THE SCKANTON TRIBUTE -NATUKDAY MORNING. MARCH 31, 1S9. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of ull kinds cost that much, r.r ttpt Situations It anted.which aro tnnrted FKSM. Situations Wanted. OUR CHURCH SOCIETIES OITCATION k.1 WAN'Tt.D BY A BREAD Hiiil cake tuiki'r. ('mi take charge ot shop. nvrereuc 11 : - ..: : - . r.. Taylor. Pa. SITUATION WANTED UY VoLM! LADY M copyist or to do workman ottce Kl col. out reference turaiihed. Addre A. M., Tribune oftico. SJHTA'IH'N WANTKH-llY A Mlt'lH.K i aged lady m housekeeper or companion lor an luvniw. A.tuiess, rl. u. i riuuue nine iitv . Helo Wanted Male CLASS COAT CHARLES U ' ANTED - A l-IKST 1 1 maker. Apply at oaoi S A .s. C'arDoaaalat n Ur ANTED GENERAL WHEELR1 Apply at UHhool'i Carriage works iHT Helo Wanted Females Ur AN I ED A holme work, a competent gn-L OIRI. TO DO (IKN ERAL Good wagee will la' naid lo ( all BlOtireen Ridge street. u OK WANTED AT BT. JAMBS HOTEL, 105 I.uekawsuuu uvollll". Agents Wanted. pENERAL AGENTS WANTED-8ELI 1 1 mi! new article to dealers, exclusive territory, DO competition, l0 capital ie . uuired; '.MO to KM l or . out. prutlt. COI.CM-! BlA CHEMICAL c., 88 uud "i Dearborn I strse t, Chicago, ill. U ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE I Insurance rxperienoe a solicitor in j 1 lekaw.iltn county; g' inducements to . right man Address llSj SO IScti building, j Philadelphia. Pa, IIT ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD ; tatlons given f qnrnn lu ' ail on i us. lie:.-, uua;.-. Steady employment (or good loon. Apply NATk'NAi. (.'LEAN TOWKL COMPANY, Aroade building. Young People's Society of tlie First Welsh Baptist Church Is Flourishing. AMONG THE EPWORTH LEAGUES Interesting Topics Touched Upon That Will Interest Members of Theso Organizations What Mem bers of Young; People's Societies of Christian Endeavor Are Doing Meeting of the King's Daughters Held Last Night. One or the mint active ami nourish ing church societies of the city t the Young People's wclety f the Kirst Welsh Baptist church It lias three distinctive features, each of which i equally important ami well developed Tue society basnboat 100 members, ail o( whom are active ntui interested in their work. Tim thrse depar tucii't ot work ar literary, Bible etu'lv ami de votional, Bach class holds a meeting The literary on Friday evening; Bible class oo Tuesday evening, and prayer meeting Sunday uioruiug at U o'clock. The llible claan especially n (eatnre which is grawiug in itx usefulness and Interest The literary progratnoiea are or groat variety ami do much 10 develop the latent abilities ur the young people. lout evening the programme was most pleasing and instructive, con listing of taUs. papers and dleonsslons about Milton, hu life, obaraoter.gsntai ami works. Mu Interesting extracts from his m mterpieces were re.i I or re cited and a ureal number or brief u,uo- ror Kent. H' ' OU8E 1'oK KENT si l.rAtll.K FOR two small families. Also, 8-rooui bouse. , With DOdern improvements. Alio, ell !o,ns, , with stationary range, hath ana laundry, lu HUUe ISO Monroe avenue. City. TX)R RENT PREMISES 128 ADAM AY j 1 euue. now used u, dwelling ai.d music I Btoie I. A. WaTRES I I Ol'SE rOK KfcNT S& f'KEST AL Jl lev. between Dlexson work and trie auu Wyom ngl depot Rent, fill. Inquire ot llunros Brown. Bull's Head. T-uk RENT -NEW STOHE. NO. 410 V spruce street Inuulre ot iRt'L) WAG-I NEK. jii Lackawanna avenue. L'uK RENT LARGE STORE ROOM AND -T basement on Dickson avenue, Green Kidce O. A. CLEARWA PER L'Ulv KENT FROM APRIL I, HOUSE AT j .T JeStrsou avenue, in tlrst elass condi tion, modem inprovenents, iet location. Apply to L. il Uorton, Ko, u Commonwealth building V'OK RENT - BITI.DING 1 LACKA J" wanna avenue from April I. CHARLES H WELLES, Coal Exchange, H OU8E FOR RENT NEaK POSTOFF1C& Containing fourteen room and laundry, ail in line older. SpleudiJ location for rem Iuk 'uraislied room-. Apply at W Linden street. tt TTciK RENT STORE, id LACKAWANNA r avenue, by April. 1. Enquire ot Henry Frev. 421 Luckawanua avenye or a: the j yeiniaesi "L'UP. KENT -THREE KUOM-. r RON T UN r eeo id h."-r. uver N A H ul belt s mu-ie. ctoie. 117 Wyoming avenue, from April 1. In quire in tbe store. HuCSE FOR RENT ONE BLOCK FROH post olflee, ennralninO fourteen rooms and laundry, all in line i rder. Fine iucatiou i to 1 :urnished rcoms. Apply at MI Linden straet. I rfo LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or all of three bun i red feet of yard ro m along railroad. AeSiy at 'M Frankliu . avenue. ri'O HENT-sTOitE aifti OB FCKN'ISHED 1 bail on fireen Ridgn street. Wry desira cle loatliin and on reasonable terms. Apply to F. E NETTLETON or C. S. WooURLKF Republican building. C ECuN b FLl 'OR WITH RANGE, iT low rent. iio2 Wyoming avenue. BATH. For Sale yen alc-a farm of eighty auros, r one and one-half miles from liaitm on th- Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad. First class farm house with a never tailing sprintf ueirbyi two barns. ian-1 and good orehard will be sold .-h.-uri. I erm.s eas-. Address B. F. VoN nTOKCIl -r IsA.V. ELLIS executors. Dal ton, Snriiiav evening. Note cu tugs of tun Epworth Lsague. Rev Dr, Floyd delivered a lecture tefore tbe lUiupton Street league last Friday evening OH bis travels in the iSoulh. This talk was very entertain ing ami instructive and was much ap preciated by the liirgn audience, Tueir Bsstsr snnriee service beld at 7 o'clock Sandny moruing was a glori ous success They had systematically planned this great prayer aud praise service two months in advance and all attendance of over 800 and a meeting of unusual spiritual interest rewardsd their efforts. Delegations were present from all tbe West Side leagues aud Kndeavor aocietin. Rev. P, A. Chapman, former pistor of too Asbury M B, church, will spend a iew days among bis old pariihoners next week. While here lie will deliver a leetnre before the Asbury league, on "Spurs aud Bridle.' He is uow located at llattle Creek, Mich. The Kpworth league meeting at Eim I'ark, oo Sunday evening, will be a praise service and will be led by chor ister O F. Whittemore. A cabinet meeting of the Kim Park It-ague was held Wednesday evening, at which service importaut matters were considered Tne new topic cuds for the coming quarter April, May and June -have been issued. Tney are, as usual, at tractive and interesting. Subjects an 1 leaden have teen well and appropn ately choseu. lot of the thirteen lead ers chosen seven are men aud six la dies. Two of the ladies are officers. Nine have never led meetings of this league before Tne leaders choseu also represent different profession and oc cupations. These few fact show tbe care, discretion and g ! judgment ex ercised by tbe devotional committee in selecting leaders Miss J-nnie An drevvs and W A. May constitute tin reception committee for April. Irn ' Jrr aud Harry Yost are the ushers. The Simpson league announce n complimentary eutertaiDiueut and so cUI tor April ". They particularly emphasiz) their "Hard Tirun" social of April 13, which promisee to be a great success, Tbe quality of both literary and mu sical numbers at the literary meetings is greatly. All rrieuds, old and new, cordially invited to attend devotional meeting tendance at Trinity Evangelical Sun day school, Luke and Kurtz streets, during the first quarter of 1804, and their naiiisa placed nu the "roll of honor:" Secielary. J. K Misters; teacher, Mrs. U. S. Bird; scholars, lass No. l, Badle Mareyt class No. . John Koss. John Symone, Walter Mas ters; elne No. ;i, Venn Spangenbnrg, EmmeKlaer; class No. 4, Fred Mas terej class No, o, Cora I.uwn, Dina Mitchell. A tauarler Century Test. For a quarter Of a century Dr. King's New Discovery bas been tested, mid the millions who have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative powers in all diseases of I luoul.t heat n;id LttngS. A remedy that has stood the test so long anil lhnt has given mi universal satisfaction is no experiment, Bach bottle is positively guaranteed to givo relief, or the money iv ill be refunded. It is admitted to he the most, reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free al Matthew Bro's, Drug Store. Large six &0c, and - FINANCIAL AND COMMcKCIAL Btoeks and Bond i, Nkw VoRK, March 30. The ronraa of tbeetook market today is easily described, it opened steady, then declined on acconnl of snarp attacks by brokers ami finally advanced sbarply beOaUSS the raids of the lien i a failed lo diahulcn lung stocks. The li-nra yesterday were quite Confident of being able to htart liquidations, Tbe veto of the aelguiorage I 1 1 was expected to dis turb counuence. and they sold heavily of the Grangers and certain ot the Industrial, The plan was well con ceived end would have been success ful if holders of atocks could have been f lightened into telling, wblcb, how ever, they refused lo do, In COOSeqnonce tbe bears, after au early assault made a Complete change ot front. This w hs dis covered by tbe bulls and (he efforts of the shorts were impeded at every point American Sugar ruse Cotton nil 2, UbteacoGaa itK, Burlington IX, st Pan! l;'v Rock Island i, Dels warn and Hudson I , General Eleoirlo ih. Louisville ami Nashville W, .Missouri rWBiflO 1, Lead IW, Reading .Northern Pacific preferred ii iiuiaiiai. The Improvement fiom tbe loweat point ot tbe day waeequnl to lj to -s pet cent. The market clo-ed strong at auout tbe highest point of the day. The ales were 2w,U0 1 shales The foil-wing complete table inowiae the day B flttetuatione III SutiV stouks is supplied anil revised lady b ball 11 JJ Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyouunc. avenue: Open lli.b Low Clos Ing, est. eat ii tt. Am. Cot Oil am SSU iti NM Am SuKiir. W)i VUVj Wtj '-ifi-, A.T. JtS. F 19 IftU IK, IliU Can. So i: '2'S 52 Ceo. N.J u'd4 llMj iis iioJ Chic. AN. W i it'sn bs us4 C B. AG "-'li sM. Hlt Hi. Chic, das Mta M'l) 12 ni C. C, C. St. L... V 41 4UV4 41 Col . lloek.Val. A T HUM S ISM i Ju4 II. H 13i4 I8W lis lAt I., L. W 1). C. F 2"ii STIi '.1s 27 Erie IS MM ITU 1vj Q, E. Co 42's ml 4lH sa4 Lake Shore tm b''4 vh tM I.. A N BUM SIM ."a4 SIM Manhattan IM l4 IStU I2414 Misa. Pac SIJS Wi 27V-4 SIN Nat. Lead ill 's ill' HfS Sh- N. T. AN. E i0'4 in 1114 I0M N. Y. Central IUI Illl's 101 10b4 N. .. U. AW VU 17 UP, FARM. STOCK SHEFFIELD, 4-o county. Pa. L'uK SALE ii-: ACRE JT and utenslla J. M. Monroe are L'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN JC ton property A bearina orange grove increasing in proooctlon and value yearly in The orange section in Horida Addres F. E, NE'lTLEroN. Lake Helen. Florida Specie Notices. PURSUANT TO THE BY-LA TVs THK j a Batting of tbe stockholder of tbe West Rld,e Coal eompany will be held at t be r.fflee of the company, In tbe city of Scranton, on ouday, April in, nt if, m., for the election of ottieers and tin rransa'tion of each other bnelDees as may corns before the m-etiug. An amendment to the By-Lawewill beeubxnlt. ted. ehanging the time of the annual stock holders' meeting. F.. a, cLark. Secretary and Treasurer. -. B M iusteud of ii 43, T AOlh.S -hLEASK CALL AT THE Coll. xj monweeltb fehoe store. Washington ave nue, and ae the latest styles in Rush One Dong ola shoes and Oxford. HLANK BOOKsi PAMPHLETS, MAMA zines, etc., bound or rebound at Tiik Tumi ne eflee, Quick work. Keasonabte Price MEAL TICKETS CAM BE HAD ST III vl corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty moa! UcXeti for B.tu Good table board . Notice lo Taxpayers. f hrii un ndavor. Will Jeffrey, a popular book-keeper t tho First National bank, Isatprei ent the efficient president of the Dan more Preanyterlao Endeavor society. On next Thursday evening an Impor tant business meeting will he held to adopt plain for developing new depirt ments in endeavor work. This week, 011 account of tho revival services being held in tbe church, tbe regular weekly nieblintr of the North Main Avenue Baptist Endeavor society was postponed Tomorrow is missionary Sunday at Providence I'resbyterian church. Toe pastor will preach in the moiling as usual In the evening RlV, Gilbert Ued, D. I)., of New York, will talk on mission work in china. Tne mutual collection for missions will be taken at these services Kndeavor meeting at 0.83 Sunday evening; inbjtOt, "How Bbonld We i'ray?" LtadeV, Harry Hofl Wednesday evening at 7,oO rgulsr monthly buiines meeting of the Young Ptople'l Society of Christain Endeavor Junior Kndeavor meeting Totaday afternoon at I o'clock. Hnbjs.'t, "I'myer;" leader, Uiirnham Gtalld. On last Friday evening an EodoaVnr N . Y S. A: W HI V. 8. C. Co 2J North Pac e. North Pa.:, pf Omaha : Pac. Mail Readimr 2H Ro..k Island 7u R.T . .. St. Paul iSKti T..C. A I I8 Texas A Pac Union Pac 2i'4 Wabasn, pf IJ! , W, L'mou s4", W. A L. B W. A L. E. vf IM Id n 11 m Ml ji tn W in 2' I a 2:1x5 to iiji UN 2U I 21 4J iijii 70',, tip 4 l,IV, 1U4 im ivw imm, HU Bt v'i 2214 m 22 iy lobj leva 4115, P.i-S IHS Chicaxe Ori'i ami Provisions, Bona mon. March SO. Tbe following iuota- ttonsare supplied an.l eorreeted dally by La liar A Fuller, atoeit brokers.121 Wyouiiu uve uue. WHEAT. Vnr lv. Jii'v. Opening ,'.': "i1,; 2 Highest il'! 111 SIM Loweet is wn; nt Closing Mja W)4 C'la CORN. Opening ,ri,v4j !'7l Us Highest mi, 87N ISM Lowest ISM B7W lis Closing OATS. ripening Highest Lowest Cl'slUli PORK. 1 ipening Highest Lowest Clualnir 1 LARD. Opening ilia-heat. , Lowest Closing MH' IRT RIBS. iprulug lllirhest Lowest Closing KH b7i, Sl4 IM IIM iV, an an.. Ism mi sim 27', 2-14 1 1711 111! Hi:, 1177 mi', mm 117.1 114.' 1141 1177 US 1177 7::."i KB 7-.C, 7 in M-i (tu i 800 II Kl Hal IM! ar; 5:12 VOTII E TO TAXPAYERS THE TAX navers of the eltv of Srrariton. Pa will hereby take notice tt, i- the board of appeals i social was held at the residence of I- r,v ineeny rooneu at -am nty to t Heymdds. It was a delightful r,c in ar iei determine appeals from city assess. . .1 .. , n menu for the year 18W are holding meetings onslori to the many who attended. Dur dairy at the ofBoe of we city clerk between log the tvulng maple sugar was thole nrsofte, m and .1 p. m. for the purpose j - 1 . 1 - , 1 : ,11.1 I'," 1. Will Ulllk oe uuar'l in cases of now aaseasments for said your. ti The semi annual topic card com authority vestudln said board not permlttlDg I DMBQlDg March I is a very attractive the revision of ass is-ncmts f ,r any yuar but that of Ml, The meetings of tin board will tiaso Mann , I (VS. By order of b.ard of apie als Jl. 1 . LAYXLUC City Clerk. Bueiness Fereonale CANTAO FoR MEN only GREATEST i restorer and developer known, stroright ens, mvlaorates. Prion 2 Ouarant' od -Sund stump for eonfideutial elreulur Dr H T MIl.LER. 21 yiiiney stro-t, Chleagn. LADIE', TONTC is THE only BUC cessful Bust Ileveloper known. Never toils. tf2-UU Full eoulldrntlal pikrtbiulara sealedi torta atamp. Mrs Lr. H I. Millar, 21 Qulin y St.. Chicago. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Phii.auklwiia, March ail Tallow wns dull and weak. PrlceB were: Prime city, In hogsheads, 1 prime coun try, in hogsheads, sVjC. ; cakes, 6c. .grease, tjjc, 1 - - Guoklen' Arnica Balvs. Tbe best salve In tbe world for Cuts Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2S cent per box. For udo by Matthew Bros. 0W- The essential Inn .healing principle of tbe plue tree has Qually been successfully aepsrated and roflned Into 11 perfect cough medicine. Dr. Wood's Norway Piue .syrup. Sold by all dealers ou a guarautee of latisfactiou. and interesting one Th Young People' .Society of (;iirls tian Kndeavor of the Second 1'resby tsriau church was glad to welcome home, about twenty or Its college mem btrs ut Easter time. Tbe concert given by the church or chestra ou Tuutday evening was n Oom pleteHiirceis and highly enjoyd by all Note of th Soa'atise. A nnlqne and attractive entertain ment was given at the Providence Methodiit BpltOOpal church on last Tuesday evening, On Tnssdsy afternoon the Young Women's Foreign Missionary society of tbe Elm i'ark church beld Its an mi il meeting and mite box opening at the homo of the president, Miss Rattb Tbe report for the year was the moat encouraging of the society's history, "Malaobl, the Last of the Prophets," is the interesting utjrct for considera tion ut the devotional meeting of the Simpson league 011 Sunday evening Will I lagan I the Uader. On Tin. is lav evening the members of tue Junior K mi l'rk league gave a delightful entertainment in the lectur room of the chinch Tho King' Dnughteis or the First Methodist EpilOOpal church held their regular monthly social aud entertain ment in their memorial room Inst evei. Inr Easter music will he repeated at many of the churches on Sunday, The followlug were perfect in ut Fcranton Whelaaal Marktti BCBAITTOX, Mar. Bj. FltL'trs ato Pno DCCi Lined appin, per lb., 6u7c: evap orated apples, llallc per lb.; Turkish prunes, 4Ka5i; English currants. Uu'Jc; layer raisins,; inu-cntela, (1.211 1.80 per box; new Yuleticlaa, lia't. per lb. Beam Marrow-fata, i2i.ii2.50 per busbei; mediums 1.70at.8u, Pias Green, ll.lSai.80 per busbeltspUt, tS.50aU.flOi lentels, SalOo, per pound. l'OTATOKfl .' ''St'Sai. a-r bushel. Onions - (Kiai;.".c. per b ishid. HtiTTxii ISakfle, pr lb. CiMii lOalBc. perltt, lous Freeb. r".;nl.'lo. Meats iieuia, 10 Lci large, lcto. ; skinned bam 10 (c; California hams, ac; shoulders. MJc. ; dry salted belllci, tMc: smoked breakfiist bacon. I1)4J0. POMC .Mess ut 17: short cut, $18. La ho 1 eaf in tieree at lie.; In tubs, 11 Vc; In Hi-pound pails, bc.; in 5-pouud pails, y i& S-pouud pail, inc. par pound. licxr Choice rugar cured, smoked beef, Mr. FbOtJll Minnesota patent, per t.rrl. le.Beae.e0t Ohio and Indiana amber, at fU.hO; Lraham at I8.&U; rye hour, at 1Mb, Hcckwiikat Fuiun-t2.7llpsr cwt. Fxxn-Allxed, per cwt., at 'J.'ic. Uraik- liye, 5e.i corn, 47 to 4V.; oata. Ma45e, 1 er buthfil. IlvK Stiiaw Per ton '3al5. Bay llfltotlT, Nw Yolk Prmluo Marktt. Nkw Yoiik, March 80. Flooh Dull. WhBAI Dull; olosed atrady. No. 2 red etore and elevator, ii.;".c. . f. o. Ii , lilic ungraded red, Ob.iiy . atlout 04iaillVjc. ; No. 1 northern, OOJjc. : options closed WaMs, over yesterday; No 't red, March, flWc.l May, fl8kc.lioly, flSJfjO.! August, f.7c. ; September, 080,1 Decern be r, 7ic. i. (ikn Easier: o. 2, Mc.i ungraded mixed, 4ir. elevator, 47c. ; Iteamrr Diked. 4it option closed steady: Msnh We, Apiil,4;k ', ; May, 42c , '..lulv, 44c. Oats Firm, options Uull; Murib, Mk No. 2 white. llUjic.; No. I Chicago, 117c ; No. , llfir. ; No. II white, 581(0.1 mixed western, 1 ia H7c. ; white do.,. Sal :., while state, BBa4SO rixEK - Steady, TllHl F.ll lit Kh llllll. Ol i Mica is Steady. Lahii Firmer; western steam, I'M; rtty. TUo.: reflned, firm; continent, 18 08; South America. Ss (Uj CODponnd, dc. i'uiiK Firm; mess, $tk8Ml8.50. HUTTXn Sternly; western dairy, llallc elgins, 21c; I'uiinsylranin crtamery. 2lc. CHkkSk Firm; state large, Jc. ; small, I0kal8,l fancy, ll'Caiac.; pait skims, Hal be. Loossteady: Pennsylvania, llalSkc; weatiru fiesb, Ilal9s aoulherii, lU'nii HH'C - I v iisp.u and Indlgsatlon lu their worst forms ar-. cured by the uso of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and inn down, or if you need a tonic to regain tlesbaud loat appetite, Strength ami vigor, take P. P. P., aud you will be Strong aud healthy, tor shattered Constitution! and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Polte Hoot and Potassium) it the king of nil medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood puriller in th world. For sale by all druegiale. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Antliratte Sales Agents Issua a Ntw and Lower Circular lor April. PRICES ARE 25 CENTS LOWER The Output lor Next Month Is Re stricted lo Forty Per Cent, of the Total Capacity, or to About 1,800, 000 Tons Individual Operators Make a Similar Reduction at a Moot ing In Philadelphia Some Suggest ive Features ot Dun's Weekly Trade Review -Minor Jottingl Relative to Industry, Thaeaatern anthracite uoal ngnts hav-t mat) tiie follow ing pries : Broken and egg 50, Hgaiust 8 71 last ytari tove i chestnut U To, against $i last year. Restriction lor tbe inontu has nut yet linen decided, but it is e. pected to In 10 pr cent, of the capa city. These prices, coupled with the decision also arrived at to limit the output 40 per cent, of the capailly, or about 1,800,000 tons, would seem to indicate that both of these points were arranged on th qneattun ot supply and demand. Tho restriction for this year ala ady amounts to '.'.uou tiou tons Representatives of 'a number of the anturactte coal carrying companies, w hich ship a portion of tbelr produc tion to Philadelphia. met at the general Office of the Lehigh Valley railroad company yest erday afternoon to con aider tho question of making n reduc tion in price for city and line trade. While all the Companies were not rep resented those present reached a con ditional agreement for a reduction In 'pring prices, which will besubuiittrd 10 tho representatives of other com panles today, it ii probable that th" reduction will conform closely to that ma I by the general (ale agents of ull the companies at their metiug in New York Thins lay, when it cut of about 4U cents per too from the nominal whole sale prices recently ruling was made. The financial nWS reporting agency slates that B movement is on foot nmoof certain stockholders of the L- bigb Valley railroad to defeat tbe pti s ent management at the next anuual "lection, und that their candidate tor president will bo Congressman Tom Johnson, of Ohio. In financial circles there is a disposition to treat the move ment as serions, It is reported that thos-i back ot the project Will issue a circulsr addressed to tbe stockholders asking for proxies to be voted at the next annual meeting and setting forth tueir reasons for opposing the present management Orders have been pooled in the Penn sylvania railroad sbopj at Harrisburg stating that thirty-five brakemen ou Ibe Philadelphia division will be laid iff on April 1, aud thirty-five extra fir- mn reduced to brakemen. Railroad earnings in March thus fir have been 12 1 per cent, smaller than last year, say Duu, the trunk lines and gruugers lo.siug a Jittle less mid oilier eastern and southwestern roads a little more. Wheat rose briskly with re ports due evarv veer about ahi i mat great injury bad been sustained, L iter accounts were better and prices tell, closing '2 cents higher for the week. Pork products have shnrp'y ad vancsd, though corn but little Cotton ha advanced an eighth. Industries have gained again, though not so much as in otln r weeks his month, but tbe works in oporation enjoy gome increase in the demand Sales of wooi in Match were so much larger than Issl year that the decrease siuce Junusry 1 lias bi?en wholly In loreign ami not In domestic wool. Fall Irade In woolens is still vary small, but tbe needs of belated ohtblers have oaussd qntts an improvement in spring goods. Cottons are iilio in belter demand, and print cloths bar idvanovd a sixteenth, Tue iron and steel manufacture bus in creased working force very little this week, and slightly lower prices f, r pig iron, nails ami some manufaotund products nt Pittsburg and Chicago, in dicate that works in operation are fully able to supply the present du mand, but rails ileci ledly improve at tho west. Domestlo trslo con t ill tins spool 80 I per cent, less than a year ago. Foreign trad" still improves In exports from New York, Iss: week '.'a per cent larger and lu Match U2 per cent larger than lust year, but imports were 27 per cent smaller for tht week and the month Failures for the week number '.'.'H in the United States agni'ist Ifjfl Inst year, and 80 in Canada against 38 last year, Tbe re turns so far Indioate a smaller aggre gate in amounts for March than for Krbriiary. M I Mi 'It SDl'STRI VI. Null'-: S. J. Hansen hns bu n appointed giuelal agent of tbe Lehigh Valley in Kostou. It is stated (but I he Jersey Central is earning ovar 0W percent, ou Its stock, and the prospects tor tbe coming summer are unusually good. Thu Western KowYork and Pennsyl vania railroad has replaced all of tbe w ooden bridges on Its Rochester division w nil iron structures, Tna TkiutJNi is indebted to the Pblli delphla stockholders for having kindly called its attention to an error relating to the movement of coal by tne Risaulng company at Potuvlile, All the nthraclte at present In demand oau be moved with unpleasant ease. The Dodsoii IVal lompuii), operating a largo colliery at Moron, according to tbe Mama chunk Daily News, is sending much ot its product to the Philadelphia aud Reading scale-, at Port Carbon, to be weighed and forwarded over the Heading line. The roal gOOfl over the L -high Vul ley Hue to I'otiavlllu fuOOtton and is thence transferred to the Heading and weighed. The company is also developing i im old shoo Hy colliery at new Phlladsl phta, The Philadelphia Stockholder keeps close watch Of the Scrautou I rncllon company' movements mid has paid tunny sinking tributes to tho careful iiiauageincut of Ucueral .Manager Archer. Crlt tlalng a Young Lady. "She WOUld he B pretty girl for but ouo thing. " 'What's Ibatr asked Charley. QsorgeHer fane is always covered with pin pie and red blotCbs ' Charley--Oh, that's easily enough dm. posed of, Used lob' the skiiio Way my eir, but 1 caught on lo the trouble one day. and got rid of it lu no tiuio. Qeorte What was M t barley Simply blood eruptions. Took n Short course of r, P, P. 1 t 1 1 you, It'., ihe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that yoneonld hear him ho'ler clear across the country every time ha moved. He tried it, and you know what an nthlotic old gent be is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a poiuter, she would thank t hum after wind .. All tbe drug stores sell It, " Connolly & Wallace We have decided that now i3 an appropriate time for another Great Sale of Cotton Goods Special endeavors will be made in our Domestic Department to make this sale a memorable one and a money-saving one for our friends. The special prices will hold good for ONE WEEK ONLY. 36-in. Brown Muslins Atlantic P r,; Atlantic A , .','.(;0 Argyte Qig Atuory ;c 36-in. Bleached Muslins Hill 040 L msdale 7c Kruil of L lom i Pride of West Sheetings Atlantic Brown. B-4 AUnntic Brown, B-4., Atlantic Browu, 10-4. , He Sheeting ,lSi l.'U, l' Lock wood Bleached, 8-4 i?c Luck wood Bleached, 9-4 ...10c Lockwood Bleached, io-4 . .21c Clica I I-;,!' .!. 8-4 .!!fi0c LTtloa Bleeobed, ii-4 ,..",'." 22o Uttca Bleecbsd, 10-4 .ggc Other Liberal Offers Dur ing This Sale. A grtnt Special in WHITE GOODS lb price is 12 I -2c. A revelation in vuue; were sold !or2oe. Cream, White, lu slurred and lace effect. A good, staple, siiisible thing.tbis is . lb pieces Bfl-INCH WIDE N'uinsook' I laid and Stripes, for aprons and chil dren s dresses. Ycu save lUc, on every yard you buy 1 5c. A largu line of PRINTED PIQUES I he correct thing for ladies' vtsts ar.d children's kilt skirts.otc I 8c. per yard. r.MoT,,,,r,1,M of MANILLA I KLPhS, in all the leading shade and tints. lo. is our price elsewhere you will pay, 20a At this time, when you are cleanhg heme and fixing over a little, you may want something new in the Drapery line. See our ai-Bortment of ''Pongees and Silkelinea at 12 l-2c per yard. CONNO LLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL KA1LK0AD OF N, J. UHlGPflND SUSQUtHANNA DIVISION Antbraeita roal uael exolunlvely, Inturine oleaullneea and tomfort, riMfl TAOLB III loin i mi 1,1801 Train leave Hcranton for iittstou. wtik, llairu. etc . at S.l", u i;,. n g, ,u,, j au, 1 UJ. h .u, u in, 7 11 nj p. in dundays, SOU m. I 00, SOU, 7.10 p. in For Atlantic I ity. f I'l a. m. Fur Now York. Newark ari l BUsabetb, 8.10 fesurM) a. in . 18.30 (expres with Bnflet parlor ear;, S.S0 (expreu) p. in. Sunday. 2 UU p. Ul ton MAI ' II CnilMK Al.I.EKTOWK, Bktolr HBM, EABTOSIasd PnilApaLPHIA, S.U a uj IS.IO.8,80, J.uu HhiUdelpbls) p m. Sunday, t tsi p in PorXoxu BiiAaca, Oi i.a.-. okovh, etc.. at s lUa lu llSOn in. tot Beaaine. Lebanon and Hurrisburg, via Allentown, s.Wa. m, IS.S0, j.uu. p.m. Bunday, i io p. in. ror rottsvuie, s.0a, m llaup m. llrturniux. leave New York, foot o' Liberty I stre, t. North river, ut (expreasj a. m., 1,10, 1.;), i.'-i) (express with Buttel parlor ci i . ui. Mcnda. 4.111 a. in. Leave Phuadejphla, Reading Terminal, f.uu a. 111 . .uo und 4 a, p m, Bundsy, n S a. Through tickets to all pointsat lowest ratei uia 'be had on application lu advance to tbe llcaet ua'enl al in - atulloQ. You can get a Mattrests made to or der at Factory Prices. WK AKR RETAILING. The Scranton Bedding Co. Telephones 6Q2 J. 11 OI.IIAfSEN'. II. P. BALDWIN, Ueu Pas Agent, I BUIQH VALLEY RAILBUAD J 4 Feb. II, ls: Train leave Beranton for Philadelphia and New York via. U A II K Ii at e a.m IS. 10, 2.8U aud 11 K p. ni via D , L. Vf. K. It , (i iJU, II a. in , and 1.31 p, in. Leave Mcraiiloii for PittSton uud Wilkes bane via D.. L .4 V P., ft., B 00, 8 0s, u. ni , LS0, J.5. b.07, y.aa p. m. le ave Beranton for white Haveu. Hasletoa, 1'ottsvllle and all points on the beavar Meadow and PettsWUe bra.icbe. via K w Y . il4( . v,a Li. A II. It It. at s a in . U lo 2t. 4 IB pan , via D . I. .. W. It. K., B.00, s.Oo II. Si a in., 3.10 pan Lesvi .-crantoii tm Bethlehem, Eaatoo, Kxprses for Cprtlaud, Byracuae, oiwilto. Sal "ft. TCK'k "I" AettS I Rlchfleld Uprlnge. il , m. and ft uni.aii, w , i.. a . n a.,uw5uc, ll.aia. m.. dl'tw lackawanna axu westers railroad rralns leave Beranton ae follows: Expre-,, for Near York and ull points East. 1 ij wjj, !i IP, 8 Ui and O.iO a m ; 12 K and 3 50 p, m Expreas lor Euston. Trenton. Philadelphia and the sjoiith, 6 IS, too and a m ; it jj and ij m p in. Washington and way stations, 2.40 p m. Tobybanna - u.. . .ation. o lu p. m. I'.xtir bs for BltiBhamtoL, Oswego. Elmira, - onilnu. Bath. DansvUle, llorru and rluffulo, 12 lo. '.Moa. n. and 1 24 p. m.. making cloae connections at Bulfalu to all points 1:, th-j West, Northwttt und Bouthwesr. u.itb seoonuaedatlon, -a m. BlDfbamtOn and way atatioiis, l."J7 p. m. B!r.hauiti :. and Ebnira Expru.-s. 0 05 p, in. Till: FR0THINGHAM Friday ;n I Saturdiy, March 30 & 3 I. Saturday ilatmee at 2.50 o'clock, C. li JEFFEK.SON. EL AW EKLAXOEK 3 COMEDY COMIV.NY VTIll present UlenMcDonoush's ilerry Ccmedy, i HE PRODIGAL FATHER Nu Fan .iei No Mei rier, j Jollier C'jmdr. Leave Beranton (orTunkh wno -k. Towan l c Blnura, Itbaoa, Qeneva and all in'er ui-11 it points via 1 1. & H R.R..II u7 a m. 1.' lu aud 11.31 p. lu.viaD I,, k IV It R 8.04 am., I.aup m. Leave Scranpiu for It .cheater. Hjtl'alo. Nl agaraPalla, Detroit, Chu-aKo and alluulati v. eat Via D H li. t. 'J.I'T i. ui., IS I0,'l 15.ll.Si P ui . via U L.A- W. It. K. ami PltUton Juuctinn, a us a in., ISO 9.SS V- ui . Via E A W. It K. K.41 p. ui. Foi Ehu ra und tUj we-t v a Salnnino .. vu D. .v 11 tt It i'.u; a.m., I : I0.ti.15 p. m , v a D L. W. R, K., ,s US a in.. 1 l and 0.07 p in. Pullman parlor and sleeping orl Y. chair cars on all trauU between I,. B Junction or Wilkes Barre und New Yon.. Pbtlld Ipbls Buffalo and Kvapension Bride ROLLIN II WILBUR. Ueu Sup:. Bait Ui.- ' Mas s. LKK &n. Pa. Ae't, PhlUv.Pi A W NONNEMACHER Au't O in Pssa Ag t. South bethlebeiu. Pa. 1-7 I ii l v w v ui v vn mm y "" SON RAILROAD. oromencmg .uav vi, itw . trains vv ill run us follow Trains leave Bridge Btroel stat on. Beranton, for Pitta ..... Will.... O. L IV, af B s to., . It M m 1,25.2.38,4.10.5 i Uf r a. a i. 5 p in Ar I ol N.-w York ami Phila delphia, 0Ua. in. 1210, mi, 2.vs. 116 aud II X) p. in l or Honeedale(from Delaware. Lackawanna and western depot i, 7 00, 8,30, 10 10 l.m , 12.00 u . 1, 17, i 10 p. in. For t'ai bo nlale and Intermediate stations. .VtO. 7 OH. 110. 10.111 a. m . 12.00 in ,4.17, 8.15,5 In. 8.30 and 1 85 n, in ; from Bridge btret Liepot, ton . ui.. s.uaad 11:6 c. m. Ftexpre to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountain, Boatonand New England point. 5.40 a m . arriving at Albany IS.45 Saratoga 2.80 p. m , nd leavins Scranton at .1 p in. arriving at Albany atd.80 p. n, Bara. ton, 12 Via, m . nnd H o ".00 a. m The only direct route between the coal field i and Boston "The Liadinit Tourist-' RoatS ot Aim ri a" to the Adirondaok Mountain re sons. Lake George and Charoplaln. U intresl etc. Time tables show inn local and through train service between stations on aU 'liv latona Data' vviii e and Hudson system, may be obtained a: all Do law re and Hudson ticket ottTue. II. B. YOUNU, .1- W BURDICK, Second Yiee President. Qea. Pass. Agt, I, ' , - . 1 . . . . , . n, . ... - tu .,UU ..... m. ,u. uml p, Uj ForNorthnmberlaaitPitteton,WiIke-Barre, Plymouth, Biooinsburg and Danville, making dose conueetious at Northumberland fur Wllliauisport. Hamaburg. Baltimore, Wash Ington nd the South. Northumberland and Intermediate itations, ii Oi. 9 oO a in. anil I Al and B07 p m. Kantlooka sad intermediate atations. SOS and 11. '.II a. lu I'ivuiouth ai d luteimcdiat. etatiooa 3.50 anu 8,8a n, m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. i or detailed Information, pwkct tim - taMes, otc, apply to II. L. Smith, city ticket orBc... 8n Lsckawannaavenns, or dspot ticket office. I, ''UIE AND WYOMINa VALLEY KAIL J hi IAD Tram leave Scranton for New York nnd in termediate points cu the Erie railroad at 185 a. in. and 3.24 p m. Also for Hawley and local point at 885, 8.45 and 324p.m. Train leaving at .45 a. in and 8 Si nm, are through trains to and from Hiueaai?. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barie ui 6 40 a. in. und .1 ll . in. The entire New York ast will be s.en at "be 1 1 olhniubani Sy ii. :..& a:.d2.".c. aMnee :5c.. jOcSfic ;. dtte. ACADEMY OF .MUSIC. MONDAY. APRIL a DEN MAN THOMPSON'S Celebrated Beautiful I lav. THE OLD HOMESTEAD i l resented b) a strong eompanj and u lib special seener) and properties. I... PRICES- Plrt floor. $1 and Tic.; BuUonr. LvLT, ' ".".eiv. -ac. .-a.t cieu Pridy 3 I - . fs - : ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TWo NiOBTB, Tuesday and tTednreday, April ". ar.d TUF. FAVORITE AND FAMOUS NIGHT OWLS BEAUTY SHOW Full of New snd Novel VsudevCle SLd Burlesque Features. PROP, MACURTS CANINE Hippodroms of Boxing Dogs iri Monkeys And the latest t'rae, tho MIDWAY PLAISANC: DANCERS. The Uriht and Spicy Burleaviue. Liberty's Reception to Uncle Sam. Seat en Sale Saturday. DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for evervthitic in tbe line ot W'ATCMKS If you have any Tdo of piirehaaliu: any kind of a Wat.L. ladv s.r lient's. Hold or Silver, you w ill make a cnev ou mistake It you do not give m call ami get our prices, which you will find fsr below all o'ners. especially in ail the high grades of Elgin. Waltbam and Hampden movement If you have any doubts ami are at ull petted on prices gl . e us a call and W will have no trouble m convincing you. We still haven large atoek to oiap.i-e ot, ami will oner vou won nerlul induieiuniiU in Jewelry, silverware, I Clock and ull other goods which we bare in i gO0 sto. k s ihm .o nmelOM. In I il,. i January w:i. 1SIU. Wk commenelni MONDAY, MAKCH .'8 MONDAY, TCESDAY AN D WEDNESDAY, Reproduction of th Grandest Scenic and Sensational Dramatever pressntsd a-, tun bouse, Under the Gaslight th Wbuif Scene, the Railroad Seen and the Bowery Dance Monh HoiinO. coo goTiioa Miuiih Hiiiind. Btutlona 9 H P H S .1I . . s in 7.V Ml Ie n n 7 0s,. 0 Ml 9 b si's fit 1 1 1.-, 1)411 5 8851 ! te. .. in . e vs: t o n in in I o i.v -I ftl in i'l i; la I rue , a y. r m I 711 . 7 .0 .1 7 00 I 16 I 111 14" a'S2, 12 ill t,2 II .'t' II 41 17 ft I'l' til 1 1 h:i 14 II VS iniiir. 21 mill 17 0 il II ,v 1 1 1 is VII n r'J .. .v 1 1 IW) llU M .0 2tt-l i j 1 1 raina nail , r.x- h a, q a, cept Kuodaj . - a'rflve leave' n V, Franklin s: West 4tud Htrcel .... .... weebawkea ........ Arrive I rave vi Hancock .'unci bin Oisi .77. Hanooi k a .ii .... BtSrllgkt s is .... l'i raton Park I " "' .... Cou.o (181 poynu lb' 11. biiont ri.- leant Mt, I nl ii'duli I 'll set (. Ity carbonda s bite IllliUe Mil Mil Id Jenny li '10S 2 d a C. W. Freeman Inti Ave and Spruce St TIU'KSUAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. I Mr. On Homer s Dramatisation of Jules erne s Orot Story, Michael Strogoff U I ' II 4.1 VYTntou Peekylll ULvubant Dickson Tbroop Fr.iv Idence Park Place- ssraatoa leave Airlvi 10 M .... '. I" A M 7 VI 841 7 if7 II fx L 88 II Al : oi urn : 4a ;0. l! 7 .3 ni 08 7 4M0 1.1 7 S2 lil It 7 U 10 17 7 ."si 101 a un in 84 s PS ... i k.i a M I ! SB 7i r xi s us S II I 0 141 ISO S 54 3 Ul I 3 US 3 Si IS 81 I 114 I 8 45 n si ! :i -i a 4 04 4.7 4 10 4 14 I 17 40 All n alas i un dully . v Miliday. t "Ui llles thai tiuliis stop ou signal lur pas- Bengers. Audlllotial Irnliis b uve Curbaiidiih' fur scran ton I w and n.15 p. in . arriving at Scranton and . 00 Leave Scranton for Carbond&li 8.50 and 8,N ari lvlug at curb .ndale ul I no and J.18 p. lu leuure ruiis via oniaiia Western betors purchasing tickets ana save money, buy and Nlhgt in the Weal j, C Anderson, Oen. Pssa Agt. f, VUtOrOtt, in v. I tat, agt scranton, Pa. Bijou Theatre 'I WO rt-hlOHMAHCbS DAILY WKEK GOMIIsVNCXNCI MARCH ST. Rttttrn of Bcrsntoni Kuvontv, MISS Fl OKA STANIF0RD IN TWO I i HEAT I'l. AYS. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Kant Lynne Ki.tiity nuii Suturil.iy, FACTORY GIRL These Two Dreat Plays will bo elegantly staged and costuiueil Admission, 10, 20, 30c. ADMISSION. IO.V.D and HOiENTS Per tor ma a ccs (Varvisifterneon. excent Mon (Mays and I'hiirsdays. at ISO, and evrry eveie I lug at S i.V IVors o;ii at USOand 7.08 V It, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Ca UHngUILu p, lso Shafting and Journal Greasi 0FfICBl-m West Lackawanna Ave. Vl OUKSi Muradtau Strait 1 IOOI a open at 1 -a uud 7. Perfoi menoi at 8,80 and : Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion tuuat use PuhiuuI'h Pow der. It produces a soft uud biuutiful akiu. ANTONEHARTHAH ttOti South Wa8hinit0ii Avcnun. Contractor ami builder or concrete flagging, Concrete Hbaiks. Potato, Batter ami Coa1 Bittt. Wel Cellars dried UU Orders may be left at Thoiupjun & Pralt, Will ains A Co., Main aud I'.yoon Street, or at Scranton Stove Works. Also Foundationa, Cistern 1 Pish Wire Tunnels and ColUiu. Elaggiuat tor kiaideu Walks, loTorr Wfttnatt Sometimes need a re! 7. . ' s nwnirina AX: Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS. art prompt, sal. i.r.O rnrtuln In oesulu Tho gona lee 'Dr. Iel'si ill.tappomt. Wont auywbon, M "0 PoaltlcJIeino.'o . i'l r. nnd O. Sold bv JOHN ft PHELPS Pbarmaolst corner W youuu uveuuo and bpruc street Buranton. Pa-