THE SCKANTOH TRIBUNE SATUBDAY MORNIKG. AIA11CH 81, 1894. Pipe Waives Fittings 0 A l!l u.'j IMS Ippiiiil THERE WERE TWO ARREST IVIADE S THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, ?HIIStllllllliiliilliltl81t'iSHIIIH9lllllllll Lace Curtains The most delioate fabric prop erly cleaned nt THE LACKAWANNA LAUNDRY 308 Pentl Avo A. B. WURMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BARGAINS IN Lh 01 Cheney Bros.' .CHINA SILKS HASKEL BLACK SILKS meabsThagen 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers. Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILL! AlillS & McANULTY. '27 Wyoming Ave. CITi' NOTES. The nonii i: it offset's were paid their saiari-.-s yesterday. Matiaea performance at the Frotbinc 1mm this afternoon Prices ra 75, SO and 28 cents. Attorney Samoel W, Edgar baa moved his office from Spruce street to SOB Wyom ing aver.U". The choir of tho First Presbytsrfan church will meet for rehearsal this even ing nt 9 o'clock. Eleven new case of measles and two of scarlet fever were reported at thy board of health cflice yetterd sy, Jacob Lntz, the bookbinder, will today remove hB basinesi '-stahliBhrnent from 'M i.'euter street to 214. There waa another hearing in the fam ous N'icholi wi!l rase before i;.-,gister of wills Koehler yesterday. Some of the Easter mmic of last Sunday in the Providence Presbyterian church will be repeated tomorrow evening. The .Seranton Start challenge the Columbian Siars to a game of base bail this afternoon ut o'clock on the former a ground. The city engineer's department was en gaged yesterday in itivinir grade on Tenth street, both sides, between l.uzerue and Fellows street. Captain -Montrose ilarnnrl was yester day re-elected to the command of Com pany D, witbont opposition. Tho eleetion raj conducted ! Btsjor alettes. Wilson and Stewart will play hand ball eijairiKt K"ii and "allien this afternoon at toe Palen tine court There will be otiiur miies by prominent local players. Thmaloof seats for the beauty dhow, "Night Owls," presenting every thing that isgrandand beautiful, will open at the Academy of Jluaic at o'clock this morn ing Kev. J. (j. Wh.lmiro will address the muetinK tt the Railroad department of Young Men's Christian association sun day afternoon at 'A' o'clock. Railroad men and Hieir families welcome. Georire Many, general secretary of the V. M. C. A., will speak to women. Sun day, ut -I p. in., in the rooms of Voting Wo meus' Christian association, 205 Washing ton avenue. All Women nro cordially in vited. Rev. D. T'. Skelleager of tho Washburn street Presbyterian onnroh will deliver a plain talk on ''Personal Puriiy" at the Young Men'.', Christian a-soeiatioti rooms to-morrow afternoon at 1J:1j. Roys under 14 will not be admitted. Itarrlage licenses were granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to Jacob liaft'uer nmi Catharine Beet, Bcrantoni ( laude L"s)ie Townsend, Waverly, Mary Jane Phillips, Beranton; Rudolph Bran U'T and Blwina Whitney, Scratiton. The outdoor base ball team of the Vounir Men's Christian association wid hold a meeting at the gymnasium this evening to arrange the nine's personal for the coming Benson and tiniisnrt other iimmrriinT hnxi. liens, following the meeting will be played an indoor game of bass bill. Charles Rupert, an Bgeni for E. Robin son's Sons, became intoxicated at Carbon dale Wednesday, and In a gaiuo of dice at Byrne's restaurant was fleeced out of about ft'iUn by Daniel Willard, n notorious Cerbondalc character. Bs8horl8 Robin son and William raig went to Carbon dule yesterday to Investigate tho matter. Anleuter Buocii Bear, tools LUiinan'a, W .L pi . - Ruttv fi .10 t I Rhedd. Ocorge S. Rutty was arreted yesterday on a warrant issued by Alderman Wright for agsault and hnttery committed upon W. R. Bhedd, a fellow workman at the Frothinghsm. Bail in the sum of fUOO was furnished by C. T. Miller for Rutty's ap pearance at court. Miss Winkler, Infatuated Willi a Young Man Named Barnes, Takes Her Stop - Father's Money That She Might Marry the Man ot Her Choice -Not Yet Decided Whether They Will tie Prosecuted. Miss Pbllopena Winkler and a young man named Barnes wr. arrested ves- terday nfternonn by iitective Barring, of Wilkes-Bsrre, end Detective Math ews, of Faotoryvlll , no the charge of having conspired in the stealing of $1,33-1 S3 from Henry Winkler, of 481 VVillOW street. The robbery, it will he remembered by readers of Tin: TttlBUNB, took place on the morning of March '.'1 T he night before Mr. Winkler, who is treasurer for tilt) South Side Herman Boil liugund Loan aasociation, atten l ed a meeting of that organic ttion, at which abou' 1,600 in checks, blllS,gold and silver wore paid over to hitn. This money he took home mi l locked in the safe in the front ro ui At i o'clock tiie following morning he was awakened by n strong draught of air rushing into the sleeping apart ment which he occupied, Mr Winkler arose to investigate and found the front door open, No! onlv this, bin be also discovered that the sale had been opened and the slim id' money above mentioned had be-u stolen. Tne matter was placed in tha hands of the police department and Detective Birring was also summoned to aid in bringing about the discovery and ar rect '. tbe guilty persons. From the first the investigation seems to have been c. inducted on the belief that some member of th Wmk ler household had t iken the money, and for various, tai auspidoa tell upon the adipte i ii ingnter. sttsa WINKCKR'S FAIUSU. In tracing up her history It was learned that she was very much enam ored of a young man named 13 irues, who sciu" time ago wis engaged as h nurse at the Moses Taylor hospital, wh-re Mis Winkler W is also employed In tbe same capacity. Barnes let t the city ami went to Brooklyn, but sodesp was tbe young woman's Infatuation that it seemed to those acquainted with the facts that she would not hesitate to do Anything for the sake of h-r lover. The couple were poor, and Barues, it is thought, merely kept'upa pretense of C'ring for the girl, hoping in some way to pr tit thereby. Furthermore it is sail that Mr. Wink ler had mad ' a will in which he be queathed his property to his wife, thus leaving, the adopted dan.iter psnni-1-ss. This th- girl kisew and the natural ioference whs that she thought it only doing herself justice to help herself while si)e had an opportunity. The detectives, having what they considered a reliable clue, kept their ey-s onea for Birneg. Thnrsday afternoon he arrived in the city and registered at the Valley House. His movements were watched; so were those of Miss Winkler. Yesterday afternoou she entered Li man's restaurant on Lackawanna avenue, wher she at one time worked, and enquired if anyone had called for her. Being answered in the n?gative, she sent a message to Barnes, who was at the V alley House, to which that indi vidual promptly responded. PLACED l NfiEP. ARREST. Soon after they were placed under arrst and condncte l to Detective Ber ing's oilice. in the Commonwealth building, where thsy were examined eu irately. The girl stoutly dnied tha Recusa tion, but the examination was thor ough an 1 developed tbe fact that "ho had a knowledge as to tha whereabouts of the missing money All concerned in the case are very reticent, however, an 1 refuse to my wi. ether or not the money was found' tut there is every reason to believe that it has been recoverel. Both Miss Winkler and Barnes wer--detained in custody, and whether or not they will be prosecuted will doubt less be decided today. The woman in tbe case is young and decidedly good looking. Kho dresses Well, does not have the least appear ance of n criminal and has heretofore home a goo I name. . . ELECTRIC WORKMEN'S BALL. Union F.ftv-Oni fhowa I:e Outsts a Kan!lloont Electrical Dlnplav. Ono of the finest "lectriral displays ever seen in Beranton was that ex hlblttd Inst night at the ball given by Electric Workmen's Uoion No. 31, nt Turner hall. For several days a number of the members had been devoting COnsi lorable time to the work of arranging tho lights and draperies about the ball. From the four comers nnd the two shies of the room had been .strung over 20') lights in varied colors. Two blue, two re 1 and one white arc light in addi tion rendered aneffsot kaleidoscopic, the staije was a revolving wheel, which every few seconds disnlayod 110 flashes of varied colors from 110 lights. A star containing 60 white lights of 10 candle-power each was suspended from the csiling. The Central Pennsylvania Telephone company donated a compUte long dis tance cabinet Ret, with a connection to all parts of its territory ami privilege of live minutes' conversation free of charge. The draperies w.-re furnished gratis bv Davles it Qrlfflo. The iilFur was hignly successful and a great deal of credit devolves upon the following committee of arrange ments: John B. Keilly, Patrick Hop kins, Frank NeaVS. John Malia hikI John O'LaUgblan. Following nre the eflicrs who nerved during the evening: Manager, J. B Rsillj; master of esremonles, P. J. Hopkins; assistants, John McOonnell and W. Warner; con ductor of danoes, John Durkln; fljor committee, K, Malia, Joseph McDon nell, John Malia, H. MoFsiddeo, J. F. Ueilly, J. Sweeney, M Sweeney, P. Campbell, W. Farr, M. MuMannns; reception committee, James Murphy, A. Conlan, F. Sweeney, II. Stock, J. O'Laoghlen, H Kingsloy, John Mar ley, P. J. Cosgrove. BEAUTIFUL CON N ELL PARK. Prettily Dressed nnd Even Now Ready for Lovers of Nature. The work of beantifying Connell park is being rapidly pushed forward and by April 10, it is safe to say, that portions of the grounds between the entrance and tho top of tho hill will be rid of its ngly rocks and be ready for nnture nnd the landscape grandeur to put o i the finishing touches. The roadway to a point above the observatory is in a condition to allow th- p issage of carriages and on am ple Maul dav tl" driv ro this aim sat i 10 -i i it nf -i .-v m'i be - i t-, in residents li nsrrlaues. Tn- taui v oi uell ,i 'e i lump i ii ' mi id' I ; frm tuis point will be found an easy grade to the hill top. Already the park has taken on finap pearance of the beautiful, in the space between the gate and tower are plant and ready to bud scores of elm and hard maple trees. A hundred or more flow ering shrubs, which will soon begin to blossom and Wear all summer drss"S of verdure, are tdnnted on either side of the roadway and In the grass plots. Numerous flower beds of figures have been marked off and will soon be set. At the foot and to the west of the ob servatory are a square and croscent, to the right of the gate a Maltese cross and on the ten -v a star and crescent. The word ' Connell'' to the left and "Park" to the right of the entrance Will appear In m.iny huod blossoms of plants. Under the supervision of M. J. Malia the work, as planned by Landscape F gineer Bell, of New York, is being rapidly pushed forward, and, while only about one -fourth of the park's area will this year be entirely beauti -lied, in the course of a few weeks Beranton Will have ouo of the sighdisst an 1 prettiest ozone spots in Pennsyl vania. UNIVERSITY CLUB BANQUETS. Northeastern Pennsylvania Graduates of Lehigh Eat, Make Merry and Rejuvenate Alma Mater Days. The members Of the Lehigh Univer sity club of Northeastern Pennsylvania enjoyed their fourth annnal reunion and bamiuot ut the Wyoming last ni;;ht Those presint wero mostly from Wilkss-Barrs and this city, s.v eral tables, decorated with palms B0 1 potted plants, were arranged iu the form of an L. symbolic of the ban queters' alma mater. The guest of thu evening was profes sor Mansfield Merriman, C. E., Ph. D , of Lehigh. Previous to the discussion of the menu, u meeting was conducted to pass resolutions ot condolence upon the death of Dr. Robert A La tuber ton, late president of the university, and for tha election of the following offl cers: H, W. Rowley, Serauton.presl dentj Professor W. H Dean, Wilkes Barre,Vioe president, and Arthur Long, Wilkes Barro, secretary and treasurer. The retiring president is W L. Ii is ler. Wilkes-B irre. The out-of-town members present were W. R. Butler, Mattcb Chunk; Jolin It. Wagner. Driftou, Professor I. A Heikes, Plymouth; Charles Graham. Kingston; Morgan Davis, H M Lsit-ziug-r, Q S Post. Professor W. H. Dean, L. L Re s, Arthur Long, Wilket-Barre; R. K. Polk, Danville, and William Griffith, West Pittston. The following were tile Seranton members present: J. Y. Bassel, W. R Pierce, J. J. Clark, O C. Burkhardt. H. W. R iwlev, F. E Pntt. 0. L. Mc Kenzi, W. M. Marple. Walter Briggs, Henry Kimmerling and J. T. Rese. Ad !ri-sses were made by Piofeisors Merriman, Dean and Heikes, and Members Butler, Rowley, Griffith, Polk and others. At a late hour the merry company adjourned to meet next year at Wilkes B irre. DOORS OF BIJOU .'RE CLOSED. Manager Boyer Wai Unable to Stand the Strain. The Bijou theater, formerly Music hall, which reopened last Tuesday af ternoou under the management of William Boyer is uo more. It failed to open yesterday and William like wise failed to appear. Mr, Boyer played the bass fiddle In Wonderland orchestra and incidentally conducted a barber shop adjoining that theater. He wanted to be a tlifitrical man gr and he rented Music Hall, installed Charles Silverberg as manager and em ployed the following to produce stand ard plais twice u day: Miss Flora Stamford. Miss Rosalind. Miss Foster, Mr. JelT rsou, Mr, Sturges, Mr. Slater. Joseph Hall and William Corbett. Busines was not good and yosterday morning Thomas Boyer levied on tlie If icts iu the barber shop to satisfy judgment of 240. That was Manager Boyer's cue to make his exit as a thea trical manager and be exited, leaving a number of sa 1 thepiati3 and debts amounting to about $200 so far us the theatrical venture is concerned. When the actors hoard that their manager had deserted them they hast ened to remove their trunks from the hall to prevent their lieing seized. e - - DID NOT GET ENOUGH OF PIN MONEY. For That Reason 31 s Walcott Lift Hsr Husband Testimony was tuken before Judge Archbald yesterday afternoon in the divorce case of David Walcott against Jennie L. Walcott. The evidenco abowed that on April 7, 1880, Mr. and Mrs. Walcott were married at Way-mart, Wayne county, 'i'ney lived together until Dec. 14, 1801, when Mrs. Walcott leTt home and went to Philadelphia, Some time iaUrshe returned to Carbondalo, where they had resided, nnd told her husband that she would not live with him anv lon ger, as he did not give her sufficient money to spend. Mrs. Walcott now resides in Phila delphia, THEY FAVOR ITS PURCHASE Assembly No. 16, K of L , Wants Beranton to Control tho L ghts. At n meeting of Progressive As sembly No 13 of the Knights of Labor, held ut its rooms on Thursday evening, resolutions were unanimously adopted iu favor of governmental ownership of public institutions, and incidentally favoring the purchase by the city of the Electric Lighting plant, and sug gesting that "each member of councils investigate the workings of such in stitutions and inform himself on the facta and merits of the question now presented for solution.'' The resolutions also recommended tho calling of a public meeting of citi zens to consider tbe project, and hint that the proposition of Mr. Seranton should not be allowed to slumber iu committee, Norton's Bull tin. ' April Contury Magazine, 33 cents. April Harpers' Magazine, KSconts. April Forum, reduced to 23 cts, April Ladies Home Journal, 10 cents. April .Munsey's Magazine, 10 cents. April Argosy, Mouthly illustratod 10 cts. April Cosmopollial Monthly 15 cts. April Botibner's Monthly, '25 cents. April McClures Monthly, 15 cents. Tnompaon's "Old Homestoad" 25 cents. Postage stamp Albums 25 cts. and up. "Heavenly Twins," cloth cover fl. "Dodo," by Benson, cloth covers II. New Era, by author "Our Country." e McBniDE's now Turkish bath. Every thing new. 500 Spruce street, opposite Court House. JURY 111 AGREED IET n'lll Fnbaltij B a D I i:i ut iu J IT IS A VERY PATIENT JURY A Verdict Was Reached in the Grirlin Mully Case at 9:30 Last Night Trespass Case of Mrs. Ann Munly Against John L.Hull Is on Trial--German Methodist Lpiscopal Church Verdict Other Cases Heard. A patient jury Is that before which tho cuso of J"hn r. Jeniiings against the Lehigh Valley rallroal company was tried. It retired Thursday afternoon about 4 o'clock and spout the night together, but could not agree. The jurors did not murmur, however, or protest to the court that thy could not agree and ask to be discharged as jurors are wont to do. They remained together all day, and although the court expected to hear smoothing from them, they had mi communication whatever to make, At midnight they had not agreed, The ejectment case of Griffin aguinsl Mullv wua given to the jury at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and at '.) nu tho jurors agreed nnd sealed its vei diet. A juror was drawn yesterday m 'ruing in the esse of S. B. Mott against Q p. Jadwin, and it was on tinned to allow the taking of dcpoii t ions. MUNLY TRESPASS SUIT. Before Jn lge Archbald yesterday morning the trespass suit of Mrs. Ann Mnnly, of this city, against John L Hull, to recover d images lor tue death of her husband, Patrick Munlv, wis called for trial. In November, 1880. Mr. Hull was erecting a building on the lot at No. 17 Lackawauua ave u ii-. A temporary eidwalk was ereoted while the building was in course o." construction an 1 Munly In pssin:: over it fell into the air lot and was killed. The accident, it is claimed, was due to the negligence of Mr. Hull. Mrs. Munly is too ill to appear in court, tint she is represented by Attor neys 1. H. Burns, Joseph O'Brixn and District Attorney Kelly Attorneys ES, N. Willard, Everett Warren and Qeorge B. Davidson appeared for th defendant. In the case of the city of Beranton against the German Metholist Eplsco pal church ol this city, an action to collect a b-wer assessment assessed against the church for its share of tbe cost of the Fourth district sewer, Judge Sittser charged tho jury to rind .i ver Hot for the defendant, holding that ciiurcu property cannot bi as sessed for municipal improvements The jury so return- d us verdict. CALL FDR A MASS MEETING. Issued by the Officers of Gansral Phil Sheridan Association Will Be Held Next Thursday Evening, The following call for a meeting has heen Issned by the officers of General Phil Sheridan Honutasnt association There will be a public meeting at the Thirteenth K";iinont armory oa Thursday evening, April 5, Commonoieg at o'clock, under the auspices ot the Philip 11. Sheri dan Monument association, to Inaugurate the movement for the collection of funds for the purpose of erecting a statue of tieneral Sheridan n the court house sipiare. Eminent speakers Will b-- present tii address the a-sembiage. The directors of the association hereby tender a cordial mvitatiou to pe pie of Lackawanna county to attend the meeting, and to show by their pre-crice their sympathy With tin movement. We invito the ro-OperatioD of all classes of our people in the erectlou of this statue. (.teueral Sheridan was the highest type of an American soldier. He fought to pre serve bis country and all who believe ashe did that the country should be en veil are invited to do honor to his memory. It is proposed to erect a bronze equestrian stntue of Oeneral Bberldau a:i be appeared when dashing 'Mown the lines 'mid a shout of huzzas'' at Cedar Creek. This will require a m'go sum of money, but the origina ors of the movement have every confidence that the peopto of this valley will show their appreciation of "Oallant Little Phil" by generously subscribing to the statue fund. We ask tbe aid of all classes, races ami creeds In this common purpose. Wo solicit subscriptions from the rich and poor alike, and nek that all give generously that a SUfBcient sum may bo quickly realized to raise on high th" statue of Sheridan and ' 'The tecd tbnt saved the day By csrrylna Sheridan into the iliit From hii hester, twenty miles away." In order to encourage tin- movement In its early stages we ask the at tendance at tht'armoryof all who favor the prolect. Tho size of the audience will be a criterion by which to judge oi the popularity of the movement. Nothing but words of encour agement has been so far heard, and if the proposed meeting be successful the mem bers of tho association will go forth With renewed ccurage, determined not to rest until their dreams urn realized nnd the stutue of their Ideal soldier, lleneral Sheri dan, is seen on our beautiful Court House square. St. II. QRIFT1N, President. Thomas J. aiOOHI, Treasurer. J. C. Vauohax, Bscretary. We endorse tbe movement for a statue of Oeneral Bheridan and ask thesuppori ol the public for it. Fziia H Kiiti b. Loots S. W.M lias. H'M. L. COIRBLU GAVE A GOOD PERFORMANCE. Tbe Crust of S.clnty at .the Academy of Music. A light house greeted "The Crust of Society" on its return engagem -ut to the Academy of Music last night. Miss Z til i Tilhurv gave a finished portrayal of the bad woman who wishes to Improve her condition by a good marriage, and Miss Elita Proctor Gtis as Mrs Ernvstiue Echo was ex ceedingly olevor. Arthur Lewis and Arthur Forrest assisted materially In adding to the success which attended the presenta tion. SMALL-POX AT DANVILLE. Tbe Epldtmio May Visit Us Unites Sorantonlana Are Cartful. Official information received nt. the board of hsaltb office in this city from Danville shows that emall-pox ia on the increase in that city. There are now fourteen cites under treatment, the largest nuinb -r reported ut nny time since the contagion first appeared there. Notwithstanding tho prevalence in Danville of this fearfnl disease Scran- America lOrtEAI TIFl'L PICTl'RES. BVBBf NOH:i PLACE IN ALASKA, THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO, FIVIi M 'Mill. KM ON THE COCN TKIl. TEN CENTS AND ONE COOrOM FOK ANV NUMB-SB ton people havo made no effort to shun he place and even now persons from nis -it v ar- visiliog theio This is w is r Is li bit tq r-vnt ie 'i II 00 tigio i le'o 'II' . n R i-ieM T OT i NGH M b Prodiga FUhar unusot a Fair z ,d Audltnce. "The Prodigal Father" had its first presentation iu this city at the Froth ingham last evening before a fair sized audience, it ia an amusing comedy, having to do with the adveutures of a s'aid man of family who becomes en amored of a Variety actress and devotes himself to her for several mouths. To hide his lapses he deludes his family with a story to tho i t that he has betn exploring In Africa. All manner of mitfortunss, includ ing the variety actress, are inflicted upon him ut his homo after his return, cr.-ating a great number of ludicrous situations. A clever company inter preted the lines of the comedy Inst night. Between the setond and third acts little Irene Franklin gave clever specialties, The house was perfectly heated last night anil the handsome- house stage fnrnitnre added greatly to tbe beauty of the sev.-ral seta Several selections from Kerrigan's "Wiolen Stocking" wer rendered by Bauer's orchestra. A matinee performance will be given this afternoon to which tho inmates of the Home for the Fritndlesa have been invited. The piece will ulso be seen again tonight. VERDICT THROWSTTO LIGHT. Cause of dames Gallagher's Terrible Fall Down Marvine Shaft as Great a Mystery as Ever. Coroner Kelly impantieled the fol lowing jnrv yesterday lu tbe case of James Gallagher, who fell 250 feet down the Marvine shaft: Martin Bird, foreman ; Robert Elliot, Luke Kelly, A. Coleman, John Reese and John Donnelly. Coroner K llv and jury made n minute examination of the body and beard the attending physi can's theory that death resulted from internal lnjnri -s and sliock receive 1 in the terrible fall. The coroner aiid jury afterward vis ited the Beetle of the occurrence. They were accompanied by Mine Foreman li nn. Mine Inspector Roder ick and Others. After viewing th -scene of the accident they rep dred to tii- Delaware and Hudson company's office, adj icent, where tile testimony of tonrteen witnesses was heard. Tneir toriea revealed nothing new, anl the ciuso of the accident is still clouded in mystery. Two of tbs witnesses, Finley Ross and John Loftils, were inclined to tho beli-f that lie might hive committed suicide. Mr. L iftm state I th it Galla gher appeared to be melancholy for the past two weeks Ths testimony of all the other witnesses helpe 1 to dispel any such idea. John Devers, footman, testiflsd that he m--t Q illagber when bo wis coming out of the mine at tne seconl entrance gate, within forty yards of wnere he met his death; he had with him a lighted lamp au I was going towar Is the fatal shaft. That was tha lusL saou of him until iie fell down the shaft. The verdict states that Jam?s Gal lagher came to bis death by falling down the Leggett's Creek shaft. Tee cause of the fall was not specified and is still a mystery. According to the verdict the mine 1 iwi were complied with In every de tail. The safety gate stands about 4 feet big ), with three strong bars about one foot apir; It would be impossible to fall through the bars. Mr. Gallagher's funeral will ocur Sunday Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemtery. The Eireka Bise Bill club, of wiiicii he was a member, Will attend. THE LAST DAY- INSURANCE CL IMS ADJUSTED. E O. Coursen to Occupy Lackawanna Avsnui Store When Rinovr-d. The loss 8uslaiuel by E. G. Coursso in the fire which occurred several weeks ago at ids store on Lackawanna avenue, has be;m sert!d by ths insur ance companies. Mr. C'oursen will, In the course of a few weeks, move from bis temporary quirters ou Washington avenue to his old location, which will be completely renovate 1 and fitted with the latest grocers' appliances. All tne goods which were left in the Lackawanna avenue stor while the Insuranoi adjusters were computing the lire lOSS, ure now being sold. Mr. Cnursen h is secured a ioase for the second story of tne boil ling In ad dition to the first tloor an 1 ba-oment. An Opportunliy I. r the Unemployed. Vou are out of employment. Invest your time en a business, steno graphic or academic education. It means success to vou in the future. If you cannot pay us this year make i! next year. You helped us in your prosperity we shall help you now. Wood's college of business and short hand. Dr. C. C. LatmaOR, dentist, das and Hter company building, Wwmiug ave nue. Lnlest improvements. Eight years ia t-crantou. THIS 13 OUR LAST WEEK ON SPRUCE STREET. ALL OUR GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. AFTER APRIL 1 YOU WILL FIND ME AT 417 LACKA. AVENUE. W.W. BERRY Jeweler. Best Sets of Teeth, $$t00 Including the palnleaa extracting cf teeth by au eutiruly new pew Onlv O-i" Day in Wlvch le Rcun It. Tbs an onnoernenl 'ron day to ' iy hat Tag fBntUMi'a Encyclopedia ti-r is rap-dly iraw ,.: . a .! i . ng scores of peopli -.. ne ffie dali Bat use dav ruiiiins in which to s euro tne work v7e desire to k uotiee conspicuously before the pu die, that no one of our renders inav over look it, for the present proposition at so low a price and upon lerms so easy is to be withdrawn today. For tin benefit of professional and clerical men and all those closely confined to busi ness during the day, we will keep the office open until 19 o'clock midnight, By mailing yonr first payment (i 00) your oiler will receive the same atten tion as If you called in person. As has been ohssrved, such an oppor tunity to own u library has ntver been vours, and doubtless uever will again. Those who wait to pay cash at some future time are tbe ones Who will al ways be without a library. I'our dollars and fifty cents down and fivo dollars a month thereafter are tho terim. Orders mailed today Will be honored Address all communica tions 10 T in: TitmuNE E. B. D'-pt,, 437 Spruce street. See psge 10. Muik Boxes Ezclutlvo'.y. liest unfile, play any desired number of tunes. Qantccbi & Sons., manufacturers, JUDO Chestnut Htre--l, Philadelphia Won derful orebestrial organs, only ill and flO. specialty! Old musis boxes carefully re paired and unproved vliii ue,v tunes. The EverC Lsads. Wait for Guernsey liros.' new goods. a . Auc'.io.-i fHle, 6is Washington avenue, l p. m. Saturday, March 1)1, of line carpets, bed buits, parlor suits, dining siii'.s. brie-a brae, etc A. K KfMOffQ, Austioneer. wMllililllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiilliiiiitiii'j WE ARE E WE ARE Running Our J. BOLZ 138 Wyoniiri j A j Yy E arc now i bib ting very complete and ex cellent collection of Ladies' FINESUITS A Handsomo Blue Che v- OC ti total .')..) (J Storm Serge, in Blue an I (".- r A Black, at $l.t)U Imported French Silk Cli r A Capoa at . M0-.)U Fine Cloth Caps at. .jZ.Oj Ladies' Jackets. the latest Ct f styles and ia all 0- Millinery Department We show the LATEST DESIGNSlof TRIMMED HATS and BONNETS, and also a Urge variety of Ladies' and Children's UNTRIMMED HATS and a largo assortment of FLOWERS. Children's Cap3 I Wo show the largest assortment nf PILKS and LAWN CAPS and HATS at very low price'. HOUSE I PLUMBING AND TIN SHOPS I UN The Low Price System Prevail ing in Our STORE TRY US AND NOTE PRICES, " CONWAY an 5 W anil 1J4 I AVKNl !: HENRY BATTIN & CO.. I 0n the Amer:can Plan. S. C. Snyd3r, D.D.s. llu U H .MIM, AVti 126 PENN AVE. iiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig a We Sell Goods for Cas'i Choup.-r S pa than any hn-js- In Seranton. S ?tltlllllC;i;!i;!IIII!Ii:iJI(l!i! Dr. Hill Z Son Albany Dentists ft teeth. $5.: best set. IS: r r cold cp and teeth without plates, called rr.-wn stil bridge work, call (or pricet and refere:;o-.-i aONALUIA. tor extracting lentu .tLoat palu. No hther. No uas. OVER FIRST KATIOMAt D INS. OSLAND'S GLOVES and CORSETS Send yonr i-orsets to be re honed or new steels put in. We do it neatly and at a moderate cost. ikran ton'l r:ewMt and U-stequinpsd hotel SOW OIEN :o THB PUBLIC Heated by M'-am. I'-l-cMc Bi-IN Bitti Tub .m i-a.-li flinr. Liri;.'. Well Lighted ani Airv Moons, Everjrthlns Complete, ALL THK MODERN IMPKOTEHEHTl Oftice oa second fioir. Good sample roorn attaehed. P. J. CONWAY, Frop. Huntington's HOME BAKERY. 123 Wyoming Ave. We have a lara assot ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CARES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave vour order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE, Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. Eoreka Laundry Co, Ccr. linden St, end Adms Av3. L'ocai House tivjraiit All kinds of Laundry work gnwatjklQ 1 lie best. GENTLEMEN, SEE OUR UNI OF $3.00 SHOES Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Bu MADE L IK K HAND-SEWED. To Seams or Tarts tol'nrt Yoor Feel. AUStjlesand Widths In Cons-rets or Laco. The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money Try a Pair an l vou v 111 weir no other. BANISTER'S$3.00ryEbS BANISTER'S, Ci; u ;i Our 33 50 Shoes arc as good as .nvbody's $3 00 Shoes. BROWN'S BEE HIVE Special offerings in Ladies' Wrappers and Tea Gowns. Spring IMilliraery Mens Spring Styles in Hats. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen System Goods. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVF 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.