The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 04, 1894, Image 1

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VER, is TO
Waning Trade
Spring s K
Is AID 0
p r
Again Expresses His Intention ol Carrying
Out the State Laws.
'Twas Not What the Governor of
North Carolina siaid to the Gov
ernor of South Carolina, but Was
Nevertheless Interesting Claims
That Sensational Press Reporters
Are Largely Responsible for the
Recent Troubles Is Not Afraid of
Assassins The Militia Dismissed.
Columbia. S. C, April 3.
H T 10 o'clock this morning tun mil
A itia were drawn up in front of
j" tli state capitol and shortly
LTU afterward Governor Till man p
peared and made an address. H ex
plained the coudition of affairs, charg
ing the receut trouble on tho oppo
nents of the administration and the
old whiskey sellers, but chit-fly upon
daily Koadinc of newspapers devoted
to the old oligarchy. He aitid that the
dispensary law wan a good one, that lie
was sworn lo execute everv law on the
statute book and ho proposed to do so.
He did not propose, however, to turn
th- state into an armed camp to en
force the law. Enough humnu life
had beeu sacrificed to the moloch of
drink. He would issue his proclama
tion tomorrow, based on section 01!) of
the general statutes, which gave him
power to absolutely ontrol the munic
ipal police.
Tbe constables would not be put to
the work of searcliiug private resi
dences hereafter. T boy would be made
to watch the police, the railroads and
the express companies. If tbe police
would not do their duty he would dis
place teem aud employ police who
The governor alluded to throats that
had been made against bis life. One
man, whose namo he knew, had come
here for the avowed purpose of shoot
ing him. He had never for a moment
felt the least concern for his personal
safety. He was not to be frightened.
The people had sent hiui to occupy the
executive mansion and a proposed to
do so and stay there even if he had to
come out as a corpse.
This speech vas ieee'.vcd with uveal
enthusiasm by th assembled soldiery.
At the conclusion of th governor's
speech, Hon. Jobn Gary Evans, state
senator from Aiken county, read gen
eral order No. 10, announcing that
there being no longer any need exist
ing for their services, the troops were
dismissed with thanks of their commander-in-chief
for their prompt re
sponse to his call
Charleston, S. C, April 3 The
news that Governor Tillman assumed
control of the municipal police
in every town in the st.ito was
received here tonight. There is
do law in this state which will
authorize the governor to do this,
but there is very little doubt that
he will make the attempt. He tried to
get a law passed at the last session of
the legislnture placing tbe Charleston
police under the state control, but for
some reason the legislature failed to
pass it. The chief of police of this city
it said to bn a warm friend and poli
tical partisan of Tillman.
There is not a word of truth in the
report that a dispensary here has been
blown up by dynamite. This city is
absolutely quiet. There is no disorder,
no crow Is, no constables, nothing but
white winged peace.
Uniontown Strikers Purchase Quantities
of Ammunition.
Uniontown, April 3. Sheriff Wil
helm reports the coke region quiet to
night. Many of the mob wnich en
gaged in today's raids are attending; a
meeting here tonight. The strikers
have served notice of a boycott on the
Connellsville Brewing firm, because
their source of supply of beer has been
cut off since the strike began.
Today the company stores of the
region shut off the supply of goods to
all known as strikers, aud many thou
sands are now on their own resources
for food aud clothing, which they
freely admit is limited. But few
plants uorth of Connellsville are in
operation tonight. Those remaining
in blast are owned by tbe Frick Coke
company. The latter company say
they will furnish all the tunris neces
sary to pay sheriffs to protect their
property and men.
Sheriff Wilhelm says he can furnish
any number needed. If deputies shall
not prove sufficient protection, the
military will be asked. The foreigners
in this city are known to havo pur
cbiised large supplies of ammunition
today, and from this it is taken that
they mean trouble.
At 11 o'clock tonight a large bod v of
n.;V. F ....... U - .1 .. J a
on in- in uuui ,UD HUUtUrtll tIJU Ul bUB
region, passed through Uniontown.
nroute to tbe Oliver plant, where the
company will, tomorrow, attempt
to draw 1,500 tons of coke left
in the ovens when the strike
began. The mob was armed with guns,
clnbs, revolvers, iron bars and all
manner of weapons. That there will
be a battle is certain, if an attempt is
made to draw the burning coke. Six
teen deputies are stationed at Oliver.
Mrs. Mechin Scur.a a Divorce from Her
Husband, Who Marries Again.
St. Louis, April 3 Judge Dillon
yesterday filed a decree of divorce in fa
vor of Mary A. Mechin, separating her
forever from her husband, Wns. v. R.
VI.,.. I,,,, i, ,w1 ,,1 ,.,.- ., ,, I,,,., v ' '.mi ,,n.
mony. Within two hours after
luvvuiui ...... . , . u. u i mv.vw iti-
the granting of the decree Mr,
Mechin and Mrs. Flora J. Backer
ho was divorced from her
husband on Monday last, were mirried
by Kfv. Jobn bnyder, after having se
cured the necessary inarriuge license
from Recorder Robbs. The high con
tracting parties have only been wait
ing for tho legs! separations to be re
corded before getting married, and it
was only the law's del uy which kept
tbeui apart as long an this.
t our months ago Mr. Mecbin and
Mrs. Becker convulsed society here by
disappearing together. They were
tracked to .New York city by Mr.
Becker. The woman again disap
peared, and was next heard of in Syra
cuse, N. Y. , the homo of her parents.
Mechin returned to St. Lous. Mrs.
Decker rejected her husband's offers of
reconciliation, no doubt having in
view yesterday's marriage and divorce.
Naarly All tho-lnftsin Indian Terri
tory Idl 5,000 Famili s Affected.
South McAlester. L T.. April 3
With the exception of the mines oper
ated here and at AldertOU, the great
strike which was to effect all mining
interests throughout th territory on
April 1 is an accomplished fact.
I lie whistles at Ivrebs, McAlester,
Lehigh and Coal (rate blow for work
yesterday morning, but all shafts at
each placo aro idle. About 5,000 fmu-
lies are directly affected. The agitators
threaten to employ drastic moasnras to
compel the miners here to side with
toe in.
The Letters from the Colonel to Miss
Pollard Copied by a
Washington, April 3 Colonel
Breckinri lge and Miss Pollard were
both on the stand today and both gave
testimony relating to the alleged letter
which the plsintiff claims was written
to her in 18tj5. This is the letter al-
eged to begin ''My Dear Sister
Louise," and by which the plain
tiff's counsel seek to impeach
the testimony of the defendant.
Today, after a hard legal fight, the
plaintiff's attorneys succeeded in plac
ing on the stand Mrs. Louise Howell,
who testified that while a typewriter
at tbe capitol in 1880. she had copied a
letter written by Colonel Breckinridge
addressed '"My Danr Sister Louise."
and that she had indorsed numerous
envelopes for him with the name "Miss
Pollard, Bo North Upper street, Lex
ington, Ky. "
Miss Pollard also took the stand and
testified that Colonel Breckinridge fre
quently sent her letters while she was
in Lexington and he in Washington.
Tbey were all typewritten, she snid,
and in them s!ie wns addressed by vari
ous titles, such as "My Doar Spitfire"
and "My Daar Louise." Colonel Breck
inridge denied that Mrs. Lowell had
ever copied for him uuy such letter as
that she described or that she had ad
dressed envelopes for him with the
name Pollard, although he acknowl
edged that Mrs. Lowell had written
letters for him.
Most of tho day was taken up In this
testimony and in arguuiuut. There
was nothing sensational The testi
mony of Colonel Breckinridge at the
aftornoon session dragged at times
Coionel Breckiuridge will again take
tbe stand tomorrow and, according to u
statement made by Judge. Wilson at
adjournment, he will be examined on a
new line.
Serious Trouble, in Oklahoma Over Oraz-
ing I'n vil ,,.-e .
El Reno, Okla., April 8. in a dos-
perate fight between Indians aud white
settlers in tbe Cheyenne country west
of her, twe white men and five Iu
dians were killed Tho trouble origin
ated over the white men grazing eattU
on the Indians laud. One troop of
cavalry and an infantry company de
parted tor the scene Inst night.
The Indians are not usually unruly,
hut they are in a position to cause
much trouble. The country is thiskly
settled, and if they take a notion they
have ample opportunity to destroy life
and property.
Throughout Illinois the Sentiment
Against Free. Trade Pronounced.
Chicago, April 3 - Township elec
tions were hcid throughout Illinois to
day. The contests in all cases were
without political significance, being
made purely on local lines.
Ihe American Protective assooiation
did not figure prominently. Where
party lin-s were drawn at all, theiRe
publicaus show substantial gains.
Pennsylvania Streams Opened for the
Summer Soason.
Wilkes-Baiire, April 3 The Penn
sylvauia Canal company re opened for
the. summer season today with much
activity. Over fifty empty boats ar
rived at Nanticoke during the day.
They will ae loaded at once with coal
by tbe Susquehunna company and for
warded to tidewater.
Chester's fine new public library build
ing was formally opened last evening.
John Himmel hammered a rival lover,
Frank Bush, near Wilkes-Barro, and was
fined f'5.
The etate fishery, near Allentown, has
this season sent out 000,000 trout, and
1,000,000 more will be distributed.
Other children turned the bot-wnter
spigot upou the little son of Pauccmst Mil
ler, Lrbunou, scalding him fatally.
Station Agent James H. Moore, of the
Philadelphia aud Beading railroad, at
Bobesonia, yosterdny shot himself through
tbe lioart.
The ln.igo barn of George llorr In Manor
town-hip, Lancaster, was hurued last
night with last season's crop. Tho loss is
14,000. partly insured.
Reports received by the secretary of the
hoard of agriculture indicate that the
early fruit havo not been seriously Injured
by the recent cold sua).
Mine owners, according to Factory In
spector Wat chem, are violating the semi
monthly day law in mauy places aud the
department is preparing to time action.
A joint meeting of th presidents and
secretaries of nil the state boarasof health,
agriculture, geology, game and Hsb, tor
estry and like association, will he held at
Ilmrisburg ou April 17. The purpose of
the meeting is to ascertain whethor these
several boards cannot be mutually helpful
Pittsburg Wilts Before tbe Commonweal Army
Without a Struggle.
The Legions of tho Sons of Unrest
Cross the City Line at 2.20. P. M.
and Are Greeted with Great Enthu
siasmEscorted by Five Thousand
People, the Soldiers March Tri
umphantly Through the Principal
Thoroughfares "Unknown Smith"
Leads the Hosts.
Pittsburg, Pa., April 3.
frjN EN ERA L CUXEYS Piltabnrg
U lieutenants wne hustling about
n this morning, perfecting nr
cd rangements for this afternoon's
r.-c.-piion of the commonweal soldiers.
Ho:iorsry Marshal Burrows appointed
J. H. S.evenson marshal of the Pitts
burg escort. At noon, without any
demonstration, the local committee
started for Wood's Run, in the lower
part of Allegheny city, whore it was
expected that Coxey's army would ar
rive at o'clock.
From the noon hour throngs of peo
ple began to assemble in the streets in
the lower part of Allegheny. By 2
o'clock the thorougfiires were simply
packed. At that hour Chief Browne,
of the Allegheny public safety depart
ment, aud Chief of Police Murpby in
formed Marshals Burrows and Steven
son that on account of the great throng
and manifest excitement, the army
would not be permitted to enter Alle
gheny City via the Woods Run route.
The chiefs directed that the marshals
and escort go to the new Brighton
pike, over which it had been arranged
lor ihe aimy to enter the city. A
grand rush in the direction of the pike,
several squares distant, followed.
Many of tbe houses and stores in
Lower Allegheny City were elaborately
decorated in honor of the occasion. In
thu escort, which numbers almost 1,000
men, are 100 cyclors on their whoels,
bearing buuuers marked "Coxuy Bri
gade." About 5,000 people met the army half
a mile from the city limits and ac
companied tbe m trcners in. Theurmy
crossed the city line at 2 20 o'clock.
Tbe march from this city point to the
camping grouud on Smoky Island was
continued an follows: Police escort,
buggies containing Allegheny city po
lice and otbr officials, the bicycle
brigad seven pnliue officers, Browne,
Coxey and Coxey s son, the newspaper
correspondents in buggies, the Pitts
burg escort numbering about 800 men,
Unknown Smith, followed by the
commonweal army, numbering about
300 men.
Tho army reached their enclosed
camping ground a few minutes after 3
o'clock aud immediately began the
erection of Ihe cuinp outfit. The
inarch through the Btreets was an al -
most continuous ovation. Public
meetings will be held at Exposition
park this afternoon, on the Monongu
hela whurf at 2 o'clock tomoirow. und
in old city hall tomorrow evening.
Fatally Wound-il Aft.r Killing an Ofllcir
Wlul. i Resitting Arreit.
BiNOHAMTo.N. April 3 Wil! Manning
whs shot and fatally wounded woile re
sisting arrest at his hoarding house
this morning. Last Sunday several
men forced an entrance into the Biug
hamton Wagon works and clubbed and
chloroformed tho two watchmen,
Leaving both of them bound hand and
foot, the band escaped with such prop
erty ss they could carry away. Man
ning was suspeoted of being implicated
in the robbery.
Two policemen, Jones nnd Clnpper,
wore detailed to help make tn arrest.
Manning met them with a revolver in
each band, He shot Clapper in the
side. The officer fell, but immediately
fired at Manning, striking him in the
forehead. Manning Is dying, but Clap
per Is not seriously injured.
Itesculng Pari; at Graylord Reach
Location of the Lat.t Bodies.
Wilkes- Barre, April 4. The rescu
ing partis! at th- Oaylord mine have
almost reached the point tonight where
the men were at work when the disas
trous fall occurred. They expect to
find the other two bodies still under
the debris by tomorrow morning.
A cap wns found today and identified
as belonging to Oeorge Picton, whose
body cannot be far away.
Serious Results of U tarrels Betweon
Catholics and A. P. A'.
Kansa9 City, Mo., April 3 In a
riot between Catholics and American
Protective association members late
this afternoon, Mike Callahan, a well
known politician and Catholio and
supporter of Johnson for mayor, wns
Jerry Pate was fatally and six others
seriously injured.
Cambria Iron Crmpany Does Not Fear
the Threatened Strike.
Johnstown, Pa., April 3 An official
of the Cambria Iron company denies
tho story sent to the outside city papers
that a continuance of the Uonnellsville
coke strike would cause the works to
suspend for want of coke.
The company always keeps a large
reserve supply and will be in no wny
aliected by the strike.
Fatal Outcome of th- Saturday Night
Fracas at W.rncravlUo.
Reading. Pa., April 3. -John Hayes,
colored, who was shot iu a duel at
Weruersvllle on Saturday evening last
by (ieorge Uartmau, white, died this
morning at the Reading bospitai. Hart
maa is in custody.
The duel was tbe result of a fight at
the new insane asylum, where both
men were employe, 1. While they were
disputing they were ordered from the
premises, and reaching tbe road they
stepped off five paces and began firing
at eaeh other. Hayes received a fatal
wound, but Mart man was uninjured.
Promotions, Honorable Discharges and
Othar Important Changes.
Harrisbuhg, April 3 General or
ders were issued from National Ouard
headquarters tonight placing Major
Alexis Dupont Smith, lata surgeon of
the First regimeut, and First Lieu
tenant Charles D. Harris, late of Com
pany A, Second reginisnt, on the roll
of retired officers. Commissions were
issued during tbe two months as fol
lows: First regiment, Major Walter D.
Gre.-n surgeon, vice Alexis Dupont
Smith, resigned j First Lieutenant Pear
son S. Conrad, inspector of riflle prac
tice, vice Thomas D. McGUthery, re
signed; Second Lieutenant Gorge B.
Wright, battalion adjutant. Third reg
iment, Second Lieutenant David Mor
ton Bond, b.tttnliou adjutant, vice Rob
ert A. Caviu to captsin Company A;
Captain Robert A. Csvin, Company A.
vice Harry A. Mitchell, resigned;
Second Lieutenant Simuel A O'Brien,
Company A, vic Jonathan B. Shep
perd, deceased ; Captain William H.
Pierce, Company C, vice Frank A.
Buyer, honorubly discharged; First
Lieutenant Elmer F. B-rkhei'r, Com
pany C, vice William H Pierce, to
Armed Troops Take Possession of
the Streets of Lima and
Banks Close.
Liua, Pern, April 3 Ex-President
Cncaies, one of the cundidatss for the
presidency, has beeu proclaimed dic
tator of Peru.
The dictator is supported by the
army, but congress and tbe people are
hostile to him. Thus Peru is now in
hands of a dictator and two presidents.
The cabinet has placed its resigna
tion In the hands of SenorDcl Solar, the
first vice-president, who, according to
the constitution , succeeded to the
presidency on the death of Senor Ber
mudnz. He, however, declined the
honor und th presidency was offered
to and accepted by the second vice
president, Ssuor Borgeno, who ap
pointed a ministry as already cabled.
Now that ex President Cncares has
assumed the Dictatorship and all throe
have their suppirters, trouble is antic
ipated. The banks are all closed and business
is suspended. The troops supporting
the Dictator are in possession of tbe
city. The streets are patrolled by tbe
Ihe constitutional president, Seuor
Del Solar, is said to be a fugitive.
Excitement at tha Commimoratlon of
Kosciuakc'a Oath of Patriotism.
Cracow, April 3 The conclusion of
the celebrations, which began on March
24. iu commemoration of tbe 100th
tnniversary of the day when Tbaddeus
Kosciusko, tbe last commander-in-chief
of tho Republic of .Poland, took
the formal oath on the Rang
Plats, here, to fight for th freedom of
Poland to his last breath (the eveut
t eing signalized by tho unveiling of a
monument to tbe patriots intinory),
were marked, today, by many notous
Finally, tho military were called
upon to quell the disturbances. Troops
are now patrolling the streets.
Mrs. Msrryman Cc mmits Suicide While
Visiting a Friend in Nashua.
Nashua, N. H., April 3.- Mrs. Marie
Merrymau, of Marion, .Mass., was
found dead In bed in the house of .
friend iu the citv, where she was stop
ping yesterday. Some time during the
night she had shot herself through th
She loft letters to friends nnd rela
tines, saying sickness was the cause of
her taking her life.
Cornell Has No Us for iht Conttmptu
ou Sophomore.
Ithaca, April 3. W L. Taylor, tho
Cornell sophomore in jail for contempt
of court iu relation to the chlonn
poisoning case, has been notified by the
faculty of his suspension from the um
The reasons given by the f.tonlty for
sueh action, it is stated, was that he
was behind in his studies.
Roused to fury by Lewis J. Kntliffe.John
Mnlioney, a Hownnlstown (Ky.l distiller,
beheaded mm wltb a natriiet.
In n family quarrel. Isador Taylor, of
Upper Saudasky, U., probably fatally shot
uis motner-in-iaw, airs, kock, ana neu.
Iu an address to Boston unemployed
Anitator ai. i. wirt railed at uovernor
Oreenhalge and llavard's president, aud
called liod a capltaliat.
MiHvinc from home a woek, ErnBt K. L
Canss.'assistant city librarian of Chicago.
is thought to have committed suicide in a
fit of nervous prostration.
As Evangelist Patterson preachod about
fire aud brimstone in a hall at Leaven
worth, Kan., nro broke out in the hall.
There wns a panic; two women fainted
but were not hurt.
The returns from a Urge portion of the
principal citieH in Nebraska show that tho
fight tills spring is not .on party Hues. Dnt
is connnea largely to tne question of pro
hibitiou and high license.
i ,
The Swiss Natiouairatb rejected a pro
posal to abolish the legation at Washing
Troubled Samoa has been quieted by an
armistice, nnd no foreign wurauip will be
Deeded there.
Brazilian bishops are urged by tho pope
to Bupport the proposed election reforms
in that country.
The only war shiui left to the Brazilian
rebels, the Ropublica aud Aquidaban, are
said to be short of coal aud tueir eugines
are uisaoieu.
be Contesting Democrat
Succeeds iu Ouitlug
a Rei
Mr. Joy, a Republican Congressman,
Is Voted Out of Office by His Unter
rificd Associates Twenty-five Dem
ocrats Refuse to Join in the High
Handed Proceeding Populists Also
Raise Objections The Republican
Minority Does Not Vote Upon the
Question Other Matters of In
terest. Washington. April 3.
THE bill to carry out the award of
the Paris tribunal of arbitration
on tbe seal fisheries question
was Dnssed by the senate today.
The resolution heretofore offered bv
Mr. Peffer, Kansas, instructing the
committee on finance to report a bill
repealing all laws authorizing the issuo
of bonds or other interest bearing
paptr or the government was laid be
fore the senate and Mr. Sherman, Ohio;
moved to refor the resolution to the
committee on finance. After discus
sion the resolution went ovr till to
morrow. Senator Allen. Nebrasks. in
troduced an amendment to tho tariff
bill reducing the duties balow these in
the bill reported and adding a .provision
tor tne tree coinage of silver.
1 he tariff bill was taken np at 2 p.
ID., when the Republican side of the
piestion was printed bv Senator Al
lison, of Iowa. He spoke tor two hours
without notes and then yielded for a
motion to go Into executive session. He
will continue bis speech tomorrow.
The Democratic quorum, long looked
for, appeared in toe house today, and
in two hours it had voted Joy. iRep.)
out of, aud O'Neill (Dem. ), into the
seat from tho Elsventh district of Mis
souri. On the last vote, twenty-fivo
Democrats and three Populists record
ed their convictions that O'Neill had
not been elected.
The vote declaring O'Neill entitled
to the seat was, yeas 155, nays 2s, and
sinid applause on the Democratic side
ami a few hisses on the Republican
side, Mr. 0'Nill appeared ut the bar
of the house and tho outh of office was
administered to him. The Republicans
did not vote and the negative vote was
cast by Messrs. Bryan, Neb. -, Cookrsn.N.
X, ; Uoouibs, N. i. ; Looper.lnd. ; Cooper.
Tex; Cumtnings, N. Y. ; D Armond,
Mo. ; Dunphy, N. Y. ; Everett. Mass. ;
Geary, Cal. ; Griffin. Mich. ; flail, Ho. ;
Harris, Kus. ; Barter, O. ; Hendrix. N.
Y. ; Hutchison, Tex. ; Marshall, Va. ;
Outhwaite, O. ; Pendleton, Tex ; Ryan.
JN. i ., Slblev, Pa.; Sickles. N. Y" and
Straus, N. Y., Democrats, and Hudson,
Kas. ; Kern, Neb, and McKeighau.
Neb., Populists
The English-Hilborn case from the
Third district of California was dis
cussed two hours, and a vote taken on
a resolution by the minority of
the committee on elections that Hilborn
was entitled to his seat. This was
lost, 165 to 83, the Republicans voting
on this proposition. Twelve Demo
crats and four Populists voted with
the Republicans, declaring Hilborn
The Democrats who voted with the
Republicans iu favor of Hilborn were.
Abbott, Tex.; Burtlett, N. Y. ; Breck
inridge, Ark ; Coombs, N. Y. ; Craw
ford, N. C ; Harris, Kn. ; Latimer. S.
C. ; MsLaurin. S. C. ; Ryan, N. Y. ;
Shell, S. C. ; Strait, S. C, aud th
followiug Populiets: Bell, Colo., Boen,
Miun., McKeighan, Neb., aud Pence,
James Kriahbaum Fell Through Into a
Dark Pit.
BHAHOKIN, Pa., April 8. A dismal
accident overtook Jnmes Krighbauni
today. Ho was crossing the Garfield
slope, which had beeu boarded ovor on
acconnt of having been abandoned.
The rotten planks broke, Krighbauni
slipped and clutched frantically at
pieces of timber.
He fell shrieking Into the darkness.
The slope pitches ut 00 degrees and a
rescuing party doss not know whether
ne was crushed to death, or drowned
or whether be is still nlivs. No trace
of tho miner has beeu learned of up to-
Uuiqua Suggestion Advanced by a West
era Medical Man.
St. Louis, April 3. After experi
ments upon animals, Dr llein Marks.
superintendent of tho city hospitnl.
Buys that cholera and typhoid fever
and similar germ diseases can be cured
by surgery.
His method is to reach the germ-infested
intestines by opening tho abdo
men, just above the iliocaecal valve,
and inserting a silver tube, through
which the antiseptic solution is in
Guarnl Oraenland Has Bcslvd Impor
tant Dispatches from Pittsburg;.
HAiiiusuuRU, Pa.. April 3. Adjutant
Ueneral Ureenlund bus a dispntch from
Pittsburg this afternoon stating that
the condition in the cok region is
Strikeis are reported to be inarching
on tne works. INo troops are rtqnested.
A R-v. vine Industry to Be Blocksd
Wag Dii,putp.
Easton, Ph., April 3. -The slaters
in tbe Bangor aud Pen Argyl distri
recently formed a uuiou. The wages
previously bad beeu reduced. This
morning the mn employed in the
Bangor-Excelsior, the Royal, the Columbia-Bangor
and the Ssek-No-Fur-tlier
(marries, all in Bamror struck
! The strike extended to the Albion, the
Fidelity, the United States and other
quarries in Pen Argyl.
The men demand a general advance
in price. They are now paid from 85
onta to $1.20 per square. Upwards ol
1,000 men are already out and it is
thought that there will be a general
cessation of work at all the quariies in
the section until a settlement is effected.
) The slate industry is jnat roviving
after several mouths of stack work and
and the quarries werejrunniug at their
iuiicst capacity.
Thy Inaugurate a Strlk at the Silk
Dy Works.
Patterson. N. J.. Anril 8 The an.
nrchisi element at the Widmau Si lk
Dye works inaugurated another strike
this morning. Fifty of the employej,
howover, are non-union men and re
mained at work. The strike was caused
by tbe retention of the non-nnion men
and the refusal of Mr. Weidman to take
back tbe leaders of the previous strike.
One of them. Charles .Stnrk mail.
dent of the dyers' union, was th chief
agitator. This afternoon the strikers
assaulted the non-nnion men and
stormed the works with stones. Starke,
fOgetber with Herman Fischbaeh mul
John Cnrtis, was arrested, the chargeu
being conspiracy, assault and batten-
and malicious mischief. They were
committed to the county jail.
Municipal Election Accompanied by
Riot and Bloodshed Bullets and
Bludgeons Play an Active Part.
Chicago, April 3. -Rioting and inti
midation of voters began about noon at
the polls in the Lovee district of the
First ward, and Clark street from Van
Buren to Polk streets was soon a howl
ing mass of excited people.
Aunerents of Uatbhouse John
Coughlin, the regular Democratic can
didate for alderman, and "Bill" Skakel.
of gambling dock fame, the independ
ent candidate, came into collision sev
eral times during the morning and tho
craeks of revolver-shots were heard fre
quently. 'Bull Schwartz, Skakel follower.
was beaten by the Ccuihlin men until
he bled from a dozen wounds.aud then
shot down in the street The Dolico
are now looking for the man who shot
The Skakel men claim that Couirhlin
thugs are holding the polls with the
assistance anu inactivity of the police.
John Div, one of the Coughlin men
who attacked Schwartz, was after
ward shot twice in a saloon at 470
Clark street by Lewis Luther, a col
ored man, who declared nimself for
Luther was arrested.
The Mln Drlvora Rtfuse to Acotpt Re
duction in Wares.
Philupsuuug. Pa.. ADril 3 Asnrc -
dieted last night the drivers at their
mass moetiug today voted not to ac
cept the reduction offered them and
this morning, with the exception of one
or two small tuiues all work was sus
pended. The leaders nre in receipt of dis
patches to the effect that throughout
the Cambria county coal fields nearly
all tbe men are out on strike against
the reduction. The miners are anx
iously awaiting the action of the men
in the Dnbois and Reynoldsville dis
tricts, where mass meetings are being
held tonight.
-r. -
Not Permitted to Land on Brazilian Soil
at Pruront.
Lisuon, April 3 Admiral Da Gama,
the Brazilian insurgent leader, will not
be permitted by the Portugese govern
ment to land anywhere exoept in Por
tugese territory.
Such landing will be allowed only
on conditions preventing them from
returning to Brazil for the purpose of
re-engaging in warfare against tho
Bruzilittti government.
The government's lndisn supply ware
house will not be removed from New York
to Chicago.
The naval appropriation bill will carry
(0,500,1100 for armor and armament, 13,000,
000 below the estimate.
Captain E. M. Sliepard, commander of
the war ship Minnesota, will be court
uinrtiuled for criticising his superior offi
cers. Carnegie's Hsrveyized nickel steel for
the barbette of the battle ship Massachn
settes stood a crucial test at Indian Heud
For tho first time since Justice laumr's
death tho supremo court bench wan full
this week. Chief Justice Fuller has nii
sigued the justices to these circuitsi First,
(Iray; Second, Brown; Third, Shires;
Fourth, Fulleri Fifth, White; Stxth.Jaca
son; Seventh, liarlau; Eighth, Brewer,
Niuth. Field.
Pierson Mitchell, president of the Bris
tol Nntioual bank, at Langhorne, Pa.
At th New Jersoy insane asylum, in
Morris Plains, Jainos Owen O'Conor, tho
actor, aged 45.
R. T. Brown, 5s years old, a pioneer con
ductor ou tho West Jersey railroad, at
Cape May, N. J,
Edward R. Wall, assistant to First Vice
President James MoCrea. ut the Pennsyl
vania lines wont of Pittsburg, Pa., iu that
Colonel Edward L, Ganl. grnud master
of the Oild Fellows of thu slate of New
York, and past grand comniuudor Knights
Templars ol th-i state, at liudsou, N. Y.,
g"d .
0. W, Robb, ono of the most prominent
attorneys in this stato, died at his resi
dence in Allegheny City at. 2..r)0 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Robb was suf
fering from abscess of tho liver. He was
about 78 years of age.
i Washinuton, April 3. Fore
RAM cast or ravestxau: l-or Kttlrrn
Ivnnsylfaniti, icarmi'r, fait in
tht inornintf, (ArMtyitog wtathtr
und light lAOWCTI durfao the aft
ernoon of nitht, brisk and high south
winds, for fcm Wit.irciinii, light
rains, followed 'tv olaring Mather: brisk
and noitthueste,', j wituU with indications
favorable for ever tot al storms.
Laces. Laces.
Trimming Laces
this season is unpar
alleled and designs
more attractive than
ever before. We are
now showing an im
mense variety of the
most popular and
novel styles, includ
ing Point Venise,
Point De Gene,
Point De Esprit,
Honiton and Marquise,
In White, Ecru and Butter Shade.
Piatt Vals, in all widths,
Fine Torchons and Medicis,
White Ecru and Black
Elegant stock of BLACK
LACES, in Marquise, Bor
deaux and Chantillys.
Our usual line of Real
Laces and Lace Handker
chiefs, in Duchesse, Eng
lish Threads, Valenciennes,
510 and 512 Cackawanna Ave,
Maltese Cross
Aud Oak-tanned Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Spraca St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Ladle show friends our 1.80, ?, 1 HO
and :i IHOR8, nnd so enthusiastic are they
over their purehnses that one sule is sure to
bo the means of making another.
114 Wyoming Ave.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor f.
net'ded you are promptly told
so. Wg also guarantee a per
fect (it.
Great reduction in prices
of Cut Glass and Silver
ware for one week only.
5f "