THE SCI? ANTON TKIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. APRTL G, 1894. I GENERAL NEWS 0 INDUSTRIES There is a large quantity of rprsetl excitement iiuioiig the enterprising in habitants of Forkston township, Wyo uiiug couuty. They are tretting: ready to bore for "ile": and while the dor rick are beiug put in ptiot and the drills adjusted, they are puzzling their mathematical Capacity conjeeturiuix. how much wealth they would be able to accumulate were tho drill to tap a gus reservoir and thus enable them to pipe this airy fuel to Wilkes-Uarre and Scruutou, there to drive the poor aud oppressed anthracite coal operator still further into the depths of despair. The Lehigh Valley Railroad com pany has just negotiated the sale of fl, 500.000 worth of bonds issued by its alter ego, the Lehigh Valley (Joal com pany. The nrocesd will be applied to the liquidation of the railroad com pany's iloatiug debt. Owing to restriction In the produc tion of anthracite coal the Ontario and Western's gross earnings for the fourth week of March Trill show a very con siderable, reduction, coupared with tile corresponding period of last year; but President Fowler states there will be a still greater decrease shown iu pay-roll aud operating expenses, so that net results for the mouth will be better thnu in March, 193 The rate war recently alluded to in this column proceeds apace. All the railway president who favor a strict observance of the tratli agreement held a conference in Philadelphia Wednesday and it is understood that warlike mesBtires were agreed upon. 1'resi dents Depew aud Roberts are said to be determiued that the ruinous ratt entting which has b?u going; 00 shall come to a d-rinite end. and that at the urouer time the Ijhigh Valley will be brought to Wruis, not withstanding the official to persistent refusal of the withdraw thir cut rate tickets. The uew agreement to restore the old rates went into effect April 1, aud Ins so far proved succeselul. Minor INDUSTRIAL NOTES: The Reading, ruud lias ordered all the Hotting gangs on full time. V. S. Speirs of the l.ehigh Valley, assis tant general traffic agent, iu charge of through routes, with office In Philadelphia, ha been transferred to Chicago, to take charge of east bound traffic. The Weatherly foundry of the Lehigh Valley will stay where it is. The wages ot the employes of the liryden Horse Shoe works, at I 'uingauquu, have been reduced 10 per cent. (j. Ii. Markle & (Vs. collieries at High land will be shut down lor an indefinite period. Twenty-three Jersey Central coal crews are idle at Munch L'iiuuk. The Jersey Central has beguu to fill in the treetling on the Upper Lehigh branch, between t'oud Creek aud White Haven. The average pay of labor in the anthra cite biiiiuese iaat, year is estimated at per man. TLe Lehigh Valley, for retrenchment reasons, has taken one brakeuian from second class This leaves only two brakemeu. Congressman Tom Johnson's big Steel company has been capitalized at o,l00,huu The pinut will be located at Cleveland aud the coiupauy will mine and ship its own cres. A Million Friends A friend in ueed is a frieud indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs aud Colds, If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it haswouderful curative powers in all diseases of Throa', Chest anil Lunirs. Karl: bottle is guaranteed to do all that is olanned or money will be refuuded. Trial bottles fre- at Mathews Bros , diug store. Large bottles ioc. aud L0U FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bond New York. April 5. Unfavorable news does not affect stock prices us it did a month or so ago, which is be,t illustrater", perhap, by the course of the market to day. In the first place Loudon was aaiu a seller; a iharp rive in wheat was re ported because of alleged damage to the crop, and. furthermore, iu the early trad ing distilling and cattle feeding recorded a break ot nearly two points on the rest oration of the stories current for the past few ilays that the decision In the qoo war ranto proceedings would be against the company. The slump In Dietitian at the etnrt brought about a fractional decline in the general list, but General Electric, which has been under the hnmtuor for a day or so, suddenly doveloped strength and moved up from ds to 41. The low priced issues were taken hold of and in a ehort time an advance of to IJf was established. In tho afternoon dealings American Sugar suddenly rose on a re ported advance in certain grades of re fined. This frightened the Deaf interest into covering and incidentally had a good effect on the general market. Whiskey told up to 86 the best price of the day alter the positive Announcement from Chicago that the company had beau worsted in the ijuo warranto matter. Del aware and Hudson ros I;-', fell buck two points on reahziug. In the Ute trading the market was decidedly Drm and there was good buying of the leading issues. Suits were 210, 000 shares Tliu following complete, table snowing the day's fluctuations in aottvo stocks is supplied and ruvlsen: dally iy'.ir a ruiier, stock broker, ul w yoning aveuue: (man- Hub Low Clos- but, IIU Ulti m IWW mi 4oW! roe. Am. Cot. Oil MM Am. Sugar MM A.T. A3. F Itfi Can. So 5- Ceiu N. J Chic N. W iaH C. B. Q 81V Chic. Gas e, 0 C, C. 8t. h... mi Col. Hock. Val. AT 1). U 14:1 D. ,L. W D. 0. F KI4 Erie 17ls3 O. E. Co SShi Lake Shore L AN 61 Xsntiattau IM Miss. Pac Nat. Lead J - V. Y. A N. K 1 1 Hb M. Y Central 101 N. Y..O. A W 17 N. Y.,8. A W 15 Lt. S. C. Co 2iQ North Pao Hi 'Ml. est. ililt sjQ I4M H k'iii sin 88 Hi" :iiH ini KM I Mi" 12U :ti4 nfi M1L I 1 t U8 2S m 404 I 7l)'sj HH4 m i-t, Uiii Pil r.ih in Ml HM I0l'i ;;u Itv m DM I'lSj mi, SIM TOjj 8 :'; l III ml hi" m BM KM Hk IIU M IM 0"s m 411 I6M w Hi m ISty M Si NM IM ON North Pac. if !14t Oinulia. I" Pac. Mail Rending Rock Island.... R. T 8t. Paul , T..C. A I Texas A Pac... Union Pac Wabssn, uf.... V?. Union W.AL, E W. 4: L. E. uf. I ill IS IMMl lt',4 S4G lau ,'iirtj v'19, is HH ISjj m Kpv. York Proeno Harkat. Nkw Yohk, April 5. FLoUR-Fair de jnHiid, firmer. W heat AettTe, lc. hlaher: Ann. No. 8 red store and elevator, UilaGiic; afloat, 67a671o.: f. o. b., (XPj'al'oc. ungraded red, eSaOllc. ; No. 1 nortneru, 7nl2v.. ; options were active.closed steady.l"al o. over yesterday; April. ft5c. : May, Wwai June, 07o.; July, 88Kc; August, tf;c. ; September. 71c; December, 71it,c. Corn Moro active, stronger; No. U, 4411 l.V : elevator, 45fa4Sc. alloat; op tions dull and hulch. lgber, closing strong: May and July only traded iu; April. 44c: May, 44c. : July, tflc. OATb Fairly active, lirmer; options, fairly nctive, stronger: April, 380 ; May, WJc; July, 85t'c! No. 9 white April, 39c. : Bpot prices, No. 'J, HliaStVjC; No. 9 white, WWMOOi No. - Chicago, arc. ; No. X Xic. ; No. :i white, Moil mixed western, MaHKr.; white do., 9nc; white state, Wtfic. riKEF yulot, steady. fmtciD Bunk-Quiet; city extra la dia niesi-, f 18al!l. Cut Meats Moderately active, Arm. Laud Quiet, stronger; western 70; city. ?; options April, $7.(10: May 7.5l); July, $7.;i.i; refined, ipitet, firmer; conti nent,; 18.05; South America. $S.-U; com pound, CatlKc. i'uiiK Firmer, fair domsud; mess, $13. JOaU. Buttek Fair demand, choice, firmer; sttitn dairy, new, !4al2lc. ; do., old, llal&i'c. ; do. creamery, now, tlilc. ; Pennsylvania creamery, 880.: western dairy, new, llnMc; do. creamery, uew. 10980,1 factory, Vtli; elglus, imitation creamery, ltaiBc. ciikisk Steady, active; state large, 9' Uc.j una, : . do. small, Uta Wke. Eous Easier, state and Pennsylvania, il'aUVjC; western fresh, lie; southern, uXallo, - - Chlcaeo drain and Provisions. BcllAMoN, Apill fi.-Tte following quota tions uio aupphud aud Corrected daily by La bar & Fuller, stock brokers. l-l Wfouiiu.' ave- uuo. WHEAT. Mar. Opening il'is, Hlgbost tillt Lowest Closlug corn. Opening 7! Highest ST? Lowest Ki Closing ST?,, OATS. July. H HUM 1 1 N Sept. tis am UN am 4l.i opening VIM ills-host 81W St' 'Js& tH l'.'j:. iiu M)7 :i gd till" U'i eli te IIU SlU 814 Lowest... Cl-siug. . . i4 i'OKK. Oponiug. I8D5 lias m tut 705 7U nun best Lowest Closing i. ua Opening Hixhost Lowest Closing Ski' TIT RIBS. Ipeillug Highoat Lowest Closing cm lift) UII7 6M 01 Kill ti-'u I'hiladelphU Tallow Marks: I i'ii -.. 1.1 i . April ft l'nllow was dull with a light deuiaud. Prices were: Prime ritv in hogsheads, IJfCtl do. dark In ! hogabeads, 40. . prime country, In hogs- urau?, , '.V., Minrr, .. . t ' .1 atija Euck leu's Arnica Sal vs. The test salve in the worid for Cuts Bruises, Korea, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud all Skin Kruptious, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price !io cents per box. For sale by Matthesv Uroa. . T11 k: Kev. Win. Stout, Wharton, Out., states: After beiug ineffectually treated by seveuteeu different doctors f jt Scrofula aud bleed disease, 1 was cured by Burdock Blood Bilters. Write hi:u for proof. - A llefO'S Two Touiba. TliC'.T" is DO doubt that one iortioo of the body uf Lieu. Wiijne, the hero of Stony Point "Mad Anthony," as he waa popu larly termed was interred at the place when he died, uud the other iu his native county. His original burial place was Fort Preaque iale, upon the site of which the city of iirie. Pa., now stands; the other locality honored :ls his lust resting place is llaiJhor cemetery, iu Chester county, Pa. This curious circumstance was brought about iu the following liiuuuer: In the year lsl." tlie family of this famous man waa given permission to remove his dust to Radnor, but upon opening the grave it waa found that the body Was part ly s'tritied, and consequently very heavy. A medical friend of the family, recognis ing the fact that it vsould Is- a very diffi cult and costly task tolransport the re maiui in that condition, determined as far as possible to remove t he pet rilled Mesh i from the bones, and this was accordingly ! done. The bones were then carefully - packed up and delivered to the .son, who I was kept in ignorance of the operation, and I he conveyed tho box containing the pre I dons portions of his fat tier's body to his j native county, where they were, interred I with appropriate ceremonies. A monument was erected iu ISofl over I the grave by the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. What remained of the warrior was rein tarred at Fort Presqua j Isle, and some years ago was discovered in the same state of preservation as when first exhumed, iu a box hearing his name. An other memorial stone was raised in that, place, and thus was commemorated the fact that all that was mortal of ".Mad An thony" Wayne found a liual resting place in two localities far apart from each other. Detroit Free Press. ghC Was Carious to Know, "Can l see well from there?" said the Dice old lady with the silk mitts, as she laid ft finger on the box sheet and looked over her spectacles at the ticket seller. "Yes, ma'am those are very good seats both for seeing and hearing," auid the young man. "They're not as good as these over here?'' queried the old lady, taking a leap -rltbone linger still -to the other aide of the house. "Those are good seals, too, ma'am," "Don't you think they're too far back?'' "No, ma'am." 'Then they're too close where are those seats you ibowed me just now?" "Here they are, ma'am,'1 suid the young man, Liking out the CO0D0DJ from the rack aud beginning to put them into an envelope. "No, I don't want them I think 1 like these on this sido only I here's a pillar just there, isn't there?" "No, ma'am, there's no pillar in tbut section will you take those two?" "No, I think not my daughter ll be 'round this afternoon and look at the plan. I don't know what she wants," and the old lady ambled amiably away, totally uncon scious that she hud kept twenty men and women waiting for ten minutes while she practised "shopping" on the ticket seller. Pittsburg Disputch. A Tour Debtor's llurd I'ute, In a certain county iu the eastern part of the state there isa case coming under the poor debtor law. A man waa arrested on execution for debt anil thrown into jail. Ho was stubborn and refused to pay, so the creditor kept him behind the bars, pay ing lila board nt t'i a week. When six months had expired the prisoner came to the conclusion that he would disclose, but in order to do tAis ho must, under the old luw, which prevailed when lie wits arrested, pay ail thecostsof disclosure and expenses. Ho was unable to do this, afl he had no funds, and the OonStqUGDOl was that he le nialued in jail, where he has now been re siding several years, bis board still being paid by the cicdiio,'. lt Is said that the latter la determined to keep the fellow in prison, uud has goue so fur as to set sslus f:;,UX) iu his will to board the muu after hi deuth. Lewistou Journal. The amount ol light we receive from any star depends upon its distance, its llse, nod the brilliuucy of iLs surface. A faint .-tar far Awuy nuiy therefore Is- much lurger than OM which uppeurs brighter to us be cause it is nearer, aud as a matter uf fSCt it is known mat some mint stars nave u much larger mass -tbut is, weigh more -than Siriiif, the brightest star in tho heav ens, ulthoiigh this latter star is three limes heavier than our sun. Youth's Companion. PM. S. B. DtHUTtY. mate of steamer ArlKoua had his foot badly jammed. Thomas Eclectrlc f 111 cured it. Nothing equal to lt for a quick pain reliever. ' A MONO Our Neighbors. Constable John Glynu of tho Ninth wiird, i 'in. von. bus reported nine speak-easy proprietors to court; aud Constable II. E. Dennett ot the Fourth ward has tuado retnrni of two It is estimated by those who know that the total number of epenk eastes in Pitts ton borough in between sixty and sev enty. live. The recent relorm move ment in tliHt borough is understood to be responsible in large measuto for this unusual interest uf the constabu lary in a subject that the; used to lolt ily iguore. see Preparations for tho big Memorial Day eisteddfod of the Pittston Cambro American society ars proceeding on a oale of flattering magnitude. The committee on arrungeinents is happy over the taut that it has finally secured the services of Hon. II. M. P.dwards as conductor. The Pittston Gazette, in noting this fact, remarks that "Judge Edwards has not attended an eistedd fod in I'm i on for twenty-two yeurs, but the enthusiasm with which ho en tered into these musical gatherings here in years gone by is not forgotten by our older residents, and they in par ticular are pleased with the announce ment that be will be here on May 81), while all who know of htm und hi su perior abilities as eisteddfod conductor will to glad also, kuowiug Hint his presence will lend additional interest t tbo event Possibly it would not be amiss to take this eurly occasion to warn the good people of Wayne, Lackawanna and Buiqnehanna oonotiei that a plot is forming to disturb their peace of mind. Shoull they eome Saturday discern a weary proeeiiionot tired and dusty strangers making for their re ipeotive farm houses, we wish to Bay iu udvance that it will not be a detach men t of Coxey's army nor a calvaoa le of dliappoioted Democrats returning from Washington, but eiutply n uo terie of enttiusiastic Scrauloti pedes triani, seeking what ami whom tney may devour. Just as soon us the weather moderates Saturdny afternoon pedestrian tours will bo taken by a number of earnest gyiuuasls. Proud nent among them is Kev. Watreu U. Partridge, who desires to combine ex ercise wltu instruction by pursuing, each Saturday, some particular line ot study either In botany, geology or en tomology. Informal talk by local ex perts will diversify the programme, and it is hoped to make these semi scientific outings beneficial both to body uud mind. see The go?pel wagon will undoubtedly day a prominent part in the coming -vangeliz ition of the Wyoming Valley. Imitating the Dakota bishop who fitted qp a special railway train Into what he called a "church On wheels," two "arti est young men of Pittstou, Mr. Arm strong and Mr. Crowell, are arranging to supplement tho forthcoming Moody tent meetings by holding preaching and song services in the remote districts ol Luzerne, especially in the mountain ssttlemeuts. They are having covered wagons tii it c esp-cuily lor this pur pose; and lt is tlicir luteuti in to make a hous-s to honso right Bgaloit Satan and sll his imps. a e 4 Some weeks ago TBI TuiUL'NE gave particulars concerning a surgical oper ation nt the Pitlston hospital that at tracted muc:i attention, as the particular line of treatuieut pur sued, apart from beine one of extra ordinary delicacy, was a new departure In this StOtion. A colore ! man had heeu shot, the hull pursuing a certain dani'erouj downward coursa through tho breast. The wound suptmraled and inasmuch ns the miss coull no) How up through the channel made by the bullet, lt wade:idud, upon recom mendation of Dr. Walsh, the hospital's then visiting physician, in common parUnoe to tap the patient from below, thns allowing the discharge to gravi tate downward. The msjotity of those rorgeoni who had been called in consultation opposed this proceeding as offering DO Imps of the patient's recov ery; but Dr. Walsh assumed full re sponsibility, cut out a couple of ribs which he baa preserved as souvenirs, inserted a ilrainiige tube and put the patient to bed. Today the young colored man is as sound nsndjllar; and when recently examined by a TuiBUXI man at tho hospital, showed absolutely no sign of the o. Mutton save two slight scars, one where the bullet had enterod end the other where the tube hHtl been inserted. Tlinpe who know say this was the first operation of its kind iu this state. Says tbe Stroudshnrg Daily Timei: "A traveling salesman natueil Pin nerly, from Scrantou, while returning to Eist Strondsbnrg at ao early hoffr vVedneiday morning, wh.i halted bv two men near tb'i iron bridge, who linked if lie hml nny money. "No, but l'v got siuiethiiiB else ' lie then pulled quickly from his hip pocket a loaded revolver untl pointed it at the hijrhwiiy- men. 1 hey turned ami ran t:it,i di rection of Stroudsburg." IScrinton pluck. Bhaf Shots at OTHBRB' DOIMOI: Towandahas a now daily, the Evening Herald. Wilkns-liari'i' hns thirty policeinon. Lower i.uzorue people yet hone to re vive the new county scheme. It h Knhlcnuti ihuiious are bnini: solicited in t nrboudnlK louking toward the dismeiu bcrineiit of IjackHwnnnii county. Dr. Htronir, or Mmr uca, will, it is on id. study tne Bonin i.arollnn dlspeussrv law una rl.rouicie ins uvuurtiuus in hook form. An expert electrician wtuaeewhr Pitta ton h tire-alarm itoug uouuus every time except tlie rigtit time. )De nrgmutMil inado uguiiHt Juilun Hhone's re-election as orphan's court judne in Luzerne is lliatne bus ulrenily Uruvvu mi, i on in Haiarios irom tne county. As a result or ministerial opposition VYlllietnipot 1 1 charity km is turning pfopie away. Itaaletou is to havo a ilastingo club. l.ako I inoy's llotul lernclilf has been licensed. Joseph 1'. li mn, of illius linrre, has coniposod ii new teunr folo, "I) Wituouie llessie," with words by Dr. .1 P, lligyin Monroo county's jail is tenantloss. Silas Iinnilflrshot wauls to run Hurry LampDeil lUU yniilsrur KU, . r iii iii DyapepiU and lndiif tsllrm In their worst forms are cured by the use of 1. I'. 1'. if you are debilitated and tun dowu, or If you need a tonic to regain drab and lost appetite, strength ami vigor, tnke 1'. P. 1'., und you will he atrong and healthy, or shattered constitutions unit lost tnuiihood P. P. P, (Prickly Ash, Poke Knot and l'otnsMuiu) is the king of nil medicine. P. P. P. is tbe greatest blood porlflar iu thu world. Por sale by all druggists. When It.iliy wn.i tick, w gave her fartort. When she was a Chill, slm crlcilTur ( astorla. When (.lie became Miss, she clung to Cruitoria. hen iihu had Chiliirau, khe ga a Hu m Cajloila, ONE CENT A Word A Word. fTanttof ait Madt, coil (hut moA,a- eejit Situation IWijited.u'Aicft ore BaW(eo FBES. Situations Wanted. s MITATION WANTED BY A SOUtU reliable yuuni.' uian. Good retui eaves. Address .1 1). It., HI) hlnhth street. c I 1 1 ' AT 11 1' WW'Tirii II V A HllBAU D and oake baker. Can tak charge of shuc nererences Taylor, Pa If ii-ii ill 1'i-tl. Address B. A. W (SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNU LADH f5 as convist or to !,, wurk in an uflice. BX' oiioat refarenoe furnished. 1'1'lblllle offloC. .'.I'll' A. POSITION WANTED as OARTENDER J or as clerki can speak German "i"i rolitk, also Knxhah all film til l'uliuau street, Providencu 1'ity. CITUATION "WANTED - A L.ADV X I' years old wants u situation us housekeeper in respectable widower's family; Kd ' ook atid nurse: eleven years' experience; will ko tn city or country. Address M. A 11, Uoi IH5, Kast Htrouilhburfc-, Pa. Help Wanted Male. jVEEDER WANTED ONE WHO CAN i "make ready. ' Oeod wages to lljhtbov. Apply at PKANK 4: i I .M u. u Tunes bui d log, vv EV7 ANTED - A FlKUT Cl.At-S COAT inakcr. Annlv tit ouco. 1 II A ill. I.- t. EVANS, Oarbandale, pa. ANTED GENERAL WllEEt.ltUJUT Apply nt Hilhool's CarrlaKe works. Helo Wanted Females. UfANTEO - SERVANT UIRL, nuol) cook aud Keuurul ImuscWKik. no wash nig, ironing; four urowu persons In finally , I. Iiiiiulro at ti-4 nut wages lor a good gin ranklin avi-uuu, bitweeii to and li a. la. U'ANtKD A CJIHL Tu DO OENERAL bousHWolk. Ui xl wages will be naid to a competent girl, ( all .imi Kldgu street. 100K WANTED AT ST. JAMES HOTEL, v lu.'i Lie kawuuiiH avenue. Agents Wanted. VJ AI.KSMKN WANTEl) TO HELL OCR i' gcods by sauiilu to the wholesale and rs- tsii trade: sell on sight toevary business man or firm; hb oal ulary and axpaniee pai i; per Utuieut Doeitlon. POT lerul address with stump, Centennial Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, wis, Ur ANTED .MAN WITH LIFE AND VIRE insurance experience as HolioitOr iu Lackawanna county; good iuduceaielils to right man. Adilrv.-., Ilfttt Bet. builJiiitf. Philadelphia. Pa. U) ANTED TWO VOUNO Mi.N OP HOOD 'address to call on business houses. Steady employment fur cood i ,'H'K'.V NATIONAL CLEAN Arcade building. TOW EL coill'A.N IV, Farm Wanted I MOI WAN TED-HEALED PROPOSALS' 1 will be received bv tho Secretary of tbe Bcranton Poor district, at i ottoe, fcfS NVufti iNLiici avenue, until 'inuraaay, April i-th. law, ut 1 1 :i. in., toafll tin- add Poor Oil rlct a farm ot um to ire acre or land, within bait a mlleof the in.. ii building o! Billslde Home in Newton town tup. Proposals to Mute thanoinberot aerea to be aold and the prise per acre. The dlreotors n serve the right to reject anj or till bioH. Proim.'.iiiH tu in- :i.i dressed to K. .1. LYNKl I. Svoivtarj. Si ranton, April G, IMil. Auction. U'i'loX "N SA'l I KUAV. APH1L 7. iv I8W at Bnumer's Livery. rear tnnnlclpal t.tuliliiiK'. 801 I' x c lUTX, 1 o'ci'u'k p. ui.. con slating ot i.orsuh. wagons, uarnsss etc. mho inutility if n.niture, a. is, mttonu, Auctioneer. lor Stent ,-hK iil.N t'aPK'h. 1 Till: KOOMB NOW uci up.Bil hv the Telephone Kxchange. HOI Liickaivaiiua avenue. Apply at the utnee of I.ehlh Salt MininsCo.. Third Natioual Haul; buildiiig. L. S. ami E. ( '. Fuller. dt BENT -NEW HTOKE. No. iiu spruce Htreet. Inoulre nt IRED WAO- n BB, All Laekawanna avenue. olt BENT-BUILDING W LACKA wanna avenue from April I. (TiAHI.KS 11 WICLI.KS, Coal lixchange. HOUSE VOR RENT Nil Art POSTOPFK'E. containing fourteen fnonn ami laundry. all In Bne order. SplotidM location for rent Inn iurnlshed mu . Apply ut 1187 LiodSn street tf 'tilt BENT -THBEH BOOMS. PBONT ON asooad Aoor.ovarN, A. lluihtrt'H music Store, D. Wyoming avenue, from April I. In quire In the store. 'I'o LET KOB A TERM ui' VBARS J. Part or all uf three hundred feet of yard room along railroadi Apply at MB Franklla aveoua. 'i io BENT- STORK axOU OR PUBN18HED halt on (iroen Khlff i utree.'. Very Uesira- nle location anil on reasonable terms. Apply to P, E. N1ITTLKTON or (.'. S. WOODKLFK Rfpnblloan huilitin. For Sale. I.HIlt SALE CHEAP -1 pool, TABLE IN ,'OB SALE CHEAP 1' good couditleu. ULOP.tiE CHICHI HA I c Pi M'U li'Sil JOB BALE A FA It M F EIGHTY ACBES, I one and one half miles from Unit mi on tho Delaware. Luckawanua nnd Western railroad First class farm house with a never failing spring neirbr: two barns, good land and good orchard. Will Iu sold cheap. I'erms eaa . Address B. f. VoN BTORCH or ISAAC ELI. IS. executors, Daltou, Lsckawanu oountVi Pa. FOR SALE li.' ACRE and utensils. J. M. Monroe avo. FARM. STOCK SHEFFIELD. SM I70B SALE OB EXCHANGE FOB 80BAN X ton property A bearing orange Kt'ove Inereaalng In promotion and value yearly In the oratiurP section In Florida, Addres F. E. NETTLE TON, Lake Helen, Florida Money to Loan. Money 'in loan iviu't o iVutio loan on citv real slste. TO I). B. BBPLOQLE, Att v, its spruce Street, MONEY To LOAN To jMu.nou ON central city property. D. W, HRoWN, Attorney, SOI Hpruce i-t- Special Notices. OT'ot'KIIOLDEKS' MEETING-THE AN- iJ nual limetlu,' of the stockholders ol ttii! Providence Oa and Water Coin puny will he n iu ai inn i 'i'iuwhih auo iiiiiisiin i 1 i.ii i i oiu pany's building, 187 Franklin avenue, '-cran t I'a, at V n. in. Mondiy, h:iy 7. ISH to elect nltlceis to servo ilurlll-' tlie i limine vein. and transact any .other bnuitae that may be preseiiien II. F ATHEBTON, Secretary. Bcranton, April .v Imh I.1LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETB. MAUA I) nines, etc, bound or rebouud at Tim Tit hum: office, uulek work Reasonable pncee, M otrf TICKETS CAN 1!I HAD AT III. corner tspruce street uud iraubliu ave nue Twenty meal tickets for $4.50. (loud table board. Notice to Taxpayers. fOTlCE TO TAXPAYEB8 Till'. TAX pavers of the city of Si ranton. Pa . will hereby take notice that tin board or appeal appointed by the city councils of Held city to in arituti neicruinie appeal ir. m i tiy assess menta tor tne rear ibm are boidine meeting dailv at Iiu- olltce ot the eltv elan between the le urs of l a. m ami 5 p. in. for tliepiu pone lilolt'Slll'l nll'l lu:o lip peals will only Ile ileum in cssesof new assessments fur uahi veiir. the iiiltlioi ilv i stcil ill s t il lio.u d u. it lierliuttini: the revision of ass 'ssuients for an year but that of Is'.U The meetings ol thu hoard will ccasft .March HI. IS'.'!. Hv order of board I f upts-als M. T. LAYULLE. City Clerk ' tata'.e. ' avenue; very ileelrabln location. Annlv very ileelrabln location. An O. F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLARD, WARREN KNAl'l1 C''-',6WI NY ILL BUY MODERN NEWSROOM tij hpne su improvement! terms aaayt top nor Mndiaon aveinio mid Delaware Nreen Ap . ,.. ti . i t V I I.' I. .; ll V llllifc , unao. (&l,JU WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT Iff corner maaisini avuuue auu ueuwara street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LFES. Connolly & Wallace We have decided that now is an appropriate time for another Great Sale of Cotton Goods Special endeavors will be made in our Domestic Department to make this sale a memorable one and a money-saving one for our friends. The special prices will hold good for ONE WEEK ONLY. 36-in. Brown Muslins Atlantic P 5o Atlantic A (Jo Argyle 5i0 Auiory 36-in. Bleached Muslins '' I Hill oc Lonsdale 7c Fruit of Loom Pride of West lie Sheetings Sheeting3 Atlantic llrowu, 8-4 18c Atlantic Drown, it-4 20o Atlantic Brown, 10-1 22o CONNOLLY & Viewer' Notice. N' " TIl.'K 'is' IlKitKUV Vll'vK'N '! 'Tilt perHonu n - iihuios uro utatuii below aupp'.Hi'd to bo owuoiit ot nul is uto frontiug on ihu respective streets namsd, in the city of Scruntou, unit win plm un of resldeucu mo to uh unknown, thm we, thu un deralgnad viewers, appointed by tho couit f Common plena of LHckuWHUiiu couuty tu iHinsa tho ituUiUK'.-ii un.l . 1.. ma uriv 'I'.' from tho couiitructliin of sewers In the Mild Htreots. have viewed the prcuilHCM ami iiiml'' a sohcilulc uf ila naaaH anil li n til- innl tiuit l icy win meet in thu select council rooms I in toe city of ecraatoo, r., Mutuiuv, April la, nt II o'clock a. in . tu hear all i xccptloic, lo salu Mssainienta, and evidence thereon. Henry Hckct eat,, dnenall ' loui t bewi r. W. M Mailohettori Buenill Court Sewer. Daniel O'Horo, Webster Avenue Bower. K. I Durcmt Dc NemoureA Co.. Webster a venue swi.r. Mil, ,i, j. neaegBaUi Taylor Avenue Hewer Owen ami llridcet Uilbride, Taylor Avenue Bewer. Pater Welaenfloh, Taylor Avenue Bewer. ii H. Mattliinm, Harrison Avenue Sewer. Thomas I'.. Voiiuk. Hiitris'iti Avtinn- Sewer. William Cassidyest .Harrison Avanne Bewer O CARMAN, TIMOTHY JONES, DAnlBL V KBLLV, viewets, legal. V uTICi. IN UK ANNEXATION IP PART .s "f Lackawanna tou nsliip to the City "f Sor au ton in the court of Quarter Beatloni of t.uckawanna county. Pennsylvania, No. lit, January iseelons, IBM, And now, to wit. March - Ibid, on tiling putitlon of tlie City of Scrantou. and upon motion iu open court, it Is ordered that the , said petition and such proof auy parties in interest may choose toctfer upuii the question i f Ki' lu'llMc that part of l.arkawauu i town abip recently annexed to the city of Bcran-1 ton. iu an .'.dim cut win il or wiiros. tie me- i enuo to tn court on Monaay, Apru v. is.1. ut '.i o'clock a. la. 1'iiis order to lie published at least tlnee limes in the Bl RANTOM I'll I li I m:, the Scrantun R publican and the ranton Truth, and also to In printed in handbills nt least ten of which ahall lie posted in conspicuous plate, in ttie annexed territory one week prior to i lie suid healing. Hv tlie court: ( ert Iltd tioin the record this ish dn of March, m. keal J. H. THOMAS. Clork of the i oiirt. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL rilY.l 1 VN AND v ROEONA u. EDO a R dean has removed totiii; Spruce street. Scrantou. I'a Just op posit court-house Square i A. J. v-ON NELL. Oliice H Washington avenue, corner Spruce street, over rust htore. Residence. 7'J ine n. Oliice Uoura: to IL' a. m. mid to! aud V.'.H to 7.0 p. in. Sunday. 2 to 3 p. in. DR. W. E. ALLEN. Offlca cor. Lackv wanna aud Waahinsfton aves. : over Leon srd shoe atoret othco hours. 10 to li a. m. and 3 to 4 p. in ; evenimn at reuldenciv bli N. W Rslihigton eve. DR. C. L. EREY. Praetioa Umltad to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, ; Wyoiuiug ave. Residence, jJS Vina street. lilt. I...M OATES, llii Wiiahinston Aveim... x) Office hours. S to II a.m., l.Wto i and ." to 8 p.m. OHM L WEN TZ, M. 1). Ollnes K and it Commonwealth hulhlimr: residence Til Madiaonavo: office hours. Id to lit, - to 1. i to 10, Sundays 'J.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A fpeciulty made of ih-chb.'s of the eye, ear, noso und throat and gyneoology. VKTEH1NAB1 BUROEOM& 1.1 HTUBQE, Veterinary Surgeon. Den j. tistrv ii epenalty; gold medalist of On tario Yeterinsry College. OfHeo. Summer s liverv. ;l Oix ct. near Roller a carriaitu shop. Telephone No. 41 1 LAWYER I M. U RANCK'S Law and Collection of. I . (Ice, No. RI7 Spruce St., opposite Forest House. Bcranton, Pa,i collections a Bpeclaltf thronehont I'enusylvania; rollahlo correspond ents In every county. I EhSUPS & IIA.SU, Attorneys and Counsel ) lors at Law, Cominonweslth building, Waahlugton sv. W . H. Jkssiip, HonAOl E W H .iKssur. Jr. U ILEARD. WARREN KNAl'l', Attor uoys mid Counnelors st Law. Reiiuhlicau bullilinv, WTnshiui!ton ave.. Scrauton. Vs. i) ATTERm IN .t WILCOX. Attorneys and Couusuilors at Luw; otlicea u and a Library building. Scruutou, Pa Kobwell H. rATTinsoa. William a. Wilcox A LI'RED HANI). WILLIAM I HAND, At- 1 tornevs uud Counsellors. Cutuuiouwealth building Boom H. -Hand 11 1 I EM R Y M. SEELY Law utllcea iu Price XI In eliding. l'-M Washington avenue 1 '"RANIC T. OKi-LL, 1 5. Coal Exchange Attorney at Law. Scrauton. Pa. MILTON W LOWBY, l Att'ye, ttl Washing c. II VON BTORCH, itonav.. C. H square I AMES W, OAKEORD. Attorney at Law, rooiiiH till, Q and .'. Coiiniionwealth b'l'ir. C'AMULL W. EDOAR, Attorney at Law. 1 Olllce, JIT Spruce st , Scrauton. Til A WATRK8, Attorney at Law. 4AI La'-kawaniia sue. s. iniitoii. Pa. !' P SMITH, rooms M, 6A. Counsellor at Law. Olllce, . Ciiinmnnvvealtli buildinit i i 1( I licHEH. Attorney at Law. . raonwealth niillolng, Seranton, Pa. c. oMi tiYs. .fJ Hnruco st. I H RJSPLOUTiK, Atl i t tiattsi un mill nt.-it- Mcurlt (Oil Bpruofl. K1I.I.AM. itornov ut Law. I-1' NV'y MvnuitnQs i i :i .. uvuiu; AVK YOl'H DLKDS A N i) M iBTOAOKH wrltMts iu'liiiowii'tliii'il liv J Wi llKoWMNU. sittorotjr nml Notary Vublio. a t Vi 1 1 1" 11 W "Hit II 11 HUM! I, ' M HOIIL- tM'lloo). OK TWB LACKAWANNA. Scran Cj tou. Pa., prepares boys aud ulrls forcoBegs r ci'Uegi hlldrun or luisiiioes: tborouglily ttaius young Catalogue at leuust Rrv. TnoMAs M OAR WAtirtIM II Bug 14. MISM WORCESTER S HINDI ROARTES and Hcbuol, 41- Adams avciui" Pupils ici-eived ut all times. Next term will open April il II KM rtBTH 4 C. LA " ' . Wvoi LAUItACH. buigeon Dentist, No. Hj uiinu uv It M. N iKATTDN'. nlBcaCXal Em lnnee I.4IAN8 rpiIE HEI'l'HLlC Bavfatfll and Lean Asso X eiatlonv.'lllo:in vou iniuiey on aaaler teruis and pay you better on lnvesttueiit (Ban any other association Cull on S. N. CAl.L'. N DEB, Dime Bank building ....17c ,...le . ...21c . .. 80c .. .22o . . . .25c Dur- Utica Bleached, 10-4 Other Liberal Offers ing This Sale. A great special in WHITE GOOD?. Ths price is 12 I -2c. A revelation In value; were sold (or 90a Cream, White, in suirred uud luce effects. A good, stsple. a. ns i bio thing thit is 10 pieces llfl.INCH WIDE Nainsook WALLACE 209 "CoM. No wodet Miu. dori't get up' 1 1! WE ABE KETA1L1NO Lockwood Blenched, 8-4 Lockwcod Bleached, U-4 ,, Lockwood Bleached, 1U-4 Uiica Bleached. 8-4 Utica Bleiiouetl, 9-1. ., Tlie Scrantou Bedding Co. co und Go4 Laekftwftnna Av corner Ad it ins r HOTKLB AMI RESTAURANTS. T HE WESTMIN ITBB, HI" JIJ Wyomi mil ave. Koou'.s heated with mcain: all mod prn Imiirovenn iits .ii i iti-MAH. rrop. ZlEOLEB s hotel. M Lackawanna ave nue, bcrauloa Rutes reasonable. P. 7.1 i.ui. i.ii. Proprietor. w EB'faUMttTBB HOTEL W. li. BCHENCS. Mauauer. Biiteeuth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, fctoilper day arid upward COYNE lloL'bL. European plan; good j looms. Open day aud night. Bar bup plied wltu thu ViesL I'. II. COYNE. Prnnrttnr CCHANTON HOUSE, near D., LW pas Ii enger depot. Conducted on the European Ian. VICTOR KooH. Proprietor I RAM) CENTRAL, iho largest and tMSt V ' eouippe l hotel in Allentowu, Fa. ; rate! .. and . --' per day v i tok P. BAnNFR, Troprletor. ARCHITECT, Dg N .t HDtTT. Ar,-LiittK'ti. Kouins ii. Hiid 'M CotDIDOQWMltta h'ld'c. ScrfcTiton. 1, L 1 v. inc. Wi lining avenii". si-ranton. fj L. BROWN. Ar.h D. Architect, Price " building. I'.1I Washington Ave.,Scranton. HIM 1 LI M (H s I I IORTON D. SWARTB- WHOLESALE 1 1 lumber, t and s Dime Bank building. Srraiitoti. Pa. M1 EUARCI EE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' bags, twine. supplies, envelopes, pape Vi urohouao, Iju aslmiit' I'a on ave, Scrantou. 1 QUOTES LIVERY. ISCI Cnpouse avenue. 1 Pirst class carriaces D. I. EOoTE. Agt Pnneral Director and Euihalmer. PKAXK P. BROWN co. WHOLE " sale dealer in Woodwara, CordaKe and Ol. Cloth, TCO W. Lackawanna avenue. lJAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIC FOR 1 1 balls, picnics, psrtios, )ceptlon wed ding aad eoncert work furnished. For term address R. I. Bauer, conductor. 11. Wyoming ave.. over HiillsTt's music store. Ei yilW 1TNN SON'S, builders and contrac tors. Yards: torner Olive at. and Adams ave. : corner Ash st. and Penn ave.. Scrantou. dEEDR. C R. t LARK CO., Seedsmen. Florid) and Nurserymen; store l4il Washington avenue; green !. - " North Main avenue; Store telephone 7K: TEAS TEA Co.. ORAND UNION .tones l.i.i. W IKE BCKKKN8. OS. KUETTEI, 5u Lackawanna SVantsa bcranton. I'a . manul'r of Wire Screens AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contrsctor and builder of Concreto ITsgging, Concreto Blocks. Potato. Butter aud Coal Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may be left at Thompson A Prstt, Wi'l'ama a Co. Main and Eynoti Streets, or st Scrauton Btovo Works. Also Foundations. Cisterns. Fish Wire Tunnels uud Coffius. Flagging for Uarden Walks, Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-class Par attached. I lepot tor Uergner A Engel's Tannbaniser Beer. N, E, Eoi, 15tti tou Flftert Ms, FhilaJi M0t desirable for resident of N E. Penn' lylvanla All conveniences tor travelers to and frrm Broad Street itation and tbe Twelfth aud Market Street station De llrahle for visiting Serantoulaus and peo I le lu thv Anthracite Beglou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Cumplexion Preserved OH. HEBRA'S VIOLAt CREAM Kenjovua Freckles, Plmpler', Liver MpIsi, Olsokhodt, Sunhurn and Tan. and re stores thn skin lo tsorti!! nsl ircshnesti, rriduring a clear ana nenjiuy cotuv jMeiion. rotierioruiiviiiaoo UiugglsUi.oi mailed lor JOi-.u. :3!d Jor Circular. resimuoiis nnu wneciy Tarmieaa. VIOLA 8KIN SOAP It ''pir IsassaawMl 1 rlls pi.-1I,lni lp, miw)'krl ISr SSS win. "'' ' tl,nl ISf Uk, iirj. SISSMNll iiu siii. eUt!y , !. At ilfwlm. P.4ra 'iSCants, G.C. S!TTNEntir;0.,Toii;r.0,O. Por sale by Matthews Broa, Morgan Rros.aud Morgan U Co. For Delicacy, For purity, andfor improv lemtttt of tlnacom pleilou, nothbir; equals Voiioxi's Towdcr. Plaidi and Stripes, for aprons and chil dren's dresses. You save 10c. on every yard you bny 1 5c, A laro line of PRINTED PIQUES The correct thin? for ladies' vests und children' kilt skirts, etc. I 8o.per yard. We have a large line of MANILLA CREPES, in all the leading shade and lints. I l v.. is our price- elsewhere you will pay, 20c. At this time, when yon are cleaning houte and fixing over a little, you may want something new in the Drapery line, bee our atsurtment of Pongees und Sllkeliuea nt 12 I-2& per yard. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Feathers Feathers Feathers Newly Renovated No Moths, No Worms, No Feather Ltot in ours. And our prices are the lowest. Carpets Cleaned. I urallurs I phoi- tered, i entbava Keno- 10 o'clock in. dc morrjlri'l" AT FACTOBt PBK BB. Week commencing MONDAY, AI'KII. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. A Diaiiistuation of Washington Irviui s Lafeadary story. RIP VAN WINKLE ; THl RSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. j runnluiore Coitper'8 WiKrdlunl Bonuuioth NICK-OF-THE-WOODS ADMISSION. 10. 0 and 30 CENTS PertomuMOt every afternoon, excejit Mou days and Thursdays, at 1RL and every even ingat s 15. Doois open at IM and 7.W P M. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Cd id D -nlcrt Burning, our ujiiiiasi (lso Shafting and Journal Greasi OFFICE -r21 West Lackawanna Are. W ORES: -MendluD Stress MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIIt IVitiiof the best quality for domestic use, and rf sll sizes, delivered in any part ot the city st lowest price. Order left at my office. NO. IIS. WYOMING AVF.NTn. Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, r sent by muil or telephone to tho mine, wi.l receive prompt attention. si at ml eoutracts will bo made for Ik sale and delivery of Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. DON'T FORGET That we are BSSdll barters tor everything tn i ii,. line ot wATCHKB If you hire any idea of pnronaln( anv kind ot a Watch, iadVsor gent's. Hold or Silver, yon will make s ct'.ov olls mistake if you do not give us a call and get our prioSS, which you will tlnd fsr below all oluers, especlsllv In all Ihe high grades or Elgin. Wattaani and Hampden movements If you liavesny doubts ami are at all posted on prices give Ota call aud we will have uo trouble toOOOvioejn. you.We still hnvea large stock to dltpos of. and will ofler ion won derlul ladtStatMBt in Jewelry, Silveiware, Clocks and all other koods whicU we have iu stork -- X F r&&man j r . w Penn Ave. Mid SprutM St BLOOD POISON l..;U.'l'..'D'.!rB;Ai I IBM Iii'.'iImi e I rmieio rotv- I ecly, iifcSnronic.ntj. liv 4 -W'HI ci, .M . IlllSirvm pswpleiir.l.rrebr m ,1. wlwn ll.i'.Spdtip ad aren-yfii, our Maitlc Remedy "lb I rwnim uro 'i. 'iii ivv rai " .iu'iih..'"',. mlthsti ,. coos annuo .. rnw. ,n. H 1 '- 2 J
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