It onghl to be read partiou larlj by sohool children, for it is History in a raot fascinating dreas. leu than ;ee .n; I rsn J a ls-3 columns. SCRANTON". PA.. MONDAY MOBNING, APRIL 2, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. of (be late Izeis If ioimtm it m jjjjj in iMe its own ELilw OS MRS WfV2!.A"Y iP3 - ' i NEVER CEASE J h Carolina Has a -fk'ill I l(!Mfr'- m Voorll,:fcS m on tin I I MM ; iMJ3tt?zrfc4 lu ' y l.)y::,'' E8 ALL AROUND .:,vHI rWP" rfrYM iMi mi)L m HAS ANOTHER SCHEME I Enforce a Law Ap- IPopnl if Thirst, the (Official Suddenly Almost as Wiilj- of Colonel Bi-ccken- ti7;onir?s the City jlerap'i Companies IGrief In Eviry Direc- OTON, S (' , April 1. yor Dirgan nnttele- o nl "f all posses t'i jftkeflteinf eonateblet 1 1 ;cit ti town, s they Tli in it la known would men laid:, una ny tin-- coti9ibles w.tre fre to lis-jil. It is learned that u irv iv In u wasnn tior t. Co;iHtlil afoLendon, posed to have been uiort n. niiil who was not that esconot, was taWi'n t night by fri-n l. C in - las ioio to a i.i-n-atr h -il -1 attention. Hi as that nf the pursuit ba was in h red up with straw tte ' fr 'in E I or i ee cam Inrniutr to tend r ervi" in Svre new. I I DV tli- o 1 1 ! -i discuaaion of the cintter it as to thank Florence for tlii all r, it it wai not necessary to nave His com hero. Whil" h"H' the p He from Florence aiaiuueed latter wonld h gout G wernor advising liim thnt tha dispn- kt that place could not atfuiu be Id and i hat th constables would h toler ilJd there. MF TR' TF.KTY TO BE PROTECTED ' u0p1e of Darlinston ar deter th it no d 8ni ition to state prop- jhall be perniitted. und last, night, fan attempt was mad-1 to loot tlie Fnsiry, it was promptly restsie.i. np me morning n euori was niano jran:7. th cittzns to resist tti itrv volunteers (bat Governor till- hud called for. Miyor Dire in . other prominent citiz-ns addressed n,en ami aaviseil iti-m nor (ODDISH ttempnitratioa. but to remain p' tly qnit, :m th understanding whs It Governor Tillman, npon tlio ml be of Generat Earley. would do noth- to "Xcite the nvop'.e, and that the jtarv wonld, nndar nool rsumetaneea, allowed to come here, General E ar- l was of the opinion that there was eolotely no occasion for the brinjring the military. people here did not at all like a of having the H'est"rn Union Inpii offios put nndar eeueorahip imbia on their recount. With ba posse hark in the city; all of Bnstablea out of the county, and leople bent npon k"ping the pone, the news that 1100 troops irom Tmhia have started on their wav tliis hour, 8 p. m.. efo ts are t made to bate the troops retnrn to Bmbis, on the gronnil that their 'nee can no no possible good THE TROOPS BRAVELY MARCH. COIUMBI.Y, 8 C, April 1. Eleven ompuiites ol stato troops left here al ioVlo k tuis afternoon for the scene of Lth disturbance. It i' said that the troops are first tob- taken to Florence. larhnt, is to be done with thin is a lystery. General Uichbonrg, Who is In command, would not say anything ibr.nt. his orders. The companies were divided in two rpgim-nts and a colonol placed in com- land of each regiment. Tlie troops trent away on a special train over tha Ulantic toast lin". Three hnndre 1 volniteer citizens armed with all manner of weapons ar id shortly after the departure of the Ips and are readv to obay the orders the itovcrnor. More companies and volunteers are to arrive. Not fa in le heard h re from Darlington, icoxr.iTm coinpanv will not r-- or send inessagHS to or from the f nor. CAUSK Or ANXIETY REMOVED. Itv.-.V.RK. April . The following latch lorn been recaivrd from tl B inparintandrat of the, Western in Telegraph company, from i lo it,i!. 8. C. : "The mavor and sev- II members of the citv government apprehensive that it is thought nogh'iut the country that Colombia Iverv much disturbed. J hev will oblitied if yon will state to the s that the city is perfectly qniet that, it has not been necesnarv to I reuse the police force or take any lsiml measnres whatever. ASH1NOTOM. D. C. Anril 1. Sena- lrtiv received the following tela- im tins evening from John Gary luis at Columbia. S, C. : "We are in lunand of the situation. The conn- Ijiiilitia hav regnon led nromntlv (the law will be enforced at nil d8. The people still rule. - SUICIDE OF M'JOB KELl. .An Examiner in lb- Fsnslon Buraau fibnots nimmlf. Wasiiinoton, April 1. -Major Frank ell, for twenty years an examiner in he pansion btirean, committed snielde his afternoon by abooting bimnelf hii'iigh the bead. He was despondent the time, owing to ill health. lie was 5o years of nge. and left a and three children, whose home is u Cattermigus connty. New York. ANOTHER BOY MURDERER. Youthful Tasslon for Firearms Results Fatally at Konnett's Fyuare. Kknnett'k .'vtiARE, Ph., April 1 Andrew Milton, nge(l 12 years, anil Charles Brown, aged 15, bis con-in, hud a bnyiHh quarrel today. The younger lad "shot and fatally wounded the older one. 'UAP-N ''.TST nWMl 6kVvV Jfl OCOHMM I VV Flor,da Appolntmente-THe Barln Warn , : 4wmwtv f H PJk V 0. 0, x 1 1 -!m &&mK "5t 5 VRf.l6.NT T'tTUS OP THE POJ.LAR.0-bNtCKINRIP&B CASE. I NEWS OF THii! WEEK AS SEEN NINTH BODY UNCOVERED. The Heroes of the Gaylord Mine Make Anothe- Ghr.stly Discovery . h Their Work. Wilkes-BIbbc, Aprii l While tb wor It men at "tta (Jaylord abaft In Ply month uvf flartrlnU away the fallen dahria this liornlnii thej digoTered x human hand protrndlnK from the loose co'il. It Wli dhcolored and as black as the coil u:roii idini; it, and cov er d with naen and whir asool'1, Af Ur several hours of hnrd work, it was i.on learned that Ifaey had found the ninth bo.'.v. Reiiiovin'? it frmn the fallen rock and coal it was taken, to the foot of the haft where it trai identified as Joeph Old. v.-ho leaves h widow and thr'"' wmnll child rat, He was 10 years ot ajfe. The remains ii-?re hrouht to the surface at noon, and the funeral was held into this afternoon. The recner ire now about twenty five fiot fro:n the njneh talked of bridge where the work wits ein on at the time of the grant fall. Tne other four men remaiuins; under the debris may he found within tha nxt twnty-fonr hours, ns the workiaen have less tnan fifty feet more to tr. (ieneral Superintt'iident Daniel Ed wnrdsis farniahing the families of tba d"ti I men, at the expense of the Kins ton Coal company, tvith ail the neces giries an ! romfOTta of life and says he will oontiom to do so nutil other pro visions are made. WILL NOT STRIK-: FOR FUN. C! .ifi Id Minora E.fass to Ei-,rlors Prnpncrd up-nilor of Work. PmLLIFftBUBG, Omre connty. Pa., April 1. Contrary td expeetationa the miners and drivers in the Beech Creuk region at their mass m-etinfr in this place this afternoon declined to en dorse the proposed atlapenaion of work of the Clearfield region miners Tliey adopted a reiolntion to eo to work tomorrow morning at the reduc tion, nnd continue at work until or dered on strike by the officers of the national organisation, SENATOR CAM t RON HAS GRIP. Fmecta tj Tij ,bi to R sum Hin La bors Thii Week. WABHIHOTON.April 1. Senator Cam- Bron imji been lyini: ill with the tfrip at his residence here for the past .week, bht is recovering and was much better today. He is now able to sit up nnd is hope ful of getting to his seat in the senate before the week is out. TALSS from other lands. Urnj;nay has a now rnbinet. German fotce- in Damarnland, Africn, have severely defeated I he savage army of Chief Wilboor. London papers compliment, Ambassador Bayard on his excellent conduct of the Bering Sea negntiiiti ns. A strong hope that Liberal Unioniits will return to ibo party fold is expressed by (Hailstone it: a recent letter. Representatives nf the trnnsatlatitic lines ate conferring at Cologne relativu to rais ing passenger and freight rates. BmnroT William will return the visit f Kmperor Braes, Jcaeph by aislting Vienna on his way homo to Berlin. Troops at Vienna have to protect the gas workers, Imported to take the place of the strikers, who are in riolouj mood. The body of Bane Von Mnlow, tho com poser, was Cremated at Hamburg before a grraS crowd, Inclodlng many mil Iclnus. In a furious battle between Albanians nnd Kontenagrioa in the Balkan, lour of the latter Wetsstain and soveral of the for mer. Kits8ia will exclude foreign Jews from Cltlsenibipi and compnl other foieignors to give live year a' notice of thuir inten tions. WnrSSW university has been closed he cause of students' riots over the refusal of the faculty to exHd an unpopular Hebrew student. The sunken wreck of the dynamite steamer, Cabo MSCmCbaCO, in .Santai di r harbor, has Dually been blown up by the authorities. Before the king nnd imeen of Oreece, di plouints and many other notables, a hymn io Apollo, wntten 'J.floO ysSri ago, was sung at tlio French Archaeological school, iu Atbeus. GRUB-SEEKING PILGRIMS. Coxjy's Soldiers Royally Received on Pennsylvania Soil Five Loads of Provision Donated. BRAVEB FALLS, Pa.. April 1 This was it red letter day for Coxmv, loO recruits having joined the army here, mi l besides this strong accession the populace of Beaver Valley tender-d the common wealera the biggest reception received since the march was taken up Tonight Mr. Cox-'y. Curl Browne and "'Unknown" Hmith ure in a jubilant frani" of mind and now more than ever o-liev- their undertaking will be SU nn qni vocal success. The march from New Grilles to this place v;is burren of anything of in terest save thnt 'Unknown" Smith rode new and handsome stee I whioh arrived from CoXey'a slock farui lete last night. Th- army wa on tha inarch from 10 o'clock nntil 2 30, the Utter hour being the time of arrival here. Several stops were made en ronto, bnt no rations were ssrved nntil the tired and wearv traveler reached Camp Val ley Forge on the College hill ground, There were 180 men on fool while the balance of the regiment rodo iu the wagons the entry into Heaver raits was in the line of an ovation, the principil streets being: blocked with peo ple who wer attracted more through idly curiosity than any other purpos Tliis evening a mass meeting wis held in the opera bona, .Cixey, Brown, at. al., being the chief speakera. They dwelt princlp'lllv open the big number of recruits received nere. In Connection with the increase of the size of the army it appears that th soldiers who have been on the march since tha firit day, are growing dis gusted over the small snpply of rations and are inclined to think that with ntt increased force the provisions will not hold OUt l!re:id and black eoffe was all they received here tonight after thir walk of ten miles Five wagon loids of provisions and :!") in cash w -re donated by some citlz -ns nere. Tomorrow morning tha army marches on SewickUy. the fashionable suburb of Allegheny c ntaty. A atop will bo made at Economy, where Dns, the lender of tile Eitonomites, will feed them. FUNERAL OF LOUIS KOSSUTH. His Remains Followed W Cemtry by a Proc-nslon Fiv- Mitrs Lintr. Boda Pest, April l Louts Roisnth was buried to lay. The pulisa and military bad prepared for disorder and evn riot, bnt nothing happetiu I to disturb tlin solemnity of the d iy. Tiio whole city in timed in oppressive sil ence. The religions ceremony was short. Tnere was a p.ini and than Maurice Jokal, the author, rose to de liver the funeral oration in behalf of th" Hungarian deputies. lie reviewed brli fly bnt eloquently the mnit familiar incidents in the life of the dead patriot. While th- coffin was being removed to the funeral car tho throng outside sang the revolution ary air "Hzozat." 'The head of the procession left the miicnm at 11 o'clock. The Honveds of 1H-18 led the lint, carrying with tin m their old standards and fl igs. Behind them walked a thousand wo men clothed in black. Then came twenty canopied oar, tho clergy, Kos suth', sons on foot, two Bsrrlngei with women related to thu family, deputies, delegates, committees, lociuttes, peas tint and peSSSttts' wives, and hundreds of little children in mourning. Thu procession was nlinottu broad as the roudwavi and was live miles Ioiik- The Honveds entered the cemetery nt , HO. Aa the body patsed through tho gate a etndenls' chorus began sing Ing a hymn. Kossuth was buried be twasn peak and Batthvauyi, two Bnn g iriaipatriots of ids time and politi cal pendency. MfJOK L CAKON DEAD. Th London '1 n i Announca ths an Death of the Famous Spy. London, April 3 Tho Times nounces this morning the death Of Major Le t'nron. Tb gained notoriety in Am H ica at the time he waa employed by the British governmental a spy upm Irish- ineii in America. I ! IU I fll HI I , BY THE TRIBUNE ARTIST. NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION. Block of Houses Demolished in Alex andriaSeven IVieo Killed and Many Others Wounded. Alexandria ind., April 1 Th Wtiitu Side block on Main street vu demolished by a t-rritic explosion ol natural gas, thought to huvo resulted from a leak in the basement, shortly before midnight last night. Seven Ulan were buried In tne ruins, four of whom were burned to death und three taken out badly injur-d. The killed are: OgM Ball, Harry BoWyer, Jes-p Han-ell, Charles Hover. The Injdred are Willinui Heart, bruised aoOOl the head and shoulders. will reciter; William Pyle. proprletcr of the barber shoo in the building where all tiie viclims wuru at the lime, dragged from the ruins, badly crush".!, will die. James Scott, badly bnrne.i and crhabed, will recover. Two charred bodi-s were recovered from the burning embers, but oould md. oe ideutifl id. The ground flaor was occupied by Pylea barber shop, th American Ex prase company's office and the White aide Clothing SBtnblishmont, The II i"r of the building rose like an earthquake and foil all in a m iss ol ruins. Fire started at onoe, and only the three m-oi above named among the injured could be extricated from the ruins be fore the firemen were driven away by the neat of the fl itnea, Tne loss to the building and stocks will not exceed 110,000 TWO BOOlEi IDENTIFIED. S:nnd Coipn Hns Bnn Ecoftnizsd a Tbat of Ohsrla Oans. Woonnritv, N. ., April 1. The body of a man found at Faiince's Fish ery today has been fully Identifle I as that of Charles dans, the Bwedesboro fanner, who left, ilia hotel at Q rmaiita park on the night of Jan. 15 nnd was never after seen alive. The body of a tnan with a broken neck fon-id in a small stream near Blackwood town, Cum len county, on March 11. was Identified by bis wif- end brother and buried s that of dans His father and sisters, DOW' ver. failed to identify it. Patrick Kerwin, of Bwedesboro, and D. P. Armstrong, who wore (i.ins' c ini pmious, and who, it is said, had a quar rel with the missing man, were arrest i d for his murder. The Identification of th" body found today was made by the clothing, bills, a check drawn on the Swedeaboro bank to the order of himself and whic't boars his signature The clothing, papers, etc., were Iden tified by his brother, who, however, was not positive about the body. The body will be further examined tomoi row, it post mortem nude and an In quest, held. HUMOR UNAPPRECIATED. Robiuski's p il Font Jok '.Was Re- girded aS a Chesilutta, Hazlkton, April 1 John BoblnsXd was shot and probably fatal ly wounded today by Antonio Qirabio, one of a pat ly of Italians whom he caused lo tall into a small strtam aa an April fool joke Uirabln nnd Ilia companions! have disappeared. I FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. The last t'ohunbian guard will bo'nius lered out at Jaokrion park. Chicaijo , to night. Disci'.very of nuggets of pure gold by well diggers has throwu LavetB, Col., IntoV wild excitement. Saloonkeeper Philip Orth killed Farmer Walter llalbday with an axe at Callicoon, N. Y., for demanding more drink. Fiends tried to wreck nn express by ob structing a bridgo near Oxford, (., Ifut their plot was foiled by the train's speed It is expected that Sforderer I'reu'der gast, who has been tamed down by 48 hours iu n Chicago dungeon. Will be banged next l'Vidny. Becaaep his iwsethaart, Agues Nieodem, would not go to his former PeBuaylvaola "nun-, Muuwig uopoes.01 llotdsville, iUnss., wounded her with a ballot ftnd 'then shot himself President J, M. Callowayj of the Doug Insville college, one of the most prominent educators of (foorsia, loui.initted suicide reateraay, shooting inuisell through heart. No cause is ItauwnJ tbe Got STRIKING POTTERS' WAR. The CUy Workers a Howling Mob and Terrorize a West ern Town. Bast Liverpool 0 April l The city was practicilly in the handi of a violent mob of .striking potteis Inst night. -Mayor Motley and the city po lice were powerless I o preserve order. Pour hundred drunken and infuriated m n aronred the streets, attacking ui-"i who hud taken their places. About t o'clock a nun named ' V .id die ' Cook, who i working nt the Mc- Nicol PoLtery eoupsny'a plant, was1 pursued by the strikers and Captured and beaten. He v.m's taken to his home by friends, A little later a Tren ion man named Thomas O'N'eill, who came here tinre tbe present trouble began and started to work sttheMc- Niaol Works, Was attacked He was accompanied by his wife and the crowd surrounded him. Mrs. O'Neill fainted and was Carried away while tbe police arrived and oid red the mob to diaperse. Tha strikers left the scene bnt did not disperse, and pnraued seven other non-union men at different times dur ing the evening, bnt all eicaped with out injury. A man named Gray, with hia wife, sought tha protection of the poiic-' and the two were arc mpanled to their home by Chief or Police &II1, Mayor llorle and two dli ers. ():: several OOensioM the mob attempted to surround hint. 1 stii demonstrations wre also made toward several of tne manufacturers who appeared on tbe strots. The men quietly dispersed about n o'clock, No arrests w -r made. At a uiasa moating of potters whicu was iu progies at the grand opera lions- lim ing tne eveuiug,reaolntione were passed strongly oodemnlng the actions . BISMANCK'A BlRTHDaV Xhe Lion Prlnco DalaSld with Ltterr, Telegrams nnd Pri-senls FgltDBntonSRUB, April 1. Prince Bleutbrok io,- early to prepare for the ardaona dntiaa of lite birthday. Just. before he look his breakfast the bands of the Ratsunrg (Lanenbnrg) riflemen, the Thirty-first Infantry regiment from the Altoua garrison and tun Ham burg Choral union gathered in front, of the oostie. They gave tho old chancel lot his morning greeting between ! an i 10 o'clock. As the prince left the house repeated Cheers almost drowned tkomoeiu He apoko with several members of the Choral union and the binds, and eVvnt nally presented a glass of beer to the Kalsebnrg baudmaater, As the band master took the glass Bismarck raised an other one to his lips and tOSSS I oil tne contents .it a draught. Tba crowd Sheered as Bismarck sat down the glass and he smiled and bowed. Atllo'olocka mesienger arrived at the castle with this dispatch dated al Abbazi i on Apiil 1: "I send you my heartiest congratulations Mv ai le da camp, Major Voa Moll ka, is commis sioned to band you in my name a cui rass. The linn steel ol this cuirass, v. inch is du-igued to liv round your breist, may servo aa a symbol of the (ieniiaii gratitude Whteh your linn fidelity has brought ybn and which 1. for my part, diiire to express most vividly. Wllbelm, Imperator-Rex." The n umber of letters and dispatches reenived by the prince is bevoud all records of his former birthdays. At 5 o'clock this afternoon 7,01)0 letters and 4,580 telegrams had been counted and the messengers were still busy bringing mote, sangea from famous men. princia and liiugi, are displnjol on the dining room table. Presents have been brought to the cattle so rapidly that it has been Im possible to unpack them nil. Tbe castle yard looks like a frieght depot It is piled high with barrels, kegs, boxes and bundles of all shapes and sizes. n WASHINGTON NOTES. Jniin n. Larklo, of Pittsburg, will ba nt iated by Comptroller Bcklaa aa a bi nh examiner. Itnator atnrpby waa mnob anrprtasd Vesl"rilnv to learn llmt. lVtlnnixti'i' 'i n erxl Blasoll Uit at ; a oarth-claa pimtniaaler wlnnn thu tenator und lo Sorted, WSSHIKOTON, I). C, Ajiril 1. crantiDRunw .i..ii,'.i....i. .i Mt Voorh-'e, chalfman of th Uiianca committee, calls up the Urlfl bill In the senate ami in dies the opening apateh ii will in i u g urate a debate the end nd outcome of which no man can foretell. Mr. Voohees confidently expects the final vote to be taken within six weeks; but Mr. Voorheei' expectations on other ocoaaiona nave not aiwava been res led, Boine of his Democratic col leagues nro not so sanguine, aiid no Republican is willing to lix a period ol less than two or ibroe moniha within which a vote can be had on tho pas- ga Of the Hauate taiilt bill, CALL VS Till: ADMINISTRATION. In t-xeutit ivs session on Monday Mr. Call will insist upon the consideration of certain Florida nominations, upon which be Intends oppoiiug the admin titration! Mr. Morgan will report Hie Bering sea bill and will ask Mr. Voorbees to give way weuoesaay and p'.-ruilt the bill to bo taken up and kept before the senate until passed. Tbli will involve i lean one closed legislative session, Mr Mofgati also intends to call Up thu Chinese treaty on Thursday Tomorrow the O'Neill-joy contested election rose is iiy-di, to bo taken up, and is lo be pressed to a final cuiiclu lion un ler the provisions of the spaeial order. The English-Hilborn election oeae.froui tue Tuird ditirlct of Califor nia, la inclnUd within the terms ol the or ler, and wl be taken Up as soon as the O'Neill-Joy Contest lias been disposed of, BLAND WIU, lb'B UP SERENELY. Mr. Bland has given t.otiffe that on Tuesday be will ik the Iiquss to take np his seignior. ag ' bill and put, it on .its pasango, "tbe objections of tho execu live te the contrary notwitbatandin ,r Mr. Bland says his bill may occupy th attention of the house for two days, bn: gives no intimation of his opposition i the chanc sfor passing jt (IVer th,, veto. 0,; of the leading Den rats of the bouse w ho voted lor 'the bill says then is not the alighteet l ope of ita'paaeagi and that, iii his opinion, it will b called up merely for the purp tea f enabling some of its advocates to nu.kj ipeeehes at its obseqnisa, Mr. Bland says tuat aa soon na the leigniorogo bill is out of tba way, he Will ask the committee on coinage, weights nnd measures to report a bill lor the tree coinage of silver, and that he will urge it upon tho attention of the hottee at every opportunity until if is con sidered, DI5HSTROU5 CONFLAGRATION, Potty Families Ata Baadrdi Bomelosi by the Blza. SUNCOOK. N, II , April 1. Fire Inst ni(ht destroyed tUrba latite tenement Blocks owned by tho Oblna Manufao tnring oompany. The block were in anred. and ilia loa t sttimated at :' OliO 1 Tbete blocks were occupied by forty famlliea, who lost nearly everytuln(, With one exception, uoua of itn'.,. lain iliea r" in-lit- l ud tneir loss is from in.0(i() to $13,000 Tbeoauaeof tbo lire is unkuown, TIltY DLLW OUI THE GAS. Uatxprotad Kodaro Improvements at Harrisbani rrov Fatal, HARRloBORO, Til.. April 1 Friday nilit William Bowaii and .loim Dud ley, tin plate workers, recently arrived from Walee, blew put tliw ui.s when they retired al Groves' hotel. Yeater day morning Bowen waa fend dead Mud hit companion was uuooosoioua. Alter iuur hours of hard work lv was restored to ooneoionsnets nnd re- UOVod lo tile hospital. IKITXHOOVIR I M PR u V I KG. Thi Oonfeasmaii R tiina E,i:y hi ries- Ut, XhoUSb i tilt Week. Cabusu, Pa., April 1, Congress mail Buliahoaver's pbysielana stated this evening thnt Mr. B Itaboover's condition was much improved, nl thoiuh he wile very went. Hu isIe,I Wall during tne nikht, Na person is permitted to aee hkn, CGNOENS1.D iTATE NLWS. I(a men liavo combined ill la liano to keep np prloee. The mayor of R-adin( ln put lt foot down upon aparrlng matthea tui prlae ngnta. Philadelpbiana may build summer hotel nn the mountain nt TuoibHug Run, PottevUle, The atomach pump bandlM by n ntiyalc Ian aaved Utaa Roale Brajnlt, ol Ciebanou, who attempted auiclde eltb taudanttin. Adjutant Qaneral rffeanland has re ceived word that I'tah Uaboat to organ ize n Natluatd (JnsVd patterned ui'tr PenuaylvanbwL June SB end MA late rnnveution of Pennsvlrunle Lyflfierans will bo held in HarrUburir. l-v '1 Lhtbereu Bociety will he m tit li' I Lo 'In leleirates, an J Control nisooiatloal , livt. WfATHF.K LwKECAST. t 1 WAsiii.viriM, Mnrch 8L Fon ini'iiri ""'ii'".' tor ..i-. VP ' iritunlcttiiirt, ganrraUy fair and "', nurinipon Hiittus, lor II r.iti'j .i Vim , i.i ...., Mr, noi l'i iink thifttng to nisf THE DEMANt) foi iViniming Laces this season 13 11 n par alleled and designs more attractive than ever before. We are now showing an im mense variety of the most popular and novel styles, includ ing Point Veiiise, Point De G-no, Point Do Esprit, Houiton and Marquise, In White, Ecru nnd -Butter Shades; Piatt Bah, in all widths. Fine Torchons and Medicis, White Ecru and Black Cialooiio. Elegant stock of BLACK LACES, in Marxuie, Bor deaux and 0hantilly3. Cur U3iial line of Real Laces and Lace Handker chiefs, in Duchssse, Ens lish Thread, Valenciennes, Etc. 510 and fill Lackawanna Aye, iE GUTTft PERCHU RUBBED I'FDCa'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS a. SCBIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Bel'.itii H. A. King sbury AOKNT 313 Sprwu St., Scnnton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & hm V;-.'-- .v.. V.' , ; :w ini'irr -i vi ; ' t- .i - "1 ''. Onrin ii ' Oenilemea's Rhrea at BO, ats fS.WeaH r i lop. They ure i,,,i"' no VH'.- nnd Knmfmt - LKWI RKILM .'. HAVIKS, III itiilta mV " luileauU him! lle.iell. We Examine Eyes Fto of oh urge. If a doctor ii needod you ore promptly toll! bo, We also gnitmnlou a per fect lit. Creat reduction in prica3 of Out Glas3 and Silver warn for one week only. r - i tl TifT T- V - i mm ABCAD4 JKWBLBft, 21b WYOMING AVE -iMtV.