The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 31, 1894, Image 11

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The Latest Creations of the Kul
ers of Fashion's Realm.
Shopmen Show a Lovely Array
of Silk and Woolen Textures.
Tip Kiwni una PrettlMl Things In
prim Bonnets Jtary hic Dallas
Chats i (5iiiH and itnatoty The
LoTety oid axe n Mrs. Henri
ward Beecher Lively Peru
lalne mall Talki
The really charming weather of the pust
few weeks litis been a rati Inspiration to all
those who have uiiy pretense to fashion.
Paster week o( lust year is decidedly out
shown by the new and elaborate gowns, prett)
bonnets, bate, gloves, parasols, j . v t 1 1 and
the thousand and one smell things needed
for a complete Easter outfit, One would
think that hard ttmN were a thing Ol tli
past, judging troi the costumes displayed
this year lu the realms of fashion, More
c.ire and better taste a.e sh WH tins spring
than ever before, tor there ate inar.y uew
fashions as well as tads.
that arose a broad, Baring brim of
black silk not, surmounted by black
plumes and flaring velvet bows and blsck
aigrettes a ohlo and striking bat, but need
Ing a beautiful face underneath it. A
hat very becoming to almost anyone is the
Bpantsh hat. Fiat -crowned, t imetblng on the
sailor order, only with a broad, turned-up-all-around
brim, it is very charming f
taittly trimmed , and lends an exceedingly
youthful look to It wearer.
Among the many beautiful Imported bats
seen to-day. none are more striking than the
three Illustrated below, The First l a beauti
ful little theatre nounet, the crown made en
tirety of gold-spangled flowers, surmounted
by a fan effect of spangled black not i gold and
white aigrettes and pink moss rose buds
compose fsj back and front of this charm
Ing little creation from Parte; ties of narrow i
black velvet.
The second is a broad brim French bat
made of black shirred nel ou silk wire. The
edge ol brlra of luted straw In naturat'color
and covered with. Jetted lace; crown ol list
I square straw, trimmed In black plumes, vel
sir ,i ..i bla k aigrettes;
The third Is composed of a flat crown ol
lUvegreeu porcupine straw, with medium
wide brim composed of black silk wire e..
ered With stiffened jetted black lace; the
straw erjwn studded with, large jet balls
and surmounted with three black plumes and
black laoe b.nvs caught up With Uhln stonen .
brim turned up slightly on both sides and
pointed In the front.
J. FuuttXCI Wilson.
happens after Hie hostess has said
"charmed to sen you," and the host
has bowed over her band and il vlared that ho
Is delighted Is thai she is pushed about in a
crowd of well-dressed people, all beaming;
amiably on each other, all dreadfully bored
ail envying lbs people who have o heirs, mov
close Sgalntt a lttl)tnlng register, now In a
draught under a window opened by some
fresh-atr crank. Every live minutes some
one uks her i: "This is Is not delightful?"
or says ! need not ask you If you are well,
Mrs. Flyaway?" Uei feet are weary; her
corset Is tight ; she yawns behind bar fan
mm eatchee her uelghbor at it the nest mo
ment In (act, I Venture t,, say that though
novices may b pleased tor a time, to the reg
ular habitues these elegant esaetublagos are
simply bores, which they only attend lest the
awful doom ol being "forgotten b) soolety"
should befall them, of "Feast of tteeaon anil
Flow of Soul" there can be none, Tho greatest
Wit llinls his biain addled In the overheated
atmosphere. Besides, to be overheard above
the bund, he must bellow. The Beahiy feasl Is
a sort ol lottery. Borne people mu tt devour
it, for it vanishes, tint you never heard any
oue confess that he or she had a mouthful,
There ts no more real meaning In them or
real satisfaction In them than lu the Wild
gatht ring of savages, who meet to brawl ami
oh siiiy, little Olivia, not only are you really
I huppn I but V'U base luole s . nil plcilstllvlil
tboee quiet assemblages "i s ten friends, than
lie 8Vr llnds ul one ,,f these aHulis.
Mis Flyaway wears jewels, but the heart's
love eta good husband is a pearl ol great
price, aud a baby ot your own, better than
diamonds and even if all were as you fancy,
to be ijueen of a quiet home Is better than to
be a quean of society, As It is these women
who sutler for no purpose whatever, are
merely mild maniacs while the woiueu who
t'.nds her Joy t home has her reward In last
Ing happluess,
M ini Kut Dai us,
The bodice shown above is suitable for
bouse 5f theatre. It is ! the new swiul
silk which needs n trimming, but must be
made over a tight-fitting lini is being Worn again m l tte new
d.-s.g:. are most exquisite. I'.-s-,;;. of
bme moire, mingled w;:h trimmings of
eream lace are shown to the greatest advan
tage by skillful window deelgi i - A novel
snd beautiful design In siirt white is sen in
.varse tiack silk net covered with an Inser
tion in deep polnU Of ream wnite lai .. at
:-ne and one-half inches In Width. This is to
be used over blaek moire or plain black silk.
The lac is. t th wide and uarrow.ere more
,.r.e i and beautiful taan ever. A sr,rnR
advances combinations f fancy patterned
Although Easter Sunday comes unusually
ear.y this yeir. charming weather comes
with it, and the typical Easter sun
sh::.e. so necsseary t. the display
mt fr,mn loitets, I u rely eccms fn
fav W IsSt. Th Kjut?!te toiiets : n
t mpietsd, and the new silks and Wool
ens that have so long ten In preparation
. .
t-d a
I islbleto -ay more, ite- no season las
. .
silken textures. Perhaps In revolt against
tha prosaic, character of mu 'ii : tie wmr-.-r
goods this year, the spring and summer goods
have assumed an extra touch of fanel fulness.
Ev-n in woi ,-a ts c rs and texture
ire i:iit and they contain a charming d Ucacy
jf tint and l.ifhttess of Weave. Thei U l
new and charming goods called silk lace
striped gimriam. in such exquisitely :
work and delicate, dainty colon that If ar.;
fully and tastefully mad ; up, it com Ines
beauty, elegance, tightness and economy.
Novel and fetching designs are also o-::r",-ilisplayed
in ohallies. liiriit ground covered
with dainty, tiny sprays of grass a.-.d spears
ntertw.netl with stems and beautiful deli
sately colored moss rosebuds on long, atmott
'flesi twig3 that intertwine in the same way.
Uipcand Beautiful Old Ageol Mrs.
Henry Ward Beecher.
. uiic Is unending ibe oit tge ol a
,,: ir and Bventhll Lite BUS) Willi
Her Pen Heeolleetlons ol IbeVast,
Tiic emtnme shown above is made of golden
brown rough serge dr camel's hair. Mkiit lull
and well pressed and entirely devoid of trim
ming of any kind whatever, Lined two
thirds up with crinoline, placed between the
outer goods and liiilni;. Long, tight-fitting
eoat reaching to the knee, and thrown open
sver a low eut, double breasted vest of the
same material. High, btloon-llke sieves,
evers on coat faced ith lame material. The
vhole With a thorough tailor 'flntihi linen
ihlrt with bosom and OUffl of striped pink
ind 'white, white or pink cravat; gloves and
ziatto match, patent leather shoes.
bewildering In quantity, beauty and variety
ore the hats and bonnets displayed at the
epring openings. Hold spangles are the
leading and newest thing on moat ol the more
exquisite huts ami bonnets. They are seen
jvevywhere and Upon e -rything. One hat In
(articular that caught my eye was made upon I
i cap-shaped foundation lifting snugly to the
Mown of 'the head and coinposad entirely
f gold . a tales and floral dusigns. Above
An Irishman was climbing a cherry tree,
and helping liiiuself to the all-tempting fruit,
when the owner appeared, and shouted tn
him lu a voice choked with rage: "You are
t a) tig u.v cherries? by whar right do vou
tak- then.- ' "By me rijAI band, answered
Patrick, as be put a few mote cherries m his
Eriliiant .Mrs. Flyaway and the
Day Dreams oi Olivia.
Hopes Ttat Turn lO A-lie When Ilea
Uzed A llusUiuid l.uve a Pearl
o. treat Price and a Bal ot One's ..
own Better Than Oiamsjads,
Wli :; Mrs. Flyaway, who is s,, frequently
mebsioned in-the a cletj papers m having
been 'mewher- and w, rn something gr
il",as. descends t!i- -t- ; - ft ,-r mansion tj
nte' hr earrtage, sin- is such a vision of
iplen . r that the nurse-girls cheek tha per
m; at irs under their charge, and stand and
-tare, and quite a l.ttir ,-t,,vd gather f.r a
private vi-w. I am quite sure Queen Victoria
never was SO fine. Nobody could be tlner.
And When it Is a grand occasion and the
maid follows, keeping the train from the
dust and restraining the of satin. lane
ar.d velvet tha: seem to boll over as til j lady
- ats herself, and the bou u hat. Jed in,
an 1 the maid coquettish ly tells where to
drive, ar.d the door shuts with a snap, one
may hear the iittle street children utter ohs
and ahs as on the glorious fourth, when the
most lurl I Ore-works go off.
Olivia, hidden behind the sllkoline curtains
at the window of ber pretty Hat, often
latches ihe S' -n--. .Sit- ,s a handsome
young matron Of three years standing, with a
good husband, a pretty baby and plenty of
Comforts about h' r. but as she gazes, envy
stirs b-r heart, ar.d she contrasts the life she
ads with thit of h"r opposite neighbor.
Mrs. Flyaway Is always going somewhere,"
the -us, "she Is asked to breakfasts and
lui heons, to afternoon teas and dinners, to
r iptions and balls, and I believe she always
I septa, Hoch a round of gaiety, such a whirl
( r pleasure, what a contrast .i my existence.
I l-ad the life of a family at. I never have any
enjoyment. A few (re nds to tea, an evening
at sister gamh'S, his people to dinner, a day
at my mother's, perhaps a trip to the beach
In Hummer, once or twice to see a play In
W'ntef, that. Is the most I i-.r have, one dew
oostume a season must content me, and yet
I'm as handsome as Mrs, Flyaway, ami I'm
sure I could makes llgur ill sooti ty, if I had
a Ghauee."
HI, v ,es to the tfinss and patpt In I she
Imagines h"rs!f In all th'- splendor of one if
Worth's oostumes, bejewelled and with hot
house roses in her bosom. Scenes of delight
open before her, As i, glides througnsplen
dld rooroa, the observed of ail obatrven, mur
murs of admiration follow her.
She res ilv I to do nothing thai J,.hn
mind, but It Is delightful to feel that she is
cutting out every other woman there. Ah.
they were rigid married ladles arethe belles
of society n wn lays,
Very stale, nt and unprovable seems her
life i s this day-dream vanishes. Tears drop
Into baby's cradle and barely escape the pud
ding us sh mio's It, ami It seems to
b?r that Mrs, flyaway must be the hut, pits t
Woman OUt of paradise. raving your par-
don Olivia, you arc dreaming of a land of
Which you know only through the medium of
English novels tiid the newspaper reports.
'I he life your ntlghboi (ally leads Is not at
all what you suppose. Hhe Is not flouting
upon a s..,i .,t pleasure, but working very
hard. Indeed, for her foothold in so
ciety. The girlhood, In which every
thing was a case ol "Robin Adair," and
any festive ISlon was delightful if
Bobu wus there, h long put Kesri ago her
husband grew, weary ol following her vari
ous magnificent trains up and down other
people's Stair-Oases I of lighting at midnight
tor chicken salad and coffee with
sustain her la1 ling energies, or of yawning In
the hall In company with idle r middle-aged
gentleman. He goes to his club and plays
cards, and long before bis lady's return read
himself to sleep in his own room ovsi French
levels, the authors ,d which, he thinks, liave
tic light opinion of WOftteU, When asked
about his wife he generally says : "Ob, she's
always on tho go, su I suppose she Is well."
And other ne-n with wives of the same Sort
comprehend bin,
There are some children at boarding
tOhOOl, There was a biby. Mrs. Flyaway
did not know that the nurse put It to sleep
with laudanum, until one day It bad an over
dose, and then she had to Wear black and
stay at home evenings, fo stay at home, is
her great terror, and yet, as all her "occa
sions" are thosj greht crushes by which so
ciety women pay their debts lu bulk, all that
I Mi Henry Ward Beecher is one ,,f the
remarkable women of the century. Her
j prominence la not entirely due to the splen
did petition won by the great divine whose
Wife She was. though tha in itself would
have given eminence to a common-place
J character, She has ibe foroe and strong per
sonality that would have given her position
j In anv society With which she might be asso
ciate j.
Indeed, it may be asserted with truth that
her being the wlte of SO great a man tended
men) it would be dltBcnlt to Imagine. Mr.
Ueocher was the embodiment of Intellectual
fervor; Dr. Abbott impresses oue as being as
bright us a diamond aud as cold as an Icicle,
Tat those who know the man Intimately, d"-
olart that he is as simple as a child in his j
manners, und full of tluit brotherly feeling
that is so broad Utlta Qtthollclty as to embrace 1
all creeds and laces.
Mrs. Beecher. though slghty-tWO years of ,
age, does not look more than sixty-five. Her
eyes are bright, there Is a aet to the lips that
denotes unusual will-power and a curve to
the chin that is one ol the best Indication! ol
her stmnc vet entirely feminine character. I
nuxcuE 1.1.1 iorr.
People W ho do INnl Know How to
l-at Properly,
(.nod Table Manners t u- Basis ot (nod
reeding The aervani Ulrl Prob
it-Hi uiscusted From n n muhu
point uiin-r Hatters,
There h an old saving that it takes three
generation! to make a gentleman or lady but
it tomeol my readers could set lor a couple
of hours in some Bret class hotel dining
room, or in li.d mono s th., most fashionable
and famous pla n America, where only
people who ale considered by the outside
world, t,, be real gentlemen and ladles, go
they would Imagine that it would take eight
01 nui generations to wake the majority
ol the guests, ut hiast, eat like gentlemen and
ladies. Ami there is no place in the world
w bares person s breeding hi so quickly shown
as at the table. The majority of people are
not adepts in th,- att of sating and nine peo
ple out of ten could uot proper!) order a meal
it their lives depeuded upon It, it thuavti
age parent would leach children from baby
hood up tablo utlqUOtte US they teach thee,
how to cat, much embarrassment might be
saved them In after life, Good manusra and
politeness COSt nothing save a little cure ut: i
observation. And true refinement is always
an open sesame to refined fritndi and kindly
The -enatit girl is an old subject, but one
that never ceases to be of Interest. Ill-
trained servants are trying, I admit, but it i
tbd subject us Investigated It Would be
found that nine times out of ten the blame
lianas much with the mistress us with the
maid. How many ktd'es attempting to keep
house, hire a servant from th- nearest In
tettlgenoe office, give her no directions and
then expect things to move on like clock- '
work, and blaming the pi or servant if they
do not. It only Uike.5 a few days for the maid
to learn that her mistress really knows notlb
Ing about cooking or housework herself, und
the consequence is that she grows neglect
ful, whereas II in the beginning the mistress
had nicked up on tho kitchen door a neat
little card with each day s duties plainly
stated thereon and then each day Inspected
the whole house aud seen for herself that
those written orders were strictly carried
OUt, much trouble might have been saved
both mistress und maid.
Print your kitchen card after the following
formula: Monday Rise ut six. light fire.
Story of a Daring Young Diver of
the Navigator Islands.
A Light Hearted Sailor Doy Who
DtJ Not Pttr Danger.
a Wonderful nt without Men k (ireat
Herd ni Reindeer Chapter Prone
Hie Life oi I'arrairut
oihee Matters ol Interest to the
1,1 1 tie One-..
In March. 1893, I was at the town or Apia,
In the Island of U pole, and one of the most
charming places lu all tie Bouth Paoifie,
After seeing our own (forth American In
dians, the natives of Sew ilaud, the blacks
of Australia, the Bandwicii I slanders sad the
bushy-beaded i-'ijia;is. I am ready to tub-
i : .,. . jh.r
k IT" 'r.-.-
4M a,
"! WKCT OS Boillli nU AHA."
scribe to the genera! opinion of travelers that
the people "f gemot are the handsomsst und
kindest of all the uncivilised raees of the
I expressed to Mr. Huberts, an English
gentleman, whom i met at Apia, my ib light
with the natives aud be replied:
"Ves, they au- a line race, but contaci with j
the whites is. 1 fear, spoiling them here In
Apia, Ii you want to let the Kavlgatora'
glanders in thtlr primltivt timplldty come
with me to Pongo-Fongo, In the bland ol
Tetulla, a day , nail east of here, I have
chartered a schooner with a native crew and
will be back in ten days, 1
"And Mrs. Roberts end your little daugh- j
ter, Nellie. Vou Will ol course, leave them '
behind I '
"On the contrary. I shall lake ilicni along;
they Will enjoy the trip quite as much as We !
do. TbMt ico;).: never harmed a white
man. und then regard for children is akin to
Idolatry," replied Mr. Boberts.
PongO-PongO, the finest harbor, it Is said,
in tiie South Pacific, was ceded by fliesc
islanders s;JB,t. years ago to the United States
as a coaling stetioii for war ships, and being
anxious to see a place id Whteh I had heard
so much, I eagerly accepted my friend's inv;.
Mr. I'. lerts was agent for a large firm In
Sydney, Australia, that did a prosperous
trade with these and other island.', princi
pally in the way r bartering gaudy c itton
prints, glass bead-, knives and such like for
vbra, dried cOQOOUUt, pearl shells and Wild
The following morning, with a grip sack
and persisted lu giving a vowel ending to
Words that did not have one in the original.
Hoping to get into tic lad's good graohs by
touching his affections in the teaderett point 1
of every boy, whether civilised or savage, i
aakdd i
"Is your mOthST living, Vpola?"
A kindly light came into the soft black eyes, J
as he replied ;
"Oh ytta, mutta s. ijVl, Apia."
"And she has other children ' 1
"Foah," be held up his slender hand, con- j
otaling the thumb in the palm.iuid contlnu d.
"me. I'pola. one; two sista, one lUtte boy. he 1
- Pali ; vera prettae is Pah, 1 and no laughed
With delight at the tie, light of Ills "Witt"
"liiii you ever go to school, Dnola? '
Oh, yesn, i g,, tehoola; i reada, anda
wiitu. Hamon, oh vera nice, Audi 1 sing
Aitgni , ' he said, As ha was quite as un
conscious as a child, and lookod as if bo were
ready to show i skill OS a singer, I
said I should be pleated to h-ar hint sing In
English, Without waiting to be urged or the
least sign of clumsy beshtulnsss, the grateful
youth stood erect, with id s feet well apart,
for tho schooner was pitching smartly, and
with bis sspreiilt face upraised, lie sang it.
a ideal', SWeetVOli though tut word I Itton-
libed me, for i did not suppose anything ot
the kind had read Into the Bouth 8-as ;
"I go downs I pi ce,
Aii-a look;, out upona s-.i
ije v.'tiv,,.- dey from yankee lana come,
And teiia me bouts lofe at onie,
"An-a fo' data lofe, nightly pray,
Term, ra ra boom dey t ;.
Then followed the cbo'rus and two more
Itanias, given with a spirit that -ho,.,
person at iea-t enjoyed 1 to- singll ,
When be had concluded N'elUu Roier1 1, who
showed hei delight by laughing and lapping
her hands In great glee Insisted on an enc rc
and Dpola compiled,
I saw that his ratio-: who v. as at tie. helm
watched him with an expression or affec
tionate delight. I had evident!) starttd the
boy on bis hobby for, without onj urging be
proceeded to gu.. u, other songs which lie
bod picked upfront the sailors In Apia. Tha
words were not always Intelligible, but there
was no mistaking the airsol "Nancy Lea,"
" Sail j in Our Alley, or "a Btormy Kea and
a Storu,y Crew, tally-hl-bo, you knoi
Alter this, and at Nellie's request, Vpola
gave us a song in 11 ; native tongue vhl h
he called "Tie- Dlvei illustrating it I y the
moat-graceful gestures, ii- did not need I
be seen in the watei to prove that he oou
and climb no) did we then think that he ws
aoon to gh,- us an heroic example ol bu
skill In both.
winch was 1l.o d brf
n hoarse whisper :
.A m. inn, - , I, in, ,r .. n
' . . I t .i , , . , -..
' i"',,-. . -. me I'liiiu sn : ' l
. ,,v, . vapiuiu auu in
uutiiviu iiioogiit. rue uivtr and the
me prey oi tne monttrou i sharks 1 1
Dm .1.1. fcl L.I
, .. UIlJ
was so dark, that the boat, though not mc
man anj yarua away, could be teen by the
pboi phore icent Hash ot the our.-.
I 1 aulo n trumpet or my bands and shouted
ntnln,and altera painful pnuso then earn
the response :
"i gotta Xelllo!"
Mfs. Robert l,,.d fainted in ber husband's
arm, but he bI il retained bis presence of
mind : '
"There is no light on the schooner " he aid
to me, "get ono to that the boat can see the
way back."
J there was t iamp ,,, the
cabin, and 1 hurried down and lit it. but not
till I had. in my nervousness struck a half
doaen niatnh -.
When I got bad to the desk; and held tha
temp over the rail a cbeei Iron' the darkness
told that the light was seen ami Welcomed,
' '"'' the da-h r, oara snd the creak'
ing or the row locks, a b mlnutetand the
i could have kl
and wet though si
laughed and showed
KTIHC nnn?
Quaint and Curious Things for
the Little Folks.
A City Without Women, hug Herd.
Kelodeer v Noble Resolve lutt
About tii World' gtig Maaaondt,
Dright and -ar'.y the next mc
Which ws R (-ran 1 gr ive of eca . t
pen up the front hall doors, sweep out the col,i,li'K " change ol olothee, I went on wiu, a number of br
si?.s. bsxm wans iiecbzb,
to dwarf htr own itrons Individuality by Ita
entrust. She showed her fidelity at a time 1
When th" clouds hung blackest about her ,
husband, ami proved that no matter who
ndght Ik sceptical, she, whose lift and hap
piness were nest c moerned, never entertain-1
ed a doubt, never wavered in her loving loy
alty and wifely devotion,
Hiti"" 117 Mrs. l!" "Ii.t lias b.-en u resident
e f Brooklyn ; that "ity was the scene of her
husband's greatest triabi and triumphs, In
It nearly all h-r children were born; there
ar" th" many friends who have grown up or I
erown old with Icr, and there are the asso
ciations tHat give a goldtn glow to the sunset ! part of the week
hull, dean front steps and sidewalk, washout 1
vestibule, rub off brass handles, etc. At
ti l.", set oat meal (after adding water) and
potatoes on the stove, prepare breakfast for
7::lu. ami ge: clothes ready for the wash,
If only one servant is kept, the mistress
Should (dear off th- breakfast table, do up
stairs work and get luueh. Servant Is sup
posed to Is-through in time to wash up all j
dishes and get dinner.
Tuesday- Prepare breakfast, Iron, lunch '
12:31, Iron, dinner C v. it. Mistress doing!
up-stairs work.
Wednesday Servant dniug nil regular
work and going out from 3 to 4 p. M.
Thursday and FridayRegular work at: !
th iroughly cleaning house, except the
Saturday- Scrub front steps, clean silver
and do regular work.
Sunday -Breakfast at 9, general work made
as light ai possible, dlnntr ats. After the
dishes are washed and things in order the
remainder Of the day belongs to the maid. 1
At o !K)or" a neatly prepared oold lunch is
Set Upon the table. The material f'-r this'
lunch should be prepared during the latter
i of her life.
The file- mansion on Hicks street. In which
Mrs. Beecher lived till her husband's death,
ibt still owin, ami derives from it a hand
some rental : but not far away, and nearly In
the shad iw "f the church whl ih her husband
made famous, and a shrine for millions of
admiring pilgrims, she has a co.y ,tf lu
home all to herself and oue servant. This
home Isat the comer 'd Micks and Orange
streets, the parlor windows having a sunny
Children coming from school (,-,oii it on the
pavtmtnt and took up at the window where
the while haired old lady, with gold specta
cles on tios.,, s(4 framed, busy reading or
writliii'. She "miles and waves lu r band to
them, ticii goes on with hei work, for despite
I her years, Mrs Beeoher's mind is as active
as in the past.
I Physically she Is tlOl so strong, nor Is that
' surprising, but the well ston d brain is quite
aaaeuve aa oi yore, nne greets nor visitor
With "Hsy grace, and Is glad to talk about th
past rather than Ul ' pfsoiit, and Is rajolosd
to dwell iwth loving reminiscence on thy
life with whlth her own was so long and SO
Intimately blends I
Mis Uceehei writes regularly fol a iiiimbet
or publications, and, It driven to it, could still
support hireelf with ber pen, Bht is tngaged
on a Voluminous work, but as she does not
volunteer Its purport nothing is said about
its character, though it is sure to inter thai it
is autobiographical, and that It will throw
touch light ou the 1 1 r- ,,r ber husband and
the men with whom bt WUt ettoolnttd dm
ItiK the days that I lied men's souls even more
than the Revolutionary times.
Mrs. beechei has (our children, three s"iu
and a daughter, living. Ilattie, the daughter,
is the Witt cd the llevcreiid Samuel BoOVllle,
of Slumlord. Connecticut, where he Is a Con
gregational clergyman. Mrs. Seville Is a
trequsnl visitor at htr mothers home. Hurry
is married ami was formerly in the Insurance
business, but he dues not seem to have prof
pared. Willie 0, is married ami oocupless
iiti" position at the New oi ii bar, Htrbtrl
Is married aud living at Seattle In Washing
ton. where he is practising law with success.
Mrs, Beecher could find i welcome home In
the houtSS ot any of hei children, to all ,,!
Whom the is greatly attached, hut this WOUld
hot at all OOlhfJOrt with her love of IndtpSnd
etiee. Th" mistress or her own home so long.
It would not be an easy Battel for her to oc
cupy a position where even a loving voice
directed and klndiy bunds controlled.
Although she wulks with more effort than a
lew years ago. Mrs. Bttohtr stoutly resists
the Inexorable advances of time and will not
use u str ict car except for long distances.
Every Sunduy, rain, snow or shine, she Is
always to be found In the old family pew at
Plymouth church. She is a great admirer of
Dr. Lyman Abbott, her husbaud's successor,
though two men mure opposite In tumpera-
If these instructions are clearly fol
lowed out and strictly attended to
there is no reason why any lady
with limited means should have any
trouble whatever in keeping house with
only one servant, Iftwoor mors are kept,
then divide the work evenly among them, but
sc" that cadi one understands thoroughly
what he or she has to do and also set that
thty are made to do it. The main thing in
successful housekeeping, whether youi means
arc large or small, is lysti m and order.
Ladies having no mtild, yet who possess
fine handkerchiefs art foolish to send them
away to the laundry. Where they ni" ho! to be
torn or lost. By putting in warm water few
drops ol ammonia and using oaatllt soap,
thty are easily washed and mode o beautiful,
clear while. Then do not Iron, but spread the
handkerchief oul smoothly on marble or kIks-,
gently pulling out ot shaping th" luc . Just
before ii is entirely dry, fold evenly and
smoothly and place under a heavy book or
weight ot some kind and you will find yout
handkerchiefs lusting thrice as long us ever
bef, ire.
b ard the A ue. where 1 f..uud Mr. Roberts his
charming wife und htt daughter NtUlt, ready
to welcome me, The girl was about twelve,
and one of the pl"t!ist. winsome little things
thai It was ever my good fortune t,, meet.
The Alia was a trim two-mas ted scfa toner,
built with the line, sharp lines ol an Ameri
can yacht, and with comfortable cabin (Uar
tet s (or our little party,
With the exception ol the wk, who was a
Chinaman, the '-rew or t, m men including
Captain lw and his hand- ,ti- , ung eon.
Dpola, wete Islanders, tall, lithe men, w,th
long blue-black hair, gold-bronsad la-t. and
:; lellent eyas and teeth, Although on shore
the natives -1 both sexes wear only c girdle.
called a lava-'ava. aboul the waist, the cap
tain and crew of the Alia had on Cotton shirts
and trousers and larpc palm leaf hats j ihoet,
I am certain, they wouid have regarded as a
ti rture,
I haveagreal f ndness for wholesome boys,
boys that are boys and not premature men,
and Upola won me fn n the Instant 1 first
set eyes on htm, Neither bis father nor him
self knew las tge, for In that land of perpet
ual summer there ure no sea - mt t" mark the
years, but from bit appearance 1 should say
the youth was fourteen or fifteen. Be w:.
tall as most men, slender, active and erect,
with regular features, teeth as white as a
hounds, and eyes us soft and c. a tit as those
of a tame antelope.
I'pi lu did his full duty as one ot the crew,
and It was an actual pleasure to watch hi
quick, graceful movements, as in obedience
to his, lather's orders he flew over the deck.
adjusting the ropes, or up to the mast head
to shake loosen StUMI :n Ibe jib halyaids.
The captain and his son must have been
very popular In Apia, for as the anchor was
being weighed scores 1 1 outrigger canoes,
crowded with young pi ple, swarmed about
the Alia, all shouting "Ha lofa," my lovs to
you, and "San omal," good luck. The lan
guage it these pis, pic ji very muslonl, every
word ending In vowel; and they gave
further evidence ot tbsli good will and kind
hearts by raining Bowers aud fruit on the
All thete Island) ar. surrounded by oral
reefs tin. i a d as a breakwater, and through
tha openings, which are no! many, slops tan
enter shd find SB anohi rage, us at Apia.
The mils were up and we flew oUl through
"the gate in the reef," as Ap la called it,
' them. k.'A fv. e-pi Into
locked bar',, r .' Pi ng -1" ng . It looked
j like a silver basin framed lu em ... -
the shore, and from a taH that : se from
. -
ed us, and of n:y most interesting visit to
the native village ll very great, lut 1 lind I
cannot do so and at the same time have space
' '
must I revei
if ladies would only Italia i how disappoint
ing It Is to go a long dtstai to can upon
one and then find the one the) desire to see
"Just gone out," there would bt more who
Would set aside ions particular day each
week up, ei which they would beat home, have
that day understood by all their friends, and
above all things make it n point to stay lu
upon the appointed day. Ami a mil seems
to much mors boi like and cheering Its
cup ol eh late, glass of wine OT tea and
Some light cake are In rsadlntSS, Try It and
see if you and your friends art not both b I
ter Satisfied With each other..
lr the white of an egg is Immediately ap
piled to a bum It will take att ay the pain and
prevent u soar,
Any slain upon the hand or nnd.r the
linger nulls can bo easily removed with lem-
ite ei juice. Immediately after using apply
coid cream to prevent hardening the skm.
Bathing the feet in coid water immediately
after getting them wet will prevent one from
taking cold
There arc. It Is estimated. 2n,i,ono Ameri
cans, or people who derive their incomes from
American sources, living In Europe, and that
not less than $2tM,iW0,WJ a year Is drawn b.v
those people from America. Ii has been
urged that if any Incomes lire taxed they
should be those of Americans who spend their
money abroad.
SifflL l
... V
iXAI V T ' SHOW Ills SUI.I ."
to the open s.u. then headed east for the
taUOUl little Island of TttUlUV
I'Ifwthavtg I luck," said Mr. Roberta,
"we shall have n ) ie cd touch a rope again
nil " are cute! mg the harbor of Congo-
Pongo to-moi row i iVSntng
We did have good luck, for the trad" wind,
though not astern. Mew With steady ptrSUV
bsncy from the southwest, and the Aim flew
over the waters with the grace of the alba
trosses flyinfc about 08,
As there was nothing lor anyone but the
man at the wheel an I ths OOOk to do, 1 had a
go al chaa'M to get a? pialnted with I'pola,
whom 1 found quits SS gentle and modest as
his looks indicated. He had been tor some
time ill the employ of tii" Aniericuu coltfUl
at Apia, so thatlie spoke Er.gllsli r.iirly well.
( but he skipped the ft us mucli us possible,
to describe an Incident that
keep that young Samoa tt. Vt !.'.. affection
ately alive in my memory.
Bailors, like farmers, like their dinner i:i
the middle of the day, and this custom pre
vailed on board ths Ail u
noted, Mrs. Boberts told ths cook thai we
should not have supper till after dark. This
was not long to wait, for In thetrop es, U re
are no calm, delightful twilights, as w k.. t
them in the temperate i me. As toon as
the sun is out ol s:i;l.t. the splendid constel
lation of the South , a i ross at.d all the lest r
stars flash down In a way that is at tin-; quit
surprising to a new- son i
Although there was sixty feet of WatOt
where we were anchored, ,t to clear that
we COUld fee the bottom almost as distinctly
as if we were i. iking through the air,
I was watching the colored fish ar.d the
wonderful coral formations thn ugh which
there now and then moved the 1 ng black
form of a shark, for (bete things btteretted
me oven more than the gorgeous i ilorlng of
rie clouds now growing dark, when I was
startled i y hearing an agonised . ry from the
dlreotion where 1 knew Mrs. TVborts bad
bttn it i inc.
Accompanying this sry there was the i) ..-i:
us of i falling body.
I turned and saw Mrs. R, barb clinging t i
her bUSband, while he sh, utOil :
"EorN-'lic' fat met go I Let me go I"
The girl, in playing about the !, k had. in
soma unaecoutttabU way. fallen overboard
and was bring swept IWS) by the outgoing
The Samoau captain, lilt ami the rest
of the crew were lying down on the forward
deck, when the child dlsapcared over the
We have all i tl u heard the i xpresston
"qutokei ti...:. i
ti,is ante the m
quick that tho eye could not follow and note
Mrs. Roberta' cry was still ringing in my
strs when i Mm the ; uth leaping from the
deck with ths bound ol I panther, He threw
off his palm leal hat us he ran ai d n t rw quick
bounds took him to the -; i n ol ths i hooi ei .
over winch Nelh,- had vanli lied,
l wus m.-r anxious than l can describe,
yet i could not bul Hole the wonderful n
fldeneo and perfect grace of i'pola. .-,s he
leaped on the bulwark, then with a awti n
thai seemed mora the flight otagrenl Wrd
than the leap ol a human being, Ii i s ra ig
fearlessly out, and there imis' bardtj a ipla -Ii
when bead-flrsl ho struck ths wat r,
I looked Up at the sky. as I hurried in the
direction the youth had taken, aud i sau the
anus of the Southern Cross biasing down,
and. as there was no moon, 1 knew it WOUld
bt dark la a fen minutes.
Hut it was not Upola alone who was quick
in his movements, the boat in which we had
gone ashore was alongside, aud obeying the
captain's shout, the two Bemoans, leaped into
it with vim. but the rope was fastened lu a
way that it took fully a minute tounlc ran. The
time seemed cruelly long to me. but what
must It have been to Mr. Roberts and his
"I goitn N'ellle I"
This was tho glad cry Dpola vent from the
darkening water, and about fifty yard a way
l caught a glimpse ui a while dress, leek of
ran be des ribed," in
. tl , ' I Ol l pe a Wl I
shut ii
nig Herds i Reindeer,
deer, they can ride in sledges on their hunt
ing trips, and will be induced to setlle down
In smn',1 villages, where thty can gather th
herd about then, and they will be induced to
become more domestic, like the Eskimo and
Lapps, Bul the Government need not have
gone so far to gel reindeer, there arc millions
,'. them in British America, Last year, stay
18(3, two young men brothers, mimed Joseph
and James t i :. .'. made an xploratlon in
lerritorj west ; Hudson's Bay, where no
white man had evei been. Tiny found v
large river. 800 miles long, and Sixteen lakes,
the smallest being fifty miles ai ross. They
found a vast treeless plain, hundreds of miles
as, covered with short grass, trith lag
:.,:,- itlcklng up through its surface. Hero
and tin re, i s they left one of the lakes, about
hall way down the length at the river, a
they had not met with any animals, they wtra
s. hi see, at a distance, 6n tho border
of the lain, a host of moving objects. As
the) nms i loser, they discovered that it was
a large heard "t reindeer. Which had probably
mo done to the lake to drink. Landing, tha
explorers passed nmojig then with surprltn
at their tamenei i, The poor brutes had mvof
seen a human being,. end were not afraid of
them when the men went among them. They
wi re almost as tame as cows, and theexplorem
could pass through the herds within fifteen
feet of man) -1 them, There were hundred's
of thousands ol these fine animals, The men
.: it Up on a Small hill, and as tar us they
could see, i held hord extending,
Thi j saw them gathered In croups oi several
thousand, huddled close together to protect,
themselves from the black flies. The ex
plorers were out or provisions, and had to
kill some ot the reindeer and dry the meat, to
carry along with them, but they killed only as
n an) as they nesdad, For many days after
they left ths shores of that lake, und were
ittil gdown the river, they saw great hcrda
Ol ll reindeer, which hved on tho short
tWtSt '"a :. and green fresh moss, which i
very nourishing and excellent. Let us hop
it may t o long netON this beautiful herd !
i God's untamed creatures Is wantonly
; slaughtered by hunters, us the bison or bui-
falo of our plains warn