E SCBAtfTON TI4 1 UU N E 'M OTs DA V MORNING. APKTL 2. 1894. ,'5 EE! ARB OF COUNTERFEITS 1 6FNUIMF. POPUUR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. 5e Co., Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. LUUKT HUUkM MWAiUB. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST, EYE, EAB, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE BOORS '35 WYOMING AVE PERSONAL. F. B, Wliitnov, of Houesdalt, was lier. yesterday. E. H. Booth, of Schenectady, N. Y., is at Iba Wyoming. L. A. IVtersiou, of CurhouJslt), was ill Scriintou yosierday. J. E. tteynolde, of Berwick, w;u yester iinv i Bomuton visitor. Mr. 11ml Mrs. 11. 1. Hmcock, of Oil Clljr, ro visiting friHiut-t bere, M. J, I'vvilcy, of Bieawrk. Dakota, is vis itlu; at his old homo in ProvidWOS, Marcus Bmtth ami U. N. LaBar, of Will;. -s-Har-e, wore In ScrantOfl yesterday. Doctor Botitley and John LuBar, of Providaooa, bava returned from visit to the sootbern sint. J. B. Mont.-.merv aud William Unieh.of ornsiowD, N. J., spent Sander with Meads in this city. H. D. Kiuj;sl-y is iii the citvas nri'pre tentative n( tbe tiu-tLn.'.-iB dopartuidut of thu New York World. Manager John H. Black stood and Treat, iirer David L. lio. .t, of the Frothirmbom tti. ater, left for N'-w York city ysturduy ou theatrical bnainoM, Max Kee-e, Ban L. Freeman, William Bitteutwmter, O. V. Schnell and A. West composed pleasure purty from 1'lvmouth in this city yesterday. tin OniC Floyd returned to Baltimore Saturday to pursue her studies, after spemliDs.a short Vacation with her parent on North Hyde Far k jivea ut, Miss Emma Bradley will be married to AitliurP. UidDnvay at 9 o'clori Wednos day evening. Til- wadding will take place at the horn" "f th-" bride's pariit. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Bradley, Adani ave nue. Ernest .1. Wightman. who is interests I in the new -:-.-.-r railroad bine r m srrncrd between Middletovrn and lioslien. N. Y.. was in the city yesterday, dr. Wightman ItatCO t'est the electric railrmd eot.-rpriso ha I Mn received with onfhusi-a-m by residents of thatwo Sew York town. nnd that tl Opening Of the new line will be a re.l letter day wnh I reworks e.nd general rojoicin. QUIRK ATTRACTIONS. "Toe Old Homestad's" niovine story will be told ..t th Aeadmy of ilu'ic tonight. It is a simple story so simpi that it child may understand it, and i few wofd suffi': to explain tli oamnatt an l outline of the plot but th"r have b-n few contributions to ta;e literature daring the present 2n ernti.in which stand ont in as signifi cant a light. Tt won't rwcnme a clas sic, but i's inflaenee on contempora neous playwright "ff orf, and ns'nlness in pointing a way f.-r fntnru snccssfnl ucl.iev-rnent. is a very notable one. In NIOIITOwls. ' The la'ost novul r.rir. from thi Col On)Mn Exposition, the Plaisanc Din-c-rs -.Till be snn at the Academy of Music on Tuesday and Wednesday tVenini:, in connection with th "Xighi OwIj" Deanty show, a hinh class 1 uriesque an.l vaudeville enter lalnmejit. I'he company com with the 'ndorsment of the press where eyer it lias b-n sen. and therefore a jrnod prformance of this kind of en-t-rrainmcnt may be expected. Two lnriipqn-'s will be givn, "SoatatT Ornahed," and "Lively IWeption to Uncle Sam." The olio contains the names of m any n)"ver people, and new and novel specialties Pfofeaaot Ma cail's trained boxingdogi and nonkeyi are very langbabla f"atnr. PAULTNI BAIX THURSDAY NIGHT. One of the pl-asinc; events in oper atic circls in this city the present sei snn will be the appearance of Pinline Hall In the Prinosi of Trebizo;ide," whicli will bo presented at the Acnd emy of Music Thursday tTenlng, Dainty coatoming and with an ac complished compiny including John Ransone. A I f Whelan. F.7:i Davenport. Jniie Ring and Joaepbine Knapp will make III" rendition exceedingly attrac tive. The sale of seat Will Open at the Academy box ( Dice Tuesday morning at 9 a, in WONDERLAND THEATER. This ought to be a bit; week at New Wonderland tlieiter. (Ja .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday a dramatiza tion of Washington Irving's legendary story. "Rip Van Winkle," will tie pre sented by the tnlen;el company Mr. DeVil his atenred, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fcni'nore Cooper's woodland romance, "u:k of the Woods." will he the attraction. Thee twosup-rb plays will he. attractively Jjresenie.l and are bound to be receivd with great popularity. Do not misi seeing tln-m both. in- IIQUOR LICcNiS T.'.KSN OUT. The Eevenun Dnriv.d f'om Thij Sourci FooU Up $Ms,0O0 This it the Hit dy on wiiich imp! i -cants Tor liquor licenses for new linns can take them out, an:! Saturday inded tho pt.riod allotted to those who were ivrnnled licenses for ol 1 houses. Con sequently County Treasurer Powell was kept busy the last day of the week A few of the lOCOMffnl applicants did not take out their liceus-r, but most of tliem came aronnd with tbe toOney. Tbe receipts np to the present tune foot np $145,000, of whicii 181,000 was paid in on Saturday. U'antsd Youtic Mn and Women Out of Lmplnymnnt. Wo tiave hni! a good year. To meet tho demituils of the school o:;tra ttaoberi were employed they are with ua now. Over iVK) young men and women are out of em ployment in Scran ton. This spring ami milliner we propo-e to tnl;e these yonug people in our school oa oi.sy terms. The demand for people is not great in sny line, but couut up th people who do cleiieal work in ell tho offices, store', banks and manufactories, and see what an array of book-keeper-', stenographers and rlerks are employed. These perilous ure tbe business men of tomorrow, Huudreds of your friends have been at thu college aud hundreds buvo ucceej. The faiihlul ones win; the inattentive fail. Take these next few months and learn book-keeping or stenography) brush np in grammar, spelling, arithmetic; keep your ryo on penmanship, get a good knowledge 3f notes, drafts, checks; know something f commercial law, aad wiud up with the Diisiness practice. Yon have the. time pome in and see ns. iVoOD'R COLLEOK OF BrsiNKSH AND S-'HOBT- uakd. F. K Wood, Proprietor. NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Death Relieves lb) Suffirlng of an Aged aad Respited Woruiin. DIED OP HEART DISEASE Mrs. Elisabeth James Expired Yes terday - Confirmation Services. Mrs, Oectlia Purkln Buried Tliro' Children Die and Many Are Sick of the Prevailing Epidemic Other Hyde Park News. The West side office f th Boiaotom l itiin'NK is located at pun Jackeon street where subscription, advertieeineats ami commnnlostlona will receive progipt t tenlion.) Mrs B'iaibtli Jantse, re.iot ol tb late Daniel S. J ii"s, die I t '.' o'clock yeeterday afternoon, the inffered from an attaok of pntttmonta end eh' (lured great pain utitii until death OA me to hot relief. Mrs. .lames s born in South W il-s abont sixty -ove years ao. vd eoiigrit-l to this o.iuo try with her huabaud, who died twelve years ago. ,8he lived for twenty-four years in the hottee In whioh she died lira Janies was a wootao of sterling intatrity and worth an 1 loaves behln I her a multitude of frlendi who mourn nr loss. She n survived by tt'ree children, nin-.v: Mr. John Davis, Sonata r. i .1 -lines, of Provi deooe, and Mr . James Oeorge, of Avooa, Siie -'as a devout Ciiris ttan an I a t lausbet of the First Welsh Bsptlsi chwroh, The (nneral t.ikevpjac i in Wednesday afternoon Services Mill rondntteJ bv U -v. W. S. Jonee itcimsnt in Washburn street oeaeel ry. 0 i hruiatloii Servicda. Confirm itioc nervioes were conduct ed iu SC. 'avid' Fpiscopal oburoh yes terday af ernoon by Ht. Rv. Bishop Ruiison oi Central Pennsylvania. The xeri isf opened with the evening prayer service by the rector, after which yilliaui Coney, lay reader of the partei read the lesion of tile day. A in is; xcellent esrmon was delivered by tbe bishop, and the rites of confirm ation were bestowed on the following Jlisivs Amy Howell Lillian Kenwood, irtie Miller. Mams Lewie, Sarali D4-i-i, Etta Divis, Mrs .Ious, Mrs J. Lewie and Victor Williams, Il.rry Sproatt, Will Divis, Luther Thomas and B lward Thomas. D:d from Hsart Disease. Amelia, th" 10 yesr-ol I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fiola, did on Saturday morning si the home of h-r parents In Bvani court Mis Fiola uad been ill for the ut two years with heart trouble. She was an estimable yonug lady and resiled in this country about svsn years, having came from (i-rra any. She was a de vout member of st John's German Catholic church. Ttv fnueral will b eondnoted in the German Catholic church by Rev. Fthr Friclt"r Inter ment in St. John's cemetery. Int'rmtnt of Mm C-clti Durkin. The funeral of the late Mrs. Cecelia Dnrkin. of Jackson street, occurred at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning from tne family residence, and was largely attended. A solemn high mass of re quiem was celebrated at St. Pitriok's church bv K v. Father Wln-lan. s siteil by Fatner Dunne and Father McNall-y p.s tie icon and Ub-deaaoa. I he p ill hear-rs were Owen Qardener, Charl-s ( irdner, Owen M-lvin. J -se;ih Lnftns, Patrick Loftus and James LoftUS, Iotermnt was made at tne Dunm ire Catholic ceinet .ry. TVath of Thr.e Children. The prevailing epidemic on this side still seems to Its on tn increase Hun dreds of childr i e.re now sick, aud nl tbottgh evry effort is being made by physicians to check the ditf ate, (mt without effect. A chil 1 of Mr. and Mrs Tnomss A. Divis died res tor day at their home on North Q irtield ave nue. The funeral will take pises to mnrrow afternoon. Interment In the Washburn S'reet cemetery. D'lth also enterod the home of James it ch ar Ison. taking his youngest daughter. Margaret, on Saturday. Too funeral will occur today. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L mce. aged 2 years, and of a winning disposition, died yester day after a short illn.'t-s. The nneral will occur tomorrow. Interment in the Washburn Street cemetery. In Honor of Pat'or Collins. A meeting will be held in the Scran ton First Baptist chnrch this evening comment OTittl ig the llztb anniversary of the sett leinent ovr tho congrega tion of the pastor, Rev. T. J. Collins. A'!dreRes will be made by different persons in behalf of the church, Chris tian Bndenvnr society, Sunday school and choir. Special uimic will also bo rendered, and after tbe exercises a social will be held in the basement, of the church. Members of the church end congregation are earnestly invited to attend. Rv Dr. FPiyd R Elected. At. a recent mnstinr of the' official board of th Simpson Mthodist Epis copal church, Rev. Dr. Floyd, tho present pistor, win unanimously chosen ns the choice of th con gregatlon to assume the pastorate for the ensuing term. In tin time sine-' its organisation has the chnrch been in ns good condition Oosnolalty and Otherwise as at the present time ami it, in hoped by the congregation that the Wyoming conference, which meett in this city in t few days, will return Dr. Floyd to the Simpson church. Personals aad Nwi Notes. Daniel RsgaD. of this side, visited with friends in Avoca on Siturdny, Rev. D. W. Bkellenger, of the Wasb linrn Str.o-t i'rcsbvtBrian church, and Iter, A. W. Coopr, of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal churc i, ex changed pulpits yesterday morning. Masters Howard Davis, Bogent D Fellows, jr., Tudor William--, William Morris, Arthur Hull, Willi.- lilies and Rob Petti I, of the Lsokawanna Cedes Irian club, walked toOtmpbell'l Ledge on Satutdsy Judge Henry M Blward; Druggist Tom Jonas, Hon, I) M Jones and Hon T. H Dile returned from Philadelphia. Alvin W. Beers, Act. Leyshon and George Fields enjiyod last evening with friends in Providence. Blocum lodge, No 07(1. elected the following offlcsrt on Saturday evening; John R. Jonfl. noble grand; ThouiHs Carson, second vice noble grand ; Wil liam Gaylord TbOlnat, secretary; Nich olas Bennett, assistant secretary; George Bsrtb, treasurer; Henry J DavieB, trustee. D. A. Ryan, druggist, of North Main avenue, has removed his place of business to Penn avenue, norner of Spruce street. Chnrles Cooper, tho East Side con tractor, will break ground today for the masonry work on a large building to l' erected on North Hyde Pari; ave D it for Minor Warden, of Washburn It 'Bt. i.'he Ladies' Aid society of the Hump ton Street Methodist Episcopal chnrch v II serve a supper on April I in the inch parlors. The Delaware, Liickswanna and cetera railroad company will piy heir employes at the Arohbald. Con .'mental aud Hyde Park minei today. The etores and saloons ou the West Side were oloted in earnest yeeterday. Mrs. Lewis, Mr. Lloyd and Mrs George Mackrete, of Tenth ttreet, at tended the funeral of ft relative at Nanticoke, Salurday The choir of the .Simpson Methodist Episcopal church repealed their Bitter music 1 st evening, assisted by Mi Cora Storms. Tne singing was excel lent and was appreciated by a large congregation. )OINGS OF I the Military. The following order of Major Mattes will interest the members of the regi ment comprising tbe First battalion: BjUDQi'AiiTiiiia ISth KiaiiMRNT. ) '1 BIRO 1 RIOADB, N. (1 P., BcilANTON, Ph., Marou '-'(1, IStf t. Battalion Order No, i I. Tho coinpanici comprising the First battalion of the Tbirteeuth rvgltssnt, N. ( i. p., will assemble (or battalion drills at the nrruory ol tbe Borantou Oity Oaard, In aocordauca with tbe schednle ol dates and drills given below. Asiembly at7.5 p.m.j adjntkui's call at B p. m. II Continisslouraofficen of the battni Ion will also assemble at the re jlmentel headquarters to ttndy the movements 1 1 ls executed at each battalion drill, as fol lows: First drill movements, Thursday even ing, April at !i o'clock, two nd drljl movemeute, Thursday tven- lug. .May ( at H o'clock. Third drill D Von. cuts, Thursday even ing. Jnne al 8 o'clook. in. jlrst battalion drill, Oompaniet A and b, Mondny, April i First battalloa drill, Companiet 0 and O, Friday, April 18. Second battalion drill, Oompaniet A ami Q Tneedav, May ir s. nd battalion drill, Compauies B and U, We.luesdsy, May 16, Third battalion drill, Compauien A and l, Tuesday, Juno 12. Third battalion drill, Companies B and I', Friday, June lo. IV. The movements to be executed at each drill areas follows: FIRST DULL. Movements. Paragraphs. Formation of battalion 67 Open ranks Ml Close ranks SIM Manual of arms ''' Firings .VKi-i-S Marching In hue Kfl-S Being in line, to face the battalion to the rear 878 Alignments 27SJ-SU Dei a g i u line, break into column of fours from the right or left to march to the left or right 284 Marching in column of fours, form rn right or left into liuo 2S9 Mnrciiiug in column of fours, form front into lino 290 Marching in column of fours form front iuto lint faced to rear i91 Battalion parade SECOND DRILL. Form of battalion 257 Manuel of arms Break into column of tours Form line by tivo movements S9S-7 Break by the right or left of compa nies, to the rear into column 301 Break into column of fonis Four companies successively to the tight or lift into column at full distance :(02 Marching in column of companiesat full distance, form companies suc cessively to right or left into col umn of fours 303 Form linn Break by companies from right to left to march to left or right 34 orm on right or left into line :2 Break Into column of companies. . . . Form front into line faced to rear.. 314 Relng in line, change front 315 Being in line, advance in lino of companies in columns of fours... 321) Oompaniet OOlntnn right into column-' of fours Being In Oolnmnt of fours, right or lefr into line of companies iu col umns of fours 325 Oompaniet column right into col nmns of fours Form on right or left, into line of companies in c lumnof fours. ... 320 Battalion Iteview. THIRD DRILL Form batallon 257 Manual of arms ;j Break into column of compnnles at full distance Form close column Marching in close column, tnku full distance 3,10 Form line Ploy into close column 338 Form column of fours from close eclumn 342 Being In column of fours, ploy into close column faced to front 339 Change direction by the flank 344 Being nt a halt, deploy the close co lumn 3(6 Battalion parade. By order of Majos Charlies C. Mattes. Attest:-! T. Mattks, Adjutant. The regimental board of officers will me-t at headqnnrters tonight. Quarterly return" nr now du. The quarterly of Oompanv H wns in the blinds of tho adjutant Thursday, being the first filed, Company C closely fof lowed next day, Company C stands ready to enter the Competitive drill contest Decoration Day. Who dares knock the chip off their shoulder? April is her". The adjuttnt general's report for 1883 is not present. Recruiting It going tttadllyoq, and most excellent reornlta nre being added to the several companies. Why not app.-al to Company E and the citizens of Honesdale to build our new armory. Nun comtnissionol officers' school nt headquarters next Thursday evening. Company D did a graceful and mer itorious act last FrbUy evening iu re electing Ceptain Ikrnard for another term of five yenrs. Captain Barnard is in every way coinpet -nt to drill and manage this most excellent compuny, whose p Tsonnel Is Of the very best in the rejfiraent, Captain Barnard has labored hard and earnestly in the in terest of the company, and deserves great credit for tbe proud position his company holds tolav-in the reglinent The company is to be tongratnlnted In retaining him at lit head. OlUTlO, 9- . EPISCOPAtlAN C0MFIKMA7I0N. Rlshop Ruiison Administers ths Rites at Thrs. Sorsnton I p -moat Ohnrchss. Rt Kev. N S Bullion. Kind,,.. jutor of the Protestant Episcopal Dio cese of Central Pennsylvania, adminis tered the rites of oonnrmstlon in this city's BplCOOptl churches yesterday as follows: St Luke's, niorniof Hemic,. St, David's at 11 o'clock in the after noon, snd (. lun ch of the Good Shepherd st 7. 80 o'clock last evening. Tbs size of th clnsses mi nil .,r ti, .. - ..v . . . vi uir churches was gralifyingly large. Mining uis visit nero niSUOp HUMOn was entertained bv Rev. It 1 r'lTM I jr ol St. Lnks's. Mew Dlcyola. A new bicycle worth $75 will be sold for 135. The machine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the 'i i Maine offlce. NOTES F SITU SI Louis BcbWISS Rocommended on All Sides as District Engineer. HE DESERVES THE APPOINTMENT His Reputation ns a Fireman First Clast A South Sidcr Honored by President Clevjland A Disturber ol tho Peace -Personal and Shorter Paragraphs Gathered from Various Sources. A petition signed by nearly every mcuitiwr of the Fourth district of the Horantou Fire department has beu sent to Mayor Cooiiell asking him for the anpuintment s district engineer of the Fourth district the person of L huh W. Schwasii, of the Fourth district. Mr. SubWaSS is one of 'he oldesi mtm- bers of th Scran ton Plre department, and linn never sought any preferment lieretofore, lie is pushed on ny his friends, who claim that the honor would fi'.u ou no more deserving sUoul ders. CorooiKn '.i i.t Poitmaatur. Today Miohal V. C'oreorau, ol Dnr yea, sstUUlet the functions of office as postmaster of iii adopted place The people of too South Side Will beint-r- rste.i In the welfare of Mr Corcoran. lie was born on Cedar iivenue and re si. led on the South Side until a few ye ns ago il.s many friends will re joice in the promotion that has fallen to bis lot. Moron Whs Dia-ttfn'Heuhlft. A telephone in.sHu.;e received at p dice headqnnrters Saturday after noon, asked mo protection of two p hcemen lor the manager of the Ml nooktt store of the William Council Coal compuny. A driiukn rough named John Morau was bent upon making matters disagreeable for the customers and tbe manager. James Shorten was obliged to send for police men Officers Roche and Burke ar rived, but Moran kept in tbe bsck grounds, and th-y were forced to ri turn to town without him, Personals. D. H Barry, of Jssnp. visited his purents on Genet street yesterday. thomea QaTVey, of Cedar avenue, iu Confined to the house with a serious ill noes. Miss Agnes Glennon, of i'itlg'o i, is visiting Mifsss Rose and Minnie Hand, of Cedar avenue John Jordan, of Stone avenue, left yesterday for Philadelphia to mide there '1 uomai Smith, a keeper at the Hill side home, visited his parents ou Stone avenue yestcjd ay. Michael Murray, lately coustabie of tbe Twentieth ward, left yesterday for Trenton, N J . to beonmo a member ol the Pinkertou Detective agency. Thomas MoGlynn, cosmopolitan, ar rived yesterday on this side from the Hillside poor term. Mitiul Joiinie Loug':iny and Annie McAodrew, of Mlnooke, spent the past two days in Carboudale. Shorl-r Faraeranhs. Miss C'ler Donahos, of Stone av. niu, bus begun the organization of a South Sid-. Croquette club, A meeting ol the board of audi torn of Lackawanna township will bo held tonight at 7 o'clock, tt which all the niiinnerj nr.' requested to be present. George Beamish, of Pittetou avenne, has porvbaaed the iem(, nod 9:00k oi Martin McDjnongb, of Minooka, and will conduct the saloon run heretofore hv MrDonongh in Minooka. The respective horsei of Thomas F. McDnnough and Fran.; Kleinscliroudr, uf Pitiston nvenue, oompeted in a Speed test yesterlny afternoon, iu wnicii Billy G, owned by the latter, won the race, making a mile in 2.38J A branch of tbe Yonns Men Insti tute was organized yesterday afternoon In Seerid m's ball. Old Forge, by Dli tried D-puty Patrick F. O'Hnrn, ol o Camell council, Minooka. Spetohei were made by Michael G Cntick, Peter (. Cntick, Patrick J. Mulherln and Martin II. McDonoUgb, Thirty char ter members were enrolled. John M Coyne was elected temporary chairman and Dr. J. J Timlin teeretary, - END OF THE WINKL'-FI TROUBLE. Herbeit Barnss and Hie Young Lady Hsva Brcuied a Msnlag-s License. The Winkler robbery mystery lus been cleared up an I the mousy recov er. (1, 110 at least it is understood, al though those concerned iu the investi gation which resulted in the arrest of Herbert Barneeand the adopted daugh ter of Mr Winkler, are very reticent in regard to the sffjir. It seems, however, that neither Mr. Winkler nor the South Sid.. Oeinian Building and Loan association, to whom ibe money belonged, have any desire to tiioecito til" uniltv nirtv nr ,.,r ties, end it Is not likely Unit anything more will be beard about the case. Something of a romance is connected with the robbery. It is well known that Miss Winkler, m she was gener ally called, was very much enamored of young Barnes, and whatever part she may have tskeu in the crime was donbtlett inspired by her mad Infatua tion. At any rate btrtclf and Harms went to Wllk aBtrrc On Saturday and took ORt a m in tage license, and it is probable that ere this they arc man and wife, TljC recovery of the money was the result of a nhrewd piece of detective work, for It is donbtlett trui that tho police bad v-ry little evidence on which to work up the case. That lacocil crowned their (Torts is inffloltnt guar in tee Of tothe level beaded work imv i ii g been performed, even if sly cupid had luj-ctod a spice of romance into the c ise. Tho lumrisgo llaense referred to was taken out for Herbert Barnes, of Brooklyn and Miss Phlllplna Klot7., of Dunlap Hats SPRING STILE ON SALE CHRISTIANA Sole Agent, 205 Lackiwanna Ave. being the ronl JENNINfi' JUKV DISAGREE. The Caio Will Bt KetrUd at June IVrin of Court. The jury iu the case of Jennings against the Lehigh Valley company failed to agree. After deliberating two days and two nights they mine into court .Saturday end stated that it wns impossible for ih. in to reach an agree ment,- whereupon Judge Arohbald dii charged them from lurthor attendance upon the case. It will be retried In June. The jury it said to buvo stood li to U, The evidence of the plaintiff in the case of Ann Miinley IgaiUtt John Hull was concluded Siitumlity momlrfg, Major Warrni, counsel for the defend ant, then anked court for a compulsory nonsuit, ou the ground that Mr. Mini ley was intoxicated at the time he fell into the hole andanttalned the Injurlei whioh resulted in his death. The mo tion for noimui t, was sustained. The jury in the case of Sarah Griffin mill olliers against Ambrose Mutiny returned a verdict for plaintiff. (oranton's Business Interests, Till-: TUBUHB will soon publish II car.) fuily complied mid claStuted list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcranton and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound in honk form, beautifully lltoitrnted wnh photogravore vmws of our pnbllc build lugs, uotluees blocks, streets, etc., together wiih portraits of leading uitltene. Mo similar work has cv.-r given un equal rep resentation of Bcranton't many Indnt tiies. It will beau Invaluable etpotlUon of our business resources, Bent to ptrsont outside the .'itv, copies of this handsome work will nt tract new comers mid bo uu unequalled edvertleemuut of the ciiy. The circu lation i.. i u a plan that ntbuot fail of good results to tho-e oouceraed at w ii as the city at large, Beproseutatlvesof Tot Tuburk will call upon TH0SS WB08S naui:s urn ui.Miitun iu this ttlhioii and xplaln Its nature mora fully. Those desiring views of their Ntldencet in tnl edition will please 1 uvo neiicu at the ol&OS. . Corner Stone Laid it Dannors. 'i he corner stone ,,f c,. Catholic church of BS. Anthony .d Padua, which u in oonrtc of construct um at Dnumorejieii laid yeeterday by Rev t. F. Uoffey, of Oarbondale,'assbited i.y R.-y. Fathers Gold en, Heir, Quinnan, Kiaaro uul tfonta The church is being erected by the Italian reeidi uts of Duutaore. The ceromonlet incident to the corner etooe layiug were preceded bye parade, in which thu I 01 ..1 Italian societies participated, I'esdleaton A Wotrtft Slid Dullcinttno's AIbh an. thu Lot. K. J. VVlXSU, agent, SI I.v . u ,1, .. avenue. -resents Co vhere they have the bsst selection. RICH CCT GLASS, CHOICE CHINA BRIC-A-BMC, SILYERWARE -AM PS, ETC. MALI . WE1CHEL & MILLAR 110 Wyoming Avenue, Tltc (ircal Mitrveloi IVntal Science I A recent discovery and the sole property of Honwood & Wariell DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. W 1 1 AT J. O. SF, A MO NS S A YS ABOUT ANjESTHBNB, DBS. HKNWOOII A v. I It 1)1 tit After having eleven teeth extracted nt eueelttlng by the painless method, 1 pru neaMoe 11 entirely saUsIhetors in ovsri partlsnlara .1. a. RSAMONS DON'T 11. h i. ON To the doUae when they will bring yon enrh tales In return ss Is off.irnd v nt here. V tin uvel heard of -or-h a OhtBOOr A $150 Bicycle for $76 We SVC offering our HOYS' AND (ilb'l.s' WIIBEl.Hat very low prices. ,. , , ,,, by the catalogue list. & Hell Scranton, the latter uuine of tho woman. Wedding fll s Anssi ene OUR "BELL" CUTA WAY AND SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VARIETIES. rtin & Delany Clothiers and ",y H INVITE your attention to our new new spring stock, which is complete, and beg to add a word with reference to the advantages offered by us. I lie particular care exercised in the se lection and manufacture of all garments, the perfection of pattern and novelty of design, all guarantee the Lest value at No Higher Prices than arc frequently asked for goods of infe rior workmanship. A careful inspection will convince you of their value. Collins &IaLcke1e7t Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, 220 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. m & Co. Cloak Makers anl Furriers. Three of Our Good Things AT $5.00 The New i:,ioisli Jacket, Pall Sleeve, Large Reveres, Poll Back, Now Length. AT $7.50 Tan, Navy, Segar Brown, Mixed Brown and Grey, A. very stylisb Jacket. Pit and shape perfect SEE THIS NUMBER. AT $10.00 We will give you a choice of f.mr si li s of Jackets, Clay, Twill or iici Cloth. For dress or street w . ar there are none better The oorreel FOOTWEAR for Hpi itt)! iiinl Summer. The newest iliinp; in Ladies' Footwear is the EMPRESS. Just take a look in our show window and you uill say it i lint finest shot' for this Bpring you etui buy. , Gentlemen's IJtisii;i Calf But ton and Bluchers are the proper thing. We have them in nil colors :inl styles, Also, tho Baser Too, if, you prefer I hem. Jusl take n look at I hi'tn. SCHAM'S Arc;ui8 Shofl Ston. YOM1NU AVU THE CELEBRATED PIANOS Am t Prsssat the Mm fepaltr sad rYsfsrrsd iiy uHultu aruias Wsrorooms : Opposite Coliiiotius Ttcnninpnt, 20B WasMngtOn Av. Scr.inton.Pn. seui un ir wro Hum iiciu-r. . O WENS We Can Show You mmmm sons1 TODAY H f-" 0 1 L AT EST Custom Tailors : T em j Cloak Makers find Furriers, Court House Square Tho GENUINE Now Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18M Now fork War orooms No. so Fifth A von tie. B, C, RICKER & CO., . Sole d'slers In this suction. OFFICE 123 ADAMS AVE. nti!ic Eft TestiM free By Dr. Shimberff, Tho BpsetaUst OB tho l"yo. Uradartioj unit Mervoosacss rdlovel. Latostsnd Improved Stylo of Sys Gtlssscii sud Bpsalaelieat too LowealPrieea Best ArtlAdla Kya-i mesettd for iCi. Jos SITUCE ST., op. Old Pest Offics Dlyou hunt, fish, ride n wheel, or iatenrl ti ? Do vnu wast lino I'ocket Cntlery, a Rasor, or miy ot tbS liamer oiu iirticle tportauen srul stortiti(t men user It so, on and nftor APIUI,. 1ST. A. W. JT.IEI30II Will be prepared lo rurnlth totne nt reaaonsble prioei at Ms ttajre, 435 Spruce Street Remembor, everything now, stoclc just, bought; no old stock to .lisposo of. Call and ezamlnt uml you will save t i m and monny, HHsm HB TUTl MBBJpv BLLK 222 WYOMING AVE. t