I TIIE SCItANTON TKIBUNE-MONDAY" MORNING. APRIL 2, lf CEH1 A Word. Want of all .nn. co.it Unit mv.ch, r.v- er),t Situations tfanted,wMeh ore (smarted FREE. Situations Wanted. i."" 1 ll'AT ll' WAV'i. I l A IREAD o ul cake baker, ran take ibargs ol sboj Referem if required. Address E A. W Taylor, Px SITUATION WAN 11 l liV YOL'NU LADY tl a cinivisi nr to do w ork ill an olli. Fx ri'llont reference furnished. Allure! A M., r rtlraue of&os, SJliTAIMN WANTF.D-HY A MIDDLE i uged lady as hoimckeoper or as companion for an Invaul, Address, E. P. Tribunaottice, city. Help Wanted M.ile. 117 ANTED - A FIRST CLASS chat maker Ai'i'lv at once. CllAlll.l.s EVANS, Carli niilalc. I'll. U-anted OKNERAL WllLELKLuiT Apply i.t Hilhool's Carrhgo works. Helu Wanted Ft males. lITANl Rl) A (illil TO lui GENERAL t housework. H od wages will ho l aid I mpetooi I all lOQreeo Ridge sti c tOOK W AN 11.1) AT ST. JAM Es HOTE1 IU Lackawanna sveau flgenta Wanted. 1 MAN I solicit c mpnny. WANTED TO COLLECT AND tor Prudential Llfw luauranoe H. BOHCBBttT, 808 Washington av inu WAN IT. U MAN WITH LIFE AND nBB VV insurance ixperieuoe as solkiltor in Lackawanna eoanly; Rood Induoemauta to right man. Address IbM-ai Bell bwVilngi Philadelphia, Pa, U'AN'.T.P TWO YoCNH MEN OF GOOD address tn all mi business houses. Steady employment tor rood men. Apply NATIONAL, CUBAN TOWEL COMPANY. Atcade bail ling. Wanted To Rant X7NTBD T" RENT-o TO M Al'KES ? with boon and barn mar station, a boot bait hour (ram Koran ton. Btatetull particu lars, Address Form, Tribune otttoe, For Rent. in'!! RENT APRIL I THE ROOMS NOW J.1 occap ivi by tho Telephone Exchange. 88 Lackawanna aifenuo, Apply at the offlca ot Li high Ball Mining Co.. Third National Bank bnilding. l S.and E. C. Fuller, UOH RENT - NEW" STOttE, NO. 41M I Spruce street, inquire ot r RED WAu NEK. 811 Lackawanna aTonaa TpoN RENT PROM APRIL i HOUSE AT F w Jefferson avenue, .n first claas oondir ttoa, mpderu lm'rovcnients, best Lucation. A; i-'.v to u M. itortou. No J Commonwealta buiidlnif, 17OK BENT- BUI LOIN a Jr wanna avenue Iron Apr! B WELLES, Cm! Exchange, 51s LACKA L CHARLES 7 Jul'sF. Foil iJENl' NEAR l'DSTliFFlCC. l"i containing fourteen rooms nml laundry, all in fine order, Spiandld incation fur ri'iir-in- farniabed roenu. Apply at 537 Linden etrtct. 1'.. 1JOB BENT-THREE BOOKS, FRONT ON T si'i-o :'l llisir, over N. A. Hulbert's mu-li: tore. 117 Wyoming avaanti from Apr;l L In qndne in the store. TTOUSE FOR RENT UNB BLOCK FROM il poet otiii-e. contaming tburten r na ini.l 'anr.ilrv. all in Mio , rJer. Pine location toM lurnisbud rooms. Apply at do,' Linden atroet. rj'O LET POB A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or all of thn".' hundred few ot yard rem riloiiu railroa.L Apply at wlrraaklio vnn". 't o BKMT STORE Jiniiio;: FURNISHED 1 b;tl! on l!n;eu Kiii(e str sit. Vefy deidril tlo location and on reaaonabie terms. Apply to p. B, NaVTTLETON .r C 8 WOODRurF, BepabUcan baiHing, i For Saie inui: sa:--. -a 1 u:i F B10H TV AOB JT on and one-ball milo.s from Dalron on tho Dataware, Lackawanna nd Western ra'.lrood ntak-clata farm booaa with a aaver failiaif inring narby: two barn. k'"ih1 laud ami itishI ureh.inl. Will bo sold cheap, lernis eni . Addresn B. F. VuN STOKCH or IAA' ' EI.LIS. exocntor3, Dal ton, Lackawanna county. P.t. T70P. SALE - te-ACRB r and atcsaJba J. kt FARM, 8 roOK 8UEF FIELD, KM Monro,' avn l.'i B SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB BCBAN X ton property A bearing oraneo jrrovo btayeaahtg in proluetioo and valu i yearly In the oran-'e lection in Fiorina, Addree r. E. li ETTLETON. LakaHekta, Florida Special iotlces. tjlamk' bih jicsr'pAM ph le?s?maGa y z'n''s, etc., bi und or rebonad nt The Tain una effloe. Quick work. Beaaonable prtcea. " BAL TTCKETS OAN I1B HAD AT Ml. i?l corner Spruro str"nt and Pranklln av r.ne. Twenty meal tickots for BkOl Good tii bio board. Notice to Taxpayers. VOTICE TO TAXPAYERS -THE I'AX- li payers of tho city of Serantna, Pa , wtd hereby take notice thit th- in. ard of appeals npooint-sl ny the city councils of said city to bear and determine appeals from city nss.-ss-mon'H for the Tear 1804 aro holding ineetinus daiiy at the otilce of tho city ch-r betweei the n ;:rs of B a. m. and 6 p. m. for the perpcea aforeaai-l and that pieals will r.nly lsi heard ill cases of now nsKes-iinents for sai.l yenr. tho isithority vested in sa d l oard nut pormittini; tOi refWon of asH 'ssinents for any year but tbatnf list. Tho meetings of tho beard will imv Merck 81, MM, By fder of board of appeals if. T. LAVELLE, tity Clerk. Legal VOT ICE IWhE-'an' SBXkTIIjiN OT?Aui . x of Lackawmna township to the City of hcranton IniL('ourt of Quirtor BOMOBS of i,acnawanna euntv. 1'ennsylvanla, He, 120, January sossimv isSM. Aud DOW, to wit, Morch V. IBM, on flhng potiilon of tho CltT n Hcranton. and upon motion in open court.it t orrlenwl tint the wild petition ami such frf ns any parties in interest may chooso toftfr U,n th" i nest Ion .if inrhnting that part of uekaWMSUI town ihip racentlv ani.ex-d to tp City of Kcrnn ' ton, in an ndjfuont ward ot wnrils bn pre iDted to tho eoort on Monday. April H. Wt, nt o'clock a. m. Tins order to I,,. pnbliHhed at leant three times in Ui BcRASTOS Tittni tts, the Scran ton Reput,ki-ri and the iScranton Truth, and also to be rinted in hftudbillsat least ton of will "h slmn 1 posted in oonap'cnoiia pla'ei in tho unnexcA Nrritorv or n week prior '. o the said hearing. Ily the court: OovtMled from the recen this .Mh day of March , T,(0M V Chrk of the Court, A Million Frionds A Iriond in need is a frinnd Indeed, nnd not, less than one million people have fouud just Mich a friend In Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, coughs ami Colds, If yon have never used tblsOreBt ICongn Medicine, one trial will convince Wou that it has wonderful curative powers in ail diseases of Throat, Chest nnd Lungs. Wacli bottle is guaranteed to ilu all that it claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles tre nt Mathews Bros', ding Btore. Large bottles fioc. and $1.00. Crlt!cllng a Young Lady. Sbo would bo a protty girl for but one thing." "What's thntr asked Chnrloy. George tier face is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Oh, that's enslly enough dis posed of. used to be the asms way my felf, but I canght 00 to the troublo one day. and got rid of it in no time. George What waa ltf Charley Simply blood eruption. Took a short course of P. P. P. It"ll yon, It's oho boss blood corrector. Tim governor hnd rheumatism so bail thnt you could bear him ho'ler clear across the country every time he moved, fde tried it. and you know what an athletic old cent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daiy a pointer, ebo would thank them after tvardd. All tbo drug stores sell It, GENERAL NEWS OE INDUSTRIES Tliis is QM Period of lit iDlbnelit Coal Trade's Discontent RESTRICTION Willi A VENGEANCE Novcrthcloss This (Surgeon's Knife Is n Necess.iry Condition of Ulti mate Rocovcry, and Wliila II May Hurt at tho Tiim, tlio Wisdom of its Ministration Will Uc Vindicated by the Final Result -Alleped 8lgnl licanco of Rollin H. Wilbur's Pro motion to tho General Superin lehdancy of iho Lehigh Valley. Other News of Industries. The anthracite trflile ia xp$rUaolnii at presvut th DBMia Spring liili" of its (iisenntent. KtatrlotiOD, like a Mir (eon's knife, cuts into its vitals, but h 11 neoMaarji prdral if the patient vroold prteervn Itsell from bopslses dlstoln llon, The) decision In restrict prodtto tlon dnrlon April to 40 per emit, of th oapaolty means, if narried ont, an out put or between 1,800,000 and 8.000,000 tuns, which, compared with thuomput In April, llKi. U a reduction of from 1,884,660 to 1.484 050 tons. Add to this tu reduction oi three months of the present year, the d-creasj at tti end of April will probably be, say, 0,500,000 tons. Tins It ortmnly a very radlcil NStriotiOD, and yet it is no morn that) the condition of the anthracite coal trade rraaranti One effect of this re striction upon SorantOO ami its vicinity trill , of coarse, l ssrlons loss in irages; but even that is preferable at momentary sscriBce to a OOinp Bts and peruiansnt disruption of the anthracite it de, with the constqnent drop in miners' eatninRS and the d-ereased op- portoiiitiei fr gettinu employment at all. The general hope and expectation .re that this Kveri contraction of pro cessea ot coal production will not long oo necessary, According to a current rumor roll lions between tbo (raffia and operating ..epirtmeuts of the Lehigh Valley had bsm anything but harmonious until Bollin II. Wilbur was made general aperintendent. Thn difficulty had t"ou Mr. Voorheea' aliened unpopular Uy with the men aud the fdet of his re taioing a vloe presidency in tho mm. auetnent of the Rsading system, Uu der tne new n lj istm "tit of dulijs it is aid that Mr. Yoorheei has not been shorn of hi power by any mean", and be continues in full enjoyment of his dual poiti 'lis .tiid silane, but tlnre is reason to beli-ve his c inunction with ttie Lsnttfii iiiey inanaKement is neither r.s oloss nur us friendly us formerly. TIip Clearflvld, Conemmgb and Wes tern railroad, which was recently in corporated, promises to becom. ono of be t-joat valuable feeders and connect ing lines in Ibis ntnte, if we may be lieve the Stockholder's prediction 0 10 of the terminal points is Johnstown, and the route thence il northward through Cunbria and Clearfield ooan tim (a distance of about seventy-live mile) to the month of Little Clearfield Creek, whero it will co ineet with fie beech Creek railroad, and thns estab lish communications by m-nne of the Beech Creek nr.d it connections with Philadelphia and. Xw York. It will also Connect either by the Bnech Creek ro id or by branch with the Clearfield md Mahoning railroid, with the Buff nlo, Rochester and Pittsbnr?, thus pivin communication with Buffalo, Knchrster and other points up in the Ink s. At Johns town it will cinnect with the Balti more and Ohio and the Pennsylvania, ivin it an outlet to Pittbn r and the west. Work is now being dona upon that portion of the line which was formerly owned and locitel by the Clearfield Creek railroad, which has i en merited into tb new line, and the mmainder of th road will be located h ppeorlily s possible. An ntmndanc of coal and timber is reported along llie whole of ths propose 1 line, and a goo I local traffic is prsdtctel us soon SI 000 -struction shall havo b en ini',heJ. A rhirter his been "sum to the Hontsdals and Bubnrhsn and the Phll lipihnrgnnd Buburban Rtilway com jianies, which will operate Sltcnslvely in UleStDelfl county. J he rompmies are eSpitallg '1 at $100,000 each an I nr- Controlled by the same parties. Tho officers of both lire: President, A. Markle, Huzlston; directors. John A. Sely. Brooklyn, N. Y ; ('buries A. Brsgif, Philadelphia: E il Bond, 3 Edwin riiles, Hntleton I he Phiiirishnrg cararany win run from Philfpsburd to the villici of Morrisdale Mines, thenea to Alliort Krlerton, vTlnburna, Mnnson Station. Hawk Bun, North Phlllnthurg, OjcoIs Mill. At OC0ls Mills it will connect with th" Houtfdale compiny, which will run lis ltue thron rh the principul streets of Ins BofoUttD, thence to the vi luges of Annes'lal", Madera, 'Hen Hope. Irvona, Conlport, J.im-'svillo and HOOll bile. From the report of the las meeting of the committee of the Schuylkill Coil pxclnini:" li-la at Pottsville last Silnr day, It SpDSarS that tbS wages of the miners of tho Bobnylkitl coal region will be 3 per cent, better this month than thv wre last month, though tliev are 1 per cent, below I he $'J.oJ basis, Strciinoiis illorts bavo been made to maintain the prices, but with the weather and bnnltifss sgsinst them the np -rators can find no on" to take :oal oil liisir liands at snv price. 1 ue mtlook is not tnooorsglog MiNot; Indcsthial Notk": Th Willinm limith ililmoral Needle works, at Pboenixville, Pa., which have been wri for a inn months, will resume opefStaAl on a larger scale in about ten days. Tho Ameiica Metal Hurgical worlts, at, 1 in.etiixviiie, pa,, which Imve DS00 nil since JanOKsjn will start till on April '. The LnckllWikjIia bin declared ilm ri'glt Inr per rent. USTterly dividend: books close April 4 nviil rmpen Apiil l the iiivnieiiii i iiiviidiiAiii :1 .0 The story ll.nt Tom I,, Johnson would lake the bemgn vase presidency, or that tie c.oniu m uuu piofcidency, is ridiculed among railway omciaia For Pelirnarv the Jehvv Central'a ll"t eHrnbic.s decrensrd $230,116, thanks largely III I lie uepuisi- ion 111 llillIirV:lte. .Siding on all conl .cajTyTsa roads leading iroin Hlliuiliruo mines in tidewater III ovircrnwdKl with loaded coal cam which tire waiting for a revival iu thfc retail de mand. Eucklen's Ainlca Salvs. The best salve In tho world fotcut, lliuises, Isoree, Ulcers, Salt Khetim. IVvor Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Cbilbla.rn, Corns and ell Skin Eruptions, end pod. lively cures Piles, or no pay requited. l( is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money rVflWWed, Price w ceutu per box. Por salbuy Matthews Uio3. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks ami Hond. Kkw Tome, March 111. -The stork mar ket with tin exception of u brief spell of WMkntes shortly after II o'clock when Chicago Has and American Bngarranoff shouts point, was i strong from start to Bnlsh, Asa rule the highest prices of the Oay.and weak were recorded in thsAnal transactions, and the dealings were both miimstiiii nnd well dislri lulled. The bulls displayed great OOhfldSDOS, They received no bttio taonnrsgsnisat front the re nswsd inquiry for both stocks nnd bonds of n BnroptM ncconnt, London alone having taken 10,000 shares, The belief obtains lu banking circles that the Inunlrj isttin iiireii reeoit ol the veto of th bland seigniorage but, ami that this will lend to buying on a larger scale be fore long. The advance in prices wns SqUSltOMSS percent., and the improve ment was most marked m cordage, Lonls, villi-, the Q rangers, Manhattan, Manhat tan, .Missouri Pacific, Tne arbitrary ac tion of the goverttor of Booth Carolina was not known during business hours and llio opinion in that it will have little effect iii Wall street, The transactions were 1 10, (00 shares. The following Mmptsta labin showing lbs daj a fillet ast.ons in Ki'tlvn stocks la supplied ml revised daily by LaBar . Pallor, stock brokers i-i Wyoulug svouuoi Open III h- Low Cloa Ingi est. est. bur. Am. Cot. on... Am. Sutfar. .... A.T. AtS. K..., Can. So Can, n. -i i Tu.-. A N. W. a, it. o Ohio, Uns C, C. C, t oil . Book.Vsl ii. ii 1).. 1.. A" W I) & C. P Erie (I. R. a Laka shorn.... I. ,t- N Ifanhattan Miss. Pac ... mt KM III1! MM ... law l"n w':li "I ... IMS l"'' lM iw ... uij fail &n 6-"i II m MM L... 41 ftT. &i I HUM IpUid KlQ w 1 M m him i tun . Ml III 41 ;it lif-is 41 m 1814 MM law till 1 111.4 5IK m in mm E's iivi aiM HUM 101. :-'l"s Mi ID! , (04 KM l$ii ra IHM 4i3 I HUM 51VJ I0K HIM HSU PI'S liiltti ITJJ '-s!i mi 101 I'M ml 4lis I i,i. VI 701, hi" IMS MM 111 'H Nat. Lead Y. , N, K. V Central IDIM Y .. o. At W Us Y.,8. . W...i S. 0. Co U. North Pad Ninth I'ae. pf.... m w IMM m Pig Omaha Mail Reading Ko-'k Island aits TOM T St. Paul i'4h Mid m . m m K"i li", asv? liiis w C. It I 'ex as A Pac Union Pac Wabasn, pf W. Union W. ft L. B W. ii L. P.. pf.... llltij tlUaj ivyi 4SM Chicago Grsl 1 tnd Proviilon. Bcrakton, March BL The following qnota lonsars supplied aud onrreeten dally iy ua ;arft Puller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming ave uc WHEAT, f'nr f h's fiS'Vi flS-4 HIM Bm Btl-1 :H'iH am Mae. l,.eH DIM no Jn'v, Oil: ail 01', Opeiiuc; Fltghest....! Lowest l"-iing CORN. Opening Htgnost rJ1 csu I .invest Closing OATS. Ipelliug mi; .11 's ill's 18V lllLdiost Isiwest CI "sin Wt 81 M 'U unit nn iiT" IIM I ISO 117:.' 1117 ll III'.' 1117 liv; 1149 nn Tun ran Tin T 11 Sjh 7""i RTJ CMI 7'.ij 1177 ton RM ,V8 5s" f,li 1 884 flsT Tufi RiJ "i7j 'iS-J 5&i 575 PORK Opening Highest Low. st Closing LAUD. Opening liu'hest Lowest L'l sing 8H1 ltT UIBS. ipenluir Highest fjoweet during 1 New Yoik Produce Market. Nr.u YctiK, March 31. 1'i.ocr Dull.uu hanged. Yiikt -Steady; NV 2 red store and ele vator. Bokfc,! f o. p., mmc : nngraden ted filial';! -. ; nt'.oat, t'ov. e ; No. I 1101 1 nern, ('tijfc : ptiors steady; N" 3 r-d. Aoril B3VC, May, 08kc.s July, Mho.; August, ooWc. September, loU'c December, 7H"iC. i.'Oll.N Unllj AO. toCt elevator, lie; options dull, weak; May, 4-;',c; July, ta.'iC. Oats Easier: options null: Mny, sic; spot prices, No. BSMC.) .No. '! White KC.;in J Chicago, id.c : An. HL BSc.l No. ;l white, 88Kc: mixed western, i'Jc. : white do. and white itate, 42ic. HK(K (ti lief. Tibroio Bsur QileL Cut Meats- Steady. Laud -- Quiet: weitera steam, 17.88; city,li;c. ; relitpd, lower; continent, $1.11.1 South America, Vi.M: COmponUu, liKC. f OP.K Sbnly; mess, al8.?0 BOTTCU Qtlstl Western dairy, Italic,! elpins. Sic; Pennsylvania creamery, 81c, Chkk.sk Quiet. goos btesdyi Pennsylvanis, IlKc. wefiTU fru 'h, 11 c. southern, lOJfS uXc. Philadelphia Tallow Market. PnrLADSLrniA. March 8L Tallow was lull nnd lower. Prices were: Ptitno city, Id bogsbsads, 4JfC do. dark, 11 Ii iL-shen i, 4'ic. : prime country, In nogs heads, 4sfC.: cakes, Be. I grease, 4a4lc. Honied Iron, u i.ihioif,, Olweft, One of the city hotels occasionally has n fitieer lodger. He was formerly an en gjneer, hot Is now a United .states boiler Inspector, While nn engineer bo was Severely scalded on one side, nod is unable to sleep comfortably when lying upon that part, of his body. Whenever lie happens to turn upon the tender place he makes great disturbance in his sleep, but is dilli cult to arouse, rim other evening wssone ot his night' , and he awoke half the guests in the house. Tin; landlord was just upon the point of climbing through the transom to awake him when the man fell nut ot bed. When he understood t he state oi the esse be explained that all tbnl was nscss sury 1. 1 bring him out right at such 11 time was to yell, "Turn over, John," he liavin become so familiar w ith such a oommann In his sleep that ho invariably obeyed It Unconsciously, Tho plan has sinco been tried and found to work admirably. Th boarders hope the clerk will never lose the combination. - Springfield ltepublican. Anirsttietics for tim Death Penalty It would seem mor&lly to be n ilebntahl question whether it should bo considers advisable that t he soul of the condemns criminal should receive Its impetus bit eternity when absolutely stupefied b ether. Those who know death to heap pioaehitii; prefer, ns a rule, to meet It wit lingly with a clear bruin, even thong racked by physical pidu of an excruclutin nature. Cue of the gi cut est empresses v. ho ever lived refused to go to -deep when she Ii new her death wns near, because win she died she wished to meet death wild open eyes and 1111u11cl011dedHe11.se. If the suggestion for the use of niiii'sthetics in capital punishment should bo pressed with force It is probable I lint the great, resistance to Hint change would he based on t tic ground thnt It stupefied the criminal be fore It killed him, Boston Advertiser She Wasn't Mrs, Tiptop s supper tie iightmif He H was horrid. "What noreenficl I never in my life s.-iw sin li a display of silver. And such chiual It must have cost 11 fortune." ''ShS sets n mighty mean table." "Tnblef It's Solid mahogany iuluidwith Cbotiy and gold. eQOOfl News. 4 Pyrpepilu and Indigestion In their worst forms ar - cured by tho use or '. l'. r. it yon aro cl 'titillate l . run iiown, or it you noon n tunc to regain lb ah and lost appetite, streiigih anil vigor, take P. P. 1'., and you will tie strong and healthy. Per shattered constitutions am lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Pole Knot and Potassium) is the king of nil medietas, P, P. P, is the greatest bluod atuiliei- In tho worn. 1-or salo by all luegtali. WEAK MEN Y0UR,,AN (JlT.it Hiigllsh Heimdy, Gray's SpflClfle Medicine IFY0U SUFFER tromI!" ii i vll-l lle- nf Body and Mind, Speruia- M,-UVAMrk 1 lUti'ia hilitv, Wt'tiknits: lo ft, and linpoieiH-v. and all diseases that ii:-." (ruin ovor-llidiilKOUi'" md self abuse, as iisHof Meiiioi v mid Port er, Dliiiiicn ol h Premature. Old Age and many other ilU- that lead to Insanlte or ('onuiiiiiptloii nnd an early grave, wrltolbr a pamphlet ildreasORAY MEDICINE CO., UuRalo, . Tho tMuTitlo Medicino Is sold by nil drti fists at $ per packago, or six packai s lor ?.'i.or lent liv iiiini i n I pt oi money. ami ith every SAW order W BUAHAITtt euro or in, nil". i.-liiniir.i ii ' i ii tar-On aeoonnt of counterfeit) wo ham tilopted tim Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine. Kold in Scrunt"ii l.v Matthews l.roi BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I IIVSK 1 ns AMI BURGEONS. tit 'i KDOAB OK AN has removed to 016 ' Sin iicu Htreet. Scranton. Pa. (Just on osito i-iiui'idionsu Sonaio 1 tit. a .1. ctJNNKLL, OfUoe Ml Washington t ayetuie. cm nur Snrucu street, over Prancki' M ili-iii! store. Hi Hliluni'ii, Vluii st. Ofnoa hoars: l0.SU to V. a, in. mid t tot and SMWto 1.80 0. in Sumlav. 2 lO$ 11. in. H, W, 1:. ai.i.en. uihco isir. Laeka- wanna nml Waslilnfftou avas. t over Leon md hh.io htore, olheo hours, lu to Vi a. 111. an I Mo 1 n. 111: 1 Vi 111:1. at 1 i Hldeiiei', oi l -N Washington live. ttCCL PttEY. Prauttea limited to nt ' eases of thii Kve. liar. Noaa and Throat! sjtce, lilt Wyoming ava Resldenee, SM Vina Heel vlt. I. .11 IIA'I'KS, 110 iisloiintini Avium- Olll -o hours, h to U a.m., l.aoio ii Shd tos P.m. OM.N I,. WENTZ, .11. p., Otttow w and 41 ( oiiiinon wealth biid linif: residence Madisoiinvo: otll in hiuiri l0toU,ltoii 7 to t'liintavs - .IU tu 1. 1 vi 11 ni'ii at resilience, a IPI eialtv made of illuias s of the eye, oar, MM anil throat and gynecology. K1 l.ltlNAKt SUM. ICONS. x STTltliE, Veterinary Surge ill. Dsn j. ttatrv A Specialty! gold medalist of On tario Veterinary College, Olllce. Hummer'! liVCry, IWI Hix sr.. near Keller's earrings utiou. IVletmona No. 41.1. LA it VI lis. J. M. V. ttANCK'S Law ami Collection of- the. No. Hi 7 BprUCO St., OPPOSitt Purest House Bcrsnton. Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania! reliable correspond1 flits in BVSI v county. bMsUfb iiA.mj, Attorneys and Connsiil lots st Law. Coiuiuouwoaith luiilUin Wuiluugton ava W. 11. Jtssrp, llOKAi'l: K, Han n. W II. Ji;sstre. .Tn. UriLLAKD. WAURBN ft KNAPP, Attar Bsvsand Ocmnaelorsst Iaiiv. ItennblicsB liulldin'.., Washington are.. Scranton. 1'il IJATTEUSON a- wil.i i'A. Attorneys ami 1 Coonsellora at Law; ofdceS 1 and t) Library luilUing, Scranton, Pa HOSWRU 11 rArreaso WILLIAM A. WIUIOX LFREDQAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At--' tornevs and Counsell'.rs, Comuionwi'iiltli liii Iding. HooiiH in. :.U and tL MICNUY M. SEELY Law office iu I'm e building, h!ii Washington avenue. 17 RANK T OKcLL, Attorney at Law. Ruum a. Coal Kxciiange. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. I.i )V Hi . 1 Att -. "U7 Washing7 .11 VON STORCH, 1 ton av . c 11 Kjnsre AMES W, OAKPOHD, Attorney at Law. rooms 88, M and 65, Commonwealth- VPs UAMUEL W, biDUAK, Attorney at Law. r OMce. -117 Spruce st .. Scranton. Pa, I A. WATRKS, Attor' -y at Law, 4JI I j. Lackawanna sue., Scranton, Pa. P. SMITH, t ouiisellur at Law. Olllce. rnotiH M, H, "ii C muieaweiiltti hnlldh i 1 Coin- v . monwea th bullolng .Scranton. Pa C. COM Ell VS. ..'.'I Sin lice st DP, BEPLOOLB, Attorney Loans nogi tlated on leal estate, security. Kit' Sprue... I P. Kll.l.A.M, Attorney at L iu-. I.'i W'y Ll oningaVenne, S -r i::tnn. HAVE TOUR DEEDS AND MORTOAOE8 written and acknowledged by .1. W. HUOWXINH. Attorney and .Notary Public, nmronnwealtn Hnunin r. SCHOOLS. OCllOOL OK THE LACKAWANNA, Boraa O ton. Pa., prepares bovesnd eirls forcolleg. or business less: thoroughlr trams voung children Catalogue at reuueat BBV. TnoMAs M. Cans. W Al.TKIl H. BUB I t MISi WORCESTER'S EINDBRQARTEN and Hchool, 41- Adan.s avenue Pupil 1 r ceiroj at all times. Next term wlQ open April 11 Df.NI In I s I 1 C. LAUBACH, BOrgeon Ucutist, No, Hi j . Wyoming ave R, M. .-1 KATTON. office Conl Esehanie LOANS, fritK REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso 1 ofstkin will loan 1 on in inoy on eusler tei mm mid pay von hotter mi Investment than any other Hssocdstlon. Call on s. N, CALLEN 1 1 Kit, Dime Bunk building HOTELS AM) IlKSTAtlRANT". 'I'lli; WESTMINSTER, U781II Wyoming I live Rooms bested With steam: all mod cm improvements. C. M Tui MAH. Prop lit II. Kits HOTEL, Ul Lackawanna ave nue, Scranton Rates reasonable. P Znui.i u. Proprietor, ixrESTaslMaTBR HOTEL S W. U. SfUILNCK. Managnr. SiXteonth utreet, one block east of Broadway. nt Union iqoarOi New York, American plan. $880 par day and upward 10YNE HOUSE Europeau plan: good roouu. (.'pen day and night. Bar Blip piled wltn thu heel P tl COYNE Pronrletot fjCllANTON HOUSE, near D., I, a m jaw O isnger depot Conducted on tno Enmpssn plan. VirTiin Knm. Proprietor 1 HAM) UENTRAL, 'ihs mrgosmnd but VI snntpped hotel in Allentowu. Pa.; rSMl 2 and U0 por day. ,, n. ........ i.. , 11 I'll , ' . I', Hiii 11, , iij'i t.iei. AIICOITKCTN. A Vis HOI'PI, AleliltccN liooliis ii $1 nnd :ti Commonwealth n'ld'e. HerSntna u 1 I. WALTER Architect, Library build I j. big Wvomliig avoime. Seriiiitou I ' I . BROWN Ar- h B. Architect. Pile I hntuHng!8$ Washington Ave,,Merantnn, alls, KI.I.AM IM S noliroN D. SWAK'ts- WlioLESAI.F. lumber, t mid u Dime Bnuk building, Bcrsnton, Pa. kjt hOABOEI BROTBBRH, PUINTKIts 11 lupplISS, envelopes, pupor bags, twine. Wiiridiouse, 130 Washington ave, Scranton, Pa. jT I'oiTirs l.iVLHY. 1888 (Speuaa avenue. I I ii 1 ,.;. .11 riage. 1 1 I. 1 OO'I K. Aat. 1 Mrst class uiieiiii Dlyepti I.MlANK . . 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Diieftoraud Embnliiu r. BROWN A co, WHOLE I (H'hll'VS III ;; W. Ti:irk oi, Cloth, I Vlt1lllf HVt'llU'V pAUER'H ORCHESTRA -MUSIC! pou i) l ulls, Jiiciucs, parties. Ii" epl inns. Weil ding snd OjoUCert work ntrttUnsd, nt term Mflress it. '.). Bauer, conduetor, in Wyoming nve . ever lluttiert's iiiusic utori,. IZKA I'lNN Ai SDNS, builders aud contra-' 1 1 tori Yards: Corner Ollye nt. nnd Ailatni nve.; confer Ash st. and IVnu nve., Scranton. SEE OS. it. CLARK co., issdtinm, Florlsti l'i and Nurseryuieli: store I4ti Washington SVSnSSI green house, I3.V) North Main avenue: store telephone ':! 1 TK AR. lil. ami UNION TEA CO.. J Srji W illi: si RKl s. f OB. EiCKTl'EL, rui Lackawanna BVeUtlk fl Scra'oton. Pa . luanul'r of Wire Scns'ii tstate. I. olt SALE- iUWULR li"! ISM, niigULNCi 1 SVenuo; vary ', ilcsirable location. Aoply II. P. REYNOLDS,, or W1LLARD. WARttBN ft KNAPP. , V y,niu will buy modern newsroom lions,., nil Imprqyeoents; term taayj cur lier .Madison iivcuud and Delvwaru Street Ap ply HARRY I.P.I Sl V'l.Wi Vi ILL BUY IY DESIRABLE LOT (in (iirnel "a.lii ,il iivellll and I loin war i ttreoti i errns easy, i Apply :. i i.i.i MM We have decided Great Sale of Cotton Special endeavors will be made ia our Domestic Department to m 1 1 1 1' 1 f 1 1 1 . 1. 1 1 1 ft nn h finii o rvi am rr " ww "iivt " "cy ICJ1U JUUtl 1U1 UDICi wrilixV 36-in. Brown Muslins Atlantic P Atlantic A ' Argyla Atnory lie 36-in. Bleached Muslnn Hill die .To 7ic lie Lonsdale I' rnit of Loom i'rido of West Sheetings Sheetings Atlsniic Lrowti, H-i Ai Initio Itrown, 9-4 Atlsnlio lirown, 10-4 IHc SOc 28o OILY & RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL liAlLKOAD OF I J, Lf HIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbraelto coal used exclusively, insuring olesuliness and 1 omtorb T1MI: TABLI IX SmtOT 11:11. 1. Mil Trains leave Hcrsnton for Plttsten, V likes Parr.', e'.c. ats.pi. UJJ, ... m.. rj.;n, J 01. $88, a im, 1 1.115 p. m. huiiduyu, U.uu a. ... LOB, $00, 7.10 p. 111. l or Atlantic City, S ID a. in. l or New York, Newark and Elizabeth, s !1 (express) s.m., IxMn (oxprosa with Bhffel parlor car), $80 (express) p, m, Sunday, $03 p. In. I on JlAl i'll Cnt.NK. At.LBMTOWK.DBTaLI' III M, KASTOS and PBILAPELPBIA, B.10 a. in.. ILBUiASO, tM lexcept Pbiisdelpbia) p. iu. Sunday, . 00 jp, m. por Lo.Mi liiiAHcii, Occam Qbovb, etc., st s.ltla. m., I J.mip. m. por Readme, Lebanon and Barriabnrg, via Allentowu, S,1U a. 111., U.8U, 0.00. p.m. Sunday. '.'.HI p. in. l or Pottsville, $10 a, m., iz iihp m. Itctuii.ing. leave New York, (nut o' Liberty strct, North rivir, at 1,10 (express) s. m., 11". 1.1)". (express with P.utfel parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.i a. m. Leave Philadelphia, beading Terminal, O.'ii) a. in , t'.OO uud 4.:ii p. m. Sunday, 6.S7 a. 11,. 'I Inoiigh tickets to all points at lowoi: rate may be had on nnplioa'ton iu advance to tbo ticket agent at ihiblati-n. II. I'. BALDWIN. Uen. PaSS Agent. I. II. OLHAUSRN, (Jen. Slltit. I 1-lllu.l VALLEY RAILROAD, li van. 11, low, Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and Hi w York via. D. ft II It If. at t n.m . 1110, L88 and U.8S.p. m viaD.,L W. K. K.tiuo, a.tis.ll.aia. 111., and I.:)0 p. 111. Leave Scranton tor Pittston ami Witttse- llatro vial)., L A XV. R R.. 0.0U, S 0.S, 11 -) a. in ,1.110, 11.117, ICtS p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Basleton, Pottsville and all point on the Bearer Meadow and Pottsville branches, vial: ft- V V.. ii 4U n.m.. v,a I), ft II. H It. at s a m. LM). Us, 1 Itip.m. yia D . L. & W, R, ft., ii.il, e.os 11.30 a in.. 1 m. $80 p. m Leave scranton for Bethlehem, Raaton, Rcadina, Harrisbnra nnd all Intermediate point via D ft 11 It. II , mi m .I'.Mu. tiM, IL83 p.m.viaD , L. is W. I! R,S.00,6.08, 11.30 a. ML, IM p.m. Lesvs Scranton torTunkbtnnoek, Towac 1, Elmifii. Ithaca, Geneva and a'.l iiiterm atttta ponts via D. AH li R,0.07s m..)310and 11.83 ji. 111.. via 1). I,, ft W R K.. $04 a m.,l.H) p. nv Le ive S.-rnnto'i fur Koch s)ter, RnlTalo. Ni agara Kalis, Detrnit Chicago aud all point west via D. AH. P.. It. $01 . i.m.,18 iu.-..l.vi i.3" p. m. via D L.A W. l:. H. and Pittston Junction, M11 a m 1 0 9 eS p. in , v,a E ft W. R It. $41 p. m. For Bun mend th) west v8aUmtnoi vis ". ft II It It $01 a.m., I 10,8.15 p. m . Via D. L. VV It. It.. ,8 OH a m.. I hi in,,! 8,07 p. m. rnlhnsn parlor snd sleeping" or L. v, chai cars on all trains between I, & 11 Junotlon or tVilkes Bum- and New York. Pbilad llphis, Butfnlo aud Boapensjon Bridge ROI.LIN 11 WILBUR lieu. Sunt. East Die. I'll AS s. LKE (1 01. Pas. Ag't. Phila .Pt. A.W NONNEMACIIEIt.Ass't Q n Pass Ag't. South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE AND BCD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May J'. ISM, trains will inn ns follows: Trsins leave Bridge street st.it on, scranton, for Pitts ton. wilkaS.Ru ml etc. s m $J.'.07, 0 87, 1 1 ..' i,-.i. ...... 11". .01, 11 j.i, I-. 1 a and H So p m. Km New York and Phila iieh hia, MM a. in., 12.10, . SY fid nr.d tl.a" p. 111 Por Honesdals (fro m Delaware. Lackawanna and weitern dspotX T.OJ, $$0, 10 10 n.m . 11UI m.. '.' 17. 5 Id p. m. Por Carboudale and Intermediato stations, ." to. 7 00, tM, lO.ln a. m . 13.00 m ,3 17. 8.$$,$ 1". 1 1.10 und 8 $5 p, 111 : li"tn fridge street Depor. 3.IM a. in., 3. Hand II & . m. Pnst exptcsa to Albany. Saratoga, the Adi- ia ndsck Hountalns, Boston snd New England Points, $40 a m.. arriv.n.' at Albany ttii San toga 3.311 p. 111 , mill leaving Scranton at II p m, arriving at Albany at 8.51' p m. .Sara toga. 19 H a. m . and B stoo, 7.0) n. m Tne only direct route between the coal field, and Huston. "The leading Tourist' Route Of America" to the Adirondack .Mountain re sort. Lakes Heel ge and Champlnin. Montreal, etc. Time tables wowing local and through train service between 1 tntlons on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may h" obtained at nil Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. 11. Q, YOCNO, J. W, I1URDICK, Second Vice Pre-ident Hen. Pass, AgU N HVsT.lN IMVIilON. In BgVoi Jnanary 881k, 181)4, Nnrili Hoiiml. b0 307 (oa Niniih Hiilind, .113 -.Ml VSlIN ha Slut Inns 3 !R c iii -A r '- 10 1 ruins 11a tv. Kt - r. is O -J J i it Mindiiv , J 5 ! MiArrlve beavs 3.'. N Y. Prnnklln s; , to West 'I Jtid sti col . 00 weehawket) . e m a Arrive Imvi'i i 8 iui s III IIuiicock iluiictloii Dim I mi 13 (W 13 4; 1888 1888 It PI' 113 tl I I .' Y II 41 III .1 ....I Hancock Still light Prestos Park coian PoynteUo llcltnoiit Pleasant Mt. Piiliindnl" 1 01 -el cuy Cmtl 1111I11 e While Itndge Mil) Held Jenny 11 Archibald Willi 011 PtckVUte. Oli I h oil I'li'kson Tlnoop Proi lib 1 ai k place 7 fil 7 4e 7 : til r. in , I' ll M fi K li I '(I 37 m aslfn 0 ti Mil :;i 11 n f(l us II u .1 11.11 '.'. 11 j) final r,f7,ii til 8 3a II 1; (131 II l.-l II 1:1 II 111 ro in1 II 18 4 M m tnir-s r.xs' 0 IP 4 V III 'i- 11 nr, scranton m Leave Arrive a All 1 ruins run dnllv exceiit Sundsr. f. slgidllcs that Irnliissluponsli'tiiil eagen Aooiaonsi train icavo csrb indals tor pcrai urn 1. iu anus, 10 p. in., arriving nt sciuiitoti 1, aim . no Leave gornnton for CaHciiidnlo $80 nnd s 80 arriving si Carbondsleal ; Maralu.isn m M-ciire rates via Uttarln ,v WetleAl bel 're purchasing tbkot and save money bay (md Nlhgl. li. press to the IVi si 1 ( Alulc: son. Hen. Pfls. T. PUlcroft. ldv. I a.s, Agl scrntitou, What is More Attractive Than a -prt tty face v.-lth a irc.-h hriaM complt-xluuf lor it, u.io PowenPa Powder ... - . .... CORN ft aoyiuso 3i '; r ioX V li liiUil.l lil-l.O. ra ii-imrn nn, V that now is ai appropriat3 - oavius tor our lrienus. now.-..,- r r i IJJNJjI. Lock Wood Pleached, HI... Lock wood Blesobed, '.1-4. Lockwdod Blesobsd, io-i Hi lea lileac'sed, S-l Utica Pleached, )M ... ... I'licu Bllscntd, 10-4 ,17c ,.100 ,.aic . ','0c . .Sou ! Other Liberal Offers Dur ing This Sale. A great specie' in Will. (.MUDS Th prion ii 2 .2c. a revelation in value; were sold iVrgfio, Cream, White in ibirred sod lac sffscts A good, sti.pl,. fAslbls thing.this is 10 pieces :;i.iM'ii yilUE Ksinsookf, WALLACE Tlie Scranton rsMphone call, JM? mp-?!M!lT'- ' 'ih' V -ji.sskia, '1 602 and 604 Lacka. Ave,, Cor. Adams. u:i J. ft EI.AW a i:E. LAI RAW ANNA . "'XMil lt.ll1 ItUAIJ Trains leave Scranton ss follow;: Express ;r New York snd all points Last, l.su gjoi $IC, H.Oi and ti.fiU a. m ; 12 6i and li Jo p, m Express tor Esston, Trenton, Plnladelphia snd the houtb, i 1$, e.oo and '.' H a. m a jj and 8.80 p. nt Wsshlngtou and way stations. 3411 ;i m. Tobyhanna aocpmmodatlon, o il p.'m. Expr ss for Btnchamton. Ossho, Dmiri ortiing. Ii.,th. Daphville, M .ut.t Morris und Buffaio. 12.10, 3 Ian. m. and 1 1 p. III. making close connections at Btutslo toallWnta in tlie nest. Northwest and Southwi-sr, Bath sooommodstion, s.3o a. m. Binghamton and way stations. 1J.37 n. m. Nicholson and war stations, 6.48 9 m. Bmgbamton and Ehmra Krpress. 1; 08 p. m. Express for Cortlnul. Syracuse Oswaso, l tica nnd RlchfleU Springs. $U a. m. and 1.31 p. in. Ithaca. 3.1.1 and s.:0 n ri. a:d lilp. m. 1 or N'oi thuinU'rlniid. Pittston, Wfikes Barre, I'lvmonth. Bloomsburg and Danville, miking close connection at Northumberland for William sport, Harnsbarg, Baltimore, Wnsh mgton and the South, Northumberland and Intermediate stations, ti(i. 0.0O a. m. and L3U and $$) p. m. Nnntiooke and intermediato stations. 8(S nnd 11.91 a m Plymouth and IntsrmedUts stations, aii 1 and SBBn, m. Pullman parlor ana sleeping coaches on all express trains. Por detailed information, pocket tim t table, etc , apply to M. L, Smith, city ticket ottie Lackawanna avenue, ordepot ticket office. EH1E AND LOAD WYOMING VALLEY KAIL,. Train leave Scranton for New York nnd In termediate points on the Erie railroad nt $88 : a. m. and 3.24 p in. At.o for BaWlsy and local points at ii :'.,V !'.4."i isid : 34 11 m. 1 rain leaving nt $48 1. 111. SOU 334 p-UL 1 are tnrougn trams wens tnm ttonesdate. 1 1 mm leave lor Yi ilaes mi re nt S lil a. m. aud I $41 p. ill. llYll 9 OONT FORGET That we are hesdetUtrtera fov everything tn the line ol W ATVrtKS if you have any idea ot jmrchssing any kind of a WatcL, lanV'sor gent's. Hold or Silver, yon wlP make a griev ous mistake It you do ml giio u- a call and get our prices, which you will . ' far below all otiiers, especially in all the high m ade of Elgin, Wnltham nnd llsmpden movement If you have any doubts and are at nil peated on prices gt 1 e una call and ws will hare no t rou me in convincing you. w e stiu nave a large stock to dispo-n of, and will offer von won dcrml Inducements in Jewelry, silverware. Clocks and nit other goods which wo have iu stock. C. W. Freeman Ptnn Ave. and Sprues St. Bijou Theatre 1 i.i nnniuinHisnhfl 1 nil iCitiHmiHanic DAILY WEEK COMMENCING! march 2; Return of Scrantou's Pavunto, MISS F10HA STANIF0RD IN TWO QRBAT PLAYS- Tuesduy, Wednesday and IbJiraday, it Lvnne $j IViilny nnil Snturilny. FACTORY GIRL aXTheso Two Hreat Plav will bo tlcgantly staged and cosiumeu. Admission, 10, 20, 30c. poors opep at 1.10 and .. Pertormannrs st 130 and $1$ ANTOHEHARTHAH'i !ibb suutn wtsnmgtoi avenas, Contractor and l ulider "t Coeereto lT.igging, Comrcte Blocks Potato, Putter and Coal bins. Wet Cellars dried Up. Orders may lm irt. nt Thomoion ik Pratt Williams Co. i Main and Eynoti Streets, or at Scranton', 'Stove work. Ai.o Fviundatlons cisterns, l'.sh Wire 1 umiel'i hiui idiuii. riuggmgior Qsrdeu Wuiki, time for ai awe. Tne saoc Beddinj PRICES Ti and iiO:- ; Fnd.v. ACADEMY OF MUS1C1 i y-0 R1BBTS, niiij ng netinrsda, Aj iii :tninl. THE FAVORITE ANDFAMOU8 NIGHT OWLS BEAUTY SHOl Tiill of New snd Novel Vaudeville snd Bnrloao.ua Pestsrea, PROP. MACt'RTS CANINE Hippodrome of Mm Mi And the latest Crass th) MIDWAY PLAISAfsC- OANCE The Rrickt ml Spicy Burlesque, Pf pVApj.,, s Hcco; ti ' u'neic Sari oa-' ats on sale Saturday, ACADKMY OF M FSICl Till RSDAT, i PttIL .V Pauline Hall uo att t OBsto upvni uonpMy ia 1 OFFENBACH'S OH ARMING OPEBi PRINCESS OF TREB1Z0NDE Dire t from their six weeks' in New Y'ork. sfnl i PRICES Entire lower Hour, 1: belcoay, B nnd .'Uc. : gallery, He, Scat6 on sale Tuesjay FVTtVl JieT msmm Slim HI SSI US Wis'k conimenciug MclNDAY. ATKll. MONDAY, TVKSD.VY AND WPDNESDAl A Dramatization "I Wnsblagton lrving's Lege dnry story. RIP VAN WINKLE TP.l'RSDAY PI! IDA Y AND SATt'RDAYl Ftfiinlmore Cooper's Woodland Romance, NICK-OF-THE-WOODS i ADMISSION. 10.30 and HI) CENTS. Peru 1 11. 00 . - evi rv afternoon, except Mens , ,l.iv- and Thursdays, at 2.30, and everj evonl fllngat sis Doors open at i.su ana ,.our..u. MALONE OIL AND MANUFACTURING Cft MHiiiifaetiirr nnd Deitert Burning ll!Dt!Catl(l.q mi s 1 an V I Sat V Medi t t ' ' - niso Shafting and Journal Greasi !OFKICU:-r;i West Lackawanna Avs. WoHKS: -Meridian strsel BinnnpnisnN:. r . . Mfc.wa' u e""'""Macoftem (lv. ii-H,rjoirnf:.tMrVt Vi tUFt' "I- S..tS- i,,.i ii.-,r bj nliieill K i (., tmiil wai l it's smear" I , " i Nhie-lc! Bemeay cimk l.MVJlV fll. CMman. hi. efiCl rlaldi aiid Sti inciM . 'gLaawtl dren'a dresses. " YlifWi'-ewlS yard you buy -I Gil ; -7-iBmWM A largo line of I Tho correct ilonu- i children's kilt eki-.-fl ' Li-SJaJmfiSM We have a large iSltMBMHmB CitKPKS, in all t hoWMWir tints. I ' 1; ,s ' , will psy.liOa At this time, S houie snd fixing -.'.H want something 1 .H line. See our insortiH una Silkelinea at i ikH 209 WASHINGTH Opp. Court Hoi I 1 - - t-i r - - 1 1 1 rWalvriM MONDAY. APRIL 2 I I THfJllPSON - Celebrated Beautiful I 1 THE OLD HOMESTEaH a . iH 1 H -m m 1 k t