. " 0 1 ,
The Singer Sswlng Ilaohinn Compiny
Are now located at 52(1 Lackawauua ave
uue. 8ee their latest family sewing ma
chine, Mahogany wood finish.
MO LBckawauua aveuue.
Event Will Be C?ltbratod In Various
Churcbes of the City Sunday.
They Will Address Meetings in the
Churches Both Morning and Even
ing Anniversary Gospel Services
to Be Held In Young Men's Chris
tian Association Building in After
noonServices at Railroad Depart
ment Rooms.
Tomorrow the Young Men's Christian
Association will celebrate the tweuty
ixth anniversary of its organization be
holding service in a large number of
the city chnrchee. In th 1 arrangements
for these services, both the city and
railroad departments have united; Sec
retaries Mahy aud Petrtall have spent
two very busy weeks in ptlftOting
plans for the many gatherings.
Th speakers who havs been secured
are all men of national reputation in
Young Meu'a Christian Association
work, aud ull are at the head of the
largest associations in the conutjy.
Walter C. Douglas, ol Philadelphia,
general secretary in charge of the ihir
teeu branches of the association in that
city, is an eloquent and persuasive
speaker. It is Interesting to know that
he left a lucrative and rapidly growing
law pructice in Virginia in ordtr that
he might devote his life to the welfare
of young men.
George A. War'ourton, of New York,
is the literary man in tho association
fraternity, a graceful writer, a fluent
speaker aud the leader of work among
th railroad nltfl of tho United States,
Cornelius Vaqdtrbilt and Channcey
Deptw are members of the executive
committee iu charge of his work, and
by both of these men he is looked upon
as an important factor in the affairs of
tho groat New York Central railroad.
Itev. Ijlwin V. S-e, geueral secretary
of Brooklyn, N, Y.. association, is one
of the few clergymen who have entor-d
tho secretaryship. He is a cultured aud
soholnry man, and under his manage
ment tho associations of Brooklyn hafe
taken advanced ground In tduoitioual
an 1 spiritual work.
W.'B Millar is at the head of the
central department in New York city,
familiarly known as tho Twenty-third
street branch. It is interesting to note
that in tho educational clattea of this
asBociatiou there were more students
enrolled than in any college of the
country, save oue.
Of tho other speakers an Arthur
Luc is, state tecretary of New Jersey,
who was formerly Railroad secretary
in this ci!y, and 1s well known, und S.
M. Bird, of Wilkes -Bsrre, oue of the
best Y niiig Mn's Christian association
secretaries iu Pennsylvania.
The programme of services for fie
various chntobea, iu ouch of which will
bo roadtlieaunualnportof A. W Dick
son, president of the Scranton Young
Men's Ciiristi.m association, and the
list of speakers have been arranged as
linen llid'je Presbyterian Church -Report
by W. II. Parka Aildres by W, B.
Millar, secretary, Twenty-Third street
branch, Mew York ciry.
Washburn Street Presbyterian Church
Report by William Frink. Address by E,
F. See, general sec retary, Brooklyu, N". V,
Duumore Presbyterian Church Report
by James B. Wutsou. Address by Arthur
Lucas, state secretary of New Jersey.
Penn Aveoue Baptist Church Report, by
L. M. Hortou. Addre-s by George A. War
burton, general secretary Railroad Fonng
Men's Christian association, New York
Jackson Street Baptist Church Rcpnrt
by E S. Williams. Address by H. M. Bard,
general secretary. Willts-Burre.
Providence M. E. Church Btport by W
W. Iutjis. Address by George (J. Mahy
The following chinches will be occu
pied at evening serric-s :
First Presbyterian church Report by
President A. . Dicks, n. Address by
lieorge A. Vi'ai burton, general stcretarv
Railroad Ynung Men's Christian s- -hi-lien,
.lew i nrk city.
Second Presbyterian Church Report by
H. C. Shaler Address by Edwla F. Sue,
general secretary Young !eu's Chris ian
SjMOciatloo, Brooklyn, M. Y.
Providence Presbyttritll chuich He
tiort by R. w. Palmer, Address by s. M,
Bard, geueral secrttsry Ifoung Men's
Chris iau as'o iatien, Wilkes-Barre.
Scranton sireet Baptist Church Report
by O. P. Athelman. Addrtis by Arthur
Lucas, state secretary, New Jersey,
Simpson MethisMit Episcopal Cburch
Report by U. . Neelty, Address by If.
U. Millar, secretary Twaaty-tblfd streut
brunch. New York city.
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Cbnrch
Report by Captain W.A.May, Address
by Walter C. DoUg.a, general secretarv,
Qracs Reformed ( hurch Heport and ad
dress by H. L We -ton
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
Church Report by W. B. Bmith.
Calvary Reormed Churon Report and
address by ReV. W. 11. HiUbbltbiue,
rilll ADKI 1'lllA RICBBTAHY 8 ADDKCtrl
Au anniversary gospel Ssrviot has
hetd nrranv d to be b"ld In th lart'i
hall of the Y ning M c' Cirist tun m
lociation bmidiag at my o'clock to
morrow afternoon. An address will 1 1
made during the s.-rvic.i by Walter C
Douglas, gennr4l secretary of the
Philadelphia Young Men's Christian
Mti.ulntion, A s-lcted male choir of
twenty voices will be I'd by Tallte
Morgan, ns'Du 1 by Mr. Rntumerblll
and Mr. Rossar. The complete prn
y.r niiiiie of the services is . fo i
Opening brmo N . S17
Choiu. "ReuieuibuT uiu, O Mij.ity Uje "
B-nltiture reading and prayer.
Bole andebarna, 'H3otl Bless My Bey,"
Btebbios, Thmnai Ilyuou and male chorus.
Address Waller C, Deuglas, Ueneral
Secretary Yonug Men's Chris. laa Asiocia
tlpil, Piilla.t ilphl 1.
Quartette, ''Fof God so Loved the
World,,1 MvGeauahaa,
Chorus, "Walking With God, "Portius.
Hymn, Btnedictloa,
At the railroad dep'irtnieut, 58 Lick
IWauna avenue, at S 4"i o'clock Sunday
afternoon, Messrs. Warbnrtou and
Lttcas will pak to railroul employes
and their families. There will be ep-c-ial
mnsio by tho choir, and a largo at
tendance is expscted.
Mr, Warburton is riBltmbttt.1 ly
many because of the prominent pirt lo
took in the railroad confereact which
was held in thi city four years ago
He is au interesting und eloquen
Arthur Lucas was formerly secretary
of Ihe railroad department iu this city,
and is kindly remember I by many
friends among the railroad men
BE sure and
get your choice
of Multichromas.
One Coupon and One Dime.
Action cf Itrs. T!j. i lii : for
Damages Now on Trial.
Th suit of Mrs. Eitella Clayton
against Hill and Connell was tak 11 up
again yestprday morning before Jud.'e
McPherson. He retused to grant
ion-suit, deciding to submit th- a
o th jory, raerrina th o,is'ion
0 whether there was snfii git kvi-
1 -ne on which to go to th j irv to h
irgUad later Closing addi e wr
mane tothe jn f hy Attorney Virnalius
Smith and M yor Everett Wirreu au 1
at 3 o'clock the j iry ratired to delibjr
11 te,
Judge Elwavls granted a non-suit In
the caso of Patrick Karnev against
tha Central Railvoid of Nw Jersey on
tht ground that notice was not given
the defendant compiny that it was ob
structing the chVniiel of the river.
A verdict was 'retumol in favor of
the plaintiff on trie two policies in the
oiso of John Briwinen, executor of the
estato of Margaret Branner, deceased,
against the Prndtnltal Life Insurance
Company of North America. The ver
diet is for $10137, but Is subject to
poiut reserved by the court wuieh will
ne argued later.
Yesterday afternoon before Julae
Arohbald in the main court room the
case of Margaret M.izey against the
Lackawanna Iron and Steel comuany
was put on trial. Mrs. Mszsy silts to
recover danngos for tho death of her
hatband, Philip Mtgty, who was ac
cidentally killed iu the C.ipouse mines
of the defendant company ou April 14,
1891. MsZ'y was mploytd as a foot
man at the liilno ami tho accittent oc
curred while he was assisting In the r, -piir
of a pip? whi.ih carried water
down tha shaft. Attorney Cornelius
Smith tppaartd for the plaintiff and
Attorney E N. WilUrd und Major
Everett Warren for the defense.
Tnat being the last case for trial this
week Judge Archbld vetterdav ufler-
uoon discharged the morning jurors.
(hi Will G!v a Concert at Acdtti7 of
Muvlc V. elnssday Night.
Nxt Wednesday night Biltierettt
Jones, known as the "Black PattI,"
will givt a CODCtrt at the Aaademy of
Music. She is a womlnful vocalist
and tho press of the country has been
loud in its praisu of hr wherever she
bat bean heard. The Chicago Times
Says :
"oissieretta Jones, the 'Black P.itti,'
"una given four concerts C Central
Music Hall, the laat one taking place
last uiht. Sie has scored an ai
equivocal success and has won the re
gard of all who have beard her. Her
voio is one of great natural beauty,
and she has so mnch sympathy and
pathos in her voio that her singing of
ballads at once wine tht heart of her
While Tbroe Burglar Went Throug.i
the Gretnwood Stor.
The general store of the South Side
Store company at Greenwood was en
tered by three men at 4 o'clock yester
day inoruing and the store robbed,
while Thomas Murray, the clerk who
slept in the store, was tovertd with a
A quantity of dry goods, clothing,
jeweuy and watches were taken by the
iLen. who, tho watchmau says, hud the
appearance of train s.
Chief of Police Siuipssn was yester
day notified of the robbery, and the
pi-rDetrators will be apprehended if
they try to difuose of thtir plunder iu
the city.
K lights of th Willow Finding Thtir
Way to the City.
Second Basmn Rovse, of the Bcrac
tou Base Ball club, arrived in tne city
yesterday frm his home In St. Louis,
lie says be is in good condition and is
eager for the opening of the ssason.
Pitcher Doran at rived Wednesday
and Itqnarter'd with Reett at the City
Hotel. An effort is being made to ui -r:
n;e for the ti-e of the Young Mien's
Cniistiau Astooiation tymoailon for
practice until the field is ready
Skbbath Preteo lon.
To the committee and friends of the Sab
bath :
Au adjoutned moating of tbe various
s'.lh contuitti ei engaged ill the CSDVas Of
the city iu toe iattrratnf a bettor obserr -ance
of the Sabbath iu Scranton and Dun
more, will be held at Young Men's Obrl
tiu Association 10 ens this afternoon
at a o'clock sharp. Tht committees that
btvo not made their report are expected
to present them at that tint and those
having already reported may repou addi
tion detail. All f I lands eT the worn 'are
invited to show their Interest in it by at
tending the moutiug, aeutxially the pastois
of the city and boroogb
F. A. DoKT, Chairman.
QcoaagQ. Mabt, Mecretary,
Wk aro prepared to fnroi h busintft
men witu ilrst cl iss stenographers mid
typewriters uy the day or buur, Horaoton
Oommarcul nttQciatioo, l.mlteu, 423 Spruce
rir Blbbenr,
of New York city, will l e In his :! TstttOU
olVice, 441 Wyoadng aVi UUe, every. Mon
day tr. m ! iu the mOlOlUQ until i) iu the
,M K.
Dr. C C. 1 acnaotl, dentist, Gas and
Water company bnildiaitj Vyominc ave
nue. Latest unproyomtjute, baght years iu
Nrnutoc. '
Here I am,
Safe and sound,
Plump as a Herry
Pudding, but
Not so round.
Ready lor business
at 417
Lackawanna Ave.
Best Sets of Teeth, 00
Including the palnle xtracting
tf teeth by uu mtirely new piv
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
aao wuwi.m, avu
EdlUr JurUvioa T.ll How tf Cams to
Bo Douad Ovr.
With refertnoe to the charge of rob
bery pending against Paul Jnrleviob
and Theodore OletnovltCb, mention of
which was nude yetttrdav, friends ol
:lie defendant explain that i' arose In
He following manner: Jnr evltch and
Ol snovitcu tin! entered Rufewlrk's
all. tt a drink. At the same time
lohn Z ntiotka em rei, JuikvuIi
was c.iied nn momentarily, ''on g
rnioh abtituca Z uticaka oid red a
rink and s iid ho and no mom-v wh-r. -with
to pav for it.
Wnen Jorlevltoh rttorned h mi-iijed
a roll of bills . uionnting to (63. A
moment liter Z uticska produced a
similar roll, containing bill which
Joritrltob tayt ht reuognlsed. Jorie
vitoh and frie a 's took n portion of this
mouey from Z mttctka and gave it to
Mrs Kndtwick, to keep pending a de
rision as to tua mooey't ownership,
Zmtlotka then bad Jnrleviuh und
Jlesnnvitch iirrest-d. Nt related yster
day. Liter, V, 'ntleska himtelf wtsar
rested on a charge ol 1-tro-nv, preferred
by Jnrl-Titcb, Aldtrman Wright hel l
him in (300 bail. Mr Jurlevitch laJlie
editor of the Russian Greek NeWt,
Bock, sausage and frankfurters at Arm
brnst't, 819 Peon avenue.
8 Wo Sal) Goods f.,r Cash Cheaper
than any bona iu Byrtntou. S
S -. lb. Wlb--. lo 1 1 Oh t!
- Flour Cane, 80c ysc. $1.10 3
Bread and C.ike ttzKti,
S 40c 50c tsc. S
S Ciki Ecx3, Round, 3
40c 5,c 70c.
m Sngir Boxea, 8 Slats, to 70c S
S Rnirj uoxec,
S! Spice Eo.-.r.ii,
I Child's Traya
a Duat Pans, fi
m fUtt Liltira,
43C m
; . r, n "a E
rjUti. lar ?c- rnf
K nun Kans, hancy, lac .
S Pldte Liltira, aoc S
siiiiissiiuiii iiiiMiiiiiii inilll m :eh
i 126 PENN AVE. I
,,.We ti:I pS'r AKi.tend Btua S!
jjj N are ut prlcei to suit the times
Dr. Hill & Son
0 T.
at teefj. SS-Tl; best sot, : for roM cam
snrt teeth Without plates, i:u!l:I CTOWB an !
J'i'lKe, wjrk. call ).,r pricu and rfrDOes
iu.NAi.tiiA, tor rxtractltu ttetu wtthoat
palu. Wootliur. No gas
Glove and Corset Store,
128 Wyoming Ave.
Wo hav recently rjedye.1, a new
line of Suede and Glassi Kid G.'ovf o,
we FIT THBM ON and keep them 111
Better Than Most $4.00 Sines
n a
l oSeaffiiorTacls toEnrt lour Feel.
AllStylteaad Widths In Oongrttt or Ltet.
Thfl Best Sboe on Eartb for the Money A
Try a Pair and you will wtar no ether.
VV every
OnrSs so Sines a:c as jjod
Beginning oa Monday, April 9,
to each customer who purchases goods to the amount
ofon-j do hr or ever an envelope containing a card.
On tho card is printed the came of an articlo which
will be given to the customer FEES.
Gifts to be selected by tho customers from our
regular stock. Tlnso Frea Gifts run in value from $1
to $10, amounting in all to $2,500, and includa Ladies'
Cloaks, Shirt Waists, Lidiej' Trimmad Hits, Flowers,
Mackintoshes, Ladies' Capos, Mon's Hat3, Boys' Hats
and Capes, Neckwear, Starling Silver Scarf and Stick
Pins, etc., etc.
No Blanks Everyone Gets
133 Wyoming Ave.
tyJE are now exhibiting a
very complete and ex
cel, ent coll. ction of
A Handsome Blue Cher- Q? '
10: at
h'orm Btrgt, iu Lliue and cT " i
Black, at JM.JU
Importtd French SilkC'lp ,-1
Gapes at. SlD.DU
Fine Cloth C.ipjs at O-'1
Lulies' Jacbatl.tbt latest ( 4 C A
btvlesaiid in all 04.JU
Millinery Department
and also a large variety of Ladi-is' and
Children's UNTRIMMED HATS aai
a largo uesortmeut of FLOWERS.
Children' a Caps
We show the largest assortment of
at very low trice-'.
: 1 1
M i 1
H l
1 li:M'-KSn'l.Z-S- T
" -'4taife!-jrTJ:ie
2SBtsWs' '
1-:.' and 131 t'KKM AVENUE
On the American Plan,
Bcraaton's newest and ont equipped hotel
Ueated by Rteam. Rleotrle Belts. Hath
TuUt OU ei,el, III or. Lsrp". AVe'l
Llghtod end -airy ktoosn,
Bverythlag Ctiiiiptete.
Office on secund flo .r. Good smpto
room tttacbtd,
P. J. CONWAY, Prot
Eureka Laundry Co.
Ccr, Linden St, rnd Adams Ave,
CoORt '.lorss sqcaiis.
All kinds of Laundry voik guirantesl
the best.
You Buv
Lackawanna, and Wyoming
Sl. KAN TON i I'A.
aa anybady't S3 00 Shoes.
( Mb
a. 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i uu'i
, .
n-'ir .wf