The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 31, 1894, Image 6

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Odd and Novel Pastimes in the
Land of the White Czar.
An Evening at Ike Yusoupon Hardens
Darlnv Rniilan Coutem a iam ut
MuuoyeoeS' The Tlnie of Buiior-
Trojrka Part? A Russian -Uncle
Tom- a m-nr Hum.
Sr. Pitibibvbo, March 10, 189.
"Ievosohlk I"
The w.-ivi Is scarcely out ol my mouth when
there is a rush, a whirr of grinding snow, and
the sidewalk is besieged ly a score of sloigh
drawera with turbos visages, anormoua fur
oapa and bulky garment.
" Yusoupoff Sad I Bkolkof"
l addreaa this remark to tin- gathering to
Indioatd my destination, and to invito bids
for transp rt. instantly a olamor arises, like
the sounds oi Beater itreol market on Friday
night Each one wants the Job and treble Iho
proper fare. The distance to the Yuaoupofl
Qardeni is about three miles, (or which the
customary fee is 50 kopecks (33 cents). Hut
ii always takes u while to bargain baton an
Isvosohtk, or tor the matter of that any Rus
itan, will agree to a fair transaction, Bo m
the present Instance, the cohort demands
fancy prices. 1 walk on as it disgusted. The
twenty-five odd sleighs follow, and the turthor
1 walk the lower goes the price. Within the
distance of a Moo!; they have reduced the
tare more than halt. 1 select the Jehu w ith
the b korseand trappings. The man turns
round to adjust the warm robe, and then
stuffing his felt boots and fur petticoats Into
the little box In front ol the sleigh, he give
the reins a twitch and smacks his Upa, That
is Kussiau for "get-upl" tn another mo
ment tlnj keen air is stinging one's faee
with the rapid gait ol the Insignificant
Horse. Our road lies down the Horse I
Guards Boulevard, past the palace ol the j
I rand Duke Nicholas fronting the barracks;
then around s-.. Isaac's Square, with the
monument oi Peter the Great fronting the
frozen expanse of the Neva, and the glorious
cathedral of white marble and gilded dome
in i:s centre. On every side there s wined to
be nothing else but palaces, churches, monu
ments and lordly departments of state.
Handled- and huu Iredsot little sloigha are
dashing past, While every now and then a
grand noble or officer of state will sweep past
tike a whirlwind behind two fast trotters, or
a dandy of the guard will take pleasure in
! : -alV-
Issvoaohlk an ixtra t-n kopecks (5 cents) "na
ehay" .for tea). The tip appears to him enor-
us. "Spasiby, Barln," t thanks, ssr.i he
-ays. and goes oft to ii.-' nearest vodka
The Yusoupoff Gardens are net very exten
sive. In the summer th sy serve as the recrea
tion groan 1 for the Important people who are
obliged to r.';ni;n in the city ; in the winter
saw ladies of the same, nationality doing the Tsarkoe Blelo and PnvlO -k
game thing as the skaters at the Yusoupoff
(iardens, lint not on quite so itOOp an lee
hill, it was also u revelation. Tor some rea
son or other people abroad I niacin.' that nil
women in Russia lead a langorous existence,
reouning on luxurious aivans ana eaang
bonbons, tn tbeoontrary, the beau .sere here
does not sooiu to have lost its ivaeity in the
least, ill spite of the centuries of masculine
predominance, not to call it by a harsher
What a gay scene it is when the troops of
rosy-cheeked skaters enter UlO Olub-hoUSS at
the end ol the evening. Saving divested
themselves of their broad, curved steels,
which as ii general rule are screwed to high
laced boots, the crowd assembles in the long
room where refre ihmonta
Everybody seems to know
a dia
for this is a fashionable gathering. The
queens ol the ballroom hold court In dainty
skating attire. Our friends of the Guards
appear gOrgOOUS In their uniforms, with
clanking sabres and spurs. Heavy furs are
nice of
thirty miles. Mo il of the j annoy isovorou
open OX pan SO where the winds blow free and
keen. The .lances are pussllng to An Ameri
can. They have uottho variety thai prevail
at home, but in eoniniou with the rest ol
Europe the Russians whirl themselves oil
their feet Without thoughts of reversing,
A few days ago a friend Invited me to Join
a parly of gentlemen at his country place for
the excitement of a bear-hunt. This form of
sport Is In suoh groal domand in mi. Peters
burg, thatan Invitation is eagerly acoopted.
The peasant who discovers a "blerloga," or
the lair where bruin is hibernating, guards
his secret as though it wore a gold mine.
The greatest gentlemen o( the laud often lake
advantage of a landow nor's Invitation U me
are dispensed, j down Willi tholr imperial suil" to oxtertnln
everybody else, ate the Shaggy-OOa tod treasure.
kS. V 1 - - . 4"''iw ble:
the fashionables go there to skate. The park
is in the centre of the busy portion of the
city, on the Bolshaia Sadowa.a. There ii
only a small pond in the middle of its eon
verging alley.-. i,u: that does not restrict the
produced, Into which the fair skaters are
coyly hidden and qulekly whirled away to
other scenes of gayety.
Returning from the festive skating scene 1
had to cross the Neva between the Winter
Palace and the stock Exchange. The Bridge
of Boats which spans the river at this point
is removed before the Ice appears. Hut when
the river is frozen hard, roads traverse the
smooth surface in every direction, in fact
the river Is a common highway with lamps -o.l
lamps it is true- and snowy sidewalks.
It was one of the most enchanting
scenes l have ever witnessed- this drive
across the Neva on a frosty starlit night,
Imagine Venice with the lag ens ce blocked.
There is the same mysterious silence. The
sleighs as they whirl across the smooth track
moke no more noise than the silent gondola,
Stretching away lor miles on this, the Grand
Canal of the Northern Venice, ae the lordly
palaces rimed with pearly dots thnt mark the
guslit embankments. The gilded cupola ol
St. Isaac's lifts itself solemnly into the
heavens ; and on tiie other sale ol the river
is the tail straight spire of the fortress church
ol st. Peter and Paul, beneath which the Curs
have their last rest. Over all is the glory of
the northern sky.
On the way we pass a clean swept Ice path
ba liked by high walls ol snow. These paths
are kept clear for a curious reason. The
boatmen, who in summer will row you from
place to place for a few kopecks, have devised
a scheme lor continuing their work when the
water is ail hard fr zeu. They keep an ice
road across the river, over which they will
convey yon on a rough chair on runners for
five kopecks, (2 1-2 cents.) Of course these
men use skates. You can Hr.d such crossings
at regular intervals alone: the embankment.
In the middle of the frozen river we drove
by a scene that brought lack memories of
Fenlmore Cooper. Three conical masses,
with poles (ticking out at the apex whence a
thin line ol smoke ascended, proclaimed the
typical wigwam, liut this was not an encamp
ment of Sioux. The occupants of the skin
t. nts are Samoyedes, A number ol them
come here with their reindeer and dogs every
winter. It is quite a treat fur the St. Petcrs
tmrgh youngster to Indulge in a ride on ono
of the comical relndc ir sleighs. The other
The following night, tborofore, I found
myself In the station of the Warsaw railroad
armed with a Winchester, a heavy bear
akin overcoat and felt I Is. My friend's
team and Sleigh Were BWaltlllg me atthQ
depot. My friend's house is built like the
majority of oountry houses, ol logs novel t
Willi nearly dovetailed hourds, painted a
brownish yellow. Day had just begun to
break, Tho court-yard was a scene of great
animation. About 200 peasants with sticks
I guns awaited impatiently the elgnal to
start. A servant was serving out liberal
loses ol vodka. Indoors the huntsmen wore
ndy ut breaktast, By six o'clock wo
itartod for the place where bruin lay, Ivan.
the peasant who ha I discovered Hie bear
allotted positions in a aoml-clrele to the
huntsmen, ol whom thore were nine.
The excitement now began, At a given
signal the boaters closed In upon the other
side ol the somt-oirolo, firing guns and mak
ing all the noise possible, We were placed
forty yards apart. The bentors could be
heard approaching, but no algns of bruin.
Th" suspense was becoming unpleasant. A
few hares darting by gBVO one u Bturt. Sud
denly there was the crack of a rifle to my
left. Then 1 knew that our bear bad emerged
from his hole mid was trying to break
through the lines. Cr-r-rnokl or-r-ruckl
went the lilies. Bowas ruinum; I, .wards my
station. The report of my u Igbbori gun
was followed by a wild how l like that ol a
stuck pig, Bntln had been hit and was ruu
nlngaway In the direction ol the beaters.
The Utter ratsod a perfect pandemonium of
yells to scare him back, and loused their
dogs. These canines are small, shaggy-looking
tallows who uro trained to roup ut the
bear from behind. Thov will strike terror in
No Longer riuch of a Figure in the
Hurly Burly of Life.
x Soldier ol Fortune wim no- iimi
Romantic Career on Two Contl
m inx in Actor in Mniiy Utagei
Ills Powers Us an Orator
His iMjoi lor tin Future,
about B feet u Inches iii height; stooping
shoulders, greyish brown beard ; wears spec
moles; bright brown eyes; bushy eyebrows;
hair now gray and somewhat long; wears
rusty blank derby hat ; dresses plainly ; cloth
lug ill fitting ami nol ui fashionable cut;
walks with llrm step mid long swinging gait ;
usually came- his bands in his over it
6 I
First Biic Race of the Turf
Campaign of 1894.
As ha been before stated the position Mr.
Behun now occupies in polities Is anomalous.
It,- itandsas It ware in n little space aloae
ami tin- old line party leaders look upon him
as being of another kind and of no kin to
them. Many ot the men win. have been
watching the trend of things political lor
both profit and amusement have also been
waiting to see If President. Cleveland Intends
to do anything fur Schwa, That tho Presi
dent owes him something more substantial
than mere esteem Is generally eoncedi d even
by those who have no liking fur Mr. Bohurs,
Mr. BohUn is not likely to seek any elective
"flic 1 iii the near future, for, as has I n
said, he Is not popular with the parly leaders
and has no special Strength Willi the masses.
The leaders by no means underrate the man.
They are fro - onough to admit his ability,
They ale glad to employ his talents in behalf i
... .-.. nuiuu, mo rum oi me pan America, wl mpoto forarlch prtee. Tie
were willing to hire pugnld Dolgottiea to do race annually attracts national int.-r.- it, and
",,u" "" luJ ure am lis witnessed by from 2J.000 to 80,000 snecta
wining to take mm into tholr counolls, and
so the matter stands. Despite Hohura'slack
needy Racera Who Have Carried on
the Prise in Former fears The
Bntrles for the Coming naee
Tlir Chances ol lion AIon.o
and Mr Walter.
Tie- Brat great race of the turl eamMisn of
IBM, will be the Brooklyn Handicap, which
I has already become famous in racing MUUdS.
il win i,en race ovoramiia ana a quanors
distance, in which mosl "i the noted borsei lu
1 tt
' r II
tS5 w
a bead n i' nt.
skating area. Every little path and level I attaetiuns of the camp are mostly in the eat-
! the biggest bruin when a "mid
BusslOtl breed of bear hound)
Ilruin cam.) pelting
race and tain. I
pockets; h..k.s down as he walks along, and
pairs no attontlon to what other people are
doing or Baying.
Who is be?
Carl Bohuns, soldier of fortune,
lie is the one man in American politics
who is almost always Indefinable iii ti degree.
BohurC for more than a BOO TO of years has
kept political prophets and wiseacres guess
ing as to just where hewould turn up next,
and iii what special camp.
Boburz is a figure in our politics who in
some respects has no counterpart. Few men
of national reputation won fume in the lace
of more obstacles and difficulties. An exile, !
a persecuted patriot of the struggle of the j
QemuU) and Austrian peasantry in 1848, lur
some degree of freedom and some share in
the government ol their countries, Bchurz I
has in this country won a prominence that j
he might never attain in his native land, for
he has won ns high political honors as any
foreign born citizen may. He has been
Senator of the United states and a Cabinet
In addition lie has won n national
spot is converted Into ice as smooth as human
Ingenuity can make it. This is done 'oy means
of ii thick coating of water and snow rolled
perfectly smooth and then left to freez -. Tho
result is quite a revelation to thos-j who have
not skated on Suoh ice before, A lar'0 and
comfortable club-houss belonging to the Ht.
rsburg Yacht Club supplies warmth and
lvfresnnv-rils to the numerous students who
gather daily. But the day of days is
;' :- . ay. fur that .-vjniiig there is a weekly
hw-eamlval and ball. The aide expanse ol
lee fronting the club-house is brilliantly il
luminated With electric lights. A military
band plays enchanting airs, The beauty
und fashion of the city are present with
Those poor ehaperones I They sit outside
on the terrace, bundled up in furs, but freez
ing for want of motion, The cold is nut felt
by the young coup! s as tneygllda through
the m.,.es of the dance, and afterwards skate
-1 wly thr .uitii tli- shad -d path- where little
arbors appear invitingly in the dim comers,
Here is a circle formed on the Ice. It is
young Dragomlroff ut the Life Guards Red,
who la trying to outdo young Pafrrnhar of
the British Embassy, nt iiuuro ikatlng. The
etrcle applauds whenever one of th rivals
euta an unusually elaborate Bgure or a higher
pirouette thai the other. The Russian comes
off winne r. He has had the advantage of
long years of practice which no amount of
natural aptitude can replac .
fast eight weeks ago wan our Christmas -for
in Ruatla they still observe the old style,
which Is twelve days behind the rest of the
world. On that occasion the garden was the
scene of a wonderful festival, An enormous
fir-tree, sparkling with electric lamp! and
ornaments was placed in the middle of the
iee.-sfpinro. Colored lamps adorned the ave
nues. Hundreds of fair skaters circled round
the tree and passed through alleyways com
posed of their partners. At the wind-up, a
grand cotillion and general distribution of
bon-bons and flowers to the ladles.
Thealr Is filled with aQ sorts of hounds.
The strains of the band beat rhythmically to
(he swish of steel-shod feet; laughter nnd
serups of conversation In all languages
Ifusslaii, French, Knglish, Herman -make
themselves heard ; but rising above nil is tho
chronic rour of the coasters on the ice-hills
close by.
Adjoining tho skating-rink are two huge
scaffoldings, about 800 yards apart, overlaid
with ie , Down these a constant stream of
tobogganers glide back and forth. Tho de
scent from each tower Is ulniost an Inward
BUrvc, making the light steel cutters ilnsh
over the LoO-tfeokS at lightning spued. I
saw 8uver.1l venturous skaters go down these
hills. They literally shot through tho air 00
leaving ths steep slope and landed on Iholco-
track soni" yards away wife and sound. Ac
cidents are numerous. A little turn of the
heel at tho critical moment and the skater is
dashed against the frozen track, or worse
Still Is flung against Hi Hides, In either caso
with the result of a broken limb or worse.
1 tried this mnl hod of obtaining a sensa
tion. The swift journey through the keen
air in eomething like a trial trip on the
expected flylng-machlne when a bUaaard is
around it exhausts all thealr In one s lungs.
The after effects to tho novice are, howovur,
much worse, for it ruuuires the Impervious
breathing apparatus ol a Busalan, hardened
by alternations nt steam-baths and freezing
cold to ward off an attack of pneumonln.
These bold descents effectually dispel the
notion that Kusslnns havo not ns much nport-
lug blood In thoiu as other nations. When I
ing line, thnt is watching the -Sams" at their
repast. It is a disgusting sight. In the
absence ol blubber these heathens eat raw fish.
But th. y are particularly delighted if a visitor
boy i them a live Bsh from the neighboring
vendor. The whole family, men, women and
children fight for the prize like a lotofsao
gulls. The one who can get tho fish Into his
mouth swallows it whole. Only than is ho
sure of having it.
"Kasllanltaa" is the Russian word for car
nival ; literally it means the "Time ol Butter."
It must I-.- remembored that during Lent
butter is tabooed, only vegetable oil being
allowed. Even m irgertno is placed under the
lesiastlcal ban, Mallan txa then Is the
Russian's opportunity for having a good time
as far as eating goes, and also in other ways.
They have a huge fair on the Champ,
Wb glories might arouse envy in tic- ie-arts
of managers of the Midway Plalsanee, Tho
people turn out In thousands to take pari in
the tun, vvliih-the aristocrats drive grandly
round, occasionally condescending to look
In at the .shows.
The gentlemen who hold forth on every
side ol each booth are apt to oraok personal
jokes at any Well-dreSSed person Who goes
by, much to the amusement of tho crowd.
This is th" only tlino In the year Hint the
mas lea can get back at tin- classes in Russia,
and they don't miss any opportunities, Tho
funny man at the fair Is always dressed in
one particular way. Ho wears an uncouth
A DAMM oi- tiik ODAKD, i
wig and (lowing beard of coarse flax, a dark
brown kaftan with variegated pctohsa, and
birch-hark moccasins. Over hla neck Is
slung a thick brass chain attached to a tin
box with a key. Before he lots Off a joke he
always winds the bol up as if It were a watch.
The funny man. In short, Is a BuSSlanUWd
caricature ol our friend Farmer Hayseed In
New York.
Home or the theatres are very large frame
structures, i was present at a performance
of " Undo Tom's Cabin.'' Tho play was In
the latest stylo of melodrama, and drnw
thunderous applausn from an audience
Whoso sympathies wuro of course very kcOtt,
Probably one-hall of the house had la'Sn
bom In serfdom. Hut tho Itussinn Uncle
Tom was very comlciil to any MM who has
seen and heard a real negro.
If you ask any ono In Ht. Petersburg what
their preference is in regard to winter siorts
and pastimes, tho reply will be unanimous
a troy ka party, oi "picnic," as thuy call it.
This picnic means a drive in a troykn sleigh
Some miles nut of town to a restaurant for
supper, followed by dancing, and a drive
homo In tho small hours of tho morning.
The formality of the salon is out of placo In
u comfortable and roomy sleigh.
I light peoplo find amplo room in a sleigh,
with all tho thlcknuss of boar-skin furs and
robes. The seats are a9 low as possible, and
tho front ol the sleigh has wido leather wings
to glvo protection from the wind nnd tho
snow. Tho drivesarHinalldiroctionsnrouud
Bt. Petersburg, GomutimoB tliev go oa far as
the heart o
ielan" (the
would fail to stop him,
back, shrieking with
caught sight of him in the distance and took
a pot shot. It hit him somewhere for his
howls redoubled, My neighbor on tho right
gave him the finishing touch; but it was a
narrow Squeak, When the horn sounded to
let the rest know that the game had been
bagged, wo found the fortunate huntsman
leaning against a tree looking very ale. Tho
bear, a very large female, almost black in
color, was lying dead at his foot. The en
raged animal had made a dash lor him, nnd
did not riso on its hind legs fur the final
grapple as they generally do. My friend had
to flru his last shot, which luckily proved
fatal, with the musele pointing almost
straight down.
In the lair, which was formed in the snow
drift against an uprooted tree, we found
threo small cubs, which Were distributed to
the huntsmen,
Ice yatehlng Is r. sport which is very popu
lar among th.- young athletes of ti apital,
but can seldom be enjoyed. The difficulty
lies in the nnevenncs i ol th.-;, n tho river,
caused by early snow-falls am! paok ice. The
ice yachts are built on the pattern of those
used In Long Island sound,
Kobidt a. Wilton,
ouwiii id in- True,
Rousseau lived long on his fifth floor in
Paris, forgotten by tin. world which h i affect
ad to despise, and frum affectation really
shunned, when an accident happened to him
in one of his solitary walks. He was mot
In a narrow rt ol tho street by M. de
PargoaU, driving v.-ry fa-! m his carriage,
and. lu bis attempt to g.-t oul ol the way,
was pushed down by a large Danish dog run
ning before tic bories. M, de Pargeau Im
mediately stopped his coach, and hastened to
assist the person whom his dog had thus
knocked down; bin when he saw it was the
author he renewed bis apollgtes and atten
tions. The next day lie sent tuask after RoUSSeaU.
"Tell your master to chain up his dog" wm
the unly answer.
Da Oaina didn't die game a cent1.
reputation as an orator, as a scholar and a- a
Taking all tho facts and conditions into con
sideration it must be said that a man of this
sort must bo gifted with considerable more
than ordinary qualities, mental and mora!.
Not yet sixty-live years of age. he was burn
in March, 1820, near Cologne in Prussia. His
life since he left tho university at Bonn, in
which he wi's a student, to plunge into the
revolution of I8i8 against King William along
with Rudlich and Kinkci. who afterwards
settled in New York and Franz Sigel, who
won his general's commission in our own
civil war. Xo carpel knight was young
Hehurz. When his friend Kinkci was captured
and sentenced to inprisonmont for life in a
fortress in the river Havel. Young Hehurz
communicated with his frlefad and between
the two a plan was concocted by means of
which Klnkel . scaped one dark night from
the fortress through a sewer, nnd by the aid
of Bchurz, nnd by means of long marches by
night, the two reached the North Sea and
shipped to England.
From this time his career was checkered
for a considerable period and varied always,
lu Paris he was a correspondent for Herman
papers. In England, like other exiles. 1)0
gave lessons in his own language with gomo
success. The year W1 found him iu the
United Htates. and so good Use did he make
of his time that in 1M.17 he was Republican
candidate for lieutenant-governor of Wiscon
sin. In tho meantime he lunl learned
Knglish and earned a reputation as an orator,
so that when in 18S0 lie made a lecture tour
through New England, in which he denounced
the policy of Stephen A. Douglass, he became
in a certain sonso a national charaoter. He
was an Influential member of the Republican
National Oonvontlon in 1800. President Lin
coln mode him Minister to Spain, but ho
resigned to enter the army at the opening of
th- rebellion. In 1802 he was commissioned
n brigadier-general ol volunteers, and was
assigned to command n division In the corps
ol his friend, Q meral Franz Slgel. Ho (ought
with Sigel in second Hull Run, was made a
major-general in 1888, and commanded a
division at Chancollorsvllle, and he was at
j Gettysburg, at Chattanooga and elsewhere.
Al Hi" close uf the war he s'artod to prac
tice law and tie n becamo Washington oorres-
ol magnetism and of that popularity with
the masses (hat men like Rood oi HcKinley
.,! David It. inn seem so easily to command,
hu is a force iu affairs in New York and iu
th untry that ought not to bo underesti
mated. In any campaign the announcement
thai Carl Behun i to speak iu the New York
Academy ol Music on ;i purely political topic,
is sure to crowd Dial house Irom top to bot
tom. What is more, the audi' nco will beof a
different order from those usually to bo seen
at political gatherings, Thoy remind one ,.i
the great meetings that Ros Conklingon
occasions made speeches before, when tho
academy used to be thronged with the most
prominent men, and women, too, to hear the
famous senator denounce tho Democratic
parly in IiIh characteristic way. The audi
ences that Mr. Bohure attracts are of much
tho sumo sort. Ho has not tho grace of ap
pearance and delivery that marked Gonkling
and Blaine, and marks Ingersoll and Depew,
His eloquence, for he Is eloquent, is more
after the stylo of the late George William
Curtis, than whom there have been tew more
accomplished orators of thi generation. His
English is the English ol the groat masters
ol that tongue, Irom Shakespeare down. In
the ch irm ol bis speech you forgot the some
what harsh voice, th" angular form and the
not altogether graceful gestures of the ora
tor. It is the matter, not the manner, that
attracts, and when printed tho speech will
read as well if not better than it aounds.
Despite his wide reputation Mr. Behun is
nut known in his own personality in New
York nor does hu seek to become known.
Though he has boon a successful practical
politician he prefers to be known as a
scholar and reformer in politics. It Is as
such that be has opp isedthe rule of Tammany
Hall in lie oily and Senator Hill in tin- State
of Nuw York and it has been as such that he
has fur years past cast his lot with the Mug
wumps in Now York.
snce Mr. Bchurz settled in business In New
York he has lived very quietly just outside
the cily, maklugfew friends su-.e those vvLcen
tors. Talk of the English Derby and the
Ascot (J,,!.! Cup, run annually in England,
tin y are a poor second to the famous Ameri
can event. Not only are tin- followers of the
turf Interested in this great race, but all
classes, plebeian and patrician BhOVI their in
terest by attending, or when they cannot, by
eagerly buying all the reports of the race!
that they can procure. The OUtrll s are mad.-
January 18th, and the race forms the princi
pal theme of conversation among sporting
men, until May 18th, when the great race on
the Jockey Club track at Oravesend, Long
Island, takes place.
Throughout the whole country, In every
sporting circle, the subject Is discussed,
South and West, as well BS iiist and North.
msnship. Nearly ball a million dollars was
lost on Lamplighter. Pierre Lorlllard, his
owner, it is laid lost ?13,0(W. Uinblu was
like Castaway II, a 50 to 1 shot, and his owner
won over sso.oou.
It seems strange, but nevertheless it is turt
I ' tory, that no horse has twice won the
l.uokiyn Handicap, and no jockey has pilot-
i I two winners. The Brooklyn Handicap la
now worth 125,000 to the winner, and
In the future the race, as it increases In
popularity, will be worth probably as much as
the American Derby, which is worth S5u,nw
to Hie winning horse,
In lb-1 tee to be run ut the Brooklyn Jock,
ey Club, In May, the following are the horses
with ages and weight Ol mount:
Lamplighter, r,
Clifford; 4
Vo Taniblen, 5
Sir Walter, 4
Ajus, 4
Doll AlOMO, 4
Banqnot, a
St. Lvonside, 1
HjH.rt, 4
Diablo, a
in Rice, i
Biuctlaw, 4
i; v. Johuion, 4
Helen Nichols, i
Rainbow, 4
Lowlander, ti
Lnantaka, a
Maid Mariuu.d
Wlldwood, o
Comanche, 4
Rough find Ready
Pickpocket, j
Charade, r
Lconawell, 5
Plcknlcker, 'i
I'm.' ii ' icotve, 4
KingleM '
i tariibau, .1
LUUe Billy, 5
Kloroy, 4
Ducat. ;
Dlluwn, 5
Copyright, 5
Terrlfitr, i;
Hhilly Tattle, 4
K'' Dutnlugo, 4
Long Beach, 0
ninnluura, 4
Herald, 1
Nerc, i,
Kii in Bey, 4
Oxford, h
Marshall, 4
Hmtry ol Navarre 3
II p
Isaac NtVBPBY,
I Books nrc opened in various cities, and
odds aro laid on the English play i r
pay principle, that if the burse ba' ki d
I does not start, then the money is lost.
Thousands of dollars an- invested in this
'anti-race betting. In descanting on the
i theme of the Brooklyn Handicap, the pleasure
Is heighten, d by memories of glorious races, ;
of high enthusiasm, of magnificent trlum hs. .
It is the easy leader ol every race iu America,
except liio Suburban and the American i
ho had already tried. For some reason he lias : 1A ru- unu lu Popmamy n leans even mote,
refrained iron, practising law, his own ,,,. 1 doubt not that it will continue tod - ,ln
feSSlOD.and Instead has sought to achieve!" fan" of a" opposition fur many mure
year s inan moat oi us v. in sc. r-ven iiioumi
richer stakes are run fur. the Dr. loklyn Handi
cap as the best test of full aged horses, -will
! retain its excellence, and never lose its halo
' uf romance, or its historic renown. It is not
my purpose to enter into details of the Brook
lyn Handicaps of the past, or soar into pane
gyrics over the great turf events of 1894. My
! purpose is to deal in the most direct manner.
: with the horses likely to play the most pr iml
i nent part in the grent race of the coming
j season. Perhaps we shall even be nolo to
I discover the name of the winner oi this event
for 1894.
The horses entered In January, to start in
the great race, include some of the a l
famous ones in America. The conditions are
as follows :
The Brooklyn Handicap, for three-year-olds
and upwards; S2")tl each, half forfeited, or
$30 if declared. The club to add an amount
necessary to make the value ol the Stake
135,000, of which the second horse shall re
ceive S5.0no. and the third horse J2,000.
Weights to bo announced Feb. l,and declara
tions to be made by Feb, 20. One mile and a
The rac ' in 1SST
bchubz on the sranr.
some degn f fortune iu other pursuits. He
has been in the steamship nnd mercantile
hilsiness in thenicin and has or,. -hcrcd and
he keeps up his literary work for which there ri"" 1,1 lM7i was wf' V urS "
is a constant demand aa there is tor lectures Ple. who not ""'' ' lI'!n:v'i ricn 'riw-
rhere 1 l! m" miieanu a quarter in two minutes
; seven seconas, wmcn .it mat time was m.-
fastest on record. The finish In this r,. -,-i
was the most remarkable ever witnessed in
I America, for Pry Monopole won by a nose
from Blue Wing and Hidalgo, Andy Mc
Ottrthy, the deceased Jockey, piloted the
Frad Qebhard
time we rejoins t.
American plan.
Is at length married ; this
say it is on the good old
Cremntlun does not sonm to be making
in t .-It progress In the Cnitcd State;. It i-i
thirteen years stnoo the iirst crematory
was started in at Washington, I'a. Since
th.-n ten others have been built, During
Ibis Hme the total number of bodies In
cinerated has been 1,017, while the number
of deaths In the whol untry during this
period has been about 10,800,000,
The refusal of Mayor Mile-ron to have the
flag .d BriO BOal from the Hi klyn City Hall
on St. Patrick's Hay has made him many
snsmlos among tho followers oj st. Patriok,
and they swear they will never vote for him.
As the men of this class never have voted for
him, his loss cannot be loriOUS.
Canada has fKi.OOU enrolled militia, which
cost her about $J,lKM,00(layoar. Many of our
neighbors, neolng that there is only one pos
sible enemy, regard this as time wasted ami
money thrown away.
In 1790, about t hrce and a half per cent, of
the population of the United stales lived in
eltlus, In 1890, this had increased to over
twenty-nino per cent., witli tlm tide still In
creasing from thu country to the towns.
It Is generally believed t lint wotnen arc
much nioro easily impressed, yet at religious
revivals men aro the quickest to catch tho
fervor and enthusiasm, and they manifest
tholr now formed religious fervor With an
energy of manner and a loudness of voice,
Compered with which tho motion of tho most
oxcitublo woman is tamo iudcod.
pondent of New York Tribune. In 1880 he
Was special commissioner under President
Johnson to look into the condition ol tho
Southern States. In 1808, he was an editor In
HI. Louis and lu the same year was I be Um
porary ahalrman ol the National Convention
that nominated Grant for whose election he
worked hard. Iii tho same year he entered
the United States Senate troin Missouri. It
was iu the Senate that he made plain his apti
tude for kicking oyer the traces, for In-op
pusc.1 President Qranl In many ways and the
latter resented It Tin. year 1871 found htm
out of the Bepublloan party and presiding
over th" convention of the Liberal party In
Cincinnati which nominated Horace (lively
for President, but 1H7C, found him back In the
llopulilican parly again and later he found
himself iu the cabinet. Since that time his
career lias been known to all men. Tho
organization of the Mugwump party, if it
may bo culled a party, gave Mr. BehUman
othor chance to show his independence, lie
joined the Mugwumps and supported Cleve
land against Mr. Blaine. In the last presi
dential election he supported Mr. Cleveland
against General Harrison.
Suoh, In outline, has been the career of this
lODMWhat remarkable man. That it has been
n busy and varied one no ono will deny and
just what tho future may end It is a matter
to spcculato upon,
by him on any ami all sorts of topics.
is no lack of work for him to turn his hand
to and he is no laggard. He ae ims, however,
iu the main to shrink from public notice save
on thus i occasions when he appears on the
platform as an orator. He is unlike other
I prominent orators in that ho docs not often
appear a', public dinners as a speaker. He is
a roomoor oi a coupio 01 cuius ami oi sonic
German societies and there his connection
with matters social ends. Nur is he any
theatregoer. His business, his library, his
literary work, these are his enjoyments His
family life is qutot and unpretentious, Save
in the steamship district on lower Broadway.
Mr. Sehurz is not usually recognized when he
goes abroad though his appearance is striking
Mr. Bohurs has not much changed in per
sonal appearance of laic years. liis tall,
somewhat gaunt figure is still held ere; lavi
for a slight -'scholarly'' stoop a; the shoulders.
There is gray in Ins reddish beard and in his
Click hair, but otherwise there is nothing to
Indioate that he Is within a few years of the
age allotted by tho paalmlsl to man. Bright
eves Hash behind his eve orlauea and there is
st i. net h nnd vim marked in sti-one lines iin r'11-
his keen, strong face. He looks a man
who Is good for many u strong fight yet,
and from the way political columns are
splitting and forming in New York slate be
i- likely io have abundant opportunities in
the future to exorcise his powers and hi:
known pugnaolousness, should the reform
era who are now trying to reorganise ths
Republican party of New Y rk succeed ami
bring new leaders to tho front then Mr.
Behun might 10 ! it possible to go Kiel, lu
his old love again. There is not much
chance for him in the Democracy, for while
Hr, Bohurs agrees with the Democrats on
many points, he has no standing with lis
more powerful leaders, President Cleve
land, of course, oxooiited
Whatever Mr. Bohura's plans tor the future
may bo he is keeping thon) to himself. It
may bo that be does not want offloo since
there Is none open to hint higher than those
he has already held. This, bowevor, Is not
the ..pinion of ids friends or of the-,, who
know Dim, and are not bis friends. These
say thai Mr. Scluiiv. still holds political ambl
lions, but whether this leads him to wish to
again sit in the United states senate or in
the cabinet of a president, they do not say
ami, pei haps, ,io not know. Meanwhile, Mr.
Bohutl Is working hard and is putting mohOJ
in his purse against the time when the
country may again need ins services.
Time works many and queer changes, ami
It has worked many III the more or less
stormy and successful life of Call Bchurt.
It may bring about many more. With
health, strength, and position among the
strong men of the day w ho are know n and ac
Domino has so many rich engagements in
stakes that his owie-rs will hardly risk him
on so severe a tost, but little Leone well, re
gardlng his bold bid last year, la a very hope-
ful horse, lb-is on tin- auspicious list, and
ui Ither his owner nor trainer can feel confi
dent about his standing a preparation, Tim
content appears to !w confined toDonAlon
v, Kir Walt'-r, AJax and Sport, all of which
look tempting. They will be closely backed
by St. Leonards, Hr. Bice, Bassetlaw and G,
W.Johnson. Bassetlaw Improved so much
last season, that the position he is now in
would make him a coat of a different color
and lit. Sport, for the reason that be Was at
his best in the spring, must bean Important
factor. Bis ineffectual efforts at Monmouth
made it plain that the big chestnut had
traim-d rlrht off. He was a formidable an
tagonist in the Oravesend and Morris I'ark
meetings, and be Is such a glutton lor a
short distance, that there is no denying
his claim. St. Leonards relies u.oro on
a private reputation, than on anything he has
don-: in a race. It is claimed that the
American Derby knocked him to pieces. His
racing in the Last Was not encouraging, as it
gave the Impression that his hear; was not
as big as it might be. Which would be fatal iu
a race like the Brooklyn Handicap. He will,
however, have the advantage o; ore
parid by a man who is a past master in the
art of preparing a horsi for a particular race.
According to tho scats which places the dif
ference of live and four year olds at five
pounds in May, Clifford has but a pound the
better of Lamplighter. Just Ik - good he is,
it is difficult to gauge. ) ut shrewd horsemen,
who have s -en him race out West, and -wear
by him believe bis chanoes are good. He is a
typical Bramble. Ke i- by Bonnie Scotland's
son. from Uut-hes-, Watterson'a dam. by
Kingfisher, short and stout . iin. I the broad
stamp indicating bis sire's family, He can
stay, possesses good sprinting qualities, v. A
can carry any amount of w
Banquet, or, his last year's form. Seems to
have gone all to pieces, while las: year's
Diablo and the auccesslul Suburban candidate
Lowlander, can never convince one that they
are really speedy . nough to again win the im
portant events. Kinglet and Prince Ge rge
have given no reason to favor th m i n an im
portant event. Bo:h n edee. bard a rc
11 SSN
-1 v. s
In lsrS. A. J. Csasatt'S great race horse the
Bard, won the race in two minute- and thir
teen seconds. 11 i was lloted by Hay ward,
the famous veteran jockey. The alowness of
time was owing to the track being heavy. In
1880, the race was won by Lakeland's Kxi!
in the fast lime of two minutes and seven and
a half seconds, Tony Hamilton, the noted
colored jockey, was tile pilot this time. In
this race, August Belmont's Prince Royal,
was the second horse, and the prime favorite,
la 1890, Castaway II. owned by James i
Campbell, won the race. He was ridd m bj
Burns, the jockey, and won the nice in two
minutes and ten seconds, and created con
siderable surprise, for his victory cost many
thousands ol dollar.-. 11c va- what Is termed
on the tun' "a rank outsider; "odds ot fifty to
one were quoted against him in the betting
in 1891, the race was won by the famous
I racehorse. Teiinv . owned at the time by iav.d
T. Pulsiter, Jockey Shelby Barnes, of the
West, a colored certain-, had the lUOUnt, and
received a big ovation. The time was two
minutes and ton seconds, and the rac was
run on a heavy tra dt. Tenny's victory was a
turn ol spivd. Lamp'
turn ol top Weigh
from lack of high
confession .-f ti c
Ighter holds the psisi-
with 127 pounds, rather
lasa material. This is a
r Quality of our oldei
i . jwr Hip
A'V .
popular one, for Ih(Ii the owner and the
horse became great favorites, with the public.
in 1898, Judge Morrow, owned by Green
It. Morns, one of the oldest turfmen ill
America, captured the race in two minutes
and eight and three quarter seconds. 1 had
knowtodged, a man even at sixty live years I the satisfaction ol prophesying that Judge
of age may look into the future with hopeful I jor,.,nv would win tho race', months before
And that is what Carl Sebum Is said lo b;
children of school age iu the world, ot this
number '22,50.1.1)00 attend Sunday school.
it was run, and on the day of the race
in the N.v York Daily .Vein.-. 1 did the
same. Andy Covington was tho jockey
that nlloted ludm Morrow to victory.
It is estimated that there are f,all,( OO.OHO;,,, .,,.. , 1S!W .,. ,,. ,Vl.
by n rank outsider. Pierre LoriUard'S Lamp
! lighter, for which he paid the largo sum of
he had been
, and
A .. n.l till ,..Q l.v.mtv.llv,. hUMll of All M 1 $80,000, WHS till' fllVoritl
air every night and about the same quantity I oarily in every city in the United
In tho dav time. "The reason," says a . States. The race, however, was won by Hi
tuckian, "that It isn't taxed with other neces- ownwl by James Campbell. In two min
siuosliko Whisky is that Its so dog-goued uU's ninu 8ccomls' tho
hard to measure it.1 ' - I wmous JB0K(-'' wou " " ai"uu' uvw
division, However great a horse, the tm
year old son ol Sp mdthrift may have been In
private, his ear.vr in public lias never war
ranted his taking rank with ar.imals wh,i
have ) revtously held the sj-.m.- post ol honor.
The four year old division will have an un
usually good chance in the Handicap, Limp
lighter. Yo Tambien and Domino are the most
dangerous present outside feci rs, ithasbe
come almost anaxlom, that a mare or a three
year ol.l cannot w:n either of the thre spring
event-. As to Domino, the ohances are all
against his going to the post On account
oi the moderate quality of the Handicap,
third rates are '.ot io be passed over lightly.
A race-horse of high quality, ii lie remains in
the Handicap, will be heavily backed, Clif
ford's only defeat of first-class horses was in
his d feat of Lamplighter and Yo Tambien
in the special sweepstakes, and yet he is en
titled to the highest consideration, laths
spring at Lstonis be ran in 1,40 W -fast
time for the track and won the Interna
Sprim; Prhv. a mile and a fill long, in 1.58 1-2.
with 120 pounds, beating several tine horses.
Pentus, Prince Deceiver, Aldobaran, Hare
Vela and Semper I.e. prince Deceiver forced
the nice to the stretch, where Clifford
passed him and won easily.
Clifford may be a dangerous horse, but I
stand byDonAtonao and Sir Walter to cap
ture the big race. Hon Alonco proved ho
could stay over the Derby distance, one mild
and a half, last year, and ho also demon
strated he had a great turn oi speed and
could carry weight, lie should improve on
Inst year's form and prove in, 1SD4 ne ol the
best 4-year-olds on the turl. Sir Walter
proved that he Was a game first-class race
horse last season. While he did not inn Qp
to his 8-year-old form, he proved he could
carry weight and nearly always finished
strong in the best of company, Another
great horse, whom lew people will pay atten
tion to, but who will run well iu the Urook
ly ii Handicap, is Ajav. but I expect Don
Alonso or Sir Waller, if they start well, will
be the real contestants, and 1 am confident,
with Garrison, Taral, Hamilton or Lamley in
the saddle, that two-thirds of the 30,000 who
w ill witness the race, not apeokiUg of the halt
million who bet on the event in every oily iu
America, will play Hon Alon 10,
The amount and value of the tobacco raised
in Kentucky is about equal to that of all other
states in the union.
An habitual drinker at the age of forty, has
a life expectancy of eleven years; a sober
man of the same age has a life expectancy of
twenty-nine years.
At a recent seance over in lirooklyn, Noah
Webster's spook through a writing modlum,
Communicated this to a credulous world:
"The times is mitey tito." As it was in tho
0esh,Noah's occiput IsstillemphtAtosllylevsl,
but it pains us not a little to note that ho has
I gone back oil his dictionary ami spoiling book.