THE SCTtANTON TRIBUNE TH UliSDAi" MORNING. APRIL 5. 1894. UIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHINIK I Pipe I Valves 3 Fittings j 1 THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, s nllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIR Lace Curtains The most delicate fabrio prop erly cleaned at THE LAC K AW AN N A LAUNDRY 308 Fenn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN SWIVEL SILKS Cheney Bros.' CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. !27 Wyoming Ave. TEIEPHONE NO. 525- Th Union Transfer Companv, 'Bin line. EaggaseRnd freitfbt and delivered promptly. 10" avenue. LlmiVd ailed f.r Fruukliu CITY NOTES. Several new cases of raenjles were re ported to the board of health yesterday. The Ladies' Aid society of the Elm Prk church will give a supper from 6 to thin vening. RKular monthly meeting of managers of the Home for the Friendless Friday morning at 9.30 o'clock. The employes of the Delaware and liud son Canal company at Dickson flhaf t re ceived their pay yesterday. A good sized audience witnessed the rccong performance of the Night Uwl com pany at the Academy .a night. Youtie women visiting the rooms of the Young Woman's Christian MMelatton to day will enjoy from U until M 30 o'clock a pleasing musical programme. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company employes at the Hcranton machine vhups, Cayuga and Hrisbin mines will be paid today. Dauiel Weaver and his wife Fannie, of Carhoudale, who have been in the county jail on a charge of keeping a disorderly house, were released yesterday. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Machine shop will begin workiug eight hours today. For the past seven weeks six hours were worked a day. Mrs. Malina McConnell, aged iw years, of Dickson borough, died Tuesday afternoon from general debility. The funeral will occur tomorrow moruina at y o'clock. In ferment in Dalton cemetery. The Young Men's christian association male chorus of thirty voices was organized last evening. The chorus will bu under the direction of Tallie Morgan, and will "log for the first time next (Sunday after noon at the anniversary exercises, which will be held in the large hall. Anheussr Busch Beer. Louis Lehman's, ;& Spruce .ifc SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL TEACHERS There is quite a strong public feeling being manifested In favor of c carrying out Controller Wormscr's suggestion to have me new nign school tire proof. The high school committee will meet next Monday evening, prior to the meet ing of the board of control, and endeavor to settle the chairmanship trouble. On Baturday the first local institute of the Old Forge district of the county will be held at tho No. 2 Bchool, Carbon Hill. There will be an interesting programme reuuereu. The new high school building cannot be finished a day too soon to suit the scholars and pupils of the high school and prepara tory departments who now occupy tem- 1 ,uuy uepartmems. Janitors are now at work beautifying me Krsss plots noout many of the school Dunaiug or the city. Ooe of the most tasteful school yards. in the city for several years past lias Deeu that about No. i on Capoune aveuue. Mrs. Mary Dana Heicks, of Bnston, one oi me i. i nn rs or i'rang's drawing system wn iu nn i-ii.y yeateraay. sue visited a liumferor schools in company with Mrs. Booth.supervisor of drawing.and express ed herself as being well pleased with the work done. Th Everett Leads. Walt for Gueruaey Bros.' new goods. IMS MCI IS A NOTABLE EVENT Many Witness llie Most Prcuiiueut Social Affair of tlio Seasou. THE CONNELL-FULTON WEDDING Ceremony and Reception, Which Were Attended by Many Prominent Peo ple, Described in Detail Some ot the Superb Gowns Worn Those Who Were Present Many ot the Gifts Mentioned and Particulars of Reception. Last evening at 30 o'clock in the Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church were married Annie Augusta, youugett daughter of Mr. aud Mr. William Connell, and Charlei W. Fultou, of Boulder, Colorado. The ceremony was performed before a vast assem blage of invited guests and spectators which taxed the seating ep icity of ths edifice to iti utmost. After the marriage had been sol emnized by Iter. V. H. Pearce. D. D. , a wedding supper was aerved nud a reception held at the family residence on Clay avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fnlton departed on u night train for a tour of several weebs, after which they will return to Scran tou for u short visit before leaving for Doulder, Colo., the home of the groom. After the chime in the ehurcb toner had ceased ringing aud following an introductory orgau marital teuital, oc curred the wtdding, which was one of the most marked social event! of sev eral years. The ceremony had been looked forward to by the best elemsut of the eity's social circles ai a titling finale of the season. The popularity ot the bride, the business reputation of the groom, particularly in his own state, and the prnmineneeot the bride' father, all tended tolend additional interest to the wedding. The groom is of the tinu of Fulton Brothers, who conduct a real estate, investment and brokerage business, with offices at Denver, Pueblo and Boulder, Colorado. ENTRANCE OF BRIDAL PARTY. Promptly at the hour announce d the bridal party entered the church and proceeded down the aisle to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march. Annie McAnulty and Helen Connell. (lower girls, were attired in white mull and each carried a leghorn hat heaped with roses: following aud pro ceeding the bridesmaids came the ushers, William II. Clark, of Saginaw, Mich ; Dr. Z. M. K. Fulton, of Phila delphia, aud E. IL Connell, Hollo G. Jermrn, Mark K Edgar aud George M. DeWitt, of bcrantou. The six bridesmaids were Miss Eliza beth Bentley, Miss Adelaide Dodge and Miss Blanche Wood, of Hones dale; Miss Florence Edgar, Miss Kate Jay and Miss Mame Charles worth, of tuis city. three were gowned in pink and three in light green crepe; all looked radiantly beau tiful aud each carried a huge hunch of jink ineruiet roses. Accompanying the bride was her iiiaid-of-honor. Miss Ora Dimmiek, of Oneonta, X. Y. She wore u gown of white silk and carried white roses. The bride followed, leaning on her father's arm. Her gown was of creau satin, made entrain with high neck and largfl purled sleeves; the trimming was of dn - - lace. A veil of tul reached to the end ot the train and was tastefully fustened to the coiffure bv l beautiful star cluster of diamonds, the gift of the groom, and a dainty spray of lillies-of the valley, hue carried a large bouquet of lillies of-the-valley. The bride was received from her father at the chancel by the groom, ac uoiupanied by Theodore L. I onnell. an atmauvi C1HKHONT, During the reading of the ritual and ceremony, "O, Promise Me," from ii t,in Hood was played. The fuini strains of the organ, the peculiar beauty and significance of the ritual and the splendor of the edifice, ull tended to make the ceremony particu arly impressive and beautiful. Mr. and Mrs, Fnlton passed from the church to the Marche de V Opera Tau huuser. Mr. ConnU' wedding gift to bit d.iughter was a check for a handsome sum The groom's present to the bride was a diamond star cluster. As souvenirs he gave the ushers each a tear? pin consisting of a gold wreath studded with pearls The bride's present to each of her attendants was the same article made as a psudant. The bridal bouquet of lillies-of-the-valley and the bouquets carried by the maid-of-bonor and bridesmaids were remarkable for their beauty aud good taste displayed in arrangement. They were creations of Wnreudorf. the cele brated New York florist! Tho guests were received at the house by the bride flnd her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Connell, Miss Diinmick. f Oneonta, in, .; Miss Hentley, Miss Wood aud Miss Dodge, of Honesdale; Miss Jay, Mies h, Igar and Miss Cnarlesworth, of Hcranton ; VV. H. Clark, of Saginaw, Mich. ; Dr. Z M. K. Fulton, of Philadelphia; Theodore E. Connell. E. H. Connell, Hollo G. Jermyn, Mark K. Edgar and George DaWitt, of Scrauton. '11111 IIOISK DECORATIONS. Nothing was lacking to make the floral derorations at the family resi dence on Clay avenue a lavish display of the beantilul. tor the past two day Clark's assistant had been trans forming the house into a fragrant bower of lovliness Strings of smilaz, palms, potted plants in bloesom and cut flowers, principally roses in pink and white, formed the main features of the adornment The bay-window of the reception parlor contained many smilax wreaths strung from a central point in the ceiling and dotted with myriads of white roses. A large pier glass was arranged in much the same manner, and in additiou, the mannings were banked with large American beauty rosea and the base with cut flowers. 4 The kitchen, by rows, of numerous incandescent lights and a bank of potted plants and palms before the range, was transformed into a fairy dining room. Pink shades covered the lights and the same delicate color was displayed in the table decorations. In this room a large table was arranged and in the family dining-room numerous smaller ones, from which a running supper was served by Caterer Davit, of Orange, N. J. It would be impossible to mention the menu in detail; it is sufficient to say it contained most of the season's delioacies. A bank of palms and plantain the dining room shielded the musicians, eight of whom, furnished by Bauer, disconrsed approptiate selection dur ing the evening. The wedding gifts were arranged in a room on the seuond floor. Among them were the following: A complete unite, lorg aud epoon silver diuuer set in a lianilionie a tliii-liii d Olbtqet of quartered oik, from Mr. and Mr. Alfred E., Mr. and Mre. Jhiih'S Ij , ami Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connell, and Mr. and Mrs. J, S. McAnulty ; a cibi net silver knife, font ntul spoon set of foity-tive pltOfi, from Col. and Mrs. E H. Hippie: em bussed ailv.-r but ter s', silver ice cream set, gold lined soup ladle -r vice, gold-lined cream and sugar service, set of gold tea spoons, set of gold-lined orange spoons, set nt gold lined ice cream forks, set Dresden handled knive, a half hundred Dor fllDger cut gins articles, gold-lined jelly disb, set llaviland bread and but ler duhes and fruit set, and a mag nificent array of Dresdeu and ltoyal Worcester ware, out glass aud silver articles. SOMli OF THE OL'KSTS The out-of-town gnnHta were: Miss Cora Stuart. 'Philadelphia; Mrs. Alexander Pulton and Miss Fiilt.nn. and Mrs. Urorgn Marshall, Suamokiu; Bernard O. I. von and Joseph L. Porter. New lurk: Drs. J. A. Seymour and Z. M. K. Fulton, Philudolphm; Charles J. Debivuise, Brooklyn, N. V.:J. E. Mnrley, Saginaw, Mich.; lldward Ivirklaud, Utlca. The following were among those who witnessed the ceremony: Colonel aud Mrs. II. M. Boies. Miss Flora L. Matthuvvr, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hunt, Colonel aud Mrs B, 11. Hippie. Mr. aud Mrs. L. (). Labar, Mr. Hud Mrs. J. 0. Huutiugtou, Mr. and Mrs. K J. Matthews. Mr, and Mrs. Charles 11. Welles, Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Price, Mr. and Mrs. John Jeiinvn, Mr. and Mrs. Ooorge Jcrciyii Mr. mid Mrs. William Marplr, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. huapp, the Mi-.-h Reynolds. Mr. aud Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Black, Miss Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kingsbury, Uev. aud Mrs. Warren U. Purtridgr. Mr. aud Mrs. Frauk M. Spencer. Miss Su san May Jenuyu, Mini Mae .Mason, or. and Mrs. I, F. Everhart, Miss Eiulllue Killam, Mr. aud Mr. Culviu Suybolt, the Mlsnea Seybolt, Miss Welles, Mr. DeWitt Swan, Mrs. David Lawuoii, Miss Hull, Hits Augusta Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Con nell, Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Han, I. Mr. and Mr. David a. Taylor. Miss (main, Miss tiesslo Ui'imu, Mr. nud Mrs. F. H. Jermyn, Mr. and Mrs. E B. Jermyn, Mrs. A. M. Decker, Miss Decker, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Council, Mr. and Mrs. 1. I . Penman, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Penmau, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Oou- uell, Mayor and Mrs. W. L. Connell, Dr. ami Mrs. II, B. Ware, Mr. and Mrs. Uuorge H. Catliu. Mr. aud Mrs. J, N. Rice, Mr aud Mrs. S. L. Kice. Mrs. W. F. Hallstvad Mrs. George liallstead, Mrs. W. H. Pearce, the Misses Pearce, Mrs. Dr. Ives, Mr. ami Mrs. Claude Plutt, Mr. aud Mrs. J. T. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Black, the Misses Kingsbury. THE DOWNS DESCRIBED, A description of tome of the gowns follows: Mr. William Connell Helio bro caded silk, trimmed with ducheise lace and made en train. Mrs. J. S. McAnulty Blue brocaded satin, with pearl trimming. Mrs. J. L. Connell Light bliu moire silk, trimmed with spangled chiffon and luce Mrs. 'V. A. Connell Black moire with pink chiffon trimmings. Mrs. C. K. Council Ltveuder bro caded satin, trimmed with duebesee luce. Mrs. A. E. Connell Pink satin with white lace trimming. Mr. A. J. Council White ailk trim med with poiut lace,. Mr. H. A. Conuell Brocaded piuk satin, pearl trimmings Miss Cora Stuart. Philadelphia - Lav endersilk trimmed with lavender chlf fon aud violets. Mr. W. G. Fulton Lavonder siik with trimmings of helio velvet. Mrs. Charles Schluger Green bro caded silk trimmed with white lace. Mr. W. L. Conuell Salmon satin with point lace trimmings. Mrs. J. T. Porter Brocaded drab silk, cniffou and pearl trimmed. Mrs. H. T. Black- Maroon satin und lace. Miss beybolt- White net skirt, white pink satin overdress. Miss Edith Norton i'ink aatin, Mr. V. E, Wood Figured silk, iace trimmed. k Miss Hipnle- Palo blui ail. Miss Maver White corded silk. Mrs. H. W. Archbald-Black silk. Miss Edith Jouea- -White silk, laveu der trimmed. Mrs. H. B. Ware- White aatin, en train, dnciiesse lace. Mr. H. 51 Boies Black satin. Mrs, Frank Jermyn -Striped silk. Mr. Lsniiiil Ammennun White satiu, pink aud bine striped, Mrs. L A. Watrea Pals blue satin, chilfon trimmed. Mrs. Alfred Hand Pearl silk, trim med with maroon velvet aud lace, - - - BASE BAIL BRIEFS. The uniforms of the Eastou team con sist of red stockings and belts, hluu suits, with the word IBaston" in white letters across the brenst, blue caps und white "sweaters." Thoio are eleven uniforms m all. The suits to he worn by the members of the Altoona Base Ball club are of a gray material with maiuoii cap.', bells and stockings. Ou Sunday next the Altoona club will leave on its southern trip. It will be made up of thu following plnvers llaggerty, right field; Buttnnoie, short stop; Tate, left Held; Walters, center field; Bettley, pitcher; Ross, third baej Cote, catcher; McOaun, second base; Mc Uuirk, tlrst base; McCaun. pitcher. Dou oghtio will lo ik after the men from a bill playing point oi view. On the opening of the seasou, .lone', who pitched lust year for Erie, und liter, the excellent short stop of last year's Jobnstowu club, will j, 'in the cluu, COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Edward Allen was yesterday appointed constable of Taylor borough by the court. District Attorney Kelly Is at work on bis trial list for the comlug term of crim lual court. The hotel license of John Retail, of Brick avenue, Piovideuce, was yesterday transferred to Michael J. llorau. Marriage licenses were granted yester dav to lienrv Otto aud Affiles Toolau Archbald, aud Arthur ltldgwuy aud Emma 1. Hruuluy, bcranton. Indexs to local legislation of Peunsylvn uia, running fiom 1700 to Ib'M. were yes terday recrived by our throe judges They will prove of groat value for refer ence. 11. ii. Unardtuan, of this city, yesterday uegan proceedings against Frances S, Ayres for divorce on the ground of d sertiou. They were married on Feb, '!, 1871, and lived together uutll June 15, lS'.lJ, when, it is auegeu, Mrs. Hoard uiau do serted her husband. The committee of the Lackawanna Bur association that has la charge the annual banquet to ho held m the court house ou April 1-', met yesterday to complete flual arrangements mr mo event. A number of judgea from neighboring districts have been luvlted to be present ut the banquet as the guests oi uie nssociauou. An Evenloir of Aeathatlos, Inculding tho uue-act "Sewing School for bcandal, 't'roiueuuae or the Broadway Belles," drapery pising, ureek dance, etc., given by Miss Tillie Lewis and pupils at Y. M. C. A. auditorium Thursday even ing, April S. Admission fit) cents. Re served seats without extra charge. Dia gram open at Powell's music store on Tuesday. M Ths Sinner Sawing Machine Company Are now located at 688 Lackawanna ave nue. Bee their latest family sewlug ma chine, Mahogany wood finish. fc-.O Lackawanna aveuue. ' 1 UTTLE POINT Objected to tlio Present Siyle of Drawing CoiuiiiiQ I', Mi Jurors. HIS OBJECTIONS ARE OVERRULED Judge McPherson That in thu Absence of Any tvidence to the Contrary, Mr. Kasson Must Be Considered a Disinterested Persdn. Quick Case Given to Jury Verdict for Mr. Ackerman. Attorney Cornelius Smith in court yesterday challng"d the present IJfs tern of drawing jurors lu coiuui"ii plea court on the technics! groun I that a itrict construction of thn law debars a prothonotory or his clerk f rmn rawing juror as they are not disin ¬ terested persons within the meaning of the act, according to the way Mr. Smith construes its language. Mr. Smith is counsel for Mrs. Estell i Clayton whose action agnutt Hill & Connell wa ealled for trial at '-' o'clock yeaterday, Judge Edwards directing that it bo tried belore Judge McPiier- h in iu court room No. 1. When Deputy Prothonotorv KaBson began to call the jurors Mr. Smith anid l.e bad a motion to make. Judge 1. 1 wards declined to hear it saying the trial ju Ige was the proper person be foro whom to make u motion concern ing the case. THE .IL'KY DRAWN. Mr. Kiiin continued drawing the jurors until the seventeenth name had been reached, when tho panel was ex hausted. The sheriff was then sent for to provide three talesmen, hut beinu absent from his office. Deputy Sheriff Hyau responds,! and was preparing to select the jurymen when Mr. Smith propounded ntiother objection, stating that he wanted Sheriff Fahey to per form the duty himself. The high sheriff was again sent for and after rt short delay that official put in an uppearance Judge Edwards then asked Mr. binitli if he wauted Sheriff Fahey to select the talesmen, and Mr. Smith responded emphatically that be did. The sheriff went out and soon found three Utah, after whioh the jury retired to couri room No. 3. Mr. Smith stated that be desired to make u test case and then read the following motion-. Now April 4, 1MI4, this case being called for tiial, C. Smith, attorney for tho pluiu tiff, objects to Myruu Kassou druwiug the jury in the case for the following rea sons: NOT AUTHORIZED BY LAW. The Vn& Myron Ka ssou is the deputy prothonotory and the acting clerk of the court, und as such he is not authorized by la to draw the jury. That Myron Kaaaun, ns the acting clerk aforesaid, is not within the iulont and meauing of the law a disinterested Tiersou. The slips of puper containing the Humes ot the panel or jurors are not rolled or folded us required by tho law, that is ti say, they are not rolled, and the fuhinit; consisting only ol a tingle fold is not sufti cieut) ns it leaves the names of the persons ,,pen and exposed to the view ot the person drawing the jury. Aud therefore the plniutitt's attorney re peetfiilly requests the court to nppoiut some disinterested person, other thuu Myron Kassou to diaw tho jury iu thi: oaso. Major Evrett Warren, who repre sented Hill & Connell opposed the mo Men, saying it wa too late after a jurv had been drawn to enter such objec tion. In taking notice of the motion Judge McPherson declared ttiat it bs decided ly indeoorous on his part should he as sums to decide a question of practici n this court, although he could witl psrfect propriety interpret the act of assembly, It was his judgment that Mr. Kkssoi), in the alsence oi any evi lence tending to the contrary, must he considered a disinterested person, nud a he t the usual person who draws jurors, the judge said he would over rule the motion and allow counsel to procetd with their challenges. MRS CLAYTON 8 CASE. Mrs, Clayton is endeavoring to re cover damages for injurie sustains:! by falling through a grating iu fron Of till! a Connell s Lackawanna ave nue store in December, 18M1) The caee was tried before Judge Smith several months ago and n nonsuit granted which was subsequently stricken off Before Judge E ! wards the greater pnrt of the day was consumed by the trial of the case of I. Klein & Co against Isaac Ackerman. At 4 p. m verdict was returned in favor of th defendant. A jury was then chose and sworn iu the cuse of C. H. Tboma against H. T. Post, which will be tried today. In Judge Archbald court room th case of David Angiemoyer against th Third National bank, garnishee for W H. Heinbart, co'itiuued ou trial all dav. The case of W. H. (Juick agains William Hanley whs given to the jury at noon, but u verdict had not been r turned up to the lime court uOjourne for the day. COST OF THE MIUS MEETING. Th Flnaoce Committee Freaents Report on That Sul j ot. The finance branab of! the Mill meeting txecutive committee has completed its work in settling up the busiues affairs ot the committee an presenUd the following report: To the Mills meetings executive com mitten: The undersigned haviugbeen charged by you with the duty or rinsing, by subscrip tlou or otherwise, a sum sutucient to de fray the expeusea of the Mills' mcetlui Includiug the expense of erecting a su able, building, respectfully report that they have received from individual bud torlpttool The sum of 8,4-18. In material and labor contribute!. 107. From sale of chair til( From sale of building L'50. 18,881, D1SUUHHEMKNTS: Paid for the erection of Mills' building uud chairs 2,;U0 4U Paid for priming aud advertisiug. 817 Paid for services of Mr. Uillis and Mr. (Jillam; travelling ex penses of Mr. Mills nud party and use of hymn books. USO CK Paid hotel and board bills of Mr. Mills and partv U7 2S Paid for lighting the building 45 Oil Paid tor heating the building Kid 00 Paid for janitor and supplies (Ml 00 Paid for music.... 1!.J 57 Paid for nundries 1)2 76 Paid Rescue Mission 5 00 Total v 13,331 84 K. Ll. I'l'LLRK. LUTKBl Kkllkh, Akja Williams, Finance Committee. America 10 111. l E M l I. PICTURES. EVERY NOTED PLACE .r ALA8RA, THE UNITED f ATES AND KIEXICO. nva NirMHKiisoN thecoen- TEK. TEN CENTS AND ONE COUPON EOU ANY NUMBER lilH BOYS ALMOST SUFFOCATED. Buried Beneath '''. ,L-ht of Coal In Leu CH'i Craek Breaker. Two little boye named Le wi nn MeMabon, aged 12 a ,d 19 vnrs r, sp clively, had u narrow esuap Iron, death in the Leggott's Creek Lresk yesterdiiy The boys slipped into a chute whicli contain the prepared coal, where their clothing caught and they were Onabl to release th'-ms-We The coal poured do WD upon them aud when recovi i el they, were almost suf located. Their perilous condition was discovered by a workman who av. their legs sticking iltrongh the coal Dnetora Sullivan mid O'Brien wr summoned aud after much difficulty the hoys were resuscitated. Artificial r)iraiioii had to In reeorted to. Oii of the boy Is Still in a precariuui condition TEN ROUND BOUT FOR POINTS. It Took Place on the West Side Last Night Between George Robinson and Dave Corcoran. A motley crowd of about "J(10 men and boys gath' red iu Mear's ball, Wes'. Side, last night to witness the bozing tournament given by the Olympic Atu-l.-ltc dub. There weren number of lovers of the manly art iu tho audience, u few "dead ame miorts with u, sprinkling 01 tough young men by way of vaiioty. ills latter came to see gore sued airi voted the tourney "dead slow on de k-vel, see!" becius the b'ool did not mat?rializ iu verr largi quantities. After preliminary bouts between oseph Kohinaou and Carter Morris, colored, Sullivan and Hyan aud two 1. -year old hove nam" 1 i red Mat- news arid Walter, tho main vent of the evening, a ten round con test for points between Geore Kobin- ou, oolored.nn i Dare-Corcoran, white, is annouiio il llarrv Courtright and Jac't F- aadled Corcoran and Harry Ls Hoy ud Cnarles Jones did the sme Strvio r Hobinson, who entered the ring at l'JO in, imds. His opponent was 183. I'ho referee w.i Edward Walton. Hohiuson was iu beat condition physically but C-ircoran proved him self the most active. Rjbiaton wis aggressive aud Corcoran diplomatic ii. is manner ot avoiding punishment . He couBtantly played for Koblnson wind and face, several times drawl nC tan nostrils. t Was drawn i blood from the eolored mau The first blood of the figh by Hobiiison. however lhe nght lasted thirty minutes aud was declared to be a draw by the ret eree. Koblnson was the least ia:i,'U) i of the two. Neither of the men suf fered much punishment. WEDDED LAST EVENING. Kit Emma Bradley and Arthur I Si di, way Ur.1 ed for Life. A very pretty wedding occurred l.v.t evening ut th home of Mr. aud Mrs Humphrey Bradley, i40 Wyomm: avenue. The uuptial celebrated wer hose of their daughter. Miss Emma vho became the wife of Arthur E Kulgway. In ceremony was per form.d at 9 o clock by Ksv W. II Pearce, pastor of the Elm Park Mtii odist Episcopal church. The bride msias were the Misses Alice VOl ntoruh and it e Marshall, and :,n -.- Anna Bradley was uiaid of hoaor i'b groomsmen were Adsl Moore am' J. A. Ridgway. W. L llendaell and Joha Norton acted us ushr. At li o'clock aud while the Elm Park lurch bells were being chimed by re iiiitst of IJr. Pearee, ti e couple stooo up under a haiulsouie Moral bell am; were made mau and wife, tbe cere mony being wituosied by a large tium her of guests, the bride looked ex ceeilluglv well and Dor tiers?. r m r. handsouie manner during the oremony She wore a white silk trimmed with moire ailk aud point J gene. After the marriage service congratu latious followed, and then refresh, ments were served. The rooms wer, pleasantly lighted, and the decoration consisting of palms aud tine cut II iw ers, were Ahown to good advantag The bride and groom were the recipi ents of matiy beautiful pretents ;ha were greatly admired by the guests Among the oat of town uuests pres ent wer Mr. and Mrs. O. O Reynold:- of Laplume, aud Mr. and Mrs. cuarle Curoen, of Honesdale. Mr. nud Mrs. Ridgoway lvft for N'w lork ou the midnight trim. Cpou their return to thi city they wili resid at their homo on Adams avian - , Factivnl at Dilton. A warm uugar and ice cream festival will he hold in the basement of the M. E. church of Dalton, ou Friday evening, April 0, under the management oi the Christian Endeavor society of mat church, the pro ceeds to bo used bv them lu their work. A plnassnt time is proplieMzed tor ull vh attend. i 1 ' Mualc Boxh Exclusively. liest uiaiie, Play any desired number of tunes, wantacal J Son., manufacturers, lUdu Chestnut street, 1 luladelphia. Won derful orchastrial organs, only $! and ilu. r-pecialty: uld music boxes enrofully re paired and unproved with new tunes. Here I am, Safe and sound, Plump as a E3erry Pudding, but Not so round. Ready for business at 417 Lackawanna Ave. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. Best Sets of Teeth, $8.oo Including the palnleas extracting of teeth by en mutely new pro- S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. ISO WYOMING AVI- AN EVENING OF AESTHETICS. Frcgramm to be K.,, derail b? Uii nut L,w ' Pupil. Pro ranim for an an evni u of as 8, civvn iiy Tillie L wis and pnpiU at Yonng Mn'l Christian aso- istion aud torium this ev- ing: Sewing School for Scnndal" (in two scenesi. CAST OF CHABAOtKM. Mrs. John Cju ncy Adams Gubang, Mrs. John 1 rilz ally Oobaug. hor daughter, Mis Marearet Hornn Mrs. J. Flint Skinner. . Miss ilei tha Concer Miss Bellows Miss H-fie Alleu Mish I. villa Lobtide. .Miss lreue Reynolds Miss Maiguiute Topkypa, Miss Hortense Coyne Miss Eld -rbrewster. .Miss Hemic" Conger Mr. Apollo Limpkins Mr. Leo Coyne Rev. Mr. Lowkirk Mr. Harry Stanton Qrrak dauco Miss Ljwis Scatte from "Leah, iho Forsaken." Miss Etta Qreafl ' ,i an ilma at the masquerade, lt-atriee Horns Tiial scene from Henry VIII., Mrs. John t rlu Monologue "When Jack Comes Lute," Miss Lewis Promenade of the Broadway belles. . Pupils Dmpery piling Miss Lewis Actoniiiiiuist Mis-i Emilv llaur , Anthony Uutiuiuuu, attorney, moved bis I offlo to th Odd Fellows' building, rooms 4 and o, VY'VOUllDg av,-mi. AgTBOgV Bai MANN jllSil!III!ii:ililt3itllIIII!f!tll!lll(lll!: WE ARE Running Our I PLUMBING S TIN SHOPS The Low Price System Prevail ing in Our STORE THY L'S AND NOTE P8I0E& I I HENRY BATH & CO., 126 PENN AVE. Sntniiltsilllligilil llflllllilclllS S S e Hoods for Cash Cheaper m thun unv lioDSs m Scrantou. S 2 S lllllIIIllIMIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIItllllllSHIIlk? Dr. Hill Son Albany Dentists ot teeth. DUO: best Bet. SS: for cold ram nud teeth witiiuut ulates. ralleJ crown and bridcu work, call for prices and retereno,M TON ALUIA. tor extractiu' teeth without l.uiu. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST RATIONAL BANK. OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Semi your corsets to be ie boued or new steels put iu. We do it neatly aud :it a moderate cost. 128 Wyoming Ave. GENTLEMEN. EE OUK LINE OK $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes MADE LIKL HAND-SEWED. FO Seams or Tac&s to Hurt Your Feet. All Styles and Widths iu Congress or Lace. The Best Shoe oa Earth for the Try a Pair uud you will wen uu other. BAHISTER'S$3.00 BANISTER'S, Our $2 50 Shoes are as good Beginning on to each customer who purchases goods to the amount of one dollar or over an envelope containing a card. On the card is printed the name of an article which will be given to the customer FREE. Gifts to be selected by the customs from "our regular stock. Th9se Free Gifts run in value from $1 to $10, amounting in all to $2,500, and include Ladies' Cloaks, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Flowers, Mackintoshes, Ladies' Capes, Men's Hats, Boys' Hata and Capes, Neckwear, Sterling Silver Scarf and Stick Pins, etc., etc. No Blanks Everyone Something. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. YE are now exhibiting a very complete and ex cellent collection of Ladies' FINESUITS A Handsotne lot at lilue Cbev- Sa.,30 $7.50 Htorm Serge, in Bine and Ulack, at....: Imported Capos at French Silk -Q $2.85 Fine Cloth Cips Ladies' Jackets. the latest s.the latest r " A 11 colors.ut OTt'J" styles uud in al Millinery Department We show th LATEST DESIGNSlof TRIMMED HATS and BONNETS, and alo a large variety of Ladies' and Children's TJNTRIMMED HATS and a large asortmeut of FLOWERS. Children's Caps We show the largest assortment of BILKS and LAWN CAPS and HATS at very low price. CONWAY HOUSE 13'' and 134 1 EN N AVENUE On the American Plan, S. rautoii's newest and best equipped hotel NOW OPEN '10 THE PUBLIC Healed by Steam. Eleetrle Delia. Ilatta Tuba nn each 11 c or. Large, Well-Lir-hteil nn-l Airy Koainia. Bverythlng CoinpU-te. ALL THE MODERN IMPIIOTEMENTt Office on second floir. Qood uauiple room attached. P. J. CONWAY, Prop. Eureka Laundry Co, Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. court House Sijcahe. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best. You Buy Money C ta na anil wiamioi SCRANTON. PA as anybady's $3 00 Shoes. FREE Monday, April 9, We will 'i present Gets -hatter av nmismiy mum t