THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, MARCH 81, 1894. EASTER LILIES, lumb world," the Deaf Man Blind Man, shaking his "Tis is siK'tit, said : Bttt, no, " said Um head, It is noisy and black " There were two lilies on one mom. They Lad led very modem life a life o artificial beets and lights; they bad been tod 'i!" I lood. drawn from the reek ing mould in which their root wandsred; the had drunk the hot steam ot the glass oo red home: they hud loved the eploeno ovti ol dwarf rose-. And they grjw up white, stately, neurotic. They were high l red llllee, toll and tklr. They wore polled . one itoni, like dumb and Mnwlesi ballet- it sere, droned In green tight and white i Kasy wl" then twins," nld the tlorist to hid v an, "them's the pick ol the lot." .- ire, m yer life." said the man, is he I sii.i bit thumb-knifo round the Mem, The ii'.u's tell aunt. oni: mly tUOl k swat or ir. He was n perfectly roper young man, traui hU bell-crowned hat to the tips ol hi f tinted boots. His black frock-coat, button 0 i snugly over his corsets, fell nearly to hi nnkl is, The voluminous linen about his 1 '; was girdled by a gory stock. He wore : r glow and earned a we 'den walking ttck, Rls eyes were dull and h.s fat face blue from over-shaving, but be was a 1 .' proper young man. He loaned -;.v and smoked a elgantt tin B ; u the thing t Eh, Sanders re, Bander ng, "well, let ltK it 00, Sanders, 1 on. my itood (el- en 1! they 8ei v p . "Dowu't eome In," she shouted wheu ho knocked, "stay out.'' "How ore you to-night," he asked. "Ow it's yon, Is it," Tottle called out, " 'ow are ye, me beauty?" "Pretty wall y' know," said Ned, "sent yi some vi lets I'm as raedest as a vi let, f know, I'm that ihoy, know Illy, too, ' understand, attlte ti1 thing, y know." "Oow awoy now," Tottle reiterated, "me turn's cotuln. Won h'l'tn finished sfb II g n and stoke up, me beauty. ' . Very obediently Not wandered round totlio front ot the house and took a seal in one ol the upper boxes. Ho was net much sur prU ' d to tee his (at and lior icy trloitd there. "She's In great form to-night," he remarked. "Ia she.'" Jlmmte sal i with touch of envy. "Why don t yo ask n fellow to no along and plek the bones?" "T us ye for the supper and it's done," said N I, "Done,1 nld Jlmmle and as the other tpun it. on hit knee, he called heads. "On me." said Ned, 'vet Some other people ami eomu along," Whoe his friend was ibOUl this business Kedgavo his attention to thestage. Was not Mis Rlckham on? one could tell that by the unusual animation; oven the orches tra begun to perk Up. A.)' She was thole, tt plump woman of forty, lit a yellow Wig, a got 1 geoui Ions froek of many colors and I wide Usiusborough hat. As she sang th song ol i the vl'let, whleli as you may have gathered w.i- notably shy. she did few dance steps ; d swayed and pe-iured With I Vigor that displayed all the plcntitades ol forty years. Th ' were oheeriiuj and dapping for another :.; when an usher eamo Scuttling down the aisle, carrying Nod's bOlket of violets, With one great, pallid lily nodding in the cell tre. It w.i- handed OCrOSS the footlights and Hiss Tottle snuffed It and cooed and sang A four-wheeler here them away to supper. There were Nad and Tottle and Jluunie and ung lad wh played seventeen musical Instruments. They were all smoking ittes and the smoke Buttered like nags from .ib-windows, Jimmle was singing as they ve up to a restaurant off lirondway. Ned IS fighting, unsuccessfully, with Miss Tot I a ki's. The Kiekhatu was muscular'.y coy, The straggle continued after the eab d ; was earried on jocosely on the I walk, Miss Tottle had pinned the great white lily on her bre,wt. Jus: us they en- I the doorway Ned threw one arm round and captured his kiss a powdery, . ie-painty kiss was but the lily was rushed off and fell unregarded to the side- rollef. The other ohlldren try to tempt her into their solids and games. She does not care for these things. They nre singing the carols ot Baster, (hi "Id now songs of the risen Christ. The- W sue sTANl'S IIV Till' W1MW, sweetly with young, quivering (lie nurse aayi, "here i ' - rife t t- slug eery voices. See, little sentinel is a Illy. ll Is the fairest one ol all, white and stately, but she lots It tall unregarded at her luet. Lilies ol l uster and the Easter Christ- she know thll long ago. Shu Is wailing, waiting and He does ii,.t eomi, Patience, httie sentinel. There are ouly u few weeks more It may I,' baton the till! lilies have faded. "Here s someone tO see you, little sentinel," the nurse savs. He is i i moll lad. a healthy, dirty young heathen. Ids grimmy legs, straight and tough and strong, showing through his rays. As bs looks ut hi r he dabs one hla.-k, little list In his eyes and demolishes Ids tears, but for all that he has an air ot triumph about him, 01 one who should say, "1 don't want it known but I've a small matter of a diamond nooklaoe l in my pocket for you." The little girl rested her deformed shoulder against the wall; there was no answering brightness In her dismal, little yellow faee. hollowed Willi life 1 long suffering. "Do you kuow me. little sister the boy ssked. Yes, little sister kuows bint. 1. "A. little sister, what I got fur ye!" he says brightly, and holds up a rare w hite lily, soiled u bit by the trampled oo7.e of the puvc ' ment, but still fair and beautiful. "I foun' it In do street las' night, little'sister. iee? an' I kep' it on' brung it te yous," he added proudly. No, little sister does not oaro any more trity lay there waiting for about lilies the gift falls from her crippled asser-by to tread it under foot. 1 Angers, and lies unoared for on the Boor. It is Easter and Christ has risen, but the world is full of pain and the little sentinel waits. "Rosily, my dear," said one Illy, "I have seen the world and it is very wicked. I wish I were back on my torn. Don't you long for that rooking stem and the lights and heat aud dwarf roses'.'" "I have seen the world," said the other Illy, "it is not very wicked, but it is very, very sad." "Ah ! you should have seen" But the janitor swept them out. Vance Thompsov. BRAVEST DEEDS OF THE WAR. tirriiiR Recollections of Heroism by Land ant! Sea. TOLD BY THOSE WHO WERE PRESENT. stirrim; CoMrlbnUoni it-oiu 6enetal James I, liongstroot, colonel w. h. YoltOril, Colonel Joseph Wnore, Hun. i . w. W owner and 11. m. Porr? Having an Army, TOI.W KV BEN, JAMBS s. L03G0TREET. ii is a delicate, difficult and apparently on invidious task for a man who has served through tares wars in active ond prolonged military life, to particularise what bi regard us Hie "bravest deed" during lush periods; ami ll Is not Int that what ll related Is the "bravest" in such au extended lervlee and experlanoe, covering years ol my lite, numerous Instiuie. s ..f mark'sl daring mid voiot worn witnessed as performed by tb lllue ami the i ra y . all showing that the Ameriooni, Nortli and South, an the moil martial nation on the lace ol the globe; and It In Imped that in III" lust aud lurfOUS t&CS for wealth we will n'i allow the era ol selfish ness t" overshadow iho epoch "f heroism. Reeltali ol auoh bravest deeds mo perhaps usually oonflued i" active battles, where by the touch ot elbows and toe sense ol com radsshtp, and amid Um Inspiration ol bone artillery ami thlMttleol musketry, and Hie oheen ol comrades, toldlen an deeply moved to do and don lor ""iintiy: but too little attention bus been bestowed upon the lone senlry watching 0VSt a Sleeping army. Ho is coniOloUl of the mot that he may, at any moment! be shot "by a rifleman hid in the thicket, 1 and Hud Ins loved 0IWS at home will never know how nor wlien he felL But, despite tblSOppresslvesensu of h iln-liliess lh- picket at his post performed deeds as brave as any ever soon Oil 1 1 - lialth'-ll'-ld, witnessed must confess, I saw but little. In bodies mon would undertake iiiim? that oould not bo lliuiigiit nf by hiiiiiIKt nunibors, aud then again Held offlaer i did not hnvn an oppor tunity to m te Indivtdual aois. Prom the ro..'iv rusVng throu i my mind, I se'.eet one, not bieauss I think thohero was the bravest man I over saw, but bpcauss this net was uncalled for and showed an Indiffer ence to deuth that might rank It with devil-may-care exploits rather than cool deeds of deliberate daring, where there was a duty or a great principle involved. it was at ths battle ot Sbarpstur, where i had tbi Louisiana. Krodricksburg Heights WOW oc cupied, and tho Sixth Corps pushed on to Halein Church, four miles farther on, and there nod another body of the enemy and en gaged them In florae fighting. Company A. of the Ninety-third Pennsylvania, of which 1 was a memb r, wn with the regiment. In a very uncomfortable position. Though the men were lalllng all around me I took partic ular notice, quite naturally, of my own bunk mute, E. C. Euston, who fell, apparently killed or mortally wounded, almost at my side. Amid the roar of the Cannonading and the frightful rattle of tka nraakatrv I shall TIIK UN WHO IBEX 0MNEY. Their I'rollt Were Uirse Burins the Pnnli- Him The; Wurrate. Iciior to command a brigad.j under Oon- , never forget how it occurred to me that poor 1. I need not remind any of the sin- Euston was gone uml I hat I would have to 1 a'"' silver are exported and the specie bank- cm! II in niiucoiiM as our liin .cM in,. nils cull I was for the numbers engaged the bloodiest battle of the wor. We had been lighting Oil day near or about a building known us .Miiinmu Church. Home time ' we wen In theadvuncoof this building, and again the Icrrlll" llrlng would force us to Seek shelter in the woods, where there Were a lew pieces ol almost useless artillery. As We had done again and again during the day, we drove the enemy back, ami wsn again (subjected to a perfitot rain of shells. The The men who sell money made a lot ot money during the panic. They are still gathering In cash from the sale of cash. Dealing in bullion and specie has always been considered profitable. But hard times make it doubly So. When the merchants uro hard up, the money broker reaps a harvest. When the financial world is In trouble, cold jnly by the Qod Of Hosts. Soldiers make 1 venation LIIV WtXT WHERE SOBIOW IS. a .)d : oh. rs II y a ot per answer-.!. .el in I mm from these flowen," said the Rev. Dr. Goodman, touching gently with his er Sngen, the lilies that decked the pulpit (hat Easter morning, "lessens of humility and patience. They are born and they die. ' u: not before they have spread the (rogrance ! meek, pure, beautiful lives. Let us who are of H:s household, carry into the world ' ie fragrance of lives as pure and beautiful. As you know, my brethren, it is our custom "' s;r.d the flowers which have graced the .'tir on this natal day to the hospitals, that their beauty may .-harm away a few moments ' ii:n and lufterflg, L t us remember it vas for this, too, we hovs be -a made White that we may carry succor to suffering hu manity ar.d i. ear :i;!it an I hope to those who - '::'. da-ir.ess. ' S.jftly the great organ droned like far away Ug-pioej; theu gathering strength It burst Into a stormy anthem ot hallelujahs and praise. The people filed decently out of butch. Onlya few remained, They stripped liter and pulpit of the flowers. Basket Fnlsn ra sent to the different hospitals. On th" top of one basket, among1 tufts of moss, vii let! and ro-e. lay the gsplt, white lily, which had pointed the preacher's moral. It was languid, ilitless, neurotic. This basket was carried to a hospital In Forty-sncoud street. It is a hard-featured, red building, with two bulging bolf-towen. The little newsboy at the corner has a notion, vague and not very valid, that It is a grim, ivd m inster, led on the lini- crippled wret'he be sees enter there, I r they never eome out, Year af'-T year there has been this an- I., dren, passing through the iron gates Into ders what becomes ot them. II.i never sees th-m . jm- out. How is he to recognise in lancing out the little wretches who hobbled in wailing? Or those driven darkly away In he -mall, blaeic boxes? tied ' Even a listless lily, oppressed with n I gin !' r dwarf roses, could hardly find it lad on Easter morning. The morning eating through the broad window". generals, not general! make toldlen, " TIS nothing I a private or two. now and linn Will not count in Iho neWSOt thl batlle; Not au offltet lost, only one Ol the men, Moaning out, all alone, the deatloralllo During the Mexican war at the battle of Ilesaea de la I'aiina, as (ieneral Taylor s artlltory was actively at work and his In fantry winding their way through ths water to assault the Mexican lines, Captain Charles i May stood with bis squadron on tie road ni near the enemy as cavalry adjustment! would warrant. As the proper moment came for May to reach the enemy's battery and our infantry leaped from the water against the enemy's infantry, General Taylor ordered: "Charge, Captain May. Randolph Ridgey, who commanded Ringgold's splendid battery, called: "Hold on, Charlie, till I draw their lire.'' He provoked and drew upon himself the tire that would have been hurled Into his cavalry comrades. May ijuickly made the dash and captured the battery before it couid reload, taking as prisoner, with other-. Gen eral Ial Vega. At tho battle of Molino Pel Rev, Lieutenant Morris of my regiment was severely wounded. In those days wo seldom bad stretchers or parties for removing the wounded from the North or Month that Kliurpsfur, or ; hunt another bunkmate. Luter In the day I wo um ot battle turnsd in lavor or the Oon- federates. We were repulsed with great loM and is-foro night were compelled to fall book, and recrossi'd during the night to (In- Pol mouth side. W hen ubout to go into camp I felt about as gloomy us a man could be capable of feeling, i ut the loss ot my mate, and win proceeding to look out torn new companion for bunk and i mess, when 1 saw what seemed to be a famil iar form approaching slowly. Wh'-n it came close enough tor recognition who should it be but my old bunkmate, Euston, "Why, I thought you were killed," I ex claimed, hardly believing the evidence of my eyes, and almost ready to ihinl: it was K ;s ton'l ghost. "Not by along shot," was the reply, but in a strange, mumbling torn-, which male bis words almost unintelligible, "Whi le were yoU shot?" I asked. lie answered by pointing to tin- left side of his nose, and then I noticed 'bat then was u bole there, ami that It was Stuffed full of cot ton. '(When did it eome out'-" said I. He put In- linger in bit mouth and touched the root ol it and said here." "And where Is the bulletf "Oh, 1 threw that away he mumbled. "Why, you foolllh fellow," 1 Mid, "you should nave kept it lor a souvenir." "You are the foolish fellow, ' he replied, "I'VS bail that bullet a good deal longer than I wanted it already." Euston persistently refused tj go to the hospital, although be suffered Intense pain. He went With us all through the terrible cam- A Man'." "WE HAW IIIM UITIMI Fifth Texas on lb" right Of the brigade was commanded by the gallant Captain Turner, 1 and as I rode In bis direction, I noticed that I un enlisted man, w hose namu I learned was Monroe, woa engaging him in earnest con- FRED' i.i'biivkii ok i: nil i-.n. . : f and th regular thing, little supper bird in i n ,; lu-gular nnoorksr," suggested Jimmle, "Most be, getting up," .Ned went on. flriMi Imr his brandy and paving no attention to ths I'm modest si a i e t, i h Jlmmls? I'm that shoy "If you Wink at me I gigg;.-,eh.Iiirimie'' ;-'. Tit lily, comet thing, Easter, y'know, h'y. "B ye," returned Jlmmle. N- d continued his walk, flroailway Was loss crowded, but the noise ol the cablt -m ths jostling of clerks and vhop girls oomlng from work disturbed htm. He crossed to Fifth a venue, wher then is always ,. osttaln aiaohntol deeorum, 'iho lunllght, failing a-. .nit, i'.ii' ':: the ala'i.i! b.irnicks Iba'llne Ihe SVinuS Ond reddened tioi dingy eobblc StOniS of tho streot. It was gifting on for dinner-time and Ned went home to ures. J;y tho time he bad got Into evening llvry of b lek and white and had dined it l ad gone pj no o'clock, lb; balled a passing hansom cub. "1'i-lv." he ordered. Tnis is a short hand w ill "underitended of the people," who dwell In the part of New York Where (he lights rhino o' nights. The cab man rkto his horse a cut. ol the w hip and the hansom whirled nwny to the Frivolity Music Hail. As evoryoUO knows this was built for Grand Opera with capital letters. ' But then was mon money In the Japaness juggler who spins plates on his nose, tho lady contortionist" and the slangy girl from liondon, so high art and the capital letters vanished. Now it Is a jolly place whore young men spruwl In the boxes drinkli; ehanip.igne, while other youn men sprawl In the orchestra chairs, drinking beer out of stono mugs. Blue clouds of smoke, from cigars and cigar ettes, swing find cldy in tho hoi, light air. Behind tho (billing row of footlights, femini nity in rlghte of all colors, contorts Itself In donees and oerobstle feats, stage Irishmen crook jokes; clowns tumble and posture; !Bftpp7 girls from Paris sing; roaring girls Iroin London along the musicians. X"d wont through tho sing.j door, with a friendly nod to the keeper, He madehl'fwiy tn Mis.- v.-.itia Slokham's dressing coom, I' ifflts. Jt ; . ml l 9, "THS vot;xo Mas ITO0U.III ILOWLT, stirrod the little deformed children Into a grig-like merriment. Tln-v capered In their tangling irons and darnel , ths leather harness that held in place their STOOkod limbs. The thjhty well, lame girls woke altogether in tbelr white cots; k,U up al together; chsttsred iltogethsr llks ths gamin sparrows out in ths street For It's Easter mornliig and here's n stnto of things I Phi While Rabbit him ridden In on a moon beam and played his old prankish games. !,gs and!! Ih" pillows, eggs in Jolly little lolds ot the sheet; sggs undei the cots; eggs in pinafores, eggi in ihoei and stockings; bell', -eggs on tho window-sill; sggs up the chimney ; eggs on the mantel-piece, Won derful old fellow, the W hite Rabbit, Eggs of nil dolor red, white, blue, green, yellow I mottled, ipsekledand silver; eggs wlthcbloki poeplng out of them; eggs that fall apart and Spilled candy. Very wonderful fellow, Hid White Rabbit Young white rabbits ohoekful of sweetmeats, ovcrywhero; lilies and myrtles ovciywhoro else, And eighty small girls jubilant, Eighty all but one. ' Boo standi by the win dow. She does not laugh with her little crippled mates. "We call her our little sentinel," said the nurse. A pitiful little sentinel, with .varped and wasted body and pain-drawn face keeping ward over her lust Easter day. The doctors can do nothing for bur; tho nurses cannot keep her; the lonely, rueful little sontlnel Standi by tho window, waiting for death's Ore of Now York City's Most Remark able Youmt Men. Whenever a man through his wealth, private conduct, or personal peculiarities is differentiated from the masses, he becomes an object of general Interest, and to a certain extent a public character, and so a legiti mate subject for newspaper report and com ment. There are in New York, and other cities, many young men as rich, as handsome, and possibly as intelligent as Fred Gebiiard -his ! many friends and many who do not know him call him "Fred" hut there are none of them with the marked individuality and In- oinereuce to me opinions ol otners tnat so iong characterized him. Mr. Gebhard ll at this time just thirty seven years of age. Ho is aUuit five feet ten inches in height, weighs 190 pounds, promises t i get Icavier after middle age, and though h" looks It, he is not an athlete. He walks with a rolling motion, OS If In- had b- --u mucb at sen In at: unsteady boat. Hll hair is short ,iid very block and his mustache is of the same color, except one patch nt the corner of the left lip, winch is noticeably white. The eyes an small, gray ami good-natured. Th" ihspeof tic- bead ll by no means intellectual and has in it a suggestion of John I.. Sulli van, though Mr, Gebhard is not. ami even in his most convivial days, was not regarded as a combative man. The senior Gebhard was a Gorman by birth and accumulated a fortune, estimated at (imi.iKjO, which ho left in .intuit to his two children. Fred and Mrs. Nlsllott, now an In teresting Widow with two daughters. The Income from Ihe well-invented estate amounts to about Otv,O0O n yeSJ, equally dlvidud between the W cllildleU i When Mrs. Langtry, like many other socially notorious women, took to tho stage to make profll from her lapses rather than hsr talents, I she came to America, and for some years Mr. debhard was one of her moil devoted ad mlieis. They bought adjoining nuehss In California, and having a fondness (or sport, they became in tenet ed in fait icrs.. fast yachts and other fast amusements. With plenty of money and all the time i cssary to spemi it, Fred Gebhard con tracted convivial habits whlefc at one time threstened to develop Into thi lisea-e , , ebrieiv Suddenly, um! to the grout amaze ment of his olttb friends, he unnouiiced his purpose to lead a better life, lie went to an Institute nl While Plains, New Yolk, that was two years ago. w cured of the dssln lot liquor, and frdm tin. day he left tin the present lime has never touched Intoxicating liquors. Following, this Mr, Qsbhard sold out his tables gave op till swarming and festive club fi lends, mid became a model of social propriety. But the best move he has yet made Is In marrying Miss Morris, the belle of Baltimore Hi. has ih" age xporlontc and wealth so de sirable In a husband of leisure. Ills many friend wish bin ntlUUSd bapplOSM in Ihe new lite, and Tammany talks or running dim for congress next fall. a V; wr S 7' 1 Ml I t ii .Vv V ll is said With a good show of authority, that ss soon as thi Dnltsd liatos leaves tin Ilawallans to themselven, thi Dominion of Oanadl will Step Ul, In a neighborly way, to see what iho oon do for them. Honolulu ll on a direct line between Victoria, B.C., and Sydney, Australia. Oklahoma has intend Into competition with South Dakota in thsdlVOMl business. Ills possible to go to Guthrie, Stay thirty days, and get u release from marriage with out having the papers served on tho de lelidant. China and Jspan together have 200,000 square miles of coal fields, much of the terri tory on worked, The United states comes next with au area of 11)4,000 square miles. The estimated total coal area of the world Is 471,800 equnro miles. "BOLD o-;, CHABUB. field, and on tma occasion we dnln t even J have a blanket. As Morris was anxious to be j conveyed out of tiie lovers lire u stalwart, 1 lolly Irishman was asked if he could lake the disabled officer on bis back. He sold probably he could, and we lifted M rri-' to his stout shoulders. The officer's or ni wei . still strong enough to clasp tenaciously around the private's neck, dust behind us the ground divided to a llttls rav.ue that furnished shelter from the Kcxl iam' galling tire. Upon starling the soldier moved by backward steps, facing Ihe enemy, and ;ui- tlng his body between the Mesi 'an bullets and Morris, and thus booked to get under cover nt the ravine. Moirit Impatlontl ordered th" soldier to turn ab ml and hasten nfffaster. "Share" siid the gallant private, ihe llftlnent wouldn't have me put him be twaoen me ami the bullets lM Officers, who study and appreciate thsob llgatloni of eonaseratlon to the nervi," in time of vvnr. know licit tic emergency may corns when they will b called upon ! aserl flee themselves and tiuur commands, In order thereby to save Ihe other part of the army, and then are lie OOOSsloni that sorely try men's souls. On the march of Ihe Confcdci ate army from Rlehmond and Petersburg ( Appomattoi Court Hotiae, In April. 1805, Liiutenant-Qsnera! Swell and Ueutenant Qenerel li H, Andarson, realising the neces sity of holding Ihe line ut Sailor s Crock, (,. save the army trains, put their respective eommandi in position ru thai purpose and utilised every moment t" hurriedly throw up Homo slight embankments. Our rear guard command came up and marchs I on by, leav ing Bwoll and Anderson without any srtillert . They fully understood their one and only ehanotwii 'hi the Federals might charge precipitate, w IhOUl walling Ihe piny ol Mi" batterlei, ami in this contest they fell they , could hold then ground In vain is the net spread in sight ol the bird. The pursuing Federals were loo wily and wary. Bushed OS thiy were In following a foe that vainly and rslcctently retreated, The Union batterlsi coming up, the infantry toon bailed, whlls Ihe heavy guns f, It ol our position mi, I loon disclosed or exposed our men without any artillery. Without coming directly under i ut inlaiitry. Ihelr butteries. SOlklllfUlly handled, ai they always were, put the Confederates to disorder, when a valiant charge was supcrblv made, capturing nearly ail ot General Bwell'i men, Ihe major portion of (ieiieml Anderson's and U)S trains, bill (lie unselfish, gnllant eon duct of liwell's and Anderson's men. who beforehand thoroughly underatood tho oon squsi i, saved for the time the balance of QsjMfal bee s army, J.vMKS l.OXUSTIlKKT. There nre llflenn men. each over a hundred years old, who are drawing pensions lor ser vices rendered in Ihe war of IHpj, and Ihereare thirteen women, the widows xoldicrH who fought ill the Itevolutlon under Washington, "ii the penilou rolls. Ttti,n m oi,oi.i. Wi n. mmn, BltON writing my story. I have read over with care all the "Hravest Deeds" so far pub lished, and I note that without exception tho writers declare It Is most difficult to recall some one man or act and point to It as ex ceptional. Speaking for myself, and I am sure It is the experleiico of other officers, valor was so usual that It was onlv an net of 0 ownrdlce that impressed one, and of this, I licfoie I cm,,, no. Monroe hud left the Captain und was running like a deer In the direction of the enemy, who were quick to lire on any moving Hung. "Captain, what ' doss this msen?" I ssksd, si I looked ufu-r the flying figure, ' Pointing to the trampled corn field In which so many men, friends and foes lay, the Cap- ' tain said : "Monroe, onoof my man, saw a flag rising and falling a bit ago, over near that : that burned stump, und be asked for leave to go out and get It." "Has your regiment lost Its flag?'' I asked, i "No," be replied with pride, "What's left of the colors of the Fifth Texas, is still in our possession und we'll keep It while there's a ' man to carry it," and he pointed down the Unite where a lot of blood-stained tatters flapped about a bullet scarred staff. "It must be a Yankee flag," I said, "and if so, I hardly think it prudent to risk amauon , such a venture." C.iptain Turner made no reply, but mean while my attention was drawn to Monroe, fur I was now Intensely interested in the outcome of this adventure. He reached the black stump about two hundred yards away and dropped 10 suddenly that at first we thought he was -hot. Soon to our gr.-at relief Monroe rose to his kne:s. We saw him lifting a man on bis back and that the man clung to a flag. Monroe straightened up. took a quick glance about him. aud then started for our lines. He was a young athletic fellow, but he had no child's burden. Men were falling back in the line, and how he escaped is one of those won ders that can nsvsr bs explained, though he wus slightly wounded in the shoulder. He brought book with him not a Yankee and his colors, but the color bearer and flag of the Fourth Texas, lost in our retreat. Every man in the brigade saw this exploit and greeted it with a ringing cheer. The colors were saved, and I may add the color bearer got well. Had it not been for Monroe the (lug would have fallen into the bands of the enemy, and so I cannot e. uut bis act os sheer rashness. W. S. Woffokp. "If! OLD BtntXIUTI palgn that followed Fredrieksburg, unable t;. bite anything hard, living on soup ar.d hard tack o!tened in water, and afterwards fried, and fought bravciy through the battle i ! Gettysburg in that cotidit.on. and is st.l! living. Z. M. Woomee. TOI.ll M . H. IM'WY. Tic bravest deed 1 vv it : s-ed during the war was at Sharp-burg, as we call it. or Anttetam as known nt the North, and thi participant! were a'l commanding offlcsn, among them was General Longstroet, "Lee's Old War. Horse." us General Lao bimsell siyled Long-Ire. ! al ihe cose of tins battle. When the fighting was over all the gensrsji had reported and eollei "'.! at General Lee's headquarters. Longstnet came up a little late, when Lee stepped forward, and, heartily grasping his hand, said. "And here comes my old war-horse." Prom that time to the present -Loo's did Wur-Horsv " was the nlcknsme Longstrect bos gons and gosi by, The -p al d 1 ot bravery was panic patod in by (ieneral Longstnet, Col. Osmond La i i" (brother of the present Mayor of Balti more!, Col. tl. M. Lowell, president of the Ocean Bteamshlp Company in New York), and Mijor Fairfax, The Union forces had killed all the gunners ,,( 0ne of our batteries, and here a portion of our line was nnoc u pled, and Bvjrnstds'l men. seeing the gi.p. charged up to take possession. Perceiving tin. Imminenl peril, General Longstnet, Col. Osmond Latrobe, Col. ;. M. Lowell and Maior tun lav dismounted, and Longstroe! loaded ti annoni ami used the lanyard himself. Por quite awhile this quartette rough; an Immense Federal, tone, ami Longstreet's splendid skill and praotloal knowledge as an artillerist stood him well in ban I. as they handled three pieces ot artillery with lUOtt tnmendoui effect thai the Fsderal advance TOin BY COI4KI. .Hi-I I'll MOORF.. Claude Neville is rather a romantic name, tut the original was anything but a fine type of the hero of fiction. He was a Kentucky mountaineer, and how he ever came to join the Fifty-eighth Indiana. I do not know. I hod charge ot a pontoon section in General Slocum's wing of Sherman's army, and four companies of this Hoosier regiment were in my command, among them Claude Neville. This mnu was tall. lank, sallow, reticent. full of dry humor and more indifferent to l-i'.e and was fatigue thau anv one I ever me!, vet he was Ot tianks and not personally energetic, indeed, at times he was a painfully deliberate in Ids actions as ; and brains. era get liberal and frequent commissions. It doesn't follow that they are Shyloeks. Quito tic contrary. The leading money bonkers of the country are indispensable In troublous monetary periods. They help out Lombard street, In London ; Wall street, In New Vork ; Devonohire street, in LosUm aud Third street, In Philadelphia, and furnish money where ready money Is In great demand. Nsariy ull the great banking Institutions, with foreign Connections, ure to a certain ex tent, money buyer- and money sellers. The, importation of gold early in the penis wus conducted by large houses. The exporting of goid, alter the Sherman act was repealed, WSJ managed by the same houses. The world renowned houses of Brown brothers, iJrexel, Morgan A: Co., and Morton, liliss A Co., en-gug-d In the export ui.d Import of gold tun certain extent. Hut they did not make u Specialty of this brunch of finance. The New York bouse that may be considered the leading specialists in this line are those of Ladenberg, Thalman a Co., una Lazard Freres. The one Is u iJeiman eoneern and the other is French. They Jej uii enormous business. Lodi.-nberg bought in Germany u- wsll as In Great Lnt sin. The Lizard Brotbsn secured consider able In Paris. There was a time late last summer when the vaults ot the Bank ol France, and the cellars or the Bank of Eng land poured out the rich yeliow metal Ije eause they wen paid rates that warrant? them letting it go. Not over four month! afterwards, these lime bonks needed then ' offer- replenished and paid the bunkers act ng as their correspondents in America to i et urn some ol the gold that had gone across the Atlantic earlier tie year. The Bank of England has for a century been noted as the great gold repository of the world, but of late yean, the gold reserve of the Bank ol Francs baa exceeded that ol sy banking b Bt.tution in any of the countries. But gold buying and selling is not the only productive and profitable branch of the specie trade, fcjiivtr has its booms an j its boom erangs. It also goes through If times of appreciation and depression. Just at pres ent, the silver market is at its lowest ebb. Yet there is aiway6 c;ore or less demand for it. Bullion, which is goid or silver in the bar or lump, is o constant commodity, In fact, tiitt is the way in which these precious tneta are purchased and sold. The bullion bl ker does a thrifty business at any time. The past year bus wiuessed large transactions in his department. One of the largest bullion I OSes, ;.:.d at the same time one of the chief fa .-tors in the silver trade, is that of Handy i Harmon, in New York. Its quarters ure not puiatial. They do not compare with the handsome ofEies of the big houses on Wall street. The business of the firm is done in comparatively small offices in the b-v-mer.t of tlie Mutual Life lr.'v.m:.oe Building on Warren street. Yet ths trsnsactions are often very large. Shipments of s million or two dollors worth of bullion at a time ore so frequent as scarcely to cause comment. Ti hef.H -d the firm. Parker Hondy. is a young man. He hB only been out of Princeton College abcut fifteen years. He knows the subject thoroughly, however. He got his schooling and experience from his father, after whoa he is named. The Handy, who bus been dead some years, was one of the quiet factors in the financial movement of his day. He was a Director of the Equitable a -c Inti rested in a number financial concerns. His sot has ir.her.ted his lather's fortune, businesi mm ' . I t1 I - .1 L ,i . hvt- r-: iv-r WE "mg COMBS Ml OLD WAR ltons," was cheeked and, they were compelled to full back beyond Longstreet's range. In the meantime he sent (or si tsaajtof Bobert Toombs' brigade, gunners were supplied and well supported by Confederate infantrymen. I believe this was ihe only Instance during the war where a corps commander with his own bunds actually managed the loading and training of artillery, sighted the cannons and Jerked the lanyard, H. H. Pkkxv. Tni.n nv MNeMtMaYAN wimimf.ii. One of the most conspicuous examples of persistent nerve and endurance that came under my eyes during the war occurred at tho fight ueur Mary's Heights, not far from Salem Church and Fredrieksburg. Wo had been camped during tho night on the Ful mouth side of the Itnpnhannock. In the morning we crossed tn Fredrieksburg, driv ing the Confederates before us and capturing tho Washington Artlllerv. a brigado from he wes in Ins speech. He could go tor Cays Without eating, and then he had tlie capacity togorice himself I ke an anaconda, I have heard thai he could drink a company blind and never shew a of liquor himself. He was as placid under tire as if smoking miles away from the enemy. Indeed, ho had the nputation ot being the most (earless and profane man In the army, but he IWv re al a mailer of habit, not from excitement: he never go, txedo.l. We bad reached the Ogeechee River in an odvodce under Sherman, and the bridge across that stream burned, wo pre pared to tut down pontoons. Above the place wiierewe struck the river, Neville found a dugout, and was tsi'.dling down, when the enemy's sharpshooten opened fire, and we j could see our friend fall in the bottom of the boat, and believed him to he dead. It was growing ,hrk very fast, and as the water was bitterly cold, and wo reasoned that i laude Neville was beyond help, no St- , temp! was made to BOCun the dugout, but it was permitted to dr. ft down nnder the oypruses, and moas-o ivered live oass. Now that poor Neville WH gone h.s com- i rades had many sto. ios to tell of his quiet ' courage and generous heart, and It was voted that no matter how many recruits joined us i hereafter, no one coul l be found to mi his , place, The night bofon we entered Savannah, i ' got a permit to visit a brother officer In com i mand of our p ckete not far from the enemy's works. It WOS about ten o'clock and I was about to return to my own camp, wheu a I sergeant and two men came in from the trout. with a well mounted prisoner, two mad and despatch lings being snapped behind htossd die. 1 hoard thi prisoner shouting out : "You sjotel I'm a Kentucky Yank, d you 1 end ray name I Claude Neville! I belong to tho Fifty-eighth Indiana, I do I" I hurried to the man, and oil seeing m I hi Mughl me in Ids a mis. demonstrative before, and then he told ins story. He ha I I. ei oven boon wounded, but he floated in the dug-out past the enemy's camp. Ho hid In the swamp till that after noon, when he o.tmo upon a carrier's horse hitched before a house, e leaped Into till saddle, "and rid for dear life to the west," The dispatches proved to lie of value, and I have always doubted if any man but Clauds .Neville oould have done that thing. JoSKl'li Mool.K. From an investigation of John Y. McKane's accounts, which some of the people of Graves end had tho courage to undertake since the Irnss went to Sing Suig, it would -com that he and his associates sbov.l 1 have been in the Penitentiary years ago for plundering the town out of hundred of thousands of dollars. And now even his Sunday .school begins to fear ho wo not so good a man as be appeared to bo pn tho sabbath. It is a curious fact that In countries like Italy and Spain where the percentage of sui cides is the lowest of any in the world, that the percentage of homicides is tho highest. On the whole. If killing must bo done, we pre fer tho mau who makes subject of hlmdl. Only in the periods of the greatest mone tary depression and excitement, is there a great demand for groenliaeks and small change. There was a big premium on current cash in IsTS and s. n.rwria; of a similar : i mlUffl in 1S!4. But the year lieso will go on record as the red letter era for dealings in the ordinary small coin of the republic. The panic, that it is hoped and believed is :iass;.g:iwa . was marked by one week at least when money was scarcer than aver, The latter par; of tho mi r.tli of August ar.d the early part of the month of September saw money eagerly Sought after. But it was during one cf the weeks in that period that the financial and mercantile world found itself painfully short of cash. Merchants had to have small bills and the smaller coin with which to pay their employes. The banks rofusi-d to pay out mueh moiuy. Certified checks presented at the paying teller's dssk with the request fot greonleks and mall change were refused. The average t:.-ee. lound it hard to secure enough ready eah to meet his ordinary needs. Hotel proprietors and teadeamea, In lots of eases, declined to nOSive chocks in payment, much less to cash them. Everything got down temporarily to a strictly cash basis. Then it was that a comparatively obscura Ann reaped a quick fortune. On Wall Streot, only a few doors from Uroadway, was the house of Eimmsrmond Porshay. it had a little coop of an office. Inside of which scarcely S doasn person! could gather at a time with out imperiling the stability of the narrow g;ss counter, The firm dealt in Secie. For years. perSi us iassing had hurriedly noticed the piles of ooin, of various denominations and minted in different countries, In ths Utile window. A goodly hoop of greenbacks con stituted port of the Window exhibit. When money began to OS badly required, this house sto.-.l ready to supply it a! a premium. During the WSSk already instanced, the llrm practically cornsnd the market. It raised the percentage of premium day after day, as the demand increased. But oven I never saw him i with tilth? knowledge ot the business and their widespread purchases, they could not keep up with the market. Finally they in SOrtod conspicuous advertisements in the daily newspapers, offering from one to two per cent, premium for money. It was a tempting bail and it took. Hundred of peo ple scraped and hoarded until they got to gether all the way from fifty to a thousand dollars ami then sold it to Zimmerman & Porshay, Just as fust as it was bought it was sold nt a larger llgute. The line of cus tomers reached all day long clear up the street. One day the crowd was so great that the sorviees of a policeman wore required to keep It in order. It was Impossible to ac commodate the patrons in tho crowded office. Fortunately for the firm, but not for the sufferer, a broker failed a few doe rs above, and the money dealers at once rented his offices, which were large;- and more commod ious. Even the now quarters were filled dully for many weeks, and up to recently there was more or less of a steady demand for currency nt n slight premium. It is estl mated the firm cleared, just In the difference between the prices paid for money and tho prices at which It was sold, over $'100,000 in one month. This episode must bo chronicled in the annals of the panic ot 1893-4, us one of its most unique events. IiAWIBXCB S. Mott.