t READ THE IT ISA Mayor's comprehensive aud candid message- elsewhere in this issue. Goed prescriptiou for dete riorated interest iu munic ipal affairs. SIX PAGES--42 COLUMNS. SCR ANTON. PA.. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL !!. 18f4. TWO CENTS A COPY. 1 Pill! DESERVE Tffi FIRST ATTENTION IF SMUT n crouton 1111111 tribune. HE Eis AID 11 IIS SUGGESTIONS TO COUNCILS Read After tie Reorganization of Our Lcca! Legislative Bodies. TIE BF COBS It Ended by the Seloction of P. J. Neatia for President and John P. Mahon for Clerk C. E. Chittenden Re-elected President of the Select Council and Martin T. Lavelle Suc ceeds Himself as City Clerk Full Text of Mayor W. L. Connell's Masterly Message It Contains Many Admirable Suggestions. Tbo city councils reorganized yester day morninc for the fisrnl year 1894 Seleet council re-elected C. E. Chitten den president and the common chose P. J. Nealie. of the Fourteenth ward, to preside oyer the deliberations of that body for the coming year. John P. Million w re-elected clerk of the eomni'' a council by Hcclnmatiou. Following the reorganization of both branches of conncil a joint session was held at which Martin T. Lnvelle whs again re-elected city clerk. The coun cilman afterward listened to the read ing of tbo mayor's annual message, which was a thoughtful and compre hensive document that contained nu merous excellent snggostions. The common eOQDCil fnrniahsd the only excitemunt iucidnt to the reor ganization. There was an interesting trux'gle for the offices of that botiy, bat the Democrats had the Totes and won, James Grier, of the Third ward, did not agree with the plan of operations of his political brethren and voted with the Republicans mnch to the dis gust of the Democratic members, who expressed themaolvus Tery freely con cerning their priTate opinions about the momber from the Third. VIADUCT ORDINANCE KILLED. EusinaiB Trmnsa :ted u: Last Msstiad of Select Council. T. Ellsworth Davies' viaduct ordl Banco was kilted by the select council At its hist meeting yesterday morning. The meeting was called to transact the odds and ends of business that re gained to be cleared up before the body adjourned sine die. Every member of the council was present. An ordinance licensing tran sient merchants passed finally and then tbo ordinance providing for s viaduct over the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western tracks at West Lackawanna avenue was called np. It whi found that the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company has not yet filed with the city clerk its agreement to pay $1U 000 toward the erection of the viaduot. The Scrnnton Traction company's offer is on file but provides tbat the $10,000 shall be paid in four annual payments. The ordinance was. thought to be defec tive, ali of tne facts with regard to it considered, and the councilmen be lieved it advisable to kill the present ordinance and introduce one in the new council In which the defects in the old ordinance can ho remedied. The member! generally expressed their regret that the movement had to be set hack even for ,n tew months, but to protect the interests of the city they saw no otner ennrco open to them. The vote by which the ordinance was killed was 18 to 3 After the transac tion of some unimportant business, Councilman Victor Lauer moved that tne select council adjourn sine die, but before it did bo Chairman Chittenden took occasion to thank the members for the courtesies extendtd to Iiim ns chairman aud commended the members for their faithfulness in the prosecu tion of public business during the year. LAST MSF.TING OF THE COMMON. Vote of Thanks to Pre .ident Molr arid Clerk Mnhon. The last meetinsr of the rr.mmnn council, which was called to order yes terday morning at !( o'clock, was a very (Juiet, orderly affitir, the holdovers evi Ontly desiring to hnsbnnd tlx-irener gies lor the fight on reorganization. Captain James Moir, the president of the body, is a modest man. He re-aliz-d tbat tinre would be sornetiiing said concerning the able manner in which he discharged the exacting du ties of lis office and he did not. want to be present. So he called E. E. Itoba thsn to the chair and retired. Others who wore not present at the jum mieimg were; jl; iwhm itoinnson, J. W. drowning and Arj:i Williams. Or the lavini? nf Ifltfirftl BHtlnn n ftneh ami Knwihnsn nnrta 'jnil A a li , .. ' , i. , .... I...: Li , Whereas, The common eOunril for the t.ll.T(0l"0 MM it KtKOlVH(l. hat, R vntn f.f Hinnlru Vin dered to the presiding officer, Captain Jainea Molr, for the (air and impartiul maimer in which he has fulfilled the ex it i iim Hiiii'inni. rinru .mnn nn hrm wiin uing dih term in miice lias performed tn- riL' tlint. iu itiriinih.nif nnnn In... . .. .. uiuuuur uinr, meets me approval of nil members of this body, irrespective of party affiliations. Before the conncil adjourned sine die George Duhigg, one or the retiring members, took oceasioa to thank tne members for the courtesies they had extended to him during the year be acted as the representative of the Sixth ward in the body, lie asked a continu ance of these courtesies for his snc-t-ssors. Mr. Bobatban speaking, for the other councilman, praised Mr. Duhigg for bis fidelity to duty, and said ins council was loath to lose such a com panionable and genial member. MH. CHITTENDEN RE-ELECTED. Will Froaidi Over the fcsleot Oounoll for Another Year. At 10 a. m. tho now select council inut for organization and Colonel George Sanderson w is elected tempor ary president, For permanent presi dent Mr. demons named O B, Chit tenden and Mr. liocho, P. P, McCann, Mr. Chittenden was elected by tho fol lowing vole: Chittenden Fiuloy lies-.!. Wade M. Fiun, William J. Thomas, U. H, Williams, Fred Dnrr. Oharlta Wagner, George Sanderson, P. V. MoCann. B. T. Fellows, William Kllow, f. 11. demons , C. W. Westpfahl, Alexander T. Connell is. McCann Pster Kelly, At. E. Clark, John F.. Bocha, J. F. Bcllwenk, James J- Men ley, 11. J. liurns, Victor rl. Lauor, C. E. Chittenden 8. The rules of the old cotincil were Adopted aud then Mr Cnittendiin thanked the members for the honor they had conferred upon him In re electing him to preside over the body. Mayor Oonneli administered the oaih of office to Mr. Chittenden who, In tarn, swore in tne new and re-elected members. The new members are: Wade If. Finn, Seoond ward ; William J. Thomas, Fourth ward; M. E. Clarke, Sixth war!, Frtnl Dnrr, Eigntti ward; Charles Wagner, Tenth ward; M. J. liurns, Eighteen tn w.ird. Mr. Mauley's right to his seat and a vote was not qu-stioned, although, like Mr. Sweeney, be has a coulest on his hands. STORMY COMMON COUNCIL MEETING Korgan Sweeney's Right to Vote U'lts tiontd by Councilmen. The session of the common council, particularly the preliminary organiza tion, a'as fringed with a halo of excite ment aud considerable disorder. At various times one or two m-mbers of both the Republican and Democratic m were simultaneously clamoring for recognition. To tne uninitiated spectators who crowded the gallery and rear of the chamber, It appeared as though hard feelings existed between the divisions of the ccnnril; however, after the Democratic faction won the prelimin ary contest by installing its candidates for permanent chairman and cterk to like temporary offices, the body settle I down to an exchange of compliments and a leis tumultnous transaction of business. E. E. Robathan, Republican, from the Fifth ward, and P J. Nealis, Dorn ocrat, from the Fourteenth ward, were nominated for temporary chairman. Clerk Mahon announced that Mr. Neal is received the largest responsive vote, but the ayos and nays were ask-d for, The result showed the vote to be 11 and 10, favoring Mr. Nealis, wheroupon he assumed the chair. The particulars of the vote was as follows: For Nealis Golden, Robathan, R?gan, McLean, RobiDKon, Sweeney, Schadt, Noone, HicKey, Battle, Norton. For Kobstliau Morris, Grier, Thoma, Godfrey. Moir, WenzeL Howe, Nealis, Davis, Williams, The new members are Morris, Thomas, Regan, Godfrey, Wenzel. Scbadt and Nnoae, John P. Mahon, for the Democrats, and Evan Morris, for the Republicans, were the nominees for the temporary clerkship, and the former received the largest number of votes under the same conditions which elected Mr. Nealis to ths chair. Then followed the incidents whicb led to no end of confusion and turmoil. Mr. Grier called for action upon a resolution which be laid upon the chairman's desk immediately follow ing the temporary organization. Mr. Nealis refused to allow its reading and ordered the csrtificute of election read. Members Robathan, Moir and Grier at once asked for recognition; the former was given the floor and stated that the resolution had an im portant bearing on the psrrna neut organization and the time chosen was perfectly proper for its reading arid consequential action AK-aiti the chair refused its introduc tion and Mr. Robuthan's exception to the ruling was interrupted by Mr. Grier, who, ou being recognized, said he would withdraw the resolution, bnt moved that all certificates of election be accepted with the exception of Mor gan J. Sweeney, whose election is dis puted. Mr. Sweeney's case is now pending in eonrt. The Democrats met the move by a motion offered by Mr. Norton, to lay Mr. Grier's motion on the table. While the amendment was being acted upon Mr. Sweeney responded "aye ;" instant ly Mvmbers Moir, Robatban and Grier arose and protested against Mr. Swee ney's right to vote. The cliair refused to consider the protest and ordered a enntinu nee of tbe p Ming, and Mr, Norton's amendment v;.a carrterl bv a Vfte of 11 and 10, which labled any fnrtber consideration of Mr. Sweeney's right to u n at. Mr. McLean moved an acceptance of the certificates, which va? mot wit'i an amendment by Mr. Robathan to lay the motion on the tabte. Tho sin rid ment wns lost and the original motion carried hy an 11 !o 10 vote. At this point a peculiar mistake was niHde in the taking of the oath of of fice by the chairman and new members, which necessitated the ceremony being done over again in the only legal way. On a motion, carried, to proceed to permanent orgnniztion, Mr. Nealis before his eluction to the chair w;is sworn into office by Notary Fellows, of tbe school board, and Mr. Nealis in turn administered the oath to now and re eli i ted memoera. Mayor Connell entered the chamber some lime later and after- Mr. Naalis' election in -trusted the body ti.at the permanent chairman should first be etected and then receive the otth of office from the mayor only; afterward the chairman could administer the oath to the new members. Patrick J. Nealis nominated by Mr. Baitle, received 12 voles, and Edward E. Robathau, nominated by Mr. Moir, ri ceived 9 votes for permanent chair man; Republican Member Thomas B. Howe, voting with tbe D mocrats. Mr. Robathan's motion followed an I was carried to make Mr. Nealis' elec tion unanimous. In accepting the office Mr. Nealis said : Gentlemen of tbe Common Council: For the unexpected compliment yon Have given me, I retnrn you my most Bin cere thanks. The great honor of being elected to preside over tbe deliberations of the common council of thin city, the fourth in the groat commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, is one which I least expected would fall to my lot. In accepting the call, I real ize my inability to perform the duties which tho office requires in snob, a manner oh I know other members of this boiiy could; but I shall do tho bent 1 can to serve you and the people of the city. Gentlemen, there i much Important work for ns to perform ibis year, a H in order to get the beat, results and to .. .-t the approval uf the taxpayers, We will bare to watch carefully all the expendi tures of the coiiiiug year. As our city grows Its wuutM Increase, and it behooves U to be mindful of the people's Interests. There have been appropriated ;t;v 280,40, together with the appropriation for bn Iges of NS 1000, for which the peo ple hsye iriven their Consent, making in all Us!.). 4!). 'ibis gr. at amount of money to be expended under the supervis ion of tbo city councils, as you will ob serve, will require curefnl aud earnest con-iclerHiion at our bands. In conclusion, let our aim be at all time for tbe Interest of the city and the taxpay ers, with equal justice to all concerned. Again, I thank you, aud I trust I will merit yon r approval in any and nil deols ons I uiy be called u;on to make. Joan D, Mihou was elected unani mously, irrd without opposition, to snooeod bimsulf e permanent clerk. Frederick S. God trey, Republican, from thi Eighth ward, the couooilman who received the larg st majority, baaed on a proportionate vote, of any candidate in the city not excepting Mr. Grow very appropriately signed his natnH first to the conucilmanie oa.h of office. Oo motion of Mr. Robathan it was decided unanimously to adopt tbe rules whiuh governed the provions common council body. James Moir, retiring chairman, is entitled approbation for the moat graceful act of tbe Srssion. In con duction with tho other Republican leaders of the body, he had been urg ing earnestly and strenuously the fuht to nnseat Mr. Sweeuev, defeat Mr, Nealis and protect tbo city in every way postible In the temporary and per manent organization, lie obtain d recognition and said: Mr. Chairman and Members; From the heated arguments and excit Irs incidents of ibis sessiou abont to cUme, it must not be inferred that now I or those who voted with tne are lu auy wise op posed to the present organization. We did only what we thought best, aud, now that the matters are settled, propose for all time to support Mr. Nealis in whatever attitude he may assume for tbe city's good. While Mr. Nealis occupied n seat in this body he showed himself capable and clear sighted, and as long ns he retains those qualities, believe mo, he will be supported by me and the others who voted for Mr. Robathan. Mr. Nealis thanked tho speaker and those he represented and averred that his rulings and attitude as chairman would be fair aud impartial to all. JOINT SESSION OF COUNCILS. Martin T Lavelle Ri-EIctd City Clerk Without Opposition. After both connoils had effected permanent organizations a joint ses sion was called to order by City Clerk Lavelle. Mr. Ciiittenden was" chosen to preside and Colouel Sanderson moved tbat councils proceed to elect a city clerk. Martin T. Lavelle, the present effi cient clerk, was nominated by Victor Lauer in a very eulogistic speech. The nomination was seconded by Colonel Sanderson, who said he took great pleasure in indorsing such a worthy nominee. There being no other nomi nee Mr. Lavelle was unanimously chosen. After repeated demands for a speech Mr. Lavelle said he was very thankful for the murk of esteem just given by the councils and hoped that no act of his during the year would cause the councilmen to regret their action. Mr Rocbe moved tbat councils moet next Monday night to elect a city eugt neer. The mayor's annual message was reported as ready for transmission to councils and City Clerk Lavelle was directed to read it. MAYOR'S ANNUAL MESSAGE. Very Though ful Document Containing Excellent Sugmntlone. The mayor's annual message was listened to with the closest attention by the connoilinon an 1 tho many citizens who crowded the council chambers. It is as follows: To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Scran ton, Pa. : Ueutleineu: In accordance with my du ties as mayor, I most respectlully submit herewith my first annual message. The chief Objects Intended to be served by tbe mayor's annual message are: First, to supply tne people with a full statement ol the work performed and, second, to sug gest to your honorable bodies such legisla tion as may be require to support aud improve tbe departments of tbe city gov ernment. We bavo every reasou to feel grntilled with the material advancement which our city lots made during the past year; and while we have suffered somewhat from tbe industrial depression which has over taken all the cities and towns of the coun try, building, while not probably as gen eral aj m former yee.ru, has steadily gone on, and more especially lu the line of buoi nesi blocks many handsome and valuable additions have been made to the city's architecture. Then and many other im provements which have been made dui ing the past, year by private enterprise, are Indisputable witnesses to tho confidence manifested by our citizena in Scrauton's continued growth aud permanency. Tho desirability of our city with her cheap fuel, hor low taxation aud her near proximity to the great markets, as n man ufacturing center, has been evinced by the location of many manufactories in our midst during thopust few years. I believe that our city officers should work in har mony at all times with our boards of trade for while we admit thatcoal is the original foundation upon which our prosperity is based, we must not be unmindful ol the !act that it is upon diversified Induatrli t that the continued growth of any city is dependent. 1 desire to take this opportunity lo pub licly express my appreciation on behalf of the city for ihe anleudld work tbat has ' "mi done In this direction by our boards o. trade. The work accomplished in the different department! dining the past year has been most satisfactory. The close appli cation to their respective dmies by all of the ofticeis to whom is intrusted II i miui. tuition of municipal affairs has been productive of a safe routine of business which is always gratifying to those per sons whose occupations bring them iu con tact with the city'a undertakings. The most kindly consideration has invariably been shown to the puolic diune businixs with tbe city, but bo Unas' cesinry delay has been admitted or iinpediug tactics tolerated. All of the new iraprovemeuts which tbo city now has under way are be- Continued on Page 6. IG SI THREATENED Prospscis of an Eullro Suspension in Soft Coal itiiuiny Districts. CAN STAND M ME REDUCTION Compensation Has Been Reduced to Such an Exhnt That It Is Almost Impossible for tho Miners to txist. It Is Thought That a General Strike Will Havo the Effect of Elevating Prices Mass Meeting at Phillips' burg Las. Evening. PHILLIMBURO, Pa., April 2 SrrTJ.llUiN iii the coal fields in this part of the s'at- today is kb follows: A complete suspension lb the Houizlal" and Osceola Us ' riots, with 8.0OO mn on strike against the reduction. A mass meet ing is being held tonight in Puillips Itirg, with delegates presont from Ilouizlale and Osceola, and it is al most a certainty that vote to sus Dend work in the Beech Creek district will curry snd 8,000 more men added to the number uow on strike. Delegates from the Clearfield region nt Dnhoic are arranging tor a times meeting in order to bring out tbe men in the Dubois. Reynoldsville and Pnnxsntawney districts in which 3,01)0 miners are employed. CONCERTED ACTION DKSIRABLE. There is a partial suspeuslon of miu iug in the Cambria county eoal fields, and those at work are awaiting the ac tion of the Beech Creek and Dubois dis tricts. To this suspension tho district and national ofQcurs of the miners' organization aru emphatically opposed, their desire being tbat the men thotild continue ut work nntil the meeting of the national convention at Colum bus ou April 10 when, if the reports of tho delegates from southorn and western coal fields are favorable, a general suspension of soft coal mill ing throughout the United States will be made, in the hope of advancing tbe price of coal to snch an extent that the operators can afford to pay better wages to the miners. Tbe operators in the Clearfield and Beech Creek regions say they are op posed to making the reduction, bnt that they cannot afford to pay a higher price for mining than titer com petitors. Ths position of tbe miners is that at 40 cents a gross ton for digging low coal it is impossible for them to make a living, the assertion is ulso made that if this last 10 per cent, reduction is acoepted the competition between the operators for orders will lead them to make an other cut in wages. TROUBLE riABID AT UNIONTOWN, Pittsburgh, Pa., April i A special from Uniontow'n, Pa., to the Times says the coke strike really began today at more than half the works in the re gion and large nauibetl of Frick men refused to go to work this morning In contradiction to the expressed belief of that company and general opinion. At least 5,000 of the 9.000 men at work in the region struck this morning. The first call on tho sheriff of Fay ette couuty for protection wss made by the Oliver Coke and Furnace company just north of this place, where COO men nre employed, and the company had been assurod the men would not strike. Tbo trouble began early this morning when a number of the Eng lish speaking workmen went in th yard to draw coKe. Tho foreign ele ment at once raided thorn and drove them off This firm lias 1,600 tons of coke in the ovens roady to be drawn whic'.i will be spoiled in a few days. Sheriff Wil belm was called on for deputies to protect the men who wanted to work, bnt said the company tnnst put up the cash to pay them before they are sworn in. Shortly before noon todav the strik ers marched upon the Elm drove works of the W, J. Rainey company armed with gnns and clubs. The workmen were driven away afrer a fierce battle with stones and clubs. Several of the workmen were hit by living missiles from the ;hands of the strikers. W. J, Rainey dispatched for the sheriff, who was soon on the grounds. WINCHESTERS ArPKAIt, Fifty deputies were sworn in and ,,rincd with Winchesters. Tomorrow morning trouble is looked for at these works. The Moyer works of the same company was oporat d today and the Eim Grove works will trv Bnd start again tomorrow. Here the first struggle will likely take place, seventy five Hungarians liaviuc struck at the for mer place today. Rainey said tonight mat any attempt to drive the men from the plant would be accompanied with bloodshed, as he expected to pro tect hi worltm 'n. At Me.rrell and Wheeler whre the riot occurred this morning forty depu ties were sworn iu this evening. Twenty-fiM deputies were sworn iu at Oliver and Bbi riff Wllhelm wont to Vanderbilt tonight to itation depntiti at all the works in that region. Tbe operators throughout tiie region are guarding their property. Tomorrow iu expected to be a day of general rioting and disorder, and men will be dnv- ii from every plant where they show a disposition to work. The foreign element met hero tonight in large numbers to discuss the situation They decided to compel all foreigners in the region to Join tne strikers. T IU MAN DEXLARES PEACE. Nwb;rry Rifles Withdraw from the .' oune of Action. Columbia. S. C, April 2 -Governor Tillman declares that law and order now reigns. Surveillance 0f the tt-le-itraph offices is maintanod. Captain McCanghren, of the Newberry rifl-s, detailed for this dnly last night, has addressed a letter to the governor de claring that his men eame here to pro tect property and not supervise peopled private .iff,. its, resigning his command and surren lering tbo arms and equip ment! of his mwi Governor Tillman accepted it and tbe company Went to Newberry. Hol loway, ,i fugitive spy, arrived here safe ibis ni riling. Troops pissed an un eventful night at Darlington, LE CAROK' COMPENSATION. The f.pv Hfceiv d 1,000 Pound-- Yeaily fri m the I rltlab Government. LONDON, April i has beu learned that Major La Carou, tbu British gov ernment spy who died yesterday, bad, V' r since the close of the proceedings of the Parnell commission, before which he gave testimony, been receiv ing an inuity of t'l 000 from one of the lutei ale whicn endeavored to prove the ou'irgei ibrought igitinstUe Irith leader, He hud been residing in Kensington under tbe nam- of Dr. ' ward, and w guarded lav and n l,t by detec tives to prevent his a aisinatlon iy .hose whose deadly hatred he had -ai'iinl by his tes'imnuy against P.ir nelrhnd hi is.cite.. It I under stood that bis Iii wis insured for i l .rge Sinn, the 'remii nt by wiiiih he 'niered the witness box against Par cell. BRECKINRIDGE DENIALS. The Def T.d(.nt Sp-eisa D iy Coatratlict lriR th-- Plaintiff1.' Evidooce. Washington-, April 3. The trial of the Pollard-Br ckinrl Ige case was ad journed this afternoon until tomorrow at ti e most Interesting p int of the eross-sxamlnation a mystsry involv ing an alleged letter addressed ,lMy Dar Louise," which the plaintiff's counsel will try to prove wns written to her in 180 at a lime when, accord ing to bin testimony, Colonel Breckin ridge had suspended bis relations with her and did not know her whereabouts. The chief interest in this, the second dubious letter introduced iu tbe case, centers in the name Louise. Miss Pollard avers that she went to Cincin nati in February, 1888, and iu June of that year gave birth to a baby at St. Joseph's asylum at Norwood, near Cincinnati, and that after leaving the asylum sho went to the house of a physician under the assumed name of Louise Wilson. The defendant denied positively this afternoon having any knowledge of "my dear eisUr Lonise," or of having given u letter tieginuing tbat way to a typewriter to copy. The cross-examination of the defend ant will be continued all through to morrow and probably tbe next day. THE ELEVENTH BODY FOUND. John Hammer's It mates Are Identified by an OM Bolt. Wilkes-Barhe, Pa.. April 2. The eleventh body, tbat of John Hammer, was found in the Gnylord mine shortly after noon today. It was brought to the surface at 1 o'clock this afternoon and identified only by an old belt that he wore about his waist. He leaves a wife but no children. His funeral took place late this after noon. The remaining two miners still uncovered are Tuoiuab Piston, mine foreman, and Daniel Morgan. The rescuing party are iu hopes of finding their bodies between this aud tomorrow morning. STOLE OF PETER'S PENCE. A Trusted Vitican Caihlor Gets a Big Slice of the Fund. Rome, April 2.- A trusted cashier nt tho Vatican, charged with the adminis tration of Peter's Pence, has confessed to stealing $20,000 of the fund. He hopes to Vie ahlo to replace tho money. It is probable that the Vatican, in order to avoid a scandal, will not de nounce him to the police. The pope is mnch annoyed that the affair has beeu divulged. DP. BROWN-S. OUSRO DEAD. The Fronch Doctor, Famius for Hie Elixir of Life, Expires In Paris. Paris, April 2 Professor Brown -Sequard, the eminent physician and physiologist, died her today. He became celebrated as tho origina tor of the "elixir of life," which bears his name. PROPHESIED A FUNERAL James Rtmm.1 Furnishes the Corpse by Hanging Himself. ALLEMTOWN, Pa., April 2 After n quarrel with his sweetheart, during which he said there would be a funeral before Wednesday, Jsmes Retnmel went honi" and hnng himself today. He was 21 years old, IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Congregational ista will hold a state con vention In Johnstown on May 15. At the close of business on March 31, State Treasurer Morrison had tfi,08n,889 iu tho treasury. Banks will be nskod to bid for tho f iSO, iiiio of Allegheny City's school deposits, if a test mil in court, wins. Ageil Farmer Michael Schults fell and was trampled to ileaib by hn horse on the road nenr Wllllamsport S vera! score of Indian pupils left the Carlisle sch w yesterday for various farms in eastern Pennsylvania, The PottSVllle Qun club will today dis tribute led quail lor breeding purposes in the Tumbling Uun valley. John Baldlidge, of HnuMock. is endeav oring to corral a 16,000,000 estate said to exist in Ireland for bun and a few rela tives Beveral hundred track hands on tbo central division of the Pennsylvania rnii road between West ( hesior mid Media, quit work yesterday because of a reduc tion in wages mid a lengthening of their hours at work. TICKINGS FROM THE CABLE. American women living in Germany have formed S league to help distressed countrywomen. lira, Wiilinm Walter Phelps, wif of tho ex-mii.ister to Uermauy, is visiting old friends in lioi lln. Tho new Russian edict on insurance bars out the tontine system, anil several Ameri can companies will suiter. A trunkful of h'min Pasha's diaries, con aiuiuit six years records, will be publish ed liy the Merman government. Russian authorities havo captured and imprisoned at Vladivostook, Eastern Hi Iwriu, Contain (). II Hansen, known as the ''flying Dutchman," a notorious seal poacher, and all his crow. TARIFF DEBATE IS Sna'or Yooita Open; (be Ball with Two Hours of Talk. HE WOULD NOT BE INTERRUPTED The Fiery Orator from Printed Slips Denounced the McKinley Bill as an Act of Robbery and Declared the Opposition to Income Tax to Be Results of Narrow and Corroding Selfishness The House Accom plished no Business Whatever, Hav ing Passed the Day in Hopeless Wranrrlc on Contested Election Cases. T Washington, April 2. uE debate on the tariff bill was opened in tne senate today with a speech by the chairman of the commit tea nn finlriea Mr Vnn.. bees. The speech was read from printed slips, but was delivered with as much earuestuess as if it were an extempore effort. It oconpied jnst two honrs and had a large and attentive audience on the floor and in the galleries. The McKinley tariff was denounced in it as an act of robbery aud of un bridled extortion, snd was contrasted with tbe Walker tariff of 1840, "of blessed and glorious memory," As to the income tax the opposition to it came, Mr. Voorhees declared, from ''the narrow nnH nmnin ..i fisbnoss of riches." While discussing mm point ne untuned to permit Mr Hill I . Y 1 to int.rno.. u...k. stating that he did not feel well aud uia not wun to be Interrupted. At the close nf th inuih tk. t.;n which has displaced the Russian thistle imi auu now tne nnnnished business, went over till tomorrow a a.m.lj has been made by Mr. Hoar that the oiu snail receive its second reading in full. Some time was given to the Bering sea bill, The senate at 5 23 adjourned. HOUSE ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING. Iso business whatever was accom nlisbed in ths honan toilnv a ... - j , i t.p the journal had been read the contested election case of O'Neill versus Joy, Irom tho Eleventh district of Missouri," was taken np and four and a half hours spent in unavailing attempts to eecure vuo rui, ui quorum or the nouse upon the pending motion. At 4 35 o'clock Mr. Pattersou. Tennessee, abandoned the effort and the house adjourned. Mr. Pattersou gave notice that he would ask tbo house to sit continuous ly from tomorrow noon until the case bad been disposed of. PROPOSE TO JOIN COXcV. East Liverpool' Striking Potters Chat the Grub Pile-rime. East LIVERPOOL, O., April 2. The East Liverpool delegation of striking potters left here yesterday afternoon to join Coxey at Doaver Falls. A thousand persons saw the squad start There were 119 men in line. PATRICK HAS ACCEPTED. He Will Cordially Support the Demo cratic Platform. AUGUST A, Ga., April 9 Patrick Walsh has accepted the senatorshir. In notifying Governor Northen of his acceptance, Mr. Walsh ears: "Every measure of reform pledged by tbe National Democratic party will receive my cordial support." flashed from the wires. Seal fishers on the Newfoundland coast are getting only half the nsual catch. Ex-President James McCosh, of Prince ton university, was S3 years old yester day. A 12(10.000 commission fee is demanded of O. W. JlcNear, the grain king, by B. Rich & Co., of New York. On the day Coughlin was acquitted at Chicago, the famous white horse in the Crouiu case died on an Iowa farm. Eastern New York State plowmen re port that the sod shows all tne signs of a return of tbeplaguo of 17-year locusts. John Nicholl, a "Jack tho Spitter," who luiB ruined many ladies' drosses, has been captured aud imprisoned at Indianapolis. On charges preferred by nine priests, Bishop llouacnin, ol Lincoln, Neb., will be tried before Archbishop Hennessey, at Omaha, April 12. Bnssel Sage will appeal from the $25,000 against bim for injuries sustained by Latdlaw, whom Sage used as a shield against a dynamite bomb. Zella Nicolaus has jumped at an offer of $150 per week to appear in a thinking part dining tbe second act of a comic O ara at u New York theater. Tor beating his 11-year-old son, Joseph, who went to the wrong f-aloons for tho preacher's Whisky, BeV. William H. Hop kins, colored, was arristed in New York. Sons of the Revolution will meet at Bal timore April 19 and hold a Hpeciai session IB tho Annnpolis senate chamber, where Washington resigned his commission. President McCoy, rnler of the famous little community on Titcairn Island, ar rived in Sun Francii-co ou the missionary brig Pilcniru. McCoy's errand was to en gage two school teachers to educate the children on the island. WASHINGTON NOTES. Tho house has passed a bill to change the penalty tor Barratry from death to imprisonment tor lite or a term of years. In the sonata yestorday Mr. yuay intro duced a resolution authorizing the Phila delphia ami Camden Bridge company to erect a bridge over the Delaware river at Philadelphia. A bill permitting the construction of an elevated electric railway between Wash ington and New York was introduced in the bouse. It is designed to run trains at tbe rate of 120 miles an bour over this road. WEATHER FORECAST. I" 1 W'AsniNUTON, April 2. Fore CLEAR ra, lor aeeBOM,' For Eastern I'ennsiileaniti, fair Tuesday, i winds shifting southeast; warmer riwtdou etenimj. For H'esfern ftmtuylvaftia, fair; but with increasing cloudiness during the day, u inds shifting to southeast and warmer Tuesday evening. NOW FINLEY'S Laces. Laces, THE DEMAND for Trimming Laces this season is unpar alleled and designs more attractive than ever before. We are now showing an im mense variety of the most popular and novel styles, includ ing Point Veniae, Point De Gene, Point De Esprit, Honiton and Marquise, In White, Ecru and Hotter Shades. Piatt Vals, in all widths, Fine Torchons and Medicis, White Ecru and Black Galoons. Elegant stock of BLACK LACES, in Marquise, Bor deaux and Chantillys. Our usual line of Real Laces and Lace Handker chiefs, in Duchesse, Eng lish Threads, Valenciennes, Eta 510 and 612 Lackawanna Ave, IHE GUTTA PERCH & RUBBER M'FBlTS FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOS& CHAS. A. SCHIEREN & CO. '9 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A Kingsbury AGENT Si 3 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Ladles show friends our Sl.i'O, 92, SO. SO Bud : SHO KM. and su enthusiastic are they over their purrtinses that one sals Is sure to be the menns of making another. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Ave. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor in needed you are promptly told bo. We also guarantee a per fect lit. Great reduction in prices of Cut Glass and Silver ware for one week only. f, j. ran ARCADE JEWELER. 215 WYOMING AVE