The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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II pros
This Scranton' Tuiduns's Pittston de
portment is in charg? of .1. M. Fnhy, to
wliom news items buJ complaints may b
referred. 1 ..
Or Did Plii.Hp Kipp Baallj Cruoily Drow.i
P. J. Miller, the well-known farmer
of Exeter township, brought to the Ha
ztt office this morning n slip of mem
orandum papor on which was crudxly
written tue following: "This will con
forme, my death. Yon will find my
Buddy In the Susquehanna Btrar and
my inooney in tne First National Bunk
Phillip Kipp."
The note, Mr. Wilier iajrs,WM fu id
in a bottle picked up in the river near
iri t.;riu yeatarday afternoon by Wil BerleW. Thero is no date or other
clux by which it can be determined
Whither or not the nolo is a fake, ftxed
ttp hy some practical joker, or one
written in good faith uyeome nafortn
Bate person from up the river who whs
weary of life. Qssette.
The contract ezietiag between tin
CillErn'i Illumitiattng oompany and
! borouith will expire In the uear fu
Inre aad already the wisdom ol renew
ing the same is being agitated, Tne
purchasing of fewer plains hy many of
nr neighboring mnnioipalitlcs, to fur
tii b their own light service, suggests
would it not be a commendable strok.
1 1 enterprise worthy of emulation by
en- borough soloust Something over
IB.DOO is now paid annually for a ser
vioe whlob mauy taxpayer! belleyeoan
bu furntsbed for less money with as
good, If not better results, 'i'he ques
tion la one worthy of serious COUtider
i.tion and should be oarefnlly iuquired
into h dors a renewal ol the contract is
ai I- red into.
e e e
The recommendation of Professor
Bi e l to the school hoard nt the direc
tors' meeting held Priday evening
":i it :i piano be purchased for the high
cch"ii Banding" wa a wise one, hut
unfortunately tor the community t
large, the board saw lit to take no heed
oi th" suggestion, preferring to doctor
up an old toneless organ that is any
thing but in Kfl'piu:? with tho stir
foundings, Time and again the board
has been called upon to bavo the) pres.
entinnsio box repaired. Lust year, ir
onr memory s"tvei us correctly, a lull
of (24 was preaented and paid, Now
the board again orders it repaired! uo
c 'ssitating in "11 probability an outlay
fully n grest, if not gr-tvr than te
fore. To he judicious in the expundi-tur-
of the taxpayers' money is a com
mendable failing, but the esse in
qneatioti is one of penny wise and pound
loollsh. It is to be hoped that tne
board will reconsider their action at
tiieir m Xt m-eting and purchase a
j iano inch as is to be seen in every high
school throughout tho valley. An organ
may do for a church, but for a BCbOOl;
nvei I
e e e
One of the most interesting repoHs
primed in some time is the annual (T)
Htateiuent of Pitiston township puu-lulit-d
f r the first timo in three years.
We say amustng because the report Is
nearly two yean behind time, its nam
berless amount of errors and mistate
Tjnts and, lastly, its illiterate aul un
ntllig"nt construction. It shows an
,neidental ('.') account of ilt!7 and tbu
munificent sum of 5. 18 as the amount
of money received from the county
treasurer for tlv townibip's share of
the license m'jney it is presumed. Al
together it is an interesting dootinMnt
and "ne that serves but purpose,
namely: Kowpitnr tlie taxpayers in
Ignorance Of what is being done with
good hard earnd mon-y.
War! on scrofula, nnd every form Of im
pure blood is boldly declared hy Hood's
barsa partita, the great conqueror of all
Mood diseases.
An Interesting Budget of :;.- No:e of
Both Biiroufths.
A valuable horse bolonging to W
II Roseneranli, the liv -ryrnan, was
killed Saturday Bight by a coal trail,
in the vicinity of Smithvillu.
The Father Alatliew Total Absti
imiice and Benevolent society held
their regular monthly meeting vest-r-
1! ninnintr this evening Justin
Alums' Comedy company will open a
treek'a engagement in JIuic hall.
7 hero will be a ciiange of bill nightly,
Tie opening attraction will be the
sensational somedy drama, "Zeffa,"
Pennsylvania'Coal cnnipany bnllotin :
Ho. 8, No. 10, E ven an 1 Old Forge col
li lies will resume work today. All
others will b" idle until further notice,
except No. 4, which will be idle on
Monday, tot will rejnme work on Tun
The fuu"ral of Mrs. Martin Barrett
Will occur this morning at !) o'clock
- aith a reqnieni high mass in 8t John's
ehnrcb, interment will be made in
Market Street cemetery.
The weather yesterday was such ns
to permit the introduction of the new
spring hats, and dresses resplendent in
Virions lines wero strikingly notice
a hie.
The eisteddfod committal of the
Cambro-Ajnwioan lociety nai subati
tntel for the femsle chorus selection,
"Bells of Aberdovey," Mother solec
Hon, ''Tim Coralled Cuvos of Ooean,"
by lleniy Smart, owing to the Impose!
1 ilitv of securing copies of tint first
Damed piece
The Water street brid-re was discov
ered to be on fire yesterday morning.
The promptness in extinguishing the
blnls in all probability saved what
would have proved b disastrous coii-
II I (ration. This makes the second time
within a few days, and the impivadon
ie (bete is a firebug at lnrge.
The niuht school at the Tabernacle
will re open this evening at 7.i!0 p. m. ,
with increased facilities and an en
larged corps of teachers, and continue
its session every Monday, Tuesday and
Thnrsday evenings for two mouths.
The Ministerial union will meet in
the Young Men'l Christian association
rooms at 11a. m. this morning. By
action taken at the last, meeting, the
executive committoe was directed to
invite the Rev. E II. Eckel to prepare a
p. per on the subject: "Iaterdonotni
national Comity aa a Possible Prelude
to the Oreanic Unity of Protestant
Christianity." Mr. Eakel will, accord
Ingly, introduce this subject nt the
meeting today and interesting article is
looted for.
Contrary to expectations Mr. Mnllin
assumed the duties of his new position
yesterday, his commission having ar
rived from Washington, D C, late
Bstnrday afternoon,
It has been learned on excellent au
thority that Manager G miewe'l will in
the pear fntnre send a representative
to this place to ascertain the trouble
P'-rt;iiiiing to the "steam blowing
Whittle." Mr. Gam iwell, in a letter
Itnling the above intention, says it is
his purpose to bo "right and just in the
matter, and dou'c ask the council to
pay for what is not as represented."
For some reason, not exactly dear,
tho Suburban Passenger Railway com
pany has 1'.- I operations on William
street, and have paid off their em
ployes. Rev. A. Fnrman, who has been con
ducting special msolings in th Lu
z true Aveuue Baptist church for the
past two weeks, left Saturday for bis
home at Cbadd's Ford, Pa.
Among the Pittston cases in the Or
phans' court disposed off Saturday
were: Estate of Michael ReBp, exe
ntors directed to satisfy mortgage. Es
tate of Mary O'Brien, rule to pay
money order to administrator.
Rolliu P. Law, aon of Charles P.
Liw, of Wyoming, died yesterday
morning at 3 o'clock of convulsions
caused tiy a relapse of the measles. He
was aired two years Funeral tomor
row afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
in Went Pittston cmtery.
Tree Deserter and Ills ripe.
A Commonwealth avenue physician had
been dining with a few professional ero
hiea, and aa tho cigars were lighted the
talk drifted to tho tobacco habit,, in
Its effect upon the race at large, and then
to its peculiar effects upon various indi
viduals. I know a man, said the elder
physician in fact, he is now in my employ
who is a victim of the st rangest whims
in regard to the use of the weed that ever
ramc under my observation. He is a
Scotchman, about UO years old. Twelve
years ago he deserted from tho English
navy and came to this country, when I
gave him a position as coachman. One
morning 1 went Into the stable, and life
tired that a hole about two feet square had
been cut In a partition between two stalls,
and a little shelf had been nailed up under
neat I; it. I wondered what on earth it had
been done for, but Donald was away at the
time and when he came back it had slipped
my mind.
It was a week afterward before 1 had oc
caslon to go into theatable again, and when
I did 1 found Donald standing on a stool,
leaning his elbow on the shelf, with a long
clay pipe in his mouth, smoking nay like
a good one nnd blowing the smoke through
the little window bu had cut. Upon my
questioning him he told me thai of the
twenty years he had passed in her majesty's
service ten of it had been on board a pow
der ship where the rules against smoking
were very strict. During all this time he
bad been accustomed four times a day to
stand upon a chest and lean out of n port
bole to smoke, so that no onu would smell
it, and when nt last he took French leave
he found that be could not get any satis
faction" out of a pipe unless indulged in
the old posture, and so you can llnd him
after each meal and for half an hour before
going to bed. Standing on that stool blow
ing his smoke through the little wiudow.
Boston Herald.
Too Willini; to Ho Acceptable.
A needy Frenchman once heard that a
marriage was on the tapis lictween the
daughter of a certain wealthy merchant
and the Ron of a rich banker. The dowry
that was to be given to the bride was 500,
WK) francs. The merchant was well ftown
to be on the lookout for a good bargain cr
to save a dollar, so on this the Parisian
founded his hopes on a good dinner nt
He accordingly called at the merchant's
residence and asked the privilege of seeing
him on very important business. After a
while he was admitted to his presence.
"The matter, sir, on which I call," ho
began, "involves for you the practical
saving of 960,000 francs. I"
"Oh, my dear sir," interrupted the mer
chant, "this is too serious to be discussed
Ik fore dinner, and as it is now my hour
for dinim.', pray take dinner with me, nnd
we will afterward consider your proposi
tion at our leisure."
Having partaken of a meal that left a
pleasant flavor in tne unfortunate's mem
ory the rest of his life they returned to the
merchant's study.
"And now I am ready to hear your pro
posal.'' he remarked.
The Parisian after a moment's thought
"I understand, sir, your daughter Is to
lie shortly married to the son of the banker
"Yes. that la true."
"And that her dowry is half a million?"
This was also assented to.
"Well, then, here is my idea. I am
ready to take her for half that sum, and
thus you will save or gain exactly 250,000
francs. Philadelphia Times.
A Newspaper Proprietor's Whims.
"James Gordon Bennett's methods are
peculiar," said an old newspaper man in
an interview with a reporter. "He once
brought up a man from an outside town
to work the police courts. After a clay or
two he just as quickly sent him back to
work there on space rates. The boy got
rather rattled and declared he would get
even with Bennett. He did. There was a
bad smash-up on the road, nnd he sent an
exclusive account to The Sun. Bennett
of OOUrse wanted to know why The Herald
was beat, and when he learned it was his
whilom policeman who had scooped him
he sent for him again and made him assist
ant dramatic editor. He said he should
not lieat him again.
"Shortly afterward, when in Paris, Ben
nett cabled this man to come there and act
as city editor of the Paris edition. He
went, and remained for two weeks, when
Bennett, who had gone daewhere, telc
graphed him to go to London and report
to Oakey Hall, who then had charge of the
Iondnn edition. Hall told him be had no
Work for him, and sent a message to Ben
nett, to that effect. Bennett then nt onco
replied, 'Tell him to go to hades.' Proba
bly he did, for he remained in London."
l'iit.slnirg Dispatch.
Test of Quickness In f encing.
A very interesting method of testing the
quickness of a sword thrust consists in
photo-chronogrnphic measurement. The
movement of the foil point is too quick to
be measured by the eye, but by the aiil uf
tho photo-chronogrnphic apparatus it can
be plainly shown. The fencer is dressed in
while, placed in front of a black back
ground, the foil is chalked and a metallic
"spangle" is fastened to the tip by wax.
The photo-chronographla machine being
set ill rotation, tho trajectory of the tip of
the foil during tho movement of the
fencer is shown by a series of dots.
As two successive images aro one-flf
teenth of a second apart in time, it follows
that by counting these images the entire
time occupied from tho beginning to the
end of the movomont can be determined.
In a recent test it was found that the
stroke occupied a little less than four
tenths of a second. By this means two
swordsmen can bo compared, and their
relative quickness easily and exactly de
termined. New York Commercial Adver
tiser. Due to Neglect of the Voire.
The result of widespread neglect to train
men and women to good reading and
speaking is apparent in tho very disagree
able voices which are heard upon every
side. In a fashionable parlor the women's
voices whim taken in concert aro often a
perfect babel of unmusical and irritating
sonnds, while those of the Hen are very
little better. Yet all of this might easily
bo overcome by systematic and judicious
attention to tho lawi governing gentle,
well aiticulau-d am. refined speech. Jen-
ness Miller AI
S. B. Dcrfky, mate of steamer Arizona
had bis fool, badly jam mod. Thomas
Eclectric Oil cur.d it Nothing einal to
it for a quick pain rolicver.
A Few Simple Muuures For Beautifying
It, und a New Coiffure.
How to care for tho hair is a never settled
question. The nir rket is full of nostrums
for beautifying, lestorlng and preserving
it, while there is an uuccusing supply ot
contradictory recipes for its treatment.
One writer mentions sage tea as a dressing,
but does not add that it should be used
only by brunettes, as it is inclined to dark
en tho hair. Other authorities state that
borax should always be dissolved in the
water in which the hair is washed. But
borax, although It keeps the hair soft and
dean, makes it fall out as fast as it grows
Somebody else advises the use pf raaejint
and glycerin. These articles may be bene
ficial, but they inake the huir dump ami
oily and effectually prevent anything in the
ill fvi
mm ooiiTVBB,
way of curia or waves, besides collecting all
the dust and cinders that are afloat in the
air. Brushing has time wit of mind been
considered the best sort of treatment, but
not long ago an innovator came out with
the assertion that it is most injurious, de
stroying the new hair.) before they have a
chance to grow. This may be taken with a
grain of wholesome dcubt.
It is much easier toiy what should not
than what should be done. Oil or greaseof
any kind makes the hair straight, stringy
and unpleasant to the touch and is an en
emy to neatness. Soda dulls and dries it.
Sulphur stimulates its growth, but is too
odoriferous to be pleasant. Simple meas
ures in this matter, as in most others, are
best. The hair may lie washed as frequent
ly as necessary, for if it is quickly dried a
bath docs It no harm and greatly improves
its appearance. A little common salt, fine
toilet soap, ammonia or alcohol may be
added to the water and the hair afterward
be dried In the sun or by artificial heat. It
should not be touched with brush or comb
until it is thoroughly dry. This treatment
will keep it clean and soft, and no hair is
beautiful without these attributes, no mat
ter what its color or thickness.
A sketch is given of an evening coiffure
i whlob the front hair is curled and the
waved back hair arranged in a twist end
ing in five puffs on the crown of the bead,
The left side is ornamented With four erect
wings or ear J tjniO CHOLI,ET.
It bas frequently been noticed that the
fingers of silk weavers are very long and
taper, and, what is more enrious, after sev
eral generations have been in the trad?
the children are born with excessively long
fingers, and they can acquire the trade in
alwut one-third of the time taken by an
outsider born of parents engaged in other
Tun Rev. Win. Stout, Wharton, Out.,
states: After being ineffectually treated
by seventeen different doctorB for Scrofula
and blood disease, I was cured by Burdock
Blood Bitters. Write him for proof.
When Bahy was sick, we gave licr Castor!.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she cIuiir to Castoria,
When sho ha I Cliil Jrea. sho gave thcin Cutcrla,
E. Robinson's Sons'
Manufacturers of tho Celebrated
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum.
Hnvlntr wcurcil th SHOEING FORGE o(
WjlIi..M ttlmii & S .ii fur it H'iin:iin nt I. mi
hn st ami. I ibftU conduct Ucientlflo ami
f'AthoioKical bhoo im for the Prevention, Re
Her nnd Cum of Omenett and other Impedl
nients In the movements f HOfiei Incidental
or due to Inptriect shoeing, l shall Riveth,
work my pciHonal Qttenti n niitl miaranteo DO
extra ofiafgO, except for imi'itivrnifnt. Lamn
nosfl, etc , will hotiunloil afternoon. A free
clinic and professional advice iven every
Monday from i to - '. M
PRITJtB nhok CO., loo'p, rwlU). 81,000.000.
"A dollar faired fj a dollar earnfd,'
This Iju1Ih' Sol hi French DonRolii Kid But
ton Boot delivered frcu unywhcro in the U.S., on
receipt oft am, Money Order,
or I'nr.trd Koto for $l.!t0.
Kaiium every way tne booti
Old In nil retail floret for
ti.W. Wo make this boot
ourolvefl, therefore we nuar
qnM lUOjtf, st'lt and wear,
and it nnyono it not ftnilntied
we will i .in in) tho money
or tiend Hiioihcrpalr. upcra
i loc or Common BIDM,
:K width d , !:, & BR
v m 'if i iu n aim umi
lff 7vRi'-o. Send your Mitt ;
uilt fit you.
lllimti uteil
Dexter Shoe KESSSiSs
BMMIa IfTOfl iO Ieilt -.
I net Manhnnil
and vifror quickly
w"" "www nightly
utrouhy ,olr.. niiioly cured by IMtAlMt. tho trreat
Hindoo Renii-ay. With nrlilrnxnarMircior.r.. Sold by
MATTUKWS lKoa.liuuit.,, Scniimai, r.
tears. 3sv
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
aud Children. It coutains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless suhstitute
for Parerjorlc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destro s Worms and allays
fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea aud "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures consti patio n and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Cas
toria is tho Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers huvo topMtedly told me of its
good tffoct upon their children."
Dn. Q. C. Osoonn,
Lowell, HaM
" f a"-torla is tho best remedy for children of
whlob l an acquainted. 1 how the d:iy is not
far distant w hen mothers willconsider the real
Interest of their children, nnd uso Cnstorin. in
stead of the vnrlousquack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup nud other hurtful
agents down their throats, then by sending
them to prematura graves."
Dh. J. F. Kincqklor,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaar Company, 77
Positive Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenss3, Bron
chitis, Whooping Coujh. and ail Affections
of the Bronchial Tubes.
The rarest, Safest and Best Throat and Lung Remedy Ever Pro
duced. It will care every form of THROA.T and LUNG Diseases
down to the very borderland of CONSUMPTION.
Ask Your Drngsitt for a Free
Trial Bottle.
Auction! Auction!
133 Perm Avenue.
CHANCE to buy at your own price
Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware,
Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy
and Other Goods.
Sign Red Flag,
dMiffttii liffn ii ' hi
t-A RAN i LB tot ure
ivolunUr? f.nimflhii).'
DrluJ 1UU Alti-t I : n. :
ominmptloe or tawiilty,
For Bale by JOHN H.
Scran tou, I'a.
Bf m&ll nrrpcul. Ith
ucruncanu AMthUdinb.iioutuur. Auuruss akkvi; ni kim o,, mumiuIii Tcuiplo, i'im a .10. ill.
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDRUSON, Dniffiat,
'uiri Su'i!ce atreata.
-Ask for DR. BtOTT'S PEHNYEO Y A f. pn.r.H nail t.ikii nn ml
1 , mm
WSrtmxA for clroular.
Ull. Mtm-M CHEMICAL. CO., - C K voluua. Ohio.
KnrBala byC M. liAltuis, Drngglat,
Hotel Wayerly
Knropnan Plan. Firnt-claHi Dr alt iolied.
lit put for Burguer A MugnVt Tanutimor
N. E Col 15th and Filbert itl,, Phlledi
Woit dontrabln for rcsldontB of N 1. 1'onn
tylvaula. All rnnvcntt'iimn for trnvdori
to and fron. Brond fltroct station and tbe
Tw rlfth and Markot Strot ptation. Df
lirabk t or Tisitiog SoiHiitonhms aud ni.o
lit lu the Anthradto Keuiuu.
auauffiMTCSH timmrniinniwiTiwrriiffin
" Tastoria is so well ndapK-d to children that
I recommi ud itussuporiurtoauy prescription
kuowu to mo,"
H. A. Anemia, M. D.,
lit So. St., Brooklyn, K. Y.
" Our physicians in tin children's depart
ment have ipokSB highly of their experi
ence in their outsido practice with t'dstoriu,
and although wo only have among out
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo aro frco to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to loo'i with
favor upon it."
United Hospital ... DisrENfARV,
Boston, Moss
Allen C. Siiitd, Pres.,
Mnrray Street, New York City.
. bnce T" "P,n Bold with WRITTKS
I..r.:ns Di-liihtj, I.,a of Hernial Pwm in Ithfl icl
ft, m nuv , ;im.(. If n,..,!,.,.,,.,! u.,,.l, lr,.,,l.l... ,
tl .no jr i.u h maii.e t..-i, torts, with won i:
uivi.. a wnnon luoraotoe t" our u ii-fumi tii,- mm,, v A.'.h
fcWlutiil, Otjto.
PHELPS; Pbannadad oor. Wyoming Ave. and BprncaBt,
TL.k ttii)dtr.l remrtl gatr-
intri',1 i it r .ill m initio illa
oanos. hhpIi nn Wonk Momnrj LOMOf Brain Power. Headache, WeJcefulneM.
' - " i - Hlghlly Ktninptuns, MrroutneN,iUldiQiftndloMoj power
.nOoiioriitlveOrin'ift if iiltiicr : ox cnuwn, hy ovt'i ixni tin,f oullifiilei i ors.
I'srnMvo QM1 (if tohncco, nptuiii or ntlniutiii te, which If ml lo Intirnilt v. Cum
Biiinplldn 'r liMHiiltv. Cmi In nir.'it Iti t -f l.-pt. i tor box, O ftir in
n or.'.or we alv.- a rllle-. t iiurniilt r In cure
!HfflTOlrff11BTg1B:Srjg Tho only safo, anro ana
i-uilttuiu J-rnnuo ILl.Lt
over offorod to Ladies,
especially recommena.
od to titarriod Ladioa.
Jrlcu if 1.00 per box, boxe lor f&.ool
147 PannAvanua,
Coal nr tho Itmt quality for domostlc uao.nnfl
of iiMrIzko. tlnllvort'd iu any part of tlio t-lty
at lowoMt prlco.
Ordera loft at my offlrv.,
near room, drat floor. Thir l National Bank
or pent by mail or tolnpltone to tlio mine, will
letrelve prompt attention,
t-perial contracts will lm made f jr tlie sale
, ui out Hwiu-ni t oat
A. B. Brown's Bee
Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and For Capes during
sale at less than cost of mat ma 1.
Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
I.ntlie.a' Felt Hate, thin season's styles jq, eiU.(j
Boy Winter Waists IN enob.
Jf.ffi ! 30c. each.
Ciokt ... $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
1 LfU
M'twm ten
1 he above brands of flour can bo had at any of the following mf-rchants.
who will nccept The TbiBUKB FLOUR OOPPON o;' ZS on each oue hundred poundi
of flour or SO on each barrel ol flour.
cr.ntrln-F. P. Trii.-e. Wunbington av.'nu ) I
ioiil Meilai Brand.
Dunmore F. P Prioa Gold Kaaal Brand
Unnn'-ire-K. U Manley. Superlative Branl.
Hyde Park Carton & Dnvio, Wa-bburn St.
Gold Medal Brand: .1 neph A. JU-ars.Mam
avanae, Superlative Brand.
Green Rid (e A LSponoer.Gold MednlBrand.
J. T. McHidc, SuporJntive
Providence Fanner Cbappoll.K Main ave-
nne, Saperlative brandiu. J. OUlanpla w.
Uarkel atreot. Gold Medl Brand
plyphaat James .Ionian. Beporlative Branl
I'eckvllla ihaffor .tK-la-r Sop-rlatlv
Jermyn -C, i. Wlnten Co SopsralatWe
An-lilinld rnn"R, S m;)8or. -1 -n . (1 iid Veil!
l arl nnila'r-R. S. Clark, Cold Medal Brand.
lloiie-ilai-1 N. Foster Ar Co Goll Modi .
Hlnotika -M. H. I.iveiie.
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Kadeatthe Moosic and RUSH
L:.ftli:i & Rami Powder Co. 'a
Electric Batteriea, Fu.o for axploi
ing blasu, Siifoty I'usa and
RepaunoClicmical Co.'sHigli Explosivca
Ms and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
IS THE BFST. Get prices anO
fee tke furnace and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Avpello and Gauze Door
It lllgOH.
Hive, Pittston, Pa.
' i il-llllj 11. J,IiM
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct. 81. Fha first .fflci.ii
announcement of World's Fair di
plomas on flour has been m;ide. A
medal has been awarded by tha
World's Fair juduej to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co,
iu the proat Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee report!
the flonr htrong and pure, and t-ntitles
it to rant, as lirst-class patent flour for
limily uud bakers' uss."
Taylor-Judito : Co, Gold Medal; Atliertott
o.- Co., Superlative,
pnryea Laorreoc Store Co.. Gold Medal
Moo-iic John MeCrindle. t;..ld M. 'a!
Pittston - M W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal
Claik'K Green-Fraoa & Porker, Superlative.
Clark's Summit- F M. Yeune. Gold Medal.
L)a)ton-S E. Finn & Son. Gold Modn! Brunt.
Nicbouon-J E Hardinir.
Wawlr M. llllas ft Son. Gold Medal.
Faotoryrflla Oharlea Gardner, (io.d Modal.
Hopl.oitom N. M Finn & Son, Gold Mvd.iV
Tobylianna T ibvlio'iim ft a Lumtijr
Co. Hold Melal Btnnd.
Gonldsboro-S A. Adams. Gold Mt'. Brand.
MOSCOW Gain" ft Clein. nt. Cold Medal.
Lake Ari-1 JanioK A Bortree, Gold Medal
Forest City J L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Medal
Quarries and Work3,
Portland. Pa.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Atlantic Refining Co.
Alaiiufacturorti und Dealers in
Illaminatiog and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Napthaa nnd Gaso
lines of all (jrudoj. Axle Grensn,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound ; also, a lare lino of Pur
raftiue Wax Candles.
Wo also handle tho Famous CR0WM
ACME OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in tho market.
Offlc: Coal Exchuuuo, Wyoming Ay
urko ut l'iuu UruuK
For Delicacy,
Fcr purity, and for Improvement of the com
plexion, nothing equals Poszoxi's Towtlcr.