THE SCIfANTO-N" TRTTiUjSrTC-TtrESDAY MOIOTNG. APRIL 8. 1894. SCI! ANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, Gsneral Manager. rcm.isnrn daily ami wfxki.y i BcaA rex R., by Iiik 'iiuiiu.Mi publishing Company. Nkw York OFFICII THtBUira Brir.niMi. I ham; B. Gi:ay. HANAOKB. tutcrnl at li,.' ftuttofflct nt Strafiion, Second-Ctaa Mail Hatter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. KCI? ANTON, AIM:!!. IW. Of oocbu Martin InTslle was rj eltotsd; una of course bit re-alsollon WM by nu annaulmoas YOt. It is necessary to chronisls tlii:i lotij accept ml iv'.s-.ilt. NeYerhsless, wo cannot let tlia occasion pail without complimenting Jtr. bare!! upon this thoroughly deserved tributu to lug fidelity. auJ wishing Urn many happy returns of the day. . . One Ortlinnnct!' Dc'.-ct. In this ira of itinerant Coxsyi it is most Inopportuna for any honest mnnt' sipal executive to enoonrazs lawleii aifsi.iublageg. No patter what may bu tho ostensible purpose of u ii;is:i uie.'t ing, its raal character ij bound to he dtingerons whou the convocation U baaed, optnly, and iu a spirit of brava do, Upon a violation of the latV. Those social elements that urn attracted by curioiity and lore of mischief to the location o? nu ezpeoted infraction of the law are danerouM eK'HH:l!n, that manias the public welfare npd consti tute h most serioni problem in the government of onr growing cities, -it is not necosary, in tinu of (jeiitrul peace, for any honest American, or for any number of houpt Americsns, to encroach upon the public rights in or dor to seenre u pnblio bearing for cher ished doctrines. Tho liberty of free speech should not deteriorate into . license, li should not uu monopolised bv any or speaker or any one olasSi at the expense of the equal rights of ottietH. n the oaaewblcb was adjadioated yes terday morning before Judges Arch bald aud Edwards, npon appeal from the mayor's court, it should be noted that tbe decision rendered gave no "anttior. to lawless congregations. An evangelist calling himself the "Cow boy Preacher" bad, without license or compunction, sought to seise and ap propriate, for a time, one of the most val uable and traveled portions of tho city' principal thoroughfare. Hadi be Illeg ally entered npon and seised posiession of a citizen's store or lawn or home, d claring his purpose to retain bis forci ble ownership for a limited time, it wonld bave constituted in reality, if not In technicality, a smaller offense than was liia defiant seisare of the property of many persons, who uive to the city, in trust for the pnblio, the rijlit to occupy a percentage of their land as street?, for the community's nse. This illegal selsnrt, when n a courteous manner to the evangel ist's attention, was not apoiogizjd for, n that spirit of frank regret which the sood cltisen invariably manifests when Informed of an unwitting disobedience of lav.-, tut was, on the direct contrary, loudly and boastfully defended. Tho demeanor cf the no-called minister was scornful, haughty and indicative of n vengeful spirit. It is ov n asserted that he threatened to "smash" the officer of the law whom the free sufTwi of our citizens chose to preside over the city's highest court ; ami it is uo: in doubt that lis language since has been, uuoa oc casions, loud, boisterous and llUbscom ug either a minister of tho gospel or iny other gentleman. It unfortunately happened that sec tion 910 of the city ordinanoe, under which tno "Cowboy Preacher" nud hi wife tnae tiiemselvea amenable to ar te d, provides no punishment, The officer wao perceives a congregation which blockades the public channels ot passage may endeavor to remove the obstructing eaune by words ot admoni tion; and in cano his warning is not soffloient, ha is cmpo.vr.'d to arrest those responsible for tho obstruction and bring them before ttie mayor, But under this particular section th i in tyor is unfortunately not invested with ih) jiowor of summary commitment) Under the authority of another section, Which by inference overs t::i : ts '.but which trio court yesterday decided is not a sufficient warrant, the mayors of f-'sruton have hitherto been accus tomed, when khe oireumstanoss seemed to justify it, to Impose a line of not less than $1 nor wore than 30, to gether with the costs. Hereafter, un til councils order an amendment, the power of .'irront for obstructing tho streets will carry with it no power of subsequent pnnishmont: and In cases where tho defendants take deliberate delight in wrong doing, it will bo possible-to have atresia blockaded IndsQu Italy. Council nlono poa83 the remedy and they should not postpone its earn est application. Mr. CHITTSXDIN'8 r -election as pres ident of select council assures to that bodylhosoi viceaof an tx.eutive whoso Impartiality, devotion to duty and gen eral familiarity with parliamentary practice have been abimdnntly demon strated. The retirement of Captain Jloir from the chairmanship of common council separates a pair of presiding officials thuthave co operated long and harmoniously toward the prompt dis patch of local legislative business. To Get Rid of tho Poles. In bis recommendations with refer ence to the pole tax discussion, it is be lieved that the mayor has proposed a compromise which will bo fairly ac ceptable to ail partiea interested. In brief, bin proposition is that a commit tee of councils uncertain the actual liii'ht it 1. 1 ready necessary okclrical poles, and that councils;, upon that ba sis, pasr an ordinance providing lor a tax upon the SZOSM Liy this method he thinks that many of the poles which now mar tho attractive ap pearance of our streets could be amicably removed. This plan would, of course, require a sufiiciently h-'avy exc-ss tax to render the removal of tho inperflttoul polen certainty. For that reason it should bo virtually n prohibit ive tax. It is agreed on every hand that tho present number of poles could be dividod by two without any pre emptible diminution of the public sir vieo rendered. in many localities within the city, this divisor could ii-t- haps be doubled without seriously crip pling tho busine.-s of the electrical companies In school as it U ncoessary to make a start in this direction, the suggestion of the mayor should at lnt receive thoughtful consideration. Thb Trib une basnot favored a general, dollar ins for tho reason that it did not like to tell the rights of tho public at so beggarly a price. It wanted all the wires which could safely be put under ground to bo put there, at onoe; and while this consummation may b im possible today wo have uuditnlniebe 1 confidence that it will yet b3 reached, in Boranton as iu all other cities of progress. But the mayor's plan would be u distinctly batter step toward un derground wires thnn would have been the ordinance recently Introduced by Mr. Browning, lor tho Obvious reason that it would interpose no obstacle to more sweeping action at a later aUge. While it would eliminate UUneosBSarV props, it would not, by lioeuslng neces sary ones under tbs over-head system, lead the electrical companies to infer that so long a; tbey paid their tax t.n-r would be privileged to deface the str-.Bta at will, What Boranton wants is an ordinance that will not tie the hands of the future. Tin: uayok's request for two ssslst ants in tn street cleaning department can loarcsly be called an Immodestone, Nothing la a municipality so quickly condemns itln the judgment of stran gers is the s; 'Ctsole of dirty thorough faros, seine poorly paved and others literally plastered over with mad. An allotment of $40,000 annually lo this department m iy bs tno small. If it is, It should ho increased. But WbOtber small or large, the streets themselves need to show better evidenoes of care ful attention than they show tolay or than they have shown in the u,nt live years. - - Mayor Council's Messaje. Nothing In the message of .Mayor Uonnell to councils suggests tin parti san politician or the demagogue. Everything in it suggests the careful and progressive man of business, who regards his c!ik- as fundamentally a bupiiiifss trust, requiring close yet lib eral supervision over enc;i department of the city's cexoativs branch and nt times necessitating frank criticism as Well as candid praise. Degining with a graceful reference to Scranton'a happy Immunity from the critical phases of the recent general business stringency, the messige re news attention to the city's numerous industrial advantages, oompliments the energetic work of the Kcrunton board of trade, renders cordial tribute to the efficiensy of the various ran liolpal de partments and proossds to ivyhw the detailed work of these departments in a manner that exhibits thorough com prehension of eac'i su'-j set and a hir;h repard for the btst interests of the people, We osnnot hope In the brief at prMHit vouchsafed us to follow ths mayor, as we won! 1 like, into the min utiae of his messige. The message it self, elsewhere reprinted complete, will well repey careful perusal and preser vation. It is sufficient here to sa that the document, na a whole, i lucid, can did and to the point, No better sum mary of municipal progress has ever been sent to councils. do not see how a better one could be written, . DURING thu past f-w days Pcran tonians have bon afforded another vivid object lesson as to tho destrnc tiveneis of frequently recurring foro?t fires. The bill tops that bnve not bean as yet wholly denuded ot forest trees nightly present a panorama of ft me and smoke which may be piotnresque, fioni an artistic p lint of view, but Wttlcb, In a prac;icil sense, means very srions desolation and loss. On s of tue most Important reasons why f;crantoniaii8 eh ul 1 maintain a gen eral observance o: Arbor day is that thereby we may eventually incite a spirit of rgar.l for ir: Woodlands w I'm will leal to sari ns oil ict at for est protection, The New Ta:c Lev. Tim agitation for an additional law jndge In Lackawanna comity will be accelerated by the resolution of the county commissioners attributing the 1 1-u-inill inoreass in the total county tax rat to the "continued Increase of criminal business in th'j courts, and tho lenvtiieniiiir of the terms of the courts of quarter SSSSloSS and common pleas." Many uncommon OOOnty, cxpmsss contribute to tno neoesslty for this In crease, notably tno $10,000 sla'.e refund and the rapid recent groWth of tne less of justices, aldermen nnl constables. But the one reason which is beOOtting daily morn conspicuous can be traced back to the multiplication of court business, which is nowadays largely in excess of tho present capacity of tho c urt to transact. eV)ii whim working overtimo and with redoubled energy. There is already abundant labor for an extra judge iu Lackawanna county, an- tbis labor will Increase perceptibly each y'-ar. It w ml I bo the highest economy to solve this em rgenoy by tin etia tniciit of n lawj creating the additional offloe, and tints rendering possible a swift dlspa'c'i of b itn civil and criminal business simuitan-'oudv with its untranco upon tluj docket. Ciiizicns should keep un eye on conn cils, They should attend the regular sessions What is done there i done for the public and the public has a per fect i;!.t to inspect its own, . Clean the Streets. Why Is Lackawanna avenue always no intolerably dirty? Why does tho lightest brees (ill the eyes of tudes. trians with little misiles of mud and sand? Why is the carriage way of this avenue so constantly littered with brown paper, straw, earth and miscel laneous refuse? Why is not this busiest of local thoroughfares kspt in a condi tion of approximate cleanliness',' If these questions have been asked ouce by tho oitissns of Hcranton, they have probably bsen asked one hundred thousand times. Yet, ao far as avail able chronicles go, there is no record of an intelligible and satisfactory an awer. The mystery, it it be a mystery, has taken its place as ouo of tho postu lates of Electric City progresi, and the shoppers who bravo this fusilada of filth bear llioir fate as best they can and when exhausted die. Tbere w.,s ones aoin- talk of getting B municipal street BWSeptr, 1: ban passed out of the reoolleotion of this generation what was dan in this direc tion. But il.o dirt nud tho dust an I the filth ai d the iittvr are ever-present tokens that a good sweeper is needed, Aud if Brother Kirst's energetic brig ade cannot cops With this prevalent refine, let ua have some system which can. Tho dust nuisance on Lackawanna avenue has esiated lorig enough. TlIK SCENES which are iu course of presentation in Booth Carolina are dis tinctively PopnlUtiOdn conception and execution. Daly a political Creation of 111 Informed p pular discontent could dare, in time of pcaco,to ssiBS the lines of tranaporthtioD, decree an arbitrary censorship over telegrams and declare certain counties to bo in a state of In surrection merely i:i ord r to enforce a quixotic and an Impossible liquor law. la some of his attribute! ttovernor Tillman commands admiration, lie is. to be sure, a tyrant; l ut he is an energetic, h resolute and, generally peaking, a picturesque tyrant. He does not shirk the logic of bis election, In recognises frankly that he is a child of chaotic polities end ho proceeds, with a most consilium tte directness, to inuke that chuos general. Bis ideas ant his methods belong to ineditoval times He is therefore nut of joint with this enlightened nineteenth cen tury. But for all that, he iaa gritty despot, who fancies that his autocracy Is derived from tho people, and who, lot us hope, will give the people a re tributive di monstratlon of their folly which will eventually Iodine them to more acinic!" an 1 more seemly ways. Till' USUALLY conservative Wilkes Barro Record has, iu its flurry relative to Mr. an 1 Mrs. Rice, sncceeded in making itself strangely ridiculous, After confessing that it-, early com ments were based on a misconception of nevertheless continues lustily to b.nk up ttie Bains wrong tree, and incidentally lowers the tone of Us generally well-edited columns by in dulging In foolish flings at those jour nals iu this city, THB TtUBUNB among thorn, which have sustained Mayor Council iu blstffort to enforce the law. So far as Tin-: Tribune Is con cerned, it would oneerfully consent to overlook tbe Record's momentary spasm could it perceive any reel occa sion for tiie Lucerne newspaper's ex citement, A much more manly course for it to pursue, however, would be frankly to confess that it bad erred, express its honest regrets and be for given. It occurs tons that It would bs an excellent plan for all com: -rued were tbe newspapers of th United States, now that they have all had thoir parli amentary say with reference to Mr. Powderly, to graciously permit that enterprising gentleman to pursue his own course in bis own way. He is not HOW an official of any kind. Ho is simply a private citisjn, having all a private citizen's rights to life, liberty sad tbe pursuit of hap piness. Among tho:e rights is the right to be protected against ml ici, us or idle gossip and likowlss the right to be unmoleste I in the study of i.n honorable profession, Vrnen Mr. Powderly meditates an ns-iault. against the nation or plans an insurrection against his mcu ssor in tho general master workmanship it will be time to hound him. Just now he should bi let alone. In tbe course of a graceful compli ment to tin. city engineer's depart ment, the mayor directs attention to tie- c implete a -t of maps and drawings at pres-nt on exhibition in tiii-i branch of the city government, By means of these m pi any citiz -n is enabled at a moment's lime to get an exact i lea, o. the conditio i of any portion or tbe city, how sew red, how paved ai d what other improvements it may have or need. This exhibit, it should in fairness bs added, is tbe work o J. P. Phillips, who will next week com be fore councils for re-eleolion, It wonld bean appropriate recognition of bis excellent anil faithful services to make that ro-eloctiou uoanlm ins, Inasmuch --.s Mauager Archer has already announced his intention of equipping tbs oars of the Seranton Traction company with improved safe ty fenders at tho earliest possible mo ment, it would seem to bs wise for councils to wait for him to ov.-vle bis duty before passing a compulsory ordi nance. A goo.l rulo lo follow, before resorting to extremes, is to give every man a fair show, oven dough ho h? so unfortunate as to be affiliated with corporation, Tim unanimity jory requirement in civil litigation Is a relic of barbarism, Wo nbould have decidedly fewer court sesndaii if tbs msj irity reform were tried; hud jostles would ba rid of a very onerous handicap. THE UQC0B dealer who pays cash down for $300 worth of legal protec tion is entitled to get full value for his money, But doss ho g?t it in this county? Docs he, in fact, get it In this state? Tin: rati limits of growing Cornnton ciui.ot be enlarged too toon. Every day of (loin V hrlnaS new ibin::cr. r oss ip of Politicians. Jamos Adalbert Stranahan, Penn sylvania's deputy attorney general, magnanimously consents to MOCSpt the n- Btsto chniruiamdiip if it OOme! to him without a contest. We think we can safely assure Jiim-s Adel bert that no other sune Democrat will knowingly get In bis way. II II I If any Republican can carry tho Twenty eighth cmgresi district, ex Governor Beaver is tie mat. The knowledge that he will accept, ilio nom ination means tho gain of a good con- grstsman and the permanent redemp tion of n bad district. II II II It la now said that Besretary Tom Htewart will compromise on tbo Mont gomery county state seaatONuip, Air. Stewart w the kind of mm who ought to bo in the state senate, and it Is a safe guess that, if he wants to go he can readily get there. II II II Tho newest proposal relative to Do mocracy's local congressional hops Is Colonel Frank J, PltBtlmtnonS The WllkcE-Btrre NewK-DjaL-r accu.s s tho colonel of being "an orator of the Bourke Cnakran school,'' but that only partly expresses the fact, Cochran may equal the colonel In oral discourse, hut when it comes io an expert manip ulation of the pen, Lackawanna's popu lar journalist is able to give even tbs learned Bourke points without cud. Just now, however, tho colonel's heart i truo to the Robinsons, an-l if the genial ex-sheriff wants to fondle the empty honor, Colonel Fitstlmmons la too chivalrous to say him uay. II II ll In discussions of the next Republican county .ticket muoh mention is heard just ul present of Conrad Heliroodor In connection with tb county treaaur iblp. Tbere srs those who look up m hia nomination as pretty nearly piob i.ble, as polities go. II II II Everybody is talking Republican pougresiional polltloi iu county, except those Whose views would be worth learning, Nnmerom rumors have emanated from friends of possible candidates, which represent nothing morn important thnn individual opin ion. Mr. Council's return from Foridn, in good health aud spirits, has been the signal for a renewal of gossip, but his own lips bave been carefully a -nj-.i Meanwhile, ex-Mayor Fellows is the only nvowed candidate in the field, although emtssarins of th present membtr have recently been busy. AH IbYL OF ;.PRIL. Tho Christian man. on moving day, Med thought to banish sin away Uy Rasing on life's sunny sido And gulping beeps and neaps of pride; But when bis back was lame and Sore Acd daropnoia oozi d from every pore, The stove open bis soft-corn fell, The man remarked but I'll not tell. Ht - '.'in: earlikb tymptoma Of dyspepsia, inchaa distress after eating, heartburn and occasional headaches, pjionld no; bo neglected. Take Houd'3 Barsapnrilla if you wish to ba cured. Hood's pills cure all liver ills, billons BOSS, jaundice, Indigestion, tick head ache. A NOT HEIR NEW LINE OF Some . . Exclusive Patterns AT we mil 303 Lacka, Avenue. FASHIONABLE Iff TT T TU1 ENKINS & MORRIS, formerly wit:, w Lo:ih J.intp, display n lnrgs .'iml msll-sslected stoi.-l; of Fahiunable Sjciiis S;yli-s in Jh. Unary. Especial atteation kItsd to Artistic Trimming. 405 SPRUCE STREET K -:xt io DIME BANK, N. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, STH1NWAV ft hon in;cKJ-;u HtioTur.K ajo KiiAuni & nA.Clk cnuaa tiiuii'iT. dt;k t'M n Inrci Moekot flntmlMS UtSlOAL MBH0HANOI8U SSSSJ RN um Will remove about April ist to 224 Wyoming Ave nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a full "line of Pianos and Organs At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments, It will pay to wait for them. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH TOW DELICIOUS, MILD SITO-.t OTTnUX HAMS. EVERY HAM vknaD THE llfbBil!S!l!99l3iillii(IliiSIliliSllllil9IISSSII THAT NEW sjb 0 mm r, i nctiiii!isfsiiij;!i8ttiUaSssina1 fabrics, and invito the lad to tosee them. We say nothing about the man. They can Have the floor for a few iremarks when the bill Is presented. Just now, silence with them iBlike tho opportunity we pre-aenfr-golden. 1 The Newest Creations French Just arrived by Transatlantic Steamship Burgogne, in now and exclusive designs made especially for us. You will find many oi them now on exhibition in our large show window. These goods are more popular this season than ever before on ac count of their great wearing qualities and fast colors, and we have got them out in short lengths, never more than two dresses of any one design and colorings. Three Great Trade Coaxers in our Cloak Dept. Ladies' Broadcloth Capos in all colors, with ruffle collars, full sweep, 24 inches long, $1.73. Ladies' Broadcloth Three-piece Capes, ruffile collar, beautifully made, 29 in. long, $1.98. Ladies' and Misses' Clay Diagonal Skirt Jackets, balloon sleeves, tteht-flttina at just half their value, $4.98. u icxors With the New Valves Out of Sight, Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. JlIiilSM 314 Lacka. Ave. FINE ENGRAVING u'ii(ii!vin. KjUiiwuieuis. Rccepiioo kH Visiting Cards, m ivra ins ill J I Menus and Dinner Cards, EUtlourt and Crt;r. ven, 817 LACK A WAN N A AVtt n. a We tiro offering :i new edition of the Hook of Common Prayer, vu-11 bound In cloth. Two Copies for 25c. Single Copies, ISc. Reynolds Bres Y JlHBSA n AND PAIl OF LARD BRANDED. STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON. PA . . WHa gran euow 01K. Wn0 sakl Ul;it ho MWt lmd coqsalt either tho almanac or the weather to know that Spring was approaching. The dam c of tho females of his family for new raiment was sign enough. n deft rence to their demand, we have brouarhb on the first inataimont f , ,. ,.... fIU,n.. . .. - n I. In Gold and Silver. Wool Hand-painted Easter Eggs, Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easier Gifts leroereau .507 LACKAWANNA AVKXCij Timothy, Clever 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. NORWAY IRON TOE CALK BLACK DIAMOND UltK BILVMI MACHINERY EXTRA SPECIAL BPKIXG SANDERSON'S ENG1 ISH soi l STEEL JKSSOP'S ENGLISH ANVILS CAST STEEL HORSE SHOES Bl LLOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY A RUSSELL AND WELLS BRO& st REW C L' I CING MACHINERY. li enbender Wbolesals and retail dsalsrs' In Wajfonmakers' and Blacksmiths' E.UPPLIE& THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO BORANTON AND WILKES-BARBE, PA MANUFACTURERS O? Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Bollen, i HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, , General Office, BCRANTON, PA BROS Ah JaW. ABSOLUTELY TTJTIEJ I Easter "Egg Spoon E ri.- v 1 u 1 4 Coi n siS uinn Ses Sb.- il ti ' ii J . if' Six 9 and Lawn Seeds. w a T) A'xatt sx-.-.r tyf., vjj.vjc .-rhi fcaci- icj. i.ov nLxrc jtxzT IV IGON WHEEI AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SCORES RIMS STEKL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES aillllBSIfIIIIIICIIIIBIIil58i:-lR3Btard SOT an - I DO YOU REQUIRE I I ACCURAT3 I XK HAVG IT. 128Laok Ave. l3!:lla8CHIIIIIIIEEtIIBIllIIUtlliai83 FOR THE LENTEN SEASON An kinita Vratti Ish rtlrd iaiiy l iincy Bmoktd Hallbnia lTunnlOKM Coil, uniKMitii BloAtata nookaWKYi "Jitf-siiin'iiTio liny, Maurice River Core inl Blue 1'otnt OYSTERS f eft Sholl I iinn. Shrimp i. Seallnpe, &o. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVS, ACo.Jcranton,