V THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 0, 1894. jj)llIIIH!illllllimilllmillKlillllli!HC; I Pipe I I Valves f I Fittings i I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, 5 nilllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllR LACE CURTAINS The xnojt delicate fabiic prop erly denned at THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARM AN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 1 20 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '2 "7 Wyoming Ave. TELEPHONE NO. 525. Ch Union Transfer Company, Limited 'Bus line. UascageHr.fi freisbt railed fr I and delivered promptly. 107 Franklin avenue. CITY NOTES. Court vesterdav fixed Arril 19 for ac knowledging sheriff's deeds in open court. The city engineer yesterday gave grade nn Lauoute avenue between Larch and New Yorlt streets. Hrcen Ridge. The Delaware. Lackawanna nod Welt. frn company will today pay the yard men IDQ tne employe at the Btorrs mine. According to the returns made to tho oard of health yeirerdav. the iiaasKs fcpidemic seema to bo slightly abating. This evening the Ladies' Aid society of Ih Providence M. F church will mve 1111 intertninment and dollar-banking social. The employes of tho Delaware and Hud - Ion Canal company at Olyphant N'o. 'J and be Eddy ( reek miue were paid yesterday. There will be an Indoor name of base Mil at the Yuung Men's Christian Assn. liatiou gymnasium tomorrow night. If he weather is pleasant, the outdoor team Mil nlny a practice game in the after IlOOtl It the Driving park. Last evening W. (). Oarr of Rochester, 1 gave a Wble reading on Euhesians ItS. M. Foster's, Washburn street. To- light he will give a readiug at W. li. Pond , oof) Lar.kawauuu avenup, und nt, 1:30 p. m. at Mr. Visyard's, 6U6 Wyoming venue. There will be a special service ia the Providence Presbyterlau church this even- lig. lhe subject ot the address will be Life More Abundant," and will be given IS tun pastor, Kev. Oeorge K. Uuild. The labile is invited. The sarrame Jts, the lord's Hupper and baptism, will be daily. ted next Minday morning. Anheuaer BustU Baor. Lonls Lohn.an's, U'iS Spruce at - STREET CAR TAKES FIRE. ladly Scorched at the Rsault of a Tur- pantloa Explosion. r Passengers on car No. (ID of the Dun lore line at 10 111) o'clock yesterday lorning, were very much surorised to Ie a large blaze apring on from the tar platform just a the oar had ncbed the corner of Washlnzton are- he and Spruce street on lti return trip tne city. A painter had placid a cati of tur- Intine on the platform and the fire las th result of an explosion of the In. The blaze spread rapidly and the ssenger were frightened into hur- eil exit. A few buckets of water soon benched the Maze, but not until the distance coils were burned olf and Ie platform mi l aides of the car badly orobed. Sliver Given Away. l)u Saturday wewillgia n sterling Fil r hat pin to every customer buying $1 orlb of goods. See our show window. Meaks & Haukn. e ''in Firo Sale. Balance of my stock, Lackawanna enue. to families at wholesale only. lday and Saturday. L. U. (.OUHSKN. April Showers ing May flowers and a new customer to 1 a Bros, every time. The Evsrttt Leads. IValt for Guernsey Bros.' uew goods. ' STATUE Monument to Perpetuato the Great Soldier's Memory is Assured. PLAN DEVISED TO RAISE FUNDS Light Attendance But Proper Spirit at a Meeting Which Starts Move nient to Place fcquestrian Statue of General P. H. Sheridan on Court House Square -County Will Be Dis trictedFund Started. A citizens' meeting, called by the Philip 11. Sheridan Monument as'iocia tian, was held at the armory last night to devise ways an I means of raising a fund throughout the county to erect on Court House Hiuara an equestrian statue in memory of General Philip H. Sheridan. Owing to the inclement weather and a number of meetings of different kinds about the city, the attendance was not as large as had been expectel. nevertheless 1 was suhsitriljd us u launch of the movement. Speeches were made by T. V. Pow dorly, Rev. X. F. Stan!, of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church; Rev. D. W. Skelleuger. of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, and Hon. John R. Farr. The Lawrence band was present and played at various times duriug the meeting. A commttt'l consisting of (.'. G, Bo laud, M. J. Kelly and Cusrles Schlager, representing the general public, was appointed to confer with the ( "Beers of the association in the appointing of a number of sub-committees which are to cauvaia tbe county and city when divided into districts. When the meeting was opened by President M. II Griffin there were upon the platform tbe four speakers whose names are mentioned above and James 0 Vaiufban, secretary of the association. OBJECT Of MOVEUKNT. Mr. Griftitis stated that the associa tion's object was to perpetuate a spirit of patriotism bv erecting a memorial of one of the country's greatest patriots and generals General Sheridan occu pied a conspicuous place in tbe cata logue of heroisms, and a statue would be n fitting and lasting eulogy, and should be erected through the co-opsr-atinti of the publia generally. RTA bron.a statue would be placed in Court House square: its excellence would depend ou tbe amount of money on hand when the, time arrived for erecting it. Following Mr. Griffin the speakers of the uvening addressed the meeting. Membership in the association will be open to every cittzsn of Lacks wauua county. Subscriptions from 10 cents up to any amount will be re ceivtd and acknowleeged by Treasurer Thomas J. Moore. The ways nnd moans committee, which is to be appointed by the asso ciation in conjuneliou with the citi zens' committee, will apportion the city ai d county into districts and assign sub-committees to each district. Each tu'c-comuiittee will be kept at work until the ways and means committee think a sufficient sum has been re ceived to start tho work. Whatever amount is the lacking will be raised in ft manner to be decided upon later. Letters of regret for their inability to tie present rs read from Willi rtin H. Taylor, of Xcw York; Lieutenant Governor L. As. Wotres, Colonel E H. Ripple and Colonel F. J. Fitzsimmons. LIST OF CONTRIBUTOK8. The list of tbe contributors of the $i!30 is as follow: Seriinton Division N'o. 3,A.OH..il00 Casey Brothers 50 William Kolly 83 M. H. Griffin 5 Charles brhlager 83 P. H. Duffy 80 F. J. V itzsimmons 10 S. O. Kerr 11) C. G. Boland 10 Juhn Colligan 10 Martin I'Counor 5 P. H. Dnrkln S Thomas Kelly 5 P. J. Honau 6 C. C. Martiu .r Capt. P. J. McAndrews 5 M. r. Kelly .'. 5 Jordan . McNally P. Mangan. . . J, Cooney F. Murray... Extracts from the speeches are as fol- owa: Rev. N. F. Stahl The meeting bears a great significance in setting at work the forces which will cevelop iu a high degree American patriotism. The monument will not be temporary; it will bo eudurlog and will stand to tell the history of the past to coming generations; it will testify to the greatness of the men who made the greatest of nations. Egypt, Ninovab, Babylon, Greece and Home, were buried beneath their own ruin, because they had not men to perpetuate their bis tory; therefore, let us take warning and perpetuate in tbe heart uud mind one of the noblest patroits and greatest soldier of our time. AN OBJECT LESSON John It. Farr- Something in remem brance of Oeueral Sheridan, symbolic of bis enthusiasm, daring and high order of leadership, would dispel the illusion that he was only a dashing cavalry officer. Our present heritage came to us In a great de gree through a river of blood and carnage; ono who mingled In that strife should be perpetuated not only as an honor to the soldier, but as an object lesson to oursel ves and children.awakening a greater love of 1:1,1m try and tbe qualities of a Sheridan. T. V. f'owderly General (Jraut ald, "A man who was pel feet in bis general ehip must have had brains. '' Commemo rate Ueneral Sheridan's deeds with au or nameut to which our children can point with pride, Scranton baa honored Colum bus, the pioneer of discovery, and Wash luglou, tne pioneer or liberty: It would be particularly fitting to add a memorial to a noted soldier. Tbe lessous of Rome. Ureece and other ancient cities may well be taken to heart. Iu their splendor they traveled to ruin, j ne lessons or such men as (Iraut, Miermau and .nenuau should be heeded We have many in our population, particu larly of foreign birth, who do not know the meaning of citizenship; show them the statue of a Sheridan ; point to it, and teach them what victories it commemoraies. EVEN UNTO DEATH, Rev. D. W. Skellenger- Sheridan's char acter, in following to the end successfully one iden and purpose, is what wo admire; bis memory and character are an honor to the living. Let us perpetuate him for the future's sake: bis indomitable pluck could woll be inspired in tbe breasts of our boys. When the little fellows who aro now tod dlers ask about the man impersonated by the statue, toll them of bis loyalty, tell them of his patriotism, even unto death. e The 6 Bros aro always ahead of tbe times, they have wonderful strength and their shoes are beauties. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. REAL GEMS OF ART. How to BaautltV the Home for a Mere Tilfll of Coal. Tomorrow will be a notable day in Boranton, because on that day The TUBONH intends to give its readers the benefit of one of the most liberal oft'ors yet made to newspaper readers any where. What is n mtiltichromev It ia the handsome product of a new printing process by which the most delicate shades that an artist can employ are accurately, foftly and durably repro duced. We have secured a quantity of multichromes guess there are 1.000 altogetherand these will be pacd within reach of I'mni'SK readers at the merely nominal sum of one dime apiece, together with one coupon. Just call, once, und aee how hand some these art gems are. CONSTABLE ROACH INJURED. Thomas Loftus Tried His Ability as a Wrestler and Threw Him Heav ily to the Ground. Constable Patrick. Roach, of the Seventh ward, is sufferiug from a dis located shoulder that he sustained yes terday at the bands of Thomas Loftus, who resides in Green's Place. On Saturday last it ia asserted that Loftus was iu the act of committing a breach of the peace wheti the coustabl interfered. That irritated Loftus and be had an allercutiou with the cou ntable, which resulted iu a warrunt being sworn out 011 Monday before Alderman Wright for the arrest of Loftus ou u charge of assault and bat tery. The warrant was placed in the bands of the police authorities, but was not served. LoftllS became aware of its existence und yesterday morning at tacked Constable Roach on tho subject. He assumed a hostile altitude and to protect himself the officer drew his club. Loftus is a wrestler of no mean ability and, clinching tbe officer, lie threw him. Roach lauded ou his right shoulder, and it was thrown out ot joint. A warrant wus issued for Loftus by Alderman Le Licy, charging him with felonious wouudiug. The police officers were requested to make the arrest, but up to midnight Loftus hud not been taken into custody. . , PAULINE HALL AS PRINCE RAPHAEL. Sha Djlighted a Lars Audienco at ths Academy of Musi. As Prince Raphael in "The Priucess or Lrebizoude, famine mil has a character peculiarly well adapted to her. it gives her an opportunity to display the wide range of her voice, tbe contour of her figure and the indi viduality of style that has marked her as one of the light opera fivorites. She delighted a crowded house at the Academy of Musio last nicht. "The Princess of Trebizonde" is by Utienbuch and wbile not his master piece is tuneful and interesting. There are a number of pretty numbers in the opera, two of which, solos alloted to Miss Hall, called forth lusty encores. Tue opora wai produced in an ex cellent manner, Miss Ha ll'a efforts being supplemented by Miss Josephimi Kuapp, a young woman, whole pleus ing personality and sweet voiee won the warm regard of the audience. Tne comedy lines were clearly interpreted by Alfred C. Wheelan and John N. Rsnsonr, the former possessing a won derfully expressive face. Others who took a prominent part iu the produc tion were John Brand, Duke Jaokion, Eva Davenport and Julie Ring. The chorus was large und well drilled, The tin a was under the direction of Fred S iiouion and was well render ed, the orchestra having been aug mented for the occasion. DRAMA PLEASINGLY PRE5ENTE0. Neck of the Woods Now a. N w Wonder, land Theater. The pleasing drama, "Xeck of tho Woods,'' wus presentelat new Won derland theater last evening. It is n strong play uud the characters uro well takn. (Jus Homor, who aisumss five dif ferent roles during the performance, was exceedingly guol, us were also Alice Kemp, W. D. Corbett and Ethel Fuller in tneir parts. The bulance of the cast proved eqiial to the occasion. "Neck of tbe W oods" is a play that abounds in interest from first to lust. It will hold down the boards at Won derland theater for the balance of the week, and cannot fail to pleise the pi irons uf the place when presented by so competent a company as that now engaged by Mr. Davis. ENTERED BAIL AT JUDGE'S HOME. Were Taken There at Night to Prevent Their Oolng to Jail. Paul Judkovich aud Theodore Oles uovitcb, charged with robbery, entered ball at the residence of Judge Arch bald Wednesday evening iu tbe sum of $1,000. Martin Woyebner and Thomas Holtham became their bondsman. It is alleged that Indkovick, who is the editor of a Russian Greek paper, and Olesnoyitch robbed one ot their countrymen of i iu Rudewiek's hall, on River street, Tursday night. They were committed by Aldermau Hore, of the Eighteenth ward, who could not take bail, as it is not a bailable offense before an aldermau. To prevent their cuing to jail they were taken to the judge's residence. TWO DIVORCES ASKED FOR. Mid Hied aud Mr. Kibirts th Applicants. Mrs. Ulauuhe liabella Reed yesterday began proceeding! for au abulute di vorct from John Martin Hied on the ground of cruel treatment. They were married on Oct "M, ltJST. but Mrs. Reed was aome time later compelled to withdraw from hor bnsbuud'a house because of his brutal aud intolerable treatment of her. Mrs, Catherine Roberts, of Curbon- dale, Is another woman who wants her marriage annulled. Her libel was filed with Prothonotory Pryor yesterday She was married to John E. Roberts on Aug. 9, isoo. and claims that on Oct. 11), Iu0, her husbaud deserted her and baa persisted iu his desertion ever since. Ths LaUt Styles. On Saturday we will opou a new stock of dress goods, Including the latest novelties iu foreign aud domestic goods. Mi. mis & IIaiuc.n, The Singer Sewing- Machine Company Are now located at 20 Lackawauua ave nue. tire their latest family sewing ma come, rtiahogauy wood nnisn. 626 Lackawanna avenue ni a) - av The S Bros. are always prepared to tit your feet with good reliable shoe.. OFFICERS NOT IKIED Mayor Conoeil Did Not Have His List ot Appoiutees Ready. THE CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT : is a CoiiiDreliensive Document in Which the Improvements of the City are Set Forth in Detail- -Mr. Clemons Introduces a New Via duct Ordinance Several Resolu tions Adopted by Select. Unusual interest aeutend in last night's session, which was the first of the new aelcct councit. When Chair man Chittenden br .light his gavel down as a notice that business opera tions were about to begin, tbe gallery was crowded witb spectators, most of whom were doubtless aspirants for po sitions on the police force. The mayor, however, made no nominations for pa trolmen, deferring that tssk to a future meeting, and coneequenily the occu. pants of the anxious seat were no wier concerning their fata at the close ot the meeting than before. Tbe nomination of Riohard Tbomas for food inspector was unanimously confirmed, as were also the mayor's ap pointments of engineer', stokers and permnuent men for the tire department. Tbe lilt of nominees included the fol lowing persons: Assistant engineer, First district, A. K. Detwtiller; Second district, Josepa W. Hall; Third district, Gaorge R Suydani; Fourth district, Louis Schwass; Fifth district, Patrick J. Feeuey ; Sixth district, Jacob Fries, The engineers named are: General Phinnev eniilne. Miles H, Heiscker; Crystal engine, D H. Slowe; Nay Aug engine, Enoch Page ; Neptune ragine, Charles Heuster. The stokers are: General Phlnney engine, W. F. Tbnup son; Crystal d fine, M. MeMauua; Nay Aug engine, Norninu L Gregg; Nep tune engine, Mux Roaser. I'EH.M ANENT MEN NAM Kb. The permanent lnii are : Nay Aug oompanr, E. L. Mover; Phenlx Hose company. Tbomas Campbell ; Crystal Hose company, Isaan 'lice and John Lilly; Hook and Ladder aompany, Thomas Conltn and J. J. Martiu; Nep tune company, Charles Wirill; LOtgle Hose company, Charles F. becktrt; Libsrty Hos company, George W. Myers; General Phinney Engine com pany, Horace Alteinu. Much of the evening's session was tnkeu up witb the reading of the an nuui report of City Eaglnear Philips. It was a carefully compiled document of great length and contained much valuable information and many excel lent suggestions. Several of tbe fea tures are herewith given. A general statement of the estimated cost of the different improvements for which the department prepared plans and specifications during the year It: Grading of streets, $7,110 02; sewers, main and lateral. $128,187 48; filling, re tatning wlls.et':., $10,451.50; pavement, $40,901 50; culverts and bridges, $20. 269 yil; side walks, curb -m l gutter.4, 215 00; pipe drains, $8,000 20; opening of streets at.d avenue?, $20,000 ; total, $250,077.40 The report states that after a eureful computation the area of the city. Is as certained to be 1,900 square miUs, with 114,034 lineal miles of traveled streets and si venule, 20.535 uiilea of courts and places. Daring the year the department ap proved bills amounting to $180,404 75. STREETS IN HAD CONDITION J ue streets ot the city, with a lew exceptions, were stated to be in a de plorable romlition so far as lines and irade are concerned, particularly lines. For this the city itself is blamed as to the lines, wbile the report places thi responsibility for the defective grade solely upon tho property owners. Conn cils were advised to compel property owners who, iu tbe future, may opeu new thoroughfares to properly grade and monument the same. The recom mendations of the city engineer on the subject of streets were numerous and valuable. The city has in use 11,574 miles of pavement, as follows: Asphalt, vary ing in widths from 10 feet to 60 feet, 8.112 miles; IMgian block. 409 milss: vitrified brick, 344 miles; wooden block. WyckofF, 854 miles; cobble or boulder, varving in widths lrom 10 to 00 feet, 2. 105 miles. The report condotuus the practice of allowing property owners along pro posed improvements to ten- up the roadway in making connections with gas, sewer and water mains and then ueglecting to properly 11, 1, soak and tamp tbe ditches. During the year jmt ended tho city engineer atates that over live and one half miles of sewera were built, giving a s.'werage system that now agixre gates thirty-five miles. The readiug of the report was carefully listened to by tbe ypuuciliuon, who ordered the docu ment received und placed on file. RESOLUTIONS 'I'll AT I'ASSED. Resolutions were adopted as follows; Instructing city engineer to advertise for bids for city printing; instructing city clerk to advertise for proposals for tiirnlsbing steam engine for .Neptune Hose company; instructing fire de partment to erect six new tire alarm boxes; instructing park oomuilisioners to ascertain cost of n certaiu strip of land for park purposes near Tripp's ravine; providing for purchase of chemical engine for Phoenix Hose com pany, The tax levy ordinance passed first anil second leaMings and several reso lutions instructing the city engineer to prepare paving and guttering Were adopted. The. viaduct ordinance was Introduced by Mr. Clemons aud re ferred. GROW WILL BE THE ORATOR To t peak Before ths One Hundred and Forty Third Readment Reunion. 1 'apt nn P. DeLacy. president of the association of the One Hundred nnd Forty-third Hegiment, Pennsylvania Volunteera, has secured Hon. Galuaha A. Grow us orator on the occasion of tho annual re union to be held at Mont roiie on Sept. 4 Last year the old veterans had the pleasure of listening to Hon. T. V. Powderly, and frequently during the past they have beard aome of the ablest speakers in the country. It ia aafe to say. however, that no man can surpass Mr. Grow in patriotic ora tory, and the speech that he will de liver on Sr-pt. 1 will doubtless be of a character that will greatly please those for whom it Ia Intended. Captain Da Lacy ia now serving his twenty-'ilfth term as president of the association. The Veteran association of Stisiine- BE sure and get your choice of Multichromes. One Coupon and One Dime. hanna county will alao assemble in re union ou Sept. -1. 5 and 0. Sept. 4 being known ns "Handrail uud Forty-third Day." The members of Joth organiza tion are anticipating an enjoyable time aud it is altogether probable that their expectation! will betully realized. . BURGLARS IN A STORE. The Rivar'ile Stors In Archbali Entered on Wcdneadiiv Night, Sometime during Wednesday night burglars entered the store of the Riv erside Coal enmpmy, iu Arobbtld, and stole aqivntity of goods valued at two hundred dollars. The store ia located on a lonely part of the plank road near the Wiutou borough line, and there being 110 bouses in tho vicinity the burglars were free to plunder witb little danger of being molested. They broke in tho front door and rtnisckld the store depart ment of the building Five euiiB of clothes, six pairs uf shoes, several ie volvere, a quiutity of pocket knives, neckties, bats, etc., anil about $7 iu cash were stolen. Tbe value of the missing goods is in tho neighborhood of $200. The theft was not discovered until the clerks entered the store yesterday morning. Manager 11. C Liuderman says that asverAl suipicious characters were loitering around the store yester day, aud he is inclined to think that they hud something to do witb the burglary. - BICYCLE CLUB TOURNAMENTS. One Will Take Flao In Jul; and thi Other in Biptember. Yesterday morning Vies president Chase, of tho Scrsuton llicycle club, received from the racing board of the National league u permit for the tour nament to t ike placs in this eity on Sep tember 17. Tun will be au occu.-rence of great importance to wheelmen, and will doubtless hriu hsreminyof the best riders iu the count ry. Another event of special intorost will be the club's tournament to be held nt Driving park ou July 4, Export riders from far aud near are certain to bi in attendance, us $2,000 in prizes will be distributed among tbe wiuuers in the several eontests. Invitations have beau forwarled to all th clubs in Pennsylvania, eastern Now York and Delaware. The tournament proper will opeu at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a parade of all the wheelmen in attendance taking place in the morning. MRS. OANUL MILLET DEAD. Sho Espirsd, Yesteiday Aftr a Long Illness. Mrs. Daniel Millet, aged 00 years, mother of Alderman John W. Millet of the Sixth ward, died at the family residence, 510 Third street, yestcrdiy morning at 6 ao o'clock. Her death was not unexpected, ber health having been very poor for two years prior to ber death. Mrs. Millet resided in Bellevue for tbe last thirty yesn, where she immi grated from Ireland with her husband, who died five years ago. Sho was a woman of pure character and was revered by her neighbors and Hcijuaiutancef. The funeral will take tomorrow morning at : o'clock. A mass of requiem willsuug at St. Peter's cathedral Interment iu Hyde Park cemetery. VALUE OF A REPUTATION. Arbitrators Bar John Prokopovitz Was Damaged to ths Extent of $4 An uward of $4 was giveu yeaterday by Arbitrators C. W. Dawson, Welter Briggs and George L Briggs to John Prokopovitz, of Olvnhant. On Sept. 25. 1803, Mr. Prokopovitz says J. Antol Glensky publicly charged til in with being a robber and a thier, and with hsviug defamed the Slavonic Catholio organization of Olvpliunt. This naturally incsn?ed Mr. Proko povitz, and as the gentleman who parts bis name in the middle did not retreat, action was brought against him for defamation of character. After hearing the testimony tie arbitrators deci led that. Mr. Proko povllz bad been injured to the extent of $4 and gave film an award for tbi.t amount. EXCITED THEIR CURIOSITY. Crowds Btorp'd to 6pculate on tbe Species of a U .. Fish. Yesterday there arrived from B.iltl more a sturgeon ten feet long uud Weighing 260 ponnls consigned to 11 market man nn Penn avenne, near Lackawanna. Tue hu.ro lish was placed on a stand nonr the lidowalkand nt trnoted more attentiou than any other object in the business community. Nobody pasio.1 the spot without a glance at it and most persons stopped to examine the monster and speculate on its sp-nies. The concensus of opin ion placed It in the shark category. The fish doesn't look particularly edible with his every-lay clothes on, but the market men say that its flesh is on of the season's dvlieicies. The meat Is cnt into steak und prepared much thesam us halibut. UK. C. ('. LiAPsUCH, dentist, Oas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Kight yeurs In Bcrautou. - . I'oiueaudnee U.e'.'- ceut shoes at the 5 Bros., 508 Lackawauua avenue. Mere I am, Safe and sound, Plump as a Berry Pudding, but Not so round. Ready for business at 417 Lackawanna Ave. W.W, BERRY Jeweler. Best Sets of Teeth, $8. 00 Including the painless extracting of teeth by an entirely new pro- S. C. Snyder, d.d.s. 15 H'I'UMINU AVI. DANVILLE SMALLPOX SCARE Hotil Keu Notify Drummers That There is No Danirsr Now. The hotel men of Dmville have caused to b distributed among the In -tels of this city, Blntfbamtoh, Wl k-s-Barre nnd other towns hereabouts, where commercial travelers congre gate, n circular stating that there is no danger of Infection from stmllp ix .' Dan villa The circular states that but 13 cses prevailed March 80, one and a hull cases to every thousand of tab ibitants. and that these were mostly confined It) the Second ward, one-half mile from the business portion Of '.be town. The report of the contagion has sri oiie.ly crippled the transient trade at Danville, and new the business public are striving to make outsiders know that their city cau be visited with im punity. A Ooldsn Weddt.-g-. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis, of Kend Lam. celebratod their fiftieth anniver-ury on Thuisday. Those present were Mrs". Frank Baker, of Jermyn; Mrs. John Kvaus and Mrs. James S'mllacouib, of Reudharu: Mrs Emerson (Vint, of Wilkes Rarre; John Lewis, of Scrautou, uud Benjamin Lewis, of Pricebiirg. - 4 , M Men's Elseant Huml sowed shoes only tS at the 0 Bros. Shoe Store, 5.W Lacka. e venue. IIHIIIIIIllllllll!IIU8(illillllU i S We Sell ooods for rii Cheapsr S ; S than ,.,. I ... u 1 n any novu in Boranton. M aSBl UIlIliill.liilBll!lllll9IIBIIIIIigtllllllS I JAPANNED TINWARE I r ibi, Uoc 60 lb-. 9SC. 1UIIL. jkio g Flour Cins, E Bread and Cake Boxes, 40:. 50c. 65c. Si Cak: Bcxes, Round, S 4oc Sugar Boxes, 8 Sitia, S Knife Boxes, S Spice Boxes, Child's Traya 12c. 55c 70c ii to 70c S J 43c 30c JSC. 50c S lac a 20c Dust Pans, Fancy, Plate Liltcrs, aiilJ.giliiHHIp.aiilgibUMfHII.iitl.ms vm 1 - s HENRY RATTIN Id f,A g am svii 1 llil W VU11 mm I 126 PENN AVE. S SCRANTON'S HOUSEHOLD SPECIALISTS ! rsjsj km SllllllilHIE.IHIlUHHIIIHIIIIIIIIiE9 2 m ev We etlll off.r Atfuie mil Hltao S j Ware at prii-ei to suit the tun -s S nilllllllllSllillllllEllIDIHIlltlllll.Btltkl Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Ft teeth. $5.5(1; best set, $8; for co'.d caps ami teeth without ; luies. called crown and brld work, call for prices and refereno.'s TONALOIA, lor citractin teeth WltUOOl Pain. No ether. Nonas. OVKR FIRST KATIONAI. HANK. OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Send your corsets to be re boned or new steels put in. We do it neatly ami at 11 moderate cost. 128 Wyoming Ave. GENTLEMEN, F.E CUR LINE CP $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You MADE LIKE: HAND-SEWED. ro Seams or Tacks to Hurt lour Feel All Style and Width lu Congrei or Lace. The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money Try a Pair utul you will woar no other. BANISTER'S$o.00ryEC BANISTER'S, c Our $2 go Shoes are as good Beginning on Monday, April 9, to each customer who purchases goods to the amount of one dollar or over an envelope containing a card. On the card is printed the name of an article which will be given to the customer FREE. Gifts to be selected by the customers from our regular stook. Th9se Free Gifts run in value from $1 to $10, amounting in all to $2,500, and include Ladies' Cloaks, Shirt Waists, Ladie3' Trimmed Hats, Flower3, Mackintoshes, Ladies' Capes, Men's Hats, Boys' Hats and Capes, Neckwear, Sterling Silver Scarf and Stick Fins, etc., etc. No Blanks Everyone Something, M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. J. 138 Wyoming Ave. w E are now exhibitinsr a very complete and ex cellent collection of Ladies' FINESUITS A Handsomo lot at B!uaCbo:: $5.50 Storm Serge, in Bine and 7 T.A Black, at 0 ,,MJ Imported Capes at. French.. Silk S1G.50 Fine Cloth Capes at. $2.85 Ladies' Jackets, the latest Ot "A styles and lu all colors.at O' Jv Millinery Department Wo show the LATEST DKSlGNSlof TJ " . RIMMED HATS und BONNETS. and also a large variety of Ladies' aud children's riWTiiTmiwn katq . -'wm...-Kt.L lli.l.J (IUl4 a 'r;; assortment of FLOWERS. ., , . unnaren s uap3 We aliow the Ingest assortmsnt of PILES and LAWN CAPS aud HATd st very low trice'. CONWAY HOUSE j on the"" Ameril UI.M1 can h'lan. Strunton's nowi-it and best equipped hotel. Now 01 EN to THE PUBLIC UeHtnl by Nteain, Eleetl-te Bells, listh Tub. un eattl llcur. 1..1-. u , . Lighted mii i Airy Kooms. Everything Compute, ALL THi: MODERN IMPltOVEMEXTJt Office oa second no r. liood sample room attached. P. J. CONWAY, Prop. Eureka Laundry Co, Cor. Linden St, end Adams Ave. t'OCBI Bouse SgiMKK. All kinds of Laundry the best. work guarantee! as Lackawanna anil SCKAXTON, PA. anybody's $3 00 Shoes. FREE We will 1 present Gets 9& Buy tab Avenues.