2 THE SCEANTON TBIBUKE TH U ESD AY MORlTCNTGr. APRIL 5, 1594. GENERAL NEWS OF Since the abduction of Charlie Ross Ho disappearance has excited the inter est whiuli has attsnded the lots of lit tla Eddie Brothertou, of Ashlr-y. Eddie left home Feb. 1U. Since thn. bil pic ture baa bran kept standing in many newspapers, offers of large rewards have developed no clue and the best d tectivei have exhaustid every energy in tne vain boot for the boy's wherea bout. Theconolusiou now generally incepted is that he is dead and that bis body baa been bestowed or baa fallen into some abandoned well, cavo bole or mtisr out-of-the-way place of coneeal aient. The search will, however, be continued. One of the new rumors of the day in rnilway circles is that the Erie and Wyoming Valley company is about to construct n line of truck Irom Duninore to Marsbwood, where it will join rails with tho eastorn terminus of the Moosic Mountain road; also thut the New York, Luke Erie and Western people will extend their tracks from Carbou dale to a point neur Winton, where they will connect steel with the west end of the Moosic Mountain road, thereby croating a complete line of track from Carbondale to Scrauton, over which either company will run The rumor is not credited in this city. It is now announced that the Lohigh Valley railroad has followed the Head lug's resent example by substituting soft for hard coal in all its freight en gines. Bids for Li.OUO tons of bitumin ous coal per mouth have been usked for by the Valley officials. This would seem to be a cuss where educatiouul processes on the part of the Anthracite Coal Operators' association would not be amiss. It is c-ikulated to injure an thracite in the stronghold of itstrisnds. Factory Inspector Watchorn threat ens to take measures to enforce the st-ini-uionthly py law in the anthra cite region, particularly in the vicinity of Wilkes Born. He claims to have received information as to instances in which the men hud not received a pay in several months. It Is not In -liered that soch instaucts relate to Lackawanna county. An elevated electric railway bitween Washington and Kow York to run trains 120 miles an hour, at a tnaxi mum faro of 2 cents a mile, is contem plated by a bill recently introduced in the house by Congressman Cachings, of Mississippi. The company will be capitalized at fl 0,000, 000. If it is ever .orgutiiz-il : and those who know say it is a genuine one. Minor Industrial .Votes: Forty caual boats, loaduil with anthra cite, on Monday left Nanticoke on the tirt downward voyage of the season in the 2'eni.sylvuuia caual. The Lehigh Valley's Er.ston shops are on 8-hours' lime. A department of the Ulaudon rolling Hull at Heading lesuiuod yesterday, giviug Work lo fifty men. In February 82,960 earn patted Columbia bn the Pennsylvania railroad; in llurth, 111, : ti(J care, u gam of 'J8,18t cars. The coal tonnage of the Heading railroad for the week ended March 31 showed a further decrease of llo.ISi toun, making the total decrease for the nscul year 004,677 tons. The Delaware aud Hudson canal is using 180 boats fewer than last year. Only 25.- cco tons of ooal ar.- stored at fioneedale, Where ordinarily there are 100,000 tuns. 1 The Clear Spring colliery at West Pitts ton worked only seven 'days and a half during Murch, the poorest time ou its ree; id. It is said that tho Erie lost 81,250. (W0 last yeur by the Lehigh Valley transporting its touuagu over its own road from Waverly to Buffalo. The Mill Creek Coal company will build a small breaker at New lloston, to pre pare the coal fi oiu tho du r bank-i. Fifty men are newly happy at' Btroudl biirg. They form the crow of uu extra gravel train just put on by the Lucka wanna. Tho Marklo collieries at Jeiido have re duced the wages of their platlorm men lioni 11,10 to f 1.05 per day. BcbnyikllllS 3 T, 855 tons of coal short of her output as compared with ouu year ago. A large breaker is to le built at Braver Meadow to reclaim coal lioiu the slate banks. The recovery is expected to be -13 per cent. A new camel-hack engine has just emerged from the Lehigh Valley's Haxle ton shops, for use ou the main Hue. 1 AMONG Our Neighbors During the past few days numerous young women of Willlamtport have been giving a kirmets, the proceed! of Which go to charity, The kirmess is enlivened by tableaux and dances, and the dancers appear in costumes. The Methodist ministers, without, It is said, having seen the performance, de cided that it was Improper and im moral, and have issued a card ri quest ing all members of their congregation to remain absent from the kirmess. This has occasioned n furore. Tho ac tion of the ministers is denounce 1 in all the papers and, m a rosult of this free advertising the kirmess is play ing nightly to packed audieuces-, mauy persous being turned away. Apropos of the reported intention of the licensed hotel keepers of Scranton to engage iu a crusade ugiltist tne speak easies, tho Wilkea-liarre Record remarks: "Whatever may be the merits or d'luerits of the Brooks law. the people who pay for a license to sail liquor and comply with the provisions of the statute should protect them elves against the inroads of tlimo law less free-booter. It is the unlicensed eroggeries, in n great measnre. that bring the entire liquor bntlness into disrepute, and the dealers who obey the inw should by all menus combine agaiust them." James Walsh of Vandiing Is regard ed by many as the most unlucky man in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Last week his wife left him and somebody took away bis household itoods. Later a reconciliation was effected and the Hoods were returned. Several hours later they were abstracted ugaln. Mrs. Walsh slipped on a banana psel and broke her arm; and next day, to crown toll, Walsh received a Wniu Cap no tice to get out of town. Pugilist O'Conuor, of Wlftoa Bnrre, went to Philadelphia to fight Frank Magulre. The place selected waa nti old brewsry in a sparsely settled por tion of the city, where it was thought the police would not venture. The police, however, swooped down juit as the fighters had toed the mark and two sorry pugilists were conveyed to piison. This Is different from the Nanticoke Custom. Jack Fee, who last year pitched in the State league, has retired from the INDUSTRIES professional diamond. Ha has, how evtr, organized an Amateur hull club to represent Carbondale and will at an early day give Manager Swift's young men a chanco to show what they can do. Gillespie, the celebrated ex-Giant outfielder, is a member of Fee's nine. HI Pittston's new council was to have met last Monday evening for serious work; but during the day a tour of the borcugb was rnhly undertaken, with a view to unearthing glaring abiisas, and the things seen by the borough fathers so preyed upon their consciences that after supper they couldn't muster a quorum. see Manager Shannon, of the Wilkes Barre ball club has reached Bogert dom, and will at once proceed to get hiB team of back numbers dowu to something like work. The Schuylkill Eiectrio Railway com pany of Pottsvllle will put on new oars, adopt a better motor and give patrons 0 greatly Improved service. ,. . a Prominent citizens of Wayne county are agitating tho organization of a his torical society. Mayor Hendrick wants Carbondale to establish a garbage crematory. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds. New Youk, April 4. Business nt the stock exchange today was quiet, the sides footing up 150,0110 shares, After a fairly steady opening tho market weakened by a drop of 1" iu general electric, which con tinued weak throughout the day and in the last hours of business touched 88J, The annual report was not favorable aud was a surprise to the street. DiBtilling and cattle feediug advanced fractionally at the start but latter receded . on rumors thut the esse now before Judge Uibsou will be decided ugainst the com pany. Chicago gas was depressed IJf, Miss ouri Pacific was again again active at 8le 33sjlU. Delaware and Hudsou rose from 18D,"a to U3jra. Tho advance was nttiibuted to purcbines by contending interests in the mutter of the new stock issue. Lou dou did little or nothing. In the last hour the weakness of general electric disturbed small holders who proceeded iforthwith to sell, resulting iu a net loss of to i's per cent. 'I he market closed weak. The foil .wins complete table showing the day's fluctuations in active stoeks is supplied and revised dally liy LaBar & Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Hi. h Low Clos ing, est. eat, leg. Am. Cot. oil sit nivi :u4 r,oi Am. Sugur. ml M Ml Ml A T.&S. F 16 I H 1VH1 14X1 Can.So. MM 31M MS, 61?s Con. N.J ..." .... Clde. AN. W MW4 10K-M IIIKW UMi c. B, & q m km siKu ml Chic. Gas itiW KM RfU B8m C. C..C. A St. L... 40U oli 31 Col . Hock.Val. & T D. It-ll 139 H3 13!".- ItiM r.. l. ac w D. & 0, F VM U MM Krie ITS, 1TW IT 1J . E. Co IU 4IW KM n LakeSbore 11 l'KI pit) l$l L, &N 61K UU MM 61M Manhattan Via l'.'OVi Y2iH ISiij Miss. Pc 81 3 WU mi Nat. Lead BVM WM 8H8 HSO- N. Y.N. E I1M l6 UM lija N. Y. Central IOIi lop. lup4 101 U N. Y.. U. H W 17 17 17 17 g. Y.,8. S W u, s. c. Co 28 ::i Slfcj a North Pac North Pac.pf sm '.'IK 21ft 0 aha (DM 10?3 DM V) Pae, Mall aading SIM SIM Sit Hix.'kMaud lili' 7u mi BM2 It. T St. Paul M". IUM (We w T..C. 4 1 M i0i4 IBM 19M Texas & Pac 1 M 1 Union Pac I1U E1M m. HH4 Walwsn, pf Mia lti'd 1J Sjf2 W. Union M MM Si uu W. & L. I MM 1 lM IM W. j: L. E. ut 51 61 "iU'4 OOjJ Chlcsgo Grain und ProvUlon. HntAMoN, Ap il l.-TI.e following nuota- tlonsaio supplied and Onrrested dally hy La Bar & Fuller, stock hi'okers.l'-i Wyoiuiu avu hue. WHEAT. Jlav July. Sept. Opening idM t;;t' a ha Highest ium M'i tniM L.mest til-H, (j:iM UV dosing en U)2 iHis OURh. Opening KM ls:M BUM Highest k7i(( 82 wa, Lowest., n:s istj Chninic ITjjJ Illy B9M OATH. iipeulug ;u. ;hM MM Highest W tWi Lnvest :ii. 2kM -iH ClMsimt Kiu sum S3M PORK. Opening 1177 1177 Highest 11(1 ihl' lx)W.at 1177 J177 l-'lusiiiK liu'i 1175 LARD, Opening vu 1,77 (87 Highost 7117 iW mi Iiwest til U t)7j (is', CPsliia 7U7 m Mu SHi'UT RIBS. Opening ,v.'7 MM mgneet un7 uo tri.W.-Ht .'.U7 Clusiun I,'i." o'Jl - -New York Produce Market. JftW York, April 4. Flour-Held higher; fair inquiry at old prices. Wheat--IJgV, hleher; Ho. 2 red store and elevator, MJadiVe.: afloat, 850.: f. o. U,05)fa60e.: ungruded real, (W.,ti4 . ; No. 1 nnrtnern, 71VtC.: options closed strong atllfalXe. edvancei Way, 65'tc; July, 074c.; August, OS'-iic.; September, 05c,j December, 78c. (Jok.n Quiet, linn; No. 2,440 elevator; 45Xc ulloat; options dull but firm at ViiJc. advauce; April, uud May, 43c. July, Vic. OAis-Quiet, firm; options dull, firmer; April, i)jso ; May, BSko.) July. D4kc.l siot prices, No. i2, aSWc.j No. ij white, liaXc. No. 'J Chicago, iklMc; No. & i3Hc; No. 3 white, 3Sc; mixed westeru,8ila3ic. ; white do. and white state, 38u42c. UMK Dull, steady. TiKHiBi) Bkkk--DiiI1; city extru In dia mess, mess, ilNiVI. ("it Meats Moderate demand, firmer; pickled bellies. 7a7)io. ; do. shoulders, 0e.; do. hams, 0stl?iC. Lakd Quiet, hrmer;western Rteam,f7.55; April. 17.60; May 7.C0; July, 7.3'J; leflued, qnlet, firmer; continent. $7; South America. tH.'iH; compouud, OaOo. PoKK-Falr ilemnnd; mess, I13.25al3.75. Buttek Choice, firmer, better demand; state dairy, new, i8i30c. ; do., old, Iual5c. ; do. creamery, now, '.'20.; Pennsylvania creamery, 21822.; western dairy, new, llal4c; do. creamery, new. 15a22Wc; imitation creamery, ll15c. (,'HKKSE Quiet, steady. Eoos Oood demand, firm; state nnd Pennsylvania, llc; western freeh, Ua HJCj duck, 21a2lc. ; toutheru, lOallllc. Philadelphia Tallow Uarkat. PniLADELrniA. April 4. Tallow was dull with a light demand. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, 4c; do. dark In hogsheads, 4c; prime country, In hogs heads, 4c. ; cakes, 6c. 1 grease, 4a4,c. v Eucklen's Arnica Balve. The best salvo in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. " The Rev. Win. Stout, Wharton, Out., states: Aftor being ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors fur Scrofula and blcod disease, I was cured by Burdock Blood Bilters. Write him for proof. When Eaby was slclr, we (jaro her Costorte. When she nan a Child, she cried fur Castorla. When she beoaue Miss, she clung tu Castorla. When tho hod Children, she gave thorn Castorla, The Shrinkage of Old Age. Every one is familiar with tho shrunken look of the aged the wrinkled face, the lank legs and tho bowed form. Tho shrink age, of which these are but, the outward signs, affects the entire muscular system, llenco the changed tone of the voice and the weakened action of all the bodily organs. No old man la equal to tho muscular effort of his earlier yeam, and those who refuse to recognize this fact, arc sure to do them selves barm. Dut other tissues us well 11s tho muscular undergo shrinkage, Thus the cartilaginous cushion between the joints of the spino con tracts aud at tho game lime becomes more calcareous ami unyielding. The result is tbutthe spine loses its suppleness and elas ticity, and is morn liahlcto harm from con cussion. The person also becumoa appreci ably shorter. The bOnes undergo 11 similur change, uud not only fracture more readily, but uroless easily healed. Old persons need to be specially on their guard agaiust falling so as to break the thigh bone, as the point of fracture is idruost sure to bo ut the narrow neck, where tho tendency to heal is least. When the teeth are lost by uge the shrink age of the jaw narrows tho canals through which importaut nerves pass, thus pressing aud irritating tho nerves aud giviug rise to almost incurable neuralgia. Tho nerves themselves are subject to the same shrinkage, so that in old ago there i-, a lessening of nervous sensibility. It fol lows that hearing, sight, taste and appetite lose somewhat, of their keenness. Youth's Companion. neijiiuy u n'ltnaeof One of tho most important characteris tics of Mr. Thomas Hughes (Tom Brown) la bis kindness to anybody iu difficii";'. A short time ago B Stockn".o tradesman wrote to him requesting advice ou a mat ter of business. The judge sent a kindly and exhaustive reply, covering several sheets of foolscap. Iu his county court du ties li" often manifests sympathy with the working eiasses. in the Aabton-nnder-Lyuo county court a few years back to take one example out of many--a labore, brought an action under tho employers' liability act for the loss of a ibnb. When the plaintiff entered the witness box the opposing barrister subjected him to a merciless badgering. Over nnd over ug.siu the poor fellow hud to explain how the accident In dispute happened; every time the barrister "could not understand,'' though to everybody else iu court the thing w as clear enough. At length the judge, Seeing how mutters stood, said to the plaintiff: " You had better address your answer to me." "But, your honor," said the muu, "I can't muke him understand." "That's an impossibility," said Judge Huties, laughingly; "you may make m understand, but you won't make him." The burristcr bat dowu. Loudon Tit Bits. Stars Seen by the Nuked Lye. One is afraid to say how many thousands of years ago were made the first observer tions of stars of which we have nny certain knowledge; but in nil probability they w ere made not less than Seven thousand years ago, by priests in Egypt, who re quired to know when certain stars rose above the eustern horizon, in order that their morning sacrifice might be offered at the proper lime, that is, exactly at sun rise. 1 Nowadays, such eye observations have given place toothers made by elaborate in Itrunwnta, which enable us to observe stars nut only on the horizon but iu an) part of the hlue expanse of heaven, whlh by the increased power of telescopes the number of stars within our ken has been increased from six thousand the nuinbei whieh may be seen in both hemispheres li) the naked eye to probably ubout eighty million, J, Norman Lockyer iu Youtlr. Com pardon, V here the Ash 't ree Wus Snercd. Tin-1 . its and Germans and Bcandlnavl ans worshiped the moiiutuin nsh, and it is especially In the religions myths of the lnt ter that the "Askr Yggdrasil" plays 11 prominent part. To thoui it wus tin holiest among trees, the "world tree,'' Which, eternally young and dewy, repre sented heaven, earth and hell, According to the Kdda, the ash yggdrasil was an ever green tree. A specimen of it. grew at L'p aala, In front of the great temple, and an other in Ditliiuarschen, carefully guarded by a railing, for it was, in a mythical way, connected uith the fate of the country W hen Ditliiuarschen lost its liberty tin tree withered, but a magpie, one of the best prophesying birds of the north, came aud built its nest on the withered tree anil batched live little ones, all perfectly white, as a sigu that ut some tutUN time tho country would regain its former liberty. Deutaohe Rundachau, Indian Decorative Art. When the Sioux go on the Warpath in anything like reasonable weather they exercise great economy in dress. Tiiuy paint their ponies with red and black paint in crones. They also wear their hair lOOM and Mowing and put a liberal ullowuncu ol red and black point on their faces. Deco ratlve art prevails largely in their makeup Bugs, reptiles and animals, as nearly as the rudely urtistk: mind of the Sioux can contrive, are painted ou their forehead.- and chins, while u cross of red ami bluok paint adorns each cheek. - Philadelphia Ledger. Modern Men with Ancient Appellutlons. Who was the Cbesronian sage, the Celtic Homer uud the French Ovid? Plutarch, who was born in Chwruna, in llu'tiu, one of the old Greek provinces, WOI sometimes called the Clucroniun sage. By the term Celtic Homer, Ossiun probably is meant, lie is supposed to huvo lived lfj the Third century. Several w liters at one time and another have been called tin French Ovid, but the characterization has oftenest been applied to Du Bolhiy, who lived in the Sixteenth century.- St. Louii Globe Democrat. A Conscientious Tramp. The following note left by u tramp was found ou the kitchen table by Mrs. Jacobs of Youngstown, O., the other duy:. "My Dear Good Lady Friend I came here e stranger, aud found nobody at home. 1 was hungry uud took a piece of pie. I will return some day aud pay you for it. Much obliged. This is all I have got. Keep them until I return." With the uoto wa left a deck of playing cards. Philadelphia Ledger. A fjjueer Heer. Mr. Arncll, while cutting timber one day north of the city, came upon u petrified deer. Hu brought it home with him nnd lins it on exhibition. It is the root of a tree, twisted uud gnarled into a most strik ing likeness to a deer, w ith Its four legs, neck, head, body, cars and evfn hoofs com plcte.G ray's Harbor (.Ore.) Times. No Wonder She Was Apoplectic. A physician tells a story of a lady whe was seized with apoplexy while playing cards. Shu was uucouscious from Thurs day evening until the following Suuduy morning, ami when she spoke the llrsl words she uttered were, "What is trumps!'" Boston Herald. A machine, suid to be a marvel of light neea and Ingenuity, has recently been built in Australia for experiment! iu flying through the air. It, is propelled by au eu gine fed with compressed air. . 8. B. Duufxy, mate of steamer Arizonn had his foot badly jammod, Thomas Eclectric Oil enrod it Nothing equal to it lor a qaiclt pan reliever. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, ex cept Situations Wanted.which are inserted FREE. Situations Wanted. C1TUAT ION WANTED BY A SOBER 0 lllable youne man. Oood references. Address J. D. k, 440 Linhth street. CI'lTJATION WANTED BV A BREAD 1 J and cuke baker. Can turn-, ehargi uf shop. Befereneee if required. Address E. A. w., Taylor, Po. SITUATION WANTED HY Vol' Ml LADY 1j ' as copyist or to do work in an oltiee. lix eellont reference furnished. Address A. 11., Tribune olhce. POSITION WANTED AS UAKTENDKIt or as clerk; euuspeuk l.ernian and Polish, iiIho English. Address 8U Putnian streut, Providence City. 4J11UATION WANTED -A LADY SX V-J years old wants a situation as housekeeper iu r. spectable wiiowor's family; cod cook aud nurse: eleven years' experience; will bo to city or country. Address M. A. B, Box 188, East Siroudsburtf, Pa. ClTUATluN'" WANTED BY A MIDDLE i J aged lady as housekeeper or uMcoinpauiou for mi invalid, Adurusa, E. D., 2jH Franklin avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTED -A FII1BT CLASS COAT- J maker. Apply at once. CHARLES G. EyA.?15'- 9rb-n5alw. Pa, iy ANTED- GENERAL WHEKLKiunT. ' v Apply bt Uilhool's Carriage works. 7ANTEI-A FLORIST. MUST COME well recommended- Apply to R. M. PA MER. FlnrlHt, 4JI) Spruco Mtrnot. Hcln Wanted Femalea. U 'ANTED SERVANT G1Rl7CKKJD cook aud general housework, no wash ing, Ironiiitc; four grown persons in family; Koud wages for a Rood gin. In.iuiro at 34 Franklin avenuo, b ftweon 10 and 11 s. in. IfAN'iKD-A GIRL" TO DO GENERAL ' housework. G od wanes will be naid to a competent irl. ( all SlOGreen Ridge street. iOOK WANTED AT ST. JAMES HOTEL, vy JU3 Litckawiinnn avenue. Agents Wanted. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL Ol'R good by saiuplu to tho wholeaalo and re tail trade; aell on night to every business man or firm; llbeiul salary and expanses pui li in-r-uiau.ut position. For terus addresi with stamp. Centennial Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis, U ANT'ED-.MAN Wll'U LIFE AND FIRE insurance experience as Bolioltor iu Lackawanna county; good inducements to right man. Address lliyji Bctz buildinrf, Pliiladelplna. Pa. U" A N T E 1) - AG E N 'i'S To TAKE ORDERS by sample; we will pay expenss aud sal ary or a low liberal commits on; samples sent 00 appiieation. AddroKS Lo :U BoxQdtS, New York i lty. U-ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD addrws to call on business hoivea Steady employment for good men. Apply NATIONAL CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade liuilding. For Went. nO,ULFtU I'.ENT. l'l I.NI.-lll-'.D, IN A good location, doing a ant-class business: s,i pool and billiard room! price reasonable! rent low; tornlture can bo bought on easy leims: good reasons for telling, Address, M. An Tribuae, r-OR RENT NEW STORE. No. 410 1 Spruce street. Inquire of HiED WAG NEK, , ill Lackawanna avenue. HOB RENT - BUILDING 6LS LACKA- I wii.ua avenue lrom April 1. CHARLES II WELLES, Coal Exchauge. Hol'SK PuR KEN r NEAR l'( ISTOFFICE, containing fourteen rooms aud laundry, all in fine order. Splendid location for rent ing fun.ished rooms. Apply at &3? Linden strict. tf npB RENT THREE ROOMS. FRONT ON I second floor, over N. A. lluibert's music store, 117 Wyoming avenue, from April 1. In quire in the store. yURNIBBBD FRONT ROOM FOB RENT; I pltssantond conveutent; gai ami use of hslb; one or two gentlemen preferred. UltS .hrforscu live. 1 U EEC toil A TERM OF YEARS -1'iirt (,r all of three hundred feul ot vm-d loem along railroad. Apply at k4ti Franklin nv.'nue. rpO RENT -STORE :iijiiiOR FURNISHED 1 ball on Green RidgH fltreet. Very desira ole location and on reasonablo terms. Apply 10 F. K. NETTLETON or U S. WOODRUFK Republican building. : : r Money to Loan. VONKY TO LOAN I4.00U TO Jluno ON .! central city property. D. W. BItoWN, Attorney. (08 Spruce St. For Sale nOK HALE A FARM 55 Elc'n'lTV ACRr.s,' V one aiul one half lulled from Dalton on the Dataware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. First clasi farm hOUSO with a never falling spring nearby; two barns, good land and good orchard, Will be sold oneap. Terms . as. . Address B. F. VON ST'ORCII or ISAAC ELLIS, eteontore, Daltou, Lackawanna county, I'a. l.'Olt SALE ... ACRE FARM, STOCK l1 and utensils. J. M. SHEFFIELD, UK Monroe avo. I70B SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN 1 ton property A bearing orange grove Increasing In production uml value yearly in thu orange section iu Florida Addroa F. E. NETTLETON, Lake Helen, Florida Special Notlcca. Blank" h ioSs PaS PHlSts? maiu zines, etc , bound or rebound at Tiik Thiuune olhce. Quick work. Reasonable fries. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street aud Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for t3.il). Oood table board. Notice to Taxpayers. N OT1CE TO TAXPAYERS -THE TAX Havers ot the citv of Bnranton P.. mm hereby take notice that the board of appeals appointed by the city councils of bald city to near and duteriiiiiiH appeals from city assess nients for tho year lHllI are holdlug meetings dally at tho pfgoe ot tho city clHrk Iwtwoon the hurs of 0 a. m and 5 p. m. for thupuipusn aforesaid and that appeals will only bo heard ill cases of new assessments for said year, tho authority vested in said board not permitting the revision of assjssmunta for any year but that of 11)1. Thu meetings of tho board will cease March 31, 18114, By order of board of appeals M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Rest Estate. LDK SALE SINGLE HOUSE, WO (JU1NCY V avenue; very desirable location. Aunlv O. F. REYNOLDS, or WILLABD, WABRBN k KNAPP flJli,5MWILL BUY MODERN NEW 8-ROOM VP house, all Improvements; terms eaay; co uer Madison avenua and Delewaru street. An. ply HABBY LKEB (&1.40U WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT O corner Madison avunne and Delaware ctreet. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. A MASS CONVENTION OF WORKING MEN of the United States will be held In fnuveu-tii-n Kail, Washington. D. ('., on April 1!J and HI, to take United action to defeat tho Wilson Tar. IT Bill in tho Rtnste. Delegates of work ing men should bn seloote 1 at once, and mein nres taken to send as many as possible to tills demonstration In Washington. 'or further information address JOHN STEWART, su Memphis St.. pii udelphta, Pa, A Millton Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, nnd not less than one million people have found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Dlfcovery for Consumption, Coughs and ('olds, If yon have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will conviuce you that it has wonderful curatlvo powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is ulaimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles fro at Mathews Bros', drug store. I.srjjo bottDs 5oc. aud SI. UU, Connolly & Wallace We have decided that now is an appropriate time for another Great Sale of Cotton Goods Special endeavors will be made in our Domestic Department to make this sale a memorable one and a money-saving one for our friends. The special prices will hold good for ONE WEEK ONLY. F 36-in. Brown Muslins Atlantic P g0 Atlantic A flc Atgyle '',', fU Amory 7C 36-in. Bleached Muslins Lonsdale !!!.'.'!!!!, 7c Fruit of Loom . . . 71 Pride of West '. '. '. 1 ic Sheetings Sheeting3 Atlantio Brown, 8-4 18c Atlantio Brown, 9-4 20o Atlantic Brown, 10-4. . . . " 22o CONNOLLY & BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'llVKU i.yns AND gPBOBOMg, DK. 8. KOOAB DKAN ha'eremoved'to'eiO Sprucu street, Scranton, lJa. lJut op poelte couri-houno Sijuaie. lVt. A. J. cu.N NELL. Oilli-B 2UI WaHbinutoa J avenue, corner Hpruoa btreot, ovor I rancko u druu Ktoro. KeHidenco, ?! Vine st. Ofllcu hours: iu.HU to V a. in. mid t to uud bjw to 7.1)0 p. m. Sunday, 2 toft p. m. DB, W. E. ALLEN, Ouico oor. Lacka wanna and Washington aves. : over Leon ard shoe ston-: olhce hours. 11) to 12 a. ra. and J to 4 p. in.; cveuins at leuldeuce, 512 N. W aslUiiKton kvi: Dli. L'. L. KKEV, I'ractl limit ud to 1)1 1. eases of tile Eya, Ear, Nosu and Throat; offlci', LM WyomiuK ave. Hesidenoe, W Vina street DL LM. UAi'ES. Hu Washiniiton Avenua. Oillco hours, 8 tot) a.m., l.au to ii and .' to8 p.m. jOH.N L. WfcNTZ, M. I).. Uttlcus ta m.d 41 t ommonwealth buiMinit: residence 711 .uailisonave; otttco hours. 10 to VI. 2 to 1, 7 to b; bimdayB 2.80 to 4. pveulnits at rcsldonco. A "poc.alty made of diseases o tho eye, ear, aoal and throat and uynocoloKv. VKILIUNAKY SURGEONS. Ii' BTURGE, Veterinary Surceon, Den J. tistry a specialty; itold medalist of On tario eterinary C'.jIIcvo. t.-:h ... Summer's livery, USB Dii It., near Keller's car riaifj shop. Telephone No. 418. LAWYERS. I M 11 BANCK'4 Law and t'olluction of J . nee. No. 317 Spruce St., opposite Forest House. Bcranton, I'a,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond cuts in every county. JhhSUi'b & uA.hu, Attorneys and Counse lors at Law, Commonwealth building Washiuuton avu. W. H. JBSSUP, HOHAci E Hand. v.H. Jaaspp, Jr. UrlLLAKD, WARREN i KNAPP, Attor " noys and Counselors at Law. Xepubllcaa buiMm. Washinifton ave.. Scranton, l'iu jjATTEHSO."& WILCOX." Attorneys an I I Counsellors at Law; ouTces li and ti Library building, bcranton, Pa. KosWKtt. H. PATTlR.soa. William a. WILCOX, LFRKO HAND, WILLIAM. I. 11 AND. At-' j torueys and Counsellors, CommonweuLb building. Rooms l. Wand 21 H K.NKY M. seel V Law ottces In Price building. 12b Washington avenue. 17 RANK T. OKi- LL. Attorney at Law. K b. Coal Baehansia. Heron ton, Pa. Will MILTON W. LOWKV ('. H VON 8TORCH. i Att'ys, 227 Washing I ton av.. 0, H siinaio .1 AMES W. OAKKoKD, Attorney at Law. rnouiB N). M ami ftV Ciminionwealth bT'ir s AML'KL W. EDUaU, Attorney at Law. office. DI7 Sin ucMst.. tfcranton, Pa. L P A. WATTIES, Attorney at Law, Lackawanna ana., Scrnnton. Pa. 1JJ P. smith. Counsellor at Law. Otnee, rooms .M, ol, U Coimuoiiwealth builoiiiL' I ' K PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com I . mnn wealth bnllalna, Bnrauton, rtt, C. COM I.I I VS. ;ci Slil UTOst. I) B. KEPLOOLE. Attornov-Loans Bm tinted m real estate security. 40s Spruce. E K1LLAM, Attorney at Law. 12U Wy oming avenue, Scranton. HAVEYOUIl DEEDS AND MOKTOAUKS written aud aoknowledcud by J V. BROWNINU. Attorney and Notary Public, a) Commonwealth buildiii. SCHOOLS. CCHOOL OK THE LACKAWANNA, Scran. Cj ton, Pa , prepares boys and girla for eollex? or business: tlioroughly trains vouug childma Catalosue ut reuuest. Ret. Thomab M. Canx. WattiH ii Btrkbti, AJIS. WOKCESTEH'S KINDEKGAJtTEN ivl aud School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil? received at all times. Next term will open April M, ' 7 UKNT10TK C C. LAUBACH, burgeoa iJeutlst, No, 11J . Wyoming ave. H M. STHATTON. oilier Cool Exchanire LOANS. 'PHE REPUBLIC Bavlnfs and Loan Asso- X olation will loan you money on eusier terms aud pay you better on lnrestment than any other association. Call on 8. N. CALLEN DER, tlline Bank buildlug. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. FpHE W ESTMINBTER UM19 Wyomliia 1 uve. Rooms heated with steam; all mocf ern Improvoments C. M. Tm m n Prop. ZIEULEK'S HOTEL. LackaAvama ave nue, Scrauton. Rates reasonable. P. ZlEQLKlt, Proprietor. ' ESTMlNsTEK HOTEL ' W. O. SCHENCK. Manager, bixteenth street! one block east of llroadvrny, at Union Uquaru, New YorK. American plan, JSTX) per day and upward COYNE HOUSE. European plan; good J rooina Open day aud nlghu Bar sup plied wltb the Vx-st P IE COYNE. Proprjetor OCR ANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pa O teuger depot- Conducted on the European plan. VlOTOB KOCH, Proprietor. GRAND CENTRAL. The largoat and twsc" equipped botol in Alleotowu, Pit.; rutei tl and J'.'.oO per day. Victor D. Rarnkr, Proprietor. ARC'HITKt TS. 1) AVIS A HOUPT, Architects Rooms II, if) and 2(1 Cominonwealtu b Ir'u. Scranton. L. WALTER, Architect, Library bulid Jt Ing. Wyoming avenue, Boranton. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prico bullding.136 Washington Ave., Scranton. HOHTON lumber. I). H WARTS WHOLESALE b and V Dime liauk building. Horanton, Pa MEGAROEE UROTI1ERH, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, p.iier bags, twiae. Warehouse, 1J0 Washlngtou ave., Scrautou, Pa. "fOOTE'S LIVERY, iW Cnpouse avenue' V First class carriages IU, KOOTE, Agt. 1'unei Bl Director and Euibalnu r. I HANK 1'. liHOWN .fc CO. WHOLE 1 salo dealers in Woodware, Cordage aud Oil Cloth, ;:!) W. Lackawnmi ft Venn BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUH1U FOR halls plonios, partieB, roceptions. wed dings aud ebnesil work furnished. For terms ddress R. J. Bauer, conductor. 1 IT Wyoming ve., over Hnlliert's music store. IZRA FINN & ttONS,'"buiiders aud contrie " tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adarus ave. ; corner Ash st. aud Peun ave., ScranVju. Lockwood Bleached, 8-4 17c Lockwood Bleaohed, 9-4 J9e Lockwood Bleached. 10-4,.,!! 21c Utica Bleached, 8-4 ..!!!!!! .We Utica Bleached, 9-1. ..!..!!! J 22o Utica Bleached, lO-i!'.!!!!! .!!!! " 55c Other Liberal Offers Dur ing This Sale. A great special in WHITE GOODS. Thi price is 12 l-2c. A revelation in value; were sold for25o. Cream, White iu shirred and lace effects. A good, staple, sensible tbinfr.this is. 10 pieces 06.INCH WIDE Nainsooks, WALLACE 209 SOeLrVV 1 iiroltiire Lphol- "Golly! No wonder Missus don't get up' Ml WE AltE RETAILING The Scranton Bedding Co. SEEDS. GR. CLKCarSeedsmen. Florists A C A D E M Y O F M 1 1 SI C . and Nurserymen: Btoro 14 Washington L WIUOIV., avenue; grena lnuso,l;i4tf North Main aveuuo. THL'KSIiAY, APRILS. store telephone 7.S2. " IZ Pauline Hall OhA.NU L'NION TEA Co.. Junm brus. .,, v, ., . . A"a nor Comic Opera Company iu WIRE SCREENS, OFFENBACH'S CHARMING OPERA TOS. KUETl'EL, 6lS Lackawanna avouas. d Hera,o.P,,ma,iut'rotW, Screens. PRINCESS OF TREBIZONDE I I t I "T" I " Liruct frum th!ir six weks' successful run DU PONT S tafc PRICES-Entire lower lloor, 1: balcony. 73 and iOc. ; gallery, 25a, Seats on sale Tuesilnv HIKING, BLASTING AND SPORTING 8a"' 1 H 4Pe eAff IPk IPD Pi POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopon Mills, Lu ivi ue romity Pa., and at Wil mington, Deluware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, llfl Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa. " hird National Bank Building. ' AGF.NriFs. TIIOS. FORD. Pittst m. Pa. ' JOHN B SMITH & SOX; Plymouth. Ta. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Hupauuo Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. MT. PLEASANT AT ItETAIU Ooal of the best quality for domestic use,and of all sizes, delivered in auy part of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my -ulco. NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by moil or telephone to the mina, will receive prompt attention. Special contract will bo made for the sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. ANTOKEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenu8, 'Contractor nnd builder ot Cnacrata Flagging, 'Coucrote Blocks, Potato, Butter and Coal Bins, Wet Cellars drlod up. Orders may be left at Thompson Sc Pratt, Williams A Co., Main and Eyaon Streets, or at Scrauton Stove Works. Also Foundations, Cisterns. Flab Wire Tunnels and Coulus. Flagging for Uardeo Walks, Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Flret-olass Bar attached Depoc for Berguer A Engel's Tannhtuuser Beer. H, E. Cor. 15tti and Filbert Ms,, Mih Host dcslrnbls for residents of N.E. Penn' tylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Street station and tho Twelfth aud Market Street statiou. De irable for visitiug Sorautonlaus and poo lie In tho Anthracite Kegloa. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. DR. HEBRA'S VIOLAlGREAM Removes Fraoklei, Pimplst. Liver Moles fillekhfiada. Sunburn aud Tan, and re r,toroM the skin to its origi ...taSffls nal ircMincss, piouuuuiK JfS -iLaKliKtVT clour and healthy com-Jflfr. preparations and perfectly harTaless. At sll tirufc'gkiUj.or mailed lorSOcta. Send lor Circular. VIOLA 8KIN 80AP ''""p'r inrootbio " kln eurir.lin Ho, uiio)iilnl ft Um MM. JSi SH I oacd. A Inilin, Price 23 Cniits. G. C. BITTNEB A CO., Toledo. O. For sale by Matthews Bros , Morgan Bros.and Morgan 4 Co. A Handsome Complexion In one of the greatoatjcharuis a wouun con pOSSCSa POISOHI'S CoMl-UIXloN PlTWOSS gives It. Plaids and Stripes, for anrons and chil dren's dresses. " You save 10c. on every yard you buy-1 5c. A large line of PRINTED PICjUES. The correct thing for ladies' vests aud children's kilt skirts.etc. I 8c.per yard. W have a large line of MANILLA CREPES, in all the leading shades uud tinta I lo. ie our price elsewhere you will payl2'Jc. At this time, when yon are cleaning home and fixing over a little, you may want something new in the Drupery line. See our assortment of Pongees and Silkelines at 12 l-ic, per yard. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Feathers Feathers Feathers Newly Renovated No Moths, , . No Worms, No Fsatber Lice in ours. And our prices are the lowest. 10 o'clock in, do mornin'!" Vted Hon" AT FACTORY PBICEI. Week commencing MONDAY. APItlL 3. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, A Dramatization of Washington Irviug's Legendary Story, RIP VAN WINKLE THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Feuulmore Cooper's Woodland Romance, NICK-OF-THE-WOODS ADMISSION, 10.30 and 30 CENTS, rerrormaaess every afternoon, except Mon ,iays ud Tim r lays, at 30, aud every oven inn St Lift Doors open at l.JU aud 7.W P M MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Ctt Manulactiirer and Doalert t Burning All AaoJ i iso Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICE:-7i:i West Lackawanna Av W'OKKS:-Moridlaa StrMl 9 - DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for everything In tho line of WATCH K. If you have anv Idea of purchasing any klud of a Watch, lady's or gent's. Gold or silver, you will make a griev ous mistake it you do not give us a call and get our prices, which you Will Hnd far below all others, especially in all the high grades of Elgin. Waltbum and Hampden movements. If you have any doubts and are at all posted on prlcei give us a call and we will have no trouble iu convincing you. Wo still have a large stock to dispo-o of, and will offer you won derful inducements m Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks aud all other goods which wo Lave in stock. C. W. Freeman Ptnn Ave. nnd Spruca St. I BLOOD POISOII ?vtrS J ,ss,,iille-vi I ,x!y, ui,.l.Tjuirintj, bcll by (jOll .'' Jl . I . . ,.. ml n.nu. bonk inu.tr.iea m. mrt M.rrarjflil, Our Maslo Remedy "IU I innltlnl; cur.. COOK nSSSDV CO, (Vru, ni. I Iibhm i..nl.rurMl.rrM hi- 11,. Wh.n Hct SDrlna Aft'' - 1