6 THE SCflANTON TRIBUTE Til UtfSDAY MORNING. APRIL 5. 1894. PECKVIUE PICKUPS. Blakaly Counoil Organizjd Other Live New Notss. Peckvii.lk, Pa., Anril 3 Wartpah Trill 2nt Improved Order of Had Men, will install l ho following officer next Saturday evening. Prophet, D. E. Steams, sachem, C. J. llartman; sen ior sagamore, Jinnee Winttone; junior lagamore, John Wright; oliief of rec ords, E. W. RoDHthon; assistant, A. H. Jenkins.; treasurer, William Hill; trustee, William Page. They will be installed bv District Deputy Great Sa chem A. H. Jenkins, assisted by Past District Sachem D. C Williams, of Hyde Park. Mm. Joan Stevens and daughter, Clara, eipeot to sturt in a few days for three months' trip to Eujlnml and Wales, where Mrs. Stevens will visit her parents and former friends, whom she has not t : for the hist IS years. A. H. Jenkins wu elected represen tative to the (treat Council Indepand ent Order Red Men of Warapah tribe, last Saturday evening. A uiuple tugarand hot biscuit snpper will be held at the, hoiu of John hi Doyle Friday evening, at 6 o'cloelf, uu der the auspices of the Ludies' Aid so ciety of the Presbyterian cburoH. Mrs. Qeorm Smith is very sick at her home at Mott Huvon. The Delaware and Hudson Crrati)' Island breaker will pay their employes next Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cojl and Mrs. Warren, of Bll plsce, are .buildiug additions to thoir rtildeoMt, Sylvester Smith has purchased a house from the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, which he intends to move ou n lot near his residence. Mrs. A. Cunningham has plans and specirtciitions for a double house on Main street and expects to have the work soon begun. William Vauderoost is doing a large busiuess iu bis new enterprise. A. W. Brundage ha the cellar done for a new house ou F;rris avtmue. Belle Newton is visiting friends at Biughamton for the past three weeks. MINOOKA MENTION Th- Latest News Sot Up In Iatereatlsir Paragrap'as. Special to the Scranton Trihurm. Minooka, Pa.. April 4 Contractor Peter Mullen was awarded the con tract of cleaning Cobb's poud for the eum of $2,500, Patrick Cahill will assume the duties of foremau, 'Fred Rollenback culled on Morgan town friends yesterday. William Mi-Andrew has tcotpted a position a conductor for the Scrautoa Traction company. The work of tearing down the old Stafford shaft was beguu yesterday. The guides and carriages havn been ta ken out, and the engines will be taken out today, A rooster fight will os cur at Green wood, on Sunday, under tne auspices of the Shanghai Game club, for "0. The right will take piaca in the wood neat No. 4 plane. The Bachelors club of this place held a well attended social at Callery's ar cade last night. Music was furnished by the symphony orchestra. The report that Thomas Langan had his leg amputated yesterday is untrue. The attending pnyslcian thinks be may come thrusrb. Fred Hollenback, of Greenwood, was fishing Monday at Spring Brook, and secured a few small trout. Mrs. John Nee, of Davis street, is ly ing ill with incipient pneumonia. The idle times at Greenwood is driv ing the Poles away. They could be 8-en yesterday leaving for their native land. National Growth ami Chnnireft. A nation is a living thing, all its compo at-nt men constituting one great national man. Being thus a living person, a na tion, like any other person, pnsnm through all stages of growth infancy, youth, man hood. Ever growing in volume, it must necessarily outgrow, successively, the dra perics suited to the various stages of life. tVud a nation's constitution, whether un .vrittcn, like the English, or written, like ours; what is it but a nation's drapery vesturing the body politic? As, then, the nation grows, so let its constitution grow Not that wc are to be. forever tinkering it in a mechaniral way. But let it take on naturally the nation's growing size. It is well that it should be of iron, but let it have t.b; malleability of wrought iron, not the inflexibility of cast iron; otherwise it may suddenly snap. Whata terrific illustration of this In our own dayl Our nation, in growing, out grew the institution of slavery, but the nation declined to be wise, refusing to ad just tho constitution to tL growing doct rine of human brotherhood. What was the result? A million of graves and a billion of debts. Tho skin burst; and nothing less than God's good heart, loving us for onr fathers' sake, saved the wine. Uov. George Dana Boardman in Forum. The Changes of Time. The other day he returned. He stood again in his native village. He found the can where he had hid it. He procured a pint of milk. He went to hit old familiar boyhood's home, entered, and in a hesi tating and trembling voice, said, "Father and mother, here's your milk." He was given a warm welcome, but he noticed there was a change in his parents' appear once; they hod not the old familiar iook. He questioned thern; explanations follow ed. The young mau discovered that, though the good people were still his parents, the change iu their petal -um I up pearance was readily accounted for. Short ly ufter his sudden and mysterious depart ure from" home his father died and his mother mnrried again. Then his mother died and his new father married again. Thus on his return the wandering boy found the dear old home as he had left it, the only difference lieiugthuthc had a new father and a new mother. Verily, truth if stranger than fiction.- Old Colony Gazette. An F.lerUIc iKlorvineUtr. The Boston Transcript prints t.ka bl owing account of an otoitrie micrometer n which shoe manufacturers are inter ested: . The rnarl.iue in applied to the ovtiujf of pieces of leather according to their thick ness, and distributing them in j-nr-o. re ceptacles, its capacity in thisllot uxtetui lng to tho lepatatfon of taps, which vary In thicknesses lilU'-j . 1,000th of&nlaili, and this at the rattut 9Y! 'Arm an hoar. When the aopnrHtau ta in optxatfoot ali that is required of the attendant Is ta pwt the taps in a trough like box. A foUowvr Is then td justed behind . Uco, whXefc keeps them in an upright position, said mainteineaoonstsmt pressure Mthtru" fed from the trough into two antttn fingers, the taps in return being ted front the trough into laiurewiiatar lingers, hV pass successively Into iMjatLUra. The fingers, which ire fed around by rnchet movement, pause a short timn vnt the receptacle for tap, and when a micro meter finger reaches one o( tbeae bine Iu which the tap that it holds skoald be dropped, tho inner extension of the Anger touches an abwttlo onUcl, and tho tap falls from the jaws. The oportlion of the finger Is msyio to actuate a coaster, which indicates the number of Ups in ovary re oeptacle. Purify the blood, tone I ho nerves, and give strength to the weakened organs ami body by taking Hood's SaiBaparilla now. DANCING niakiONETTES. rieasant Diversions for Long Evenings In th. Family Circle. Marionettes, nays a sonynipe inventor, must have an inherent lifo of then- own. The clown, the columbine ami all tin figures representing animals will mow caper about on their own hook. Worn uu "visiting cards, matohsticks, these are the very simple materials with which people who are fond of B little non sense now and then can fashion all the figures represented by these designs, which can at any time be set in tnutiuu like me chanical toys. Take, for instance, u clown. First draw and aint t he figure ou the bark of a card --the body and head first, then the two lersi and arms; carefully cut out these five pieces, dace tho body on a table, and ubove it the legs and arms iu a position of rest. Now these limbs must lie joined, and this is how it in to lie dono. Take, for in stance, an arm, mark with a pencil at t he shoulder end of the arm the exact i-l'ot. forming the axis of rotation; pierce n hole with a pin at this point and put it through the shoulder iu the body. Bond a match stick at the center as much as possible, without breaking and drop a little melted sealing wax, joining t he two ligament! to the arm ami tmciy respectively, making the part forming the joint In contact with the pin. lHithe same for the other limbs, remove the four pins and the figure Is Complete, Now we have to give It life. All that has to bo dono for tola la to place the side of the figure on which an the matches iu a plate containing a thin layer, so to say, of water. The bent fibers of wood which have not been broken will swell by means of the moisture absorbed and will try to rogain their rectilineal po sition. The figure will 1 hen make a series of abrupt movements which are- very amus ing. The legs and arms will move apart as these do which are moved by a string. Bo oarerul to use only large, common match sticks. The Swedish ones are Impregnated with I'.'ui'.il'.inc anl would not move Iks re quired. Koch one can perfect the mode of fashion ing these figures as he likes best. A ballet girl who can lift her foot to her forehead, and a rooster that can move its legs about, are pretty easy to make. A horse with twelve different joints is a bit too difficult for an amateur. For the horse each leg is composed of three different gsirtious. Instead of placing the figure on a plate we can put a drop of water on each joint with the linger or with a paint brush and the effect will be the same. -New York Herald. Queer Facts About lieavors. James Sherman, of Clifton, was telling recently some queer thing about beaver and beaver trapping. The animal, be says, bus the most acute sense of smell of tiny animal that exists. In setting the traps you must wait till low water, iu order to have the tide when it comes in obliterate all traces of yout presence. When a bearer is caught in a trap the other beavers at oure enable him to make good his escape by seizing him by the tail ami hauling him away until they release him, often leaving the limb in the trap as an evidence of the struggle that ensued. He caught n beaver once on Puget Island, and says that it had only two toes on a hind foot, the other three legs being amputated as close to the body as if the limbs had never existed. Mr. Sherman says there is one faculty the baa vat possesses that would be a prof itable and interesting study for scientific men, and that is the power of making ob jects adhere to the bottom of a stream without any apparent means of securing them. The beaver lives mostly on wood, which it cuts and deposits on the bottom, where it remain-, contrary to the natural laws, which would in ordinary cases cause the wood to rise to the surface. How this is accomplished it la difficult to decide, but it is nevertheless a fact, as Mr. Sherman assures us that he tried it time and time again. Beaver trapping pays well where any considerable number can bo caught, the average price of the furs being from t3.."0 to $3 per pound. Cat blame t Gazette. Thought "Ohlda" a Man. I never see "Ouida's" name mentioned hut it recalls to me the circumstances un der which her work was first introduced to the American public. I don't think the story has ever been printed. It was just before the war that Mr. LiQpincutt, the Philadelphia publisher, saw in an Knglish magazine a serial story bearing tlte nom de jilume of "Ouitla." He was attracted to it and determined to republish it. One question, however, arose. The story was named "Held in Bondage; or, Granville de Vigne," and Mr. Lippincott feared that the name would give the false impression that the story was another of the many works on American slavery thawere thon flooding the country. lie therefore determined to reverse the title, and to bear him out in this he ap pealed to the writer. A long and pleasant correspondence took place between Mr. Lippincott and "I,, de la Hame, Esq.," the former supposing the latter to lie a man. "Oulda never corrected the Impression, and for a long time iu fart until Mr I.tp pincott's subsequent visit to Rorone did the publisher believe that "Ouida" WA1 a man, and many of his friemis remind him today of his enthusiasm over "the DOW man across the water" whom he had dis covered. -Edward W. Holt's Iei,ter. A Iloj's Great I(ulr. There is a little hoy up town w ho was 8 yean old B fow days ago. lie ba. so many things more than any little fl yeat (lid needs or wants that his indulgent mam ma finally said to him iu perplexity: "Harold, I really don't, know what to get you for your birthday, and I think I shall let you choose this time what itshull be. Now you may say just what you would like most to do or have, and you shall have it." "Just what I want to do?" queried Har old. "Yes, for this one day." "Then I don't want to have anything, mnuinia; but I do wnnl to do just one thing awfully, if you'll let mo. I want to put on some ragged clothes mid go nil alone out In tho streets and liek a Mick. I know 1 can." And he did. New York Evening Sun. 001(7. Obesity is often n tflentonil stato of the body, the cure for which Ik In a return to Kealtntal oenlitiiiL of Ufa. Tho ndy way to iifftct this Is to live in a hygienio man sr. to get aa much ; r ,.. flit a , and liefer u. .tmaln it. room with nknrat windows U k esm be easoldail. Takv a dally hash, nmflttaa payideai sjhea. eanl 4 rw Ir, . w to praimt kwilth FtW rules be Ml at uusipeud urtth bnatt dmplk out tmxortUea, no eoay wUI ebcajt y I WrrrrL bet n am I salad. The in wtx- tie until sue t j tunntKod oWsrtrm-l7 attumlatlnat frwU I Codnhtmeftlf pmmmm f eteadht i in4oiora nenlkl nanstisisaion teajsaW i !th taupneved mettnaJ end aaraWl peav I trv Jmavfnier Xtudc. Over 4,M lta I tlx, Oewairy. Dow maty ono dtapam any Men I Cfts ttust thare are OS kefitla in teW nwatnv I I bene uuty to point tn to yeat Uxmt tWi er jower en, 000 gnSolllTM mnMaawl bi the ofllela! dtraotonr bj tb aotbunny u' the govemnmet, and aa every eon k.tr-w tbere l novo a piwtnsTtes a&yviiera but a hotel tr nearby and neiwi atfemet , and ta h4- tummy katalt i. (Ml cuw, where there is hut (on uosinffio- n. rv tonahle to i..ni . tturt tbcm an as ruu hotels as poataffioaa bi the Uulteii States. Therefore I maintain that my estimate of 40,000 hotels h; considerably below a rea sonable estimate. Hotel Register. AUDITORS' REPORT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION OF ARCHBALD BOROUGH FOR YEAR ENDING MARCH II, IttU. MR P. A. PHILBIN, COI.UEt.TOR. DR. To anil. dnpUotte for yuar ll . W1 Ti CR. Ry casii jmid treasurer SM.Ttrj -ft lly p r cent, rotate. 1"" U BySperoent. conmilbsion ISI12 lly oxouorations 17 4i lly HPiiteil lniuU returnta to conimis- Hkmcre W 72 Bronsoated I nils raturned to com iiilstliiiien 84 W $5, inl T8 JAMES 0'BOURKK, TRKABl'RER, DB, Total, in treasury front ei-treaearar.l JfJ W iytmt reo. from collector i.tim ;w To unit. reo. from oommlsstouert for liceuie l,gJ8 M To runt lor toro tullillng 10 IN PJUi IS .1 AMES O'BOURKB, TBBASTJBEB, 0B. By bonds N.i-. U to IT, redtsmsd 8 600 00 By oouponti ' Is 2 iiy orders redeemed tfiK H By state tax paid " '-"- livi iiiiuuis ,on ic , iifi-cent .. j-.t ii lly cash im hand Kl UU , ;r. I' ll r. i '. u l. EXPENDITUBE8 I hotnts li Hi. ol, riiul work $ UlobaU Murray, ' " Owen KlQeen, " " Ant. i nnleavy. " " Ant. Dolpbln, " " Obtrlat hluifiird, " " fctarUtl llurke, " ' John Lanaj M " Uiohael l.ane, " " Patrieb Lane, 11 " ri bemae Price, " " Henry Sitiion, ' " Edward Miller, " " Coon KUnsbonri " " UuUe Kly mi, " " Jbn Beck, " " Jaiiiuh I on ler, " " Martin uummlnea, " " John a. Dongher, " " Coon BerghanetTi " " Jehu Mnrriiy, " " Mike Zewltkl, " " Heiii y Myers, " " A J. Miller. " " Edward Noiiry, " " II nry t'rt. ThoDM Mtlonti " " Jclr.es Otto, " 11 Patrick llurke, jr., Teddy Kinney, " M Frank Hinncitan, " " Pat Metre!, Jiio. llurk' , " " Wm. BeckmAn, " Peter H to km an, " " And UoDermotti " " Peter Malii) Patrick JuuVe, " " l'atri k Tooun, " , Putrick Paddon, Frunk llurke, " 11 l'.ilwd Kinney, Jr., " Mich. Neulon, " ' Mich McHnle, " " Edwrl McDonnell, " ' AU-X. " J 1'. Mctilynn, Jno. UcAndreWi " " Ed. Kinney, r., " ' Tbomat swift. " " Thomas Muiphy, " ' .liin.c- " " " John (iilrov, jr., " " Mm tiu Oaffrey, " " Michael Brennan, " " Steven Ear. ett. sr., " " Patrick Qerritty, " " Jno. Mnhady, " " Patrick .Vuhady " " Jno Munloy, " " N 7ii 811 T.'i BO Hi l ;m igi L'i i 'j 't a ui in 117 800 Wi in 11.1 CK) 4:1 N i w 1 GO I ill I Ml U II) R III) :i no 1 .0 27 1-:; s u I 51 :i uu 1' .',11 1 1 ru ti no I Ui -':l a IV 08 II no ill in 7u ur, lits 78 41 as 77 a 47 6i lilt K I M I U7 a no M 7f 1 118 1 si It so a 76 ti ij in iii ti 01) 1 no 1 "ill 4 .-in 8 il :.l -'4 it 2 Ml 1 07 411 ua ant. nenrr. Jno. Stetner, " " 1S7 18 13 ii 4 fill 2:1 ( ;i no 17 21) DM ill HI 00 im 6.i W) li IK) 18 (HJ 7 IM BO ;:. Jno. Fi r ell, " Mich. Swift, " " Wm. ' " " J. J Mrllale, " Edwd. Olloro. " " antlnny D.ffy, path uiustur ' " Tlios. radden, " " P. J. Bnri.e, " " Tin s. K. Munley, Ed. Usne, " ' Thomas K. Ilnnley. eomm's work ThomaK Calfry, eomm's work V. J. Buriie, oomm't woik Bd liiake oomm't work Tbomat Puddeii. oomm't work Murk Prior, oomm't work ted t applies M. J. BWift, nney., eomm work n. i. swift, secy salary P. J. Burke, Bnrgttt !.rk Prior, team wm-k Hy Prcpiti team wirk Ji.o. ' r leu Ji'Dies Utdeman Janins Jones it d Lack .i.. J. McBale John McHnle. police duty Jeremisli Dunigg. poll lut.y Mike O'Hi ro, p lice duly Michael 1 odus, police duty J. J. Newoomb, police duty Patrick Hart, police duty Thomas F. Munley, police duty stuvo Barrett, jr.. pollc duty kichard Kielly, jioit'e duty William Dongher, polire duty Mit hoel Dunn. prep, ballots I. a. l'hiihin, prep, ballots Thes. F. Wells, prep ballots Thos F, Weils, aeuvorltu ta ints P. J. Barrett, prep and del. ballots.... H. C. Llnuorman, auditor basin ass at Scran on T I . I I'Horo, sndltor at Scranton 'f. V. CTHoro auditing accoanta.V T. K. Wella, auditing scconott H. C. LindermaDi auditing tcconnt.., V.'in. Uhw, Int. (n ttnids H Revels. Int. on bonds. .' Justus llishop. int. on heads Dmi. Atkinson Jumes Kealy P. F. H pel man .ir n. - m. Batou. torveying Jtc.es O' Hour i:o. treasnrtr business at Poi anion Olypbsnt Qstette, printing 11 mnton Tribtttte. " b ;vsuton Truth " Props'. Bros., lumber F. J. O'Boyje, supplies . I Sit r company, supplies L. U. Bel'. - .... 'i hoifias nofilei " .... Hy HeveliH, " .... P.. wrkle E.J, Mvlctte. huso .Mrs. Jonnton CJ anl trees) i. M. Hunnali, profesHional services... . E. li, House, " " ... I " " toiindary dispute ( T. F. UeDermott " " entries HcDontll," " I t-.lip Behlo, " " U.Ketk, " " a. B. Dmmlngi ' " Viiiiard, Warren & Knapp, prof. tier.. A. V. CierhiK. tlaH Mis. c Linde, rent Auv Blthop, supplies and lep. hydrant kfTn. OBonrke. snppUcs r, J. Barrett, painting f-.-vtriek Mel 'on el!, tnpplitt mi, Norlon, iiapi 11 'S Jattttl li- V.'htiti, services H. J. Beaamnti, teritloee Ant Ciwi-iy. damagoa J,-..-. J. Fthi y. sin -. ill' i-. J. Munley, Judge of oloctloa J. j. Barrett, making duplicate bUC Vapor Lull- Co .l 00 J:.' 0 1 81 10 IS Ui) inn OU 50 IK) Ri uu 07 iJ 4J in li CO 51 hi 2 IU 18 ii i 68 no 2 10 2 ID 111 mi 2 nO 18 18 2u lJ 2 no 4 01 2 10 A no 6 no 6 00 11 no in 10 in CO 10 no 411 HI 40 no 40 n 18 00 21 10 W IM 01 11 SI) III so no i no 12 60 21 Ml :vi on An (fi 117 im 28 22i Ml 41 V 80 11 88 1 no 'J5 00 25 On M2 00 21 . 20 75 11 Ml 2 (XI 2 IU no 72 80 75 12 00 21 70 16 a oo 1 no 1 in 4 (III 18 iu 28 ll i II 75 2 00 16 in 1,I.M0 Total suit, of orders rodotned 6,680 112 B8TIKATKD LIABIUTItt. Bonded Indebtedness $i,ikki iki Intemt ononisUndlngoonds to ..mil l oo no pattitndlniordtrt 4- 7 n Unpaid liiim if Bnn Vapor Light; torn i tay wi 27 Toinl 0,40S as MKCOTICXfl APRIL, 1, 1304. Ainonnt ue rn m trsasnre? $23 it.' &moun1 one fromconimltslonsrasper lmir. pi it 4:;:l M Amenul retarued bfOQlitetor ioi an iLiiiouut il'M (rum ex i.'ulije ;or J J. Barrett 67 ist Va'.n'ilion i.f Imri'iiith iiniporly iiml rnmlture LMi no I.itbiiities in txoeae of rotosroai ,1,1DJ ;;t 96,408 pa Liabilities In oxenss of resources $:i,l',2 7.1 Mil's for work done i:i veiir ending aineh (. IH0.I, nut itunn'l in Audit oru eiuV.iiiit hut riur: a:.l np- prevad by i'iuiicilr issm mul im uboindti tbovt) 2.vi We, the nndendc rtfl Aod!tsa of AniUiM Boronfb, proteet l abort efraent i tin Md correct io iwm ot tej knowiedm aui h llof. IT. C. i,l.MTilniAK. ; T. p. o'H.U' AnAltort, Ttros. J'. WBLXiK, Every WomE w SejtnriUPH rc5f a roll 4 rhl. rooniM ntjoittinj nvHeli. Di". PE AL'S PENNYKOYATj pills, 1 t prnmpL, nf And "inln h rilQHi Thtt fOTM lt &H . CwiU't n-vnr rltsnprKitnt. Stnt ktiywhtMt '! "ft JHmI Medtnlni-r.. , (') vnlmiil, Q. BoM hy JOHN H. PHBLPJS rharmaoUt corur Wyoming avenutt ami Sprue street Bcranton, Pu WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Mill Sc. Connell Washington Ave. DFJTKIt RnOE CO., Im 'p. ( flplUl. $1,000,000. nr,8T st.no hhoe in this wohkd. ".1 dollar ntvftt i$ a Hollar earnnt." K ThUIaMltst'BoMd French nnnKaiitKMituf- tou Ktoi (W'liv. t - .1 : r-i ..!).' in tho U.H.,un Ot Pnntul NoUi for 1. AO. K(ual ovory wny tho bimU poiii m .i' ii. h xar $JJy0. Wu mukn thi bunt oiirtclvcri, tiiciX'for wo guar- mite? trio Jit, ntL '.s and tjfar. mid tf nny one U not lailHticd e reruLa trio niKnry or MQd nadltifrpsir. Opera i oo or toiniiiuu i-hii, wlilifaa G, J), K, St SB, K , -. . 1 ti. 8 hulf uiniioi. Srul u our Hn: u lll fit you. Cdtft. lKUii FREE Dexter Shoe Co., FEDERAL ST BOSTiN. KAflA. Sp'ci'il t-rmi to V filer: PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND FOTASSIUM s Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism 15 and Scrofula P. P. P. purlflos the blood bnlldanp tho wnak ami iloMlitatVd, giree Mtronjrrh t weakened norvos, expels dlsetUM.glTinK the patient health and hnpinc!s whore nicknejm, plnomy feelim; 'inl latlturle Urn prevailed, vT prltnarTtReoondary and tertiary Byphllls, fur blood polrtoning. merou rlal poison, Dialar,l:i, dpopsia, and tn hloud and Akin dlreiise;t, liko bloinhos, pimpios, old chronic ulcers, tettor, scald heu'l, bolla, ery-lpel:w. eczema we may h it, without fear of pontnulotfoB,tbal p. P. utMbMt blood pur'iler in the world,and tn.'kea positive, upeedy andpermnneut cures in all cascn. Ladles WbpM systems are pooned And whose blood in in an Impure condi tion, doe to moriprruul Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and bloou cleanslnf? prop crtleaV P. P. P. Prlclciy Ash, rok.i Root and Potassium. iPtiKomtD, Ho,, Auk. Uth, 893 I can Hpoak in the highest tvr&M of yotirmadietnu from my own personal knowic'ltte. I wiauMtM with heart li r ' . pleoro y mul rheumatism for ;(. Tivirs, wgh ireuea oy uu vry rest P. hyncmni i&o spent bumireni of dot- OOt llndinu relief. have only takoQ one tiottlo of yonr P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It ha done mo mre food than anything I naVO ever taken, can Nootntuena your naedloiDt to all auflorcr'of the ul'ovo dlsojises, m. II. M. YEAR?. Bpt iRtlold, Green County, Mo. Furniture Ill mm: 13 Pi mmmmmMm AG MINH6QD pEFORE AND AFTER USING.no oil'"- a.i ... fc'icir skfiko., atttorJt 'romple. cuicaao-lu. For Sato inleranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor Washington and Hnn:w streoR wm T!io rmt ramwly tunpura an,l Ulil- OKt AM) Amil LSI NO, For Siilr byC. ll una-, IImikl'I.i, RICK D DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. IT RE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market OFFICE) BlriRhainton. N.Y. FACTORY: Urundt. Pa Atlantic Refining Co. Munurae.turors and Denlcrs la Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Linsoed Oil, Nnpthas ami Gaso lines of all (trade. Axla Grease,, Pinion Gretflu and Colliery Coin pound ; also, a large lino of Car rulHue Wax Caudles. We also handle tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tho only ftmily tafety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Oflieo: Coal Kiclmnifo, WyuinluK Avo. V orks ut Iii." liruuK. Pimples, Biolchesg and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria z anil Kidney Troubles Are MtlMlj rvmofTrt by r.P.I. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Pota- ""5 eium, the grcatutt blood purifier on RP earxu. Abrrdfem, O., July 31,1891 Mfbshs. Lippman Bnos., Savannah, On.: Df.ar Sins I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot SprIu)rsIAjk.,and It has done mo nioro Kooo Caftl throo months' treatment at the Mut sprtnK Hend throe bottles v. o. D. Respectfully yours, ,I.S. 11, NEWTON, Aberdeen, llrown County, Oa Copt. J. D. Johnston. 5f- all vhom it mav tonctmt I here by toutlfy to the wonderful properties or P. P. P. for erupttms of the skin. I Offered for several years with tin un slRhtiy and dissifreeatle eruption oo my face. I o)ied eyerj known reme dy but in vain, until P. P. P, wa.HUed, and am now entirely curct. (Blgntd by) J. I. JOMNflTON, Havaunah, G.i. ftliln Cnneer Cured. Testimony front the Mayor of Scuin,Tcr, Skocin, Tfsx., January 14, 1898 Mi.fFHS. LivrvAN Kaos.. SuiKiinhlt, Ga.: Ofnthmnl have irlud your P. P. p. for a utaoMe of th- akin, u-aaiir known as . caie:or,or ihlrrj years' Branding, and found gf-at rMlef; It puriflerutm blood ind rtnj vii all Ir ritation from ' ' ' aont ot rh dinesa and prevents any m; .'t..' of t lua sores. 1 have taken nviu-r sli bottlofl and feel conlldeut that-another eoartti will effeot a onr. It ban n'.ho relieved me frmn Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, OAPr. W. M. RUST, AttorntJ at Law, M on Blocd Diseasnii m L1PPMAIM BROS, rilOl'lUSTOBS, ""P l.lM.m..'. i: ioi,aw iu: i :. an r zL. RESTORED! NERVE SEEDS. Brandt Clay ProductGo fm li nd Woak Mouiorjr. Iiintif Urftln Tinfer, lUailtcbf. WatiiifulDfliii, l,mt HUQMtl NeVbtll HIiutMloni, NerTounni'iH.iiUilrfilninTKl loptof pnwrr InOtUiMtfntentil tflthor MtKAQWlkf 4verclerllm,t'ro leliadliiinm all an ii ill ills- risnne lisry i'i wi'auuv, if""11 tr Tl8fl Mi II 1W( WHU IVMI UUWIUi WW' luinitlun ur lii-it ui i ". n br rarrloil Id Yflt pocket. Mil ptir bi t, O f i . bf mU DlflpB. VI Uh a 9& ordr WtnV o written iiim tiutco "uw ... ..Ainil IIik nsnxoar llln.iilar r ... U,,1.l I., .It J t W t-sll IsU RESTORED MANHQfiO GR. MUTT'S XKRYERINF PILLS for nervous DrostraUoB ana all ixrvani i lasasas of ML K "' ,21, " 'I'""'1",0' "IUl,r " """I1 Nrrvoosi fcontnitlrn. Van-m:- Ins t Manlu,Ml. Imnotaiiev. Nivhdv i,', , .u,,,,,. v . ,,, , j, r,, i v IOWBltr. VTlto ITSrjl S3 ordr w Jrrr s r.um-iar- ftl I'nun Avvnun. AID! CLEARING SA A. B. Brown's Bee riiousauds Bematmte of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during sale at less than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with tho greatest bargains ever hown. Ladles' Felt Hats, this season's style3 iqc. each. ujs winter walstl Muffs. ,! i juu, cavi. Cloal" $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will nccept The Tribune flour coupon of 25 on each one hundred pounds of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. Hcranton-F. P. Pricfl, Washiugtou svodu" I Odd MJ Brand. Duntnori-F. P. Prlco, Gold Modal Brand. Dnnmere f. L) Muuloy. Superlative Branl. Hydf Park-OtrtOO Dnvig, Wnhbum St. Onld Mhdsl Braud; J sepb A. Wears. Main av.nnc. Superlative Brand. Green Ridit'j-A l..Spcncfr.Oold Medal Brand. J. T.McHaic. Superlative. l'rovidencB-FeiiD"r & ObaDpetlK' Main avo pne. Superlative Braad;U. J Gillepie, V. Market street, Oo:d Medtl Brand. OlyphnntJatnce Jordan. Buptrlativt Brand. Ptekvllle Shaffer ft K'Ib.t Suporlativ... JemIl --( u. Wintorn A Co Suppralativn Arcnbald-Jonee. 3 mpson & Oo . Bold Medal. Carlondale-B. S. Clark, Onld Medal Brand. Honesdale -I N. Filter & Co Goii Medal. MiDonka-M H. I.tvelle. LUTHER EWER PIPES, Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwsalth Mi SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER liadoatthe MOOSIC and KUSH DALE WORKS. Lnfllin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuse (or explo l- Iing li!as:s, Safety Fuse uml RepaunoCheraical Co.'s High Explosives Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Glover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Crass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. THE Thatcher S THE BEST. Get prices and see Ihe furnnce and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello end Ganae Door Bragu, CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON TA. UU CEMENT MO SI POWDER CO Hive, Pittston, Pa. 0o each. . 30o. each. Itotnlh K. r. Irtbunt, Kov, i, IMS. The Flour Awards "Chicaoo, Oct 31. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A. m!dal bat been awarded by the World's Fair judaes to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the grat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the floor strong and pure, and entitles it to rank at first-class patent flour for lamily and bakers' uae." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AGKNTS. Taylor-Judfre Co . Gold Medal; Athortoa & Co., Superlative. Duryea Lawrence Store Co . Gold MedaL Moo.ic John MdYindle. QoldKedtL Pittstou M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal Clark's Green Fracc & Parker, Suprlatire. Clark's f-uninit-F. M. Youns. G.ld Medal Lalton S. E. Finn & Son. Gold Medai Brand. Nicholson J. E. Harding. Waver ly-M. v. Bliss & Son. Gold Medal Factoryvillo-Charles Gardner, Gold Medal. Hopt'Ottom- N. M Finn & Son. Gold Medal. Tobylianna Tibyhanna & Lebi'b Lumber Co . Gold Medal Brand Gouldsbjrc-S A. Adame. Gold Meial Brand. Mo ow (iaice ft aemcnt Gold Medal. Lake Ariel James A. Bortree, Gold Medal. Forest Ciry-J. L. Morean ft Co., Gold Medal KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT F03 PLASTERING FLUE LININGS. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. E. Robinson's Sons' Laqeh Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY lOO.OOO Bbls. Per Annum. Ladles Who Value A rrflii. ,(1 conip.rxlon nrastoae Pomiil' der. It pro Jo oe a soft and beautlnU aim.