I THE SCRAN TON TBIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 31. 1894. EEWARK OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE CF.NUINF POPULAR 1 mt sj MM mb 1 iiii Punch Cigars KAVF. THE INITIALS Gi., E3. S Co., Carney , Brown & Co. Mfr's. OR. H. B. WARE RPF.CI M.ISV. EYE, EAR, NOSE AInO THROAT CFFiCE HGORSxWft.. 35 WYOMING AVE J 4p Major and Mrs, Everett Warren jros tertlay gave for tnelr children, flsr jorle nd Dorothr.at their bom, 030 Madison aveane, ;i pink domiuo uijs qnerade party to about forty little ones Mrs. H'tiry Kingsbury ami Mrs. P.P. Price atlllted iu entert lining. Tie juvenile j;n.'s: began to arrive at 5 o'clock and for ;iu liour following re iimined massed. Refreshments were ervd at 0 o'olook. Toe balance of the venitij: until ; o'clock win devoted to danoing and gaui. Tin following wore among tb. little ones present: Margarette and Lauiotte Bello.Eleanor aud Donglaa Moihtt. Sophia and Annie Price, RobMn, Willie and Arthur Muttliows, Gladys and Law Watkin. Gertrude, Blga and Walter Coarsen, Jennie Linen, CI irencs Glltnore, Aliee Knapp, U'ie and John Ui.iir, Mary and Elisabeth Dickson, Kenneth aud Paul Wlles, Ruth and rlusth Aroh bald, Helen and D.ivld Boies, Drier Parke, Elith and Eldi Holland, Clare and Charlie Wade, K.iti and Lela Bteell, Ctiarlie and Francis Sherrard, Francis Jertnvn, E ting Lebarr, Emer son Rose n l Matgaent Ktrkpatrick. Siine of the you::,' mon from the School oi tlie L.tckiiWann t ive an iu formal danclog party last night under the obaperooage of Mrs. A. H. Win ton at her residence, 436 Wyoming avenue. About twenty young p ople Were pres ent. Crash was )ni I in the lnrr'e double reception parlor anl refresh ments were nerved durins t'u evening. The leaden of the affair were .'-d Moffatt, Fr . Spencer, Bcranton Wolf and Charles Swift. Mr. nnl Mm J. W. B. L:ij irain were ten leretl i surprise pirty at tiiir liuiue, 10 IT Tr:yp Street, last Monday nii:iis Among ttiose who attended were: ili.-: Eva b.'-ele, Minnie Kenvon, Marie 01 fiord, tola Qi fiord, K itlerty. Grace S.csier, (-ore Rosen- krans, Jamei Hope Weil, Sam Lwi. George W Davis, S. Beers, Art Lrslion, Geortju Field. . FEUSONAL. EI MIS! IE llioiuas Price Cbargfld with Taking Money Irciu Friend, HELD FOR Ai'PEARANCS AT COURT C. M. He.ilman, of Reauinif, was in .-'crau-ton yesterday. L.T. Sniitb, of Mount Fucouo, visited this city yeKtetday, Judge Edwards is expected to return from Philadelphia today. Donald Snyder, of Pittatoo, Called yes terday on bcranton friends Itisi Tracey, of Wells college, is visitiog Wis- Sblier, f Madison avenue. Frederick Karkir.s, r.t Eas'on, was en gage 1 OM business here yesterday. Attorney John V. Reynolds, of c'arbon dle, was a visitor here yesterday. Oh Prank lo-t, of Lafayette H6, Is visit ing E H. Qearbart, of Monro" avenue. M. J Dizoo, of Avoca, yesinrday regis teredaaa student nt law with Attorney L B. Hams, of this city. J. B. Diegelman mid family, of Los Ao(e!e. Cel., and J. VV. Russell, of Allen town, nro at tli Valley House. Mrs. rhomas W, Davis, of Caponse ave nue, an i her daughter Delphin, who have Ih-cu visiting Iriends in Carboadale, re tum'ii yesterday. Rev. D. (iilbrt Reed, of Now Vurk, will tomorrow t-v-nin preach on ''.Mission Work in bir.ago." in tt.o Providence Presbyterian chur h, Becrrtary Pesrsdit, of the fimlron-i Young Men's cb-iKtian association, and V. A. Stautoij, are attending the Railroad Vnuns Men's ( In Istiau association conven tion in NbW York. K.-V. L. w. Sksllenger, of the Washburn Btreel Praebyt irian chorch, and It-v. A. W. Coojjer, of the Hampton Street Moth ohist Ki.iscopal thnrcb, exchange jmljdts for the morning isrvlcs tomorrow. Adjnta'.t W, H. .Millar, who for thepnst aevnn years ims represented the Penn Mn- tiiul Lite Lisurnuce Company, lia n-iineil that Officn to become the Kon-ral autmt of nortbasU)i n Pennsylvania for the Secu rity Mutual of bingbamton, - NOT A AUSPICIOUS DEATH. Hi : .' 'tar Jon. Refused to Assnms Cbargf nf Nwt'jn'. Hody. William Newton, aged BO yean, was found d-ad in bed at liis borne on Hollister aviiiin, l'rovi -leiu-, yester day morning at 5 o'clock. Undertaker Ji.nt-s refused to sssuma charge of the the body and noli fi li Corouer Kelly of the death The coroner ImpaoOtled 1 jurv com posed of Ur. A. Strang, John U' Boyle, 'J'. VV. Dsvis, J'-orjjo Ij.ivis, A. Carmou and John Lynott, who retomed u verdict that ujionl-xy was the cause of death. Wanttd- Youna Mn and Women Out of Kmplnymnnt. We UaVS bad a good year. To meet the demands of tb" school extra teaoucrs were employed they are with us now. Ov-r BOO yOOCg men and women are out of em ployment in Bcranton, This spring ami rummer we propose to taio those young people in our school on o isy terms. Iho (li-miiuu for i ropln is not Croat in any line, but count, up th people w no do clerical work iu all the ofilces, storo,. iu ui uw aeruvn .wuuraruvra auu etks ij r - Mnniovea. Lliess neraons urn 3 uj.-ini'm mon oi lomorrn,v, I II nil ti I. f it vrmr FrL.ti.tu Ituv.i .,.., n, . .... i 1 1 1 . naye saooeeaen. laiiatui ones win; iiu inattentive ran. iikb iBBse next lew moutns una nam pf notaSj uratts, cuscksj kuow something of commercial law, and wind up with the buelnese practice. You have the time rome in and seo us. Wood's Colleuk ok IIcsinkss and Siiukt- ii a ml P, K. Wood, Propiietor. Fire in the House ot Mrs. Wadj, of Garfield Avenue, Caused by Upset ting of a Lamp Frank Smith Com mitted for Breaking Windows Mrs. J. Williams Injured - Brilliant Dis play of Northern Lights, The West Si,l, oflice of the S.-t.Mo T iubcmk is located at into Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications Will receive prompt at tentlon. Thomas I'rice, a barber, who re eently opened a shop nr Hatnpton str-."-t, on South Main avenue, was ar rested yesterday by Constable Timothy Jones. A warrant whs issued by Alder man Blair, of the Fifth ward, on u charge preferred against him by William ThomsS, of PittstOtl, who al leges that he relieved him of 11 Thomas was in l'i ice's company on russdsy evening and with another friend were indulging rather too freely in intoxicating beverages. Having no immediate place to sUv for the niijht, I hey were Kivti the privilege of sleep in the bartwr shot). Thomas now claims ; hat dnring the night ttw above amount was extracted Irom hi clothes. Price wis arraigned before Alderman ill dr ii 1 placed under bail in the sum of (300 to appear at co'irt. He Is yet in the station house awaiting ball. last Evening' Firp. The overtnrning of a lamp st the home Of Mrs, Wade, on Ciarliulil ave nue, cans, 1 a fir- alarm to he sent iu from box 89 at 7 4 o'olock last evening, The Franklin ami Columbia Engine companies promptly responded, but their services were not required. Mrs. Wade, in doing some household duties, accidentally knocked the lamp over, aud tbo oil caught fir iiruitiuj,' arti cles in th immediate vicinity. Through the prompt action of those pressnt uo soriom damage was done, A singular f iture in connection with i tie affair Was the actions of the Ox ford tire gouj;. When the alarm was blowu at the blast furnace, the Wt Sid alalia failej to sound The spnoa occupied from the time of the alarm to the signal to blow lor out was about 15 minutes, mid when Chief Ferbsr sent in t'.ie alarm of two blows, tte gongs at the Oxford mine bigau blowing for the tire. Arreotd for Breaking Windows. Frank Smith, a young tnati who re sides with bis parents on N'orth Re becca aveuue, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of breaking win dows iii a house at Lafayette street an 1 Rebecca avenue. H- was given a hear lug beior- Alderman Blair, of the Fifth ward, yesterday. Smith w-is acioin panied bv Ins father, and during the j trial they assumed a defiant sir and had to be reprunand-d. Smith was lined 3 and costs, In default of which be was sent to the cjuuty j iii for a pe riod of ten days. Cut Ker Foreheal Mrs. J, Wiliiauis.of Avenue B. Rsile vue, received a painful injury on Thursday morning, .Some boy on the street w-p engaged in the popular game of "Catty" when the stick di rected by one of the lads struck her a blow on the heal. The instrument caused a deep cut on her forehead, from whlebshe suiters great pain. Th Aurora Boroalis. The aurora borealis Which appeared in the heavens last evaning was watcued with intense interest by crowds or people on this side. Th heavens were illuminated with a bril liant blue light, which darted hither and thither with lightning flishes In the north the llishes were unusually brilliant, and were the oansoof great comment by Ws: Side astronom -rs. E. !ef No:s of Ia'?rest. The funeral of Mrs. Celia Durkin, a prominent resident of this city, who ..ied at her homo on Jackson street on Wednesday evening, will occur this morning. A solemn high mass of re (iiiem will be celebrated in St. Pat rick's church. Interment iu Uunmore cemetery. A young child of Mr and Mr. Keese Samuels, of Hack street. Bellevue, died yesterday, The funeral will occur to morrow t :'. 30 o'clock. Interment will be mads in the Washburn street cemetery. The Ladles' Aid society of the I'ly month Congregational church, c in ducted a clam ebowder social at the home of John 8 Evans, of Lafayette street. last evening. An enjoyable time was had. David Lewis, of N'owark. N. J , re turned home yesterday after a visit with West Side friend. Tho funeral of th infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of North Main avenue, occurred ystriay Rev, D O. Hughes, rjastor of tho .lack s'. n Street Baptist church, officiated, Iri!ormnt was made in the Washburn Str -et CPIlietel J, The Sir Knight nf Pleasure danoing class Will Continue its dances on Mon day evening dining the following in .nth and on Monday evening, April 80, will give a complimentary social to the members of the clasi only at Mears' hull. The society has made exoellent progress uoder the instruction of Pro lessor George Taylor, with Mlsi Nellie Corran as pianist. A monthly reunion of the several city (Mtri j.s of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, wns held in the rooms of ciinip 178, on .North Main avenue, last night, LOOK. While Lanf Flour (best flour made j o Feed, Meal or Corn Hf, Haled Hay, long or cut 89 88 lbs. Qranulated Sugar l 00 Quod Mutter m Oilt Edge Butler Z SO Full (,'ream Cheese, mild H Stowers' Hum 2 Btowers' Bacon 09 Btowers' hard. , io Eggs, Sttiotly fresh 14 Potatoes (ji) Jos. A, Mkaus, 1 18 S Main uveuue. TROUBLE OK MR AMD MRS. WtLLS. Divorce rrAfsedlnai Are Follow rd by a StriiH(f!e for Hcu-iolioM Oioi.. Mrs. Emma ll Wells through At torney W. W. Baylor yesterday ob tained a writ of replovin to recover household furniture valued at 74, which Him says belongs to hr. Mrs. Wells was formerly Miss Emma Storms, of this city. She was married here to Elliot E Wells, who was for a time employed by Jones Bros, as a tea Hgent, Mr. and Mrs. Wlls moved to Cleveland, O. , where domestic troubles ensued, nud Mrs. Wells applied for s divorce. About three months ago Mr. Wells purchased a store at Duudaff, Susque hanna county, of which he ie now the proprietor, When h attempted to move their household effects to DUU dafl Mrs. Wells hal curtain article attached, claiming they were her sep arate property. The HtUchuent was dissolved end Mr. Wells proceeded to more them to Dnndsff. The writ of replevin was ob tained yesterday and tbo goods seissd at Carbondnte en route to Dandaff, . TOMORHOW'S CHURCH SERVICES. KlCONO PBCSBYTKUiaM OHCROR- KeV Charles K, Robinson, D. D., iiasior. Ser vices 10,80 a. m., and 7. 30 p, m. Rev Dr, unbelt Bold, of Cbefoo, China, will preach iu the morning. In tho oven- Ing the pastor will preaeli on "Tne Oflice and Panes of Hie Elder," utter which J. A. Lansing, a li. Williams and Uharlee Chan dler will be Ordained to the eldership. All are cordially invited. Tbinitv Evangki 11 m. Mission Corner Luke and Kurt, streets. Rev J. G Whit mire, paetor. Preaching services, 10-80 s m.; prayer and testimony, 11.40 a. m.; Bahbath School, 2 u. in : evening services at 7.80 p. 111. SUM' l.t'KK's 1 111 mil BoV, linger Israel lector, bust Sunday alter Blaster, The K:. Rev. Rishop Rnlison will ail minister the apostolic rite of continua tion. Holy Coinuinnlon, s a. m., Holy commuuion, confirmation and ser mon, 10:80 a. m. ; Sunday school, Hp. m. : evening prayer and sermon, 7.8i p,m,; nursery opeu at in a. in, at KM Washington avenue, wlmre cblldreu will la kindly cared for While parents attend service. Saint Luki's Dunuors Mission a. l Urban in charge. Bunday school a p, m.; evening prayer ami sermon -l p. in.; con firmation and sermon Saturday, 8 p m. All Soil's Church Rev, Qeorge w. Powell, of New York city, will occupy the pulpit of the All Hoill' church, col lier of lJiuo street aud Adams avenue, Suinlav morning, April 1, Hubjoctfor the morn ing, "The Dawning 01 the Moraine;'1 evening, "Midnight Music;" Young Peo ple's union at 0 ;o p. m. Strangers made Welcome at all service. Crubch or Christ, Scientist spencer bunaing, 510 Adams street, iiible losiou lit 10:311 a. 111. and church service at 7:81) p. 111. I). N. McKeo, speaker. All are wel come, Seats fi re. Prnn Avkkcb Baptist Chcroh Rev. Warreu U. I'arndge, l'astor. Services at 10.80 a. 111. and at 7.811 p, m. The Lord's supper will be celebrated at the morning service. Subject in tho evening. "Trans-- gresslon and its Peualty." All welbomo.3 Boward Place African Mxthooist Episcopal 1 hcrch Bov. O, a. McQee, pastor. Preaching by pastor at in.au n. m. and S p. m. Morning topic! "Alone With God." Kvo ing topic: "A Lost Blessing." Sabbath school at 80 p, in. Park Place Methodist Episcopal Church Rev, J. P, Jones, pastor; preach ing 10.80 u. in. and "i.M p. m. by the pastor. First Baptist Cuurch l'astor T, J, Collins Will breach Ins Sixth anniversary sermon as pastor of this church; Sabbath at 10.80 a. 111. ;i aud will begin a series of sermons 11 rostrated by Pilgrims' Progress iu the ovenirg. Scats free; all welcome. liit.u'E Bbporubd Episcopal Church SaUuatli services at 10:80 a. iu. and 7:30 p. 111.; morning subject, Jehovab-Ropjieca," Exodus lSiiig, Eveniug subject, "Whence and Whither," (ieue-is 18:8, Union Uihlo class Thursday at 7:lfi p. m. Washburn m Prbsbytbrian Church Services at 1U;1IU a. m., w hen tUti Kev. A. W. Cooper will preach, and at 7;'.'U p. m., when the pastor Will preach. Iiible School at TJ: Christian Endeavor, Junior, at 4, and Young People at 6:20 p. m. All wei come. (iin.E Ridge Baptist Church. Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor. Preaching at lu.:tna. m. and 7.:io p. m. Subject for morning: "Friends of Christ.'' Tne Lord's Supper Will be celebrated at the close of the ser mon. Subject for evening- "The Pro phecy of Joel." Calvary Reformed Church Corner of Monroe avenue and (iib-ou street, Kev. W. H. Stubblebine. pastor. Preaching 10.80 a.m. and 7.3o i. m. Morning sub ject: "The Supreme Possession." Even ing subject: "shaii We Know Each Other in Beaven! Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal I Church.- Kv. A. W. Cooner. nastor. Morning sermon at lu a. m., by Kev. D, W. Skelienger, Evening sermon by the pastor. Bunday school at usual hour. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Church W, K, Pearce, pastor. Morning service at 10.80 o'clock Sermon by Rev. J. G. Eckmsn, presiding elder. Iu tho evening, services conducted by tho pastor, with repe; Itlou of Easter music. Simpson Uethodist Episcoi m. Chi rch Lov,- feast in the morning at 0 o'clock, followed by the reception of members and the communion service at 10.80. Babbath school and missionary anniversary nt l'p. m. Epwortband Junior Leagues at 6.3Q, and at 7.30 p. m, the Kev. J. (.!. Ecktnau will preach. The umic given bv ihe chorus choir on Easter Will be repeated by request Strangers welcome. Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal Cbckch Sermon by the pastor at 10.80 s, 111., end at 7.80 p. in. Sunday school at Up in. Epworth League meeting, 6.48 p, m. The new officers of the Epworth League who were elected at the business meeting on Tuesday evening, are as fol lows: President, A C. M. veis; first vice. president. Miss Cora Turner; second vice pres. dent, iuisn Mayme ( learwatei , fourth vice-president. .Miss .Maine Qoddard; Mere Inry, Miss Minnie Tittlebory; treasurer, Miss Haggle Oriffith. There will be n pink social hi Id by the King's iJaughturs on Tuesday evening net. -. stcninton' I nstosse Intereets, Thb Tribuni will soon publish a care fully compiled end classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Bcranton and vicinity. Tho edition w ill bo bound iu book form, beautifully Illustrated with 1 b ' Bravura views of our public build 1 i, I'liHines blocks, streets, etc., together vi ii portraits of loading citizens. No n , ., work has ever given an i ( m h 1 rep. res itntlon of Boranton's many tudits tiies. it will bo an Invaluable exposition of our business reR'iiirces. Sunt to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be au unequalled advertleement of the city, The circu lation is on a plsn that cann l fail of good resuits to t ho- concerned as well as the city atlarge, Reproentativot of Ths Tribune will call upon THOSE WHOSE RAJCE8 ore DESIRED in tins edition and explain its nature more fullv. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will pleass 1 uvu notice at the office, - J'epub'lcan Coib nt Oieen H dr. A Republican clnb has been organised at Qreen Ridge undor thenameof the List End Republican olub. The officers are Alexander Alkman, president: Captain E. W. Pearce, vu e president! Evan Trehorne, secrelary. ami llnorgo Mitchell treasurer. At, llm meeting id the club to be held Aprllfi several well known Republicans are expei t, , o nddre-s tin, meeting, The club already lm, a memhorship of about fifty. .- Youthful Tlilv.n tfeld. Qeorge Here, Andrew Noon and Frank (lehr.ns, t lie three juvenile thieves arrest oil Thursday for a series of nett.y i-obher-les, were given a bearing yesterday at DO lioe court'by Aldermau Fuller, Ail plead guilty, ami in default of bail Qehrens was committed to jnil until the next, quarter si ssioii". Bail in lle sum "I Jinn each was furnished for More and Noon by Patriot Duffy and Peter Mills, respectively, for their appearance at court, - Bemoval of F. m. Aylnworth. P. If, Aylsworlh will remove to '-'28 Wy oming avenue, next to Economy Furniture company's store, during the first week iu April. New Hicyoi. A new bicycle worth $7j will be sold for tSti. The machine is guaranteed aud is n rarebargaln. Mnchiuu may be boeu at the Tribune olllce. NOTES OF SOUTH IE ibduw lor People ta Invust lu Stock ol H- Iruu Coinpao;, WILL BE A GOOD INVESTMENT Address at the Y. W. C. A. Rooms Tomorrow Alternoon Outlook lor Work at Hie Mines During the Com ing Month- Coming Meeting of the Board ot Trade Personals and Short Hems ot News. People with money to invest and de sire to put it where there will bono doubt Of its safety and at the same time reap a good profit from It aud benefit the Community besides, could do UO better thmi subscribe for shares of stock iu the plant of the transferred llonesdale Iron works, which, bevond any doubt, will be built on the site iu Mlnooka mentioned iu yesterday' Tribune The proprietor, Mr. Wood, bus made up his mind that ScrsntOU, from its energetic and bustling SOtiV ity, is a butter field for his labor than Bonesdale, That is the reason why he wants to count lwre. He opened negotiations with the board of trade of tne central city and the matter was referred to the South Bide body. That organisation delegated thre of it shrewd and enterprising members, C. (J. Bolaud, Thomas ,f Moore and John Scheuer, jr., to viit the plant and take an Inventory of it. They returned with a recommendation advising that 11 wiHer or more benefi cial Step could not be taken than to get tii rlonwsdale plant here, Joint meet ings of ihe manufacturing committees 01 thv central and South Side boards of trade have since been .held, aud all their deliberations have rsillte. ill recommendations tho stme a that of the committee from the South Side board after its inspection of the plant. Will Address Y W. C. A. Member. Mis Anna St.itilheber will address the lueiting tomorrow afternoon at 8:43 at the moms of the Yonnu Women's (Tiristinn association on (.'nl ir avenue. Song sorvico and prayer will precede the address, tho subject of which will be: "How Can We Make the Most of our Li reef" Miss Statll heber is one ,of the most entertaining speakers in the country. In the evening at 8:110 a cottage meeting will take place nt tho residence of Mr. Btid Mrs. Prod Eleftneron beech ei: -Hi All women invited. How the Mins Will Work In epiil. 'I he output of coal at the mines of Wiilium Coiinell & Co. will 1 1- only -10 per cent, of the maximum uuota, that is to say the works will operate about twenty live hours per week, or tho same as thsy have been running Ibis month. It was anticipated that work would he brisker for April than it has been, but the outlook is not any brighter. It is expected, however, that at least three-quarters timo will be worked during May. Personals. Frank McQnrgao rturned yesterday to Stroudsburg Normal school, after spending his Easter vacatiou at .his home 011 Pear street. Pete Murray and wife, of Pitlston avenue, left yesterday for Auburn, N. Y., to attend the funeral of Mr. Mur ray's brother, who died there on Thurs day Thomas F. Lofttia, editor of tho Pittstou Gazette, visited Professor Thomas J. Coyne, of Brack street, yes terday. Shorter Paragraph. -Toll 11 Mullaney, of Bellevue.ii break Ing ground on Palin street, between Cedar and Pittstou avenues, for the erection of a large frame dwelling house. Warren Dnnnings and family, of Brook street, bave commenced to move their household ell cts to Elmhurst, where the havo leased a farm of 840 seres. The Epworth leHirue of the Cedar avenue Metbodist Kpitcopsl church elected officers for the ensuing year at a meeting held Thursday night. A full attendance ol the members of the South Side boird of trade is re quested at Tuesday night's meeting. 'J he lime has arrived when active ttepi are in order relative to the llouodale Iron works. T he marriage of Miss Lizzie Schnei -der and Joseph Myers, both of Stone avenue, is announced to take place May 8, The Badenser society of the South Side held a social in Ualdner's hall on Willow street Thnrsdav nlolit In i,,. of the birthday ol Richard Klnmaobor, oue of the members, Mr. Kinmaober is a courteous attache of the Bcranton House. URST PHESBV1 ORIAN CHURCH. Miss Annette Rtynolile, of New York, to Angle! the Choir Tomorrow. Iii response to a general demand, ihe choir or the First Presbyterian church will repeat part of the Easter music tomorrow morning and evening This simple announcement would be enough to attract many Strangers to the church, but the rct thai the choir is to be assisted by Ulsi Annette Reyn olds, of New York, will awaken gen eral interest, aud hundreds will avail themselves of this opportunity of hear ing this talented andgifted eiiig'T, who has won so mauy friends dnring her stay iu this city. 4 THF.rtf. WAS NO TRIAL OF FENDERS. Ni ws from Moelinif of Traction Company Btooklfolder, Qeneral Manager Archer, of the Bcranton Traction company, returned from the Philadelphia meeting ol the stockholders of the oompany on th D.IM o'clock train lust evening When seen by a TrIBONI reporter Mr. Archer statod that the expected Dunlap Hats SPllING STYLE ON SALE CHRISTIAN, aim Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. trial of fenders di 1 not take place, but would come off M mday. He expects lo return to Philadelphia and witness the test. No definite action was taken in re gard to tho contemplated purchase of the lines of tbu Carbon Isle Traction company COMING Al I FACTIOUS. A matinee performance of "The Prodigal Father" will be given nt The Prothlngham this afternoon. It will also be produced again tonight. The prices for tho iiiatiuro performance wnl be 75, 50 and BO cents. TUB OLD BOMESTBAD. Deninsn Thompson'! famous home like drama, "The Old Homestead." which loses nothing iv repetition dur ing each season s amusements, is again to bo the attraction at the Academy of Music, on Monday evening, aud al though the piny has been seen here time and litnu again, it seemingly gains in popularity ami public favor with every visit. The cast of characters is the sine- as when seen here before, and Ibis long CO- ip iration should guar antee a realistic portrayal, NIHIIT owls' two PBBF0RMAN0B8, T his is the sixth season ot the "Night Owls," who will appear at the Acad emy of Mosio Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, ami though an organisation nf the best, ns variety and burlesque shows go. never before has it presented so many pleasing features, or so many people who might be conscientiously termed slever. The programme is 0110 of merit throughout, and ho well di versified (list it would be difficult to suggest improvement, - - Splendid Concert Tuesday Evening. Victor Herbs rt, the renowned viollncello player, formerly with Theodore Thomas but more recently leaner ofi iiluiore's baud, Will give a concert at Voung Men's Christ ian Association hall Tuesday evening un der tbeausplceeof the Ladies' Aid society of tho Asbury Metbodisi Episcopal church. be will he ae-usti-d by Miss Jean isieo, n contralto singer who possesses a voloe of rare power and sweetness. The concert will be one of the mmt enjoyable that Bcrantonlans bave had an opportunity of attending this season, Wademun W as Ulschargoi. Alfred Wademau, who, on March IT, shot Joseph McDermott in the leg, though the bullet was intended for Frank Jordan, au alleged slanderer of Wademau's sister, was yesterday released fiom ball and dis charged by Alderman fuller. Wademan had a score or more of witnesses present, but tho plaintiff iu the case did not appear. . Bnadlslon ft Woersfs and Bnllantlne'e Alea arti the best. E, J, Vv AL.hu, agendas L.4.fke.VailllH ItvoeriA FOR Wedding Presents Go where they have the best selection. RICH CUT GLASS, CHOICE CHINA, BRIC-A-BKAC, SILVERWARE, LAMPS, ETC, CHINA : HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. THE CELEBRATED PIANOS i Pi u His M"t Popnlsi .nj ptsfsrrMl br Lciulitii; ArtiM. Wareresrasi opposite Columbus Monument, 20o Washington Av. Scranton.Pa. n you hunt, fish, ril- a wheel, or Intend to Do yon want line Pocket Cutlery, a Rssor, or any of the Qumer ous articles sportsmen and sporting men use If so, on and after APRIL 1ST. A. W. JURISCH Will lm prepared to furnish eonio nt reasonsbie prices at his store, 435 Spruce Street Remember, everything new; stock just bought, no old stock to dispose of. Call and e inline and you will lavs tini" nnl in mev liVl' 11.11 it on To the dollars when they will bring you inch ratna la return as Is offered yon hero. Who over beard ot sueh ohanoe ? A $160 Bicycle for $75 We me enuring our BOYS' and uiuls' WniDBtiSat very low prices, We do notco by the satatogue list Florey & Holt 222 WYOMING AVE. THE LATEST OUR "BELL" CUTAWAY AND SACK COATS ARE CUT EXTRA LONG. FAT MEN'S SUITS IN LARGE VARIETIES. Martin & IDelany Clothiers and Custom Tailors. K INVITE your attention to our new new spring stock, which is complete, and beg to add a word with reference to the advantages offered by us. The particular care exercised in the se lection and manufacture of all garments, the perfection of pattern and novelty of design, all guarantee the best value at No Higher Prices than are frequently asked for goods of infe rior workmanship. A careful inspection will convince you of their value. Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, 220 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. G. W. OWENS 8c Co. Cloak Makers and Furriers. Three of Our Good Things AT $5.00 The New Enj-lish Jacket, Full su-eve, Large Reveres, Poll Back. New Leuglh. AT $7.50 Tan, Navy. Begar Brown, Mixed Brown and Grey, A very stylish Jacket. Tit ami shape perfect. SEK THIS NUMBER. AT $10.00 e will give you a choice of four styles of Jackets, Clay, Twill or Covet Cloth. For dress or street wear there are none better. ' 5 Cloak Makers and Furriers, I Court House Square. Special for This Com ing Week. Ladles' Kid Button, pointed and I'hiladi'lidiia toes, patent lestht-r tips; special prloe, S5i 69; worth, 3.00. I. sdios' Doncola Kid ltiitton.haiid sewed, wpecinl priee, $3; worth $4 60, Mins' Kid Button, plain tees, spring heel, special prloe, ft. 50; worth if'J 00 Boys' school shoos, Donftola top, sizes'.'; to 5), special price, $1 50; worth f.'.OO Ken's 'lf Patent Leather Lace, pointed toes, upocul price, (3.00; worth fl.00 lion's t'slf Bluoher, hand sewed welt. I'u-rarlilly I est, special prion, ?j.8g; worth $8.50 Little Boys' Bhoes, button nd laet, spring lipd. made "just like papa's, sites B to i"1. special price. i b; worth $1.00 Vontha1 Calf, button ami lace, spline heels, (i.iodvear wlts. sizes 11 toil, special prloe, $2; worth, $i.50 SCHANK'S Aivade Sliofl Store. WYOM1NO HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS I AST YEAR he bad saved 1300. i He bought a house worth $1850 iiaii! 300 down, gave :i mort- gage for $1, .Vo. Today ho csti- mates ns follows: Kent invid Interest on mortgage. Tuxi-s nn.l iviuirs MetsaTingoa r.nt.,.. Bafed oo sirv HMD 01 . M an jd jiii ;i i.v) ua To spply on mortgage t-o jJ REFLKCTION "li KM II . ui Hut house will be free liren debt uu,l I iini lo,. ii hoaae ol my on." QBKBN RIDOB In tho ,nirnJUi. foe loon, . I inn & sn lo,,,. reoeotljr Iln. j lehed s beautiful villa, uliioli they ofl, r. on uii payments, m 1880 Call in their office, between Washington sad Adamson Olive street, The tireat Marvel oi Dental Bcienos Anaesthene A recent discovery and Iho sole property of Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ava WHAT J. Q, BBAMON88AY8 ABOUT AN.V.STIIKMy Iiiei. HRNWOOD 4 WARDKLI,! Aftee having eleven teeth eatraoted t iii'e nlltlnir by tlin lullnli Nh inelliml, I prii liouneii It entirely siillnliirtol-v 111 every perilcalan j. u. ti AMOMS EZRA FINN & SONS, The GENUINE New Haven "Mutator Pianos ESTABLISHED m New York areroonis No. 80 Kii'lli Avenue. E, C. RICK BR & CO., Sols denlers in this soction. OFFICE tJI .MUMS AYR Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Tim Specialist on tlio Kyo. llcidselie nnd NorvouMieHs relieve.l. I.tet nnd Improved Stylo of T.yo tllassos aud Bpeotaelos lit the Lowest Pikes. Ho.it Artiiiciui i.yei Inserted lor S, 5 SPRUCb ST., op. Old Post OfHce.