THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING-. APRIL 6. 1894. LIVE NEWS Of TOO PITTSTONS Tni Scranton Tribunr's Plttston de partment is in cl ;rn- of J. M. Fahy, to whom news items and couiplaiuts may be referred. J The town couucil met in regular session in Town Hall last evening nt 8 80 o'clock. Erery member responded to his name on roll call except Mr, Kearney. The tninuteiof the previous meeting were read and upproved. buuerintendent J. W. Thomas, of tot- Gas company, asked permission to lay a briok gas main commencing at a point near the old Ferry bridge to tho borough limits. Permission was grunted on condition that the compunv file the necessary bond conditional for . tbe faithful performance of the work. Also to lay a surface pipe to B. J. Dnr kiu's residence on South Slain street. On application a permit to build a barn was granted Evans Bros, on Spring street. W, E Sharp, the greeu grocer, asked permission to erect a wooden awning in front of his place of business, 91 North Main street, granted. Burgess Thomas Maloney was granted permission to erect two build Jogi on North Main street. Sutherland & McMillan askod and 'are granted permission to lay a water in into their place of business. (ivorge Dehmon appeared before the vouncil on behalf of ttiu Gitnewell Fire Vhirra company In relation to the iteani fire alarm whistle over which there has been trouble recently. Presi leni Oscar Foster and Mr. Sanders, of the West Pittston as a committee from the West Side couucil, appeared before the oouncil and stated that they were instructed to report that it wag their "pinion that the whittle was useless. Mr. Dehmcn stated that the whistle bd been tampered with. Since re pairing it the wiiistle w;s in excellent condition and guaranteed that it would remain so as Ion? as it was kant in good order. The matter was finally disposed of by a vote being tuken as to whether tbe couucil should retain or reject tbe whistle machines. On be ing pat to a vote it went by default. The bill of John Reilly for repairing nmounting to $1,150 was cut down to $1,073 on tbe recommendation of P. Dershiintt and Kobert English, who were engaged to inspect the work. Before patting the motion to a vote Mr Dounelly stated he wished it to be understood that be was opposed to pay ing the bill and that he be placed on record as such. By a vote of 0 to 4 tbe bill was ordered paid. The bill of B. J. Conhn for mer chandise and repairs, amounting to f420, was referred to a committee to ascertain its correctness. Tne bill of P. J. Nolan concerning work done on Lagrange street, was referred to the finauce committee for action. At 10 30 o'clock, the closing of this letter, busi ness of the matting was not completed. The contest for extra j mitor, over which there has been a deadlock for several weeks, was decided. The can didates were Mrs. Bannon and Mrs. McHale. The former was elected, the vots being 6 to 4 in her favor. It was decided to put all tramps who lodge in tbe Town hall at work on the road the next day and pay them 50 cents. The contract for repairing council rooms was awarded to (John (i. Keilly , contract price, $183. There were sev eral other bidders. FLAG PRESENTATION EXERCISES. At the High School Building la Wast Fittatoa Today. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the fol -lowing programme of the ting presenta tion exercises will be rendered in tbe West Sid High, School bnilding: Krayer Rev. Thomas W. Swan Music, "America" Address of Presentation George N.Lewis, Past President Camp, 491, Patriotic Order Sous of America. Mute, "Flag of the Proa" Address of Acceptance V. , Hibbs. President School Board. Music, "Hail (,'olumbia" Brief Addresses by Colonel S. A. Urquhart, Itev. E. H. Stewart, Rev. Edward Heurv Eckel, Rev. J. H. Brittain aud Rev. O. H. Mc- Anulty. Music, "Star Spanglod Banner" Benediction Musical Director C. B. Dormau l'iauist Miss Edith L. Kvte (hairniau Professor F. J. Stetiler A moat cordial invitation is extended to all friends of our public schools. JEWELRY STORE BURGLARIZED. Pattr Thtevae Ply Th-lr Vocation Successfully at Lilbion'a Store. Burglars effected an entrance into J. W. Leibson's pawn shop and jewelry store in the Armory hall block at nbont 2 o'clock yesterday morning by break ing one of the large plate glass win dows. Tbe thieves removed several revol vers that laid within on ths counter. Will Price, tha drugaist. whose sleep ing apartments adjoin, on bearing the crash of the broken glass instantly clothed himself and started out to make observations of the trouble. The thieves bearing him nppronuliing fled. They undoubtedly would have secured considerable valuable plunder had they not been disturbed, as tbe larga show cases within the store contained valu able gold and silver watches. Tile window was shattered to pieces. There is not the slightest clue as to who com mitted tbe robbery aud the inference is it will go on record as another mys tery. STARTLED THE JUDGES. Constable Ulyna's report to court on Tuesday mnst have startled the judges somewhat. Ten violators of the liquor law are not usually fouud iu one ward, much lass returned to court. It is to be hoped that the cases will be followed up, and that the county officials will make some effort to give them a fair trial tiazjtte. Mr. Ulynn ia the lion of the honr for bis fearlessness so far as he has gone, but the universal regret is that he dis criminated in so far as to pass unnoticed certain "speak-oasiea" that rxist and flourish within a stoue's throw of hi . own house. At Hvratn'j Shrlna. The following couplo were nnited In wedlock at St John's church, Wednes day aftern oon, by Rev. Father Finnen P. J. Moran, of Mill Creek, and Miss Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAudrews, of Browntown Miss Mary J. Mullin, tbe bridesmaid. wore cream-colored caahmere, trimmed with lace. Dr. Hughes, of Mill Creek, whs groomsman. . Real mkiut is characteristic of Hood's HivrvHparilla, and is manifested ev rv day in the the remarkable cures the medicine accomplishes. NOW IS THE TIME Get Strength and Health With Paine's Celery Compound. ' ' Take Paine's celery compound. It is the remedy that niakos p0plj well. First prescribed by the greatest phy sician this country has seen, it lias been used and prescribnl an Ir -commended by physicians of every school everywhere. As a spring remedy it carries health and strength and renewed energy wherever it goes. Food for the muscles is not food for the nerves or brain, Paine's cel ery coraponnd furnishes the very ele ments that rebuild worn-out tissues. It feeds brain, nerve c inter and nerves, calming and equalizing their action. It makes rich, honest blood. Within a few days after Paine's eel pry compound is reeularly taken, then will be a marked improvement in the general health; strength will Dtcomt more endariug, the frame plumper, the spirits better aud the breath sweeter all declaring in the plainest terms a healthier action of nerves and blood. Hundreds of men and women with that "run dowu" feeling written all over their faces, unable to work, with out courage, have rocoverod health, heart and ambition through this re markable remedy for ths blood and nerves It purities the blood. It en riches the blood. It generally stirs liver and kidneys and the other or- COUNTER DAMAGE SUIT. Dr Oivsly Chargss Pnrsona With Con snlraoy to Injure Him. It will be recalled The Triuu.nk soma ten days ago noted an notion in dam ages brought by Jam?s McNulty against Dr. J. F. Dively, of this place, charging the latter with malpractice, the charge being that the doctor failed to attend properly to tha prosecutor's son, who, McNnlty claimg, was placed in his care to be treated for a brokeu arm. Yesterday Dr. Dively, through his attorney, brought a counter suit for $30,000 aeainat Drs. James O'Malley, R. H. Uutehitis, aud Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty, parents of the boy, charging them with conspiracy in try ing to iujure his reputation and pro fessional standing. H. W Palmer, of Wilkes-Harre, and W. I. Hibbs, of this place, have been retained as eounsel by the prosecutor. Personal Mention. The son of A. Marcus, of William street, has recovered from a severe at tack of croup. Miss Alice Jones, of Nauticoke, is spending a few days with Mrs. (i. W. Strang on William street. Miss Sarah Goodman, of William h tree i, who has been visitinj; her cous in, Mrs. Mose Burgunder, of VVilkes- Bsrre, returned borne yesterday. Detective James O Brien. of WilksB- Barre, was in town yesterday. Mrs. J. A. i nomas and daughter, Daisy, visited her sister, Mrs. R Besmish, in Scranton yesterday. ft,x -Burgess James Walsh is reported seriously ill at his home on South Main street. Mlsa Ltwson Hart is home from Syracuse university on a vacation. Mrs. Thomas Watkins, of Scranton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law, on tha West Side. Tbe following nsmod persona of this place attended the Bachelors' ball ut Doomis hall, Wednesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barrett, C. F. Bohan, Charles Bohan, M. N. Donnelly, Dr. J. C Rean, J. L. Morris, J. W. Morris, Mauie Reilly, Teresa Maloney. Maine Reap. Agnes Murphy, Katie O Malley and Biua Fay. At the unnnal meeting of the Union Citv Mission association held Wednes day afternoon in tbe Niagara Engine company rooms, the old offlUfl wero re-elected as follows: President, Mrs A. J. Griffith ; vice-presidents, Mrs. W R. Sax, Miss Libbie Bevan. Mrs. C. H. Cool; secretary, Miss Elizabeth Mer- enr; assistant secretary, Miss Margaret Lucoe; treasurer, Miss Nettie King. - Criticising a Young- Lady. "She would bo a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's thatr asked Charley. George Her facn Is always covered with purple nnd rod blotches. Charley Oh, that's oasily enough dis posed of. Used to bs the same way my self, bnt I caught on to the troublo one day, and got rid of it in no time. Oeorgo What was itf Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I tell yon, it's jbe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could bear him holler clear across the country every time he moved. He tried it, and yon know what an athletic old irent he is now. If somebody would give Miss DaDy a pointer, she would tbauk them after wards. All the drng stores sell it " gana destined to kejp swejt and clean tho vitai machinery. A clear, sou-id mini in a sturdy, healthy body, a bright eye, an elastic step, a clear skin, come without fail when Pjine's oilory coiup inad is given n trial with m.irely reasonable otre and regularity. Says Mr. Dudley B Stratton, one o' Worcester's best cltizms. the prospsr- oih proprietor of the Lincoln Square dining room, in a recent lettor: "About six months ago I had a sr vere attack of eczini. No pon c-n de scribe my sufferings I doctored an 1 used all the cures I could hear of, but it wns still in my system "Hearing that Mr. Will Urn H Rob inson, with the jewelry firm of Nelson H Divies, B31 Main streot, had been cured of ecz -ma by using Paine's cil ery compound, I cn'led on thatgentle ln iu, and as a rosult, started to take tail wonderful remedy What Mr. Robinson told me. has bean proven to be ti n and I take this opportunity to express my gratitude. 1 will gladly answer anyone who may wish to in quire further in regard to tbe medi cine." Paine's celery compound is the great est bio d aud nsrvs reined? that medi cal science has yet attained. It inakas people well. PRICEBURG PENCILINGS. Trouble Over a Doe Who Likes Human Flesh Other Notaa. Fticcial to the Scranton Tribune. PrIOBBURO, Pa., April 8 The open ing of the new school house will take place tomorrow, Friday afternoon, at U o'clock. County Superintendent Tay lor and President Norri, of the local board, will speak on the benefits of ed ucation. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Harry Munford is setting a good ex ample to the property owners of this borough by planting some trees iu front of his rosidence on Main street. A valuable cow owned by Georire Qleaion, of Dickson, was struck by au electric car yesterday aud badly in jured. Mr. and .Mrs. Will Mornsey formerly of this p!ao- but now of Highland. buried a bright girl aged 11 years. Funeral took place on Wednesday at Mill City. Ex Tax Collector George Helwig Is goiug out of business with the inten tion of devoting the rest of his days to farm life. Thomas McArthnr is out of town on special business. Ihe whereabouts or the dog that at tempted to oat John Banigan's boy on Sunday last are still unknown. Bur gess Snyder and High Constable Max Kohler have ben gunning for the "purp" with intent to kitl, but the ani mat cannot be located. Unless the owner of the vicious cur gives the ofti oinls nn opportunity to draw a bead upon bis frame, it ia probable that le gal prnoeedinifs will be taken. The dog's propensities for insertiug his molars Into the flsh of bipeds has ren dered him extremely unpopular in the neighborhood. Itanagan's boy is tbe third victim of his playfulness. MINOOKA MATTERS. Up to Date Spnrki Arrestd from Evsry day Hpro'nlng-s. ftpteial to the BoFaHtOH Tribune, Mi nook a, Pa., April 5. Michael Dnddy, of this plaee, wishes to state that he will accept the challenge of Patrick Foy, of Providence, to meet him in a ten or more round sparring match at any time, at the weight of 1:25 or U'J ponnds. Subscribe for The Tbibtjhb. Most interesting paper circulating in Mi nooka. Mike Harnatt, firsman at the Green wood breaker, will leave next month for Seattle, Wash., where he will pur chase a Buffalo ranch. Ianc Davis, of Greenwood, was a caller at Pittston yesterday. A fancy work box, made by M. J. Healer, of flundham. will be ralHid at Callery's hall April 21. The passengers on tho 8 o'clock street ear Inst night received quite an unex pected score by the explosion of a number of railroad torpedoes which were placed on tho rails by soms of tha boys who eonsider it sport to hear them explode. The crowd of loafers that loiter around the Greenwood shaft on idle dava will hereafter be expected to be come consplcuons by their absence. Superintendent Loverinir will have an officer to keep the spot untenanted, and pedestrians, especially yonng ladies, will escape the ribsld jests nnd insults of the crowd. LIVE TAYLOR TOPICS. Brief Paragraphs of Iotareat to Raadera In an Entarprlalna- Borough. Svecial to the Scranton Tribune. Taylok. Pa. April 5 -Council msets tomorrow (Friday) uk'ht in their naw rooms. Burgess Griffims will send his message to council, All citizens are invited. On Friday night, tho 13th, the Price Library association will have a recep tion for muinber only. The president and secretury will make their reports of the association' standing. Ihe ladies will avrve refreshments. The looal institute of the Old borge school teachers will be hold Satnrday afternoon at the schoolroom of Hit tie ItoKaniu) in this town. S Annie Baker entertained a num bor of friend on Tuesday night. The f antral of John Timlin tins morning was largely atton'ioi. ser vices were held at Sc Joseph's rthnxih and interment in Minouka Catholic ceruxterv. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing1 perfect regulating powers over all the or gans of the svsteia, and control'jag their eorotious. It also purifies tbe blood that t Cores All blood humors and diseases, from a com mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, aud this combined with its unrivalled re uulntiug, cluaiiBing and purifying mil l encu on the secrotioas of the liver, kidneys bowls and m: in, rondel' it unequalled as a cure for all diseases of tho Prom one to two bottles will cure bolls, pimples, blotches, nettlo rah,onif,tetter,' und all tb simple forms of skin disease. From two to fonr bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erytipolas, ul cers, abscesses, mailing sore?, aid all skin eruption. It is noticeable that sufferers from skiu iseases Aro nearly always aggravated by intolor Itohing, but this quicklv subsides on the removal of the disease by B. B. B. Paus ing on to graver yet prevalent diseases, inch as scrolulousBwellirjirs, humors and Scrofula We have undoubted proof that from three to tix bottles used internally and by out ward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a i re. The groat missiou of B. B. B is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action i.f the ttomach, and to open the sluice ways of thesysteiu to tenrry off all clogged and impure secretions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without tail Blood Liver complaint. biliousness, dyspepsia. sic:( headache, dropny. rheumatism, auu every species of diseuse iuiing from dis-' ordernd liver, kidneys, stomach, boweia and blood. Wn guarantee every bottle of li. H. Lt. Mi, a ,i any parson be dissatis fied after using the firat bottle, we will re fand the mouvv on application personally er by letter. vVe will also bo glad to send testimonials and information proving the -necis oi u. n u. in the above named dl- iensee, on application to FOSTER. M1LBURN & CO.. Buffalo.N. Y. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at tho Wupwallopen Mills, Lu zerne i nuuty PaH and at Wil mington, Dt-litWAra. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Uoncral Agent for th Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AqiHcrn, THOH. FORD, Pittston. Ts. JOHN I! SMITH & SON ; Plymouth. Pa. B W (lULLIGAN, Wilkes-Bsrro. Pa. Agents for the Repauuu Chemical Com inuy's High Exploitive. Lost Manhood atkl vigor quickly rtttortdeVartoootlt. ttflttlv emission. atrouhy. etc., Hurcly cuml by I.NliAI'O. the tfreat Htinluu Rtmedy. With irrilMtlwtrutN incurs). Sold by UAi niCWti bi,. . !'i -i i,, : i a. wi. k'a. MANHOOD Inmntlon of InaaBltv. Iby mull propald. With .i . t. ........... .. 'FOliE AND AFTER USING do other, ,in.. eh For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druytrist, cor. Washington inri Boruoo streets. PENNYROYAL PILLS. A;k lor 3!S. MOTT'S PSHSTBOTAL FILLS and tako no other. 'fcfTSend tor circular. Pr'.c 1.00 per bolt O boxes lor 5.00. 'DR. MOTT'sl CHEMICAL. CO.. - Cleveland. Ohio. tor Salt byt'. M. IIAHKIS, UrtlgEliit, SJIIIIIilllllllllllllliaHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllfllligiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllsllUIIIIIU 1 AMERICA is S COUPON NO. 34. Send or bring two of theso coupons, differently numbered, 3 5 With Ten Oenttvand get one of the series of sixteen magolfloeni S S photograpuS. Five numbers now ready. SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiil :uiiiBiiiii.uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiii APRIL 6 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure any S one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four i parts. aiaiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Mill 6c Connell Washington Ave. RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market BrandtClayProductCo. OFFICE: Binghamton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt, Pa. Atlantic Refining Go. Manufacturers and Dealers iu Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso lines of all urades. Alle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound ; also, a largo line of Par ruffine Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tho market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Ofllco: Cool Kxchaugu, Works ut l'iue Brook, Wyoming An All "Situation Wanted" ads. inserted free. RESTORED! :" ERVE SEEDS, . I.!.-, (V. mmSi itnaf- ftattrd Cri.r !! Barton. dl FREE av-oi. Much ns Work Meniery, Loll of Bruin l'ltirei-. lluiJiche, V eMnUDeee, est Manhood. Niabtly BnlBnons. Narvoasnass.aIlaralDsand)ossol power Id GeUlrsUVeOerTSDI Of either POlcnuiH'd ly OTer exerlli mi. ynulh All errore. exeeislvo use of totmcoo. opium or itlmulunti, which leml to Infirmity, Con- t:nn ha eurr eri n vatl nncket. Hi ier bin. 9 rora. a S)6 order woglTA n written an Aran tee tu enre i . .. I . - G..MI,, .iM..,a. l.k f.trlt tn.H n: ik&o'bo., Mutonlc Tuiuplb, chkauo'.Iu. The only safe, euro ftn6S reliable Female FILL ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend ed to married Ladios. 121 PaRH Avenue. I j.j.jAR A. B. Brown's Bee Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during Kile at leas than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever Bhowu. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's stylos. , Boys' Winter W sluts Muffs , Cloaka HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE, COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. 1 . J SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of tbe following merchants, who will accept Tin: Tribune flour coupon of & on each one hundred pounds of flour or 50 on each barrel of flonr. Scranton-F. P. Price, WasbinRtou avenai I Oold V It. Brand. Dnnmore F. P. Price, Oold Medal Brand. lJunmoro-F D llanley. Bopsrlative Bran-1. Hyde Park-Carson ft Davis. Washburn St. Gold Medal Brand; t- t-pa A. Mean, Mum avenue, Superlative Brand. Greeu Kiilge-A L.Spencer.tiold Modal Brand. J. T. MeHale, Superlative frovidonco Fcnnor ft Chappell.N' Main ave- une. Superlative Brand ;C. J Gilla-ipiu, W. .Market itreet. Gold Med:il Brand Olyphant James Jordan. Superlativo Brand. Peck vllle Shaffer ft K'ls?r Superlative. Jermyn C. U Winters ft Co Stiperalative ArchnaM Jones, S mpson ft Co.. Gold Modal. Carliondalo-B. S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. Hnnesdale-I N. Foster ft Co Gold Med&l. Minooka M. H. Lavelle. LUTHER SEWER PIPES, Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. CO. Rooms 1 and 1 CoiMionwealth BU' SCKANTO, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOSIC and KUSH DALE WORKS. LnfHin & RiukI Powder Oo.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fusei for exploi ing blasts. Safety Fuse and RepaunoChcmical Co. 's High Explosives Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HONT & CONNELL CO. THE Thatcher IS THE BFST. Get priws and tee tha furnace and be con vinced. A fnll line of HEAT ERS, Aiipello and Gauze Door Range. CONLAFS HARDWARE LIME, BIT. 101 POWDER PITTSTON IA. G JJll Hive, Pittston, Pa. . . 1 0c. each. . . I 0o each, . . 30c. each. $1.50 each. trvtnth fl. V. Tritmne, Aoe. 1. ISSS. The Flour Awards "Chicaoo, Oct. 81. Fha first official announcement of Werld'a Fair di plomas on floor baa been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Oo , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flonr strong and pure, and entitle it to rank as first-class patent flonr for family and bakers' nee." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLBSAU AGKttTS. Taylor Judge ft Co., Gold Medal; Atherton ft Co., Superlative Duryea Luwroneo Store Co.. Gold Modal. Moobic -John MoCrindle. Gold Medal PtttatoD-M. W O'Boyle, Gold Medal. Clark's Green Ftooo ft Pnrker, Superlative. Clark - Summit-F M. Younp. Gold Medal. Dalton-S. E. Finn ft Bon. Gold Medal braad. Klcholson-J. E Hardini;. Wnverly-M. W . Bliss ft Son. Gnld Medal. Factoryvule Charles Gardner. Gold Medal. Bopl.ottom N-M Finn ft Son, GoM Medal. Tobvlianna T'ibThauna ft ljehii;!i Lumber Co Gold Medal Brand Guuldsboro-8 A. Adams. Gold Medal Brand. Moscow Gatee & Clements, Gold Medal. Lake Ariel James A Bortroe, Gold Medal. ForoatCity-J L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Meda! KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT F03 PLASTERING FLUE LININGS Quarries and Works. Portland. Pa. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE Ei PITTSTON, PA. E. Robinson's Sons1 Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Bee CAPACITY -vv yv-wv ni i r a rmiQ Kor unn w What is More Attractive Than a. nroltv turn with a fresh, hristht complexion? For it, use Potioni'a Powder II SA WAREHOUS