THE gGEAIvxusr TBIBB3fEtiA i UBBAT 3iOfiaSFfiF2k APRIL 7, 1694, GENERAL liS OF INDUSTRIES The U'fttlin? OOttpany'l Draper col fiury, nt QUoerton, which lias been idle fur several month, ilurinj; tiie prog ram of neeoaaary repairs, will become nctive ajj.iiii uliou: Juno 1. The jiir lmnse hai boon torn down and an oi tlraly new and modtra etruiilure is being rect?d in its plant, The roof !: buen pliced on the building and the ecreeu shafts have been pnt into pine. The breaker will be lilted out with all thi latest improved m.tchioery. The Pittsburg Commercial (JazitN prows facetious at Tom Johnson. It Bitys that his "several million-dollar steel plant, which lias been bomplng up against things in a journalistic way lure uud tiinro in Ohio, ttiroat-ms to get located At last. At loaet the nutter is said to bare progresiu.l so far na as the drawing tip of the corporation papers, It has been snirtdy imsiiliieil that Mr. Johnson's ul wuys-f nture plant K.w principally usefal as a fancy back Srouml for the froe :.. eccentricities, but at last thore has beeu a permntteni investment. Incorporation papora cost mousy for legal tuleut and clerical work, nud though this expens doosn't cut much of a llijure alongalde the other mi. lo.w to be invested, it is not to bo overlooked. Mr. Johnson is evi dently in no jesting mood uow and may the good work go on." The Mooiic Mountain Coul compiny Js erecting it new hrenker for meir J.Iarnhwood mines at J-issnp, which will have a capacity of 1,000 tons par day, and will preptM coal by the wet and dry process Tiie uew broaker.iay the I'urbotidultt Louder, Is located at n point coutixuous to tDive different railroad lines, so that abipiusuls may w ;!v b made to all markets as aoou as the new structure is finished, which will rriinlro about fivj weeks' time. The company has for this break r about 4000 acres, whloh tract was no cjnired of tho Pennsylvania Coal com pany, and i new skatt in b.'iug suuk to the Clarke and live foot veiiu, which present a face of excellent autbrsclte, The co'.'.ierv will be taeeqanj of Mount Jeeiup, winch is operated by tho lume company, when completed An order has been potted in the machine department or the Heading railroad shops in Reading that bars after the employes ara to work every othsi week, i gilt h.iurs n day a week. Nget week trill see the inauguration of the new methnl. The order il to ap ply to lli iron fonodry, "ur.i fidudry stud c irpeuter and p.iul shops, As Booti ss the Dataware and Dal- fia Coal Company's Ijjsw of the u i.irrl Bun colliery expire, which will not be until April I, lSil.r, the colliery will be leased by the Alrfonil'liu Coil 00IH puny, which recently tenured the Pine Rldgs mint at Minor's Mill.'. Tho Laurel Hun's output will then be trans- i feretl from tba Delaware and Hndaon railroad to ti.o Wilirn Citn and riri railroad Huron IspusTRIiX Notes; Laokawaoa aurwyur-i are laying out a Hew hue troni Wavei ly to Athens. There Is talk of the removal of the C'iitavisu oar shops to Milton C.ilocel .Miiiufurd'a Mnuvh Chunk switch tick will use tWO few boiler made by the Vulcan works of Wiikes-Uarre. i ive hundred Beaming employes At P.f.o Alio, St. Clair and Fruckribe Will OB Mop day he put on bait tima I'.'uly six crews m e u'. work on the Phila delphia Schuylkill Valley at PottlVlllo. It l.i paid tiiat six prnminent; traveling c al ! ales ayents reside in the little village it 'toptou. Fa. The employes of GoxeBrea &o.. have been notified that there will bo aredoo t.ou of 10 per cent. below th boU for the tnonth of April. This Will in ite a reten tion of 2 per cent, on the Wages paid for previous months Erie employes in the Carshopi at Port Jeivs are-Working on seven hoars time aul no work Batnrdays. Cozeco'al .collieries will ail be idle to day, i:ildr Fj. Con's i). s. and B, railroad expects to run the flrt train to tidewater In July. Theljehigh Valley company will tqolp its passenger cart ,vi;'n eitent (ioukl coop lerf, in place of the -Miller coupler iniy Jjow have. FINANCIAL AM!J COMMERCIAL 6tccfe a. -.d Houd?. NfeW Yo:;!; April (1. Tho dealings nt, the Btock exchange today were oharacteria td by marked strength without, however, any material Increase in the volume of transactions, the sales aggregating 813,500 shares. The bears maii-i a drive against Distilling aud Cattle Feeding at She opeu Sng on tuu strength of the developments iu xegar i to tho quo warranto proceedings end the stock doclined L The attack Was undoubtedly intended to intluencs tLi: general market, hut tho buying p .ver wns such its to more than sonata balanos the sales for the short account and a recovery set in which grad ually extended to ih entire linn ot rail way Abrt Industrial snnres, Speculation whs affeOted io some extent by reKjrts from WskbiBRtoa that the Wilson bill mar be defeated. The advance Wat 0Qta to ,'Va 2 per cent,, Sugar, Distillers, Lead, the General Electric scoring the greatest im provement. Island moved up sud denly trcin 7(i to TfW on reports that tlm differences between tti" company aud the Minneapolis and St. Louis had been ad justed. The market closed strong at or Hum- the best ligures of tho day. NlW YORK, April 6. Unfavorable news Tiie foll.'WlUK eomplntu talilo suowinir the day's fluctuations in active stocks Is supplied land revised dsily by LaBar A Fuller, stoci Xirokers, 1111 Wyoming avenue: Open- Hub- bow Clos- Ine. et. Am. Cot. Oil 83M i: tfu Am. Hiiaar. H l's HW, l .'x, A.T.8. F I5U I5l 1 1! I.V Ciiu.So fH'ti .V-'l, f:ij Cn. N. J 114 IU IlilU lit ;hlc. AN.W PHI- llWtf, lull WA C , B. g 82V tHill K!t Mim Chic. Gas mi l Kl'i slU :.. C C.8t. h... 4tf)t l iifii Col. Hook.Val. A T IJ. &.II 1W ! 14KM IUU I)., L. W ..7 D.efO.F -)!4 nil KM Erls . IS. ft 41 mn 44 AIM Luke Shore I "' UU HI 19. L. M H iiii .r.i! mt Mannattan USM ijuw 1251. i:nu Mhte. Par ftfi Mi MB M Nat. Lead..,. 8 U, 4i Mil JJ. Y.ftN. E 11 11.J 111 111. W. Y.Centrsl Wl lOPM HHK, 10, N. Y..O.& W ITV ITfi IT'4 kg n. v.. s. ft w in in i5t iHa D.B.aOo ssi Mi Mf North Pac !M 11 MS il North ItM BW llU Oiimhii 4lliJ 41 411 41 Pae. Mall 17 i;i4j 17 w Besdipf zi'iS ss ii Bock Wand 7(ij '.2'l 'eiH K. T N ij H SU, 8t. Paul MM W14 MM BU T..C. ft I .. UN 1011 IM Mi Texas ft Pae.,,, Union Pae 'WaliKsn, pt .. h'M !, In lnu .. OH if H jUM MM .. UW ISU ISti I8M w . union. . siri ti'it M't W, ft L. li ISM b'Ta iW W. ft L. L. uf HH Fcranton V'bolal ATarkata RnnANTOK. April, ti Fitnirs axd Pao lli s. uned apples, per lb., 0a7tl evap hi at id apples, lOallO, per lb.) Turkiab prunes, 4ja&('.; F.ngllah currants. Iiivi!j0.i layer raisins, n.76aL80l muscatels, ll.lffe l.iiU psr box; nsw Yalenclas, t)a7s. per lb. Ukaws Man ow rati, t8.43a8.60 per busheli icediums, tLTOal.80, r.T.t Cf rren, $L I Sal.20 ptr bnab si ;spli t, Hf.l-M "."(; lent 'lit. Salbu. per pound. F.vtaioiiS SnaOllc. ier bushel. - Omoks 85oj per bnaaaL Utrrrau 14am, per lb. CnxxuB'ii-. perliv Kaas Fresh. ISJalSWa I'O'ji.tky Chickens, dressed, 12 to 13c.: turkeys, l'J to l?c. M rats name, l(l4e.: largo. lOc.j skinned hams, i(.','4c; California bams, i "-,.; shoalders, 8)io.i dry salted bellies, Site: stuokad breukfant baooo, 11 c; I'O'.tK Mc:;s a. 17; short cu t, J1S. Laiu l eaf in tierces at 8c, t in tubs, Oyci in 10-pound pails, li'e.: in h-ponnd li c; k'-ponnj pail.i. 10. per pound. liEtv Choice sugar cuiod, smoked beef, 14c. FLotnt Minnesota patent, per barrel HBSalOO) t'hio und Indiana amber, at ty.flti; Oratir.ra at tS.M); ryo (lour, t Bt,CKWiii:T Flouii 12.70 par cwt. rid Jdtxed, per cwt. atosc. Sbaiic Rye, tS&e.) corn, 47to49e.i o. ti'a4.v. per bnshaL Kvn thaw Per ton 'UalS. Hay-AM to $17. Chicazo C!r,itn aid Proviilons. BCRAXIOKi Ap 11 0. The followini: quota tloDsave supi'lltf.l slid eorreStM dally by La Bir ft Fuller, stock brokers.11 U'yo 11111 ave- uuc. WHEAT. Nay. .Iii'v. Sept. iipvnlr.g Rlgtaeet Lowest , Closing. CoHK. Opfnlng llighent Lewest CloeiBK OAT8. mm Oiivnlng Hiitheat Lowest I 1 li..! PORK. Oni-ulliK Highest : I nt CioainK LARD, Opening Knthesi Liwout Clutiac SH 'HT RIBS. Opvlllug Hlghoet Lowest ClOtijg '.I uet HSM or. t 117 4 It'.a I41W 0014 KM MM MM i-i'i W'i mj 4ui.n uii m wn tK Wft I! I til MH '.'II Ml ;:u HHii M RM "I'd NH KM1 igjB un mri vui HIM W tins UjHN TOO 000 OM 712 DM 7o. Ilbi UM lie a ir.n 1 U 6dS 610 MS UU'i Uhl til.' mi un 01 i bei bill K'wYoils 1'roduce risvli.-t. KlW SfOHK, April I'LouR Mere ac tive. V, hkat Dull, easief, closliiu steudy; No. i red store and elevator, Hkfa06)SjO.i afloat, 07o.; f. o. b, Ct!jB07iic.; ungraded rod, 69n0Sc, No. 1 uortuern, TSW&l op tions closed unsettled at'HaWo, below votterdayi April, ti5c.:Maj,wi--jc.: June, 1570.; JnlV. 88Ma; Aug.iit, flPJic; Sep tember, TUjfci Uocembi-r, 74c. Cokn Lull, llrmer; 'o. U, Itic. ; eleva t r, 47c. afloat: options were modorntely active dosing weak at !fc. overyastar dayt May ai.d July meat uctive; May, MsfC,! June mid JnlV, 4."ilt'c. OAK tiiiet, firm; options, dull, stroogert ApriL MKo ; May, Wc-i July, 850.1 No. I white April, e0o,t epot pries, Ko, BBMJai Na 8 white, (Olfai No. 'J Chicago 37,v;c; No. 8. Mtc. : No. 3 white, o'j.ijc; mise.l western, tb)Ja81He-i W Dm and white state, l';ia4 lc. rtltKK-r-teady. dull. Bxtp Havs Qalet. Tunc in Hkek Dull. OUT Meats Finn; middles, nominal. Laku Kasier: western Jteatn.l7.ii0; citv. T.nTjfCj Apt il, R65: May 67.60; J uly. $7.23: refined, ipiiet! continent, $UI.; .-xjutli America. $8.20; compound, SaOC, For.:; Firm, !e8 demand; mess, 118 50a u.oo. Boiraa Fancy, icarcn and Drmer; rf'ale dairy, new, leaSSc.) do., eld, lualnc.) do, creamery, new, 2i!c; Pehnsvlvanla cream'ry, low, 88)c.i Fenn rlvania, do,, ?:'!,.. : western dairy, new, UmISc; do. creamery, new, Ida 2o(i;.; la.'tory, !).Uo).j; algiUS, 'ili'.jC; lniita tlon creamery, Haled CnuKSK Steady, unchanged, Eoaa Falrr demand, staiu ami Penn sylvania, lP,'all-c; westi ;a frMb, lie; toatbern, Oxalic - Philadelphia Te.iiovr afaritiit. PatLACXLTniA. April 0. Tallow was doll with a light demand, Prices were: Pi ime city in hogsheads, 4'X?-i do. dark In hogsheads, 4 '4 c. ; prima country, In hogs mads, cakes, Oct grease, siaJa'c. AMONG- Our Neighbors Farmer Miller, of Exeter, recently t'oUDil a corked bottlo in the Simiiie naona i:i which was a pii'ce of paper. Upon opening this paper be read : This will cjafortaa my death. You will find my Bodily in the Susque hanna Hirer and my uiooney In tli" First national Hunk l'hillip Kipp," nstmuch as no ona knows "Phillip," and 11 1 one has found any dead bjdy in the "Main, asbanoa," It is believed ihat this message wa a hoax. a a Schuylkill Bounty's irrepresaiblo Ban Losoh is now a fall pledged candidate for congress Tho doughty major at first thought he would try to make the ti;;ht fur a placo 0:1 the state ticket, preferably thu nuiitor-geueralabip, but his now memorial encounter with the recalcitrant Republican commissioner, Frank Allan, end Its rekindling of old factional Bret, eff-'ctnully preventing that, tin jar Losoh, probably, doea not expect to ne elected cougreesmnn in fa OS of th local qniirrela liy which his own parly is divided. IJnt Inasmuch as lie lows a political "scrap1' better than ha d jes n Hi'iaro mfal. liu present osndidacy tuiy bu rotrarded m in the U'ltnre of a recreattoti. t'NSP Shots at OtBER's DoiRQflt Bethlehem's lodge ot Klku has disbanded, The Laclinwiinna Presbytery will meot iu TiiukLnnnock Monday. During a grocer's battle egjs iu Pittatoo reu'nlly fell to 8 cents per duzeo. Kiitledo Bros,, of rlymonts, yosterduy gv 1 noo leave' of bread to the poor. ouaiarcul, 18X, I'ottsvilie Uamhnaus 'II hold the largest eisteddfods on record. fr'ocrotiiry Herbtrt, afler inspection, thinks the llothlehein Iron works just riuht. Twenty-three shad recently rewurded one patient anglnr in the Delaware, near Beaton, Kutu cut off the water supply at Dean's hotel, Kchweuksville, by gnawing off a lend pipe. rlmployes of the Wilkes Barrn lace fac tory have unrealised for social purposes into the Textilo clnb. The German aiat?ra of St. Nicholas par ish, WIlkesBtrre, will soon oconpy a baud some new 8-story home. Lebauon Christian Bndeavorers,borrow itig the cue from Allentowu, havu origl uatod the "peanut festival." Candidate Walter Lyon, who wants to be liautenant-Rovernnr, lias born auc tioneering in Wilkes Bnrre. Five hundred Bangor and Pen Argyl sinters earning on an averngn $2 i", per ay are on atilke for an incroi'S 1 in wages. Mlebael FeraaOi theNloholsoo sleeper, who for seven years has b"iei in a r unn- lose state, has been removed to Bin ra. Robert Schoedler. nu operator, at A -burtis, snffereu ho much in one of bis ei. s that a doctor performed an operation,tak ing ont a part of n bumblebee, liiirgt ss Rex, of Manch Oounk, has or dered the arrest, of street loafers, chief Engineer Joseph H, Paddock of the II. (.'. Frlck On,, who wa mttiderel nt Connellsttda, was once a resident of Wilkes-Barre. wnero he acted as maohani- ml eugiucer for the Vulcan Irou wurkj. . - - Not Lenv an A china: Vol I. Miuni'njUs Tiiitn. Lives of great men nil remind us We may make our livs sublime, Or departlug leave behind us Room for sonic one else to ahiue, MMI A . P. 11. DOBrtY. mnto of Ktenuior Aristotin bad his foot badly jummed, Thongs Kclectiic Oil cured it. Nothing equal to it lor a quick pniu rciiever. ee fl Fortunately it Bu at Last Been Ci3Covc?ed, WHAT A PROFESSOR SAYS He Wolds Thai No Man or Woman Noed n3 Troubled Any Moro With Indigoition or Dyspepsia. "It la lorprittng -.vhut gro:it r.dv.inces are bi ing mudein the worM," The Speaker was the president of a leading college in Mew York and he Was talking iJht compiuy of friends at t!ie club. M "I'uko for example man's food. What nro henltby loo Is for man'.' Doubt leas those spec! fled by Moses Mrs thu I i In thoaniiuil kingdom, and vegetable foods that have not under gone decompo-ilion are heiilthy food. 1: is fermentation sod decay that make loodj unhealthy This decomposition produces unison; it makes no diserenos whether the deeompoiition tnkrH place before or after the food lun been eaten, poison is the result, and poor health is sure to follow. If wo SM too much healthy food and a portion of it is not digested the balance becomes s ured and evolve pjsion, for poiton is a a necessary retult of the rotting pro cess. What i ttie reBull? III health. Is It not simple '; Can you not see it is Intel ' His llsttiTs wero nil attention, aud the professor continued: "Borne p"oph cannot digest food enough to support life. This class it growing larger and larger Story day, In it are included 11 Vast army of tbin, pale people, men and women with sal low complexions, lines of oere in their fees and other marki of uuhupplness. i'hey are literally aturving to death. Often they beliova that If thsy will only eat they will gain Iliad. This is a mistake. If they eat more than they can digest u potion it formed within the body ami hastens the breaking down of their health.' The eminent professor paused a mo mant and tbsti continued: "If the digtstlv organs will not con vert food (into blood and tbos support life, some other me ius mint be ris .rtcd to. This h; s in ihe yust been oue ol the undisec ve-tid sciences, but fortu nately at laft It 113 been solved, rood, artificially digested, Is tsken Into the otrcnlating system, forms blood and mnsole, and strengtbens the entire body without any tffnrt on the p.irt of Ins diseased end feeble digestive organs I ilia much science nus done for man The discovery smi giviugto the public of a prf-digested food has been one of the gr. ate-t booms of the present cen tury, and Paskola, whioh it altraoting so much attention among all classes tuiougiiout tho laud is c-rtaiu to work .1 involution among p:op!e who have heretofore been unable to understand why they inffsr and cuutiuuj to suffer. , inysell, have known of men nud women havo gained both Bush and strength with surprising rapidity, after using a small amount of Paskola," ( hie of l.i lKenen was a tall, thin, wiry gentleman, who said: "Do you think the discovery of which von speak would increase my flash any!" Uce protestor looke.i at him careful ly and said. "No, donot, lou nren thin man LHtt rally scd 1 CU readily see you ure healthy. Food will not obange a gry hoti'id into a bulldog, his only wharo people ore unhealthy and emaciated by reuion of ic'jttiess, dyspapsls, Indiges tion and similar causer, Ihat tjis pr degaitod loud becom-s effaotoal, I do not belie vo that nro fond can perform miracles or raise the dead, ba', as I have S'tid before, in all my experience 1 have never known anything which will take pale, thin, weakly, liokly.saf furing and hi pl-ss nun and women, rbo nave fallen off horn their normal weight by inability to assimilate foo l out of thu SlOUgb of (I s; oud iu whih they may be, and restore their health, Strength, vigor and ambition in u tmti her equal to that of th prr-digested food uf which I sp.-ak. I rjo not know much '.about it compotitiou, but I be lieve it to be sturk artificially digested, and 1 do know tha effect it nrodutsss, for 1 have seen to many practical ex umples of It not to know whereof 1 Speak," W have m d-..ire to comment upon the words of t!i professor above quot ed. Thry speak for themselves, and wo cheerfully reproduce tbem for t be benefit of any who may, perhaps, beiti need of sntnething will restore them to their fotuier condition and yet who donot know just what to do. A pnuphlst giving lull particulars res otingPaskola will be son) on appli cation to ths Prr-Dlgested Food Co., :U Bmd St. K. Y. City Tin: world Is always Interested in the rare Of consumption; j et its prevention is of far mure importance. Dr. Wood's Norway Fine Hviup li guaranteed to cure COUgbS and colds. Hold by all dealers on a guarantee of taiisfactiou. A Kllllnn Fi binds A trifmd in need is a friend indeed, nmt net less than one million pi'ole have found just such 11 friend tu Dr. Kings New Discovery fur Consumption, Doughs and Colds, If you havo never used this Oreat Cough Medicine, oe.e trial will couviuco y.iil thnt it bus wonderful cunitlvo powers iu all diseases of Throat, Ohest aud Lungs. Fitch bottle Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will ho refunded. Trial bottles Tre at Mathews lirua'. drug store. Large bottl.'B Sue. and $1.U0. .M TBS Dev. Win. Stout, Wharton, Out., states: After belug ineffectually treated by Seventeen differeut doctors for Scrofula nud blood disease, I was cured by Durdock Iilood Litters. Write him for proof. ttlio:. r.ahy rai slok, io gavo her Castorle. When she eaS a Child, she cried lor Contorts, When she boeeme M1j, she clung to Castorla, Whou ulie hud Chll Iran, she gavethaa IVHurta, Loot. I- OST-Orl MAIN .U'uSl'K. HETWLEN j 'I'm .li'h cmu'io 1 ti mil t'lmreh and Waebbura street, a mat', 1 Is k leather ladies' r . , Strip of pap. r v.iih mines, riuuer Mill please leuv. ksiiio at li.. 'Crug .ors. North ..isi. 1 ave .tie. Strayed. UT HAY UK I l II'. llltlS'tlLK DDI I I Oemer may have name by ealllmr o Adam 1-USM..I.I, llio uwo1 or thh-ailvenisi'ineiit. fa., ami juymg business rereonal. CANTAD FOB Mi'.N ONLY 0BKATS8T n na torer and devetui er known, i-trentlit ens, invlec rates. PrtoeeS iiuar.-uteud -snd lor eoullileiiliiil Uvular. Dr. 11 1. MD.LKlt. '1 yulney streul, ObtoagO. 1 A DIE . TONTK IS 'I HI--. ONLY SCC XJ eeesflu Bust Developer known. Never rails. KJiuU full eoulhlentliil pnrtlcwars no sle u lor -c. si.i.1.11. jjrs. or. u. T. oiutor, "i Qnmc St.. Chicago, Word. Il'fliifs nf all kind cmt ihat much, -crpt Situation irunfed.MiJn'cA rtes :inarttd FBEK. Situations Wanted. 'ei 5 1 JflSoii'" WititiMb' c A8r si opKSi 0 elerk, er similar position: imvo hud ex perloneo and nan tarnish satisfactory refer' eacea, Address L. .D.,219 North Stimnur avenue, City, OITCATION WANTl-D BV A SdULU: 1 ' relianle youni man, Qoud referencea Add.esu J. I). U., 440 Lihtli street. v,1t1'AT10N WAN'i'EUBV VOUSULADY 1 1 as oapytst or to do work in an itHo.-. Lx eolloat recerenee furulahed. Aadrese A. 51., Tribune offjoa. POSITION WANTED AS tfARTEXDEK y or as elerk; can apsalt Uorinau and 1'ulish. nDo Englisb. Addi tsa ill Putman street. Providence city. OIlUATlOi! WANTED - A LADY U year, old wants a situation as housekeeper n. ...... 1 .i.i wUower's family i ood e.xik end nurhb: eleven yours' expallehcei will BO to eity uj eoaatrr, Address M. a. i; , liox MS, But Stroadabai, I1"- Help Wanted- Male. VVANTED H maker. A I'lItST CLASS COAT- maker. at ou.v. CilAllLErt U EVANS. Oarbondaln, Pa, w 'ANTED BENEHAL WHEELBIUHT, Apply at ...... workt.. Hclci Vantcd Fsmale3. A7EDirur VV housework. Q od wages will be paid to B oompeteat girl. Call slUUlu-.m Kldge street. OOK WANTED AT ST. JAMAIS BOTBL, v 10.. L;.''knwHniiH avenue. figints Wanted. pBKE IbSla 5 SkTS w 'n fED-HLLL. X ItiK aew iirtOlei to dealers; exclusive territory. 10 eoinpetittm, 1.0 ci.pital ru aolred tnU to MM per eut. proilt. COLUM BIA CBBluCAL Co., uk aud 7t Dearborn street. Chicago, 111. , PXPKRIENCED CllLLEOToK WANTED i i to collect In Wllkes-Barre and vicinity, e ith ..... 1 t wtlkes-Barre, Bond aud referees lerecnirel Call from utniL'. I crantnn tonmardal A v datiuu, limned, rooms 5 aud . , 4ttQ Spmee street. C ALES 11 EN WANTED TO KEcL OL'U goods by tu the wholesale und re tall trade! soil on sight to every buhiueas until or Hi 111; lihvi a'. I alary aud etpun-ies pal 1 ; per nanent pculiluu. Eur tuna address with stamp. Centeunlhl Mfg. Co.,, Wis, WANTED MAN WlTIl LIVE AND KIKE II insurauce i-xp-rleu.-rt as lot ltd to? in Lackawanna county; good io'luounent-i to rit'iit mull. AUuruas lizi-it) nulioing, Poiiatlelphia, ra. U; ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD uridres to cull on Liumiioss houses. Sternly Hmploymetit for yis.d men. Apply Arcade ' .1 un.. Parin Wanted l 'AKM WAN ! El) -SEALED PHOJP08ALB I Ill l.e recehej l.v tho t?0 Tetarv of tile Berant. n Poor uiairic:, otll.e --.i Waah inato.i avenue, until Tbursdajr, April latn, I .'in. at III a. in., to roll the said Poor ,!s riot u larm of mo ti. lou acrseof land, within half a mil.- ..I' tie- administration building of Hillside Home In Net, tuu t nvi.-hiji. l'.-opo;.a'n to suite tbennmberof acres to ueeotd and the prlee per acre. The directors ri s.irvo tho light to rejs t any or all Lion. Exposals to be ad dressed 10 E. J. LYNETT, Sac rotary. . ranton, April B, Ml Cuctio.-i. COTTON -IjN BATUBDAY, APH1L 7. Jv isui at Sumner's Livery, roar mnnlclpal huildiiik. :LM D I c mrt, 1 o'clock p. in., cu Hiptm of horses, wagons, liaiiiooa etc.. ai-o S ipjantiiy .f fu mturu. A. E. STRONG, Auctioneer. For Rent. ,M.-: KENT A Pit I L 1 THE ItDOMS NIMV I eeenpted by the Telephone Exchange, iiuli Lackawanna avenue, Apply at tu, onTee of Lahtgb Salt Minim.- Co., Tlnril National Bank tnlldltn.'. L S. and E. C. K.iller ITOR KENT -NEW STOKE. NO. 41U I Hpruee street Inoulre of tUED WAG NEB, .111 Lackawanna eveuue. I HUt KENT - BUILDING is LACKA J wanna avenue from April 1. CUAliLKS II WELI.Et., Coal Exehiu.e. ITOL'SE FOB BENT NEAIt HoSTOl'FlCE, i contaiuiiii; fourteen room- an-1 lauuilry, all in fine order, splendid location for runt im; furnished room-. Apply at ."i Linden stn ct. tf 1 ''OH BENT TUB EE BOOHS. PROMT ON 1 see.. '1 floor, over N. A. linlliert's musifl store. 117 Wyoming avenue, from April 1. Iu- guire in the attire. 1 Part or all of three hun ! r- d feet ot yard rnom alo.ia railroad. Apply ut IMS Franklin sveaush 'po RKNT-BTORS axsnoit FURNISHED J nail on Gresn Rldgn street Very desire- ijle locution and on reasonable te.-ma. Apply lo V E HKTTLeTOB or U S. WOODRUFF. Kepttbllcan l.ulldluit. For Sale. ntJS BALK -A FARM iU'EiuilT'V .'.( :;,., I one aud one half Udiea trom DhltOQ on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. Flrst'Olsss farm housa with a never faihavepring nearby; two barns. Ko..d laud and i;."'.l urenard. Win be sold cheep, Terms ens -. Address B. F. VON' SToKCH or 1SAA' I ELLIS, BXSCUtorS, Daltuu, Lticknwauna county, Pa. OR SALE W ACRH I'AI'.M. STOCK SHEFFIELD. 4A. and uuasbs. J. M. tfonroe nvo H"Oit SALE OR EaCHANOE FOB SCRAN 1 ton property A boariu- orauce grove iiirreft'.tnp iu production and value yearly in the orange eectlon in t-Tnrida. Addree F. E. HRTTLBTON, Lake Helen. Florida Money to Loan money ru loan SI.0U.I TO 81ii.II(.'II ON .il osntralclty oronerly. D. W. UKOWN, Attorney, 500 spruce at Special Notices. IJCRSl' AN T TO THE BY-LAWS. THE 1 anni ul meettnn of the stockholders of the West Bldae CoaJ uom nay wld ba hold at the 1 flic-, of the ci mpuu . in tho city of Berauton. on s'opday. April H, at 2 p. re,, for the election of ohicure uud tho transaction of such other hiinluesi as may opine l.efoiu ihe miettu,:. An uineii.liaeut to the By will be submit ted. ehai.Klnu tea time Of the MJBUal stock holders' me. Bag. E. A. CLARK, Secretary and Treasurer. VOl ICE 1 !F KEMI .VAL THE SCRA N"! 1 i.N .1 Coiniucrciai ataoclatlon, limited, nave moved from the Traders' Mans budding te ru.." s In tin- HnuliJ.ulUlil.o. Spruce street. I J LANK BOOK8, PAMFRLBTH, Al AHA 1 itinou, etc., houud or r.-l.-u. ,1 at Thu I 11 1 11 1 N I ollk-,1. 1 rlees. Quiek work. Hoasonablo MEAL '11CKKTS CAN HE HAD T 141. Corner spruce etre.-t and Frankliu ave Bite, Twenty meal tickets fur tlbi. Oood table bonrd. Notice to Taxpayers. NOTICE TO TAXPAYBBB Tflfi TAX payers of the city of i-'crunton. Pa , will hereby teke notlee ihst the beard ofappeals appointed nv the city eouneils of said city to hiariiiid .letermt'ie niitieals Irolu citv assess- nietits fi r tli.- year IS'.'! are hoUllim nie.-Min s dally at the ..f th'i city clerk between tho b- ure of U u. m and 5 p. ID. for the puipoee aim esai.l and that appeals will only be heard In cases ot now Hftses-iiueiiti lor sr.iu year, the authority veatodlu said board not permittlnu the revision of s is "i-monta for any year but that of IS!I. The rneutiiiKa of tho board will ..... March ill, hui. Bv order of bour.l ol apiieals. K T LAVELLE, City t'lerk. Reai ctatt. "foil i-AI.K SiNUi-K HoL'hK, W6 VUlMJi' J avonuo; very deeirable locution. Anoly 0. P. REYNOLDS, or W1LLAKD, WARREN ft KN AFP. 'J.550 WILL BCY MODERN NEWSHOOM V hoUSC, nil Improvements; terms any; cor ner Madison aveiato uud Dclewnre An plv HARRY LEKH. gni.iOO WILL BUY VERY DBBIRABLB LOT t?' eoTaer Aladlson svenue uud Deluwarj itrtst. Terms sasy. Ap;.iy HARRY LEES. A 150 NEW ARRIVALS TODAY. LATEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST PRICES. d Our Dress Goods Department CONNOLLY & 1 vMado a well INDAPO It'K HINDOO nSMECY 3(1.' I h U CO D.V. CUrtB eVilTO NirVtiUK lHneii - 1 uhlUtf UfiMi ' '. . . i..-.. i k'ai 1. 1 . . . :iy Cut huroiy ruhiitrtit IsoMt Mmihood 1 11 1 ryouny, EatUrcari led In ui potflitft. Vili'oin.oo fcpackagt, BU for $ft,00 with o wrillttii MstMMtMtV vm'i" or humim y rt'luitilrd.'t Ift UliT i;i. . iji' I 1 1 (, . Mil -'Il '! Kiwi tj (thitattun. 1 u -1 t k,u Dftrlng IN H XIo othvr ii ho has nut ift It. wt will - i il L nmll 9pM IfCftp f 1.1 1. I ' a : 1 1 1 . 1 lb HMN t'livuuptji flit-. AuJi -rftf OrlejllLtil "J 0 I. ul Ct . I oiye. , t l.! -v.., 111., nr.... su ui.. - ! by MittihAeVs Brob., WhoUuU und RtUdl Dminfltt, SCRAN TON, PA.! and otfettf Lead Ing 1 . uKxi-i ERDoatM ct tmi HlSHSST Meoicf,!. AvTweamts rasgBavH p. ui inn nm tlfnaun will euro jou. . wuuiltTful bmin tq auffurer. fromColdt, More Tli i-aite, Si.fluei..t, Hro.iekUl. orIXA.1 1'EVEH. Atanh . - . II. I ME . . igyV' v . imnllaMrrtfa. Aapflk-tvat remeny, convenleat t. car. In pnrket.rfa.'T to vie 00 tlmt Imllcinmu of oola, ij'i.L-fliiued Vts KflTcctc Permuaent , -.. . iitiBfacti.'iimiuranli'. ii oruouss rejundad. Piieu, Utt on. Trial mn Urjun. KfKlJtv.tiil mull. W cuts. H. D. CIT3HUK, Sfr., Tim tieri, SL.u , U. 5. 1 Ctrfixxikr JVVf' s .IFNTPfll 'I'h" "im'st anrt n.ifrt remedy for I'ir.lS I nub all jklu.tlor.e;.-3. lOri-i.iH, litu.riali, nlil S..rea. lliinis. I'ulH. V,tnderf:l re-:.. elf I'.ir rill. KS. IVk-o.SStH. nt I),,,... n I '.ii j;!..;n .T :.v I-... II pr,.;,B).l. A.l.ln'Hji.-.yi.tuvii. C'n.-"' For a.iio bv Mattbsvfs Bros,Mergsn bios. sad alornan & t'o. Praservcd DR. HBFIA'S Ifll fl ft Liver . Mo!a, BlacLhsutlc! ' hunnurn huh un, r.cj n i eturea tl;o sl.iu to lis oriel- ., - clear tuul healthy con-ifl?si ftX'il''.--plcxlon. Buri'Ticrloftlliaca mparatlons and torfertlf harmlorr. At t'.l ur..t jkta.or inailed lor SOeni, Sci; J !u.- Cuoalar, VIOI.A SiJlH SOAP aUaptr llKtir-: "bl " ik::, 1 '.u. : -... uni'iil i In tl.e t-illui. i.'"l i..l'... .Hfcl i. il. litfm7. Abiaiu'.tiT vi.r acllj&'ji; ukU WMA, A Jluaiiiu, P.-n-.t 2S Cn. G. C. BITTNEFi A CO.,To;.co, O. For sale by Matthews Dro ,Uorgan8roeand M.,r.-i!i ft Co. DUPONT'S MINING, r.LASTlXCl AND BPORTINQ Maiiuft.cture.1 at the Wapwallopen Mills, i.a ssrneeonnty Da., and at Wii Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Qeneral Agti.: for tli Wyoming District, :i2 Wyoming Ave., Scranlon Pa. 'bird National Bank Bui'.dinj- AoaHotn. THOS. FORD, Dtttaton, Vn JOHN B SMITH & BOS', 1'lyn.mith. 1'a. E. W. MCLDKtAN. Wttkee-Barre, Pa. Ai i.;s for tho Kepaano Com pany's HikIi Estuoeivea. A Hanctecfino Comraiexioro llsonoof tho Kroaloat charms :i woman can ptwsota. Kiuio.ii's Complexion Powouui ; it. "THAT COUCH IS A waii 1 mi 1 r e.' DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP TRADE Positive Cura for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseno33, Bron chitis, Wrhooping Cough, and all Affections of the Bronchial Tubes. The Purest, Safest ami Best Throat auil Lung Bamedy Bwr Pro duocd. It rill cure every form of THROA.T and (AJSG Liisoimes dowu to the very borderland ol' ( ON'tiUMl'TION . PB8PAKBD ONLY UY FOSTER, MILBURN d CO. Ak VourDruifor a Pre. BUFFALO, N. Y. Nedlfr..rtl IllAHAM tF. to .'.ire ' li.v.,l.ii.l,.iv Klt.iNi.!..!. au ai. hi l .,n -in. ii.... ..i lassi For sale bejOBM 11. PHELPS, PbarnaeJs oor, auton, Pa. g ITHTfl a a imnn & titti tttti i irt m urn m ran We are showing a Handsom9 Line of Satin Stripe Jav anais. It will pay you to look at them. WALLAC! 209 "GoI'j! No woridor Mi'.su dcri't get up' 1 1! VH A I IK RBTAltlMa Tiie Screnton Bedding Co. iiO'i HUd (iOl LftOkftwanilel Ave., oorotv A dam 4 Avi WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. JsL Ukii dil Connell Washington Ava. . f. Tr.wftwe "WrprW, O r r. V a V Ci v V V v Wat 'Ss Snmatimea neetls a r. ii 'i T ui.. HUM IiHJIUUty swTyil"!- , medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Ate iirompt, tu.'p ;ind c.irtaln In remit. Tho pcn;i ni 'Or. teal's) nsverdlsappolat, snt anywhc.i. :."0. PealKe.lii" -io.'.i . l"loland, O. Sold bv JOHN II. PHELl'.S , Pharmaolai oomer wrwalng avonuo I Bpruco street Uoranton. i'a. SIGNAL OF DANGER.'' MARK. RESTORE V !Un Will Itr.p., m fr.'.'l fto'd .11 V l: i i . '.' N,.rTju Di't.nit. 1. j of h..ual F.'Wii ... altbptias. tr..tupav ti.". il n.-uiecl.-.t. ucn lri ulil 1- 117, atr eai 17 stall. 1. 1 ai tot S9. vvuh everv ' Furniture ...I--. ... k ... ruiAi. i . . ... .. ... FaaL in I'll .n:. Co.. ciatsiaae.okie, Wyoming Ave. and tinuceSt, WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Housa. Feathers Feathers Feathers Newiy Renovated No Moths, No Worms, No Vaatlter Ltoe In onrs. And our priceB are the lowest. 'nrpt Clenneil, I i.rnltnrt, I'pl.wl- twrml, e'aathars Uhuo- 10 o'clock In, Jo inorr,iii'!" AT FACTOBt PBIC& . .... : ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDKHDAY, APRIL 11. I BstrrorCniarjr Artiste Uae'eslKorelty, Madame Bissieretta Jones, I Kav'',." 111 ' BLACK PA TTI. ami fran the Berlin i oasarvato y. ti,u aeoorani&had VILONA SISTERS i Nina, pianist: Kwuy. riollotst; Ully.rlolinlst, a-d Iromner reeau: Liiiiilsu iiinmyaa. Miss DBLIiA THOMPSO.V, I Bu.'B Kfu 'i r. RrdtaraedFereonator. Tbe aaugbtful eatertelnmeai nt tLu kind pTii aneti bere. ... .;! prieea I ruit- of Sent-, openj Hondal Week i-oismanilaj JIOXUAV. 8, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND VfSD.S'BSDAY, A Dramatization of V.'aihicrton irriiXi's Leteadsry Sio.-y, RiP VAN WINKLE THURSDAY, KIUDAY AND SATURDAY Fonufmoro Cooper's Woodland Bonanee, KICK- OF-THE-WOODS ADMISSION, 10. to anii SO CENTS. Perrormaaara .-very afternoon, eieept Men iaya ami Thurxlayn, ut iSl, md cTwyaven Ins at 8.14. Doora o;n at 1.30 aud T.OOP.M. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Ooa of tho txiat nr.:. 'it v for domastic use.and of nil alztM, delivered in any part ot tuo oity ctlowoat price. Ordera left at my oflico, NO, 11H, WYOMIXO AVEXPR. I Hear room, f.r.t floor. Thir l Natlooal Bank, I or sent by mail or telephone to lbs miae, will 1 receive prompt attention. . Special contracts will bi made foe the salt I and delivery of Bnokwbeat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. Mtn 1 O.H 9 - DON'T FORGET That wo are beailijuartera for everything in I the line of WA'ICHK. If jou bani any ilea of purcliavitiK any kind of a Watub, hmv'Hor Kent s. Hold or S5ilver, yon will uiakeo criev oils inialake it ynu tlo not r!ve ufl a call and est oar prieea which yoa will find far Iwlow airotucra, eapuciully Iu all the hicli (ruileof KlKln. NValthani ami llii.Eipflen moveratut. If you havo any doulila and are at all posted on prices trlve Baa call and w will have no tri.ubl.i ineOAVtnolttg you. We atlll bavoa large i.tncli to diapowj of, and will offer v.m won .lerlul Inducements In Jewelry, Hllverwurc, CioOU and all other goods which wo have iu stoen. C. W. Freeman Pum Ato. and Spruce St. I ptriumieiittf turvl ' :,.!) t..IHlI. kt i.UaislAaUm.E I, t'i.y uriflar (Bsnirtry. nawri Dy ii.wcit-i:. a rNwitive i)fv.'ti maA N'r-pacc I k , illuitniH4 fm I luA Merl'ruyfcii. ut Mnwlc rtrridy ml LI -