The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Beecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow shin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
book free; pills' 25c. At
tlrustores.or write B.F.Allen
Co., 365 Canal St., New York.
l):;;:-; coons
Now s ' ncHnj?, nw design, mr.Tiy BOTel
ties all trMnand now. Clinngoablc Mi.x
tures. Wool Crepons, silk Mixtures, NT:
city suiting?.
drtdi tf different WaTN, Ro; Ionian
TOUT wardr.ilxt liny from us and you
art inre to b in stylo.
TheM are goods t-hn merchant take.) prido
in showin. TJioy .tro also tho faeries fashionably' qraaied ladisl nro nl
ways ready to procure ths latest iiuiiorta
tiouf. U 0 nro early in the market. Our
Hclectiom :.!'! liiii'le to nnet all tustoa. A
rare treat await you iu our Silk Djpart
mailt, SKF, OUR
TTandkcrcliief Department The dainty,
fetobittff cfftM't you cauget there. Variety
of.prititmg,stitcliings and embroidering
i what make; that department the ureat
success the: it is. Wo loud thera all.
illnde in tho latest shape, matoriali and
effsots, for ail occasion Mauy a o heie;
other arriving daily.
In black. t'mlirpllas in colors. A fine
collection Ol rare and beautiful bandlofl.
Our li tho place to buy Umbrellas and
Thi; tell tho story of what is to bo worn
and where the 0 It CM bo had for tho
price. Caih Interests as all Ho when we
expect stylish garments, the latest color
ing, unii trimming, alid we want them at
rea -unable .rlcs, where do we go? Al
ways to the store Where we can fee fow
of a kind bat man; liii.d. We want
something that ivos u personality of
up is. For all roof want in Spring
ViaiJ, Coat or 1 apes we can suit. No
garments aula DO le.-a a perfoct lit.
1 allies' Fancy Cam. Cable' Fancy
D s. We can relieve tue mother of
tinny carea iini one can xurnliu in
fanta 1 Clothing outright much cheaper
ami more tathluetory than haud-made.
We come again to
Time very Boon to lay away your winter
garments. Will yon make your own un
aorjrnrinentl or do you prefer to buy oar
elegantly -made and tnmmod sarmentsl
Wi' have the Muslin by the yart. and we
have a(0 a wonderful assortment of
"made-op" Underclothing1, Ladies' Corset
lovers. iiiiHiin Draw. Ms. 41 n sun Kignt
Robot, Skin and Chemises. Many kinds
anu many prlcee ah win t. suitou.
W bare received a large InV of Linen
end Toweline. Bmtb Towels. Hemstitched
Towels, Honeycomb Towel. Boiler Tow- crash 1 0 waling, i nritlsn Toweling
and Towel of all kinds from many of tho
diflerent manufacturing centers of the
World. Our prices are very low. You
Should buy them anyway and keep them
till you neeil them.
!n these lmsy times of competition and riv
glry, reputation cannot be maintained nor
business advauced except by straightforward
methods. Offerings must be correctly rep
naonteil. Ourtno-es, witnessed in thoever-
m;-reasing popularity of our stores, is tho
best proof Of the YaluOfl that wo daily oner.
Lrdlss, come out in thi fine days or come in
tho rain. We can always interest you. CAN
The Comlner Teachorr,' Institute Per
sonal and Oihr Paragraphs.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
JbBHYH, Pa., April 2 All bids for
the erection of the now Rchool building
i:ni8t be in by xYednwmur evening.
The owner of ticket 1,920 has not
j et been fonnd, and the 5d priza re
mnini in tho unnds of the uommittee.
Rev. Henry Jones, of Mnhatioy City,
conducted services in the (JoiiBregn
tional church Sunday morning and
evening, delivering two very fine ser
The stock in tho cents' furnishing
store will be sold by nherill Fabey to
It has been suggested that the differ
ent chnrches apnoint flower commit
tees, whose duties shall be to furnish
flowers every Sunday to ueautily the
11 1 tars.
Miss Blakeslne, of Stoddnrdsville, is
tiio guest of her aunt, Mrs. Urnhain
T. V. Powdorly nnd Lsvi Lindloy, of
Scranton, and .1. M. Smith, of War
taw, N. Y., sailed on Jermyn trade
G D, Winter transacted business in
Snranton yesterdiy.
A union institute of the teachers of
Scott township, Mayfield, Jermvn and
Archbald boroughs will De held in the
Jsrmyn pnbiie school building Situr
day, April 7. Institute will convene
at 9 .1. in.
Entettalning Nws Notes from the Vi
cinity of Irving Cliff.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hon R8DA1JL ADril 2. The fair held
last week in the city hall by the Ger
man Lntharan churcn, cloned Saturday
night, after very materially increasing
Mhe ohurch's treasury. About $1,500
was cleared. Members ot the oburch
are highly urn'.ified over their success
Her, Mr. Liwis, assistant rector of
8t. Ueore's church. Now York, offici
nted in Qrace church yenterday, and
preached two able and eloquent aer
P. A. La Barr passed Sunday with
ins parents.
Mi?s Sarah Sly returned home Satur
day from a visit with relatives at
Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Searle entertained
the Duplicate Whist clnbat their horns
Saturday night.
The Delaware and Hudson canal
opens up navigation tomorrow, when
the first boats of the season will be
TnE world is always interested in the
cure of consumption: yet it prevention i
of fur more importance. Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Sviup is guaranteed to cure
coughs and colds. Sold by all dealers on a
guurautee ot satisfaction, "
font of town correspondents of TUB Tnta-
txr.HhonM ulan thuir mail iti fall to oactl
news lottor, not for publication out to guard
against deception. 1
All the Newt from an Enterprising Town
Correotlv R ported.
Fvcrial to the Scranton Tribune.
Archbald, Ph.. April 2 Johnny, an
3-yiur old son of John Beck, of South
.Main street, was thrown down nuu
trampled on by a horse 011 Sunday after
noon. He was standing on the road in
front of the Lutheran church when the
horsa sani" behind him and throw him
lown. llo severely bruised about
the body and unstained two gashss on
the head.
William Law, of Avoca, called on
friends hers on Sunday.
Jacob Liudorman has moved front
Main street to his new houo on Lauiel
Jouss, Simpson & Co.'s mines will
rfsmne wt-rk on Wednesday, after two
days' idleness.
ilia odd Fellows' team from tinsn-
breoit lodge was here on Saturday
night and conferred the third degree
on candidates of Archbald lode.
Miss Bridget Lally, who um Men at
home hero for tiio past few montbd,
ritnrncd to Philadelphia this moro-
Frank Somers, a popular yonng Ke
mblican of tha Third ward, is iu the
Held a a candidate for delegato to the
Hepublican county convention.
Patrick kielty, of beranton, spun t
Sunday at his former home here.
A. C. Liuilerman, of the Uirorside
store, wns in Scraston yesterday.
Wins Briiiget Moyles, ol Scranton, is
visiting here.
Michael J. Swift, of Mount vrnon,
left yesterday for Oueontu, N.Y., where
he has procured a position under Burke
Bros., the contractors.
Thomas Stanley, tormerlv with tho
Pierce Coal company, has accepted a
position with the Johnson Cjnl com
pany, of Olypliaut.
Subscribe lor THE irtinc.NE. it is tne
best nuwspap.T.
Martin Mahody, and his sister, who
bars been ill for the past six weeks,
ire slowly improving.
Kev. Mr. Itudolpb, pastor of the
Lutheran church, is tho proud father
of a daughter which Mrs. Rudolph
trsented him last night.
Mat tiilgallon, of KailroAd street.
has purchased the building on Csme
tery street owned and formerly occu
pied by Andrew MeDraiott.
Thomas t lnnertr, jr., ot tun strojt.
snstainod a dislocation of the knee cap
while playing foot ball yesterday after
noon. James McAndrew, Thomas Clark,
Thomas Duffy and Thomas Swift rep
resented tho Knights of Fatbsr Mat
thew at tho quarterly convention in
Jormyn yesterday.
A L'.vn Neighborhood Mlrrord In Bright Paragraphs.
Fnecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Ol.YPIlANT, Pa., April 2 Tho young
ladies will bold their monthly dime so
cial Thursday evening at the Presby
terian church. An invitation is ex
tended to everyone.
A new bell was plaeed in the central
school building today in place of th
old one, The bell weighs about bi)0
Liartlev Lally, or Lackawanna street.
is recovering from his recent serions
John llonan, Dmnie Foley nnd
Charles Nolan, of Scranton, called on
frieudB In town yesterday.
The house of John Dully, on Dun-
more street, was destroyed by fire yes
terday morning at 4 o'olock. The build
ing was insured.
The sacred concert, to bo held in th
St. Patrick's church next Sunday. prom
ises to be a grand affair. The singing
will be lead by F. W. Watkius. inns
bac, nnd a full orchestra will bo in at
Mim Tillie Neely returned home Sat
urday after a week's visit with friends
at Duryea.
(rank Callahan, of Scranton, spent
today in town.
Miss Itoso Cannvan, of Scranton,
visited friends on Duumore street yos-
Miss Annie Nichols, of Moosic, is
visiting at the home of J. M. Morman,
on Lackawanna atroet.
Tbe La-die' Aid Society of tbe Pres
byterian church will meet at the. home
ot Mn. J. L. Pettlgrew Wednesday
Miss Ida White, of Carbondale, spent
Sunday in town, the gnest of Mies May
The No. 2 and Eddy Creek mines will
hf paid on Thursday.
Cure for Headache.
As a romedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches
yield to its influence. We urge all who are
afflicted to procure a bottlo and give this
remedy a fnir trial, la cases of habitml
constipation Electric Bitters cures by grr
ing the needed tone to the bowels, nnd few
caBes long resist the uso of this medicine.
Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents
at Matthews Bros', drug store.
Brief Personal Paragraphs Compdcd by
an Active Reporter.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Peckvillk, Pa., April 2. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph G-. Bell 1 1 1 1 Sunday at
Ashley as the gnrats of Rqv. and Mrs.
John B. Swoet.
F. D. Brundage has started to erect
another new tenant bouse on bis vacant
lot on Hickory street.
The building boom has struck our
town this spring.
Subscribe for the leading news paper,
the BOBAKTON TfUBUNE, which is de
livered prompt and early evury morn
ing for the small sum of 40 cents a
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Depew visitod
over Suudoy with Mr, and Mrs, Mart
Sherwood, at Jermyu.
William Pitt is very sick with pneu
monia. Gsorge Sewton is cironlating with
friends at Beach Dond.
Mr. and Mrs Z P. Traviss. Mr. and
Mrs. John English. Mr. and Mrs. Oicur
Traviss and Airs. Elizabeth Staruik at
tended the funeral of Waruo Warne, at
Pittston. yesterday.
Mrs. Ojcar Demmlng is very lick at
her home on Hickory street.
Professor W, W. Watkins attended
the concert at the Elm Park church at
Scranton last Sunday evening.
Mrs. George Stevens, of Clifford, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank
William Pyre, of Dunraore, was a
visitor in town on Sunday.
Herbert Barnes and his bride are
visiting bis mother, Mrs. John Barnes.
Dr. J. W. Beck was called to Tunk
bannock yesterday on business.
The Harvest of ths Qrlm Reaper at
Siiecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Pittston, Pa., April 2. The funernl
of Warren W. Warner, of West Pitts
ton, occurred yesterday morning. Ser
vices were conducted at the home on
Warren street by R-v. Dr. McAnulty,
assisted by Rav. J. La B irr, of Wyom
ing. A quartette composed of M. L,
Perrin, A. L. Towner, Mrs. Perrin and
Miss Perrin, sang appropriate hymns.
Tue pall-bearers went B Kolght,
C. H. Williams. O. B. Rommel!, E. J.
Evans, Joseph Klotz and John S. Jen
kins. The interment was in West
Pittston cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. M. Barrett took
place from the home of Patrick Ford
in Cork L ine and was largely attended.
The reinrdns wore conveyed to St.
John's church whir-- a mass of reqtmm
was celebrated at 0 o'clock by Rev. J,
P. Oreeve. At the close ot the services
the body was taken to M l;ot atreot
ceui'-iery where interment was made.
Tbe pall bearrs w. re: Patrick Ford,
jr., E l Jordan, Thomns Walsh, Tnonm
Burke, John McQnlnn, and Patrick
Merrick, of Scranton.
Mrs. M. Maloney. mother of Council
man Patrick Maloney, of Orogon, diud
at the home of her son, James, iu
Wilkes Birre Sunday. The remains
arrived hem at HI o'clock Sunday night
a"d takoii to Mr. Moloney's home in
Oregon. The fnnsrol will take place
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Fnnernl
servtevs will be conducted iu StJonn'l
church, after which iuterm-nt will be
made in Maruot street cemetery.
Detuctive Goorge Brown Catchee a
Tbiif at Urn Valley Sta'iun.
fyrriul to the Scranton Tribune.
Pittston. Pa., April 2. Peter Caw
ley, aged li years, of Port Griffith, was
arrested last evening by Detective
George Brown whila in the act of rob
bing the money drawer of the Lehigh
Valley station.
The robbery was committed about
7.30 o'clock. Detective Brown had not
been feeling well all day an 1 during a
few minutes leisure b-tween train
time slipped out to Fleming's drug
He returned in a few minutes only to
fiud to bis surprise Upon opening the
door, which leads into the ticket ofQce,
young Cawley in the act of making his
escape. The thief, iu his eagerness to
leonrej all the money be could got poa
feision of, had filled his mouth aud
Mr. Brown, taking in the situation
at a glance, asked the robber what he
was doing, to which he made no reply.
Mr. Brown thereupon gave Cawley a
slap alongside the haad which had the
dfsired effect. Silver qnartor dollars
flew promiscuously about the floor.
lie gathered up the money and
marched Ctwley to the lockup to await
a Khearing. Cawley effected an en
trance through tbe Boutb window
which fronts on the depot platform,
He is an all round bard customer, hav
ing figured in similar scrapes several
Units heretofore.
roil Burns, Scalds, Bruises and nil pain
and soreness ot tbe llesn, the grand notice
bold remedy is Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
be sure yon get the genuine,
Inspirations from Baimy Zaphyrs Wafted
Through the Notch.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Clark's Summit, Pa., April 2 - El
Dunlap has moved into his new bouse
A. Fish is occupying rooms in the
new Masonic temple.
John Evans has taken np his abode
in Mr. Atherton s tenant bonne.
Oscar Pease will dwell in bis own
Amos Whyte is enjoying the com
forts of his beautiful home.
Fred Weichel occupies the hotel.
John Stark now has a home of hia
Frank Moyer has the contract to
build a nice cottage on Highland park
lor Miss Kelly, bookkeeper iu Stowere
packing house.
Mr. Dymond is building an addition
to the furniture store.
EdWelslI is layiugthe cllar wall for
a large addition to bis home.
Ex-Clerk of Court Billy Daniels paid
this town a visit last weeK.
Attorney Lew Bunell, of Scranton
nnd Postmaster Stearns, of Nicholson.
were on business near here the pasi
The revival STviees being held in
the Methodist Episcopal chuich ere
largely attended, and very many nre
seeking their soul s salvation. Evan
gelist Moore seems deeply in earnest.
We have several old people in thi
neighborhood. Freddy Smith is 94,
Granny Singer is nar 00, Michael Hut
fard i 81!, J. P. Skinner is nearly SO,
George Davis is approaching 00.
Susquehanna's Most Enterprising Town
Brightly Written Up.
Svecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Pa., April 2 Attorney
L. P. Wedeman was profesmoually en
gaged in Scranton today.
George Kisthart spent Sunday pleas
antly with Gibson friends.
The Rt. llov. Nlson S. Rulison, D
D , will visit Christ Episcopal church
on Thursday evening and administer
. conlirmation to a cluss o
catechumens to be presented by the
rector. The bishop will preach th
sermon. On Friday evening he will
visit St. James cnnrc.h, Dnndaff
The Hillside collieries resumed work
in this place today after a week's idle
ness, It is understood that, the collier
ies will work three daya ttiree-on li ter
days, or two and oue-fourih days for
the wetk.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Allen returned
Saturday oveuing from a two weeks
visit in the city nf New Vnrlf
J - N1H
T. Crnmer, formerly n contractor ati
builder iu this place, will removo from
Uniondale tomorrow to this place
Miss Minnie Bowen, of Carbondale,
spent yeutorday with Forest City
Bright and Nowsr Paragraphs from a
Live Town.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hallstead, Pa., April 2 Warren
Van Loan, of this place, is visiting
friends and relatives in boatf.r.
The Women's Christian Temperanen
union will meet at the home ot Airs. E
D. Burton ou Thursday evening.
Susquebauna county has l!40 business
places subject to mercantile uppraise
Mrs. W. H. Foot and ion, of New
Milford, who have beeu visiting at the
residence of George Ward, have re
turned home.
C. J. Langley has bis new house on
Pino street nearly completed,
Mrs. G. Y. Preston, of Dayton ave
nue, is ou the sick list.
A. Jones has purchased the honsn on
Chase avenno occupied by Mrs. Ross.
There are over 300 pupils in onr
Jennie Sawyer, of Candor, N. Y., is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Hoover.
Dr. aud Mrs. Gillmen, of Towauda,
spent Sunday at the residence of F. B.
Tbe Young Peonies Society of Chris
tian Endeavor of the Presbyterian
hurcb celebrated the fifth anniversary
of its organization in that ohurch on
Sunday evening. Mr. Church gave a
history of the society, ft began with
thirteen members and has at present
over 100.
Fred I. Hill nnd wife, of Bingbam-
ton, were in town today.
Live Locals Penned by an .' nriu. - ' . nd
Special to the .-cranton Tribune.
Pric;:buuo. Pa.. April 2 Thomas
Farrell. Michael Blglln and Thomas
Judze left yesterday for Midllotown,
IN. i., where they have secured per
manent work with the wjII kuoivn
Burke Pro., contractors.
Mrs. A. L. Llowl, of the Flats, wno
has been seriously ill for BOine time, is
Will Merritt has returned hom? after
a pleasant visit with friendr, in Jormyn.
Mrs Jo! n l iilligau istbegueit of uer
parents in Archbald.
The boulevard aud C,irbonda,o roads
are in splendid condition and are a
groat toiuptation to those wh own a
wheel. A number of Sorantou cyclist
took a ipin through town on Bandar,
The MiMeg Clia and Annie Hart
ann Miss Bessie Newcoraw, all of Car
bondale, callwd on friends iu towu yes
terday. Btorrs1 mines will resume-work this
morning after a week's idlesewi.
A dog owned by a PolMdW m True-
burg bit John Ranagau'a little girl in
the leg. Uauagn wants the animal
ahot, but the ownor nroteats against it.
Die young men connected with tho
Prenbyterbm church will hold a box on April 18
The Republican club hold its usual
weekly meeting a: Central Hull last
Little Locals of General Interest to Sub
urb n Badra.
Special to the Scranton IWnn.
Taylor, Ph., April 2. Thorn is D .vis
was iu Putiton today.
fho Sons of Tcmperanct installed
officers tonight.
Burgess V. P. Griffi'lis will deliver
his message to council next Friday
night. He invites all citizens to attend
Burgess Griffith! is proving a gool
officer, and is serving the people with
Doctor Weston, p:'-3ident of the
council, has beeu elected noalth of-
Council has sent a bill to the com
panies who havo wires and polss on
the streets for taxes.
Tomorrow night (Tuesday) tho Pre
for AM Temperance society will give a
social and entertainment. Rsv. O. H.
HiiU'jbton will also spuak. All are in
vited. o
Grief Items of Intr rett Culled for Hut-
li d Feiussl.
Special to I'us Abtvinfoji ZWonnt
MaYFIELD. Pa., April 2. Charles
Hovt spent Sunday with his parents at
West Pittston.
Webb llamlim, of Jormyn. called on
II J. Dil paw yesterday.
.Hiiis hellia DelTraw, who has boen
at her home nr. Factory ville the ptst
I ew weeks on acoonnt of a hi iken arm,
has returned to May field, f-heds ig'it
k1 tin- large congregations nt tue lirst
Baptist church ol Jermyu Sun. !ay, both
morning and (fining, with two well
rendered solo.
John Walker has moved into the
Gilhool bouse on Main street.
Mrs. W. B. Bsrgau was in Scranton
MRS. IIabry Tai'PAS, of JJrinoliia, Neb.,
writes: For about
two years I was u con
stant sufferer lroni dis
eases peculiar to my sex.
I had to lie curried from
my bed, bad horrible
dreams, sinking sensa
tions, wan very nervous
and had little or no ap
petite In short, my
w hole body was racked
with pain. 1 hsd fre
quent nttucks ot hyste
ric, and was completely
discouraged for 1 found
no medicine did me any
(rood. At Isfit 1 deter
mined to try Dr. Pierce's
Favorite PrescripUi in.
1 Imd taken but two
bottles before 1 felt so
much better I I took eleven bottles. To
day, I aiu well. I have never felt tbe least
trace of my old complaint in the last Six
i'ii. i. We use the 'Golden Medical Discov
ery' whenever we nwd a bloml-purilier. With
ltd use, eruptions of all kinns vanish mid
the idiin ii rendered clear nnd soft, almost
as an minute." Sold everywhere.
We have the hand
somcst line of Parlor
and Drawing Room
ever shown in this
state and we would
like you to see it.
Washington Ava.
A Handsome Complexion
I la one of the BMataoi charma a woman run
IpoRsess PosioWa Compluxiow Powdch
l (fives n.
After the Grip
snr: WAS
SSck, Lifeless, Dull
Healthy, Happy, Lively
This Decided ChCingo Brougf it About
by Taking Hood's Sarsapai ilia.
'C. 1. Hood & Co., I.owoll, Mass.:
"Gentlemen 1 wish to certify to the follow
hiR ftO til My little pirl, Lllla May Guthrie,
had r. severe attaok of the grip, and got sonic
what better, but she did net seem to get rluht
(re!L ttie lingered along from day to day, poor,
weak and languid. Wo consulted a leading
physician, and ho said it WOI tlie dreys of the
grip still about her. Vc gave the raodloluo ha
ordercil, hut she seemed to get
More nnd Woro Colicate.
She cculii ner.rcely eat anything, and what little
siio did bike seemed to do her no good. Her
ller.ii was soft and net healthy, and she was
stupid and dull with no ambition. Wo were
very much Concerned about her. Xo medicine
seemed to havo any (dect until about two
ii.onths ago we commenced to give her llooil's
Barsaparttla. Sho had not taken half a bottlo
before sho began to cat heartily, and we could
see a decided change In her. Today sho is in
the lull enjoyment of
Perfect Health.
Her flesh is solid, her appetite good and cheeks
rosy, her sleep sound and refreshing, and her
Hood's5 1 Cures
spirits high. She is full of iife, and as mischiev
ous as she can he. All this Improvement was
brought, about by taking Hood s Sarsaparilln.
My wife loins with me in recommending this med
icine as the best In the world for building up Ibo
system." ra c. i tii i: if. Heathvflle, wnn.
N. B, Be Mire to get Heed's Sarsapurllla.
lood'B Pills onre all liver Hit, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
Dr. E. Grewef
The PWlaflolpMa Specialist,
And bis stsoelatod itulf of EuglUh and Git
man PbrsttdanSiOM now winiineutlr locatod
Temple Court Building
Whero Uioy may bu consaltsd DAILY AND
The Doctor In a graduate ot tho University
ef Pennsylraala, fiiriuiirlr dimontrator ot
pliysiolocv mid Mirgi'rv at tho WwlUo Cbir
urnlcal, of Fhlladelphls, Ha U tina
si, buiiorary Tt.finber of tho Sloflico Chirnr
ginil Association, und was pliyiiician and
snrcaon-u-eblef of tho most noted Amsrlou
and (jirnian hospitals, conios hiuhly indorsoj
by tbo leading protfssors of I'liiladeiphia and
New ork,
His many years of hospital eTporionos on
sble.s ibU oiuinent physician anil surgoon to
correctly dl ignoso and treat all def'.rmit ei
nnd dlseniuM with the most flattering success,
snd bis lilnh Btandi:!g in the etat" will uot
all w hltn to accent any incurable ca.s.i
l.osr bianuuuu i; Toiii-.o
n-youitave D6SSJ glTSU up ny your physi
cian call upon the doctor nnd 1 examined.
li ciiiv.s th.- u.,t:.t cm. - of tv ...;h LK'l'iliLy,
Scrofula. Old Sores, i starrb. I'ilos. Femalo
Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Kyo, Nosa
snd Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Can
cers and Crli'iuea of every description. Con.
sultntion in Englisb attd (jlenuan Freo. which
Fhall bo considered sacred and etrictly couh-de-,tlaL
i tUoe Ream n A. M. t,i a 1'. U. Daily.
Sunday, Da. in. to : p.m.
I Bl . I
Bank of Scranton.
Statement Pb US, lilW. called for by
t)ie Cuuiptroller ot the C'urrsnoy.
Lomis l,tie,S40 oo
Ivi'idratls !I47.:!7
United Htntcs Bonds
Other itnniiK ni:!.r.7s 7a
Rnublng House 88,074.44
Premiums ouTJ. s. Honda.... t'-t:t 7r,
Due fr( in V. , Treasurer T.000 )
Due from itnnka 908,410.73
0Mb 140,640.84
CSpltSl 5500.000 00
Rurplus, 4OsO0O.00
OndlTldtd Proftta no 1-so.nd
ClrenUtl 7s.000.00
lilvidends Dapald 884 .lo
Doposlts.' 1.864, 060.84
Due to ItunUa 60,360.80
8i'.. '-02,880. GO
GKi. II. ATi.ix, Vico-Presldent,
WILLIAM ii. PKCK, Cnshler
William Connell, George ft, ratlin,
Alfred Hand, Jatuoi ArctibHld, "enry
Bella, Jr., WIIIImii T. tiuiitli, Luther
Tills bank Offers to depositors every
facility warranted by their balance, basi
lic end responsibility.
Special nlii'iitlou i;i i to Inii.iness ae-
cuuuta. Interest paid u iimo ileposits.
APRIL 3, 1894.
Yonr choice of three bcnutifnl
pictures, "Telephone Girl," "De
Uverlng Ghristanaa PwsentB"
and "Maidens Swinging." Hend
by mail or messenger or bring
coupons like tinsel three clifTer-
ent dates, with 10 oentSj stumps
or coin, to
tor. Ptufl Ave. ind Spruce SI
' Si Mm WF Bl Mm MX
There are hundreds of young men and young women in this
country who have splendid ability, but they have never beeu
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you
are tired of inactivity aud want to do something tangibly
come to the College.
90 cts.
All-wool, Ex-
tra Super, yard I
wide, usually j
75c. and 80c., j
We still have a few
patterns left of the
40c. Tapestry Brussels.
86 cfs
06 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
iMI.-'Wrg. - 13 Li
lwaaMr ha t I'KissV Jbtrr. r 'vrr.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
WpBF i to?
TS'm. S 151
4 WW
NfAvJ " i:mw
M fl 618
vi u-"j
tHjif 14 ST8
i:' r'41
W$$M ! 7iil
HrtSh l 1410
laBaM IS 3l
l 0
Chenilia Curtains, ,$3.25.
(An unusual bargain.)
Extra heavy and extra
wide, $5.
Imported Tapestry, Satin
Derby, Satin Damasks,
Wool Tapestry.
Satinette Fringed, l2yds.
square, $1.25.
Holland Shades, fringed,
Hartshorn Rollers, 50c.
each; usual price, 65c.
The most-. complete
in the market
m mid w mi iig m.
20 1509
27 6!I9
28....: 185
29 816
30 782
31 8(1
88 970
33 1W9
34 287
35 977
80 119
37 1099
38 894.
88 139
41) 359
41 1108
42 419
43 201
44 8
45 940
40 840
47 1538
48 211
48 503
50. 807
Hyii 4 Co