The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 31, 1894, Image 12

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i arc for
ions headache,
laiUHIIII, UU1(1
mess, sick Jn :ic -
taste in the mouth,
1 1 1- sum, when caused
uisupation ; and consti-
'so oi ail ol them.
Book free ; pills 25c. At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Now ' sOIiim, now dttlont, ratty noTel
tit' til trosti ami uow. Uoanteabla Mix
tores, Wool CrepOOS, Silk Mutuivs, Nov
olty Smtiiisfs.
drtdt of dtnoronl vmtm luv lautsu
your wsrdrolia, Buy from us ami you
ro iur to b.' 111 stylo
Tfa , UN OiHxU Um morolumt take, pride
iu ihovtn.i riioy aro also tho fabrics fashionably dressed IsdlsS aro a!
wa roailv lo procure tne latest imports
tv 1 o aro oariy 1a tbo inarkot. lur
aeiectioiii aro tnailo lo moot oil tastta. A
tare treat awaits you iu our tlk Depart
Handkerchief Department TUo dainty,
tetcnins effects you there Variety
of printings, stitcoinipi and embronlerings
U what makes that leoartmeut tho gn at
tuecaas that it 1, Wt load ttuui all.
Mado in tha latost siiaivs, material and
effects, for all occasions. Many a o nele;
uthors arriTlag daily.
In black, rmbrtllas in oolor A Sot
eoUeetionof raro and boantiCnl handles
Oursis t'.'.' piacs to buy Cuibrolias and
Tbis tails lavatory of what la to ba won
and where ta best can lw bad ror the
price Cash interests us all. o whet- are
expect stylish ar.uents. the latest cotor-iug-.u-
I trlaii tings, and we want tliemat
rea-uiiab Ee prices, whara do we Al
ways to th- storo where we can see few
if a kind tut u.a y ki ds. Wo want
Something that gives ns personality of
dreea for all year w ints in Spring
Wrap Coats ir Capes we can suit. No
garvnec: j sold no less a perfect tit.
Fabl-v Pan ry Caps. Babies- Fiucy
Dietess. We can relieve tao mothers of
mm cir's. L his :s OTU ran fnmlah In
fants' Clothing outright much cheaper
and more tatia factory toan 'laud-made.
We coma again to
11 sun CMC BVEAR
Xtnie ir-ry i to lay away yosr win tar
garment. iu yon make your own an
1 rroerni mts r do yon prefer to buy ou-eliran'lv-m.iil''
and trmim! irarinen:.-''
W.- hv- tae Vnaira by tha yard, and wo
have also a wondorfsl assortment of
mad .-up" Underdotblng, Ladies' Corset
CoTsrs. Jlusliu Drapers. Muslin Nigbt
Rob.-s, Skirts aau Chemises. Miuy kinds
and many pn:e Ali will be suited.
Wa hara received a largo lie? of Linens
an41Wi.-ltng. Bath Towels. H-mstit"hed
Ti,iU Honeycomb TowU. Roller T .w
tlicg. Crasb Toweling, Toweling
and Towels of all kinds from msay of the
different manufacturing centers of the
WOT'd unr Trices aro vorv low. You
should buy thm anyway and keep them
till uu need ;huni.
In those busy times of competition and He
airy. Papulation cannot be maintained nor
business advanced agoapt by straightforward
methods. Offmlng! bo 0 orrectl7 rep
reaented. Cur QOosJR.wHaaand is theever
li taaalllg popularity of our storea, Is the
fc-st oro-,f of the vilios that we daily offar.
Lrdies, coma out in th 1 Hn days or OOBM in
tha rain. Wocanalxays ntaraatyoVi CAN
fOnlol town oorroipondanla of Tm Tuts
DWRshonldalgn Ihairnaniaa in full ti aaok
nawalattarinol for pnbUoatioQ out to guard
aaunit daotptioaJ
Brilliant Solraa of ill. Dancing
Cls.a at K-yatou. Hall.
SntofoJ (o thr Scrantun iVl7iuus
0LYP1UNT, l'a., Maroli 110. BsldOID
lux tbars boon n more ileliglitfnl aouial
svfot 'linn lli reception uitoh by tlia
Blakely Danotng oltu Koyitono hall
laat BTOning, 1'or WTOral lumrs gayaty
proTnilod ud tbo onjoynblo ooouton
is one that will i a romemborod for
lomo tune to oomo. Dooolng was in
dulgod in and nt 19 o'clock aupp-i was
lorvod by Colorar UcGlnljr
Tiii- roooptton oommt t (to oomlitod of
V. M Ball, E. if Davis mill frank 1.
Benjamin; Soar ooniniittot, Blnof
Sivinglo. V, M. Johnson, Freil llrnjs
iina Musi." was tnrollbod by Mayas'
Tboto prtupnt were Mr utnl Ura,
M. H.ll. Mr mill Mr. Hull and Mr
and Mrs Hoyt, of Pockrlllo; Mr. ami
UM T. B. Williams. Mr. ami Mrs D
W. H irns, of BUkoly; UliMl Kutio
Bell, Alice Hell, Mattin Pioktriog, An
nie an i Maud Dbnd. Qrooo Borbor,
Uitlo WllHoms, .liMini" KHtchiim,
.leniiis Tatblll, Lena lUrnea, Nettie
Cannon, of Pookvlllo; N'etlie Knapp.
lentiie KfDnodr, May Hull, treua
Colemxn, of Blakely; Jennio Da
vis, Libbio an I Lottio Powoll,
Anim Prloa and Blln I'atten, of Oly
pbant; Bllo Wognor, Jonnlo Wolduon,
, f Bcmntoo; Coro QritBo, of I'rovi
.lcilce; Messrs Bob, Bgmu, K M
Jobmon, B. ii. DotId, Q B, Rood,
r'nnk V. Bsnjouin, Fral Bfojomtn,
Ci K Bonjamin, 0 W, Wotklna, Wil
liam Krugg, KI Williams, Richard
iinese. A. M Deck. R J. James, W W.
Watkins. 1' M. Mercimnt, frank l'ick
rring, W. Williattn, Hurry Sittfraaves.
T. I. drover, of FeckvilU; J. L
Knapp, Oi W. Botuor, J, s Jones, B.
.) Bartbold, d. W Hrrrv. ofBlakoloy:
John Fonratoo, G o. Bitohor, Will
I iam MoCann, of Olyphant; Thonaa
Palmar, of Priotfbnrg; CUarle For
ach, J. M. Barry, Kitusr Swtnglo,
Ororga Miller and Mr. S-iger. of
Sorantoo; A. N. Little, of New York,
and many others.
. .
Osnaral Moving N t-s--Paraonal and
Oth.r Livs T;p.s Dicusad.
CkMcial fo thr Snraatoa IViiiaas.
MlSHOPPCI, Pa . Mireli 3i). -There
will bo much ohanging about this
scrini;. Soma ar already moving and
others rrparinr to. Mrs. Chase baa
bought the Isaac BoWe proptrty on
Lynn atreat; 0. Park the Gideon
Winana bouae; Mr T-vgsbnry. of
Auburn, the Jerry Sterling property
.iul also the home of Henry Dunlap,
tn.i Matt Conrtright the S. A. Sturda
vant house and ball.
Calvin Sterling visited Mehoopany
Tri'iiJ Thnraday.
Mrs. A. Ct OverlioKl called on frienda
here Uon lay.
Jlre.Jofeph Pettitan.l little daufr'nter,
of Philadelphia, returned to tbeir
Qjrae the first of tha week, after a
week ttay with her mjther, Mrs
Theodore Sterling.
Dan Graves, of Chicaio, III., viaitel
his brother James A. Hintuer, Thura
day. Oar townspeople ware alarmed at
the blowing of the fire whistles on
Monday morning. Mrs. Theodiro
Sterling's hoose was found to be on tire.
It itarted iu the bathroom, where a
Bra had just been kindled, bat was
noon extinguished.
Mrc Olmatead, of Towanla, is visit
ing h-r couain, Stephen Stur levant.
Fred Pneuman left last Monday for
Silver Plnrn Col., where he is inter
ested financially.
Mrs. Gregory Sterling, of Binzlnra
ton, N Y , is Tiaiting her dangbtr9,
Mrs. Qidoon Winani uud Mr. John
The Harm block is nearing comple
tion and is an ornament to onr little
Britf Notes from tha Lind of
Arbn'.ua and Wta'errn.
fipial to th Scronion Tribune.
HOOtlC, Pa., Marcn 3'J William 8,
Hntc'mngs, of Main street, who nas
been visiting the past six weeks in the
Bahama an! West Indies returned
home Thnraday evening, having on
Joyed hia trip v-ry mncn.
Mrs. John Mott and sons Leonard
and Fred, and Misa Gertie Hamlin, of
Penn svenne, haveratnrned aftar visit
ing at, Lake ArieL
Miss Lottie Ki wards, of'inton,
ia'tisitiug at her sister's, Mrs Ooarlo I
Mnilenix. of Minooka avenue.
Miss Klija Prir;, of fir ok street.has
retnmed to Dear CJrek to teach school,
Mias Lizzie MoMnrMt, of S'ntti
Main atreat. attendnd the the aocinl at
Pittston Friday evening.
Misa Lizzie BHllngton, of Main
street, who has been living with her
nncle, James Crosby, of leading, baa
retnrn'd home for a short time.
Miss Mable Hntohlng,oi Mainttroot,
was a caller In the BleotnO City Friday
Misa Mand Elsll, of Minooka nve
nas gone to Forty Fort, wure she will
make that pWe her future home.
Mis. E. 8 Torr is rady to receive
all orders for luits now. Give her n
Mioa Botfio Hinds, of Minooka avs
nn, ontortalood few frleodi at her
home on Thnraday evening.
Li' lis Lccsla Calciilatarl to Interest All
Intsliiffnt Kitrera.
Apecial to the y.cranUm Trihtni.
DubYi.A, IV. March 20--The Ad
gendu society held a mooting last even
ing in thoil neiv ball over Kennedy's
confectionary store.
Th concert hell at the Brick Metho
dist Episcopal church ITiil a denided
hiiceess tod w is largely nttondo I.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marcy, of Main
street, gave a ninxirnl entertainment
and aocial to u number of friends
Thanda ovonlng
The Wyoming Valley Traction com
pany aro Improving their tracks
throujrh tbis section
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is brooming ho well known
and so popular as to nood no special men tion.
All who have used BleotnO Hitters
sinL' theaama song of praise. A purer
tnoaioina doeonotexlat audit lagnaran-
taod to do nil I hat is Claimed. Klectric
Bitters will cure all diuenses of the Liver
and Kidneys, will removo Pimploa, Boils,
Salt Rheum end other affections onnsoti by
Impure blood. Will drivo .Malaria from
the system and prevent as well ns cure nil
Malarial fevera. For euro of Headache,
Contispation and indigestion try Klectric
Bitter-Entire natislaction Kuaruiiteed,
or money refunded. Price 60 eta. and It
pel boltloal Mutlbewa Uros., Drug store.
Burglary rf a Bull Pup Other Interest
ing Topics DisOMOOd.
Fritrial to th .Scranfoa 7ribuus,
EKtOtBOKO, Pa.. March 80, The
eats for the new schoolhouse have ar
rived. The programme for the resiling
cx rci8s will be announced in tli"se
colnmn in time for all to participate),
Mrs. Jatna J. Log in was th guest
of Mrs. (,har!s Bornott in Peckvillo
on Thursday.
Luke Hall, a well known yonng man
of this place, intends opening totisorial
parlors on Dickson Flats next month.
A Provid'-no gentleman named
Knight is going to erect an abattoir at
t he nppr end of town on a pieca of
ground near the Delaware and Hudson
t.-ir.k It will aiso be a hide and tallow
works as well as n public slaughter
house. Jatnn Meehan has the contract
for tha building and will commence
Operations on Monday next,
W. A. Rnttlodgo, wife and niec, of
Now York, nallel 'in Dr. Konnedv and
lamily. They also paid a plena: j,-1(
o J. D, Lloyd, of the Central.
Two youog men r-idnts of t'.is
town were nrreate I by Constable Riab
nrd BarroO charged with ateulmg a
valnable bnll pup, the property of
Frank Jermvn. Laviu made bis os-
ape, but was aftorwardl rcaptorsd by
iifficer Barron and Siiire Logan, They
w-ro given a hearing btfora Alderman
Diair, and each ouo was to find $100
i nil to app r at court.
A J. Cnmminga, of Dunmore. and
D. M. Bakln, of Scranton, are stnving
at the Contra),
! tiportntondont Thomas Orlor, of
Dickson, tn ido a bnainoai trip lo Scran
ton yesterday.
- mm
In Holland! kUohi, ''. 3, Dooabnry puh-
llshos tie- News, and In Its columns
strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' l-.l .
trio Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, ca
tarrh and asthma.
Nnwii of Paiilnir intr-at Olv.n In Crisp
Svrtnl ttt thr Scrantini Ti ibmit.
Minooka, Pa., March 110 John Ly
deu and Mrs. Annie Lyden and Bridget
Coyne wore arialgnod before Alder
man O'Hara laid night on n charga of
nssanltand bntt'-ry committed on Mrs.
K ito C'oyne. BiOh entered bail for
their appearance nl court.
T'be drama, "Borderland," will be
presented hereon April 'I'A by tbo Mi
nooka Dramatic company.
The new building which ia hoing
erected adjacent to tho residenoo of
Christopher Barber will used aa a res
taurant. Mrs. Patrick Lyden, of Stafford
street, who has been srrionsly ill for
the past two months, is ooiivalesoing,
A warrant was issued by Alderman
O'Hara last night at the request of
John Opleakie for the arrest of Peter
Lahndnok, charging ntm with assault
and batterv und intent to kill,
Sheridan's hall, Old Forge, baa been
secured by tho Young Mon'a Institute
delegates from this pi ioo for next Sun
day afternoon. They propose organ
lllng a branoh there,
Junius Connelly, of Hick street, is
seriously ill of asthma.
Miss jenklna, of Hyde Park, is do
lling at tha honin ot Mis Sarah Fox,
of U reen woo I.
The Qramwood colliery has got an
nllowatico of ten car.- nii'iiciout for
about two days a week,
Euitom a d Ritoordi of Pun-ant Events
Curiifiilly Oi mil. led.
jnAfffoJ to Co- (jofontoa fWoeat.
AtOBBALD, Ph., .March 110 Mrs.
John D Lack was iu Scruuton ytttlor
Ivov. Dr. Logan, of Scranton, will
conduct services at the Presbyterian
church on Sunday morning at the 10,80
o'clock services.
The two-Btory frame dwelling of
Pater Bnrtoarage, at tho Ridge, was
tmrned this morning, T'ne Bro started
in a shanty ad joining thr bouse, and
hefore the 11 mi -a could bo checked
they spread to tho bouso Owing to
the lack of facilities for lighting the
lire the bonus was ruined beyond re
pair before the llamea were extin
guished Tho house was not insured.
Mrs. Charles Milbaua, of South Main
atreet, spent yesterday with frlendl iu
Mrs Dr. Van Dorau it viol ting at net
former home in Clifford
The Sun Vapor Btreot Light c imp my
had a representative hero for the past
few days removing their lamps and
posts from oil the itreottof tli borough.
Bzoepting tbo tew lamp p "sts that bo.
long to the borough and a big light bill
there Is little here to remind us of "the
light ot other days.''
Mrs Thomas Cbappett and two cbil
dru, of Dunmore, are flailing at tbo
home of T homas Law on North Main
Owing to the quota of conl allotted to
white oak iu Jones, Simpson Si Co,'
mine for March having been tilled
there will bo no work to-morr w
(Saturday) at either of those mines.
A boy named Det ton I, not more than
ten yeara old, was caught stealing
from Jones, Bimpion it i 0, s store lasl
evening. Several times lately money
aud trinkets sold in tho store have
been missing and Mr. Blake, the
manager or the store, diuertuiued to
catch the tbief Last eveuing ho sue
ceeded, Mr. Blak", Charlei Baton and
John Pinnerty, elerks, secreted them
selves iu the store and marked deTOlop
meuts. Young D-stoud iqneeied him
self in tho basement of the store be
tweeu the iron bars ovar the window
and went upstairs. He took a dollat
biil whicii Mr. Blake had previously
marked, some small change out of the
drawer and a pocket book out of a show
case. He was caught with tho plun
der and taken before tho burgess. A
warrant was sworu out for bis arrest
later in tho eveuing.
The board of health lias organiz'd at
last, Messrs. Brenunu, O'Hoiirke,
Burke, Pbllbin, and Dr. Van DoTOn,
the newly appointed members, mat in
tbo council rooms last eveuing and
formed a board. Temporary organiza
tion was affected by the election of
John J. Philbiu for president and Dr.
Van Dovn as secretary. Agreeable to
Mr O'Rourke's motion the temporary
organization was mads permanent. It
was decided to meet hL'ain on Friday
night of next week, when rules aud
regulations for the goverment of the
board will bo formulated.
An Opsretta Plfaslnaly Prsjanled Psi
sonal and Other Notes.
Ppeeinl to the .Scraatoi IWoNHA
DcimOBK, Pa March 80 -Mrs.
Law, of Moosic, visited nt tne liouie of
Andrew Allen yesterday.
James Colgate, of Hawloy, was u
caller in town yesterday.
Miss llama Golden, who entered a
Philadelphia hospital for tratmnt,
has returned bmne eutirely recovere I
from her lameness.
The Young Men's institute held a
meeting in tne library last night.
Miss Josio Qilmartin is visiting
friends in Avoca.
The Ladi-a' Aid Society of the Proi
tiyterian church will give a concert on
April 10
Jacob Hoffman, the mill street ton
sorial artist, has impro.od his already
finely equipped shop by adding hand
some new theirs,
M. Chainberlln is on tho sick list.
Rev, (l. X Makeley, formerly o( the
Laogaliffo church of Avooa, but now
of a prominsnt Brooklyn (N. Y)
enurob, will orrniiy tln pulpit of th
Presbyterian church tomorrow, having
exchang-d pulpits with the paator.ReV
J. W. WillWms.
Miss Ella Clementine It igers, Itc
tnrr organiier and agon! (or tho Na
tional Temperance society, will lecture
at Old Fellows hall tomorrow aftOI
noon at I o'clock under tne attipioel of
the Save the Boys society. She is also
the originator of tho famous clover
leaf td-dgn
A large audience wltnataifl the pre
entatlon of the nperntta "I he F.n
chanted Slp" rat th- (J I I Fellows
hall last niglit Th" operetta was
pr"ttv and overflowed with bright dia
lo(rne and eatoliy music The rile of
I'rinness Margnorlto was udinirablv
portrayed by Miss Mahal Christ, who
slso him had chsrga of the iiistru tsou
Martha Ma'.thws na Hie Kinj; pleated
the audience V"ry mnnh, and Lydla
rarrnr as hr oompanlon on the
throne was oxrellent. Mams Perkins
ss Prince Chai ining, Blanch Blnot si
Nannette and llarlo lirniisoi u Bpaod
wdl, rn-rited liber it applause Ma
inie Oliver as thu BnVloUl Fairy, nl
though she did not hvo in favor with
her more Dean loving end gowl friend-".
acted well, and her evil sffdftl were
xiually well OOm batted by the (ineen
of tho good fairies, Anna Oliver. The
other fairies. 1; lith Wert, J -nnie l)ii
yer and Lizzie Wert were ablr a misted
l.y Battle Shepherd, Jessie Wert and
Miss Powell The aCCOmpBtllltl were
Ansa Alinnle Keller and .Mr rreum.
Iiitsresllno ParOVrapb Of Nsws Born.
on lh Ilris. of M.rdi.
Xltrr-iat lit th SrrintiHi Trthuiif.
JkiiM'.n, Pa, March lid Michael
Breeii has accepted the position of
soliciting agent for J in: li:iiiUNLjn
Tha district quarterly convention of
the Catholic I i ; 1 1 nonce society
will no held here tomorrow Promi
nent speakers from abroad will be pres
(live your namo to Tin: TbIBI
earrier boy and he will leave you u
copy early euoh morning with all tin
Willism J. Biker is asdstlntr Dr
Spencer iu the dental ofloa at Carbon
By tnecial reiiucst the choir of tin
Methodist Episcopal church will repeat
the Easier music tomorrow.
J. D. Wall aud family are spending u
rew uays wim mends in Stari ueca.
Wayne county.
Charles Jones, of Oreen Rldg.j.culled
on Jermyn friends yesterday Charby
ia an enthusiastic, old Fellow ana
ipeaks highly ot the Oreen ttioge i;iim
News from u Subuibau Towa Told lu
Brluht Parutrruph-.
Spfofal to Ar ajpfqalea fWfttiaa
PlOKVILLK. l'a.. March 10. The
house owned uud occupied by Michael
Smith burned to the ground at o
o'clock tins evening, The lire was
oausid from a lamp explosion. The
entire contents of too building were
leatroyad. T he property waa insured.
The little hiihy of Mr and Mr.
Williiim llarfiold is very side.
Mis. O. C. Whito visited Scranton on
Thursday of this Week,
Mrs William Budd is in N evv ork
City aeleotlng goo is tor tummat trade.
Sue will return Monday.
Miss llsll i ..'.nun und Mrs. John
Burnet returned from Washington,
where they bnvo been tsKir.g in the
sights of that beiiiililul city.
ITm l'eckvillo ll.mcing claes gave
thou lirst mil drest reception ai Key
stone nail onTiiiirslay evening
tur genial liveryman, Mr. Realgne
was kept liusy with bit cab.i carrying
tho merry crowd to the hall. Pre
oltely at H o'clock Professor Smith and
ataiatant led tho grand march which
was a L'l'and speclncl-. I'he lu st part
of the programme heini; finished, the
guests retired lo the dining room and
partook of it light lunch. Alter re
turning to the hall, dancing was in
lulged in until the oabt arrived lo
convey the young people to their re
spcctive homes loo much praise can
not b. given to the ladles lor thei:
beautiful evening attire. Tbo cos
tunica us a whole wore elegant Many
nil of town guests wore prosent, u
number being from Scranton.
Adolv Lalloz, carriage manufacturer
1 10 Carroll struct, BotTaio, N. V., states.
I waa troubled with nausea of tboaiotn
ni h, tick headache und general debility,
llurdock's Hlood liitten c ured mo.
y .
Newj Nut.a Joltnl f.u- K.p d Perusal In
the Pre tent Age.
Sin-t int tn thr .'H-rue'oa Tritmn.
MaYFIEU), Pa., March BO H. J.
DoQraw visited Bcrunton last evening.
Chariot Hoyt, of Simpson A. Wat
kins store, mis returned to worst, hav
ing been side for three weeka.
Mis, Nellie DettrdW is visiting at
Faotoryvillo, ,
Bon IfendoMou vitited Carbondale
Night school is still open and is
largely attended every evening.
William Walker made a tmsineit
trip to the B Ion trio City Friday.
Postmaster li-rgui saw " I he Prodi
gal Father" at Carboudala lust even
What Causes Pimples?
Clogging ol rho poles or mouths ot tbo seba
ceous glands Willi tebtUB or oil) matter.
The p)ug of sebun iu lbs centre ot the pimpis
Is called a btttokbeod, gnih, or couiedoue.
Natore will um allow tho clogging of the sires
to continue long, bcnoei
Infltminitloni pain, swelling and redness,
inter pus or matter forms, breaks or is opened,
lbs plug MBM out and the pore is OUOS uiuro
There are thousands of these pores in the face
alone, any one of which is Utblt to tiei ouio
dogged by neglect or diseaso.
What Cures Pimples?
Tin only rcllitlih j ri vfiit Ivc and 0ttlt vUm
POt dlM lu a ooillUtQtUNlt Imiuur, it
Cuticura Soap.
Iteontalnt t mild proportion ol ci tktra,
tin- great Bkin Cure, wbli u enables it to dissolve
ito- M btOOOttt or oil) matter as it loniM attho
mouths oi the pores,
n ttlmulatet the tlnggltb glands ami tubes to
healthy, totlvity, reduces Inflammation, soothes
and heals irritated and mngheuod lurfai at ana
rattoreo tho tkln to ibj original purity,
'llos It the secret of its ilulsn. . ess,
l oi bad compleslont, ted, rough btndt ami
lba . less Dtitoi dry, lion and falling ball . e aly
and Irritated icalps and sunplu hah) I. leiui.lin
it i.- wonderful,
it It preserving, purifying and beautifying to
u degree hitherto unknown imong remedies tor
tin- tkin ami complexion.
Bale i'i iter Uuw the combined sale ut all
other skill and complexion Maps,
Bold tlirougboul the world,
PORia Dnua ami i ii 14. cobp.i Bolt Pro
prietors, boston.
Mrs. I.. S. lieem
Weatuerly, l'a.
Hot Live Lonri
So Thought tho Neighbors
But Hoorl'3 Sar9aparllla Perfectly
Cured Muscular Rheumatism.
"C. I. Rood ft Co., Lowell. Mass.:
I had muscular rheumatism lor twelve years,
i took man) remedies that were suggested, and
'.ins treated lor three months at the hospital at
lietbli Item, butdid not realize any relief, Finally
lilecldcd t.. try Hood's rtarsaparllla, Alter tak
ing one liottlie 1 was sunirised ut Its success.
I followed the ilirc'tious and it helped riirhl
along. I bail tbo worst kind ot rheumatism, the
pain being mott w voro hi the joints oi mj bands
and limbs, 1 could not use my right arm even
to cut -i lllct ot bread. The neighbors thought
I Could Net Llvo Long,
I looked so thin, and I wished myself ru.iny
timet that i not In beavon, I w as to tired of lite.
No lonnuo an tell the paint I suffered. Hut
tince taklug Hood's baraaparilla ail is changed.
I call sleep well at nlulit. Somtttdng I haveird
done tor ten years. How thankful I am for the
pood I derived trom Hood't Baraanarllu. My
irieinls wonder nl the change." Mum. L. b.
in. i;us, Wentherly, Pennsylvania.
Hood's PHIs curt llvoi Ills, consUpaUon,
billou uie is, JtUndlCO, sick Ilea I. e he. indigestion.
c have the hand
somest line Parlor
ami I )rawing Room
ever shown in this
stale and we would
like yon to sec it.
Hill 6c
Washington Ava.
pdy, iSfrfi.nMi.tirint hi wo7Mci l I
t r.ilo-' I i. ',!bi. I Hoi .-e b. a ,::v.i-itl ! I
I llahosi liilnrioMl.frntiy mill wiioajHolSi Hii. I
nS Bsnanaai 0ai Mimic Rnmof "III
plllvlT curt. 10IIK RKSSui III.. iM-.vot. 111.
Women full of pains, ache
and weaknesses find comfort,
slrcto;lli nrtd renewed vitality in
Cuticura Plaster, the first und only
palnkllllng, nervestrengthening
plaster w hen all else tails.
Dr. 1. Orewer
Hie Piiilaijcipuii fpeciaiis!,
Aui bis sseooUted btafl of En dish and r,er
limn i'uyslclaaare now lermauontly located
Temple Court Building
:tt i SPRUCE ST..
Whiro ihoy may 1 nuitsd 1JA1LV AND
si NltAV.
" Doctor Is u itrnduata ot the Tnlvorsity
ot Pennsylvania, tormerlr demonstrator ot
pajwoioffv and turijnrv at tbo aledloo-Chir-
Drgloal College, of l'llilndi-ii.hia He Is also
Ui honorary member of tho Mediro-chiror
flcal Aaso elation, end waa plivslclna slid
surgeon Insghtef of the m.wt noted American
and Qerman hospitals, comes hluhlv indoriwd
by the leading professors of Philadelphia and
hew y ork.
His many years of hosnital rxperionos eO
lion this eminent phystelaa snd surjreon to
rorrcetly diagnose and treat all deforattt as
an 1 l;saiei w ith the most flattering onoeeae,
Slid his bitb Mending in tbo stats will not
all u- Mni ' aOQOUt any 'incurable case y miimiii i.i i i . i
it you have neon nveo t.p Of your pbysl
flan call OPOn the doctor and 1S siamined.
He cures the v.-orst caaesof Nervoe.a Dohjlity,
Bcrotula, Old Boroa I nlarrh, lulee. Femais
Werknoss. Affections nf thn Knr, Eye. Nose
snd Throat, Asthma. Deafunsi, Tumors. I'an-
oore end Cnrmlso of every desortption, Con-
imitation in Enellsb and Qorman Free, which
Shall bo consi.iored sacred and etrtctly totirt-
nflleeHonrsi 0A.M. to 0 V, M. irully.
fSttlldlll , II 11.111. to - ! 111.
Third Nation
Bank of Scranton.
atatemenl Feb .'s . 1804. raited for in
the l oin p trot r i- ot the ( in relic
MttaoviM i .
tFhereare handredc of yoanj; men and yonng women in tltti
conn try who hate Bplendid ability, bat they Lave never bivu
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an inspiralion to hundreds of yonng people. If yon
an? tired of inactivity and want to do soiuetliiuo tangible,
eome to tin- College,
Ill sl.M-.SS COUK8B.
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
VELVETS willi Chenille Curtains, $3.25.
A 11
90 cts
65 cts.
All wool Ex I OUB PWCB,
tra Snper,yard
wide, usually
7Cc, and 80c.
(An unusual bargain )
Extra heavy and extra
wide, $5.
Furniture Coverings
Imported Tapestry, Satin
Derby, Satin Damasks,
Wool Tapsstry.
We still have a lew Batinette Fringed, Va yds.
,. , r. , Al square, $1.25.
patterns left ol the
40c. Tapestrv Brus- Holland Shades, fringed,
. j Hartshorn Rollers, 50c.
sels. j each; usual price, 65c.
405 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
The mcst complete
1 .vi - )
Wf, e-i. n Hit k. n 1 ,tm rr- on'
m mm mi
am t-
I nnni
1 iiltetl Matet Uonds
Othnr Bunds
llttnl. ttitr lloioc
I'mntiums on r. s Bonds,
Inn- li.'iii I . M 'I i ittsursti . .
Illin lloiu llttulii
I salt
1,110,340 0.1
so. 000 on
.. 01:1. ots jn
049 TO
... T.OOd no
... 100,410 73
.. 1 40.040. S4
8 000, MO. 00
1 I ltll ITIRS,
Undivided I'ismlt.
lit v Idonds I npsild .
DtM lo r ,1.1
O'joo nui) 011
1 10 poo ,10
Mi 1 v.. mi
334 fto
,1,604,000 04
0,300 50
It, 000,030. 00
H 11 1 1 n rnwi 1 1, Prsisldsnl
UKU 11 vi I IN. 1 ire I'rrsldsat
WILLI II 11 I'l l h. CmIiIm
William oon.'ti. Genres it. Catlla,
Alfrad Hand. Jantt Atitiimiti, Hant-y
i'..-iiii jr., William t. -n, mi. Latbai
It slier
ttiin bansi ofltrs to ilapasllart every
laellltj vareanl dbi tlithY tNtlanoati bntl"
teas mni resnonslblllty,
Mieelal btlentlciB alvtiitQ business as
ciiiiiiiH. Inlaevsl iialaoa tttttej daposltti
Hftvttu veourod tin- BHOEINO PORGRbf
tin. th Blnino I -ii for I pi'i miiitt'tit buil
ncM Rtand, 1 rdr41 rondtiot HHmtttlo Rnd
Pil bolojdot)! hbot in: for tin Pttvoutloiii Mx
Itof Mini 1 lint of LAlDsinWI RQd OihCT n i .Ii
um ntt 111 tiu novtinettti of HytvM idciU(t)tl
or ont to bbtttrAKM ihovtnf . 1 Mimii givvtht
WOTk Mi i si unit RttoOtji 11 Mini RUAfAlatOQ DO
oilm onafMstxctpt for Iniiiovtttitiit) Ltnio
lit'BK, (t , will Ih ttiiil(il rtfli'iMUHtti1. A fri
I'lintr nml profWRlODftj MYlCt flVtH OTtfl
Itonaai Iron 1 to u r. m.
MARCH 31, 1894.
Your choice ot three be&ntiftil
iici nics, "Telephone Girl," "I i
livei'ing Ghristmafl Presonta"
and "Maidens Swinging." Bend
by niiii L or messenger or bring
oonpona like this of Unci! tliil'or
enl dates, with 10 centoj stamps
or coin, to
Cor. Pottn Ave. nuil Snruco St
in the market
ul Go
tVU iliiV LVl Ii 11 it l) HlLi.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
2 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
f NTERING OUR FIFTH YEAR oi a happy a,nd sue
cessful business relation with the kind and appro -J
dative housekeepers of Scranton and vicinity, and
in order to show our appreciation in a substantial
manner, we will distribute
To promoaadera on tins daj . Onr stores will be decorated for the 00
fusion and onr Ulegftui Ni w Spi iiii; stofk will be displayed.
Bauer's Grand Orchestra
Prizes Displayed iu our show Windows.
h a