The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 04, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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ft foe to Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Punch Cigars
B. 8c Co..
fmnrlrdnr! en Each C'qar
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's,
( HI l.l inn -k. DUt'AKK.
OFFICE M0tt:"U&W-ai
Dr. D. ( . Aiti'v, oL iNew Alliford. was m
the city yesterday.
E. H. Estabrook, of Carbondale, was in
this city yesterday.
C. A. Grenlicu, of East Ureeaville, was
yesterday in this city.
W. S. Tompkine, of I'ittstou, was yester
day a Scranton visitor.
B. G. Cooper and (ieor;;e W. Hurlbert,
of Pittstou, were ye-terday iu Scruuton.
Miss Kathryne Hart, of New Vork city.
Is visiting at the residence of Dr. Burnett.
A. A. Densmore. u former Serautouian
and now at Philadelphia, is at the Wyo
ming. A. B. Howe.secretary of the Security
Mutual Insurance society, of Biughauiton,
is in the city,
Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Whvte are living at
the Westminster, where they will reside
this summer.
Mrs. V. W. Watson, her mother, Mrs.
Leisenring, uud sister, Mrs. Neul, are at
Atlantic City.
S. Spencer Chapman, Philadelphia;! S.
W. Moore, Harford. Pa ; John C. Miller,
Easton, are at tin Westminster.
D. C, Graham, u well known boniface
and proprietor of Wall's hotel, Tunkhau
nock, was in fcrantou yesterday.
R. V. Borhek, Bethlehem; C. E. Norris,
HiilTaln. I ;,. ,r,... V A ! ,. ami YV ii
Slack, Buffalo, are at the Wyoming.
A. H. Boos. Allentowu; A. A. Bruch,
Bangor; W. H. Vnnderhercheu, Bloom
burg; F. A. Lighthiser, Honesdale; S. E.
Lent, Allentown, are at the Valley House.
Miss Annie Walsh, of Cusick avenue,
has accepted a, position in Cfcrisiuias'
shoe store.
Councilman P. H. Golden, has renttd
bis premises near the Bristol House to
J. L Clarke, cigar manufacturer.
Rev. M. D. Kinter, of the Christian
church, has removed bis residence to
Mr. Silknian's building.
The new Puritan church on West
Market etrest, will be dedicated next
Sunday. It is a neat, imposing build
ing. A Polish woman went among the
business people of West Market street
yesterday with two gold rincs, which
She offersd for sale. She told a tale of
woe of how her husband abused and
ill treated her. She was trying to raise
money to fly from domestic oppression.
She offered the rings for but could
find nobody to buy.
Alexander Simpson, of East Market
street, will be a candidate for the nom
ination of country treasurer at the next
Republican convention. Mr. Simpson
is making an active canvas for dele
gates. Hi has served an active term
as city treasurer with ability, having
asieateci r. J. Kuane for that office.
n ..T. ,i a . ... . . .
ine -ino uancinz clans win bold a
social at Company H armory tonight
A good time is expected
Ex Sheriff Criprien purchased a valu
able colt in New York last week. The)
sheriff expects great work from the
latest addition to his stables.
Third and TRUI m the verdict of people
wno iaKe nooa s narsiiparnia. 1 ue good
effects of each medicine are soon felt in
nerve strength restored, uppotito created
and health given.
Hood's Pills do not weaken, but aid
digestion and tono the stomach. Try
Solid Vestibul Traine.
On Sunday, April 1, the Lehigh Valley
nuuroau company inaugurated solid vest
bule train service between New York,
Philadelphia aud Chicago over its line, in
connection with the Grand Trunk and Chi
cago and Grand Trunk railways, on trains
No. 8 and No. 8, leaving Wilkes Burre,
WARthonml. 1 I OX n in Piftc .,. 11 iu n
m.. daily; urriviug In Chicago next day at
9.10 p. in., aud leaving Chicago at 3.10 p.
m., arriving at Pittston next day at 4.15
p. m., Wilkes-Barre, 4.30 p, m., and New
York at 9 S8 p. m.. Philadelphia at 8 54
p. m., running via Niagara Falls uud the
famous St. Clair tunuel.
The equipment of thoio trains contains
all tho latest appliances for the comfort
and convenience, the cars being heated by
steam and lightod by the Pintscn gas sys
tem throughout. Dining cars are attached
at convenient interval-, conducted on the
European plan, thus enabling passengers
to get what they want and pny only for
what they eat. The cuisine and service
are unsurpossod.
Only nnthracito coal will be used on the
locomotives, insuring the passengers
against the annoyance of smoke and dust,
.l,iia, , 1 . . , 1 . I .
,uu. imiud kj .uq unveier, wueiuer ou
business or pleasure, one of the most inter
acting and comfortable trips between the
cities named.
Passengers from Scranton can reach
these trains via Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western to Lackawanna aud Blooms
burg Junction, or Delaware and Hudson
Canal company to Wilkes-Uarre. Full
particulars Dy addressing Lehigh Valley
liailroad office, 3UU Lackawanna avenue,
Bcranton, Piu e
Chicken Thieves Are Operatlug on an ExteD-
sive Scale.
He Pursued Them with a Revolver but
Was Unable to Make a Capture.
Disgraceful Brawl on Washburn
Street Marriage at St. Patrick's
Church Mrs. John H. Robert's
Party Personals and Jottings.
The Weit Sido office of the Sc-Ranton
1'kIBUNI is located at 1040 .lackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements aud
communications will receive prompt at
tention. Chicken thieves have been visiting
the hen coops on this side qnito f re
quently of late. Their hoars are gen
erally so late that ewry effort to catch
them has failed. The chickeu yard of
Speciul Officer Patriok Feeney was vis
ited by thieves about 12 ol) o'clock yes
terday morning. Mrs. Feeney had
111st returned from the home of her
daughter next door, when on looking
out the back window, she discovered a
man in the back yard. She acquaint
ed her husband of what she had seen
and he grasped his revolver and gave
chase to the intruders. Mr. Feeney
fired two shots, none of which took
effect. When he visited the chicken
coop, six of his fowls lay there dead,
and near them were two Strang
birds An eft' irt was mado to capture
tho men. but to no avail. The owuer
of the two other hens has not been
Wedding at St. Fatrick'e Church.
A very pretty wedding took plaee
yesteruuv morning in St. Patrick's
church on Jackson street. The princi
pals in the ceremony, which took place
promptly at C oH) u clock, were Michael
McCarthy and Miss Mary A. Kelly,
both well known young people of the
West Side. The bridesmaid was Miss
Alice McCarthy, mil the groom was
attended by Thomas J. Kelly. The
bride wore a beautiful dress of umionce
broad elotn witli changeable silk, and a
very pretty hat. The bridesmaid also
presented a charming appearauce ; her
dress was of brown nud lose broadcloth
and her hat of brown aud rose straw.
After the ceremony they were driven
t the borne of the bride on Washburn
street, where a wedding breakfast was
served, after which Mr and Mrs. Mc
Carthy was driven to the Central Rail
road of New Jersey depot ; thev took
the 8. 10 train to spend their honey
moon at various places. On tlier re
turn they will go housekeeping.
A Druaksn Brawl.
A disgraceful scene was enacted on
Washburn street, at the corner of Gar
field aveuue, at a late hour 011 Monday
night, the participants of which were
ibout fifteen men who had been im
bibing rather freely at theopsning of a
hotel, the hotel was tilled with men
md a discussion took place, which.
tided by the drunk, resulted in blows.
Others pitched In und they adjourned
to the road, where a free tight took
place. Manv are now nursing bruised
Heads, black eyes and other indications
of the brawl.
The News Condensed.
The employes of the Oxford, Dodge
and Bellevue mines will receive their
nay today.
Mrs. John K. uavies, of Forest City
is vmiting friends ou tins side
John McNicholas, of Seventeenth
street, and Miss Bridget B.irry, of the
Central, will be united in marriage at
St. Patrick's church this afternoon at 3
Miss Mamie Morgan, of Jackson
street, left yesterday afternoon for the
Bloomsburg State Normal school
where she will take a preparatory
course for teaching.
Miss Lizzie Parry, of North Hyde
Park avenue, has returned from Phila'
Mrs. Joan H. Koberts, of lcker s
court, tendered her friends a coffee and
cuke party on Monday evening. The
Dickson Banii, Mandolin and Guitar
ciub, played several choice selections
Many guests were present.
John Griffiths and Miss Lizzie
Young, both of this oitv, were married
on Monday by Rev. D. P, Jones, at the
pastoral residence ou South Hydo Park
avenue. Air. and Mrs. Gnttiths wil
reside at Plains.
The Christian Endeavor t-ociety of
tbe Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church will givea choiceentertuinuiint
tomorrow evening in the lecture room
Ttie services of the Rose sisters, the
town vocalists, have been procured.
Miss Maggie Smith, of Providenoe. will
participate, ns will Oscar Payne, of this
side, and mauy others. W. Moses
is the orator of the evening.
The funeral of James Armstrong,
who died at ('he home of his brother,
John Armstrong, of tenth street, on
Monday, will take place this afternoon.
Interment in the Hyde Park Catholic
Mrs. Henry Clymor and Mrs. James
Edwards, of Pittsburg, have returned
home after vising friends on this side.
John Mackwith, of Stronlsbnrg, vis
ited friends on this side yesterday.
Luther Price, n former boarder at
Fairchild's hotel, has accepted a posi
tion with Olidden & Joy, tbe varnish
makers of Cleveland, O.
Miss Minnie Edwards, of Wayne
county, has relumed nome after visit
ing friends on this side.
Miss Bertha Bold, of Waverly, is vis
King friends on the West Side,
-.1 ! 1
rars. rninips, or I'utnam street, is
recovering from a severe attack of ill
u Li. ueers, ot rorth Main avenue,
has made improvements in his hall for
Miss Jessie Nanmnn, of North Sum
ner avenue, is the guest of friends in
sissssaisiBn,iu ,
FOLK of thenn COUPONS, prr
tnntrd at VrtbttlM Oflio, cor
ner Peitn Hvonun nitd Spruue utreot,
ii t i Hi -h t he holfler to alt tho prlv-
Ii unparaiK'jnti uiirs
fur it Ut i it it 1 1 ii- poMilnr books
;inion:; om rondo. '1 lie otTom mado
by Tho Tribune inannifentent are
at follong:
15 CKNTS and Four Coupons for
any volume In the Coluuihun So-
rlea. Over 100 title to select from.
92. 7o and Four C.'ouporii for n 10
volume set of Dickons' ComuJte .
g 20CKNT.Sand Four Coupons for g
Lnny book In the Kujgby Series.
25 CENTS and Four Coupons for S
any book In the Oxford Serins.
They Did Thlr Aot in th? Winau to the
Disappointment of Audience.
"The Night Owls Beauty Show" was
seen at the Academy of Music last nlgbt
by a good sized audience. TLe evening
entertainment opened with a skit en
titled, "Society Crushed," whioh was
followed by some clever speclnties
Delmnre nud Wilson, a good sketch
team, who have been seen in this city
nefore, amused the audience with their
antics, and the juggglingof "The Only
Sparrow, assisted by Mile. Hal mer, was
properly awarded by enthusiastso ap
plause. Professor Muccat's eanine hip
podrome aud boxiug dogs were an
amusing aud interesting feature.
the performance closed with a bur
lesque called "Liberty's Reception to
Uncle Sam," in which the Plaisauce
dancers were supposed to appear.
Whea the time came for the Plaisauce
people to dance, a tall, shapely maid 11,
who represented one of the commis
sioners of the World's fair, mid to the
other cnaructers of the burlesque:
I have brought tho famous flai-
sance Dancsra with me. Come, wo will
see them ;" nud the entire company dis
appeared in the wings. For ten min
utes the audience watehed the amies
of a man who was burglarizing a house
with an ax and then the company re
appeared expressing .much satisfaction
at the performance of tho "Plaisanco
Dancers. "
This evening the "Night Owls'' will
be seen again at the Academy.
The young ladies cleared ifcoi as the
proceods from their operetta on Friday
night. The total amount will be die
tribute I among the poor of the town.
Ouarterly meeting was held at tho
Methodist Episcopal church Sunday.
The services were conducted by the pre
siding elder, Itev. Mr. Thorpe,
Mrs. Catherine Dr pp died at her
home on Drinker street yesterday. The
funeral will occur Thursday afternoon
at 'i o'clock. The deceased was OS vears
of uge aud leaves two sons and one
daughter to mourn her loss.
J. E. Dainty is reported as being
somewhat better.
Wesley Pinnell has removed to the
Dilley residence on Drinker street.
William Miller is ill at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. E. H. Krause.
Misses Lillio Logan and Agnes Hag
gerty, of Hyde rark, was the guests of
Miss Maggie Murphy on Sunday.
The Baptist congregation will hold a
social at the homo of inoodore Wobber
this evening.
Miss Minnie Engle is ill at her home
on Smith street.
Miss Lydia Farraris visiting at Phil
Miss Stella Williams, of Carbor.dale
has been spending a few duys at this
Long Standing Claim with the State Ia
County Treasurer Powell yssterday
trnnsmi tted to Attorney Genera) Hen
sel checks to the amount of $14,500 :;:
in settlement of a judgment obtained
by tbe state some titno ago in a suit
against this county.
lhe suit was tho result of a distnbu
tion of state taxes illegally collected
prior to the division of the county
J. tie money had to be refunded utter
tbe division of the county, and in the
refunding Lackawauua was given its
proportionate share of tbe taxes col
lected when the whole territory was
The supreme court decided that the
entire amount should have been paid
to Luzerne, aud Lackawanna is now
refunding the amouut received.
Court Q lashes tho Appeal of H. S. Frank
of Carb.indale.
Judge Archbald iu an opinion handed
down yesterday quashed the appeal of
H. b. trunk from the action of the city
counoil of Carbondale in passing an
ordinance for the imnrovomuut of
Seventh street.
Mr. Frank owns property on that
street and alleged that tne oidinance
authorizing tho improvements was not
legally passed.
Came to Ineprct Imprcvomenta of the
Mayor W. K. Stunsbnry and Alder
men Henry ljunell, Ira Dorrance, (,
E. Mont, and A E Ludington, all of
Middletowu. N. Y., were yesterday the
official guests of Mayor Connell, and
other city oflicers.
The visitors were here to inspect our
pavements, and possibly apply some of
our paving principles on the streets of
their city.
Miss Aliee Evans, of School No. 14. is on
the sick list and unable , to teach. She is
being substituted for by Miss Margaret
The regular monthly meeting of school
principals was held in the hoard of control
rooms .Monday afternoou. Arbor Day nnd
other educational topics were discussed.
Humor has it that one of tho must nopu
larof the lady teachers iR about to aban
don tho profession for the pleasure of pre
siding over a uouseliola ot uer own. Tno
weddiug is down for the last of tho mouth
All the children who have never at
tended school and whoso parents wish
them to enter the primary department be
fore the close of the nreseut term, mutt do
so tins week; otherwise it will bo too late
According to returns made to the board
of health there are in all our schools 8, 100
pupils who wore vaccinated prior to 1B I3
IU were vaccinated during tho past year;
nnd 7,038 were never vaccinated. This
Eivcs a total enrollment of in. '!-
The annexation of Bellevue will necessi
tate the erection by the board of control
of unother school building to take the place
ot the one burned a tew months ago. The
new structure may not be erected on the
old site, as the best possible location fqr
the children in that section will be se
The amount received yesterday by
Lounty Treasurer 1'owuii irom liquor Ii
censos was $2,U7j
Sheriff Fahoy yesterdny rendered his
billto the county commissioners lor feed
ing the prisoners at the county jail during
March, ft amounted to $775.25.
The marriage licenses granted by Clerk
of tho Courts Thomas yesterday were to
Henry Cronk, of Luuinore, and Catherine
Stanton, of Taylor; Koodrlck Koberts, of
Scranton, nud Joanna Davies, of Nanti
coke; John McNichols nud Bridget Barry,
of Scranton.
Judgo McPhorson, of ffarrlsburg, who is
presidiug in court room No. '3, is a very
dignified lookiug personage on tho bench.
He is a good lawyer nnd an oxcellent judge
and hns favorably impressed tbe lawyers
of the Lackawanna bar by his inauuer of
trying cases.
New Bloycle.
A new bicycle worth 7o will be sold for
186. The machine is guaranteed and ia a
rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the
Tribune office.
Board of Trade Meets and Considers Hones-
dale Iron Works Question.
The Officers Elected Committee Ap
pointed to Have tho Iron Works
Brought to This City Personal
Mention Park Commissioners Pre
pared to Give Employment to Idle
Men Other Items of News.
The board of trade held its regular
meeting last night, and it was decided
that the Honesdale Iron works would
come to this side. Mr. Moore reported
that the committoe visited the plant of
the Honesdalo Iron works and found
the works earning money. The recom
mendation of the committee was that
the hoard of trade appoint u committee
of its members to bring the indus
try to Scranton, with tho exoressed un
derstanding that tbe location be on the
South Side. Under no circntnstanciis
would any co operation bo given,
unless the site would be ou the
South Side Some wete in favor of
(ringing the plant to S-tranton, whether
or not it would come to the South Side,
but thr? sense of the members was that
unless it wonld come here uo holp
would bo accorded to it. A committoe
to forward tbe object of tbe meeting
consisting of Stephen S. Spruks, Mich
ael Miller aud Michael P. Judge was
appointed by the chair. John T. Brown
whb proposed for membership. A bal
lot was taken ou the oflicers resulting
in the election of Jonn Scheuer. ir,
president; Christian Storr, vise-presi
dent; Michael Miller, treasurer, and
M. J. O loole, secretary.
Professor M. J. Donahoe ie recovered
from his recent serious illness.
.lames Patterson, or tireenwood, is
confined to his homo with serious ill
The (3-year-old son of T. H. Spruks,
of Prospect avenue, is so fur recovered
to be able to attend school.
U a. bchouer, or Cedar avenue, is
convalescing from an attack of in flu
Mrs. Griffith T. Davis, of Greenwood,
is able to be around from a recent in
Shorter Paragraphs.
Mrs. John Kane called at the resi
dence of the South Side correspondent
of The TrIBUNB and stated that her
husband would be reluased from jail in
a day or two.
H. W. Laubasher, of Pittston ave
nue, will assnme the control of the
hotel of Gns Schimpif, of Cedar avenue,
next week.
The park commissioners of Connell
park are ready to employ men out of
work at present. The park commis
sioners are ready to embark in supply
ing men to work in tbe park,
Given at lh Y. M. C A. Hall by Victor
Herbtrt Last Night.
The Victor Herbert concert at the
Yonug Men's Christian asaociation hall
last evening deserved a much larger
audience, but those that were present
represented the musical culture of the
city. The first number on tbe pro
gramme was a concerto by Gotterman,
and but very few bars had been
played whea all knew that Mr.
Herbert was a mueterband ou the
cello. He was enthusiastically ap
i lauded, but did not respond to tbe
lemand for an encore. His own com
position, "Berceuse, was a most beau
ttial number and warmly received. In
response to the applause after this
number, ho played a most entrancing
aria. Mr. Herbert closed the concert
with ' Traumerer'' by Schumsnu. and
Tarantella" by Cossmau, and those
who missed this opportunity of hearing
himllost tt rare treat.
The siuging of Miss Jean Slee was
highly oujoyed. She possesses a voice
of great power and sings with good ef
fect. Her first solo was The King of
Thule," aud in response to an encore
sung the familiar, but ever popular
s 'tig, Unuuv. In her rendition of
"Beauty a Lyes she was accompanied
at tbe 'cello by Mr. herbert. Miss
Elbeth Winton displayed decided abil
ity with the violin and she made a
most charming uppjarauce on the plat
form. Under her delicate tou'ih the
strings respended to tbe strokes of the
bow in beautiful melodies and bewitch
ing variations. Mrs B, T. Jnyne
sang "The Tempest" by Dudley Buck,
and the "Magic Song" by Vogrn-k. On
the latter she was most delightfully
accompanied on the violin by Miss
Winton. Miss Slee and Mits Winton
were presented during the evening
with bouquets of flowers. Professor
Kopff and Miss Clara Reynolds were
the accompanists aud did excellent
The concert was given under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of
tho Asbury Methodist Episcopal church
of Green Kid. e
Scrnnton'a Buslnees Interests.
Tiik TiuliL'NK will soon publixb a care
fully compiled and clnnsiliud list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing nud professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
iu book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, businetM blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens, No
similar work hns ever given an equsl rep
resentation of Scranton's many indus
tries. It will be an invalnablo exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new corners aud be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to 1 ho"o concerned as well as the city
atlarge. Representatives of The Tribunic
will call upon those whose names
are dksiueo in this edition and explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
in tbis edition will please I nve notico ut
the offlee.
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
Pupils Now in Attandanoe from Scran
ton and Ita Vicinity.
The fortv-fourth annual catalogue of
Bueknell university has beeu received.
This venerable institution is revealed
in a most flourishing condition. In
every department improvements have
characterized tbe last year's work and
the future is radiant. The total at
tendance, in all departments, is 353.
in the college roster we note the
names of James R. Hughes, '94, Diniel
W. Phillips. '97 aud Palmer L. Will
iams, '97, all of Scrnuton; and Harvey
ii. MaBh, of La Plume, who is pursuing
select studies. Iu the institute roster
appear the names of Mabet C. Cal len
der aud Alice J. Lillibridge. of Olv-
phant, and Vida S. Davenport, of Puts-
ton, pupils iu the senior vear: iMinly
L. Williams, of Peckville, in the fourth
year and Sarah Lillibridge, of Oly-
phunt, in the third year. Nellie Tay lor,
of Factoryvillo, is enroll. d among
learners on the 1 cello and Willard M .
Bunnell, of Montrose, among learners
on the cornet.
Colored Heavy Weight Champion to
Meet an Unknown.
The boxing tournament to tske place
in Mears' bull tomorrow eveniug under
the management of the Olympic Ath
letic club promises to be an interesting
sporting event.
George Robinson, the heavy colore!
weight champion of the northwest,
who is to meet an unknown from Buf
falo, has been undergoing severe train
ing. He takes a ten-mile run every
morning at 4 o'clock, skips tbe rope
1,000 without stopping, and puts him
self through other Inecessary exercise.
He is in fine condition, having rodnced
his weight to 190 pounds. His oppo
nent, the unknown, has arrived iu this
city from Buffalo, where he also trained
hard. The unknown will enter the
ring at 185 pounds and is said to be a
very clover man and the bout between
the two will doubtless be lively one.
There will also be a number of bouts
during the evening between local box
Cbiporaticn Election.
The aunual election of oflicers and three
directors of the Commonwealth BnlldinB
and 1. nil a so i nt inn will take place ut the
omce ot tno association, 421 Lackawanna
avenue, Monday evening, April 10, Is'M
The polls will open at 7 o'clock.
By order of the board of directors.
Beadleston St Woara's and Ballontlne'e
Ales are the best E. J. W alsu, agent,
faMttwann a avenue.
Go where they have
the best selection.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
yon nunt, fish, ride n wheel, or
V lut
tend tnv Do you want fine Pocket
Cutlery, a Razor, or any of tho numer
ous articles sportsmen and sporting
men use.' If so, ou and after APRIL
Will be prepared to furnish some at
reasonable prices at his store,
435 Spruce Street
Remember, everything new; stock
just bought; no old stock to dispose of.
Call and pxuniti9 and you will save
time and money.
Arc ( Pretest (lie Mo.t Popnlar and Preferred tT
LviuhitK Arti.iii.
Warorooms: Opposite Columbus Monument,
205 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa.
An Explanation
Of I lie wonderful popularity of our HOC II
KSTBII BICY4 LE Uirt hard to nnd 'uii
mill - It anil It will rxpluln Itself. Our
other 1 iuv are equally hs pupiilm in (lit ir
Florey & Holt
Martin &
Clothiers and Custom Tailors
Hats and Fine Furnishing Goods.
& Co.
Clonk Makers and Furriers.
Three of Our
Good Things
AT $5.00
The New English Jacket, Full
Sleeve, Large Reveres, Full Buck
New Length.
AT $7.50
Tan, Navy, Segar Brown, Mixed
Brown and Gray.
Jacket. Fit and
A very stylish
shape perfect.
AT $10.00
We will give you a choice of four
st vies of Jackets, Clay, Twill or
Covet Cloth. For dress or street
wear there are none better.
Kill Two Birds.
with One Stone
If you want tOOOmUu comfort with
iiliv.-nneo, look iitscllANK S SPK1XH
STOCK of SHOES. There's tho EM
PllKSS, lor Instance. What's neater
in russet or black? Tho lady that
wears it looks like a hdy. And looking
that wav, (ho chances aro she'll act
like ouo Good Qlothei and good shoes
make good deeds easy und natural.
The Dude Is Dead
Youn men have OSSSed to bo howling
wells Thoy can't afford it these
poor time That's partly why so
many quietly dressed youinr men
about town buy their Spring Footwear
at Schank's. They know he duals only
in the very latest and best. Thoy know
his stock is large, but never loud. And
thoy know his I HICKS AKK DOWN
This Means You
By the way. why not look at Schank
I.I. Kli ANT MEW Sl'ltlNti AM)
BUMMEK DK8IGH8? There's no
chargo for looking. When you buy
you pay. Tho chances are you'll buy.
Arcade Shoe Store.
The Great Marvel of Dental Scieuco
A recent discovery and the sole
property of
Henvood & Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ave.
After having eleven toetll extrneteil nt
one HittluK by tlm painless method, 1 pro
iiounoe it entlroly aHtlsfartorv In fivery
lHtrtlvulur. J. U. M A lll.
Cloak Makers and Furriers,
Court House Square,
T AST YEAB he had saved 1300.
lie bought a house worth $1850
paid tfliui) down, gave a mort
gage for 11,550. Today ho esti
mates as follows:
Rout saved $'.') 0J
Interest on mortgage fW 0;
Taxes and repairs mm m 50
Net saving on rent $131 30
Saved on salary ISlUlO
To apply on mortgage C'JTV) j0
REFLECTION "In FOUR years that
house wilt he free from debt und I shall
have a homo of niy own."
GREEN RIDOE Is the paraillso for
homes. Finn & Nous have recently fin
ished u beautiful villa, which they oil. i
on easy pay lucnts, ut S 1 850.
fail at their olllce. between Washington
nnd Aditnir, on Olive street.
The GENUINE New Haven
"Mathushek" Pianos
New York Warerooms No. SO
Fifth Avenue.
Sole dealers in this section.
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Specialist on the Eye. Hoadachos nnd
Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved
Stylo of Bye Q leases and Spectacles at the
Lowest Prloea Host Artificial liyea Inserted
for to.
PS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Office.