s THE SCKANTCKN TRIBUTE-SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 31. 1891. 1 Kill VIE Space Will Permit the Publish ol Only a Few Testimonials. A FEW FROM AMONG HUNDREDS The Gre.it Educational Enterprise of The Tribune H.is Been a Success in the Fact That Hundreds of Homes Have Been Made Brighter and Hap pier. Th following wordi of commenda tion from will-known Scrautoo people apply to the ineritorioai obaraoter of tiie uront Britannica a a library and general reference ecoyclopdla together with the advantages which the coov otT. r. d through Tns Tribone poisisi r. in its new inapt and inppleinental unttter, nver the original. li-'sides tlie low t'ricf end phenominally easy termi which luive been arranged to mit the convenience of all. N. one need be without it. As think times so think all the world. On comparison of Thi Tribcsi edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica with Bcribuer's, for which I paid $183, I find that they are the same throughonti platee and engraviuge and ill, except that Tun Tat it n k edition ins the American artlclee uii mppleuientul matter written np to Bate ana utter rn.it-.. maaing it, wun three additioni lu history, biography, science, etc., more deslraote ns aworkoi reference than the expeneive edition. STo oue will question the inpsriurty at the Britannic over ah enoyclopediae. its merit! together with the phenomenal price and easy terms, ihould place n in every home. Boh vi .; V. 11 wo, Attoi ury uuii Counsellor. Tbi Fribi'xb'b edition of the Encyclo pedia Britaoulca; npon examination, proTee t- he more useful than the origi nal Xiie supplemental part contaiuiug tae most recent Investigations In science, biographies of hviug tun, the latest ex ploraUoos in Africit, etc.. is, iu my judg ment, a moet valuable edition. 11. W i.-r volume, compared to IS.UU, Is certainly a moderate cost I commend the work to ail who are in search of tue BlOSt.moderu and reeeut dis coveries. Oi . Bowbll, Teacher at School -No. L l have carefully examined the reprint of the Edinburg -.iiti u o( the Encyclopedia Brilanoica offered by Tbi Tbibchb iu twenty-dye volumes, and Bad it tucr :ughly reliable. being a copy of tbo origU oal wirh cat articles and supple mental natter erritten to date and later tLuis, beside! b"iti ia voltttnee nure cou fetiietn to handle. Chakucb K. Robibbox, Pastor Second ilenu.ial tres. Church. V.'itiiiu the p.ia: two years, or durlu, the month of Jnue, 1S93, I purchased the Scrt'jner edition of the Encyclopedia Brit annia a: (6.0O t.-r volume, bound in cloth, Ili&OO ior to,-.- set. W. A. Paine, M. D. I h ive examined with eousiderabia care the copy ot V L I of the Encyclopedia Britannica of the edition offered b Tua TlIBCSB, and compared it with the same Volume of the Bcrtbner edition which I have in my library, and find ir, so far as I chus.'o. identical with the latter, except that it has m. re and later maps and a uppiem-Kt bound with It that ertas the treatment of the subjects down to a later late than the origin si. It is a marv-! to j tuat It ran he offered at the extremely uw price name J. TlOS. t. Wells, Attorney an l Counsellor. In the early part of MM I purchased ff"m ' has. sicr:'. n r - Sons their edition of the ucyciope'ti.i Br, tannics. twentV-ftVB volumes, bound in leatu-r. for $150.00. (j. M. Watson, Attorney ar.d counsel. or. lodge EL M. Edwards iae I have compared tne volame of vvir re print of the Ediubnrg edition af the Bri tannica Encyclopedia with a volume of the original edition in my possession, and I Snd it to be the same, besides having the American additions. It is a complete li brary in itself. The Scnhner edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica has ben in my library some years. I have found I'. accurate and re liable and folly Illustrated. Theediti n offend by The TBTBUini is not abridged; but, in matter of fart, the name wor on good paper and substan tially bound, beiiden having the additions and revisnns. American articles and maps up to dau. The additions sre in the back 01 each volume and give tii latest data on statistics, together wi:h ms ory. science sud biography of living men, thus render ing the work" more desirable and practical sr. a book of reference than tne original. That this work can b- sold tor 11.98 p-r volorne seems aim t Incredible, as I paid M per volume, or II S for mine, bound In ciotb. 0. C Hi qui i Pastor JaCkaOa Street rlaptist ' liurch. Thu is the age of books Learning' is BO bread and bOOSS ar" so numerous that It is Impossible for any one to procure sepa rate volumes npon all tne subjects which at present engage human thought. In place of tbi", a good Bocyclopsdia is s?n at-t--mpt to abridgs, or epitomise, and oisse Ify all knowledge to bring ir, within tiie limit of our comprehension. Aft.-r a some wh.it rareful study of ihr or four of the principal Encyclopedias, afiirin without hesitancy that the Britannica has no npenor. Headers of all ca ses should I osseas it. W. 0, WATKINS, Pastor Providence Baptist chnrch. keferniitt to the Bucyloprdla Britan a tea offered by Tbb Taiscaa consider it an eiodlont work. I have the Edlnburgb edition, which cost mn 1H.(S per volume. This reprint at 11.88 per folttBM ii another irtntance of American ingenuity. Rr.v. P. V ZtlUMam, It seetns to me to U" without; saving that Tub TbUUME is proving itsi If n pub lie benefactor in placing before the public such a marvel of reliable information to date, npon the great subjects of tho iglit. usis presented in the Encyclopedia Britan nica, with American revisions and addi tions, and known as Thk Tumi k edition. It is simply a matter of wonder that snob a work, preferable to the morn costly edi tion, In one or morn important respects, can be offered at less than tin volume, and y i v rv lover of books ought to appreciate Yh'e marvels of tbe day in book-making. N. V. hTAiil Pastor Qrsjsn liidgn Presbyterian bnrcb. The copy of the reprint, of the ninth and last edition of the Encyclopedia I'.ritimiiicn off-red by TH TBIBI m. at the price and Nay terms of payment should Hud a place in every homo. In no way can that, ninount of money be expended so judiciously on books. lbs American Additions" and latest MnpH with its good paper and binding renders it proferabio to the expensive tl-a edition. W. E. Ai.i.kv, Physician and Burgoom Progress in book-making for the multi tude is gutting BO be nltuost as wonderful as the improvements in transportation, We old fellows bad to go through tho humilation of borrowing and plodding through hundreds of volumes to gather the knowledge which a few hours, exami nation of Thk TbTBOMB'B edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, with its supple ments up u unre, win give to any parson of industry. Then it Is so cheap and con venient. It is like the S cent fare that electricity has written for the people, with transfers to jiiBt the placo you want to go. Men and women who read and desiro that Indrchll run should, ought to bo happy o Hud this electric highway to solid taraiog running ny idsv uoors, yob, you u navo i nil. great library now lor auout ono third the price of the original edition, besides the supplemental matter added to it. Certainly the good time is already here. Tho highway to knowledge, formerly open to thoe with coach and lour, is now call ing to foot passengers who may desire an ouiiug. The BCRABTOB TBIBUBB rings its bell, "I inly ten cents a day," with trans fers to any country, no k or corner you may fancy. You- can lake your family along, too. Every thinking man must wish success to every man who tries to intro duce such a highway to knowledge. I certainly do. 8. t". I.ihian, former Pastor of Pint Presbyterian Charon, The public should appreciate and take advantage of Thb Tbuonb'i otter of a copy of the great Edinburg edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica with supple mental matter added to each volume and the latest maps, at 11.93 per volume, and on so easy paj meats it is a rare opportuu ity. it is a complete library and should be In the home of every school boy and girl. One who has never used an Encyclopedia cannot appreciate its value. Lot tho boys and girls team Its uso when young, and SO lav the foundation. They arc not using Mich aids bait enough. VV, it, Qbaa bB Principal No. The Britannica is unquestionably the leader among Encyclopedias. The sub jects are folly and authoritatively treated. The edition offered by Thk TUIBl'BB ex cels in bt'iug supplemented to date, and the flexible binding lenders it, I should think, very serviceable. Tho price and plan of paying makes Us introduction Into most homes possible, Tne school boy and girl tdiolild bo on Ihe alert to poSMSl it. I A Mom:, Principal Bvhool SS. it eeemi imooMlbte that an edition of the Encyclopedia Britauuloa Mich c.s t lie Si'kanton Tbibi s secures fur us reauers Can be sold foi rJl.US per volume. On an examination 1 tind it to be ns represented; the paper, print and binding are excellent; it is ii r prim o: tne origiu u eaition, page for page, and to complete its richness, each volume has a supplement touching cu ionics peculiarly American and up io d ite. By the addition of indexes the Britan nica U) tbe most convenient of encyclope dias. Parents who are anxious for the educa tional advancement of their children should be irateful for this unions and re markable opportunity of furnishing their bo ig-enelvee witn tne greatest oiencycio dial OEORUE W. POW ELL, Principal School No. 14, Dr. Spnrgeon, the eminout divine, laid: "If all other books were de stroyed, the Bible excepted, the worl I won 1 have lost but little of its iuf ir- nation. 1 1 v-i t i- ..r.f ill K- .. urn oi,m1 Ihti ,dirioil f Bnc) 2oi i '.i i Britaonlca offered by tho - vr. s TniHi Nt:, I tliul it all that is claimed for it. It is truly a graud work, s whole library In Itself, and TBI Tbibuwb deserves great praise for bringing it with in the reach ot ths public bv such liberal terms, J. W. Williams, l'a.-tor Duumore Presbyterian church. Having examined a Volume of The Tf.ibini Encyclopedia Britaunica and a tnoared with a volume of my own li brary. I cheerfully recommend th. edition now being offered bv the euterpnsin in in igemeut of 1 list Tkihunkus one of the pes: work- ever placed on the uj k mar- let -i the worll. The supplemental mat te- also adds greatly to the value of the work to tno.-e who desire to keep up with ;. tl nes. The extremely low rate brings it within easy reach of all. No family ih ll : Jo without the Britannica. L. C. Floy i). BCBABTOB, Pa.. Doc. ?, 1800, About one year ago I purchnsed from Charles Scnbnere Son the ninth e.l tiou of the Encyclopedia, Britannica, leather binding, 6 per volume. tlolvABD .M BTRSETKR, Attorney and Couurellor. Ex-Pr-'sident of Vale College says: "I will defy any one to buy 3,oi) volumes that will ive him as good a working libra ry as is famished in the Encyclopedia Britannica alone.'' Today ia your last opportunity. The Encyclop-du store at 437 Spruce str-et, oetween Wyoming- and Washington avenues, will be kept open until 12 o'clock midnight to accommodate all. Orders by mail bearing postmark of tod-.y Will be included. The Tribi nf. E B. Df.p t, Spruce street. '- F',r earache, toothache, sore throat, welled necK; and the results of colds and inflammation, us Dr. Thomas' Electno Oil the great pain destroyer. . CfcUGHT AT CSRBOMOALE. Sigh's snd Sc ns on th P.onser City 3f dv Mtrrnrtd FpenVz to 'i Scrai'r'n Trih'ini. Carbonoale, M ircr. BO At the close of the raorniog sermon in ths Baptist church on rinnday tiio ordioanoi of the Lord's Supper will iie observed; also the right hand of chnrch fellowship will be givn to several candidates wh i have recently nriited with the church by baptim. The Inner! tereioei over ths remains of the late William McMyns occurrsil this afternoon, at 'I BO o'clock p, in., from Him residence on Dundnfl street. I i,e so-vicen were conducted by Btv. (diaries Lao of tho Presbyteriaa church, who took for his text as fol lows ''Iloast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knoweat not w ..it a day may : ring forth," found In Prov. '7-1. The funeral WBI largely ittsnded, Among thoss who attendol w-r (inorge Mc Myns, of Laflin, .Iarnn Bats), of West Pittiton; James Nic-.i. of Aic'ibsM: An-lrsw Nicol, of Orsen and William Brown, of Bcrnntuii, Ths pill bsnrers w-re Andrew I'at'en, of Olvpbnnt , vVilliam l'rvdn,'of (Juntnn viile, Robert Carter, .Morgan Thorns, August Monnail snd John " Mulligan. Intrrnrit was made In HlpUwOOd cemetery. 'Ihe LldlM Aid society of the Msth odist chnrch realiz-d frt.m thsir rec-rit ritfirtsirnnent. Matth-w l)egan is confined In the rfty lockup Obliged with having taken a keg of br fr im a freight car which was standing on tho railroad short time ago, Mrs. i'.i Strutingur is tilltiog rala tivs in Byraoats, vrh.-r nhs expects to remain for several weeks, Mi's Bailie Johnson rstorosd home to Kingston today after spending a few days in this city as thl fftlWl of Misi Jennie OringSr, of Terrace street. Mifa (ierlrul" Alvord ii visiting frlendi in Bonsidule. After April I the Adams Kxpross company's ofllee will be loa.tted In Qranam'l ibos atom on M do streot, and will bi in charge of John O'Ronrke. Georgl Hudson Is making some ex tamivo rep lira on bis property on Salem avenue. At a p cent mealing of the Improved Order of Bad Men the following offi cers wcrs elected : Prophet, Alexander Johnston; lachem, David Smith; senior sagamore. John (,'. Swi-idUhurst , saga more, David L"wis; kesper of wamp um, I.ti lwig Brauer; chief of records, Usury .1. Boar; reprea-ntativu to the grant council, John E. Bone, trustee, Henry Herrv. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reynolds have returned homo from tlioir visit in Wellington, D. C. a rally Tuesday night at tho Metholist hlniscopal church, liwv. U. U. DOBgD ton will address the lusnling. John Timlin, father of the newly tpiioiuted postmaiitur, Q, L. Timlin, is dangerously ill. Mrs. W. H. tior Ion spent today wit li her daughter, Mrs. J, A. Waters, of Donmore, Dr. Ilousor. the newly dected bor ongh treasurer, has Bled Ins bond, Jamss Butler and P, C, Onoly were his afcuriliea in the sum of $10,000 John llalton, who has been sick with the measles. Is improving. The reception committee of the Price Library association will meet uext Monday night. Will Whlteford and Will D.ivli were in MoOlla today. Babsoribs for Tin Tribune, 43 ronti pet mouth, Niii Morris, ugsut, John i'h-ltM, of Peckvlllc, was In town on Thursday. The funeral of William Kilinarlin opThurilay was very largely attended, Bnria was made iii Miuookn Catholic cemetery. Tne electric U s- 1! ill club will hold iis first annual Pall on April 83 in We ben rink Abraham Seal. (lid Forge supervisor, is at work repining the road at the bibley. M .line Navin, of PittltOO, spent this Weak with M try Ann Mi, nay, of Washington itrest, Christopher Doyle, who was killed Wednesday at the Sibley mi UBS, will bs bnrled tomorrow (Sntnrdiy) morn ing at 8 o'clock from In- home In Reudhnm, High maia will he solemn issd at St. Joseph's chnrch, Uiuooka, liiteniieiit in llvdo Park. The borough ccunoll met tonight nnd Borough Clerk Powell, who has been counting the number of poles and measuring tho wir,- is si retched through the borough, muds bis report The borough fathen are determined that ths pole tti. which is a law with them, ahull b- collected. A lull will bo tent io tho difl reut ootnpanlcs who have miles an 1 wires on our stioels. The ordiu me siys it must bo pud on the drat Monday in April. Connoll will also opp as the laving further of the street railway track without something ia done for ttie town. KAMI I iM TON NOUS. Briaf PaijRiatlu of Niwa of Ounaral lotereet Svi i iul io ihu Sei-aafon ZVifruaai IIami.inton, Pa., March M -E F. NiobollOO, of Li Anna, Pik-t county, wrs Calling on Irit-nds in town yester day. ii. K. Wyce leaves town tonight to spend Sunday with his parents in l'au pack. Jahn Nycs is out of town tins week. Clinton Cobb spent Thursday night with frlendi in town. E. S Gilmore, of Bcranton, passed through tuts place yesterday, look! it g after the interests of (1. Inure A: Dully. F. B Simons, ot the E ist hide, Will have charge of the league on touiorro w evening. , . THB marvelous success of Hood's Snrsa parilla is based upon the coiner sioue of absolute merit. Take llood'j throughout the spriug mouths. When Blby was sick, we gave her Castorta. tvVu ibo mss a child, she cried for CMtorla, Wh -n sb- U-cauie Miss, she clung to 1 . ri.. When the had ChUJn.-o.stie gSTStham ,,t-;U MS CELERY COMPOUND Best Spring Remedy in the World It Makes Poeple Well. IK A i Hi ji -, - t orr. i ;v ? . l Kit irS-. m; I: j 1 w ?r.."i-.:'y ANNUAL CLEARING M A. B. Brown'3 Bee Kive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry floods. Cloaks and Fur Capes daring stilt; at Its t han cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered witu the greatest bargains ever hllOWll. Ladies' Kelt Hats, this season's styles Oo each Hoys' Winter Waists ..............I0. each. n" 3UC. each. ' tUmka $1. SO each. HOS1EUY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTION'S AT QUARTER OF VALUE, COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. k II. H OWNS BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Tlu rn is one real siriin.' ramodyl There ia one true a iflu for iliesasei arisln? from u debilitated oervoui lyatem, anil that is Paiua'a uwlery uotnponnil, m ifeiierally nied by pbysielaiii, It is probably the most remarkable retnely that the scientific research ot ibis uonntry has produ I Prof, ElwardE Fholpi, M.D., LLD., of Darttnoutfa college, lirst prescribed what is now kuourn the world over us Palne'i celery ooutpound, a poaitlre cure for dyspapsia, bilioninsai, liver omplaint, neural iria, rhenniatisui, ill nervous dUuaies and kidney troublei tTor the latter, 1'iine's celery componnd hiis Huceieded again and again when everything else lias tailed. The medical journali of this country and Europe hive give a more itaco in the last few yearn to the many remarkable cases where l'aim'a cderycom ponnd h is made peopli well, than to any other subject r. & r : i. a .. i li Burdock Blood Bittern II a purely veetabln compound, po-sessing I erfect rrgulatitij,' powers over all the or gani of the intern, and cootrol'lns their secretions. It alio puriflM the blood that a Cures All blood huumrsand d.-- i - :. a com BOB pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, aud t! is combined with Its nurivallsd re KtnatinK, rlesnnine and purifying Infta' enre on ths MCretlon' of the livpr, kidneys bowels and skin, render It iiueiiimlled ns e cure for ail diseases of the Skin from one to twa bottles will cure liolls, pimple, blotches nettle rakh.scr uf.tetter, and all the eiiDph- fortM of vV disease. From two to four bottlM will cure salt rlinm or ecr.ina, shiaglee, iryrdpeUM, ul cer, ibeceeeea, ruooleg sores, a id all skiu erUptlOBI, It is uoticrablo that sufferers from skin TAYLOR TOPICS TRANSCRIBED. News Notes of Iatoreet from New Born Borouth. Fjtrrinl tit thf Scmnttnl IVfeaae, Tayi.oh, Pa,, March !JD. TIib Free For All Temperance society will hold Das Are nearly aiwnyi aggravated by Intoler itchniK, but this quloklr inbtldee on ihe removal of the dleeue by li B. & Pass ing on to graver yet prevalent dilBHW) such as Hcrofnloui r.welllii(s, humors aud Scrofula We hsve BBdeUbled proof that, from tnree to -ix bottles us'-d internally and by out ward Bppl leal loo (diluted if thenkin is broken to tbe affected parti) will effect, cure. The great biImIob ot It. li H is to n : 1 1 1 h t the liver, kidneys, bOWell and blood, to correct Iduy BBd wroiiu nr-tlon .f the Stomach, and to open the i wsyn of tBeiyitem to Varry off all clogged mill linnlirtl kl-nilinnu nll,.wi,,, ,ru thus to aid reoorei v aud remore without fail Bad Blood l iver complaint, blllouinni, dyspepsia, iriok headache, dropsy, theamatism, and nVery npnci'-s of (lineaie it r l.lng from dis- nrdered iivr, ktdoeya itonaob, bowels and blood. YVeguaraotM every bottle of Li li. ii. Bhould anv Derson bo diisatis- fled alter using the h t bottle, wo will re fund the uionny on application personally or bv li tter. We will alio be glad to send testlmotilalx nnd Information rvlngtlie - ITecKof II. H. II. in the above named dl sosnes cm aprillniiloii to fOSTIB, UILBURN & Ott, Buffalo, K, t. nrtTlli RH0R CO., I'n'i- 'a;rlial.$l.'iin.nnD. BEST Hl.r.o - i, in in TUB WOULD. "A iliillur Mnrd ISO dollar rnmnl." Thin i.ikI lea1 Hoi iii I- ranch Dongola KldBut. ton lioot diUversd fres sai rsh roln IBs II s., on 4V ri-i-i-ii'i -if i ':iti, Moiii'V Oril'-r, or I'ci. Id Nolo lor SI. Ml. KiiiiiiIh every wiiy lli-i DOOtl ei.i-i iii Hit retail itorsfl fei IJ..MI. Wo lioiki- till tHiot oiirMoivoi. tberefore wi Mar ilnrrf iiio jit, nufir iiiol ,rr, ir, mill If iitiv.iii- i.i ii. ,1 Hiolulliii Ml we hi refund lbs money 'rK. or hi ml lUH.iti'-r i;ilr. tiM-rn HjerxrV 'I'oti or t'liiiiinoii Hi-inn-. wldlliH (', Ii, H, ft V.V., . .1..,, 1 ... y ....A Call XS'tJiV"' "ft ,M Iaw II utr.,tt.,l Vn FEDtKAl ST., 'I HOSION. MASS. Sptciut trrmj lu lltulcr: m W: 1 '" TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrnr Pimples, Blotches - . .i , stv V 1 I , - A Tit Puiim Iv -. ...... i a i IL SI IP P PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Sfc Makes and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria 3 and Kidney Troubles 3 3 1 -'- The Flour Awards "CB1CAOO, Oct. 31- The first cfflcial BBBOUDCement of World's i'air di plomas o.-i flour has bweu xu-uie. A medal Ins bam awarded by tbe W'orld'n Pair judges to the flour manu factured Ly tiit WaeUburu, Crosby Co, in the i;r-t Wasiiburu Flour liills, Jliuti'-upolis. The conjmitW; reports the flour strong and pure, at. : eutitlel it to reiitt as lirst--. ,. paleut fluur fvr family aud lakers' use." Sr Marvelous Cures gr in Blood Poison Rheumatism gand Scrofula S P. P, P. i.jHllt-s tti. MooJ, htslMsnp - . the tdi kItoi trangtll tf WMK(fD"l nerve-, txi"'i dlsoaMSagiflDR tho pttltbt health and b'jpint' ts wht-ri' 'lLka,, uliMuny (oelirii(s iiol lntaltu1t lirt irvnlhil. For primary, ecini!:iry ami trti;iry dvpiillin, lur blouU poiaonlnv. niorcu riftl DOltOD, Blftltrtoi tlyftpupaU, and In Hi 1 Ao rn l skin dilMMIi hku t.l in- , plmplKH, on chrunk' uoart tettiT, itL-ald Ue.'iU, (kuIs, erytipfln.i, eezvnin wo may MT, WlthOQI fr ir ci'titriidUtlcn.thiit). P, V. fstMtM It blood purllUTln the v orld.tm l Dh tioslilvu, apeody RSd ptrriii-iuctit .uri-s Id all oascf. Lailit vvh.iso yntt'ni. ru poin n j ami wh"ho blood Ii in u Impure oondl" ttoa. dm to moiiHt ru.ii Irrt'KularltlbS, ro j-oi-'illarlv iM'tii'ihed bv fi-- w n d Tful tonic anl IjIikhI i-leauHtnit prop errtt-Hot P, P. P, I'nckly Ash, POW Knot anil Pol asylum. Hpfuno ield, Mo, AOfl Utb. 1893. 1 can speak in tho hl.:!it'U term uf your ino'lielno from pj own MrtODlll KnfwlK'e. I wa-alYet'teil wirh her6 di M4i pleDTliy iud raouutlMD tor 3:. INN, wan tfMtw bv tho '.erv -.--t phyxk inns aim up' lit huudruiH ul dol far h, in d evry kn-i n romedj With out nndlnf relief. I have only taken Ope hottlo of your P. P. P., ami can rimerfully uay It Iiah vlono tin1 nwro iio.id than an thtDg I n iveewr taken. lean rt" onimeod your modl Ini all nutleri-r' il tie rsbot iilse i a. MR M. M. W'MlY. fij i Jffluldi Oreon OoUAty, Mj. An- cnUrHy removed hy P.I. I. -Prickly Ash. Poke Hoot and Pottt lain, tho yrtateat blood iarlU-r uQ urtb. ABtWTMnr, O.. July 211601 Mf.1''KS. Lti'HMAN Bkoh. , bnvannah. On.: I'i .. i bought bottle of Tour P. P. P. at Hot HpniiLs. Ark. .and it bfti done mo moro food than three month treatment t ttiu Hot spnutfd. Mtnd three bottles c. o. L'. KeapectlUllv VOUra. m. nBWTONi AberJeen, browu Cuauly, O, wit. J. De Jolumturi. To all ttkom it Mdy conctrn: I htf by tOittfy to the voadorlul oropernes tif P. P. P. for eruptpiurt of the .ikin. I Buffered for several ear v. ith nn un ilirhtly and dUiffrewbie eruption on my face. 1 tried overy known i . n.. dy but in vnlo.uiitil P. P. P. wsed, anil am now entirely i ured. (Signed byj J." D. JOHNSTON'. Savannah. OS. s. .n 'ancrr Core da TttNtoonyfrcn the Mayor o) Sujuin.Tcx Skwlin.Tkx., January 14. i- '. Mk-uhl Lipi'Man Bhos., Haannsh, Oa.: QtnU$mtnl h'ivu trittd your P. P, p. for a dUoMOOf the Kin, usually Bno n as sum DftOOef.ot thirty years Htaii'Miiar. aud found .treiit relief; It purlf.efthe bkmd and renioren all Ir rttftloD from the aeot . the disease nu- prevent nuT -: ;i.ltnjf ot tho lore, l have taken tlveur ix bottles IDd feOl OODfldODl that another courto will effect a euro. It has aUo relieved me from Indjgeittoo nnd atumacb troubloie Youn truly, OAPT. W M BUM, Attornoj at Law. MEGARGEL & CON NELL WBOUHAU Aor .Mv SUPERLATIVE AMD COLD MEDAL Ihe ubove brand (! flour crl he bad t any of the luilowint; mt-rchaiits, who will accept Tin: TRIBUNE PLOCB COUPOB ol ou each o .e hanarei poasdj ol flour or on each barrel o. flour. Bcrsnton-F, p. priee, WasUagtoa venuH OiiM Mods Iir:.n I. Deamare F P Prloe, Gold llolul Brand, gaamont 9 l sUnley, 8up.rUtJv bran I Bydefark CareooA Dsrli, Washbara Bt. Oi .id Mi--l.il Brand: J r-epb A. lit-urb, Umia i kvuuuo. Baperlattee Dr.nd. OreenBidas a LkSfxiucer.Oolil MedalBrand. J. T.McBsle, Bapriatiri Provldf nos Psniinr jt CasppsitX' Main are- uns, Baperlativs I rand;0. J o.tinpi:. W. Market street, "o.d Mtrd.l bn.nd. Oljrpbaat Junes Joi dun. Baperlatlre Brand, I IV.-k v;l!e lu!I'T 8t Kl-r BapsrlatlTS, Jonnvn-L". u Winters A Co Supcraiative Areb bald Jones, rS mpsan Jo., Sold Medal. Carboadale B. S. Clark, i-ld Mi-da: Brand. Hniiisdal,--I X. I'.-iU-r ,V Cu OuiJ Mi.-d.. Mmuuka-M H. LsTelle. Taylor Jndfr..- 4 Co . Gold Sledil; AtLerlou A Co., Superlative. Daryea Lsmrreaes -tort- Co.. Gold Medal Moomc ,1-jLn McCriudSe. Q idU-da! PlttetOD-M. W. O'Borl-, Gold IM:.. (.lur k'f Gr n Free k P.ii ker. Beperlatifa, Clara's bummlt F M. Toana, Gold Medal. lal:oii-S E. Finn ti B i.. Uoiu Medal Braui. Mlcholson J. E Harumj,-. Waverljr-M. v- bliai- A: ri'-n. lio d Wi-daL Fa'-t TV vule-Cliaries Ga' dner, G'-id 5I(-dkl. Hop bottom- X. M Finn or Son. Gold Mi-da'. Toby banaa T ibyhanns t: Lsbitfb Lumber Co Gold Mod id Brand Gon.dslcri, -S a Adams. Goli M-is: Bread. Koseow Oaiire & Clements, G..S Meca.. Laae Ar--i Jm,- a Bortres, Gold Medal rorctt C.: -J. L. Morgan & Co.. Gold Mcia! LUTHER KELLER 1 LII, CEMENT. mi LING S ViiNDSOba CEMENT F93 PLASTERING. SEViLR PIPES, FLUE LININGS. tek n Blood Diseases Railed Fni ALL DBUOQIITM BELL IP. UPPiVHAN BROS. PBOPBIEVTOBBi I.lrrinnn Bio, k..saiannnh,nit MB Dexter Shoe Co., Auction! Auction! AT Q'Bargain 0 Stores 33 Penn A.venue COMMENCING TODAY EVENING, JAN. 15 A CHAN( E to buy at your ow n price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sign KVd Flag, Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. MQOSIC POWDER CO. Rooms 1 and 2 Commoawealtb Mi a I 1 1 sn: an n, pa. Q'uwA iams MINING and BLASTING We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Ufflin&Rand Powder Co. 't Finer Goods. More Tasteful ORANGE GUN POWDER Colorings and Lower Trices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our POWDER Had at tbi MOOSIC mid BUdH DALK w oKlvS. l lcitiio Battarlea, Puibs for axploJ- ui blasts N.f, iv Kum" au.l RcpaiinoCliciiucal Co. ' High Exploiivei patrons Seeds and Fertilizers GLOB mm PITTSTON, PA. Hotel Wavcrly fiatoposn PIsh Klrsi .i . . i ar ittsataid bipoi tor Bvrgtisr A Kngsl's TinnhiDufuf lloiT N. i Cot, 15lli and Filosil Phtladia Moil 0' straw i fot if ttdmta of N R, Vwn lylvMili All oonvotitm tot tMVfttii to Mid ffotn Kromt Btrotri ' aiitl lift TWMftll ioJ Market Btrttil -tjitioti ) ittftblo tot vlaUIni HoroittonUmi uui ih I If Iii tin Aiit hrnoltrt HOfklAi J. VICTORY, Pi limit I OR MT. PLEASANT COiLL AT RBVAtU Coal or lbs i finality for domvatls BN,aa4 of all Nlz.-a. di'livurod la any iurt ut tna city st town! i-rlrn. Oram raft at my aflkMi M. lis, WTOMINfl AVKNVtt, Kcnr rcKini, Hi st floor, Thlr 1 rtaMoBBl Hank, or HPtit liy mall or tclnplioiie to thu iiuito. will raevlTs prorapl atta&tlba. Hpaoill emtrarts will bl msdi-for tin, aalo aud Uollvoi v uf BBOkwbaal Coid. WM. T. SMITH. ! I n.L nuu sun s Sons' Lager Bbbr Brewery llanafaetarara --r tiir- CslvVrtW PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Large Medium and I White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates tor Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT k CONNELL GO. TM K Thatcher IS THE BIST. Get prices nnd lee llw furnaco aud bo con vinced. A (till line of HBAT EUS, Appollo aud Umua Door BangeA CONLAN'SHARDWARE PITTSTON, PA, Atlantic Reliuiflg Co, HinnufatMurorn ntul lValor i:i lllamlnating and Lubricating OILS l Insead 0U, Napthai ud GhtBO" lines of Ml gradai. Axle Oreaso. Pinion QraaM and Oolliary Com pound ; also, ft large lino of Par rafflui Wax Candles. We also handle the Pamoni CROWN ACME OIL, the only family Bafety bnrnlny oil in th market WILLIAM MASON, Managor. Office: Coal BaujBUUM Wyoialua Ay Works at 1'uio Urooa. A Hands jino Complexion l mi. .it' tli.! ,t. : . I r i i-i il Wi'iM.m r;ll! I pOMOH PotiOJtl'l Complexion 4'uwdkb 9 Jfl Vt?M 11.