THE fcCHAKTtXN TliliiUNE FRIDAY MORNING. AlJiUL 6. 1804. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE- NOWW And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTl'KED AND FOB ALE TO THE TUADE UY The Weston III Co, Daniel Scotten's Polka Dot STRIPPED SMOKING TOBACCO 20c. lb. Wholesale, AT GARNEY, BROWN & CO. 537 LINDEN STREET. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE. EAR, NOSE AJN'D THROAT. OFFICE HOURS: ITO 2.80 To &.SD 135 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. ( lark Grant, of Athens, was yesterday in b'crantun. Hnwman t ortrniht, of Shicksluunv, was in Seranton yesterday. E. Y. Harrison, nf Town Line, Pa , vis- ited the city yesterday. Mr. 8ml Mrs. George C. Adams, of One onta, N. Y., an1 at the Wyoming. R. W. liorhek, of Bethlehem, was en Hi Trl lici t) yesterday on bu-iues. H. V Baccn and James Cool, ot Wilkes Btio, were in Scrnntou yesterday. 0, Mi Fattf rson and D.J. Duncan, of i MTondnle, visited Cne City yesterday. John F. lfeCorntiek, of Lock Haven, .iide k business trip to Seranton yester day. Dr. R. J, Seymour and Dr Z. M. R. Pol Ion, ot PhitndVlpbia,are guests Dr. Knlton, Wyoming avenue. L D. Barclay aud Miss Marijarette I'en- sur will be married TuestMy evening April I". nt S.-Uin ti:t ii-eii lodge i'r livtenan vl.urotl by the ReV. N. F S:nld It will be tho first wedding iu the ntwoboreb Attorney A. H. McCollntn, o;' Montrow n gentleman who ban attained a iiijiii rank in bin profession, ivjh in the city vester- day. fie is a brother of Justice J. 11. Mc Coilomol tbe supreme court of I'euujyl vanin. The following Scrantonians attended tbe Bachelor dance atLoomis hall, Wilkee- Blirre, Wednesday night: Senator and .Mrs. M. E. McDonald. Dr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Air. and Mrs. B. E. Leonard, Miss Elisabeth Leonard, alia Katbryno Hart, Mil Jennie Clark, Mi- Mama Nallin, Miss Lacy (.'a: roll, Qeorge Clarke and John Naliio. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. J. Oeoige Kehr, collector of taxes of Old Forge township, filed bis build With the court yesterday and had it continued. It i in the sum of 188,000 and bad tbe fol loaiug sureties; Cbarlet Kiddle, Mrs. 8a bioa Kebr, Moot Ace, William Riddle, Casper Trotifer, James H. Jones and George E. Wade. I bn McQinty yesterday obtained a writ of reldi-vin, through Attorney Joseph O'Brien, to iecovcr MO worth of hou-ehold furniture leiied at th instance of Patrick Jordan by Constable J. L. Roesler. Exceptions to tbe report of viewers In the matter of grading of Delaware street were yesterday withdrawn by I. H. Barns, attorney for J. S. Miller. Arbitrator Fred Stark, Walter Briggs af. 'eor ;e L. Peck gave an award vester day of fcilfl 2li in fnvor of the plaintiff Ic the ca-e of M. O. Webster ngainst Frank Oarlocci. John Davis has filed bis declaration in an actii n against, the Peoples' Street Railway company. Mr. Davis' wife, Jemima Da vis, w injured on September 18, 1883, by tamping Irom one of the comoany'H cats. Mr. Davis auks ?.'i,(i(K) as damages for the loss of bis wile's services and for money ho was compelled to expend for medical as sistance. Court was unable yosferday to listen to arguments in the injunction case of the Lackawanna Valley Street Railway com pany against the Carbondale and Forest (Jity Railway company, and it wascontm ued until Monday. Clerk of tho Courts Thomas yesterday granted a marriage bonne to Frederick J . LoWrey aud Jessie Mainwaring, of Car bondnle. A. U. Keifer, collector of state and coun ty taxes in the Thirteenth ward for the year 1M13, settled his duplicate yesterday with the county commissioners. Music Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired numbor of tunes. Oautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrhestrial organs, only f5 and 81U. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Solid Vestibule Trains. On Sunday, April 1, the Lehigh Valley Railroad company Inaugurated solid vest hule train service between New York. Philadelphia and Chicago over its line, iu connection with the Uraud Trunk and Chi cago and Grand Trunk railways, on trains No. 8 iud No. 'i leaving Wilkes Bane, .veituonnl, '.1.05 p. m.; Pittslou, 11.18 p. in.. 3lly; arriving iu Chicago next day at !'.1C p. in., ,)i ieavintc Clncago at 3.10 p. m,, arriving t Pittston next day at 4.15 M at., A'Ukee '.larre, 4 ,80 p. :n., and New 7ork at 9.18 p. 111.. Philadelphia at 8.54 . m., f iontaj rta Niagara Falls aud tho : .inoue fll Clair tunnel. The (iiilpinnt of those trains contains mi ihu .nVtiHt ppliancos for the comfort Uld luoTnnWhoe. the cars being heated by (urn ur.l lighted by the Pintscb gas sys tem itirov.irnout. Jiuing cars are attached -ooTniiit lutervnln, conducted on tho :nropuu plnn, thus ensbliug passengers to get wbat they want and pay only for ht the? '-at. The cuisine uud service ri unsurpassed. Only anthracite coal will bo used on the l-.ooim.ti v..., insuring tho passengers tln.t the anuuyance of smoke and dust, i'ioi. giving to the traveler, whether ou 1 ruins.. pleasure, one of the most inter esting nad comfortable trips botween the in-, named. PsaMugers from Soranton can reach tse t.-alns tIh Delaware, Lackawanna md Western to Lackawanna aud Blooms liOrg Junction, or Delaware and Hudson Canal company to Wilkes-Unrre. Full particulars by addressing Lehigh Valley Railroad office, 30V Lackawanna avenue, Scrauton, Pa. Hit NEWS FR01 WEST SIDE TRYING CLAYTON CASE NOTES Or SOUTH Si Domestic Trouble ol Mr. aud Mrs. James U. Casey, ol Fourteenth Street. TRIED TO KILL HER HUSBAND That Is tho Charge Made Aeainst Mrs. Casey-Social of the Mar quette Club a Success Funeral of Mrs. Kate Hester Entertainment of Simpson Chapter Mrs. Henry Ferber's Welsh Tea. The West Side office of the Sx'RANTO.n '1 RIBONI is located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communication! Will receive prompt at tention. James H.Casey.of Fourteenth stret appeared before Alderman T. T Mor gan, of the Fifteenth ward, on Wednes day evening, with his face besmeared with blond, the result rf a ijuarrel with his wife, Sirs, Anni Oaey. His mis sion was to swear out a warrant for her arrest, and he told a tale of woe and misery to the aldrrman. He stated that his wife, who is an irritable wo man, assaulted him with intent to kill by striking him a heavy blow on the head with ft.b&tr glass. While in the heat of anger she let drive with a flit iron, which struck her lord and master a blow which felled him to the ground, where he lay unconicious for some time. The warrant was issiifd and Mrs. Casey brought into court to an swer a charge of assault with intent to kill. She was bound over for her an pearanee nt court in the sum of ij(300 Mr. Casey is a cripple, and was bat re cently released from tho connty jail for selling liquor without a license. He served 11 term of threo months, A Sel.c. Social. The social givn by the Marquette club at St. David's hall last nt:;ht was one of the most pleasant and select af fairs ever given 011 this side. The room was most beautifully decorated with large flags, aud bunting was gracefully draped from the ceiling. Dancing was indulged in for many hoars to music by Prof. Johnson, About seventy-five oouple were present. The personuel of the club is as follows: President, Rob ert Cooper-, vice-president, Toiu Beels; secretary, George Griffiths; treasurer, Harry Reinhart, and George Schoen, Edward Meredith, Will Griffiths, Charles Mansfield, John Wlttllng, Alvin W. Beers. Misses Maggie Lvis and Ida Phillips, of the North En. I, were among the gunsts. Mrs'. Heater Buriort The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Hester, of Jackson street, occurred yesterday morning at 9 30 o'clock at St. Patrick's church. Rev. Father McNally cele brated a high mass of requiem, which was very largely attended. Many flower offerings of beautiful design were presented by her fri "rids and rel atives. Interment was nude in the Hyde Park Catholic aemetery. The pail bearers were P. F. Duffy, Peter McCann, Anthony Toohill, Hugh Larkin. Mieliaul Fadden aud John Too hill. EutTtairment Last Evnlnir. Simpson chapter. Epworth league, of the Simpson Methodist Episcopd church, held another of their pleasant entertainments followed by a soeial last evening. The following progamnie was rendered: Piano Solo Miss Annie Williams Ri-citatiou Wallace Moser Contralto Solo Mrs. Charles Meizgar Recitation Miss Emily Evans Selection sextette Recitation Miss Maggie Price Duet, Buujo and Guitar, Worden and Barclay Recitation o-car Paine Bass Solo John Jones Recitation Miss George Kittle Duet, Cornet and Trombone, T. H. Miles and A. M. F.lrod Duet Jones and Davis The Ntwt Condon .. .! A reception and entertainment under the auspices of the Ancient Order of l'i resters of America will be given ou Monday evening next, in Mnsio ball. The programme, which will be well se lected, will boas follows- I'lnno selec tion, Daniel Protheroe, Mns. Bao, . solo, "Only for One," Miss Lydia Sailer , solo, "The Skipper," LI"W Herbert; re citation, Miss Cora Griftta 1 duet, "Ex oaliior, Edwin Bowen and Richard Thomas; lectnro, Grand Chief Ranger Thomas Brooks, of Philadelphia, solo, Mrs. M. Boston Williams; solo, "Tell Me My Heart," Edwin liowen ; recita tion, Miss Cora Griffin; closing selec tion, quartette consisting of Miss Lydia Sailer, Mrs. M. J. Boston Williams, Edwin Bowen nnd Richard Thomas (Llew Herbert). Tim LATEST STYLES, On Saturday we will open a new stock of dress goods, including the latest novelties in foreign and doinstic goods. Mkaus & Haokn. Mrs Henry Ketber, of South Main avenue, gave a Welsh tea at her home last evening. Mrs. Ferher is a mom-b-r of the Ladies' Aid society, which organization bas pledged a certain sum of money toward liquidating the church debt. A largo number was in attendance and a neat sum realised. The evening was one of enjoyment anil a good time had, while the good still progressed. The Druid Glee society has been or ganized under the leadership of Lewis Watkine for competition at Willtes Barre. The officers are: President, John Kelly; vice-preiident, John T. Davies; secretary, Theophilus Bowen; treasurer, Thomas D. Thomas ; organ ist. Miss Norma William. Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Pittsburg, is the guest of friends on this side. SILVER GIVEN AWAY. On Saturday we will give a sterling silver hat pin to every customer buying $1 worth of goods. Ste our show win dow. MiCAits iV IIaoi-n Slllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. I jj 5 MM m ui it 01 mean 1 imji'o:,s, pre sented a-tThs Tribune Oltloe, cor ner renii avenue nod Spruce street, entitles tbe holder lo all tl.t. priv ileges of tho unparalleled oilers for distributing popular book among ottf renders. 'I I10 offers 111 lido by 1 in- Tribuuo management are as follows: Kt CENTS nnd Tour CHiHn for any volutins In tbl Colninlm S in,. Ovur 100 Mtlei to (teloct fiom. 75 nu! Tour Coupon! for n 10 volnnto sot of DIckonN Cuiuplrtu w or kit. :n CKNTS and Four Coupons for any book iu Hit- Uu-hv Scrlos. I '45 CKNTS ami Four Coupon any book in tho Oxford Serli-g. for nillllllBllllllllHIlllllllllliiiiiiifliimie Cloiiog Testimony Was Heard Before Court Adjourned for the Day. MOTION MADE FOR A NON-SUIT It Will Be Renewed in Court This Morning Hearing Testimony Be fore Judge Edwards in One of the Trespass Cases Against the Cen tral Company Verdicts in the Anglemoycr and Other Cases. At 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning the plaintiff retted in the trespass suit of Mrs. Estella Clayton aguialt Hill and Connell. Major Warren, tho at torney for the defendants, asked for a non-suit, but Judge McPhersou decided to hear all of tho testimony in the cast b-dore passing ou the question. He directed the defense to proceed with its case with the privilege of renewing its motion for a non suit when all the testimony was heard. Iho defense closed just Ixfore court adjournvd and the motion for the nou suit will he made this morning. The testimony of the defense was to tbe ef fect that if Mrs. Clayton had used ordinary oare the acci.Iout would not have occurred. Before J 11 !ge Edwards tho caso of C. it. I Illinois against it. T. Post was tried. Post employed Thomas to drive his team, and for two months' labor paid him $27. Thomas claimed $70 and sued to recover tho balance due. The defense was that Tlmmas made an icreeuiHiit with Post to work ou shares and in aceordanee with that agreement was all ho was entitled to. the inry retuttitu a verdict in favor of toe defendant. SUIT AGAINST JERSEY CENTRAL . The aetion for damages of Patrick Kearney against the Central Railroad of New Jersey was next put on trial It is claimed by tho plaintiff, who owns a property on the bank of the Lacka wanna river, which property has 1 frontage on Water street, that th de feudant company obstructed the chan nel of the river, causing the water to back up during freshets and overfliw his land. It was inundated in Decern her, 1888, and February, 1891, and portion of his land washed awav. For this he wants damages. Mr. Kearney is represented by Attorney A A. Chase Senator M. E. McDonald and Attorney Joseph O Brien. and the defense by At torney E N. W illard. Witnesses for th" plaintiff were being hoard when conrt adjourned for tho day. After being on trial two days before Judge Archbald, the case of David An glemoyer against the Third National Bank, garnishee, for W. H Reinhart, was given to the jury nt 8.80 yesterday altomoon. An hour later the jnry re turned a verdict to the eit'-ict that at the tim3 the attachment execution was served, there was S'Jn US deposited to the credit of W. EL R-inhart in the Third National bank. The verdict is a victory tor the plaintiff. SUIT ABOUT INSURANCE. At 8.45 the suit of John Brannen executor of tho estato of Margaret Brannen against the Prudential Life Insurance company or Aiu inoa was callod for trial. Col. F. L. Hitchncck appeared for til - plai:itilt and riuisiamier and OS burg for the dofense. The plaintiff sues to recover on life insurance policies for ol)0 and $loJ resD'ct ively on the life of Mrs. Mar- caret Brannon, who died at Miuoo in 1891) Hie company refused to pay the policies on the ground tnat tuos who held them had no insurable inter est in Mrs. Braunen, Hie trial of the cane will b resumed this morning. A verdict was returned in the case of Enns Flynn agaiust Patrick Moran fi r $158 34, in favor of the defendant l'i Hie case 01 v. n l'iick agains William Haoley, Mr. Cjuick obtained verdict for 130 19 NORTH END. Councilmen Finn and Morris, of the Second ward, are going to use their lest endeavors to have 11 igstone walks laid along North Main iivenui from Court street, Park place, to Providence square. The funjral of John Jerrayu, who was killwd on the railroad near Fac toryville, will take place today. In terment will be in Washburn street cemetery. The Ladies Aid society of the Provi dence Methodist Episcopal church will bold an entertainment and "Dollar Hanking Social" in the church parlors this evening under the direction of Mrs William Bright. The "Dollar Banking fcocial" is a new and very novel idea, ind a great surprise is in store for all those who are present. A small nd -mission fee of ten ceuts will be charged. EVENING OF AESTHETICS. Miss Tdl:e , w h and Her Pupils Olvt en Entertainment. Last evening Miss Xi Ilia Lewis, as sisted by her pupils, gave a very pleas ing entertainment before a ftiir siz-d audience iu the Young Mon's Christian Association hall "Tho Sewing School for Scandal" was very cleverly presented by a num ber of young ladies and gentlemen. Miss Bertha Morrit recited "Grandma nt the Masquerade," and was heartily applauded. Miss Etta Green received an encore for the line rendition she gave of n scone from "Lenla the Forsaken." Miss Lewis charmed the nu Hence by her graceful postngS, hut owing to the serious illness of her brother she was not iu good spirits and the inonolgne. "When Jack Comes Late," was omitted from the programme. Zuifl ih Taken ti Hi. Home. Arnold Znrflnb, who last, week bad his leg crushed on the railroad tracks below the Dickson works, was yesterday taken from the Lackawanna hospital to his res ideuce, 887 Adams avenue. Tho limb was amputated below tho knee1, and Mr. Zur- tluh is convalescing. The 6 Brot aro leaders In low prices aud good shoos. . - Lndios' Rszji- Toe Mluch.r.tts In Russia and DOOgoJa, nt the Cotnmoh weaitb Shoo Store, Wnslimgton avenue. Prevention is bottor than cure, and you may prevent ihat tired feeling by taking Hood's Sarsnparilln, whteb will keep your blood pure and free from acid talut and germs of disease. Hood's Pttta gripe, but act do not purge, psln or promptly, easily and - DIED, efficiently. 25c. MILLETT In Seranton, April 5, 1S'.I4, Mrs. Mnry Millott, widow of the late Daniel Millott, aged 57 years. Funeral Saturday moruiug from tho residence, 510 Third street, Bellevue. A solemn muss of requiem will be celebrated in St. Peter's cathedral. Burial in tbe Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Saloon Partners Quarrel Over tbe Distribution of tbe Profits. OES UNDER SHERIFFS' HARRIER Honcyager and Gillespie Could Not Agree on a Pro Rata Division of Spoils Harry Swartz Becomes Foreman at South Works An In famous Gang in the Twentieth Ward Personal Mention. Tbe saloon on upper Lackawanna avenue lately conducted bv Coarles Honevnger and Anthony Gillespie was closed by the sheriff's la.t Wednesday. Before entering the liquor business Honeyager was a street car conductor and quite popular. Gillespie was a null hand, also of good standing. Their respeotlVS parents furnished the capi tal with wuich they embarked in busi ness, anu trade saouiea to llow 10 tneir hostelry from the beginning. The an nouncement of the closing nf their pllice, upon exi-eiilions ismied by Mrs lionevager uud the semor Uillespie, came like a thunderbolt from a sum mer sky. Tne inside history of the troublo bas it that bickerings arose be tween the partners in the division of profits, and finally the only reBort was to close, Cbanget at tbe South Works. John Heffron, for many years a fore man nt the South works of the Laeka wanna Iron and Steel company, re signed his position this week and Opened a hotel on Lackawanna avenue. Mr. Heffron was lately a steel blower, aud Michael P. Shallow, one of the most experitneud steel blowers in the country, who assisted Superintendout Edward 11, was put iu his place, ilenry Swartz, of the North works, supersedes Mr. Shallow. Since the starting of the south works on the double turn tbe mill has been oporatcd on full time, with the assnrance that it will continue so for a long periol to come. Subject Matter for the Police. Au aggregation of case-hardened men nnd women whose names decorate the top roster of police annals, Cyclone Kate, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Weiss, Tom Boylan, Jack Montgomery, and fete "the .Nigger, are honssd in a dilapidated tenement in the upper part of tbe Twentieth ward. Without any visible means of support they exist, and even seem to be always able to get large supplied of intoxicants. After becoming bvastly drunk they torment the neighbors, and the police have bjeu notified time and again ; but no cogniz ance appears to be takeu of their orgies. District Engineer Schwast, III atiother column will be seen the see unit of the appointment of Louis Schwasa, as district engineer ot the Fourth district of the Scrantou Fire department. His name was sent to councils hv Mayor Counell last night. The Triiiuse claims all the credit, in asmuch as his name was first put forth for the position in these columns. Mayor Connell bus made a wise choice, and one that will give general satisfac tion. Personals. James V. Pnrcell, of New York, is visiting his cousin, P. J. Kelley, of Locust str-tt. Thomas Flood, a Truth carrier, was bitten by a dog at Cedar avenue and Elm slreet yesterday. Dr. Walsh at tended him and left him resting easily. Miss Ssdie Murray, of Crown avenue, is visiting in Arehbald. SILVER OIVEN AWAY. On Saturday we will give a sterling silver list pin to every customer buying $1 worth of goods. Sea our show wiu- low, MBAR8 OS Haoen, Richard J. Grimes returned yester day afternoon from Nebraska, where ho spent a throe weeks' visit with his uncle. Mr. Grimes is known from one end of the county to tho other, and be has a faculty of relating experiences and everyday happenings that comi to his notius tht is really side-splitting. Dick, as be is familiarly called, will make it pleasaut for everybody in dis scriliing what he saw while uway. Shorter Paragraph. Georgo Beamish, of Pittston avenno, will assume the management of Martin McDouougb's saloon in Minooka, uext week. The lease ruus for five yeiirs. Walter Shorten, of Miuooka, has added a very fine coach to his staid, -1. which he purchased at a eost of (1, 100. C. T. Boland's residence, at Pittston avenue and Locust street, from the re cent improvements thereon, is perhaps the finest on the Sauth Side. The porch, just finished, cost about $700. THE LATEST STYLUS, On Saturday we will open a new stock of dress goods, including the latest novelties in foreign and domestic goods. Mears & Haoen. fcrnntor.'s IlualnetB Interests. 1 he I mm'NK will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list, of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Seranton nod vicinity. 1 lie edition will be bound iu book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our public build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together wnh portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever givn an eoual rep resentation of Scrantou's many indud- tiies. It will beau invaluable exposition of our business resources. , Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an niiequall-d advertisement of the city. Tho circu lation is mi a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Kepresuutntives of lllK 1 HIKLNK will call upon thohk whosk names are desikkii hi this edition and explain its nature more lull v Those desiring views of thoir residences in tbis edition will please 1 ave notice at the oflle.i. Dunlap SPUING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN THE HATTER Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. Hats THE PICTURE IS CELEBRATED. A Work That It Attraotlas Attention at Myei't Art Store. The handsome engravings in the show window of Fred L. Meyer, art dealer, nt Spruce street, attracted much attention yesterday afternoon. Ibe chief feature of attraction was a copy of Hovou Jen's celebrated painting. 'Breaking Home Ties." The title suf ficiently explains the subject. The scene is one with which most families are familiar, whose sons have gone out to seek their fortunes in the world, and the sentiment expressed in the work has doubtless secured tor the pic ture its phenomenal popularity and success. Beadleiton ft Woarz't and Ballantlnn'a Ales are tbe beet. B. J. Wauiu, agent, US Lackawanna avenue. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Presents 60 where they have the best selection. RICH CUT CLASS, choice china, BRIC-A-BRAC, SILYERWARE WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. l iu yon nutit, iisii, rnl a wheel, or Is lutend to? Do you want tine Pocket Cutlery, a Razor, or any of the numer ous articles sportsmen and sporting men use'.' If so, on and after APRIL, 1ST. A. W. JURIS CH Will he prepared to lurnish some at reasonable prices at his store, 435 Spruce Street Remember, everything new; 'stock just bought; no old stock to dispose of. t all and ex ouine and you will s ive time and money. Huntingdon's 61 HOME BAKERY. We have a larrre merit of assort" PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 4 13 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. THE CELEBRATED r I j. -jsr o js rc it PrUOQt tlie Mnt Popular nnd Prtnrrtd by Leading A nuts Warorooms : Opposilo Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. Seranton. Pa. Ad Explanation Wedding CHINA HALL Of the wonderful popularity f our KOCH- KHTKll BICYCLB lan't hard to Bad, Call iiml see it ami it win explain ltaif. Out Other lines am equally u popular 1 llivlr grude. Florey & Holt 222 WYOMING AVE. LATEST OUR "BELL" CUTAWAY AND SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VARIETIES. Martin & Delany Clothiers and Hewes! Style Sprin Collins & Hackett 220 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Hats and Rlne Furnishing Goods. 6.W S & Co. Cloak Makers and Furriers. Three of Our Good Things AT $5.00 The New English Jacket, Full Sleeve, Large Reveres, Full Buck, New Length. AT $7.50 Tan, Navy. Segar Brown, Mixed Brown and Grey. A very stylish Jacket. Fit and shape perfeot, SFF THIS NUMBER. AT $10.00 We will give you a choice of lour styles of Jackets, Clay, Twill or Covet Cloth. For dress or street wear there are none bottor. OWENS Kill Two Birds. If you want toCOtnbins comfort with elevanoe, li-ok at BCHANK'i SPRING BTOCK of BHOE8. There's the KM- PHK for instance. VVliut's neater iu iiisut or black! The lady that wears it looks like n My. And looking that tray, the Chances are she'll act like one Good clothes and good shoos make good deeds easy and natural. The Dude Is Dead Young men have ceased to be liowlini,' swells They oan'l afford it these iioor times. That's partly why so many qnlstly dressed young men about town buy their Spring Footwear at Pchank'S They know he denls only iu the very latest ami best. They know lits stoik is liu i;e. but never loud. And they know his I kicks auk DOWN TO BIT THB TIMB& This Means You Uy the way, why not look at Bobank KI.EflANT Ni:w SPUING ami BVatatKH DKBIGNtf There's no charge for tookluB) When you buy you pay. The chances aro you'll buy. SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. WYOMING AVIi The Great Marvel of Dental Science Ansssthene A recent discovery ami the sole property of Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. il SB A MO N 8 9 AYS ABOUT ANJfiSTHENE, IRS II FN WOOD - U AKDELL: After having V6B Mi extracted at one Hltt lug ly the puttiletm method, I pro iiounot It au lively ftHliNlKeturv Iu overy OWEN imrtlcuhtr. J. U. SUAMONS THE Custom Tailors. s of uits at Cloak Makers and Furriers, Court House Square. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS r AST YEAB he had saved 8300. He bought a house worth (1850 paid (300 down, gave a inert gage for $1,550. Today he esti mates as follows: Rent saved f two) Intercut on nioi lcaire. ,188 ui Taxes nnd repairs Net saving on reut..,. Bayed on Hilary To apply ou mortgage. . at so us a iiio w lot) 00 $'7U03 REFLECTION MIn FOLK an that house will U free from debt ititd 1 nhal have a home ol my own." GREEN RIDGE is tho pmndliw fotf homes. Finn Boat have recently fin IhImmI a beantifttl villa, nrhleh they ott'ei, ou aaiji paynieuts, at 91830. Call t tlielrofiioe. between WnhinKton and Adams on Olive hit-cut. EZRA FINN & SONS. The GENUINE New Haven Mathushek" Pianos it KSTAliUSlll-.D lSCC, New York Warerooms No. SO Fifth Avenue. E. C. BICKER & CO., Bolt dealers iu this section. OFFICE-1&8 ADAMS AVE. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Kpoclallat on the Eye. Hoadaohe unit Nervousuoss relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo ot Bye OUssiw mid Speetacloa at the Lowest 1'rtc.tis. Best ArtiUolal Eyes inserted for $j. SOS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers