THE SC1.AJNTON TRLBUNE-Sjvi LfBDAY MOItXLNU. AJAKCH 31, 1894. sue CflAPTER I. Tlio day and Jato U the 21st of July, Tlw icne is t!u battleground of first Bull Run. a QeM made mtmorable for ever. Prom daybreak tohlgb noon the Fed cial army under McDowell 1ms been moving down on tbe Confederate posi tion lelected weeks ago by tho generate Id in tin itrafegyof war. Ontbellauks brigudea bate grappled in tho opeu Relda, reglmenta bave daabod at each ether iu tbu forests end tbickota. Here h little ground lias been gaiued, there a Uttle loit. It bus been tlitftkinuisliiuK which yu cede every battle, locatiua enemy, tenstiu; hit rvatllutsa, tlrawlug Lis itrength and uncovering bis designs, The hour is bikjh uoon. Tho Conftd rate trout lias beeu pressed back, tbu left wing abattered. Mi'u looking dowu tu the battlefield trom tho bills of lon tervllle hav every movement in plum view. At 19 o'clock ttiw battle is wou for tbe Federal. Bee, Barstow and Evans, who bave beld the Confederate center, have beeu beaten back by Burn side, Sykes and P( rter. They give way slowly and grudgingly, tilitmjt as they break back, and they are trying to rally, when there is a olutur o bayonet! tw ins fixed to muskets, and a thousand men rush forward at the double quick. It lathe New York Tweuty-teventh, and Colonel Sloeum leads it, the tii st bayonet charge of tbe war "Forward! For ward!" And the wedge drivee into the Confederate center and rolls tbe frag ment! r:gi:t and lett. The cheering is beard u inile away above the uoise of battle. The Federal center moVM forward to pursue t!:e shat tered enemy, and courier! ride away with tbe news, "We have pierced the Confederate center and wen tho day!" Behind the Hying Confederates is a plateau of 1300 acres, comprising two or three farms. There ate two or tbrw Carinhousts. orchards, meadows, thick ets of pine, barren fields. H..v U Stone wall Jackson with 5,000 men iu reserve. The fragments of brigade!, regiments and companies aro hur'.e-tl bae t" the Slopes of this plateau to le rallied and reformed behind tho reserves, ren tiers ride away to Bcuuregard to ask for more artillery, infantry and cavalry, and whi lathe Federals pause to replen ish their cartridge Loses and gird up their loins for a last struggle 5,000 fresh Confederate are harrying forward to check the terriritd uiub, hut each effort uKTtO ii)J4 tit .l(oeAA PRIM A'iSUClAllON- wuatever weapon ibey could wound or kill, it was tbe tit of a mob. it was a mob which went circling round and round the battel y long ago diiabled by tbe killimrof all Its horses, TheThlrty i ighth New Yolk, followed by a portion o! tbe Fire Zouaves, went forward yell ing and cheering, but the) came too Into to save all the nuns. The Confederate! held the grouud and retained three of the piecei. A! Jackson ride forward the company ttomtbe Sheuaudouh valley is limbing one of the captuied yuiis to the rear. "Who commands this company?" asked the geuerul, looking in vain tor a eommissionetl ufHccr. The nun halted and staled ut him, but no one refilled. "Where is your captain? Where are your lieutenants?" he demanded. "Cuu't tell yo general," answered ,i ris itewhowaa bareheaded uudcoat K. "but tbe bona we areworkiu un der jest n w is that ar' Yankee With the Hag!" JacktoU WM about tQ apeak further when Bit aid delivered an Order, and he rode hurriedl) away. There is no more fighting cu this front. To the right and lett t iiu Federals charge again and again, but always to b beaten back. Did they Dumber twice us many they could not dislodge the Confederate! from the plate;.;;. Nature made it for the key of a battlefield. It is o o'clock, and tho right still ragts fiercely. It is 4 o'clock, and the Federals ,ue still buttering ut the slopes it the plateau. Halt an hour later the volleya of musketry suddenly increase iu volume, the- artillery redoubles its fire, there is wild cheering all ulelig the Confederate front. Jolmsteu's troops I have come up from the valley. He ; throws them into the battle, and the Federals aro driven back. Tbe Confed- I crates push forward in pursuit, and the troops who were giving way slowly and retiring in good order suddenly become panic stricken. An army panic is like unto nothing else in its foolishness. In its madness, in that feeling of terror which makea serv ile coward of bravo men for a few hours. In Uo minutes from the first wild shouts of alarm the highways lead ing back to I'cntetvillu were choked with the shattered, disorganized and tleeing Federal commands. Here and ! there feeble attempts Weta made to of the olil store nnl pnstoiTice two men nro seated at a table borrowed tvoiue whero for th occasion. One of the ui wears tho uniform of a militia captain; the other is in citizen's dress and 1ms a lii-t uf mimes on u paper before him. Bear what the captain is aaying to th met) crowding up Until they stand six or eiitlit deep In fore him. " Wo want 00 mure men te till up this company. Within O week WO shall Imj ordered to tbe front. Wo want only young men anil good men. Now, then, you all who want to go to war ami IM SOmo Inn put your name! down on this paper. You, there, BteVti Drayton, stpji Up and sign!" "How long ihall we una bo gone, captain?" " l reckon ou uo days." 'Then I'll pntdown." "And I!" "And I!" Bay, i nptain, " called a young farm er from tl"' rear rank of the crowd. "can't yo make the timo SO dayi? Tim old man's fteliu porely this spring, und business matters between US. It may br years before tbern is any' further call for oar legal talents in this ur any other Virginia town. .Military law will soon override everything." The old lawyer rose up ami passed down staiis on his way home without further remark, loaving Royal Kenton iu a brown itudy, which WUinteRttpt- ii iu minutes later by wildebeeriag on tho street. He Went down to ascertain tho cause, and a man who bad ju"t vol uuteered swum; bis hut and replied: "ll'ioray! Wo uns is gwino to send fellers right on tooaptur' Washington und ola Aba Lincoln!" To BR CON'nMUKI). "H'(nwif mty MOW men to Jill up!.; company " he cun t do uo farm work. I'd like to c.o slung with yo1 ull, but 1 can't spuru over UO daya. Mako it no day, hhJ 1 11 put down." "1 don't like te say 80, " replied the captain as be itood up to look over the crowd, " You nee, we've got toy, t tin re. wherever it is. and then We've nut tu Mul.liig lltur ll,l DrSlloa, Tho following practical and timely hints urn furuiiheu by Harper's Bazar: in malting over utai year dresses oi silk or of cloth it i a good plan to use tho skirt as an ovorikirt above a sham skirt of velvet or of silk, If tho lower part of tho skin li soiled, ii cau be re moved, as the oviMliirt ci'.i i ;i up nh:ior,t to the knee on the sidei and drupi dow n in trout and buck only hall the distance; between tho kuee und tin- fool of the lower skirt, leaving the latter show ing plainly where it is emootbl) banded on the foundation or skirt lining. This is very pretty in silkikirtaof five or six breadths finished with u velvel binding and falling on a velvel lower skirt. Tims a dress of green and brown shot silk, with wuv lug brown stripes, has an ovenkirt curved up the aide in show a brown velvet sham lk.rt. Tbe velvet l is also Wed Ul leg o' mutton sleeves and I as a folded collar, a belt and In points iu front and buck like a guilttpe, This ar rangemeut ina) do awa) with soiled or I worn part! of the lilk, and tbedreaamay I be further renewed by placmg horaeahos ! curves of velvet Under Ihe alinholes in a way now fashionable. Ovenkirt that fall in points, either three or live, always having one point low in front, win bo cut according to the cloth of a left over dress. If the skirt is full enough at the tup for the present fashion, it is an easy matter to cut out tho points t'el.AV. liut ll the top is too uddan Fainting Spells, KptleptlO Convul sions, or Fits, and ull nervous (liscuprs, us Paralyila, Locomotor Ataxia, Epilepsy, or Fits, St. Vitus'3 lianee, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Debility, Neuralgln, Molan cholbi, i'hreatenod IhiiaultV, und Ivhid- red Allraonta, are treated a ; a specialty, with mat succesj. by the Stall' of tho Invalids' Hotel ami Surgical Institute, Bufifclo, N. Y. Mai. y are (Hired at a distance without, personal consultation the necessary medicine being lent by mail or express. Question blanks sent on application. For Pamphlet, References, ami I'ar tlculart, enclose lo cent iu stamps for pottage. Address, WoRLU's DtapBMaABt UgDl ca t. AaaocUTlON, Buflalo, N. i. R. II. R have a fight or two und murch around. leant, and the lower part of the skirt l i not soiled, the narrow upper pai t cau be ; cut oif and thus greater width obtained, When bknts are shortened thus and I pointed, tilt loWOT skirts should ba ot I the same color, though a different ma terial may be used, as cloth over velvet, or tackiug over moire or bengalino, the plateau. Noon becomes 1 o'clock. The skir- , mishers are at work all along the front ! of the plateau, hat there is no righting, i Another uour sups away. Tbe Fed erals have warti-d toe. luir. At noon they could have earned the position with a rash. At l o'clock they would havemet with stubbcrn rtsistanc--. but victory would have perchtd on their banners. , Now as th9 Federals are ready to move the Confederate 5,000 have become 10, 000, and their 10 pieces of artillery have become 20. A majority of the troops are fresh nnd their nerves uti.-caken. and ail are ready for tbe grapple. Thirteen thousand Federals move against the plateau at different points almost as one man, and the battle opens with a great crash. Under General Jackson's immediate orders are fivoor six regiments. On the right cf his line is a Virginia regiment. On tho right of that let'iment is n company freni the Shenandoah valley. They have not been only increased uie panic What were they fleeing from? Death': : If so, almost every man of them hud faced doath tor hours that diy without i flinching. They faced it no', as terri Bed men discharged their muskets and threw them into the ditches, us remnants 1 of cavalry commands dashed into the mass, us fleldpieces and limbers and Caisson, drawn by horses which seemed to have caught the spirit of tenor, turned in from the fields nt a mad gal lop and rode down every obstruction. Men flee like shadows from a plague, but they know from what they fiVe. Rushing into the highways, fighting each other as they struggled to reach the van, stumbling, fulling, a chill of ! fear upon every heart, tho army which bad fought so well and lung streamed into the hamlet of Centerville. There was no pursuit. There wasn't a brigade in the Confederate aimy in condition to pursue, nor was the extent of tho Fed eral disaster known to Confederate offi cers. Hew was a strong position, and inaction yet. As tho Federals move i here it was that troops who had not been np to the attack Rickett 1 Federal bat tery, supported by a Jlinntsota regi- "Unit,, halt' ThOH uhn arc mil oovardi ictll follow mtP' intnt, are in fiont of .luck'on's men. Tho battery is wheeling into position, when the Virginia regiment is ordered to charge it. Wuh a wild cheer, tho eommand daabea forward, but tu meet with such a withering volley from the western HMD that it falls back in COS fusion. Let us follow the company on the right, As it fulls back its captain is left lying on the Held. The first lieu tenant should be in command, hut neither ho nor his fellow officer seeks to rully the disorganized men. Tho com pany is breaking buck iu a mob ugh' under Jackson's eyes, when u private seizes tbu flag limn the panic Itlicken color bearer and shouts: Halt, men, halt! Those who are not cowards will follow me!" It was too lute to lully tho company as u whole, it wus breaking buck on the reserve, headed by its two Usuten- iuu8, nut ut tuu cuii in rally iit.oiu so of the men turned and raised a cheer and followed tho flag. The light of tho flag und the echo of the cheers put heart into tho beaten regiment. Something like order cunie out of confusion, mid a ttOfflsnt luter two-thirds of tho regi ment were fighting over the gUU, The Ither regiments ot tho brigudo moved nit, anil they came just in time. The First .Michigan and Fourteenth New York were charging up to support the Minnesota men und save ij.o guns. And now for the space of a quarter or an hour 0,000 men fought with bayonet, with clubbed muskets, with in action wcto formed across the high way leading to Washington to clu ck the panic stricken tho isands. Mounted of ficers rode into the mob ai d shouted Command! and appeals. The panting fugitives paused for a moment, but it was not to listen, not to obey, not to feel ashamed of their iWyfeari, It was to draw a long breath and then dash at the wall of glistening bayonets. The wall menaced them, tbe bayonets point ed at their breaata, but with one mighty surge the living wave dissolved the wall, burled it down, Hung the frag ments to right and loft, and the stream ot' humanity poured-on over thu hills and flowed the faster for its temporary check, It could not be checked again until it reached the Potomac, CHAPTER H, Let us go buck a few weeks and con i nect the chain of events. Tbe thunder of u hundred guns bad been let loose at Charlstton, and the south was rushing to arm. Ono who I has not wirnsastd tbe beginning of war i snnot comprehend the insanity of ex- I citernent which accompaniea the pus Mge of each fateful day. We of the DOI th wen delaying, hoping, tryiog to make ourselves believe that war would l 1 averted, though no one could tell how. While We wen delaying the south was I acting. No man in any southern coil j inanity dared talk of peace. While thy north raised rcgimanta the south put brigades into Cgmp and plumed u cum paign. While the north wailed the south po'Mtwed itself of fort after fort. Tho litiuota of every city echoed the tri ad of tnari hhig men ; overy village I was aroused by the music of tho fit und drum. That generation knew nothing I of war. .Men looked Upon tho waving I tlss ami tippling banner!, thu march' ing voluntnyandtb holiday attire ami said to each other: "Then this is wat? Men who huvu Written of war have deceived us. Thero h no rUBaring, no wounried, no deud. Let us also Join in tho march." Hut historians had not deceived them. They were deceiving themselves. Tho beginning of war is (Detriment and .'east. Tho end is marked by thousands of marble beadltonM bearing the single word "Unknown" thoso und crape nnd tears and desolation. It is i o'clock In tho afternoon of ono of those never to be forgotten spring days of 1U01. re membered now only by gray haired men nnd women, Tho scene is the an cient town of Winchester, In tho beau tiful Shenandoah valley, tho garden spot of tho Old Dominion. Under cover of u wooden a v. uing sheltering the front and l should reckon on CO daya anyhow lietter collie along. You never did have uo such chance to see fun in ull your li ' before." "Waal, I reckon 10 or '.'0 days won't make no great difference anyhow," said the loan. And he pushed forward to add his name to the list. Directly opposite two men sat look ing outeif ii second story window. They were in the law ofi'ieo of Justin Wil liams, a lifelong citizen of the town and u lawyi r f repute. Ho was u mun of 53, but curried his ago lightly. The other was a young man of S4, well built and having a plain but kindly face. He was Royal Kinion of Rhl do Island, a graduate of law at a promi nent university and the junior partner of tho law firm of Williams & Kenton. They were uncle and nephew. Kenton hud come down about 18 months before, As the relative and partner of a promi nent citizen he was treated with cour- ' teiy. As a Yankee, freak from Yankee land, he w us a subject ot criticism, and there was little heart iu the hospitality accorded him. There could not have been. Ho represented principles an tagontttic to the south. There was no neutral ground in those days, A mun represented not himself, but his sec tion of country. The opinions of his sec tion were considered to be bis. A south erner at the north would have been j looked upon through the same eyes and held responsible to tho same extent. Men liked him as a man, but they de ; tested him as a Yankee. "Well, lam sorry this trouble has fallen upon the country," laid tho old ; lawyer as they watched the crowd oppo site. "I have long felt that it must I come sooner or later, b it I hoped it I Would not be in my day. Nothing cau now prevent war." "But everybody appears to think it i will end almost as soon us begun," re- ' plied Kenton. I "They do not stop to reflect," said the lawyer as his face assumed a more senous look. "1 am a southerner, and I believe the south bus been fully justi I fled in her course, but our people are toolilbly underestimating the strength and temper of tho north. They will not let us go because wo bluster and thrent- en. If tho Bouth secures a separation, it w ill hnve to be won on the field of battle. It was to be, and ft lias come, but it is to be deplored. " "If wat cornea, bniiness will have to go," observed Kenton as he looked ubout the office, war ia here, and our business bus already Red, "replied Williams, "Mai tial law will soon be proclaimed, and there will b no more use for judge!, jurors und attorney!, I have wanted to mk you for several daya what course you mean to pursue. If it win to be a war of Uo iluvs, months, or even a yeur, wo might make ( ei tuin plans, t in It ia to be a long and bloody struggle, and this very valley will be a battle ground. We may us will i loss our of fico today as a month hence. Amid inch excitement ns this there an bo no cull for our servii St," I am a northern man," laid Ken ton after a moment'! thought, "Y), they call yen it Yankee." "I have cared nothing for politics. Them is a grout prim tple In rem in voived, but oni greitest statesmen nro divided over it. 'i he south seeks inde pendence from a federation which fas become unbearable, The north, or at leait 11 goodly portion of it, denies the right of secession, Tills coming wai Ii the COnMqUence, 1 stand on neutral ground." "You are neutral today, but you can not bo BO days Ihji r.' Mid theold law ei u ii troublsu look i ame into his face. "Ho you find any neutral sjen iii that crowd down tbara? Have yon beard iny noiitiul tulk among our people? It may not be in days befoio yuu will be put to the test." "What test:" "Uf yuur nllegiui eo to ono side or tho other. Every young man in our town is haitaniog to volunteer, l am too old to bo taken now, but later on I may be forced into tho ranks. It will be a war in which the south will need her lust man. I am not pledged to n southern confederacy, but I am pledged to Virginia. I go with my statu. You huvecomo down to cast your lot with us. It is lor you to unswer whether you are fur or ugainst your adopted stute. Think it over. If you wish to go north, the routes are still open. If you wish to reuiuiu, you will bo usked why yuu don't volunteer. I do not seek to Influ ence you. lie guided by your own con eciuuec. Tomorrow we will settle ull A Creeper I ui llaliy. One of the latest and best of utility "creepers" is very easily made. Gingham ! is the fabric used. First measure baby's j length und breadth, in order to allow, the i little one a chance for freedom of ruo ' Hon, The gingham is then cut bag shape, I 13 by 14 being the popular number of 1 inches. This, when sewed up at the side" and bottom, is gathered into a band with buttonhole! and buttons. Iu each lowei corner openings have been made. JtThess i are hemmed und are then ready for the 1 chubby leg.-. Drawing them up over the child's limbs, you will find the dainty i clothes snugly incased und yet the limbs i of the toddler at lib. sty to move ut will. wiiitv I'eopie Lsavlag the- Plains. I A curious fact is that there ure les. j white people oil the- high plain ot the northwest now than there were tun year ago. and there will probably be less in t-'ti ! ear-, more than there are now. unless the t country is reclaimed by irrigation, which , could only tv Uone by a system oi water storage made possible after a vast outlay j labor and capital.--Harper's Weekly. FASHIONABLE SILK FABRIC! ThejrAr the rtnee This aeasoa ami Aro Tied Tor Nearly Bvef thing-. It seems scarcely possible that satin ami moire can long enjoy t tie tremendous opii larity now aocordtd tbetu. It la too great to la.-t. They are both shown In u wiih range of quality and the latter in every va rlety of wave and Combination of strip, that cau be devUrd. The silk Weavers ought certainly to lie exempt from the pre sure of present hard times, since tin y musl have been steadily employed in order to produce tin- quantity of silk stuffs now dc manded by fashion ami shoa n by the shops Silk fabrics ure the particular rags tola SSMOB unci are Utilised lor everything street costumes, wraps, evening gowns, Wrapper!, every urticle of the feminine In! let exei pt underclothing, Fashion has turned in a Sensible direction, (O fir a th latter U concerned, and decree the lim n ami muslin gowns that personally daiutj women have never discarded, even ill the height of the silk underwear fever. Tin Wf MM n IB Ulltf If AI O READY RELIEF, CU1U.B AMD I tltVtN J - Colds, Coughii, Sord Tli-oat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rhiumathin, Naurslal ,3cfatios, l.ui. bsgo, Swelling ol the Joints, I'.dos in H u li, Cheat i r Llmbi It Km, lb tirst sud Is tin- only pain remedy lust Instantly st,iis tin, moit eacruclatlni pains, bib ufUremstiuus and CURBS Ccnpvstlon, whether ,.r the , Stomseb, Bom i., or uilif r , oni,, r oruu j. Vi Hadwai & Co., Gentlemen Ihavstttsd four Hendy finder for more than twenty tiv, rests with mu ll latisfanUon bave used it for Ls ttiipps, I'i e mi ll, in PuurUy ud uU iuii,:f scbi-s and paint sud hsve found it un Sllilis awry time, Rolpectfullr. U V l(AV.MO.M), 'Jl Crjs i a: sit., .Mi IdletaWJ, C'oun. Janasry 18, Is'ji. AsIIKVIMX, X. (,' Tbls 1 to certify thst ;.. February, is". I bsd u snverestlsek or "iJt ilrip.- e," ,ind eured ;nyedr ia twenty. fou tours py th" use of Hndway's lt. udy BeHsf und R dwnv h I'd s I h id another attuck ol the name dreadful it'- se In tlsrch, INl.snd unod thesani- rtiu ;Uy, with the same r"ult I do not ICOOW Bsdwsy A On., tbe parties wh , manufsoture tbes medleiass, sal I have always i ut van little faith in "Almanac CertihVatss, " hut if ttiee ! Uaes wilt only talms some sufferli oue 1 1 me the above re to dy I ol (eel arupW repaid lur writing what I iiave. Beep elf illy, t I . BROWX .1 w. BREWtEB, Asbtmrn, Pike Co.. Mo. "One bottle ot Ha ly Belief and mie box of ftsitwsy i Pills cere I Si Iu my inmilv of tbn to. rill- ci mplaint. "i.a Urippe.' or InflUSn, RaDWAYS BEADY BELIEF, ailei b. HAUWA i S FILLS, is the- ijuiekoat and most effectual emu for THE "GRIP" Price, See, pr b ittl-i Sold by Urujjiue DA El OWAY'S PILLS, VeetuM. . lnilil ;,n.l va'.i:al,! 'erfe t EHgestion, oinplete al sorption sud healthful reguUrtty, FVr the cur j of all di ildersol the aioiuaeb, Liver, llwrli,Kl.l tej a, llladiler, Kervoua Dlessee, Loei ul Ippettte, Bteadache, Cnnatlpatlon, I'na-tlv-nesa, tndtgeetloa, Blllooeneee, l, wr. Inflammation ol the lluwele, Piles ami ii ilemntremrnta of the Intoraal elacera, Pstfeol Dlgeatlon will he ncnomplleltod i) Isklna Budway'e Pllla, H oii.iiiig 1 )VS1 EPSIA irk Hsakach, 1'onl atomnch, Rllleua i. Kill he avoided, mi. I th fund that la eaten onitti Ibule 1 1 m nourlahlng prnpertle for the inpporl ol Ihe natural waste of tin I, ml tsVObsorvs the followiag syrap'oms fol lowing from dlsssfo n the dieestiv orgsns: ixnttipat nu, idwsrd t ili, fnlBMn ot the blood in Ith t el, acidity i the - oxvdi nn'i ant. BMrtbur . iiaot of food, fnlnsssor weight iu ti: , sour Fractal tone, sink' In or fluttering ol ttisheast, choitingoreiii ocitiag enastion3 wheu in s lying itoiture, itimttessof vision, dots or wens before the tight, rever and dull pnln in tie- hd,da&V iehcyot t craplrat ion, yelluwutos ( tbeskln ii d eye, -l n in tbee'de, eh-at. limbs, wi.i sudden' s of heat, burning in the flah. h lew doses ii RAD WAY'S PILLS will tree theeyeteiuol tbe aeoventned dUord r&. rile. .,. a Uo -oi l by Drngglata SndtoUR rah v.v i 0., No 82Vi run s,., Kea Yuri, for Book of Advlea llf ml 'wl I Ma i ; . , V'Vi i V. 1 t IK mA Wk i ! mm mum, ' 111 IV :WA mump i if a Hi i M,1 In tho snip of the shean, The bondholder Lear'! The sound of his money ei ham ingj Why not copy his wy And clip every duj Toget something that's quite as entranciaa. You Casi Oo It! By mm and clipping you get u value for iN Just to think of the delights of a trip all mr our own country from Alaska to the Quif of Mexico' Beinq; able to do it in easy stages, at TEN CENTS "a stage," inc. ing the services of a guide! Yet, that is iust what we uo for vou. MOIRE AMi S U IS I MiMNel Ue V sill petticoat la etcu, to be sure, but " It serves the purpo s ot a seoond dresi akiit It can hardly b called auartteteol utiderweai Besides satin und molt! there Sfo iiiauv fancy weaves shoa n in si m silks, it h aeit and ether ooloifd (um and stripes, and the liaiinl Ms-mi merit nf light suintnei goods, SUeh us ohlua silKs and biiandcd taficin.1 The latter oona In both Dowered stripes mid -.Mti sprays, which era usually self colurvd. ( I line and shot AW seem tei h" used mure CSpeotally tot pylli coats this loaioo, and the separate bodices in which they appeared so prominently lust year sre generally niadeot striped oi plain moire or satin, it I said that bou tonniere silks hiiuk, sprinkled ivlQismall iiuwera ur bouqucti in tiir natural colors w ill be much used, and they arc OSftelUly very pretty, particularly whan mads up in Cdjat shape, with u bright VSSt and laee ruf flea. A recant Knuiish evening kumi, reviving the pannier affect, la shown in the aooonv panylnRcut. it flgursaln a trousasau mid Is niaileef reatii satin mill inuire antique. The plain satin skirt la ladl slmpisl and has no train. The panniers and PSVSTS are of moire antique, while the full e'liimiaette or vest isof silk DSdlrttn 100. The pulled aatin sleeves rese-h only half wny to the el how, hut ure supplemented by wide lace ruffles. The gown Isol course only suitabU for a tall, slender ptrson. A woman vi ro bull liiture must nlways nvuid panniers, bOWSYar fuahiuUHhlc they may bs, JVuicfUul-LliT. EiicrtD ar Tst Hmrit Mtr'rai AumoaiTiri x SEFiTliOLlNHflLCls e'Jflif 'i'iv have vcu fs"v nni ' HWDACHE!?M Jawoudcrriil i iHn tosultrei I fgflffroniCelde, BoreT ,,, Mall laanr, . . i !-. r II IU It. ., ,, ' " un.. , . i, Inf. Anrnielei'.l . - K lin , et iMenieiii i.t earn in poetet, reai to n n ni-t tmii, .it com ill .. ,1 I ... L SMIefscUdnsttantnteedorninni , rernnded Prlee, .'. . la. 'I'nnl lr I DniaaiMs Hi tUtere-J man Wevun. H. kCOnilf, Kir , Tii- RuTtj, Vut , C S. 1 CI'S) J 1 )Vt .V TM MFNTMDI " " aafeal rl mun nvh sll akin dlaeeaei Keienm Itch Soil ,.,ri .,. "rn.r . r, ',. rd( for P1I.KB, Pelfr lift rle iii Unit nai ai. rit,ir l.y iimiiI ('Prpa lit, Addreaaaaatiofe O R L r or sals b ststthew) Broa,l(oraanEros.and luiViui A: i ie sJ BvS 10 JUST F" -i"! '1 1'C r part of, tiuuc in j.iV yi pccss indelible typoravure delineate the journey, Ihe incomparable world-famed travobr inj leclurer, PROF, GEO, R, CFOMWELLi is the guide, Journalist!: enterprise is th) conductor of the trip, America .lai.-IMAtK 4t' i( lu'i..lO. AMade a well i an ii'. i t "V ' y Iii iv Kini- 1' (III. i HINOOO RGMCUY mMlVCM i it K iOO a. KMIUrt 1., 30 t i'Uc.i- I'di'-all, Hlt'l-li MUi'-- Nii l.tMt M i In i 1 l i ' vinij; "From Alaska to the Golf of Mexico," will ba pnbllehoii in tveaklv srric ot sixtn viawj aca tUw HxUj inehjs, uiiy worth ?i 50 and will aubraeatha physio 1 and moid wondri ot Our Own Land, tl:o wholi dlUd by Prof. Q K. Cramwatl imndtcm-i covcri. Blob larli win ba eaclosdl ia itir rnptfo, AVmhiupton. I r.iitinn Hon Kquntv. N n Tofli N vt'ii In 11 , 1 Iii rtnn- Canol, CQlOfstdOb Clu ttuut if t i h1ldtihiM VtltoWntOBi T ii'.'l, IVyuttlUfi I t i t I Hi I'.M it, stf IttUVMpOtUi E)t'U Hlt lUipl-i, Nt. I ui i fiiro l.lvur. i Itmpl !uiiit . Rail l.itKo lt. ti ut ii in Utiico, Crt)ttoa B p i In ft, lx lid i s Khn Fslli N .iut i. t n ! Victoria, li i Hit km AUtka. . i:lv.v igi'i Mini vt (ut iaral rttton Eemflh ftn iwd in ot 8ii wit i, -ui i . i . . i tar r mi inn inaiii Don 1 11 lllir mm ' llilhtMM '.ll "U itny AM.I " in. it .if fun 1 Tftit ii Iimv Iih-IM) Wtt nonoolWOf 11 bf bai not got tt. will I at libs Rtaij nbon rfftlp of prln rumpiiift tu toalM tiivviuM rt c AuufMi oris ut I Mritii ui Oa . rnjft , MmB )., trtai Biai. SOI. I) l Mriitlir v. Hi , WholiMli and Mtatl prnultu, SCRAN luN, i a , and otb i.ia Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM Bamoves FraoklM, I'hipIm IJner Molao, Dlacklioidi, Ounhurn sml Tc-i, i iul n Swata tan smn ui orni usl Imhiuis, inlucl;u n oleur a.i.. he'iuihy e ,i pie nop, puiaiiiw ev mu itwv 'ire'parntiois ail pcrtoctly Imrnleas. At til iiruBslsts, or msl'.e-il lor 5Ci 'a Kcnd lor Clrculur VIOLA 8KIM 80AP U aiapiy llml,' Un j iirthlai hop, uuwjuVol l jt Um, MOat noil wtuwut a Ira fur thy uurarr, JU'iilwlr JSSe aoj dileau,l; ui,ll nsM. At oaftflM PHee Vj Caala. Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. For aalo br MuUliuwa BfOI V ...:! . ' Morsau & Co. Each Series Lasts ba: oa. Week, See That Yon Get Them All, ('if!, txtna ti Wiu Manorv, Low of Btain PowMkHMdacbc, wkrfni,, auottirltiihoodi Ni;iiii f Kmliitons, ?i n oawaMe tul aralo auo Iom ol 4owor loQOisMUvaOiV!nsof vltttc Mxoiuatdky o-raranrUi :i s. wrthnilari or. i Mtrc BH of tol ai OO. Opium tr pitnniUnu, whtoii In1 t lutlrmU . Cpa f OK MD AFTER USIalfi. no ouTsi . ti:v!-! ith .. .!... i. remyii For Sate in Set anion. HO. SANUF.itSOX. UniffUl, m WaahillftOfl ii'ii Rnruoe stronts. I'Uvsser a. i BSSI' WWtlJiaia. i wmm IE DR. MOTT'S NIlTUtUa , IIIIIIII1VWS' r-, o rs.ivuTA'i.wrarr.vr t r . t L O TBO i:n';tt tvni"it j lor ni'Tvori i ' t.-:i:!i u .m 1 a; ! nirvw. ".iM'jite o UtssenenttlTc trnana orelUier aex, i-ncu a Nenouf Prtwtratl' n. YaH I (IT l.l ' I Al T. lit ..,.1 1 it,ei. : . V l' 1 . '.,,,): ft, 1 'rrrlrt VI MoiM-il Worn , xe,-f4vo ' rt f "lil' "., . , .'or liptuiiuWhloB lonil lotOtta iiniii:nnaii,l liianiir. Wltn fTrr aiviMerwee1Teikarittensiiai anij UWEKUBUIU. ""'oi' 'o '-ure " : .'i ..i, : i'v oticy. -. ,i ,i ;-'ri,'i, iiihiici live. M. Il.VKi.l-. v ms i .4uruBS i Ei nil . 1,1 r lam i , si in Ji.:' l u TiKt . S ' I va sVJi"A.i l, v,.,ji: N TWtl WEEKS, llth 'Mn, j- t,,lrf,:l -, Vh. eate l.ino. l:if: ;.n.: fteiunsn!' : ' i'inlorfi;!'v;iTt BJi.-i." r(HVUiv. rt.'., wiion I win itrtul H.l.i; t::0 vn.-'iif.llon ol a ww unit lioaltlvo ri-uii'ilr lur thaiwoutat I .. euro of Lost alaniiooui Nlfbtly Bailnsloas, Norvoa.i VTonkr.w, S old or Nst3on. Vancocele, Impoteatcy, saa to onUimowoiii, atur.uil offaBSi t'nros in '1 wo VTosfcsa t l onil tills preacrltv ni-xiiip. aytru cton i t,'o oienargai niiuini'pur.o nemacg or saTUtWiwssMn slxmt It. anf IXWadrasiUaorpblvloiancsapatll ur.f t.r you. fvcrTl;;.::R UrliUn crj sSmn'. All I ant in rouiin istbstrou " in hue asnsll qaaatltjf ot iho reared ' boa :,-.o ouaslor MVlso your rrlonils to do sosfteryoa rocoivo thorcc!iy anil Miotlin, thrr, Is nojllliBbQS HOrdOBSpsk!, !Unt tou can iloaaymi ol"rL.o uiuua i r,i i. forlorn .mil' r-e1. st.'U,'Uv miitlilentnl. tir.,'. nil lettor li nt InnlslO sealed envoi ,o H'ioI.itiui.oiiP If ounvoiilenu I'i.H.tlnnriTiin-.:, BoXA.187 tllilnii Vllrh A