8 THE SCRAINTTON TRIBUNE FRT DAT MOROTNO. MARCH 30. 1894. GORMAN'S BRAND DEPOT Did You Ever K0dk l0ll Buy Something S3 g n , ,r toll you, "We can't ion FooDd Yon ri j? m buck, but we 11 let I) i fin 't Wanf vu h,,v9 iom4" have you been bothered what to tuke instead, ami eventually got somathiiiK you could just as well hare done with out? If bo, you'll appreciate our of fer to Return Money We do not even r n.. care to know the JOf ADV FUI rtason. That faet , that you want your (JSD IDSlt money back is suf- v"uuu ficient for us. We PfiAUflC 1 1 ri Q. 3 f want your future HUlCD UllOUl- SLS must isfactory from do sansiiod. Any Cause- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Samples and Prices! Will Be Cheerfully Given. The More Yon Compare The More Money You Will Save The More Business We Will Do Here are a few of this week Samplt Prices: Best Indigo Blue Prints 4 i-2c Fast Color Outing Flannels 8c Johnson's Fine Seersuckers 10c Good Quality Check Nainsooks 6c 46-in. All Wool Blue Serge 50c 2x45 Linen Damask Towels 25c Lace Insertion, newandstylish,5c All Wool Shawls Forv;rmD8 98c (Cream, White anl Pink only) Gorman's Grand Depot CLARKS GREEN NOTES. Contributions frv.m Oar Corrsspondsnt in the Fresh Air Regions. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Clark Grken, Pa., March 28 Prof H. H.Kate will preent the work ings and needs of th Wyoming semin ary on Sunday evening next at the Methodist Episcopal church, Andrew Suiter will occupy the home vacated by Wm. .Smith belonging to J C. Hinging. Electric Star lodrje, No. 490, Inde pendent Ord-r Odd Fellows, will hold thiir election of oflicers on Saturday evening next. N'athan Callander, jr., is suffering from a very severe strain of the hand, reeeivfd from an effort in trying to save him?elf from a fall. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lutscy visited friends at Lenoxville recently. Rev. Qt, D Moore commenced spe cial irtvival services at the Summit on Snnday eve last and will continue during th wek. Mnch in terest is beiiiK manifested. Upward! of a dozen souls have r-nwed their covenant and started for the Kingdom, whose makr and builder is Ood, and welcomes all who will come. Miss NhIIkj Lutsey is ataying with friends in Scanton. Leroy Welch of Nicholson is visiting his sister, Mrs Ellworth Mead, at the Summit. Oi 13. Bartlett now ocenpies the Rhodes House on Summit avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Chapman spent Sunday with friends in Scanton. Mrs. Cora Lewis, who has been visit ing at tue liome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Chapman, returned to her home in lie tit on on Tuesday last, J. H. Wood, of Wyoming Seminary, spent Sunday with J. B. Austin. Mrs. Huldah Wetherby, of Scott, spent a few days with W. S. Frace re cently. Miss Celestia Wetherby visited her many friends on Monday last. Mrs. M. L Bevan is now renovating her residence with paper and paint. The interment of the remains of the late Mrs. C. S, Brownell will take pla.ee here on Friday afternoon. HONESDALE LETTER. Interesting Itama Concerning the VLovt merits of Waynn'a Beat People. Special to the Scranton Tribune, HoNKSbAi.i:, Pa., March 29. Hon. James C, Birdsall has been appointed director of the Ilonesdnle National bank in rjlace of lion. John Torrey, de ceased. The fair of the Germnn Lutheran church continues to be largely patron ized. The hall was crowded last even ing. On account of the temporary absence of Rev. V. H. Berghaus, Rev. John N. Lewia, jr., of St. George's church, New York city, will officiate in Grace chnrch next Sunday. Otto L. Schneller and W. J. Reif both contemplate opening their new shoe stores on Saturday. W. M. Gardner was in Scranton to day. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have usod Electric Bitters sing the same fong of praise.-A purer medicine does nntexiar, and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bittern will cure all disoases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.- Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent ae well as euro all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Contispation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entile satiBlactlou guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 ct. and II oer bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug store. Out of town oomtponQeutt) ofTat this Data should alia their names In full t. n newsletter! not for publication uut to ituarJ k'uiust docei'tiou. J STROUDSBURG NOTES. Faragraphe of General Interest Concern lng Monroe's Capital. Special to Oka Scranton Tribune. STBOUDSBCRO, Pa,. March 29 A. M. Palmer is in New York city attending a three days' convention of the Phi Kappa society. Frsd. H. Peters, son of Georgo W. Peters, of Middle Stattbfifld, lies ac cepted a position as collector for the Passenger Railway company Prof. Kemp, of tho Normal school, delivered a lecture in the Roformed church Wed'io-iday evening Arthur Storm, son of Hon. John B. Storm, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr Storm has taken up architecture. Mrs Emanuel Altemose will open a restaurant in the building adjoining her home. Mrs. Catherine Bowden, who has been boarding for a year, will resume housekeeping this spring, Her sister, Mrs. Valentine, will live with her. The Easter services at the different churches were unuinally impressive. The sermons preached by tho several pastors were especially appropriate. The music was excellent. The. Epworth league held a sunrise prayer service Easter morning. Miss Ella M. Isett is visiting friends and relatives in tbs vicinity of Phila delphia. It is expected that passenger trains will ie run on the W ilkes-Barre and Eastern railroad about June 1. Very few rafts will be sent down the Delaware river turn year as compared with former years. Musselmuu and Reimer have bean makiug improvements in their cigar store and workshop. They now have quite a large store. Ex-Couctry Treasurer Morris Nau man, has ratnrned to his farm in Jack sou, after a three yeara residence in town. E Howard Bell and William Brown started Tuesday morning on an ex tended trip to Buffalo, New Haven and Lockport, Miss Elith Meixeell. of Wilkei Birre, who is well known in Strouds bnrg, is taking a tonne in surgery in a female hospital iu Philadelphia Lsyton M. Scbocb, who baa been tnk ing a course in pen art work, drawing nnd ornamental peDmanship at Ztne rian Art college, Columbus, O., re turned home Saturday, and has taken his old position at the Standard Manu facturing company as stenographer and typewriter. Wednesday morning a mustang driven by Raymond Le, ran away, The animal was under control until the wheels of the wagon caught in a post, throwing Lee ont. No serious damage was done. The mustang was caught some distance out of town. Stepheu Jackson, a colored man. who seriously assaulted Frank A Miller, of Middle Smitbfield township, a short timo ago, was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary by Judge Craig Wed nesday morning. The license court granted the follow ing new hotel lic-ntes to William C. LsBar, Delaware Water (rap; Nathan Smale, Polk; James E. Doney, Toby hannn, V. U. Merwine and William Heimbach, '1 nnkiiannock. Wholesale liceuses were granted to Eugene J. Schwarz, East Stroudsburg, and Henry Wilton, Strondsburg. Palmer & Coolbaug recently sold two more lots on Columbia avenue. Tbty also sold a prop-rty belonging to Valentine Kantz's estate, to Jesse Shoe maker, of Milford. The present session of the normil school has more stn dents enrolled than ever before. In Holland, Mich,, ('. J. Doesbnry pub lishes the News, nnd in its columns Strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Klec tric Oil for coughs, colds, sore thront, ca tarrh and asthma. FOREST CI TV SLIVERS. All the News From a Live Town That Should Belnrg to Lackaw t nna, Special to the Scianttm Tribune. Fokest City, Pa., March 29. Bert W Blakeslee. who has lieen a;endtu his K-ister vacation with his parents, lu this place, returned to the Uuiver.ot . of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia this evening. H M. Kennedy, formerly of Pleasant Mount, has removed to this place. An evening in Johnstown before and after the Hood will be given by Henry E Rees, a survivor of the flood toulglit and tomorrow night. Admission, children, B cents, adults, 10 cenls. A choice nnmbar of views will be shown The following Carbondslians were iu town today: M F. O'Boyle, D. Madi gin and Cliurlei Keanns. Edward Cony, of (Jnlondalt), was in town today looking after bis interests Howard P. Johns has recovortd from bis recent sickness so us to be able to he around the house. Bnptrlntendtnt W. A. May. of the Ilillaide Cosl and Iron company, of Scranton, made his official visit to the Hillside collieries in this place today. S. S. Seuinans, of Scranton, was a Forest City visitor todav. Butcher John L Westgate was in Carbondaloon business today. Tint TRIBOMI records alt tho local ovsntB. Subscribe for it. The Epworth league held an enjoy able session last evening. An Interest ing debate as to whether secular ques tions should be debated iu church was the feature. Among those participating in the debate were: F. J. Osgood, L. 11. May, O. F. Peasnall. Rev. J. EL Hogan, W. A. Price, John M. Brown, Mr. Wells and Benjamin Maxey. The de bate on Napoleon was chanfed slightly ho as to read: ' Resolved, That Napo leon Bonaparte Was a Character to Bo Admired.' H. D. Mitchell's horse, while stand ing at the Erie station this morning, took a run, but was easily caught be fore much damage was done. A warm sugar party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Ballard last evening in honor of Miss Inn Weed. An enjoyable time was bad. Among those present were Miss Lizzie Moyle, of Moscow, and the lilaiei Jen nie Smith. Lsnn Royn ildl, Louise WistuMte, Edith Brown, Maine Brown, Btrtha Dunn, Lizzie Hoar, Minnie llayden. Pearl G ird, Susie Randall, ftwente Griffiths, Miss Kennedy, Rene Pentecost, Myrtle Alexander and the Muses Conrtneys, Messrs Samuel J Jennings, W. A. Price, Pred Reynold, Warner Btldd, Ed. Hofton, .)ains Jen nings, Archie Pentecost, Stnnby Evans, William Jennings, Jr., George Hortnn, Thomas Hnrria, Austin Ballard, Ed. Randall, Benj, F. Maxey nnd oth-rs Mr. and Mrs Bill .inland Miss Weed intend noting to Uoiondaie next week. Wo will be sorry to lose them. D. E Evans, of Gibson, tp nt last evening in town Mrs. Harriot Bell, widow of .lames Boll, died last night of general debility at her residence on Main street above the Clifford breaker. Funeral sarvics will he held in Christ BplscopAl church on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Deceased leaves two daughters, Elea nor and Ssrah A Bell. John Biggio, the popular confec tioner, was in Stroudsbury vosterday. He thinks of sturtiug a store iu the lat ter place. A large hanging lamp on the Hill side Coal and Iron ootnpnny fire departs mailt exploded lust evening as Chris Wirts was in the act of lowering the wick. With great presence of mind Mr. Wirtz pulled ihe lamp dowu nud threw it outdoors. . MOOSIC MIRRORED. Brilliant Wedding Personal and Otbr Nl-ws Notes Special to the Scrontun Tribune. Muosu', Pa., Marco 30. Married, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, March 2d, John Bussard and Miss Ala Bcntt, both of this place. Mrs. David Shirra, of South Scrau son, visited yesterday at the home of her brother, Robert Batinie, of Brook street, Yesterday morning at S.15 o'clock at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, Alexander McKeuzie and Miss Jessie Beunie were united in marriage. Rev , J. L. Raoe performed the ceremony. Robert Bennie attended the groom and Miss Minnie Bouse the bride. The bride wore a dress of hunters graan and carried a boquet of whito carna tions. The bridesmsid was dressed iu olive green and carried carnations. Af ter the ceremony the bridal party was driven to the home of the bride's brother, Robert Bonnie, where the im modiite friends partook of an elegant wedding breakfast. The couple left on the 11 o'clock train for a short wed ding tour. On thsir return they will reside on Brook street. Archie Young is on the sick list. MINOOKA MATTERS. Dished Up for Tribune Rsaders la Enter taining Style. The funeral of William Gilmartin, of Taylor, yesterday morning, was one of the largest ever held from St. Joseph's church. Mrs. Kate Lodon, of Stafford street, caused the arrest of Joseph Lydon, I.er tenant, for threats against her life Tne warrant was sworn out before Al derman u tiara and a hearing was given Lvdon Inst night. He was put under ;'J0 to appear at conrt. , CARBONOALE MATTERS. Various News Topics Dlacussed In Brief TaragrBpha Special tu the Scranton Tribune. OaRBOKDALB, Pa, March 29. --Mr and Mrs. George Smith, who have been the guests of Mr. an I Mrs L. A, Bss sett, returned home to Rochester, N. Y., this morning. Dr. M. J. Shields, of Jermyn, was a visitor in this city today. E. C. Harnden has removed his fam ily into one of the now houses reoently built by Reese Hughes on Salem ave nue. J. D. Partell returned homn this morning from a visit with his parents in Deposit. James C'lift nnd llis Lmretta Dor little, both of this 'place, were married yesterday iu Scranton by Rev. J. C. Collins, pastor of the Scrnnton Street Baptist church. William Hull anl Thomas Monk. Jr., were arrested yesterday, charged with having attempted to burn the residence on corner of Washington street and Tenth avenue, occupied by John Phillips nnd family, in the night of February II) They had a bearing this efternoon before Alderman Jones, and in default of bail were Committed to the county jail. Officer McAudrew io-,k th pair to Scranton this afternoon i tne Delaware and BndsOD train, having hero at o'clock. At the council meeting last evening P. F Moflltt was re-elected lire chief of our city fire department. II i had one more vote than Abo Sahain, who was the other candidal 9, Miss Lillian Baker entertained the members of her Sabbath school cIhss at her home on Church street last eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. E K Morss and son Kendall arrived in this city yesterday from OcOperitOWn, N. Y. , where they have been guests at the Hotel End more during the winter months They will soon occupy timir Lakeside cot tnge at Crystal lake. Mrs. William agar, of South Chnrch street, is viHitiug relatives in Will.... Bane. FITIX BLOWN iiinl himsii us a rots the young woman who toots iii her ayttorn With Doc tor Pierce's favorite Proscrip tion. It Is a certain euro for nil the nib its peculiar n us tieuuat organisation n women. II i.. perfistlv wile m soy oondlUon of the nvatem nnd always reliable, regulating tho dehente organs to pre term tholr unrii Mtn Icssly. Woman have sallow facet, dull ey..H hollow cheeks, aud low tnirltt. M hen they are made mitornblo with dltCfUtrt, do rangcmenhi anawoaknesses peculiar to iheir sex. Health is regained, niter periods f dizainess, nervous prostration, pain uud tx dtabiiity, or other manifestations of di rangemtnt or dhipUottnent of the womanly organs, when tho V Prescription " in used. PIERCERS CURE OR ItlONEY RETURNED. 0 M f I DUN MORE DOINGS. Km of a Day's Happenings la Scran- ton'n HuetUug Suburb. Sjtecial to the Scranton Tribune. Dunmoru, Pa., March 29 - -The regu lar monthly of the borough council will be held at the town hall on Mon day evening nud promisee to be a busy session. The election of a borough secretary, which has caused a dead lock since the organization of the. bodv. will bo definitely settle .1 if thure is a quorum prrlvnt, which thero probably will b on account of the importance of the meeting The mnibrs have hold several OOnforenOM among themselves, and it is thought that aome delinite Understanding that. will break the dead lock on the secretaryship aud lianuouy once more restored. The tchool board1 will also meet in regular session on Monday evening. Nooiieahould miss witnessing the production of the drama. "The En chanted Bleep," Bt tho Odd Fellows' hall this evening. Tho young la.lius efforts will be for tne ikr of charity, m l the entertainment should be liber- ally patronised. r. '1 Bone haa removed to the hand tome residence at the corner f Cherry and Blukely streets. The home on Drinker street lately oconpled by him has been purchased by Assistant Pas senger Agent J. C. Moffat. The 100 in gold which was chanced off at the Brother of Railroad Train- men's fair on Tuesday night was won by William Dowd, The badge offered to the member telling the largest mini her of tickets was presented to bis father, James Dowd. Mrs. James Tailor nnd Mrs. Mort Simmons are confined to theit homes by illness Elsie Close returned to New York city on Tuesday. ihn only error in the organization of the now health board wat the failure to divide the borough into health dis tricts. Burgess Duggun was not pres ent on the evening tho appointments were made and the error was merely s trifling oversight of the council and does not effect the legalitv of the ap pointment of health officer!, The borough will be dividend into districts nt once. Willinm Miller, n brake man on the Delaware, Lackawanna nud Western railroad and a resident of this place, was slightly injured by huing tqueesirj between the cars yesterday forenoon. The accident occurred at Portland when he waa In the act of coupling cars. He was brought to bis home at this pltce aud although he is injured inwardly, there is no serious effects an ticipated lira, L. R. fowler is visiting in Mo hawk, N. V. Conucilman Hugh Burke left for England on Tuesday lor a protracted stay. Mr. Burke will travel in the in terest of a patent post turner, tho patent of which he controls. Samuel Cole has purchased a house on Brook street, where ho will remove to at an early date. The residence in which he now lives will be occupied by Ed Warfel. The following offi -ers bare bean elected by Duumore lodge No. 810, Independent Order Old Fellows., to servo during the ensuing term1 Noblo grand, Henry Kizer; vice grand, E Iward Angwin, jr., assistant secretary, Fred Nlckertoo; trustee, (eighteen mouths) Peter Seigle. Geoige Evans, of Hyde Park, was a visitor in town last evening. Mrs, McDouongh, daughter Tessie and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walsh attended the funeral of Thomas McDonnell at Pittmou yesterday. AOOLf LtALLOZ, carriage manufacturer 119 Carroll street, Buffalo, N. Y , states: I was troubled with nausea of the stom ach, sick headache and gcnornl debility. Burdock's Blood Bitters cured me. Babies ought to be fat. Thoy are sickly when thin and thin when their food does not nourish them. Scott's 8 e47 l iTl AQ leMUll tne cream' dt Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphltes, makes babies fat and well, strength ens growing children and nourishes mothers. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! EVtPatttd by Scot A IWikuo. Ha Y. All I'ruggiatt. WE BELIEVE e have the hand somest line of Parlor and I )rawing Room Furniture ever shown in this state and wc would like you to see it. Hill 6c Conriell Washington Ava. ni nnn ihaiiiiimi'-''ii 1 Mnalo Rn OtJy, tn-lrr innrnritT, t i.r.l by :aw .'( c tl. KRmpmllttl l) (.gej b ok ill'MtnlKl (roni lITef rrn ti iif r'iire. fr . nm I Wlntn UsA Htriut; and MDmiryful, (hit Mnolr Romtvjv I iwemivajiy cure. wm Kt'.ir.iii (, lblriti. III Mr. . HOW Te MAKE MONEY J. IU Douglass Ballstead, Pa. Untold Misery Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach Cured. '"C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Qenttenen -t was troubled with dyspepsia tad catfrrh ol the Stomach for over a year. I could not eat the least thiuir without Much Untold Misery. i took medicine ol different doctors but received niiy slight benefit I began taking Hood's Bat saporllla lust winter ami from thu lecetfd lay 1 noticed an Improvement .My stomach Hood'ss;r Cures 'id not sour nor my food rise nor distress me. 1 have taken tur bottles up to this 'mill mill have gained several pounds in Hcsh. My frioncN all speak about rly Improvod Looks and tay they never saw me looking so well. When they ask What I am taking, my reply toiill is. Mood's Barsaparllla." John li. Doua i.ass, ol tho linn ol Douglass & Belknap, grocer ies and provlilnns, Hallstead, Penntylvanla. Hood's Pills net easi'v, v i (,r ,iiiitlj and efBolently, un the ihcr and bowels, v. Dr. B. Grewer Tbe Philadelphia Fpecialist, And his tMoelated Hair of Euallsh and Oer man i'lijslclaus.aro uuw permaaeoUl located Temple Court Building .11 1 RPRUCE ST. SCRANTON Where they may lw consulted DAILY AND BV.MlAY. The Doctor Is graduate 0t thn tTnlvorsity OI reupajrlvaala, formerlr demonstrator of pnysiolivv and eurKerv at the lledk-o-Chlr-nrKical College, of Pliilndelphia. He Is also aii honorary n-emhor of the Medico Chirur sicai Association, and was phyidelaa ud Biirdeon in chief nf the most noted Amricaa ami Oermah botpitala, comes hiithiy Indorsed by the leading .rotts.-.ors of Philadelphia and New 1 orlc. His many yenrs of hospital cxperinnoe en ables this emineiit pbyalolan ana suiueon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformit.es and diseases with the must tWtterina: success, and his hih etaiuliiu; in the statu will not allow him o accept nnv incurable cass LOST MAMIimM) HKsTUKKD WEAKNESS Of YOUVG MKN CURED 11 you have rsen mven up oy your physi cian call upon the doctor and lie riamliied He dims th worst casosof Nervous Debility. HcrofuK Old Sores, Catarrh, Piles, Kemala Wiakness. Aifectlona of tho Ear. Eve. Noso and Throat, Aathma, Deafness. Tumors, ("sn eers and Cripnles of eTry description 0 in snltatlon in Kn.-lish and Oerman Free, which f hall 1st considered sacred ami strictly coull- dcntlal llfltee Hours: 0 A.M. to P Bg. Dally. Bnoday, o a.m. to p m. Third National Bank of Scranton. statement Fib '.'S . I ft 04, culled for by III.- (omptroii,-i-nf tii,. Cnrrenoy. in Mil K KS, Loans SI, 910,340 oo Overdrafts im;.;i7 United Mules Bonds ho.oiio.oi) Other llonds 61 8,57ft yn llaiiklui; House !iH,0T4.IA Premintns on r. s. Bonds.. 043 ?r Dm-from r. s. Treasurer .... 7.600.00 Dne from itunkH 908,410.73 Catli I4ii ,640.54 t,t0,500.60 LIATIIL1TIE8. Capital stonono.no Mu plus R40i.000.00 Undivided Proflta tin lap on Clrenlatlon 70,000.00 ii Idenda I npatd 3114 .mi Depoalta.' 1,504,000 54 line Iu Hanks 00 :t(10.no SK, 301,550. 60 WILLIAM C ONM rresldrnt. UKO, ll. . n l. Vlco-President WILLIAM II 1K K. ( ashler DIRKCTOtta AVIIIiiiin Connell, Gooraro tf. utilo, Alfred Hand, Jamse Arclibald, Henry Hello, Jr., William T. Muith, Luthor Heller. This hunk oilers lo depositors every InoIIH) warranted by their oalanoes, luiel o. ... ii 1 1 , i responsibility. Speelal attention given to business ac counts. Interest paid OH I hue de posits. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Bavin? secured Iho BBOBIKG POROBof willtntn moiuo iV s it for u pernunent batl nt'MH itatids l (-ImiII conduct kkicntlllo and PAtuoloiHceal bbofinn lot' tint Proventlon( Be lief end uuie of Lenioneti hiuI otbor impe)i utentelu tbe noveuic nt vt Horeei incMontni or due t.i innnTtctM inorlngi l i.nU civo th uoi-k my penooel ettentl n end ituerentee no extre onergeexoept for tntitovctncut Lene iiphh, ot'., will be t roe ted isftornooue. a free rllnlr mul itriifofHitnial mhiro Ktvoti every nondey from i to . i. m. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S. MARCH 30, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "l)e livering CliriHtimw I'icscnts'' and "Maidens Swiuging." Send by nuiil or messenger or bring coupons like thisof three dill'er- ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Peun Ave. and Spruce ttt Tberoare hundveds,of young men and young women In tuli country who have splendid ability, but they huro never been wakened up, Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an insplratiou to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity and want to do boiuethiug tangible, conic to (he College. COMMON ENGI4HH COUHHB. BUSINESS COURSE, vm"SK F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. KERR SIEBECKER CARPETS UPHOLSTER VELVETS, with borders, 90 cts. ngrains1 All wool. Kx i tin Super, yard wide, usually j 75e. and 80c, OUR PRICE, 65 cts. We still have a lew patterns left of the 40c. Tapestry Brussels. Chenille Curtains, $3.25. (An unusual bargain.) Extra heavy and extra wide, $0 snogs Imported Tapestry, Satin Derby, Satin Damasks, Wool Tapestry. TABLE COVERS Satinette Fringed, l'j yds. square, $1.25. Holland Shades, fringed, Hartshorn Rollers, 50c. each; usual price, 05c 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AND 207 WYOMiHG AVE. "No star was ever lest we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE R1GHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. :-: CONCERT AT OUR STORES MARCH 31, BETWEEN 3 AND 6 P. M. THE PUBLIC INVITED PROMENADE ENTERING OUR FIFTH YEAR of a happy and sue cessful business relation with the kind and appre ciative housekeepers of Scranton and vicinity, and in order to show our appreciation in a substanti" manner, we will distribute $1,000 IN PRIZES To promenadera On this day. Our stores iil be decorated lor the 04 1 easion and our Elegant New Spring Stock Will bo displayed. Bauer's Grand Orchestra WiLL furnish ivi u sic. Prizes Displayed in our Show Windows. 1 I'JJlUUU'JsI J 1